单词 | creat | ||||||||||||||
释义 | creat
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 创造,创建 1. Be in " demon give up " in, the holy knight of descendant of a royal family, his revert, can creat afresh the peace of a new era. 在《魔戒》里,一个王室后裔的圣骑士,他的复归,可以重新缔造一个新时代的和平。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 2. The aim of the knowledge alliance is to let the knowledge creat, transfer or share between the members of the knowledge alliances. 知识联盟的目的是为了实现知识在联盟成员之间的产生、转移或共享。 www.13191.com 3. As the domination of city space, ultra high-rise building creat remarkable contour line with its own figure. 超高层建筑在城市空间的主宰以其自身形象创造着引人注目的轮廓线。 www.ilib.cn 4. The next year he helped creat the Livestrong foundation, its goal was to benefit cancer research and cancer patients. 第二年,他帮助创建了阿姆基金会,其目的是癌症研究及帮助癌症患者。 www.kekenet.com 5. to reflect the object nature of news facts and creat reproductivity of the imagination of the scenes. 反映新闻事实的客观性与创作想象的情景再现性; zhidao.baidu.com 6. Surrounding her are thousands of prayer flags strung in a criss-cross web that creat the walls and roof of this holy space. 她周围无数祈祷用的经幡呈纵横交错的蛛网状,交织成了一个神圣的空间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Carefully creat " Aircraft carrier" of the transportation, Towards operation internationalization. . . 精心打造交通运输行业的“航空母舰”,向经营国际化的方向迈进。 xkyn.net 8. If you have common interests or topics with your friends, why not creat a group for you to communicate with each other? 如果您与很多朋友都有共同的爱好或共同的话题,不妨创建一个群组,大家一起互动交流。 my.chinese.cn 9. The company exert itself to creat economic benefit and social effect by environment-friendly products. 以绿色环保产品创造经济效益和社会效益。 www.cr-expo.com 10. As the fast-flowing mountain torrents reach flatter land, they slow and spread out to creat a band of marshy grassland. 当洪流到达这片平坦的土地,河流的速度减低,展开形成一片多沼泽的草原。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The clou of the fire wall technology is to creat a relatively safe subnet environment in the unsafe Internet environment. 防火墙技术的核心思想是在不安全的网际网环境中构造一个相对安全的子网环境。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The program which John's IBM PC used to creat documents was not compatible with the program in Tom 's Macintosh computer. 约翰在他的IBM微机上用来创建文件的程序与汤姆的Macintosh微机所用的程序不相兼容。 www.enread.com 3. The stock market crash precipitated, though it did not cause, the Creat Pepression. 虽说股市的崩溃未直接导致大萧条,但它加速了大萧条的发生。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 4. entering our home , entering you and me . let us work together to creat our glorious future. 让我们手牵着手,心连着心,共同书写大厦美好的明天。 www.kuaiyilin.com 5. We are a new establishment company! ! We wait for your joining and let's work together to creat a great and best company in the world! ! 我们是一家新成立的公司。我们期待着您的加盟,与我们一起打造世界上最伟大、最优秀的公司! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. We will expand our creativity continue, we imrpove as the time pass by, we would like to creat a nice future with you. “西点人”在新的世纪里,不断开拓创新,与时俱进,我们愿与您携手共创美好未来。 www.9146.cn 7. Never forget we used to be , we creat beautiful memory together~! 决不要忘了我们的曾经,我们一起创造美好的记忆~! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Welcome the customers all over the world come to business with us, share creat cheerful future. 欢迎各界人士前来洽谈业务,共创美好未来。 www.tiaona.com 9. It is not easy to creat Blue Sea . 蓝海不是那么容易创造的。 www.bing.com 10. During the social communication, this feeling of man will creat affection or so called "face" , which will therefore affect our behaviors. 人在社会交往中,因情感而形成情分和面子,而这种情分和面子又往往左右着人们的行为。 study-abroad-web.com 1. Use established roads, trails, and campsites, do not creat new ones. 使用已经存在的路和露营地,不要创造新的。 www.freebird.org.cn 2. Accordingly, this paper will analyze how to manage customer knowledge to creat more values for companies from the company's view. 