单词 | dated |
释义 |
例句释义: 过时的,陈旧的,日期,开证日期,有日期的 1. There's also quite a bit of documentation within the Documentation subdirectory (though some of it is quite dated). 文档子目录中也有大量文档(尽管其中部分内容比较陈旧)。 www.ibm.com 2. I admit it's a little dated. I must be one of the last holdouts in switching to a newer model. 我承认,它是有点过时。我属于拒绝新型号的那类顽固分子中的一员。 www.kekenet.com 3. Someone asked me recently if I thought this book was dated, since it has been out for several years. 最近,有人问我是否认为这本书已经过时了,因为这本书从出版到现在已经有好几年时间了。 www.ibm.com 4. It was all the more surprising given the stellar performance two weeks ago of longer-dated bond auctions, which can be tougher to sell. 更令人意外的是,两周前较长期公债标售成绩也理想。 cn.reuters.com 5. "A few more results like that" in sales of long-dated Treasuries "should not bode well for the dollar, " he said. “若再有几次长债标售的结果像这样,对美元可不是好兆头。”他说。 cn.reuters.com 6. He and I dated for over a year, and when we broke up I thought my angst heart was going to spit itself right up out of my sore throat. 我和他约会了一年后当我们分手时我感觉到那颗痛苦的心都将从疼痛的喉咙里掉出。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. But others consider it dated, and this year it was edged out of a contest in India by two European planes, one of them the Typhoon. F-18在今年印度举行的一次竟标中落选,而由两家欧洲飞机竞逐,其中之一便是“台风”。 www.ecocn.org 8. I dated this girl for about three months. Every other word out of her mouth was a swear word. It ended up being a real turn-off. 我跟这个女孩子约会了三个月。从她口里说出的话几乎每隔一个字就是脏话,结果她真使人感到兴味索然。 imqun.com 9. In a later revision he used the word Jockey (that's dated around 1529) to mean "little man" of the dead Scottish king. 在之后的修订版中,他使用这个词Jockey(那大约可以追溯到1529年左右)来形容已故苏格兰君王的“卑鄙”。 www.bing.com 10. "It's a piece of history, " she said, noting that it dated from a time when "Napoleon was fighting in Egypt. " 她说:“这个啤酒杯见证了一段历史”,可追溯到“拿破仑攻打埃及”那个年代。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. How much demand these bonds would attract relative to short- and intermediate-dated debt, however, is questionable. 不过相比短期和中期券种,这些债券能吸引到多少需求是个问题。 cn.reuters.com 2. One important element of the flight from the USD has been a synchronous exit out of longer-dated US Treasury securities. 投资者由美元转向的一个重要因素是远期国债同步退场。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Peter Drucker's "Effective Executive" was written in 1966. It is a slim tome and easy to read, even if the language is a bit dated. 彼得·德鲁克《卓有成效的管理》一书著于1966年,该书笔调流畅,易于阅读,只是语言有些过时。 www.bing.com 4. (The Frisky) -- For about four years in my mid-twenties, I dated and lived with a guy who was as wrong for me as a double-breasted blazer. 在我二十五来岁左右的4年,我和一个和双排扣外套一样不适合我的男人生活、约会; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Some analysts said the rebound might be only a respite from the past week's sharp rise in longer-dated bond yields. 一些分析师表示,此次价格反弹可能只是暂时缓解了过去一周长期债券收益率急升的势头。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Really expose him, is dated for 5 years Welsh girlfriend. She found a real passport, Mark, and environmental groups told the brothers. 真正揭穿他的,是交往了5年的威尔士女友。她发现了马克的真实护照,然后告诉了环保团体的兄弟们。 www.englishtang.com 7. The factory can be dated back to 1990, was one of the specialized clothing producers with longer history among ZHEJIANG area. 厂始建于1990年,是浙江地区起步比较早的专业羽绒制品生产厂家之一。 www.tnc.com.cn 8. When he had seen them and was satisfied that the student's claim was true, he told him to write out an ante-dated application. 当他看到他们感到满意的是,学生的说法是真的,他说他写了宰前月申请。 www.zeiche.com 9. If you're like most stay at home parents your wardrobe may be a tad dated or just a bit too casual. 如果你和大部分呆在家里的父母一样,你的衣柜可能太孩子气了或者太随意了。 www.bing.com 10. What he might not be able to overcome is the dated nature of the musical. 对他来说,这部音乐剧复古怀旧的特性,也许才是他无法逾越的屏障。 kk.dongxi.net 1. I thought that you'd never see me as a woman your own age. I had to hear about all those girls you dated. 我猜你那时候从来没把我当成女人看,你跟我讲起每一个你约会的姑娘,还记得那个红头发的女孩吗? bbs.sfw-cd.com 2. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications do not apply. 对于过期的条款,后来的修正和更改都不再适用。 gatefanyi.com 3. Diana, in a big dress, was like a little girl. At the moment, nobody said it was dated. 戴安娜当时穿着一条大裙子,就像个小女孩。 www.bing.com 4. So now you can see why I might have made the comment about being odd never to have dated at least once. 所以现在你们该明白为什么我说一次也不约会是很奇怪的了吧。 www.bing.com 5. We have everything in common and dated happily for a year and a half. 我们有很多共同语言,幸福地相恋一年半了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Previous generations placed a premium on keeping a woman's number of men dated, and certainly sexual partners, to a minimum. 代上放置一个保险费之前坚持一个女人的数目的汉子,当然性伴侣,降到最低。 www.yo52.com 7. That wasn't the kind of guy I usually dated, but I had liked his voice on the phone and decided to keep an open mind. 他不是我通常约会的那种人,但是我喜欢他电话里的声音,于是就决定见见面再说。 www.bing.com 8. One consideration is the current extraordinary steepness of the yield curve, which serves as a sort of anchor for longer-dated Treasuries. 一个考虑因素是,收益率曲线——在某种程度上它指出了美国国债的长期走势——目前异常陡峭。 www.ftchinese.com 9. My Godmother who's Black dated a Koren guy for 5yrs, but he would not marry her because his parents wanted him to marry a Koren woman. 我的教母是黑人,和一个韩国人恋爱了五年。但他不愿娶她,因为他的父母希望他娶韩国女人。 blog.gxsky.com 10. Agatha Christie's world is not quite a real world, which is one of the reasons why her books have not become dated. 阿加莎·克里斯蒂的世界不是一个完全真实的世界,这就是她的作品还没有过时的原因之一。 