单词 | crane |
释义 |
复数:cranes 现在分词:craning 过去式:craned n. hoist,derrick,winch,gantry 'Crane 显示所有例句 例句释义: 起重机,吊车,升降机,类似起重机的装置,伸长以便看得更清楚,以起重机举,鹤,仙鹤,摄影升降机 1. Visibility was terrible; the only way our driver could navigate was to crane his neck out a side window. 路上的能见度很差,我们的司机只能把头探出车窗外面,看着路面往前开。 www.bing.com 2. I say to summarize such a wonderful life: the children play, chasing butterflies, elderly crane from hoe, childlike, all fun. 我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。” zhidao.baidu.com 3. But the sky crane has never been used before, and there is plenty else that could go wrong. 除“天空起重机”从未用过外,可能出岔子的地方还有很多。 www.ecocn.org 4. At last the crane agreed to try. he told the wolf to open his mouth, and then put its the long leck down the wolf's throat' 最后,鹤同意去尝试,他告诉猎狼张开嘴巴,然后把它的长脖子伸进猎狼的喉咙。 bbs.24en.com 5. Other ropes were made with vegetable fibers, and a sort of crane with a tackle was fixed at the door. 另外他们又用植物纤维编成一些绳子,在门上拴了一个辘轳,装置起一架类似起重机的工具。 novel.tingroom.com 6. On reaching the moon, with his hands in gratitude, rabbit touched crane's head, which magically turned into a red crown. 一到月宫,兔子满怀感激地用手摸了摸鹤的头,鹤的头顶就神奇地变成了一个红冠。 www.rockybbs.com 7. The absolute maximum-moment of a crane girder is usually calculated with expressions provided by handbook. 对吊车梁绝对最大弯矩的计算,通常采用手册给出的公式直接计算得到; www.showxiu.com 8. Thereupon, the receivers since the Tang dynasty have been disputing heatedly over the poem "Yellow Crane Tower" and its influence. 于是唐代以来的接受者围绕《黄鹤楼》及其影响,展开了热烈争论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. AGENT GENE CRANE: Agent Scully tells us she was home last night. We see from your phone log, you were here until at least after 10: 00. 吉恩克雷恩探员:史高丽探员告诉我们昨天晚上她在家。我们从你的电话记录看出,至少10点前你都在这里。 www.myxfiles.com 10. I've been a fan since the day I won a Houston Rockets play ball in one of those crane machines. 自从我玩抓机赢得一个火箭用球就成为他们的球迷。 www.tianya.cn 1. N2: The wolf thought of the crane. He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, could reach the bone and pulled it out easily. 狼想到了鹤,他确定鹤能够用她长长的脖子和喙,轻易地叼住那块骨头拿出来。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. You don't care that he might be one of those guys who's so fat he has to be removed from his house with a crane? 你不在乎他可能是那种肥得需要起重机才能将他从屋子里搬出来的人? www.hxen.com 3. modernity, in Crane's strange, gorgeous poetry, is all about getting high, about elevation, exultation. 在克莱恩那晦涩离奇又华美动魄的诗里,“现代性”全是关于进入梦幻、升空和极度兴奋。 www.ecocn.org 4. SKINNER glares at him as CRANE hands over the phone log, a slight smile of disbelief on his lips. He reads the document and hands it back. 当克雷恩把电话几乎拿过来的时候,斯金纳盯着他看,一个怀疑的轻微的微笑在他嘴边。他看了看文档之后还了回去。 bbs.myxfiles.com 5. Finally all the fish were gone, and the Crab said; " Sir Crane, take me also to that pool, for I wish to be with my friends the fish. " 最后,鱼都给衔走了,蟹说:“鹤先生,也把我带到那个池塘里去吧,我想和我的鱼朋友们在一起。” www.ebigear.com 6. This is now a Health crane production of any foreign-owned enterprises QA, mechanical assembly with a strong understanding. 现在这一家生是产起重机的外商独资企业任QA,对机械装配有了较强的了解。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Now that the U. S. involvement in Iraq has wound down, Crane says, oil seems to be less of an American security concern. 科润进一步指出美国现在正逐渐从伊拉克事务里抽身出来,石油不再是美国国家安全考虑的重要因素了。 www.bing.com 8. One day an old Crane stood in the shallows of a lotus pond with a very dejected look upon his long face. 一天,一只老鹤站在位于莲花池浅水处的,他的长脸看上去很沮丧 wenwen.soso.com 9. As shown in these diagrams, Crane Y-Pattern stop check valves used in a boiler installation can be positioned for horizontal or upward flow. 