因此,本文将从企业角度来分析如何管理好客户知识,为企业创造更多价值。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The teachers' most important job might be to " creat the conditions in which learning can take place " . 教师最重要的工作恐怕就是创造一切的条件,使学习成为可能。 blog.xxt.cn 4. You also cannot creat unique charms with this recipe, sorry but it would let you hold more then one per character. 你也不能创造出独特的魅力与这个食谱,但它会让你拥有更多然后一个字符。 www.ok06.com 5. Creat Group is an investment conglomerate with interests ranging from real estate to agriculture to mines, pharmaceuticals and even juice. 科瑞集团是一家投资企业集团,关注领域涵盖房地产、农业、采矿、制药,乃至果汁。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They creat what tourists looking for, take the grant canyon railway, any of you have been on it? 这是一个带旅行者去大峡谷的火车,当你们在火车上? bbs.xiaoma.com 7. We will cherish this kind of destiny and creat a perfect consumption environment for you with our professional service. 我们将珍惜这种缘分,用我们专业化的服务来创造至美的消费环境,让您度过开心愉快的温泉之旅。 wenwen.soso.com 8. To lead the industry forward , to set sail of the industry , to creat the social benefit . 引导行业进步,驶起行业航母,创造社会效益。 www.bing.com 9. Creat and update computer programs, databases, logic configuration to ensure enhance computer program control system. 创建并更新计算机程序,数据库,逻辑配置确保加强计算机程序信息控制系统。 www.baidajob.com 10. Thereby creat a new improved AHP method, and apply it to examine the course in determining the weights of evaluation indicators by students. 创立了一种新的改进的AHP算法,并把它应用于学生考查课成绩评定各个指标权值的确定。 www.xactad.org 1. My only wish is to struggle for my mother's happiness throught my work so as to creat a happy life with her. 我现在唯一的心愿就是能够通过我的努力为妈妈和这个家创造幸福。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The software can be used to creat plain text of music score, and can add , delete, modify it. 该软件可以通过创建乐谱文本文档并在文档上添加,删除音符来实现乐谱的编写。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You'll likely want to creat several, descriptive categories for your (and your readers') convenience. 你可能想要创建几个,描述性的类别,便于你和(你的读者)查找文章。 www.zzbaike.com 4. Life is what you creat for yourself, not what merely happens to you. 生活是你为自己所创造的那些东西,而不仅仅是发生在你身上的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. To promote Chinese character and calligraphy abroad, we don't intend to creat some great calligraphers, but to develop Chinese culture. 向海外推广汉字书法,不要希望外国人能成伟大的书法家,要定位在文化传播和普及上面。 ccca.hk 6. a. Warmly respond the letters and inquiries from the buyer, properly solve practical problems, and creat customer service files. 热情答复定制单位的来信问询,妥善解决实际问题,并建立客户服务档案。 gatefanyi.com 7. There are concern that the typhoon will creat huge waves that could wash out the highways along the coast. 有担心称台风将会产生巨大的海浪冲刷沿海岸的高速公路。 www.bing.com 8. Exercise video or DVDs. Creat the feel of a health club aerobics class in your own living room. 关于运动的录像带或光盘。在你的起居室播放它们,可以创造一种在健康俱乐部跳有氧健身操的氛围。 lixiaomin88888888.blog.163.com 9. Through strict managing and scientific measuring, controling, developing transgenic technology will creat bright future for human life. 通过严格管理和科学检测、监控,发展转基因技术,将会为人类生活创造美好的未来。 www.chemyq.com 10. creat the condition of open , unification , and equal competition for Chinese and overseas enterprises . 为国内外企业创造公开、统一、平等竞争的条件。 www.bing.com 1. BookMarklets to Open and Creat a Google Docs file in a new window. 快速在新窗口打开建立谷歌文档文件的书签小工具。 www.showxiu.com 2. Create quotation, order confirmation in SAP. Order processing includes delivery, purchasing and creat relevent documents. 在SAP系统中生成报价单、销售订单,处理订单包括发货,订购备件和创建所需文档。 www.sinohr.com 3. Whatever you are artist or gallery, easily to creat groups, private or public, to carry out discussion. 无论你是艺术家还是画廊或艺术机构,可以方便地创建小组,私密或公开,并开展话题讨论。 www.douban.com 4. If you want to be proud of your value, you should creat value for the world first. 你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。