rermione.blog.163.com 1. You should work with a good designer, who knows current trends and how to avoid anything ultra fashionable that will look dated in a year. 你应该与一个优秀的设计师,谁知道目前的趋势,以及如何避免任何超时尚的外观,将在一年过时。 wenwen.soso.com 2. I can meet someone in another state, and they end up being the best friend of the cousin of a guy I dated a year ago. 我可以和另一个国家和人见面,这个人居然是我一年前认识的一个朋友的我表弟是好朋友。 www.bing.com 3. The old car of theirs looks as if it dated from before the Flood. 他那辆旧车看起来好像是远古时代的玩意儿。 e.3edu.net 4. But the next afternoon Sara spoke to a few of her teammates, two of which I had previously dated. 然而就在第二天下午,萨拉把这个经历讲给了她的队友,其中还有两个我曾经约会过。 www.bing.com 5. When my boy friend broke up with me, I dated his best friend to get back at him. 当我的男朋友跟我分手后,我开始跟他最要好的朋友约会以作报复。 www.52zy.com 6. Some of these paintings were not able to be dated. 有些画的年代已经无从查考。 7. However, engraved designs for a candlestick dated the same year can be described as the earliest known example of the mature rococo . 但是,在同年制作的烛台雕刻设计,就能被形容为成熟洛可可的知名典范。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The drop is usually most extreme in longer-dated bonds, because low yields are locked in for a longer period of time. 长期债券收益贬值尤甚,因为低收益率会持续相当长的一段时间。 c.wsj.com 9. That began after the Fed announced in September that it would buy long-dated Treasuries in a move known as Operation Twist. 美联储今年9月宣布采取名为“扭转操作”(OperationTwist)的措施,买入长期国债,利率随之开始走低。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Those sorts of locations are perfect for finding organic matter which has been preserved for centuries, and can be dated and used for study. 因为那些地方是寻找有机物质的理想场所,这些有机物质保存了数个世纪,可用来断定年代及用于科学研究。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. In fact, Mister Obama told the gathering that Michelle probably would not have dated him if they had not agreed on Stevie Wonder. 实际上,奥巴马先生还告诉记者,如果他们同样喜欢史蒂夫·旺德,当年他妻子蜜雪儿也许就不会跟他约会。 www.unsv.com 2. Objective: To explore the new method of prolonging the long-dated result of rhytidectomy. 目的:探讨延长除皱手术远期效果的手术方法。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. Tepco said the condenser, which dated from the plant's construction, worked after the quake but eventually stopped. 东京电力说,这台冷凝器在地震后起过作用,但最后停止了运转。 c.wsj.com 4. They dated for 3 -4 years because his mother felt that it would affect his studies, thus they broke up, but they still remained as friends. 他们交往了3、4年,因为妈妈认为会影响学业故分手,现在仍保持友好关系。 blog.omy.sg 5. When Eric was in college, he dated a woman (Andrea) whom he described as "the love of my life. " 埃里克在上大学时,和一个女人安德里亚(Andrea)约会,他形容她是“我一生的爱”。 www.bing.com 6. In a status report to the WTO dated March 15, China said it had disagreed with the ruling but was working to comply. 在一份日期为3月15日向WTO的状态汇报中,中国声称它对裁定有异议但正努力遵守。 www.bing.com 7. When multimodal transport has occurred, is a transport document marked "received for shipment" and dated as of that date acceptable? 当多式运输发生时,运输单据注明“收妥待运”且注明的日期为收妥待运日期是否可以接受? www.10588.com 8. JULIE: I heard Dad's girlfriend ask if you'd dated anyone since the divorce, and Dad said he doubted it. And then they both laughed. 我听见爸爸的女朋友问你离婚之后有没有约会过谁,爸爸说他很怀疑,然后他们都笑了。 www.qzmama.org 9. However, they still faced problems of out- dated teaching methods, insufficient funding and a surplus number of graduates looking for jobs. 然而,他们仍然面临教学手段落后,资金不足,以及毕业生过剩,难以找到工作的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Believe me, if I knew she was my cousin we never would have dated. 相信我,如果我知道她是我的表妹的话我们绝不会约会的。 bbs.tufe.cn 1. The postcard is dated 1916 and bears a cartoon picture of a newly-recruited soldier on the front. 明信片日期是1916年,前面画了一个刚刚应征入伍的士兵的卡通形象。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I wondered if Henry and Gates had really dated and, if so, whether any tension of either the good or bad sort lingered between them. 我很好奇,亨利和盖茨是否约会过,如果是,那么他们之间有没有一种或好或坏的纠结。 www.bing.com 3. Thank you for your letter dated yesterday, advising us of your remittance. 谢谢你昨日通知我方汇款一事的来函。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. I dated a sugar pine once, just to spruce things up. She turned out to be a birch, nice ash though. 我曾经为了打扮,和一棵糖松约会过。结果她是一棵桦树,好在它的灰烬还算不错! zhidao.baidu.com 5. Indeed, the new Army Field Manual on this type of combat, dated June 30, 1942, is called Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier. 事实上,1942年6月30日新出的关于徒手格斗的陆军战地手册的名字就叫“美国士兵徒手防卫”。 www.biodic.cn 6. Posts are an essential part of a blog and where you communicate with your readers through dated entries. 张贴内容是博客的基本组成部分,在此可通过带有日期的条目与读者交流。 office.microsoft.com 7. Analysis of the green paint in a small Roman landscape painted by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and dated to 1826 showed it to be viridian. 让-巴蒂斯特-卡米尔·柯罗在1826年画的一幅小幅罗马风景画,上面的绿色颜料经过科学分析被证明是铬绿色。 www.ecocn.org 8. The report, dated 19 August, was posted to a regional news website and appeared not to have been widely circulated. 这则19日发布的简报发在一家地方新闻网站上,没有广为传播。 www.bing.com 9. The ice cores pulled up at WAIS will be dated by counting back these seasonal layers as if they were tree rings. 所以,在这里挖出的冰核都能像树木年轮那样按季节数出年份来。 www.bing.com 10. "Broker-dealers were very reliant on short-dated funding, " said Jan Loeys, head of global asset allocation at JP Morgan in London. “经纪交易商极度仰赖短天期融资。”伦敦JP摩根全球资产配置主管JanLoeys表示。 cn.reuters.com 1. All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first. 所有食品需用保鲜膜或合适的盖子封好保存,并由制作者或最初使用者制作标签,注明日期。 