单词 | dejected |
释义 |
例句释义: 沮丧的,情绪低落的,垂头丧气的,失望的,颓丧,颓靡 1. Catherine took up her work directly, saying, in a dejected voice, that "her head did not run upon Bath -- much. " 凯瑟琳立刻拿起针线,用颓丧的语气说道:“我脑子里并没尽想着巴思呀。” novel.tingroom.com 2. He left the urology clinic dejected and never returned. Instead, he found a small free clinic two hours away. 相反,他找到两小时路程以远的一个小小的免费诊所。 kk.dongxi.net 3. One day an old Crane stood in the shallows of a lotus pond with a very dejected look upon his long face. 一天,一只老鹤站在位于莲花池浅水处的,他的长脸看上去很沮丧 wenwen.soso.com 4. Mr Clare winced as if he had been struck. He went home pale and dejected, and called Angel into his study. 克莱尔先生听后直往后躲,仿佛被人打了一样。他满脸苍白地回到家里,一脸地沮丧,把安琪尔叫到他的书房里。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Although the smiling face is only flashy, also is good enough to let easy way is inwardly dejected for a long time. 虽然笑容仅仅是昙花一现,但也足以让易道暗自失神了许久。 www.sk211.com 6. Turkoglu trudged through the tunnel dejected, a towel hanging from his head. 特科格鲁用一个毛巾包住了头,很沮丧的走进了球员通道。 www.kobechina.com.cn 7. She could see that she was altered within the last month; that the hues of her complexion was paler, her countenance was dejected. 她看得出,最近一个月来,自己变样了,脸色比从前苍白,面容也没精打采的。 tr.bab.la 8. When Butler found an opportunity of stealing after her into this place, he found Jeanne silent, dejected, and ready to burst into tears. 当巴特勒找到机会偷偷溜进这间屋子时,发现珍妮垂头丧气,沉默无言,简直随时都会失声痛哭。 cn.bab.la 9. When I met her at a Beijing Starbucks, she was dejected and making plans to leave the city. 当我在北京星巴克遇见她的时候,她很沮丧正打算离开这个城市。 www.bing.com 10. One day, he took the two dogs to hunt, but a person become dejected and despondent. 一天,他带着两条狗去打猎,却一团体无精打采地回家。 www.dj922.com 1. A judicious person weighs facts carefully, he would not feel dejected for bad news and exult over unpredictable auspicious. 一个明智的人知道如何权衡事情,他不会为了不幸而沮丧不振,也不会为了突如其来的好运而忘乎所以。 book.aoaohao.com 2. Did not get medicine prescribed in a dejected expression, mouth repeatedly murmured: "retribution, this is retribution. " 没有拿到药,于得明神情懊丧,嘴里反复嘟哝着:“报应,这是报应。” www.chinavalue.net 3. I feel dejected that I had not done well on the interview. 我感到意志消沉,因为我面试结果不理想。 www.ef.com.cn 4. The fox was very dejected. So he turned his body heartrending. The tiger was looking at him. 狐狸十分懊丧,伤心地转过身,老虎正凶狠地瞪着它呢。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Friendless , dejected, and hungry, he threw himself down in the manure and sobbed. 没有朋友,情绪低落,饿着肚子,它不由得扑倒在肥料上抽抽搭搭哭起来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. "I could hardly follow his fast speed and variation of rhythm, " said the dejected 25-year-old. 25岁的李宗伟说:“我差不多赶不上他的速度和节奏改变。” www.waiyulm.com 7. If students were reminded of this reality, there would be fewer dejected faces when examination results are published. 如果让学生了解现实,当考试成绩发布时将会有更少张沮丧的脸。 bbs.gter.net 8. The mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected that no one would help him or has concerned about his dilemma. 老鼠耷拉着脑袋回到屋子里,他感到很沮丧,因为没有谁愿意帮助它,没有谁为它的困境担心。 www.elanso.com 9. But she said this recent study on the just-jilted and dejected is the most important one she'll ever do. 