——歌德 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In the physical world, business can sometimes creat different experiences for customers in response to needs. 在这个物质世界里,商业有时可能为满足客户需求而创造不同的体验。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It's the technology improvement and mankind's intelligence that creat the new industry- biotechnology . 科技的进步,人类的智慧,筑就了全新的产业——生物技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To begin with, it is important to creat a positive attitude. In areas where agriculture plays an important. 首先,创造一个积极的态度是一个重要的开端。在农业为主体的地区。 en.ruiwen.com 8. Changning District is the city's first area to creat its own local residents's(aged above 15) health records. 长宁区是全市第一个创建当地居民(15岁以上)健康纪录的城区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. CHINA HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES: FIGHTING BETWEEN BROTHERS CAN CREAT HEROES? 中国家电:窝里斗斗得出英雄吗? www.ilib.cn 10. You need an account to synchronize with an Internet server Creat now? 你需要一个帐户与互联网服务器同步现在创建?。 www.tianya.cn 1. The roadside people creat a disturbance, is blaming old man is not, old man dingy ran off. 路边的人都起哄,都在责备老头的不是,老头灰溜溜的跑开了。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Using the four basic Transform modes , ZSpheres can be added, manipulated andtransformed to creat models of virtually any shape. 用这四个基本的变换工具,可以增加球,操作球,变换球。这样就可以建立任何形状的模型。 archive.hxsd.com 3. People who tend to focus on excellence might find that only they worry too much ing most creat only ing mistakes. 那些往往器重于说话准确的人们可能会发觉,他们对犯舛错操心过多。 www.zaojiaoyingyu.com 4. Secondly , many more women creat significant myth in different filed. That is to say, they contribute a lot to human race. 其次,相当多的妇女在不同的领域穿凿啦不朽的传奇。也就是说,她们给人类做出了很大贡献。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Companies can post courses information for offline training and can also creat courses online for online certification courses. 公司可以发布供离线训练课程资料,还可以创造课程,网上认证课程在线。 www.bing.com 6. Tingshuo has experimented mixing colours to creat new colours and has explored the sounds created by different instruments. 朔宝尝试混合一些颜色来创意一些新的颜色,并且能够探讨不同乐器发出的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Designed for those who pure fashion in life, using a baroque style, it fits smoothly into themodern Chinese home, Creat a dream home. 专为追求时尚生活的人士设计,采用洛克克、巴洛克等家居风格,与中国现代家具风格完全融和,实现完美家居梦想。 dict.bioon.com 8. Mr Dong was confident more jobs would be creat as . . . 董先生坚信就像游客人数增加一样,工作岗位也会越来越多… www.6bei.com.cn 9. Just like I believe in the theory of evolution, so when I heard that the god creat the world in 7 days, I could not totally understand . 就像我相信进化论,我刚听到基督7天造世界论时,也觉得很不能理解。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. We can attracts more guests by adding amenities , like a swimming pool, and planting more greenery to creat a peaceful ambience . 为了吸引更多的客人,我们还有添置游泳池等娱乐设施,多种花草树木,营造出一个安静祥和的氛围。 www.chinabaike.com 1. learn the fundamentals about using layers and selections to creat a photo collage. 学习使用图层和选项来创建一个图片拼贴的基本原理 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Certainly that the governments'support and market prospects creat opportunities for the development of Chinese animation industry. 当然,政府的扶持和市场前景为中国动漫产业的发展创造了机会。 www.fabiao.net 3. There is nothing like a dream to creat the future. 没有什么比梦想更能创造未来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We should creat a social environment in which teachers are respected, and education is valued, knowledge sought and learning stressed. 我们应该创造一个尊师重教,求知好学的社会氛围。 images.koolearn.com 5. The monitor file must be re-opened with the O_CREAT flag. 必须用O_CREAT标志再次打开监视器文件。 www.ibm.com 6. Nitrogen runoffs from farms can creat create large dead zones, like those in the Gulf of Mexico. 