正如这些图所显示的,美国克雷恩Y型截止止回阀用于锅炉上,可以安装在水平或流向朝上的流体上。 www.h6688.com 10. "What do you think? " she remarked to her mother one evening; "that Herbert Crane tried to make friends with me. " “你觉得怎么样?”有一天傍晚她对她妈妈说,“那个赫伯特·克兰想要和我交朋友呢。” www.bing.com 1. So away he hurried to the Crane. He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out. 所以他赶紧来到了鹤那里,他确定她(鹤)能够用她长长的脖子和喙,轻易地叼住那块骨头拿出来。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The ship crane product series has been designed for operation on ships of every type and size. 船用起重机系列设计用于各种类型和尺寸的船只操作。 www.liebherr.com 3. Its proudest boast was that it had the biggest shipyard, the biggest dry-dock and the biggest crane in the world. 马尔默最为自豪的是,它拥有世界上最大的造船厂、最大的干船坞和最大的起重机。 www.bing.com 4. The crane had been designed and built by the authorities, who had decided to cleanse the sky of its inelegant encumbrance. 这辆起重机由权威专家设计,专为清除这些不雅之物制造的。 www.bing.com 5. Once upon a time there lived a fox and a crane in a village. One day, the fox invited the crane to dinner. 从前有个乡镇住着一只狐狸和一只鹤,狐狸邀请&吃饭。 wenwen.soso.com 6. A sergeant witnesses an Iraqi, who was alleged to have abused a woman in Kuwait, hauled up by a crane to be shot by fellow Iraqi soldiers. 一个伊拉克人被指控曾在科威特对一妇女施虐,一位中士亲眼见到他被吊在起重机上然后伊拉克士兵开枪把他击毙。 www.ecocn.org 7. As she rides off, SKINNER looks at AGENT CRANE as he comes out of one of the doors of the building behind them. 她走开的时候,斯金纳看到从他们身后房门里走出来的克雷恩探员。 dict.bioon.com 8. They swam up to the long-legged bird and said: " Sir Crane, can you tell us how we may save ourselves from this terrible plight? " 他们游到长腿鹤跟前,说道:“鹤先生,你能告诉我们怎样才能逃脱这场可怕的灾难吗?” jy.xkwe.com 9. A genial business studies graduate from humble origins (his father drove a crane), Mr Hogan says he had no burning desire to leave GE. 霍根出身贫寒(他父亲是一名起重机驾驶员),他性情温和,大学时念的是商业。霍根表示,当时他并不急于离开通用电气。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The man who invented Lufthansa's brand-mark, Otto Firle, is said to have been thinking of a crane when he came up with the design. 该名男子谁发明的汉莎航空公司的品牌标志,奥托Firle,据说已起重机的想法时,他想出了一个设计方案。 city.yoho.cn 1. Follow these tips, and no one will be pulling you out of the pool with a crane at the end of your race. 遵从这些建议,在比赛结束后,你应该不会再需要找一台起重机把你从泳道上吊出来了! www.xmswim.com 2. A WOLF who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone. 一只喉咙卡住了的狼花了大价钱去雇佣一只鹤,求他把卡住的骨头拿出来。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Modern bungee jumping is usually done in a parking lot and people jump from a platform at the top of a crane. 现代蹦极的场地通常是停车场,许多人从起重机顶部的平台跳下去。 www.kekenet.com 4. An application to a crane ship shows that the system is practical, reliable, and can be used for similar engineering ships. 在起重船实际应用中表明,该系统兼具技术的先进性和实用性,运行稳定可靠,可推广至相似船舶的监测与诊断。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Along with a crane-feather fan, he carries with him a copy of China's most famous military strategy text, Sun Tzu's "Art of War. " 他随身带着的,除了一把羽毛扇子,还有一本中国最著名的兵法著作——《孙子兵法》。 kk.dongxi.net 6. If the truck-mounted crane is not in use for a long period of time (longer than half a year), following measures shall be taken for storage. 随车起重运输车在较长时间处于不使用状态时(半年以上),应采取以下的保管措施。 www.hina-translation.com 7. Yellow Crane Tower is often destroyed by heartless flames of war, often restored to prosperity. 黄鹤楼往往毁坏于无情的战火,又常常修葺于繁荣的盛世。 www.bing.com 8. Crane Hall itself has no bizarre history and if it does nobody bothered to keep tabs. 克兰公寓本身并没有什么怪异的历史,如果有,大家也不会关注的。 