单词 | be shocked | ||||||||||||||
释义 | be shocked
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 震惊,受到震惊,吃惊 1. Real estate investor Dave Lindahl drives a Ford Explorer and says his middle-class neighbors would be shocked to learn how much he's worth. 房地产投资商戴夫?林达驾驶一辆福特,据说,他的中产阶级的邻居如果在得知他的身价后都会大吃一惊; www.joyen.net 2. People had always found the bodies left in the early morning of the next day, and would be shocked by that. 当时的人们往往在一大清早发现这些袭击留下的鲜血淋漓的死尸,并被眼前的惨象深深震动。 www.elanso.com 3. When you get another metric to compare the numbers to, you can be shocked by how much they are off. 最终你要是用另外一种方法去比较这些经济数据,你也许会吃惊那些统计机构到底漏掉了多少。 www.bing.com 4. You will be shocked how much you can learn by asking these few simple questions at industry gatherings and meetings. 仅靠在行业聚会或会议上问这么一些简单的问题,你就会对自己所掌握的东西赶感到震惊。 www.bing.com 5. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. 在这两件事之间有几百个小步骤发生,有些根本无从察觉,每个小步骤都让你做好准备,不会被下一个小步骤震惊到。 www.bing.com 6. Yet this God is not accepted by men, so they have to be shocked into a recognition of their need for Him and the salvation He offers. 但人类并没有接纳这个神,因此,他们必须经历精神上的打击来认识到他们需要他,重视他所给予的灵魂拯救。 dongxi.net 7. You'd be shocked if I tell you how much. 说出来能吓你一跳。 www.hellomandarin.com 8. You will be shocked at how much you can tighten your prose without losing anything. 你会惊讶于没有任何损失的情况下文章能瘦身那么多。 www.bing.com 9. Do not be shocked to hear students calling professors by their first names. 对于学生直接称呼老师的名字也不要惊讶。 www.defedu.com 10. you might be shocked on how effective they can be and how much you can save on advertising by maximizing your design. 试着用用,他们所起的作用,通过优化您的设计就能节约很多广告费用,这些将震撼您! www.elanso.com 1. Later, after he had returned to England, he would be shocked to find that these very different birds were all finches. 后来,在他返回英国后,当他发现这些不同嘴的鸟都是雀类时,他感到非常的震惊。 www.bing.com 2. But He had to do it, otherwise we would not be shocked out of our sleep. We would think the world is forever or the Master is forever. 祂必须这么做,不然,我们不会从睡梦中惊醒,我们会以为世界是永恒的,或是一位明师是永久在世的。 sm2000.org 3. And if your mother wants to be shocked by something, DU, it ought to be that her son-the-grad- student had $5K to plunk down on a sex toy. 你妈非要觉得惊讶的话,DU[2],应该是她的研究生儿子居然买得起五千美刀的性工具这一点吧。 www.panstom.com 4. He would be shocked to hear the truth. 如果听到真相,他会震惊的。 baikedu.xmsss.com 5. Brace yourselves. You may be shocked by what I am about to tell you. 打起精神来吧,听我讲些事情,你可能会感到吃惊。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If the bird opens its wings and comes close to a tree or another wire, then it would be shocked and killed. 如果鸟儿张开翅膀,来到靠近树或另一条导线,那么这将是震惊和杀害。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Even if you got to a single branch, you might be shocked to learn that it only has three products. 即便是单个分支,您都将会惊讶地发现它只有三个产品。 www.ibm.com 8. Publicly, the G20's leaders would be shocked, shocked if anyone were to turn against open markets. 如果有人公然转而反对开放市场,G20的领导们会震惊。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The president does not need to read a leaked document on the internet to day to be shocked [by civilians casualties] . . . 总统没有必要去读那些那些网络上披露的文档,来对[平民伤亡]感到震惊…… www.bing.com 10. When you check your gauges, you'll be shocked to see that your tank is full! 如果要查看油表,你会惊奇地发现油箱是满的! blog.163.com 1. Don't pretend to be shocked: you know they're out there, and make up a large share of the G. O. P. caucus. 别假装惊讶了吧:你知道他们存在着,并组成了老大党(GrandOldParty,共和党的别称)核心的一大部分。 www.bing.com 2. Canadians may be shocked to hear this Communist country lacks the universal health care we enjoy. 这个共产主义国家居然没有我们享有的全民医疗服务,这可能令加拿大人感到震惊。 www.stnn.cc 3. But what if such a being were one day to turn around and love us back? We can only be shocked. 