来自农田的氮流量能造成大面积的死区域,就像墨西哥湾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Gun carriers with bad motivation creat a potential threat to the whole society. 携带枪支者如果动机不良,将对社会构成潜在威胁。 www.1363.cn 8. It request artists to creat new works for the exhibition specially. 它要求艺术家为展览专门创作新的作品。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. our premium service incarnates in our every details. it is our everlasting pursue to creat a fresh, elegant, harmonious surroundings. 处处体现优质风貌创造一个清新,优雅,和谐的自然环境是我们不变的追求。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It is the very mythology which help them fly their mind and creat their ideal world in their works. 也正是因为这些神话内容,让作者可以在最大程度上放飞自己的思绪,营造理想境界。 www.13191.com 1. Our aim of development is "from big to large and try to creat the first-class" . 我们的发展目标是由大到强,争创一流。 www.71096.com 2. If you creat a society were everything is on the video table actually directly digital media kind of staff. 如果你创造一个社会,一切都在视频中,实际上那就是数字媒体类型的东西。 www.kekenet.com 3. If you want more love in the world, creat more love in your heart. Life will give you back everything you have given to it. 如果你想要世界给你更多的爱,发自内心地给予世界更多的爱,生活会给回你一切你所付出的! bbs.tingroom.com 4. The threat is real that the bird flu virus will creat a human epidemic that could kill millions of people. 禽流感病毒可能会在人类造成杀死几百万人的流行病,这一威胁性是实际存在的。 www.xkdwyx.com 5. In this paper, we add a dummy variable to reflecting the "good news" and "bad news" asymmetry to creat a new model. 本文在剩余收益估值模型的基础上,加入了反映“利坏消息”和“利好消息”不对称性的虚拟变量,建立了新的检验模型。 www.bing.com 6. Creat flat pattern and shop prints(if needed) utilizing CAD software. 利用CAD软件绘制钣金展开图及车间用图; www.kshr.com.cn 7. Creat a good learning environment for staffs and yourself. 为员工、也为自己创造一个学习和发展的环境。 blog.163.com 8. In 1993, he warned that businesses creat a market for competitors when they think too much about high profits. 在1993年,他警告商业组织们在思考最大程度的赢利的同时,为竞争者创建了一个市场,。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Third, exploring the use of audio-visual language of animation to re-creat the traditional culture. 探索用动画的视听语言对传统文化进行再创作。 www.lwkoo.cn 10. Subsequently, we creat a simulating system in order to predict the main milling cutting force by utilizing MATLAB language. 随后运用MATLAB语言编写了主切削力预报的模拟仿真系统。 www.fabiao.net 1. To meet the need of enterprises, consumers, and society, we need to creat. . . 创造出企业所需,消费者所取,适应社会的新产品。 www.chemyq.com 2. I hope China and Singapore is a forever friend. Let's us take hands in hands to creat beautiful future! 希望中国和新加坡永远都是好朋友,两国人民手拉手共创美好未来。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Creat and update spare parts list regularly according to machine performance and history record. 根据机器运作工况和备件的历史记录,定期制定和更新机器的备件清单。 www.job956.com 4. Creat a visually pleasing environment. 在视觉上创造一个令人愉悦的环境。 www.bing.com 5. More than 20000 formal users are utilizing Luban to improve efficiency and creat value. 20000余正式用户利用鲁班软件提高效率创造价值。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. To creat means "to bring into being , to cause to exist something each of us does daily . " 创造意味着“使物体产生、形成、存在于我们日常生活中。” woxiangwen.com 7. The study interest is a great power for students to search the knowledge and is the spirit source for them to invent and creat. 学习兴趣是学生探求知识的巨大动力,是发明创造的精神源泉。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. We can attracts abundance guests by adding amenities, love a swimming pool, or planting abundance greenery to creat a peaceful ambience. 为了吸取更多的客人,咱们还有添置游泳池等休息偷闲设施,多种花草树木,营造出一个安静祥和的氛围。 www.ffenglish.com 9. Second Step: Creat a new layer, paint a flash point on camera and hide it. 步骤二:新建一层,这个层上画照相机上闪光的白点,设置为隐藏。 www.kuenglish.info 10. It columnist is translat in the affectionate of attent it creat no amount how you abrasion it. 它专栏作家正在attent深情translat它没有金额如何创造你擦伤了。 www.bing.com 1. Based on case analysis, to creat a primary evaluation scheme for the futile treatment on uremia, which is useful to clinical practice. 