但她补充说,近期关于刚被抛弃者和对此感到沮丧者的研究是她所做研究中的关键一部分。 www.bing.com 10. "Mother, " said Shelton, who, confronted by her optimism, had never, since his time of trial began, felt so wretchedly dejected. “妈”,谢尔顿说,面对着他母亲这种乐观心情,他感到一种打考验的时间开始以来,从来不曾有过的心灰意懒。 1. While Lomas was beavering away a dejected Diamond was going for dinner with his wife and daughter in Manhattan . 当洛马斯在拼命工作的时候,在曼哈顿,神情沮丧的戴蒙德正和妻子女儿一起前去吃饭。 www.bing.com 2. Poplar leaves is not reversed pendulum, and I never dejected life. 白杨树没有倒垂的叶片,我也从没有垂头丧气的日子。 shenyang0704.blog.163.com 3. Owen was alternately dejected and maddened by the knowledge of his own helplessness. 欧文因自己一筹莫展,时而烦闷,时而生气。 4. But when he came to check on the boy's progress after a few days, he found the boy dejected and the teacher exasperated. 但是几天后当他找到那男孩了解学习进度时,发现他出现抵触情绪,他的舞蹈老师也非常沮丧。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Dougal is invited, but none of the other toys at the party will talk to him so he feels quite dejected. 杜格尔被邀请,但是在聚会上的其它玩具都不和对他交谈,因此他感到十分沮丧。 6. He became the impoverished our best parents stop saying, and my hesitation finally let him dejected to let go. 他的一穷二白成了父母阻止我们的最好说辞,而我的犹豫终让他黯然放手。 www.aixxs.cn 7. Dejected , Bud retires to a bar , where he gets drunk and picks up a floozie . Meanwhile , Fran and Sheldrake meet at the apartment . 受挫后的巴德形单影只地去了家酒吧,喝得酩酊大醉后叫了一个妓女过夜。 www.bing.com 8. After mounting failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth. 重重失败之后,我们这位沮丧至极的发明者赌气将一块树胶塞进了自己嘴里。 www.bing.com 9. In retrospect, I was a sad little boy and a standard-issue, shiftless, egotistical, dejected teen-ager. 回顾往事,我曾是一个悲哀的小男孩,一个无能的、任性的、沮丧的标准问题少年。 www.bing.com 10. Little Jack seemed very dejected after being scolded by his teacher. 被老师训斥了一顿之后的小杰克显得很沮丧。 www.tianya.cn 1. Dejected, John returned home to find his wife also not working. John垂头丧气地回到家,发现他的妻子也没有去上班。 bbs.englishcn.com 2. I remember feeling dejected and depressed at the time because I thought each one was the "perfect opportunity" for me. 我一直记得我当时沮丧与失望的感觉,因为当时的我认为每一个工作机会对我来说都是完美的,都是完全适合我的。 www.bing.com 3. When I see narrow forehead and protruding lips of Peking ape man in museum, I feel dejected for hominid's roughness in remote antiquity. 当我在博物馆里看到北京猿人窄小的额和前凸的吻时,我为人类原始时期的粗糙而黯然。 bbs.jxrzsh.com 4. She wants to offer a piece of advice: University students having a hard time finding jobs, little white-collar workers, don't be dejected. 其实她要奉劝奉劝一句,难找工作的大学生、小白领们,不要气馁。 forum.china.org.cn 5. I couldn't bear to witness her sorrow: to see her pale dejected countenance, and heavy eyes. 我不忍看着她难受,不忍看着她那苍白的哭泣的脸和忧郁的眼睛。 6. I suggested gently. She thought she would, she felt so rotten, so terribly dejected. She thought she would like a package of Camels too. 她说要,她觉得十分难过,非常沮丧,因而还想要一包“骆驼”牌香烟。 www.bing.com 7. These fond recollections lingered with me like a kind of homesickness, leaving me dejected. 这些怀想如乡愁一样萦绕得使我忧郁了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I could not help but pick the one hand, but a slight cold in the finger when preferred disappeared, so I could not help but feel dejected. 