en.eol.cn 9. at him as CRANE hands over the phone log, a slight smile of disbelief on his lips. 当克雷恩把电话几乎拿过来的时候,斯金纳盯着他看,一个怀疑的轻微的微笑在他嘴边。 tr.bab.la 10. It is very nice to see that even big truck and automotive companies, boom trucks, crane trucks, etc, etc switching over to going Green. 让我很开心的就是,连大货车和汽车公司,吊杆货车,吊货车,等等,都变成绿色。 www.chinadialogue.net 1. Again the crane picked him up in his beak and flew to the big tree on the shore of the beautiful new pond. 鹤再次用嘴叼起它,然后飞向那个漂亮的池塘边上的那棵大树。 george.shi.blog.163.com 2. Whereupon the Crab fastened his pincer-like fore claws upon the Crane's throat and tore at it until the Crane perished. 想到此,蟹用他钳子般的前蟹扼紧鹤的喉咙,不停地撕咬,直到鹤咽气为止。 www.ebigear.com 3. This image shows a crane flying over a river delta and was an example of the larger landscapes the designers wanted to traverse. 这幅图展现了一只仙鹤飞越一个河流三角洲的场景,也是设计师们想贯彻更大场面的一个实例。 www.bing.com 4. Raising a pole of this height has been a technical challenge: few London crane-operators, we discovered, had much totem-pole experience. 要竖起这种高度的柱子,在技术上是一种挑战:我们发现,伦敦起重机操作者几乎没有在图腾柱方面有多少经验的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. One of the retreating jobs was to dismantle the lattice jib of a crawler mounted mobile crane. 其中一项撤出工作是拆卸履带式流动起重机上的猪笼吊臂。 www.oshc.org.hk 6. The original nature of human is like the crane's white feather and the crow's black feather. 人的天性,就像仙鹤及乌鸦的羽毛一样,都具有其天然的特性。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This goes for placement of paper documents as well -- you shouldn't have to crane your neck to see them. 这也适用于纸质文档的位置——你不应该抻着脖子才能看到它们。 www.hjenglish.com 8. At once she changed into a crane and opening her beautiful wings, she flew up into the sky. 阿姿即刻变成了一只鹤,张开漂亮的翅膀飞向天空。 9. The winch spun quickly, and the crane raised its arm into the sky; nobody had believed that a crane with such a long arm could be built. 起重机的绞盘快速旋转着,抬起它长的难以置信的手臂伸向天空。 www.bing.com 10. DOGGETT points his finger at someone out of the screen range. We see AGENT GENE CRANE stand up and turn around to speak to the other AGENTS. 道吉特指着屏幕外的某个人。我们看到吉恩克雷恩站起来转身和其他探员说话。 bbs.myxfiles.com 1. The crane loosened the bone with its beak , and finally got it out . 鹤用喙松动骨头,并终于把它取了出来。 www.bing.com 2. If one of the gap that China export products mainly by crane still competitive price, quality and service is still short board. 如果说其中的差距,那就是目前中国起重机出口产品依然主要靠价格优势,质量和服务依然还是短板。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The crane then raised his head and made himself look as dignified as possible. 于是鹤仰起头,尽可能使自己看起来高尚。 george.shi.blog.163.com 4. The crane always distribute dispersedly on the front of the yard where the working environments and conditions is bad. 港口起重机往往分布在码头前沿,分布较为分散,工作环境恶劣。 www.fabiao.net 5. As she speaks, Nick and Veronica stand by as a small crane lifts a very badly rotted coffin from the snow covered ground. 就在她讲话时,一辆小型起重机从积雪覆盖的地上提升起一具高度腐烂的棺材,Nick和Veronica站在一旁。 www.bing.com 6. A construction crane collapsed Friday on New York's Upper East Side, smashing into a 23-storey apartment building as it fell to the ground. 一台建筑起重机于周五在纽约上东区突然倒塌,落地时压碎了一幢23层高的公寓。 bbs.putclub.com 7. Construction equipment in place: excavator, crane, welding machine, angle grinder, abrasive cut-off machine and any other equipment. 施工机具到位:挖掘机、吊车、焊机、角向磨光机、砂轮切割机及其它工用具。 www.fbw.cn 8. The crane for quenching , possess the peculiarity of speedy descent , is usually applied in heat treatment . 淬火起重机具有高速下降特性,常用作为热处理工艺装备。 www.bing.com 9. Mr. Crane had been earning more than $100, 000 a year operating heavy machinery at Delco, a former unit of General Motors. 