结合具体病案,建立尿毒症无效治疗的评价标准,其对临床实践具有指导价值。 www.ilib.cn 2. service tenet: To creat a high quality and unforgettable dining experience to our guest. 我们的服务宗旨:为客户创造一段高品质的难忘的就餐经历。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Meanwhile free recruitment on the network partner together to creat the future hero. 同时免费招募网络上的各路英雄一起来共创将来。 www.86huangye.com 4. Please contact us and we sure would creat a mutual benefit cooperation connection. 如果你有需要请联系我们,相信我们一定可以创造一个互惠的合作关系。 china.alibaba.com 5. If your love has gone, bless him or her , and bring the love to the real world, to the people around you, not stay in the dream you creat. 如果你的爱已经离你而去,祝福他或她,然后把你的爱带给真实的世界,带给你身边的人,而不是沉醉在你自己创造的梦里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Adoration needs to creat an idol like as no flesh and blood. 崇拜需要创造一个偶像,就像没血没肉的东西; www.bing.com 7. I wish I can succeed to creat a new field by my effort. 我希望我可以通过自己的努力来创造一片天地。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. I think very clearly because the president and Demorcrat leader acknowledge the American people want us to creat jobs and cut spending. 我认为这很明显,因为总统和民主党领导人承认美国人民希望我们创造就业并削减开支。 www.bing.com 9. The reason is very simple: Contracted often can creat unfailing myth! 原因很简单:简约往往会缔造经久不衰的神话! dictsearch.appspot.com 10. C. all things that creat happiness are good thing. 所有的东西,创造幸福是件好事 zhidao.baidu.com 1. 1, I use computer language just like you use notes to creat one new thing after another. 我使用电脑语言就像你用笔记本创造一个又一个新的东西。 club.topsage.com 2. We will clear the immediate surroundings to our bedroom to creat a safe zone and to establish a dominant defensive position. 我们将清除我们的卧室周围的环境,共创一个安全区,并建立一个防御性的主导地位。 www.arms-cool.net 3. The government encourages artists to express themselves and creat more artistic works for people of all ages. 政府鼓励艺术家自由地表达思想,为各个年龄层的人们创造出更多的艺术作品。 www.1363.cn 4. Let us creat rain, make frost and fog. 让我们来造雨、造霜、造雾。 www.hxen.com 5. To create a new set, you can set bit-wise or the access permissions with IPC_CREAT. 要新创建一个信号量集,您可以将使用IPC_CREAT来设置位操作或访问权限。 www.ibm.com 6. Quality creat brand, brand brings benifit. 质量缔造品牌,品牌提升效益 wenwen.soso.com 7. What about the atmosphere of the supermarket? I think we can use warm and bright colors to creat a warm atmosphere. 超市的氛围应该怎样呢?我认为我们可以使用温暖和明亮的颜色来创造一个温暖的气氛。 club.topsage.com 8. Creat a space between skin and muscle. 在皮肤与肌肉之间创造一个空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Happiness is something you have to creat for yourself. 幸福是需要自己创造的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It can decrease intelligence, creat create behavior problems and slow a child's growth. 它使智力下降,行动不便并会减慢小孩的生长速度。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. e. g. We all want to creat a well environmental environment. 我们都想创造出一个好环境的环境。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Maybe our aims are not to achieve successful careers in the future but to creat a colourful life when we are still young. 也许我们并不是为了以后一定要在事业上如何如何,但至少想让自己的生活增添一些别样的色彩。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't creat an pollution. 利用太阳能的优势之一是他不会产生任何污染。 bulo.hjenglish.com 4. The buildings in the Elmer park is the masterpiece was made in Guadi's creat mature period, the most fully shows his aesthetic thought. 居埃尔公园中的建筑是高迪创作生涯成熟时期的代表作,最充分地表现了他的美学思想。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Gekko: I creat nothing. I own. We make the rules. 我没有创造任何东西,我拥有。规矩是我订的。 movie.douban.com 6. Gene engineering is a new way to creat male sterility. 基因工程是创造雄性不育的一种新途径。 www.ebiotrade.com 7. My dear friends, let's move forward hand in hand and make our efforts to creat a harmonious and happy society. 朋友们,让我们携手并进,为一同创造和谐美好社会而努力。 ms.itpub.net 8. You can't creat experience . You must undergo it ! 