但是如果这样一个完人有一天决定来爱我们,那么将是怎样的情形?我们只能有些震惊。 www.hjenglish.com 4. So it's hard to be shocked when you see it all again, unfolding in real time on television and the Internet. 因此,当你在实时电视报道及互联网上再次看到这一切的时候就很难被震动了。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Ekman discovered that experienced Buddhists were less likely to be shocked, flustered, surprised or as angry as other people. 埃克曼发现有经验的佛教徒是很少可能被震撼,慌乱激动或同其它人们一样愤怒。 www.chinaufo.com 6. If the Trail Blazers finally reached the playoffs, then people would not be shocked by it? 如果开拓者最终杀入季后赛,那么会不会很让人感到震惊呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 7. While many bloggers expressed hostility towards Alexanyan, as many seemed to be shocked by such an attitude. 尽管许多部落客表达对Alexanyan的敌意,但许多也对这样的态度感到震惊。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. Her niece might not be shocked and revolted, by the knowledge of what her aunt had become; a prostitute; an outcast . 如果她的外甥女看破她姨母已经成为一个娼妓,一个受人唾弃的人物,她也一定不会惊骇,发生反感。 dict.wenguo.com 9. Still, even Rowe worries that the economy could be shocked if the cost of emitting carbon dioxide rises too quickly. 然而,连洛威也担心,如果排放二氧化碳的成本升高过快,经济可能会因此受到冲击。 www.showxiu.com 10. The spindle in the work process of chopping stems was bound to be shocked and vibration. 主轴在切碎茎杆的工作过程中,不免要受到一定的冲击和振动。 www.fabiao.net 1. Some of you may be shocked, appalled, understanding, or confused by my accepting of a 9-5 position. 关于我接受了9-5的位置,有的人可能会感到震惊、不解,或者有人也能理解。 www.bing.com 2. Man would be shocked at what recessive genes lie in wait in his genetics, waiting to express themselves. 人类将会对其基因中等待着表现自己的隐性基因感到震惊。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Sea before MaoGuo already heard the sea was beautiful legend, however real pulls up her mysterious veil, I still infected, to be shocked. 出海之前已经听说毛国的海美得传奇,然而真正撩起她的神秘面纱时,我还是被感染了,被震撼了。 en.cnxianzai.com 4. You must be shocked at what he said. 你肯定对他说的话感到震惊。 wenwen.soso.com 5. However, autocrats are sometimes so surprised when someone dares to stand up to them that they can be shocked into taking note. 然而,当有人敢站出来挑战他们时,独裁者们有时会感到非常惊讶,以至于可能会受到震动而予以注意。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable ? 假如我换一身更舒服的衣服你会觉得震惊吗?——《地狱天使》 blog.sina.com.cn 7. " Still, he says with a laugh, " it is better to be shocked at tight jeans than kill each other over mistrust. 不过,他笑着说,“最好是在较不信任对方杀过来紧身牛仔裤震惊。” www.englishtang.com 8. We forced the taxpayer to assume the losses, and now we are supposed to be shocked that it is not working out. 我们强迫纳税人去填补他们的损失,而现在当这个方法不见成效时,我们却不知所措了。 www.bing.com 9. Using verify code mechanism to preprocess the request of client , the database will not be shocked by baleful method. 采用验证码机制对用户操作进行预处理,有效的保证了数据库不会受到恶意行为的冲击。 www.showxiu.com 10. Americans may be shocked by these numbers, but for the rest of the world they fit a stereotype. 美国人可能会为这些数字感到震惊,但是对世界其它国家来说,这些就是美国的特色。 www.ecocn.org 1. Given that sector's travails, don't be shocked if one of those gets ushered out along with GM. 鉴于金融业的困境,如果有一家金融公司与通用汽车一起被踢出道指成份股,也不必感到震惊。 www.bing.com 2. try looking at some past test papers. This will help to prepare you for the exam so that you wouldn't be shocked at what's in the test. 在过去的一些尝试试卷看。这将有助于准备考试的你,让你不会在什么测试的震惊。祝您好运, wenwen.soso.com 3. It is the story of a man who learns things specific to his life that the audience can be shocked by and that he can hopefully rise above. 这是一个让观众为之震撼的男子的故事,他认识到自己的生活中特有的东西并满怀希望去超越。 www.elanso.com 4. Now, no one will be shocked if it is only two by 2020. 现在呢,如果到2020只有两座投入生产,也不会有人感到惊讶。 www.bing.com 5. I be shocked when people still holler in' at me. 