9djob.com 2. Natalie had never dated a woman before, much less announced she was going to marry one. Natalie之前从未与女性约会过,也没有宣布自己将要结婚。 www.bing.com 3. i. A document may be dated prior to the issuance date of the credit, but must not be dated later than its date of presentation. i. 单据的出单日期可以早于信用证开立日期,但不得迟于信用证规定的提示日期。 wenwen.soso.com 4. I was looking forward to a lot of things. I haven't dated or had sex in almost two years, but I figured that would come. 我对很多事情都充满了向往。差不多有两年的时间,我没有约会,没有性生活,但我认为这一切都会到来。 www.bing.com 5. Keep a dated record of what you experience. You might want to set up a recorder to to be used during a session. 记录你每天所经历之事。你会希望在会议期间设置一架录音机来使用。 chinaufo.com 6. Has a change in business strategy made your brand dated or out-of-step with your new customers? 经营策略的转变是否使您的品牌过时或脱离了新客户? art.kaola.cn 7. Overall, however, it brings to mind one of those Chinese-made cars that superficially resembles a dated Japanese or western marque. 但总体来看,它让人联想到一辆外观仿照日本或西方过时车型的中国造汽车。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Serve as preeminent company collect the ground, do pioneering work board the long-dated target that will be a company. 作为优秀企业的聚集地,创业板将会是公司的远期目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It is our pleasure to be able to service you with goods indicated on your order no. 476, dated. . . 我们公司很高兴能与你提供你在编号476订单(开具日期为…)上列出需要的货物。 www.ef.com.cn 10. On Wall Street, stocks ended lower while prices for long-dated government bonds rallied. The U. S. dollar strengthened against the euro. 在华尔街方面,股市收盘下跌,而长期美国公债上涨.美元兑欧元走升。 cn.reuters.com 1. Of those who dated a co-worker in the last year, a third said it was someone with a more senior position in the company. 去年那些和同事约会的人们,三分之一的人说约会是和公司的上级。 bbs.24en.com 2. According to the operator's log entry dated 09 Sep 1947, the moth was the "First actual case of [a] bug being found [in a computer]. " 根据操作员在1947年9月9日所做的日志记录,这只虫子是“(在计算机中)发现的第一个bug”。 www.ibm.com 3. All harnesses inspection shall be documented and a dated inspection sticker shall be attached to the harness. 所有安全带的检查必须存档备查,检查日期可用帖纸标注在安全带上。 ak01.com 4. I've dated models, I've dated actresses and I've dated nice, normal, regular girls as well. 我跟模特儿约会了,跟演员约会了,我还跟又好又正常的女性的约会过。 www.ebigear.com 5. All document is up to date. out-dated document have been removed immediately. 所有文件都是更新过的,旧文件已及时清理。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Even the freshest information of his whereabouts dated back to the middle of the decade. 即使十年中不断有关于他在哪里的消息。 www.bing.com 7. It shall not be modified except by a written agreement dated subsequent to the date of this Agreement and signed by both parties. 它不得修改,除非以书面协议的日期晚于本协议日期,并由双方签署。 wenwen.soso.com 8. It would also be wise to check the engine control module (ECM) software version and have it up-dated if necessary. 另一个便捷的方法是检查引擎控制模式(ECM)软件版本,必要的话,把它更新一下。 www.51lunwen.org 9. any alterations on the bills of lading have to be stamped, countersigned and dated by the shipping company. 提单上的任何修改都要由船公司盖章,会签,署名日期。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 10. Seriously, I dated this guy and I was astounded at how content he was just living his life in this closed-off little box. 真的,我以前交的一个男朋友,我总是惊异他居然能够如此安于现状,活在自己狭小的盒子里。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. In addition, life assurance companies are mopping up longer-dated bonds in an attempt to match their assets and liabilities. 此外,寿险公司也大举买进期限较长的国债,以求实现资产和债务的匹配。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Dated from the ancient time, people were used to acquire the individual benefits by the way of flattering their supervisors. 自古以来,擅长“拍马屁”的大有人在,从“拍马屁”中获得个人利益的同样大有人在。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. insist on delivery within the time dated , and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later. 我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若迟交则保留拒收的权利。 www.jukuu.com 4. A Kremlin spokesman said the program, dated February, hasn't been officially approved. 克里姆林宫一名发言人说,该计划制定于2月份,目前尚未被正式批准。 chinese.wsj.com 5. With that Dr. Laurent opened a drawer and withdrew a typed letter. He dated it by pen and handed it to me. 同时,他拉开一个抽屉,取出了一封打印好了的信,在上面签上日期,然后递给了我。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The prosperity of Hangzhou can be dated back to as early as the Song Dynasty (1127-1279), when it was a capital city. 杭州是宋朝(1127-1279)的首府,其时到如今一直保持着繁荣的状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. All documents should be dated and any document issued prior to the date of this documentary credit is not acceptable. 所有文件应注明日期和任何证件的签发日期之前,这跟单信用证,是不能接受的。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In a next step, you could buy longer-dated government bonds, which would reduce long-term interest rates. 下一步,你可以购买长期政府债券,这将推低长期利率。 www.ftchinese.com 9. She was an interior designer who only dated A-list guys. 她是一位室内设计师,只跟上层人物约会。 www.kekenet.com 10. "Mr. Murphy and Ms. Brown dated very briefly and never made any plans of ANY sort, " the statement said. “墨菲先生及布朗女士的信很简单,并没有提出任何计划,任何形式的,”声明说。 www.sjgcz.cn 1. Karl was a guy I'd dated for two years. He still looked lovely and soon we were flirting. 他看上去还像以前一样可爱,很快我们就开始调情了。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The couple dated on and off47 for nearly two years, but she says they broke up for good48 this time. 这一对分分合合持续了近两年,但希拉里说这次是永远分手了。