我忍不住用手去接了一朵,却在手指微有冷意的时候就消失了,于是,我又忍不住黯然神伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Become dejected and despondent. Hand to set up, and the licensing of hope. With the remaining three cards is pure. 垂头丧气。手中的牌无法组拢来,和牌希望渺茫。纯粹是陪其余三家打牌。 444mu.com 10. Some Apple loyalists were simultaneously shocked and dejected upon hearing the news of Steve Jobs' resignation last week. 上个星期,当果粉们听到乔布斯辞职的消息时颇为震惊,黯然伤神。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Looking out of the window of the gloomy sky, misty mountains, and the human heart is gloomy rainy, a dejected. 看着窗外阴沉的天空,朦胧的山峦,还有那让人阴郁的阴雨,心中是一阵阵的黯然。 www.bing.com 2. But, see you just dejected rendition, but how not be like have already let go of this feelings. 可是,看你刚刚失神的表现,却不怎么像已经放下这段感情。 wester.com.cn 3. To become depressed, dejected or downhearted due to one's immediate situation or pre decadent . 因目前的情形或困境变得沮丧,灰心或无精打采的。 www.bing.com 4. A man used to vicissitudes is not easily dejected . 一个见惯荣辱兴衰的人不容易沮丧。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Traveling in the desert, he meet a woman stand alone and terribly dejected. 在沙漠旅行时他遇见了一个女人,她孤独地站著,非常沮丧。 www.hotdic.com 6. At Monday's news conference, she maintained her composure, looking a little dejected but stoic, as her husband spoke. 她在周一丈夫的新闻发布会上保持镇静,看起来有点沮丧但表情淡然。 cn.reuters.com 7. Dejected and dispirited, the North Korea team quickly left the stadium in Cape Town with heads bowed. 北韩千里马情绪低落,哭丧着脸垂着头快速离开了开普敦足球场。 www.bing.com 8. She was feeling dejected and unhappy until the good news cheered her up. 她觉得很沮丧和不快乐,直到好消息使他雀跃起来。 www.wwenglish.com 9. She said: I have come a dejected. 我垂头丧气的说:她已经走了。 bbs.renyu.net 10. The doctor came every day, felt her pulse, looked at her tongue, and made jokes, regardless of her dejected face. 医生每天都来,号脉、看舌苔、不顾她悲伤的表情,和她开玩笑。 novel.tingroom.com 1. Snow , in all the times of the happenings that he is dejected to forget in this globe, has already imperceptibly melted. 雪,在他失神忘记世上一切事情的时候,已经不知不觉的融化。 lionwind990718.sclub.tw 2. In the eighteenth century, the ancient melancholy of the dejected classes vanishes. 那些阴沉阶级的古老伤感情绪到十八世纪已经消失了。 www.ebigear.com 3. I pitied poor Miss Read's unfortunate situation, who was generally dejected, seldom cheerful, and avoided company. 我很同情里德小姐的不幸遭遇,她通常很是消沉,难得有时高兴,避免与人接触。 www.jukuu.com 4. The lack of sleep eyes, long lost child is clever, add to it is a confused and dejected. 那缺少睡眠的眼睛,早已失去了孩童般的灵动,增添的却是一份迷茫与黯然。 www.bing.com 5. Lumiere's last sentence is drowned out by the very loud growl of Beast. Lumiere looks down, dejected. 吕米埃的最后一句话被野兽的咆哮声给淹没了。吕米埃低着头,不说话了。 pdf.sznews.com 6. In another chilling scene, a dejected and apparently emaciated woman is seen scavenging for grass to feed her animals. 在另一个令人发寒的场景里,一个失落、面容憔悴的女人在为她的动物寻找草料。 www.bing.com 7. So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone. 因此,老鼠垂头丧气地回到了屋子里,独自面对农夫的捕鼠器。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We went to bed greatly dejected . 我们睡觉的时候,都非常伤心。 www.jukuu.com 9. A hundred or so apricots, perhaps feeling dejected by my indifference and believing I'd abandoned them for good, had leapt to their deaths. 