单词 | costly |
释义 | costlier是costly的比较级
比较级:costlier 最高级:costliest 例句释义: 昂贵的,奢华的 1. Those parts, designed in-house at Apple by a company that Apple bought, are among the costlier components needed to make a tablet computer. 这些处理器由苹果收购的一间公司在企业内部完成设计,要知道这可是平板电脑中最昂贵的配件之一。 dongxi.net 2. It might be much costlier to stand firm than to bend a little to the prevailing political winds. 在主流政治中,坚持立场也许比做出些许让步付出更大的代价。 www.ecocn.org 3. Relative to national output, the Japanese disaster may end up being two or even three times costlier than the San Francisco quake. 以国民产出衡量,日本地震造成的破坏最终可能是旧金山地震的两倍甚至三倍。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But the costlier Edge configuration I tested had a larger battery than the base unit, so would likely last only two-thirds as long. 不过我测试的Edge配置更昂贵,比基本款电池要大,所以基本款的续航时间可能只有我所测试的三分之二。 chinese.wsj.com 5. In large parts of America, where population densities are lower, it would be much costlier. 而在美国,由于人口密度更低,投递费用还会更高。 www.ecocn.org 6. Japan's subsequent experience was economically less violent in the short term, but even costlier over the long term. 而后来日本经济的经历,则是短期没有那么惨烈,但长期的代价甚至更加昂贵。 www.bing.com 7. Furthermore, new human resource laws implemented in the beginning of 2008 make it costlier to fire workers. 此外,2008年新实施的《人力资源法》使得解雇工人的费用更加高昂。 www.bing.com 8. Finance will be costlier and investment weak, so the stock of physical capital, on which prosperity depends, will erode. 融资成本将更高,投资疲软,因此经济繁荣依赖的有形资产的存量将削减。 www.ecocn.org 9. The local government said it was investigating whether ordinary pork was being mis-sold as the costlier organic sort. 当地政府说他们在调查沃尔玛是否将普通猪肉作为昂贵的有机猪肉在卖。 www.ecocn.org 10. Call me safety conscious, but I certainly don't like working as root unless I have to; mistakes are usually costlier for the root user! 您可以说我过分小心,但是除非绝对必须,我肯定不愿意作为根用户工作;根用户犯的错误往往会造成惨重的损失! www.ibm.com 1. Both tasks turned out to be harder and costlier than Rolls-Royce thought. 后来证明,两项任务比劳斯莱斯所设想的要更难更费钱。 www.bing.com 2. Moving factories inland could prove costlier than staying put because companies may have to pay more in shipping costs. 将工厂迁入内地将增加运输成本,对于企业来说可能得不偿失。 www.unsv.com 3. Net oil imports are well below their 2005 peak, which means more of the money Americans spend on costlier oil stays within its borders. 石油净进口量远低于他们2005年的高峰期,这意味着尽管燃料涨价,美国人在这方面的消费依然维持在界限之内。 www.bing.com 4. The transition to a new equilibrium is proving costlier, more prolonged and much more painful than anyone had expected. 向新的平衡转换的过程比任何人能预期到的而且正在被证明是昂贵的,更长期的,更痛苦的。 www.ecocn.org 5. If processor function becomes a machine to run bottleneck, so the user can deliver the view to costlier CPU necessarily. 如果处理器性能成为机器运行瓶颈,那么用户必然会把目光投向更昂贵的CPU。 www.nwpu.net 6. China's ascent up the value chain to more sophisticated, costlier products also will require automation. 中国向更精密更昂贵的价值链攀升的过程中也离不开自动化技术的普及。 www.bing.com 7. It fell back after the Saudis denied the claim, but at $125, crude is still 16% costlier than at the start of the year. 尽管沙特随即予以否认,原油价格回落至125美元,不过还是比年初的时候上涨了16%。 www.bing.com 8. closing plants makes electricity costlier and Germany's (and Europe's) ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions harder to meet. 关闭核电站增加了用电成本,德国(乃至欧洲)的碳减排宏伟目标将更难实现。 www.ecocn.org 9. It is no wonder that a growing number of wise heads in the region have concluded that the drug war is costlier than legalizing drugs. 当地越来越多的聪明人认为缉毒战比毒品合法化的代价更加高昂就不足为奇了。 www.ecocn.org 10. A recurring levy would make it costlier to buy and hold a second or third home as a speculative bet on rising prices. 重复征税将使得房屋交易成本增加,持有第二套或第三套以上房屋的投机者会随着税费上涨而收打击。 www.bing.com 1. That proved costlier for the public in the long run. 这些证明了长久运营方面昂贵的花销。 www.bing.com 2. The sharp rise in the Swiss franc has made it costlier for Swiss-based outfits to pay their wages (see chart). 瑞士法郎的币值激增使得驻瑞士机构的工资开支更加昂贵(见图表)。 www.ecocn.org 3. This package will be somewhat costlier and harder to assemble than an IKEA bookshelf, and he cannot hope to accomplish it alone. 比起宜家组装一个书架,他的计划斥资更多、难度更大,而且,他也不能奢望独挑大梁。 