单词 | dial up connection |
释义 | 例句释义: 拨号连接,拨接,拨号接续 1. By the end of 1999, practically all schools had at least dial up connection (mostly small country side schools). 截至到1999年年底时候为止,几乎所有的学校都至少能够提供拨号连接(绝大多数是乡村学校)。 www.bing.com 2. Information about your Internet account is grouped together as a dial-up connection and labeled with a name you provide. 有关Internet帐户的信息是作为拨号连接分组存放的,并且按照您所提供的名称进行标记。 www.fan6.net 3. The Internet Service Provider's (ISP) phone number is dialed using GSM and a dial-up connection is established. 互联网服务提供商(ISP)的电话号码是使用GSM拨入的,并且会建立一个拨号连接。 www.ibm.com 4. To disconnect from a dial-up connection, look for a button that says "Disconnect. " 若要断开拨号连接,请寻找标有“断开连接”的按钮。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. Should we expect small-town businesses to enter the digital economy, and students to enter the digital classroom, via a dial-up connection? 应该期望小镇企业进入数字经济、数字学生进入教室,通过拨号连接?。 blog.eastmoney.com 6. Modem enables the mutual conversion of analog signals and digital signals. Dial up connection is impossible without medom. 调制解调器是实现模拟信号和数字信号互相转变的设备,通过它用户的电脑才可连接因特网。 www.itpub.net 7. Description: A group that includes all users who have logged on through a dial-up connection. 说明:一个包括所有通过拨号连接登录的用户的组。 support.microsoft.com 8. If you use a dial-up connection, there are a couple of good ways to optimize your Internet speed. 如果使用拨号连接,有两种优化Internet速度的好方法。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. For dial-up connection, you need a computer, a modem, and a telephone line. 一台电脑,一个调制解调器,一条电话线。 www.itpub.net 10. Remote Mail provides a way to synchronize your Inbox only to a local Personal Folders file (. Pst) using a dial-up connection. 远程邮件提供了一种方法,只对使用拨号连接的本地个人文件夹文件(.pst)来同步“收件箱”。 office.microsoft.com 1. If you are on a Dial-Up connection you may suffer from constant dropped connections, with Throttle this problem can quickly be fixed. 如果你是一个拨号连接,您可能患上与节流连接不断下降,这个问题可以很快得到解决。 www.jisuxz.com 2. It gathers information about data passing through your dial-up connection or Ethernet card and decodes the analyzed data. 它通过你的拨号连接或者以太网卡收集数据的相关信息并解码和分析数据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The method by which the OAB can be accessed by users when they are working remotely or over a dial-up connection. 允许通过远程方式或拨号连接方式工作的用户访问OAB的方法。 technet.microsoft.com 4. To use a Dial-up connection , you need a hardware device to convert computer signals to telephone signals and back a gain. 为了能使用拨号连接,你需要一个能把计算机信号和电话信号相互转换的硬件装置。 dict.ebigear.com 5. First establish the dial-up connection outside of Outlook using a Dial-Up connection in Windows or your browser. 应首先使用Windows或浏览器中的拨号连接在Outlook之外建立拨号连接。 office.microsoft.com 6. After this connection is completed, you will find it by double-clicking My Computer and then double-clicking the Dial-Up Connection folder. 在完成该连接后,您可以使用以下方法找到该连接:双击“我的电脑”,然后双击“拨号连接”文件夹。 support.microsoft.com 7. The MailBug, which I haven't tested, is a small, text-only terminal for sending and receiving email over a dial-up connection. MailBug是一款仅限于文本的小型终端,通过拨号连接收发电子邮件。我还没有测试过这种装置。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. If you are running offline , or have a dial-up connection, a queue of at least 500 candidates is suggested. 如果您是离线运算,或者使用的是拨号连接,那么我们建议您至少设置500的任务队列。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Dial-up connection cannot be found. 找不到拨号连接。 www.fan6.net 10. Create a dial-up connection to connect to a remote access server. 创建与远程访问服务器的拨号连接。 xuandian.ik8.com 1. You may also remove old dial-up connection settings from your users'machines. 您可能还需要删除用户计算机上的旧拨号连接。 www.fan6.net 2. You can let other computers access resources through this dial-up connection. 可以让其它计算机通过这个拨号连接访问资源。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 3. The dial-up connection is not properly configured. 拨号连接配置不正确。 www.fan6.net 4. Under Dial-Up Connection Name, type a name by which you can identify this connection. 在“拨号连接名”下面,键入一个名称以标识该连接。 support.microsoft.com 5. Reference to the dial-up connection credentials. 参考拨号连接凭据。 www.fan6.net 6. You can let a local network access resources through this dial-up connection. 可以让局域网通过这个拨号连接访问资源。 www.dictall.com 7. with a dial-up connection your telephone will be tied up while you are accessing the internet, unlesss a second phone line is used. (tiedup被占用)使用拨号连接,当你正在访问因特网时你的电话将被占用,除非第二条电话线被使用。 baibaox.com 8. The Timor Telecom Internet access in Suai is a dial-up connection. 东帝汶电信的网路连线在苏艾是拨接连线。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. Use this option when you have a direct network connection with your main computer or when you are using a continuous dial-up connection . 当您与您的主计算机具有直接网络连接或者当您正在使用连续的拨号连接时,可以使用此设置。 www.bing.com 10. Enable queueing to have messages sent in batches when you click the "Send" button (useful if you have a dial-up connection). 允许单击发送按钮时自动发送队列中的其它邮件(如果您正在使用拨号连接则此选项非常有用)。 help.opera.com 1. How do I progamatically dial the default Dial-up connection? 我怎样拨默认拨号上网连接? iyuanma.com 2. What software is necessary for dial-up connection? 拨号上网需要那些软件? www.itpub.net 3. What hardware is necessary for dial-up connection? 拨号上网需要什么硬件?。 www.itpub.net 4. No, I need to establish a dial-up connection. 不,我需要建立拨号连接。 aixiazai.com 5. If you have a dial-up connection to the Internet, you have to disconnect each time when you're finished using the Internet. 如果您通过拨号连接到Internet,则必须在每次使用完Internet后断开连接。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. If you have a dial-up connection, it takes a lot longer to download files than if you have a broadband connection, such as DSL or cable. 如果您使用的是拨号连接,则下载文件时比使用宽带连接(如DSL或电缆)需要的时间要长。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. This could be useful if, for example, you have a dial-up connection, so that you can then ensure that the email is actually transmitted. 例如,如果您有拨号连接,这样您就可以确保电子邮件确实已经传送出去了。 translations.launchpad.net 8. List of Error Codes that you may receive when you try to make a dial-up connection or a VPN connection in Windows Vista 尝试在WindowsVista中创建拨号连接或VPN连接时,可能会收到的错误代码的列表 support.microsoft.com 9. The following list contains the Error Codes that you may receive when you try to make a dial-up connection or a VPN connection 下面的列表包含当您尝试创建拨号连接或VPN连接时可能收到的错误代码 support.microsoft.com 10. Use the same user name and password for a VPN connection as for a dial-up connection. , U 使用和拨号连接一样的用户名和密码作 angel.w15.5tom.cn 1. To disconnect from a dial-up connection 断开拨号连接的步骤 windowshelp.microsoft.com 2. Computer stops responding when you use a dial-up connection to log on in Windows 2000 在Windows2000中使用拨号连接登录时计算机停止响应 support.microsoft.com 3. Log on using dial-up connection, d, 使用拨号网络连接登录, www.fan6.net 4. Set up a dial-up connection 建立拨号连接 thesource.ofallevil.com |
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