或许是因为对于我的弃而不视感到沮丧了,约有一百多颗杏子跃向了死亡。它们散落在院子的地上。 dongxi.net 10. Fortunately, a timely phone call asking me Shimei result, the woman went away dejected Bian Lege an excuse. 幸好师妹及时打电话向我询问,结果那位妇女编了个借口灰溜溜地走了。 www.dota123.com 1. Feeling or expressing despondency; dejected. 沮丧的,悲观的感觉或表现出失望的;沮丧的。 www.godict.com 2. It being now dark the two retraced their steps homewards, discouraged and dejected. 二人见天色己晚,无可奈何,只得垂头丧气,回归旧路。 www.zftrans.com 3. Meanwhile, Mr Chaudhry has been reborn as a hero of Pakistan's long-dejected democracy. 但与此同时,乔杜里先生却脱胎换骨,成为了再造巴基斯坦民主的英雄。 www.ecocn.org 4. She was faint with strife and dejected . 她被争吵弄得精疲力竭,情绪低落。 www.jukuu.com 5. The figure slowed to a stop and stood there, lost and dejected. 他慢慢地停下来,然后站在那里,迷茫而沮丧。 www.bing.com 6. She was silent and dejected; she made no reply. 她默默无言,怏怏不乐,没有回答她的话。 novel.tingroom.com 7. Since brief, Jones's life has crossed dully, lets the human be dejected. 总而言之,一直以来,琼斯的生活过得枯燥无味、让人垂头丧气。 en.cnxianzai.com 8. He felt dejected because of that. 他为此而黯然神伤。 www.kekenet.com 9. he seemed very dejected at his repeated failures . 一连串的失败,使他灰溜溜的。 www.ichacha.net 10. Most of Canada Post's dejected employees have now returned to their jobs. 加拿大邮政的员工心存不满,但绝大多数现在已经回到工作岗位。 www.ecocn.org 1. See you become dejected and despondent back corrects mistakes problem, I know, I know is wrong. 看见你垂头丧气的回来改错题,我明白,这回你知道错了。 www.bing.com 2. Being in low spirits; dejected and disheartened. 沮丧的情绪低落的;垂头丧气的和气馁的 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Gen 40: 6 When Joseph came to them the next morning, he saw that they were dejected. 创40:6到了早晨,约瑟进到他们那里,见他们有愁闷的样子。 www.neotao.com 4. The old man looked dejected and spiritless. 那老汉显出一副垂头丧气的潦倒相。 www.24en.com 5. After hearing these, Carol felt very dejected. 听完这些后,卡萝觉得十分沮丧。 www.1363.cn 6. depressed: low in spirits; dejected. 情绪低落的;沮丧的。例如: blog.hjenglish.com 7. Dejected by the awareness of being alone. 寂寞的因意识到独自一人而沮丧的 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The breezes brought dejected lutes. 微风吹来失意的琵琶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Dejected because of a lack of companionship. 寂寞的由于缺少伙伴而沮丧的 dict.hjenglish.com 10. He became not only melancholy when alone, but dejected and absent in company. 他不但独处的时候闷闷不乐,就是和旁人在一道时也无精打采,心不在焉。 www.jukuu.com 1. A dejected woman in the crowd who scare buy new share. 广东深圳抢购新股抽签表人流中的一位沮丧的妇女。 arts.tom.com 2. Sandy was faint with strife and dejected. 被争吵弄得精疲力竭,情绪低落弄得精疲力竭, wenku.baidu.com 3. He is extremely dejected at the news. 得知这个消息,他极为沮丧。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 4. A farmer stands on the stage, dejected. 农民站在台上,苦闷着。 spaces.msn.com 5. Still, when you don't fit in, you can't help but feel dejected. 不过,当你无法融入,你会禁不住感到郁郁寡欢。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. From when I entered at the park still full of hope to when I left it tired and dejected, the machine was chewing me up. 我走进森林公园时是满怀希望,离开时是身心疲惫垂头丧气,这个过程中,这台“机器”把我嚼得几乎遍体鳞伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Feeling angry and dejected Iwaya returns home depressed, and most of all lonely. 