www.ecocn.org 4. There are materials like fiber glass or ABS plastic which can be used in place of costlier metals while ensuring a reasonable performance. 有材料,如玻璃纤维或ABS塑料,可用于代替昂贵的金属,同时确保一个合理的性能。 sites.google.com 5. But it doesn't address the much costlier expiration of George Bush's tax cuts at the end of this year. 但其并没有能够在今年年底前弥补布什税收削减所付出的更为高昂的代价。 www.ecocn.org 6. Seasonally programmable controllers are available but are generally costlier. 经季节性可编程控制器也有,但一般都贵了。 www.cfli.cn 7. Producers have been grappling with lower grade deposits, which are costlier to develop . 生产商近年在艰难对付成本较高的低品位矿。 www.bing.com 8. Based on how fast the mice sipped, they appeared to find the costlier sugar water more tasty. 根据它们喝水的速度推断,看来老鼠们觉得代价更高的糖水味道更好。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The result of poor infrastructure is that many business services are much costlier than those available in other regions. 缺乏基础设施导致的结果是当地的许多商业服务的价格都高于其他地区的同类服务。 www.bing.com 10. They tended to be paid according to seniority, rather than productivity, and were costlier to sack. 因为他们是根据资历而非效率来决定收入,而解雇他们往往代价更高。 www.bing.com 1. Like enriched uranium, hypocrisy can be costlier than it seems. 就如浓缩铀,伪善的代价比看起来的更高。 www.putclub.com 2. For private-equity firms new deals are suddenly harder to do and existing ones costlier to refinance. 对私募股权公司来说,达成交易突然变得更加困难,现有交易贷款重组更加昂贵。 www.ecocn.org 3. Overvalued currencies also mean exporters lose their edge because their goods are costlier abroad. 汇率高估还意味着出口企业丧失优势,因为它们的产品在国外会卖得更加昂贵。 c.wsj.com 4. But if those measures are passed, America risks something far costlier than a switch to cleaner energy: a global trade war. 但是如果那些政策得以通过的话,美国就会面临比使用清洁能源成本要更高的风险:全球贸易战。 wyxy.hunnu.edu.cn 5. HP, with 70% of its revenues from hardware, is more like Dell but stuck with costlier distribution channels and supply logistics. 惠普有70%的收益来自硬件,更类似于戴尔,只是难以解决销售渠道和供给保障的较高耗费。 www.ecocn.org 6. As budgetary laxity and weak growth become costlier, reforms are more likely. 当预算松弛和低增长的代价越来越沉重,改革的可能性也将随之上升。 www.ecocn.org 7. That would prompt long legal battles, making the whole process even slower and costlier. 因为这将引发长期的法律斗争,使得整个进程更加缓慢、花费更巨。 www.ecocn.org 8. Ask people how they are coping with costlier energy and you get a wide range of responses. 问问人们是如何应付能源涨价的吧,答案可谓是五花八门。 cn.reuters.com 9. Such attenuated live vaccines can be more effective, but are costlier to produce. 这种减毒活疫苗更有效但生产成本也很昂贵。 blog.ecocn.org 10. So far, adding jobs in India has not meant shedding many jobs in costlier places, such as America. 不过,在印度增加人力,并不意味着在美国等用人成本高的地方大举裁员。 www.ecocn.org 1. Starting a thread is slightly costlier than before but most of the code can run in parallel after. 启动一个线程的开销比之前稍微高一点,但之后大部分代码都能并行运行。 www.infoq.com 2. They believe it is thanks to the trend of experimenting with food at home rather than the costlier option of eating out. 他们公司认为,这都要感谢人们都慢慢走入了不去外面餐厅消费,而愿意在家烹调美食的流行趋势。 dongxi.net 3. According to IBM's own data, caring for a diabetic child is six times costlier than caring for a healthy one. 据IBM公司内部数据显示,养育一个患糖尿病的孩子的开销是一个健康孩子的六倍。 www.ecocn.org 4. Latinos are especially fond of dogs, which are costlier than cats, but superior in every respect. 拉美人特别喜欢狗,尽管养狗比养猫要贵,但是在各方面都比养猫好。 www.hxen.com 5. Some banks are selling assets and lending less, making loans harder to come by and costlier. 一些银行开始出售资产、减少放贷,这就加大了获得贷款的难度、提高了贷款成本。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Solid-state disks, which lack moving parts and use flash memory, are costlier but faster and use less power. 缺少移动部件并使用闪存的固态硬盘价格更高,但速度更快,耗电也较少。 c.wsj.com 7. Also higher oil price mean higher transportation cost, another reason for costlier corn. 并且,高油价意味着更高的运输成本,这也是另外一个导致玉米价格升高的原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Foreclosures and costlier commutes have laid low the distant suburbs, or exurbs. 丧失抵押物赎回权和较昂贵的通勤费用使得偏僻的近郊或远郊发展缓慢。 www.elanso.com 9. Utilities often favor such systems, also called solar thermal, over costlier PV. 公用事业很支持这样的系统,也称为太阳热能,比光伏太阳能昂贵。 