我会惊讶于人们的好奇心。 www.eminem.cn 6. You may be shocked to read the following list and find some facts you never thought to question aren't actually true. 读到以下列出的事实时,你可能会感到很震惊,你会发现你从没想过质疑的事实根本不是真实的。 www.bing.com 7. He'll be shocked that not everyone shares his passion for grades, and he'll attribute that to American shallowness. 他会震惊地发现并非所有人都对成绩那么感兴趣,他会认为那是美国式的肤浅。 www.bing.com 8. But when you can look at the speed, quantity and quality of his translations, you would be shocked as to how anyone can do that. 但是如果你能看一下他翻译的速度、数量和质量,你就会吃惊怎么可能有人做到这样? xstuya.tianyablog.com 9. When you first begin this practice, you might be shocked. 当你第一次做这种练习时,你可能会感到震惊。 www.bing.com 10. It is the custom to be shocked by him, and he certainly is sometimes shocking. 一般人惊讶他荒谬绝伦,已成惯例;他有时候也的确是荒谬惊人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. So, an American may be shocked if a foreigner is very informal with him or her. 所以,美国人可能会很震惊,如果一位外国人对他或她很正式。 www.hxen.com 2. I mean, I have experiences that if I tell you you'll be shocked. (长时间的停顿)…我的意思是,我有一些如果告诉你,你一定会感到震惊的经验。 blog.163.com 3. As a result, you might be shocked or alternatively, you might feel liberated. 你会感到惊讶,或者会如释重负。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Would you be shocked if I change into something more comfoetable? 假如我变得温柔点你会觉得震惊吗? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Monkeys don't read specs to find out why they should be shocked. They turn red and put up a finger. 人们没有阅读规范来发现为何会受到震惊,他们只是涨红了脸,把手放在脸上。 www.ibm.com 6. That said, knowing him as I do from writing his autobiography, I'd be shocked if Yao left the Rockets. 说到这儿,如果姚明那时选择离开火箭的话,身为帮姚明写他的自传的作者,我将会感到十分吃惊。 www.niuguo.net 7. I think that people are going to be shocked because I believe that the military can be out front on this. 我相信美国军队可以成为支持清洁能源的先锋,我猜这个观点一定让大家感到震惊。 www.bing.com 8. I think that if I went out into the street now, and I told people what was happening there, they would be shocked. 假若我现在走出这个大堂,随意向一位路人告知南非现状,他会大吃一惊。 www.ted.com 9. Well, yes, but you'll be shocked to find out for whom it really matters. 答案是肯定的,不过,它到底对谁很重要,你会被结果震惊的。 www.bing.com 10. Mr Magnanti still professed to be shocked about his daughter's past. 马尼安蒂仍称对女儿的过去感到惊讶。 www.bing.com 1. William: Well, I told you that my colleagues would be shocked by me paying them compliments. 唔,我说过的,我的同事会被我突如其来的赞美给吓到。 www.remword.cn 2. When you finally open your eyes, you may be shocked at the obscured way you have been viewing the world to suit your own little plans. 最终睁开眼睛时,你可能大为震惊,没想到为了满足个人的小算盘,自己竟会这样模糊地看世界。 helen12811.blog.163.com 3. When this magnificent song rings, I often to be shocked. 当这雄壮的歌声响起时,我每每被震撼。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Trials are to be expected (1 Peter 4: 12). Yet we may well be shocked by the circumstances facing us. But God is never surprised! 试炼是意料中的事(彼得前书4章12节),然而我们遭遇的环境会让我们震惊。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. Historians will, I hope, be shocked that we let austerity bear down hardest on the young. 我希望历史学家,会被这样的事实所惊醒,那就是我们任由严峻的形式侵袭年轻一代。 www.bing.com 6. This was so they could not see their lack of a reflection and be shocked. 这样他就不会看到自己没有影子而受惊吓了。 www.chinaufo.com 7. i can tell you anything, and you won't be shocked. 我能够想你倾吐所有的心事而你绝不会吃惊。 www.xinkb.org 8. We will name the truth, we will expose what kept intentionally hidden - and you will be shocked. 我们会名称的真理,我们将揭露保持故意隐藏什么-你会感到震惊。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. And after you master this habit, you will be shocked how easy it is to move towards your goal. 当你养成了这种习惯,你会惊奇地发现朝目标前进是多么容易。 