克莱恩此前在Delco电池厂操作重型机械,年薪超过10万美元。Delco电池厂原本是通用汽车(GeneralMotors)子公司。 chinese.wsj.com 10. if you are trying to disappoint me, tigeress you need more accuracy, Monkey quicker speed, crane hike, viper subtlety, mantis. . . ! 你们让我失望的本领真好,悍娇虎你需要更加精准,猴王再快点,仙鹤注意飞行, blog.sina.com.cn 1. The next day they decided to use a different crane. 第二天们决定用一个不同的起重机。 www.tingroom.com 2. Though he stays with people, he with a superiority complex thinks that others are inferior to him like a crane standing among the cocks. 他虽然与大众厮混在一起,却有鹤立鸡群的优越感,自视甚高,认为别人都不如他。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Wuhan is often called "the Native Land of White Clouds and Yellow Crane" . 武汉也被称为白云黄鹤的故乡。 www.neworiental.org 4. The only mechanisation is a miniature crane that scoots across the ceiling and one slow-moving short conveyor belt. 唯一的机械化设备,是一台在天花板上游走的小型起重机和一条缓慢运行的短传送带。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Crane head altar is for incense burning, because Heming Mountain like a flying crane, Crane Head Altar lies at the head of the crane. Here. 鹤头香为敬香处,因鹤鸣山山形似鹤,而设置鹤头香的地方正是鹤头的位置,所以称为“鹤头香”。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Therefore, the paper developed and researched CAD structural design software of the general purpose gantry crane. 因此,本课题对通用门式起重机的结构CAD设计软件系统进行一定的开发和研究。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. A drifting South Korean crane barge, which had broken free from the tugboat towing it, punched holes in the tanker's sides. 一艘韩国起重机船从拖船脱钩一路漂流过去,在“河北精神”号侧面撞出了一些漏洞。 www.voanews.cn 8. One day, walking nearby, Crane struck up a friendship with a young photographer who would also live on Columbia Heights, Walker Evans. 一天,在附近散步的时候,克兰和一位年轻的摄影师成了朋友。这位摄影师日后也会住在哥伦比亚高地,他就是沃克·伊万。 dongxi.net 9. (out door) crane works with its specialties. The body is heavy with large windward acreage. 室外起重设备运行有其自身的特殊性:自重大、迎风面大; www.showxiu.com 10. The door body of the ore mine overhead crane air door is also provided with a small air door. 该矿井行车风门的门体上还可设有小风门。 ip.com 1. Being annoyed, the crane said politely. "Thank you for inviting me to dinner. Please come to my house for dinner next time. " 虽然很生气,但是鹤还是很有礼貌的说:“谢谢你今天邀请我吃晚餐,下次请您去我那里吃晚餐。” wenwen.soso.com 2. The first small crane appeared. It was driven by hand , but it needed to be fixed on the balcony. Now it have been sifted out . 年第一台手动式家用楼房小吊机诞生,需要固楼房阳台上,现已淘汰。 www.bing.com 3. The Crane. It stands for familial obligation; standing watch out for your own. 总之我查过了,那纸鹤是代表着家族的责任,对亲人的关心。 www.bing.com 4. This crane was being lifted, although not always, but once the work was very heavy use, so an appropriate level to improve the work. 这种起重机虽然不是经常吊运,但一旦使用工作却十分繁重,因此要适当提高工作级别。 www.chinacrane.net 5. crane: To hoist or move with or as if with a crane . 起吊,吊运:用起重机或用类似起重机提升或移动。 www.jukuu.com 6. What about this other dance that we found, these four guys doing this very slow, very unusual crane-looking dance? 我们发现的这些其他舞蹈怎么样?这四个家伙跳舞时非常缓慢,非常不同寻常的像起重机般。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. To support such politicians, Mr Crane and two partners have started Govern For California, a sort of political venture-capital fund. 为支持这些政治家,克兰和他的两个伙伴建立了加州管理基金——一种政治风险资本基金。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. The dynamic influence coefficient of the crane of the long-span hangar with four plane positions in Beijing is tested under nine load cases. 对北京四机位大跨度维修机库吊车在九种工况下的动力影响系数进行了实际测试。 www.dictall.com 9. Easy operation, the crane does not need any other auxiliary equipment. The grab can service after being put on the hook. 