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. It would restrict the maturity of such bills to less than 30 days to avoid interfering with Treasury's longer-dated issuance. 它可以将债券的到期日限定在30天以内,以免搅和了财政部发行的时间更长的国债。 www.ecocn.org 4. The funding crisis in public-sector pensions is, in large part, the result of post-dated cheques written by politicians in the past. 在很大程度上,公共部门养老金资金危机的罪魁祸首是往日政客们开出的远期支票。 www.ecocn.org 5. We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10th this month, from which we know that you wish to have our offer for Men's Shirts CIF Dalian. 我们确认收到您本月十号的来信,并得知道您希望得到男士衬衣CIF大连的报价。 blog.163.com 6. I told him that another man dated me out, This is an extreme chance to make Mike jealous, but he do nothing with it. 我告诉她另一个男人约我出去,这是一个绝好的让Mike吃醋的机会,但是什么都没有。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. The oldest parts of the castle have not been definitively dated, but the first written record of the castle is in 1005. 城堡的最古老部份还没有被公开,对城堡的第一笔书面记录是在1005年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Pride also is what filled my planner with the long list of guys I dated for two weeks after, most of whom I met on dating Web sites. 自尊心同样导致我在备忘录上列出了一长串两周后我要约会的人名,他们中的大多数人都是我在交友网站上认识的。 www.bing.com 9. Some of the bottles served dated back to 1959, and many were the last remaining ones of their kind. 宴会上的一些酒年份远至1959年,其中有不少是当世仅存的珍品。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Documents shall be considered valid only if initialed or signed and dated for final approval by the authorized personnel. 只有经授权人员编制,或签名和注明日期以便最终核准的文件,才被视为有效文件。 www.366translation.com 1. He offered this clever (if now slightly dated) example: think of an executive arriving at Heathrow airport on a Virgin Atlantic flight. 他举了一个聪明的例子(如果现在看来有点过时的话):假设一位高管乘坐英国维珍航空公司(VirginAtlantic)的航班抵达希思罗机场(HeathrowAirport)。 www.ftchinese.com 2. When we dated, two hours was not enough for you to sing the songs that you knew. 还记得当我们约会的时候,两个小时都不够你唱完你所知道的歌。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The times of existence of the various hominid shown in the chart above are based on dated fossil remains. 在时代的图表显示了不同的原始人类的存在是基于上述日期为化石。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Papercutting is a unique art, which may benefit from the fact that paper is invented by Chinese and dated back to ancient Chinese. 剪纸是一项中国独有且历史悠久的民间艺术,可以追溯到造纸时代。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Within our fixed income portfolios, we continue to see the outlook for US$ longer-dated bonds as unexciting . 定息投资组合方面,我们持续认为美元长期债券的前景并不吸引。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The bank management's response, in a document dated February 18th, is also contrite. 世界银行管理层于2月18日发文对此事做出的回应亦表露悔意。 club.topsage.com 7. Besides, the idea of praying for knitting skill sounds utterly out-dated, let alone having any sense of romance. 而且,祈求获得针织等手艺的想法早已过时,更不用说有什么浪漫的感觉了。 dajiawang.blog.163.com 8. He was a former industrial-arts teacher whom my mother dated off and on for much of my childhood. 他以前是教工业艺术的老师,在我童年的记忆中,他和妈妈总是分分和和。 www.bing.com 9. Wavy hair dated two years ago and all the girls now long to have beautiful straight black hair. 波浪式的头发早在两年前就过时了,现在姑娘们都希望自己有一头乌黑亮丽的直发。 www.jukuu.com 10. You know what? No, that's not true. You make it sound like I've never dated. 知道吗,不是那样的,你搞得好像我没有约过会试的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The heating system is dated and most rooms are either like an oven or a fridge with nothing much in between. 这家酒店的当务之急就是推陈出新。供暖系统已经过时了而大多数房间要么就像一个烤箱要么就像一个什么都没有的冰箱。 www.taskcn.com 2. These records should be numbered with a unique batch or identification number, dated and signed when issued. 批记录在发放时应当有一个唯一的批号或标识号,有日期和签名。 zhuyujiao1972.blog.163.com 3. The couple, who have dated for five years, were veteran panda aficionados and by chance had been at the zoo the day Tai Shan was born. 这对儿恋人,已经相恋五年了,是老资格的熊猫狂热爱好者,而且碰巧的是在泰山出生的那天他们两都来了动物园。 www.douban.com 4. There is no evidence to suggest that there can be turning back to out-dated technology. 无证据表明我们能够回复到过时落后技术的年代 bbs.gter.net 5. It even pre-dated the famous modern English cinemas in London's Leicester Square (1937). 它甚至比伦敦莱斯特广场上著名的现代电影院(1937年)还要超前。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He hadn't dated since he'd been back here, hadn't met anyone who remotely interested him, It was his own fault, he knew. 他自从回到这里后就没有约过会了,也没遇见能引起他丝毫兴趣的人。他知道这是他自己的错。 www.bing.com 7. The receipt books you use must be dated and each receipt must be numbered with a printed number. 您使用的收款凭单簿一定是标日期的,并且必须编号每张收据与一个打印的数字。 wenwen.soso.com 8. He hadn't dated Robin very long, only a few weeks, and had never really understood her. 他跟罗宾拍拖没多久,只有几个星期,并且从未真正了解过他。 www.bing.com 9. Rooms are comfortable, if a little dated. Breakfast is great but apart from that food in the hotel is less than average. 如果房间不那么现代气息的话,那就更舒适了。早餐很非富只是食物比一般的要少一些。 www.taskcn.com 10. She said she and Murphy dated for four months in 2006 before mutually deciding to have a child. 她说,她和墨菲月四个月,在2006年之前,双方决定要孩子。 www.sjgcz.cn 1. Lou Jiwei, chairman and chief executive, said in a foreword dated in July that the fund had a "cautiously positive outlook" for 2011. 年报的序言部分提到了中投董事长兼首席执行官楼继伟7月份说的一句话,即中投对2011年的投资前景“持谨慎乐观态度”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Shipping Documents evidencing shipment must not be dated earlier than the date of opening of this credit. 