感觉愤怒和沮丧岩屋回国沮丧,最重要的是寂寞。 vcddvd88.com 8. They laughed at order and at law, but the frown of power dejected, and the eye of wisdom abashed them. 他们嘲笑秩序和法律,但是强者皱眉,会使他们沮丧,在智者的目光下,他们会窘迫不堪。 dict.ebigear.com 9. The teacher often tell us not to be dejected when we are in trouble. 老师经常告诉我们遇到困难的时候,不要灰心。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. Why is she looking so dejected? 她为什么神情如此沮丧? 1. The window inside his house has all broken to pieces, and it seems makes man dejected. 他的房子里的窗户都碎了,看起来使人沮丧。 www.hotdic.com 2. I hope you will not feel dejected about me. 希望你不想对我感到失望。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We all left dejected. 我们都只剩下了沮丧。 www.bing.com 4. Think he looks a bit dejected, can not help but ask him Zehui Shi. 看他神色有点黯然,不禁问他咋回事。 www.bing.com 5. He was dejected to learn that he had failed the examination. 得知考试不及格,他便垂头丧气。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. when she felt dejected , she always told me and i would console her and make her happy. 当她心情不好的时候,她就告诉我,我会安慰她,并且给她带来快乐。 www.ichacha.net 7. "I didn't feel very well this year, " said one dejected delegate, rubbing his stomach, "so I didn't make any suggestions. " “今年我觉得不太舒服,”一名情绪低落的代表一边按摩胃部一边说。“所以我没有提交任何提案。” www.ftchinese.com 8. A competitor dressed as Superman looks dejected as he takes part in the Tough Guy 2010 race on January 31, 2010. 作为超人看起来沮丧,因为他发生在2010年的硬汉比赛的一部分2010年1月31日穿着一个竞争者。 08062788.blog.163.com 9. When all was ready for a start once more, the Mole, limp and dejected, took his seat in the stern of the boat; 等一切都安排停当,又要启航时,鼹鼠一瘸一拐、垂头丧气地坐到了船尾的座位上。 novel.tingroom.com 10. This dejected little chap didn't have a lot going for him. 这个垂头丧气的小家伙可谓是一无所有。 www.jfdaily.com 1. Because I do not understand, so I can not be who fell dejected, but not for who humiliate themselves. 因为我不懂,所以我不会为谁黯然神伤,更不会为谁作践自己。 www.bing.com 2. Harry was dejected when he did not get the job 哈里没有得到那个工作感到沮丧。 dict.ebigear.com 3. cheerless dejected disagreeable dismal gloomy melancholy painful reluctant 忧郁的,沮丧的,不快的 zhidao.baidu.com 4. to feel dejected after even a minor professional setback 工作上一点小挫折,就会让某人感到沮丧 blog.sina.com.cn 5. ah! 73 points! That won't happen, will it. Ruin! This was done! ( the home become dejected and despondent ) 啊!73分!不会吧!毁了!这次玩完了!(垂头丧气的回家) wenku.baidu.com 6. blinking, conveying only apathy. Dejected, Sarah turned 只有冷漠。感到十分沮丧,莎拉转过身,看向大厅的尽头。 www.bing.com 7. Industrial powerhouse left dejected after deficit soars to record level 财政赤字飙升,工业中心(日本)表现让人沮丧 www.bing.com 8. When they found him, he was a dejected young man, 他们找到他时,他是个沮丧的年轻人, www.hxen.com 9. The state of being dejected; low spirits 沮丧;情绪低落 old.bjerwai.com 10. Dejected by the awareness of being alone. See Synonyms at alone 因意识到独自一人而沮丧的参见 wenwen.soso.com 1. low depressed--Low in spirits; dejected 情绪低落的;沮丧的= edu.sina.com.cn 2. Paris dejected at Olympic loss to London 巴黎为申奥败给伦敦而沮丧 allwinworld.com 3. How come you look so dejected today 你今天看起来为什么这样沮丧 www.fgs.org.tw:81 |
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