使用简单,起重机不需要配备其它任何辅助装置,将抓斗挂在克令吊吊钩上即可使用; www.youboy.com 10. Some days later, she was surprised to find that girls always fiddling with the hands of a small crane, if passed, never stop. 后来的一些日子里,她又惊讶的发现女孩手中总摆弄着一只小纸鹤,好象从没停过手。 dict.wanyuwang.com 1. When a truck with a crane moves on the road, the boom must be retracted and well fastened. 当带起重机的车辆要在道路上行驶时,须将起重臂收放固定好。 www.hina-translation.com 2. But the crab thought, "There is no doubt this over-stuffed crane has eaten all those fish. " 但是螃蟹心想:这只肚子饱胀的鹤无疑已经吃掉了所有的鱼。 george.shi.blog.163.com 3. Once an immortal flew away by a yellow crane here. Today, the Yellow Crane Tower is only a name. 从前的仙人已经骑着黄鹤飞走了,这里空留下一座黄鹤楼。 i.myechinese.com 4. Michael watches the crane tumble through the air and flutter into a room below. 看着纸鹤跌跌撞撞地飘到了下面的房间里。 www.bing.com 5. Unable to find an advantage, Dooku distracted Yoda by endangering Kenobi and Skywalker with a toppling crane. 不占优势的杜库弄倒吊梁,威胁克诺比和阿纳金的安全,从而干扰了尤达。 www.starwarsfans.cn 6. Tests show that this method can improve hydraulic crane's energy utilization. 实验结果表明,采用此方法可改善液压起重机的能量利用率。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The gunfire is understood to have damaged a crane on board as well as strafing the legs of the rig and accommodation areas for staff. 据悉,伊朗方面开火袭击损坏了钻井上的一个起重机,并击中钻井的支柱和员工的食宿区。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It is shown in the load-displacement curve that the instability failure of the tower crane is maximum point instability. 从荷载—位移全过程曲线可以看出,塔吊的失稳为极值点失稳,失稳破坏为延性破坏。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. We have to remove those stones to see and to save that red-crowned crane. 我们必须先移开那些石头才能看到救那只丹顶鹤。 jiameng.z1.la 10. Operation principle and calculation of spreader anti-sway device used for container crane . 集装箱起重机吊具止摆装置的工作原理及计算。 www.gcqzj.com 1. Operation principle and calculation of spreader anti-sway device used for container crane . 集装箱起重机吊具止摆装置的工作原理及计算。 www.gcqzj.com 2. Automobile crane is a of project machine main class, since 2002, the new change that the market appeared to make a person fix eyes upon. 汽车起重机是工程机械的一个主要门类,自2002年以来,市场出现了令人瞩目的新变化。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 3. In the operations of the container ports, quay crane scheduling is critical to the operational efficiency of a container terminal. 在集装箱港口的运作中,装卸桥调度对港口的运作效率起着至关重要的作用。 www.meeting.edu.cn 4. Red-crowned Crane is snow chalkiness with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head. 丹顶鹤雪白的肉体,有黑色的颈,黑色的翅膀边缘以及红色的头顶。 www.bing.com 5. Truck is able to access into the coal yard at both ends. the EOT crane shall over pass the road for coal incoming. 卡车能访问入煤炭围场在EOT起重机将通行证路为煤炭接踵而来的两个结束。 zhidao.gongkong.com 6. This is because the Yellow Crane Tower is no longer a general sense of the famous building, which reflects the rise and fall of an era. 这是因为黄鹤楼已经不是一般意义上的名胜建筑,它反映了一个时代的兴衰。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The company specializes in the production of electric crane Crane (-beam), the double-track electric vehicles (car). 本公司专业从事生产起重机电动大车(端梁),双轨电动台车(小车)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. With soviets, seeing a crane is a clear sign of a quick tech to tier 2, for that extra troublesome tesla coil camping. 对苏联的话,看到一个起重机就是迅速攀二级科技的明显标志,而这是为了造那个讨厌的磁暴线圈。 a.kk55.net 9. A crane had to be used to haul the elephant out of the trap. 人们不得不动用一辆吊车来拉出落在陷阱里的大象。 blog.ufeel.com 10. This invention discloses a hollow hydraulic crane frame used for lane and face of coal mine. 