装运单据所显示的装运日期不能先于本信用证的开证日期。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. But it has also provoked bitter controversy after scientists carbon-dated it to the Middle Ages. 但在科学家以碳元素测定它实为中世纪的产物之后,随即引发了一场激烈的争论。 www.bing.com 4. When she was looking through the drawers, she saw an insurance policy, dated from the day they got married, with the beneficiary being her. 当老夫人清理抽屉时,发现了一张保险单。保险日期从他们结婚之日算起,而受益人是她。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. With it shall come your release from being dependant on out dated methods of travel, medicine and food production. 随着它,你们将从依赖这些过时的旅游方式,药品和食品生产中解脱出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A receipt is signed and dated by the person receiving the money or by a person authorized to act for him. 收据由收款人或被授权代理他的人签字并注明日期。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Vix represents the short-dated end of that curve. Vix指数表示该曲线的短期极限值。 www.ecocn.org 8. balance and any value dated adjustment will not be considered for this computation. 平衡和任何值月调整不会认为这样的计算。 translate.google.cn 9. If any fork in the tree can be linked to a historical event, all the other branch points can be dated. In this case, Mr. 如果这颗树上的任何一支可以与一个历史事件联系起来,那么就能推断所有其他分支点的时间。 www.bing.com 10. But he was also an artist: he studied calligraphy, dated Joan Baez, and actually understood what could make a phone sexy. 但他同时是一个艺术家:他研习书法,与琼.贝兹约会,还懂得如何让手机变得性感。 www.bing.com 1. The tradition could be dated from his grandfather was young. 这一传统是从他祖父年轻时开始的。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. My dad is a real old duffer with such out-dated ideas, but I love him anyway. 我老爸可真是个老笨蛋,有这么过时的想法,不过不管怎样我都爱他。 www.oxford.com.cn 3. Use the example to no longer suit to is test system, these tests would be dated with the example. 用例不再适合被测试系统,这些测试用例就会过时。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. This fact is boasted via multiple signs and newspaper clippings around the dated restaurant. 这一事实是通过多种迹象和周围餐厅的简报所体现出来的。 www.bing.com 5. I started to apply to American universities after we dated each other online for a while. 在网上约会了一段时间后,我便开始申请美国的大学。 www.i21st.cn 6. With the iPad, smartphones have already begun to feel dated. 智能手机?有了iPad,智能手机已经又开始显得过时了。 www.bing.com 7. Because your prices are higher than those of our previous suppliers, we cannot make use of your offer dated . . . 由于贵方价格高于我方以前的供货商,因此我方无法接受你方…日的报盘。 www.szdave.com 8. According to the age of the grave, archaeologists determined that these slips could be dated prior to 278 BCE. 考古学家根据墓葬的年代,判断竹简本的成书不会晚于公元前278年。 www.nlc.gov.cn 9. If the record is copied, it should be so noted in a dated entry in the chart. 如果病历是复制件,则需要在在表单上注明日期。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Financially speaking, China is in effect entering massive, long-dated commodities futures contracts. 从经济角度讲,中国实际上是买进了大量远期大宗商品期货合约。 www.ftchinese.com 1. My best friends dated to have lunch in my home on last sunday, so i wished to prepared for it early. 我最好的朋友约好上周日到我家吃午饭,因此我想早做准备。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "Please help me get them back, '' one user wrote in a post dated Saturday. " All my kids' info and pictures are in there! '' 一位名叫“Zacgore”周六时发帖表示:“请帮我将这些邮件恢复回来,我孩子的所有信息和照片都在那里面呢。” www.bing.com 3. All coupons must be signed and dated by the customer to be valid. 所有的优惠券必须有签名和日期由客户有效。 usa.315che.com 4. Objective To observe the autofluorescence of dated fundus hemorrhage excited by the excitation light with different wavelength. 目的观察不同波长光线激发的陈旧性眼底出血的自身荧光现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. On a tablet dated from the first year of Cyrus, Cambyses is called king of Babel. 在一块来自居鲁士统治第一年的写字板上,冈比西斯被称为巴别的国王。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. An intended goal of the Fed buying of long-dated securities is to make carry trades less profitable for banks, analysts said. 分析师称,美联储购买较长期公债的目的之一是令银行利差交易的获利减少。 cn.reuters.com 7. The church, which dated back to the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago. 那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Closing entries are journalized, and dated, only at the end of each accounting period . 结帐凭证仅在每个会计期末记录,并被标注日期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Targeting particular measures of money supply, bank lending (as Japan did) or long-dated gilt yields is tricky. 以特定的货币供应措施、银行贷款(如日本)或长期英国国债收益率为目标,将会非常棘手。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Government bonds have been the safe-haven investment in the current environment, particularly the short dated government bonds. 政府债券一直是在当前环境下的投资避风港,尤其是短期政府债券。 www.hsbcjt.cn 1. Reviews personnel policies, procedures and practice. Recommends changes, modification or up-dated information to the related people. 研究有关人事方面的政策规定以及相关操作程序与惯例。如有改动、变更或最新规定,及时汇报。 www.tourjob.net 2. This proposal must be reviewed, signed, stamped and dated by a duly authorized Director. 本投保书必须经由投保人授权的董事的确认、签名、盖章并注明日期。 wenku.baidu.com 3. I've double dated with you. I see what you do to those girls in the backseat. 我已和你参加过两对男女的约会,我了解你是如何对待那些坐在后座的女孩子 www.bing.com 4. This could include a past catalog, special mailing, a dated price list or evidence of identical work for a past customer. 这可能包括过去的目录,特别邮寄,注明日期的价目表或为过去的客户相同工作的证据。 www.good2.com 5. "Be bullish, while valuations still look undemanding, " Liu said in a report dated yesterday. “要看多,尽管估值看起来并不轻松,”刘在昨天的一份报告中提到。 