www.elanso.com 10. Next time when I try the dog biscuit, Stanley(dog's name) won't bite me because he will be shocked by the alarm given by the detector. 下次我尝狗饼干的时候,史坦利(狗名字)不会咬我了,因为它会被安全装置的警报器吓一跳。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. We know many of you will be shocked, but you must rapidly come into quietness and let your self help the others around you. 我们知道很多人将被震惊,但你必须迅速冷静下来,去帮助周围的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. You may be shocked at how many calories you're taking in, but it will help you identify areas for improvement. 可能你会被摄入的卡路里量吓一跳,但是这会帮助你改善饮食结构。 www.vo2max.com.cn 3. I think that people will be shocked because no-one's ever heard of a man giving birth before. 我想人们感到震惊,因为以前从来没人听说过一个男人生孩子。 movie.yeshj.com 4. Everyone around will be shocked by your English. 周围的人都会震惊于你的英语。 www.tingclass.com 5. I believe you must be shocked and need to have a good rest for recovery. 但我想你一定受了惊吓,需要休息一段时间。 club.pchome.net 6. Kids will say they studied and be shocked to get C's and B's. 孩子们会说他们学了,成绩却是“c”或“b”,感到很震惊。 qq163s.cn 7. Don't be shocked at their interests, even if they are guns or motorcycles! 即使他们喜欢枪炮或摩托车,也不必为之震惊。 bsxlm.com 8. If you saw a picture of Porto Velho then, you would be shocked. 如果你见过一张波多维柳的照片,你肯定会震惊。 www.bing.com 9. If Apple proves me wrong, I'll be shocked. 要是苹果用实际行动证明我错了,我可要跌破眼镜了。 www.bing.com 10. I would be shocked if you didn't. 如果你没看到,我会感到震惊的。 www.bing.com 1. So I wouldn't be shocked if I didn't spend my entire life at one company. 如果没有一辈子呆在一家公司,我可不会震惊。 wenwen.soso.com 2. You'd be shocked at how many unpleasant and costly situations arise from a failure to listen. 如果你听到由于不懂得聆听而导致的不愉快的情形有多少,你一定会感到震惊的。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. We should not be shocked that he is taking on big financial risks. 巴菲特正承受巨大的金融风险,对此我们不应感到震惊。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The world will be shocked if Apple doesn't reveal a tablet computer. 要是苹果发布这款平板式电脑,那才叫新闻。 www.ttxyy.com 5. If you haven't before, tinker a bit with letter spacing in your designs, and you'll be shocked by the difference it can make. 如果你以前没有在意,试试现在对你设计中的字符间距做一些调整,你会为调整后带来的不同而震惊。 www.bing.com 6. The world will be shocked if Apple doesn't reveal a computer. 要是苹果没有发布这款平板式电脑,那才叫新闻。 www.suiniyi.com 7. You'll be shocked and angry. . . we say in English that you take offence at their words - you take offence. 你会被镇住(觉得不可置信)或是被激怒--在英语中我们称之为“takeoffense”(觉得被冒犯了)。 t1.remword.cn 8. Not that we should be shocked. 不过我们不应该为此感到震惊。 www.bing.com 9. Certainly, such books are so ubiquitous in Japan that the visitor soon ceases to be shocked. 当然,这种书在日本随处可见,不久游客便已经见怪不怪。 www.ecocn.org 10. I had read the novel in English one time and watched the film twice with tears in my eyes unceasingly, my spirit be shocked completely. 我读过英文版的小说一遍,看了电影二遍,看后心情无比的沉重,太多的感叹在心头,泪流不止。 q.sohu.com 1. That is Christopher de Bellaigue's argument and many people will be shocked by it. 这是克里斯托弗?贝尔莱格的观点,也许很多人会对此感到震惊。 www.ecocn.org 2. But the admonishment is this: Don't be shocked when it returns. 但提醒的是:当冰川期回来时,不要被吓坏。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable? " --Jean Harlow, "Hell's Angels" , 1930 “假如我换一身更舒服的衣服你会觉得震惊吗?”--琼·哈罗,《地狱天使》。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Well, you'd be shocked at the state of things 是啊,你会被这样的事情吓到 zhidao.baidu.com 5. be shocked at his shooting at the shopkeeper 对于他开枪瞄准店主感到震惊 wenku.baidu.com 6. be shocked at his horrible face 对他可怕的脸感到震惊 wenku.baidu.com 7. Be shocked at sb's conduct 为某人的行为而吃惊 www.powerdict.com 8. be shocked to learn that 得知……很吃惊 www.bing.com |
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