本发明公开了一种适用于煤矿巷道和工作面使用的中空液压起重架。 ip.com 1. Crane's symbolic style distinguishes him as a pioneer modernistic writer who has exercised a great influence on many later writers. 克莱恩的象征主义风格,使他成为对后世作家产生重大影响的一位先驱性现代派作家。 2. And they should at least try to do more than crane their necks at the ongoing disaster in real estate. 另外,至少他们也应该做点什么抵制目前的房地产的危机。 tv.mso.com.cn 3. Ichabod Crane was a good name for him, because he looked like a tall bird, a crane. 爱查宝德·克瑞恩对他来说是个好名字,因为他看上去就象一只瘦高的鹤。 english.31931.cn 4. System composition and work principle of a moment limiter used on truck mounted crane for building blocks are described. 介绍一种用于建筑墙板随车起重机的力矩限制器的系统组成、工作原理。 www.juyy.net 5. Crane is recognized as one of the most influential American poets of his era. 哈特·克雷恩被公认的他那个时代最有影响力的美国诗人之一。 www.nciku.com 6. But when I'd wake up in the morning, there'd be this paper bird, an origami crane, sitting next to my bed. 但是每当我早晨醒来时,都有一只纸折的鸟、纸鹤放在我的床边。 www.bing.com 7. WwW. zIdiR. coM Port container crane pulley wear failure is one of the difficult problems confusing the engineering industry currently. 港口集装箱起重机滑轮压痕失效是目前困扰工业界的难题之一。 www.zidir.com 8. Newspapers published photos Sunday of the prince wearing a kimono embroidered with images of a crane, a symbol of Japan and longevity. 周日报纸登出悠仁小王子身穿和服的照片,和服上绣有鹤的图案;鹤代表日本,也象徵长寿。 www.showxiu.com 9. At the time of accident, five workers were engaged to dismantle the lattice jib of the crawler mounted mobile crane. 意外发生时,五名工人正拆卸履带式流动起重机上的猪笼吊臂。 www.oshc.org.hk 10. Though David remains on the board at Cato, Charles Koch has fallen out with Crane. 虽然戴维还在卡托研究所理事会中占据一席,查理斯·科赫和克兰都已经脱离了。 www.bing.com 1. Over her nine-year career, she located the victim of a crane collapse and participated in wilderness searches. 在她9年多的搜救生涯中,她寻找到了起重机倒塌事故的受害者,并参与了诸多荒野搜救工作。 dongxi.net 2. The wave-induced motion of the crane ship can produce large pendulation of the cargo being hoisted and cause operations to be suspended. 起重船在波浪的作用下会引起吊重的大幅摆动,从而导致海上作业被迫停工。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. " Such as the Southern Shen Yue, " Xi Wen Night Crane OK ": " Nine negative winter frost, the six-he did not fly either. 如南朝沈约《夕行闻夜鹤》:“九冬负霜雪,六翮飞不任。” bbs.ic98.com 4. All inspections, crane manufacturer's safety bulletins and equipment repair history shall be kept in an organized file system. 所有的验收报告、吊车厂家的安全公告和设备维修历史记录均应保存在有组织的文件系统中。 www.jdzj.com 5. The invention discloses a crane, in particular to a crawler crane with a bolt fixing type hoisting mechanism. 本发明公开了一种起重机,特别是一种具有螺栓固定式卷扬机构的履带起重机。 ip.com 6. A shocking ATM robbery happened recently in Ohio, US, with the whole machine taken away by a crane after robbers ran it down with a van. 美国俄亥俄州日前发生一起提款机抢劫案,歹徒居然先开一辆小货车将提款机撞倒,接着又用起重机将提款机整个搬走。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Those, who long for early retirement and living idle lives like the cloud and wild crane, favor them and long for such life. 社会上期待早早退休,过着闲云野鹤生活者,特别钟爱与向往这类人,以及他们的生活方式。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And they agreed to let the Crane transport them one by one to the pool where they would be safe. 于是,他们同意由鹤把它们逐一送到安全的池塘。 www.ebigear.com 9. Don't you think the crane went out for competitive bidding? 你们难道不知道这个吊车被选中是通过竞标的? club.cat898.com 10. Overhead bridge crane is a bridge in the orbit of a bridge-type crane, also known as Crane. 桥式起重机是桥架在高架轨道上运行的一种桥架型起重机,又称天车。 www.chinacrane.net 1. are also lateral loads. The dynamic effects of crane movement may also be considered, in part, as lateral load. 