www.bing.com 6. Entering a start date of 09 indicates that you want documents dated no earlier than the ninth day of the current month in the current year . 如果输入的起始日期是09,则表示您需要当前年份中当前月份第9天之后的文档。 www.bing.com 7. e. g. Dated back to the 12th century it stands two hundred twenty-five feet tall and is the focal point of the city. 这座建筑建于12世纪,高达225英尺,是整座城市的焦点。 video.2u4u.com.cn 8. To be signed and dated by the applicant in the presence of the examining doctor. 请在体检医生在场的情况下签名,和日期。 dir.tigtag.com 9. Carved pumpkins abound this Halloween season, but a decorated gourd dated to 1793 may be the spookiest of them all. 每每到了万圣节的时候,家家户户到处是雕刻的南瓜灯,但是一只1793年的有花纹的葫芦可能比它们都要神秘莫测。 www.bing.com 10. Oil traders, companies' executives and analysts are split over the reasons for the rapid rise in long-dated prices. 对于远期合约石油价格快速上涨的原因,石油交易商、企业高管和分析师们仍存在分歧。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Colonel Parr was only too happy to oblige and wrote out a certificate to the effect that the officer was alive, dated it and gave it to him. 帕尔上校很乐意的写了证明书,说那军官仍然在生,然后写上日期,交给他。 forum.bomoo.com 2. BEIJING - Having dated for three years, Wang Zhijun and his girlfriend decided to tie the knot. 北京-经过三年过时,王智钧和他的女友决定把结同心。 bbs.zg163.net 3. Charcoal samples found in the tombs of Nekhen, which were dated to the Naqada I and II periods, have been identified as cedar from Lebanon . 发现于纳肯墓穴的木炭标本,测定年代为涅伽达一世和二世时期,已经被鉴定为是来自黎巴嫩的雪松。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Snapshots would be taken of each ranking, dated and put into report as image. 快照会被占便宜,每个排名,并作为图像月提出的报告。 www.bing.com 5. Interior: lobby feels like a communist era hotel, and is very dated, as are the rooms. 内部:大堂感觉象共产主义时期的酒店,太过时了,客房也是一样。 weike.taskcn.com 6. But coronary heart disease and dated sex myocardial infarction is not operation contraindication disease. 但是冠心病及陈旧性心肌梗塞并不是手术禁忌症。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. Totem, a mutual cultural phenomenon in human history, can be dated back to early civilization. 图腾信仰发生于文明早期,是人类历史上共有的文化现象。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Bill of lading to show shipped on Board. which must be dated and Authenticated by the shipping company or their agents. 提单要显示为已装船。而且要经过船运公司或者其代理标记日期和认证。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. First, some of the main conclusions are based on data that looks a bit dated. 首先,该报告中一些主要结论所依赖的数据已经有些过时了。 cn.wsj.com 10. The ravenous market appetite for long-dated assets spread across the fixed-income asset spectrum. 市场对较长期资产的强劲买兴蔓延至各类固定收益资产。 cn.reuters.com 1. all documents including transport documents dated prior to issuance date of this credit are not acceptable. 全部文件,包括运输单据的日期之前,发行日期,这个信用是不能接受的。 zhidao.baoliaoguan.com 2. Fossils embedded in or between the volcanic layers can thus be dated by this method with great accuracy. 火山岩层间夹合的化石层可使这种测定年龄的方法极为精确。 www.bing.com 3. China and India are two ancient civilizations. The culture interaction between two countries can be dated back into ancient time. 中印两国同属世界文明古国,两国之间的文化交流可以追溯到古代。 www.kekenet.com 4. A corollary of the emergence of SWFs is less demand for the conservative allocation of dollars and short-dated Treasuries. SWF出现带来的一个必然结果,就是对美元和短期美国国债这种保守配置的需求减少了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Secondly, long-dated goal is to use advanced theory to rebuild and transform administrative interpretation. 远期目标是运用先进理论重构行政解释,改造行政解释。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. As an integrated oil giant, Petrochina Co. Ltd (PTR)'s refineries were largely out-dated (straight cracking). 作为综合石油巨头,中石油(PTR)的工厂为老式炼油厂(直通裂解)。 www.bing.com 7. fill , sign , dated this form . name of account must be identical to that in your local phone bill. 请填写此表格,并签字及注明日期。帐户您的名字必须和您当地电话帐单名字完全一致。 www.ichacha.net 8. The subpoenas, dated Sept. 22, have identified six financial institutions the SEC believes may have been subject to such manipulation. 9月22日进行的传唤已经确定6家SEC认为可能存在这类操纵行为的金融机构。 www.bing.com 9. It clearly shows clerics holding up the shroud and is dated to around 100 years before Leonardo was born. 纪念章上清楚地显示神职人员举起裹尸布,那是在达·芬奇出生之前约100年的年代。 www.bing.com 10. The research marks the first time any of the cremation burial sites from Stonehenge have been radiocarbon dated. 这项研究也是史前巨石群火葬墓地第一次接受放射性碳年代测定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit. 我问,没有一个会采用,那份报告的标注日期差不多是在我访问前一年的。 www.huaxia-ng.com 2. Allow sufficient mailing time. Do not send in post-dated cheque or cash . 请预留足够邮递时间,切勿邮寄期票或现金。 www.bing.com 3. He's a bachelor by choice. Sometimes his own, but mostly the choice of the women he's dated. 他之所以单身事出有因。有时那是他自己选择,而绝大多数时候则是那些他所约会的女人的选择。 wenku.baidu.com 4. In Mexico a quarter of the long-dated local debt is held by foreigners. 墨西哥四分之一的长期本地债务是有外国人持有的。 www.bing.com 5. Designs are sometimes dated and signed by the artist upon completion of the work, which may take years to finish. 图案有时候是陈旧的和有个人艺术风格特征,完成它也许需要几年的时间。 www.ebigear.com 6. Drafts, transport documents and insurance documents must be dated even if a credit does not expressly so require. 即使信用证没有明确要求,汇票、运输单据和保险单据也必须注明日期。 www.showxiu.com 7. Taking into account similar tombs found in Guangxi and other regions, this tomb can be dated back to the Ming or Qing Dynasty. 考虑发现的类似广西等地区的坟墓,这座古墓可以追溯到明朝和清朝。 