www.bing.com 10. By any measure France's health system delivers better value for money than America's costlier one. 以任何标准衡量,法国的医疗体系都比美国更昂贵的医疗体系性价比更高。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. and it will mean scarcer and costlier loans for Italian companies, which in turn may slow economic growth and hamper debt repayment. 对意大利的公司来说,这将意味着很难贷到款且贷款成本太高,反过来,这会导致经济放缓,债务清偿困难。 www.ecolion.cn 2. The effect on the economy of deflated assets, tighter credit and costlier energy are already apparent. 财产贬值、信用紧缩和愈发昂贵的油价给经济的影响已经十分明显。 www.ecocn.org 3. Shoppers can easily buy the supermarkets' cheaper own-label beer instead of costlier brands. 购物者更倾向于购买超市中便宜的自有品牌啤酒,而不是知名品牌。 www.bing.com 4. Though costlier, xenon allows a discharge lamp to start far more quickly. 不过昂贵的氙气放电灯启动要迅速得多。 www.ecocn.org 5. A high exchange value makes Japanese exports costlier and less competitive. 一个高的交换价值,使得日本出口产品的价格昂贵,竞争力较弱的。 www.maynet.cn 6. It also can cost more because it demands beefier, and thus costlier, hardware to run well than does the older Windows XP. 另外,因为Vista需要比上一代WindowsXP更强劲、也因此更昂贵的硬件来保持平稳运行,你还要花上更多的钱。 www.ebigear.com 7. A weak dollar and OPEC's evident reluctance to increase output add to the case for costlier oil in 2011. 美元疲软,且石油输出国组织(OPEC)显然不愿增加产量,强化了2011年油价上涨的预期。 cn.reuters.com 8. Overall, food inflation remains uncomfortably high (see chart), in part because of costlier raw materials. 总的来说,食品通胀率依然处于令人不安的高位(见图),部分原因是因为原料价格上涨。 www.ecocn.org 9. The effect on the economy ofdeflated assets, tighter credit and costlier energy are already apparent. 资产缩水,紧缩信贷和昂贵的能源对经济的影响已经开始显现。 www.bing.com 10. You can buy a Windows PC for under $500, but many stores are pushing costlier models. 花上不到500美元,你就可以买到一台Windows电脑,不过许多商店都在力推价格更昂贵的型号。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Now, Hyundai plans an even costlier sequel. 目前,现代正在酝酿推出下一款价格更为高昂的车型。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The abiding lesson of monetary history is that the higher inflation gets, the costlier it becomes to bring down again. 货币史上永恒的教训是:通货膨胀率越高,将它恢复正常的代价就越大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If they default on their debt, that only makes it harder and costlier to borrow in the future. 如果他们出现债务违约,只会使将来举债更加困难,成本也更高。 www.ebigear.com 4. They are costlier, but faster, and use less power. 这种硬盘价格更高,但运行速度快,耗电量也较小。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The state is a long way from covering its 130, 000 uninsured citizens, while the subsidies are proving costlier than expected. 距离覆盖13万无保居民的目的,该州还是路漫漫其修远兮,然而所用补助已显示出超过预期。 www.ecocn.org 6. BMW, similarly, makes the 3- and 5-series here but ships in the costlier 7-series and Z sports cars. 奔驰的情形也差不多,3系和5系均在当地制造,只是出口较昂贵的7系和Z型跑车到中国。 www.bing.com 7. That risk of default can make it harder and costlier for them to borrow more money. Heavy debt can also affect a country's competitiveness. 无法正常偿还债款的风险使他们难于再次借到更多的钱,沉重的债务也能影响一个国家的竞争力。 www.tingclass.com 8. The more code you have, the costlier it will be to add anything new. 你拥有的代码越多,添加新内容所要付出的成本就越高。 www.infoq.com 9. can make it harder and costlier for them to borrow more money. 这种可能无法履约的风险使该国借款更加困难,借款成本也更高。 www.shanbay.com 10. The costlier editions have a one terabyte hard disk, which is roughly 1, 000 gigabytes. 价格更高的型号有1TG的硬盘空间,相当于1000G左右。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Newish labour laws in wealthy places such as Shenzhen make it costlier to shut down plants there, for example. 比如,在深圳这些富裕地方的新劳动法使得关闭这些地方的工厂将非常昂贵。 www.bing.com 2. That is to say, borrowings by banks from the central bank are made costlier by raising the bank rate; 也就是说,通过提高银行利率,增加商业银行向中央银行的贷款成本; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Empirical Analysis on the Cause of Increasingly Costlier Medical Service for Rural Residents 农村居民看病难、看病贵原因实证分析 www.ilib.cn 4. thus potentially costlier to society 因此对社会的潜在危害更大 www.ecocn.org 5. Costlier labor, currency are ending cheap made-in-China era; manufacturers struggle to adapt 愈发昂贵的劳动力及人民币的升值正标志着中国制造廉价时代的结束; www.bing.com |
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