你不能创造经历,你必须去体验它! blog.sina.com.cn 9. Network language is a kind of distinctive language which neteitizens creat: in order to meet the demand of communication on net. 网络语言是网民们为了适应上网交际的需要而创造的一种颇具特色的语言。 lib.cqvip.com 10. It can not only waste energy but also be easy to creat the ultra density gas drainage and cause the potential accidents. 这样既浪费了电能,又极易造成上隅角瓦斯聚集,形成事故隐患。 www.fabiao.net 1. With the development of science, we creat more goods, however, we are creating more rubbish. 随着科技的进步,我们在创造很多的物质,但是我们制造了更多的垃圾 wenwen.soso.com 2. Rumors creat a lot of pressure. 流言蜚语给人们造成很大压力。 www.hxen.com 3. man can creat a fiy for themselves. 人类能为他们自己创造一双翅膀。 wenwen.soso.com 4. It's so cool to live in the scenery you creat by yourself! 住在自己成就的风景里,多酷啊! blog.sina.com.cn 5. We creat the world of the dream. 我们创建梦中世界 wenku.baidu.com 6. If we amalgamate our two businesses, we can creat a more powerful one. 如果将我们两家小企业合并起来,就能创造出一个实力更为雄厚的大企业。 www.ebigear.com 7. Could u tell me how to download the software that can creat the image with transparant effect? 多谢各位高手帮忙,可否告诉我你们常用的修改图片软件及如何下载?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. That is why the managers try their best to creat the harmonious atmosphere among their employees. 这就是为什么管理者们总是努力想在职员之间营造和谐氛围的原因。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In site level, Nanxu Avenue was introduced from aspects of bilateral hills, footpath, nodes and so on to explain how to creat greenways. 在场所层次,从两侧山体、步道、节点等方面介绍了南徐大道绿色通道的建设。 www.fabiao.net 10. We are walking on the way of our own world. We should know the world by ourselves and creat our own life. 我们在自己的世界里同样走着自己的路,用自己的双手去闯,去创造属于自己的那份天空。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. I like the subject of digital media arts very much. I hope I can creat a new world with my own efforts. 我非常喜欢数字媒体艺术这门学科,我希望我可以通过自己的努力来创造一片天地。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. You can make anything you wish of your life. Creat your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets. 你能拥有任何自己所希望的生活。创造属于自己的生活,大胆地实践自己的梦想,不留丝毫遗憾。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. No matter what is, they are all need to creat on one's own account, isn't it? 无论哪种,都要靠自己的能力去创造,不是吗?。 zebing86.blog.163.com 4. No matter where we are, we can creat our own sky if we try our best! 无论我们在哪儿,我们都可以尽自己所能,创造出一片属于自己的天空! www.hjenglish.com 5. According to the dictionary definition of " creat , ordinary people are creative every day" . 根据字典上的定义“创造、普通人每天都具有创造力。” zhidao.baidu.com 6. In order to improve my English level, I decide to creat my blog in English from now on. 为了提高我的英文水平,我决定以后要用英文更新博客。 hi.baidu.com 7. know what you like. Do what you love. Be happy with the life you creat! 知道自己喜欢什么,做自己喜欢做的事,满意你自己所创造的生活! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Document and file all raw material and production sampling data into spreadsheet, performing statistical analysis amd creat graphs; 记录并归档所有原材料及生产打样数据及资料,进行数据分析统计并形成相应的图表; www.jobui.com 9. The countermeasures for improving enterprises inner-control should be such espects: creat good environment for control; 企业完善内部控制的对策:创造良好的控制环境; lib.nwnu.edu.cn 10. We may not always creat or invent, 也许并非每一次我们都能创造或创新, wenku.baidu.com 1. Failure Analysis for the Breaking of Superheat Tube of Creat-hydrogen Furnace 制氢转化炉蒸汽过热管断裂原因分析 www.ilib.cn 2. and decided to creat a dream come true 决定创造一个可实现的梦 zhidao.baidu.com 3. creat one's own TV programme for a competition 创建某人自己的节目参加比赛 wenku.baidu.com 4. Pursuit the outstanding quality to creat well-known world brand 追求卓越品质,创造世界名牌 wenku.baidu.com 5. we creat values for our customers 我们共同为客户创造价值 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Creat theme from a color 从颜色创建主题 www.bing.com |
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