www.kekenet.com 8. I have never been with or dated an Oriental woman but Someone told me they make the best wives in the world. 我从未与一位东方女性谈过恋爱或约会过,据说她们会是世界上最好的妻子。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. However, the view that the supply - demand imbalance for long-dated bonds will persist indefinitely may soon face more questioning. 然而,认为美国长期国债供需失衡局面将长期存在的观点,可能很快将面临更多质疑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Haircuts vary from less than 1% for the safest and most liquid government bonds to 18% for some long-dated asset - backed securities. 垫头从1%(安全性最高、流动性最好的政府公债)到18%(长期的资产支持证券)不等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. To guarantee your booking, please advise us of your credit cart number and dated of valid advance in. 为了确保您的订房,请将您的信用卡号及有效期限通知我们,或预付壹晚的房租作订金。 www.cn9f.com 2. It just doesn't do anything to set itself apart from what's on the road today, and its look is dated. 这只是没有任何设置除了本身有什么道路上的今天,它的外观的日期。 usa.315che.com 3. My mother saw him when he was in town, but she dated other men, including a car salesman. 父亲在城里时,母亲见到了他,但当时她还与其他男人约会,其中一个是汽车销售商。 dict.ebigear.com 4. All information must be signed, dated originals and traceable to the initiators. 所有材料都必须签名、具有原件签署日期,发起人具追溯性。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. At the moment, nobody said it was dated. 那时没人说她这么穿过时了。 www.bing.com 6. In October, the central bank raised longer-dated loan rates by less than long-term deposit rates. 央行在10月份上调较长期贷款利率的幅度,就低于上调长期存款利率的幅度。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Only a few 1909-dated Lincoln cents were minted before public outcry got the initials removed from this spot forever. 1909年只有少数过时林肯美分,铸造了之前舆论哗然从这个地方永远删除缩写。 www.ttbuy168.com 8. This dated back to a period of solar instability coinciding with the early evolution of life on Champala. 这可归结于在一个时期内恒星活动不稳定与查姆帕拉星生命早期进化恰好同期所致。 www.starwarschina.com 9. When the models become dated, teams often abandon them, failing to take advantage of their code-generation capability. 当模型过时后,团队常常抛弃,未能利用它们的代码生成能力。 www.ibm.com 10. But expect more talk of buying long-dated Treasurys, as it tries to force down consumer borrowing costs. 但随着美联储试图降低消费者借贷成本,预计将会更多地考虑购买长期国债。 www.ebigear.com 1. The first, dated 1880, is of a wide-eyed teenager eager to absorb everything. 这第一幅油画是1880年的作品,画中人是一个张大眼睛的青少年,渴望着吸收世上一切事物。 www.ecocn.org 2. The outperformance of longer maturities narrowed the difference in their rates with shorter-dated debt, or flattened the yield curve. 长债表现出众,令其同短债的收益率差收窄,即收益率曲线趋平。 cn.reuters.com 3. The earliest dated domestic examples were made of oak in 1666 for the diarist Samuel Pepys. 1666年为日记作家丕普斯制造的橡木书橱,被认为是英国最早的书橱。 tr.bab.la 4. When she was looking thru the drawers , she saw this insurance policy, dated from the day they got married, beneficiary is her. 当她拉开抽屉,看到一份保险单,日期是从他们结婚时就开始的,受益人居然是她。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. General prognosis has compared posture sex hypertension, without long-dated and undesirable consequence. 体位性高血压一般预后都比较好,没有远期不良后果。 www.ylsw.com 6. The State applies an elimination system for out-dated equipment that produces serious environmental noise pollution. 第十八条国家对环境噪声污染严重的落后设备实行淘汰制度。 www.chinalawedu.com 7. During these years, I dated, got married, got divorced, and dated a bit more. 在这些年里,我与人约会,结婚,离婚,再与更多的人约会。 www.bing.com 8. The history of brand in China can be dated to the form of the direct selection of auspicious pictures and titles. 我国的商标历程是以直接选用吉祥图案或直接取源于吉祥用语的形式而开始的。 www.fabiao.net 9. Thus any rock found bearing these index fossils can be dated fairly accurately as belonging to their proper period in history. 因此凡是发现含有这类标准化石的岩石就可以相当精确地断定它们在地质史上属于某个相应时代。 www.jukuu.com 10. Mr Draghi led Italy's privatisation programme and fostered a market for longer-dated government bonds, which helped reduce borrowing costs. 基拉德领导了意大利的私有化计划并且促成了长期政府债券市场,这对减少借款费用很有帮助。 www.ecocn.org 1. Euro zone banks currently have access to unlimited shorter dated liquidity from the ECB, allowing them to meet capital requirements. 欧元区银行业者目前可从欧央行无限量获取较短期流动性,用来达成资本要求。 cn.reuters.com 2. Attractive women have usually dated a lot of men. 迷人的女性通常会跟很多男人约会。 www.bing.com 3. Ms. Xu was also rumored to have dated the satirical novelist Wang Shuo. 徐静蕾还被传曾与讽刺小说家王朔交往过。 blog.163.com 4. Out-dated facilities, training lack drivers and bad classification and delivery procedures will result in not credible service. 过时的设备、缺乏培训的司机和糟糕的分类与配送流程可能导致不可靠的服务。 img3.zhubajie.com 5. He dated at least five girls last semester. 他上学期至少跟五个女孩约会过。 paper.i21st.cn 6. The female models were beautiful; he dated a few and fell partially in love with one before she moved to Paris and they drifted apart. 女模特儿都很漂亮,他同几个有过几次约会,影影绰绰爱上了其中一个,后来她到巴黎去了,他们就此分道扬镳。 tr.bab.la 7. They were found in Gough's Cave in Somerset, England, and are the oldest directly dated skull-cups known, based on radiocarbon analysis. 这些杯子是在英格兰萨默塞特郡的高夫洞穴发现的,根据发射性碳素检测室迄今为止所知的最早的头骨杯子。 www.bing.com 8. NARRATOR: The global economy rested on institutions that dated back to the end of the second world war. 旁白:全球经济依靠的是早在第二次世界大战结束时制定的制度基础上。 www.dzxsw.com 9. Things like, "What would it be like if I dated this person? " 就像,“如果我约了这个人会怎样呢?” hi.baidu.com 10. So to tap the latent power of teaching and to reform the out-dated teaching models and approaches are essential and urgent. 这就需要教师在教学各环节充分发掘教学潜能,探索教学思想模式和改革教学方法。 