可能的地震效应也是侧向荷载。吊车活动产生的动力效应也部分地计人侧向荷载。 dict.kekenet.com 2. Now the Georgians are following suit. A crane is lowering breeze-blocks on to the road, next to a mountain of orange sandbags. 现在格鲁吉亚人开始照葫芦画瓢,吊车正在道路上卸载轻型建筑用砖,把它们放在堆积如山的桔色沙袋旁边。 www.ecocn.org 3. The crane moves around the hall. It can lift up to 20 tons of weight at a time. 起重机绕着大厅旋转,可一次举起高达20吨的重量。 www.bing.com 4. A hunter saw their tracks, crept up to the burrow and began digging so as to catch the fox and the crane. 猎人发现了他们的踪迹。他蹑手蹑脚地跟到狐狸的洞穴,动手挖了起来,想逮住他们。 www.ecp.com.cn 5. China Heavy claimed that the crane's entire electrical system had burned out during installation of the air-conditioning unit. 中国重型设备在邮件中称,吊车的整个电气系统在安装空调装置时烧坏了。 www.bing.com 6. The Fox and the Crane were good friends, but a few days ago they had a big fight. 狐狸与鹤曾经是好朋友,但是几天前他们大吵了一架。 www.bing.com 7. The national flag of Uganda in East Africa shows an African balearic crane, also known as a crowned crane. 东非乌干达的国旗上有只非洲巴里阿利鹤,或称王冠鹤。 www.bing.com 8. And CuiHao poets in tang dynasty, the poem "yesterday has HuangHe to spare, and here by the yellow crane tower, known as" the song. 而唐代诗人崔颢的诗句“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼”,更被誉为千古绝唱。 img9.vikecn.com 9. With the word, The wolf bites off the crane's neck and eat her up. 好的,我会报答你的狼说完就咬断了鹤的脖子,把她吃了。 www.netfm.com.cn 10. Manufactures overhead crane systems & steel components and also does service and inspection of these items. 本公司主要生产高架起重机和钢构件,同时还为这些设备提供检验和相关服务。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. Shipbuilding series portal crane is mainly used for assembly and hoisting of hulls and installation of equipments. 造船系列门座式起重机,主要用于船体的组装、吊运及设备的安装。 www.showxiu.com 2. Trailer manufacturer will manufacture trailer which can be connected with car body in place of side frame for transportation of the crane. 拖车制造厂将生产能够代替履带架而连接到底座部分的拖车设备以便于起重机运输。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. The superior part was mounted with the help of the barge crane that was specially constructed for that purpose. 上层部分在驳船起重机的协助下已架好,将起到特别的作用。 www.bing.com 4. Both by the sky crane connection, form a complete park scenic area. 两者以空中吊车连接,形成一个完整的公园景区。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The main beam is the main hoist gantry crane force components, main beam directly affects the service life of machine. 主梁是葫芦门式起重机的主要受力部件,主梁的质量直接影响到整机的使用寿命。 lib.cqvip.com 6. A mount for a traveling crane consisting of a large archlike or bridgelike frame designed to move along a set of tracks. 由大的拱形或桥形架组成的供移动升降架的框架,设计为沿着一系列轨道移动 zhidao.baidu.com 7. A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream. 必须用起重机把汽车从河里拉出来。 swiftsoul.blog.163.com 8. Grand Tower Crane is willing to unite with you create quality works. 宏大塔机愿与您同心共创优质工程。 www.21agro.com 9. They are long legs, long neck, giant beaks, much like the crane, but systemic feather pale pink, two-wing bipedal tonal slightly deep. 它们都是长腿、长颈、巨喙,很象白鹤,但全身羽毛呈淡粉红色,两翼两足色调稍深。 en.cnxianzai.com 10. Operations of the crane, including hoisting, Luffing, telescoping, slewing and hoisting of legs, are all driven by the hydraulic system. 起重机工作部分的动作,包括起升、变幅、伸缩、回转及支腿的升降,全部由液压驱动。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Standing four feet tall on stilt-like legs, the regal secretary bird may appear from a distance to be a crane. 远远地看去,这个4英尺高,一双长腿就好像踩着高跷似的大鸟似乎是一只鹤。 www.bing.com 2. Container gantry crane: Used for container terminal. 集装箱龙门起重机:用于集装箱码头。 