www.fabiao.net 1. A girl I once dated always interrupted me whenever I was talking. That was a real turn-off. 对,你告诉过我,你从前的女朋友老是打断你的话,让你很讨厌。我还有一个 www.wwenglish.com 2. But a late surge in stocks pushed longer-dated debt firmly into negative territory. 但股市尾盘上涨,牢牢地把较长期公债定在了平盘下方。 cn.reuters.com 3. As longer-dated securities are considered more risky than shorter-dated bonds, the shift signals improved investor sentiment. 由于人们认为较长期债券的风险大于较短期债券,因此上述转变表明投资者信心正在提升。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He was briefly romantically linked to Princess Diana and dated model and television personality Padma Lakshmi in recent years. 他曾和戴安娜王妃有过一段绯色联系,最近几年据说在和电视明星及模特帕德玛·拉克施密约会。 www.bing.com 5. He is accused of being out-dated by the champions of a capitalism rapidly reverting toVictorian levels of inequality. 他因坚持认为资本主义正急速重回维多利亚时代的不平等程度被指责为落后于时代。 www.bing.com 6. It stuck by that commitment in Wednesday's schedule, dedicating just about 4% of its purchasing power to longer-dated bonds. 它在周三坚持了这一承诺,只将4%的国债购买资金用于购买较长期国债。 c.wsj.com 7. China has a vast variety of local chronicles, some of which are dated far back in time. 中国的地方志文献的品种繁多,起源很早,按时间顺序可分为旧方志、新方志。 www.dictall.com 8. The message was dated 1987 and included an address in the German town of Coesfeld, where Frank's parents still live. 它是在1987年开始它的漂流的,里面还有一个地址,是弗兰克父母亲现在的住址。 www.hxen.com 9. The storehouse should strictly inspect prior to stocking and implement the principle of "early in early out, latest dated out first" . 严格验收入库,对出库药品实行“先进先出、近期先出”的原则。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 10. Dated back to childhood, I am happy princess of my family, know nothing about life, good scores, beautiful clothes, with peers surrounding. 回溯到童年时代,自己是家中无忧无虑的公主,好成绩,漂亮衣服,有小朋友的围绕。 www.enbar.net 1. The introduction of multiple intelligence theory could hopefully provide an up-dated teaching concept to reading class. 将多元理论引进外语阅读课堂,能为传统的教学模式提供全新的教学思路。 lib.cqvip.com 2. We received your letter dated. . . and are sorry for not having replied earlier as we wished to wait for more favorable news to give you . 你方…月…日来函收悉,思量到给贵方更佳的信息,我方没能早日回答,甚歉。现愉快地… www.xmboo.com 3. It will make your showcase more visual force of impact, up-to-dated and international current. 使您的展位更具视觉冲击力、更有现代感、更加代表国际化潮流。 www.haoqiantu.cn 4. But that clause dated from the 1940s Bretton Woods system of fixed global exchange rates, which the IMF was set up to administer. 但上述条款源自上世纪40年代布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)下的全球固定汇率制度——当时成立了国际货币基金组织对此进行管理。 www.ftchinese.com 5. By measuring the decay of radioactive uranium and thorium present in the encrusted speleothems, the geologists dated the layers. 通过对出现在洞穴堆积物外壳上的放射性铀和钍进行衰变测量,地质学家们确定了岩层的形成时期。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 6. Recycling by medicine enterprises is one of main way to recycle family out -dated drug currently. 医药企业对家庭过期药品进行回收处理是目前社会上重要的药品回收处理可行途径之一。 lib.cqvip.com 7. These events make George Kennan's containment theory look a bit dated though it did work acceptably at the time, some 55 to 60 years ago. 这些事件使得乔治凯南的遏制理论有点月虽然没有工作,在可以接受的时间,大约55至60年前。 8. Design output documentation shall be signed and dated by the design engineer. 设计输出文件由设计工程师负责签署和标记日期。 www.366translation.com 9. Long-dated oil prices are now almost $20 a barrel higher than two years ago, even though spot prices are much lower than then. 尽管目前现货石油价格远低于两年前,但远期油价已比两年前几乎高出每桶20美元。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In 1945, after her freshman year, she first dated Jimmy Carter, who was home from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. 1945年,她读完一年级,第一次与从安纳波利斯美国海军学院回家休假的吉米·卡特约会。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 1. Though dated in some respects, this essay is still rightly celebrated among LISP fans (including me). 尽管在某些方面有点过时,此文还是受到不少LISP迷(包括我)的推崇。 www.bing.com 2. Those that do buy long-dated bonds could get a nasty shock when the government steps out of the market. 那些购买了长期债券的投资者可能在政府从市场抽身时受到沉重一击。 bbs.51ielts.com 3. We insist on delivery within the dated time and reserve the right to reject the goods shall they is deliver late. 我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若延迟交货则保留拒收的权利。 www.jukuu.com 4. and Yong Bang dated many girls, they instead think of his charm. 而左永邦交往过的女孩很多,人家反而认为他有魅力。 bbs.cnqr.org 5. As requested by your letter dated . . . . . . we confirm having released the relative documents to the drawee. 根据你方月日信的要求,我们确认已经将相关单据放给受票人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. While vichyssoise can be dated to about 100 years ago, gazpacho has a much longer history and one that's a little harder to date. 奶油土豆浓汤可以追溯到大约100年前,西班牙凉菜汤的历史则久远得多,具体日期较难确定。 www.bing.com 7. The information schools used to make their decision is dated. 学校作出最终决定所需要的信息是可以随时更新的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The music is loud and dated but at least it gives me the chance to dig out my moves to Saturday Night Fever. 音乐声浪很大,也很时兴,至少让我回想起当年热衷于“周末夜狂热”的时代。 www.bing.com 9. Before she married President Nicolas Sarkozy, Bruni dated a long list of high-profile celebrities, including British rock star Mick Jagger. 在和总统萨科齐结婚前,她的昔日情人包括英国摇滚歌手米克·贾格尔等很多名人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Before she dated me, Liza dated one of my best friends. 在我们交往以前,Lisa和我的一个朋友约会。 bbs.putclub.com |
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