www.chinacrane.net 3. The flagpole toppled over, and a crane bad to be used to erect it. 旗杆倒了,得用吊车把它竖起来。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The crane is a very important tool and often employed for transporting in factory, however, the control of crane is a little primitive. 天车是工厂中一个常用的重要的调运工具,而对天车的控制却停留在较落后的水平。 www.cediy.com 5. LiuXiaoLin is "old" , engaged in the north of r&d and production of cranes have decades, is one of the witness domestic crane industry. 刘晓林也是“老北起”,从事起重机的研发生产已经有数十年,可以说是国内起重机行业的见证者之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The heart of the direction, then a thousand or hundred really crane. 心之所向,则或千或百果真鹤也。 www.52qq.org 7. This excavator could also be supplied with different fittings as a lattice mast crawler crane. 这款挖掘机可以配备其他设备,作为一台承重桅杆履带式起重机使用。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Michael slides open a drawer, and buried under papers and blue prints, is an old origami crane. Michael拉开了一个抽屉,里面全是文件和设计图,还有一只旧的纸鹤。 www.bing.com 9. Third Mate: The dock side crane is not working. The stevedores used our cranes one hour ago. No. 1 crane motor is inoperative as well. 三副:岸吊不好用,1小时前装卸工用我们吊。1舱吊的电机也不好用。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Ants have ants life, big like a great image of emotional appeal, cranes have the charm of the crane. 蚂蚁有蚂蚁的生活,大像有大像的情调,仙鹤有仙鹤的风姿。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Have all brakes and locking devices on the crane or derrick set when the occupied personnel platform is in a stationary working position. 使用中(有人)的载人平台处于静止工作状态时,拉好所有制动和锁定装置。 bbs.anquan.com.cn 2. The moment limiter for crane is one important overload protector, it is very essential for crane to work safely. 起重机力矩限制器是一种重要的超载保护装置。 www.dictall.com 3. Crawler crane is one of the necessary equipments and weightily type in project construction at hoist industry. 履带起重机是工程起重机行业的一个重要门类,是现代工程建设施工中不可缺少的大型设备之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Crane equipment installation project specialized contracting qualification. 起重设备安装工程专业承包三级资质。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. As "the yellow crane once gone does not return" , it even brings elegance and apathy of the city. “黄鹤一去不复返”,却也带来了些城市的飘逸与淡泊。 www.gotowuhan.com.cn 6. Lastly, one of the most symbolic animals is Japan is the crane, or tsuru , which appears in art, folklore and literate. 最后要提的是,日本最具象征性的动物之一,鹤。它在艺术、文学及民间传说等领域都有所展示。 www.elanso.com 7. The gantry crane is widely used and its crane travel mechanism exists in a wide variety of forms. 门式起重机应用广泛,其大车运行机构形式多样。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Dancers attached to a crane perform during the South American Games closing ceremony in Medellin, Colombia. 在麦德林南美运动会闭幕仪式上,舞蹈演员吊在一架起重机上表演,哥伦比亚。 thehlc.cn 9. Statues of a crane typically stood on either side of the throne in the Imperial Palace in Beijing's Forbidden City. 在北京的故宫里面,仙鹤雕件通常会成对出现在皇帝宝座的两边。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The invention further provides a multi-axis vehicle leaf-spring equalizing suspension system and a crane. 本发明还提供了多轴车辆板簧平衡悬架系统及起重机。 ip.com 1. To provide overall support to OEM as well as OEM daily management, to reach the business target for wire rope hoist and crane components. 为OEM提供全方位的项目支持及管理辖区的OEM合作伙伴,完成钢丝绳葫芦及起重机部件销售指标。 www.021so.com 2. The three-dimension dynamical model was established for the fixed rotating crane with non-constant length of boom and cable. 建立非定长吊臂非定长系物绳固定旋转起重机的三维动力学模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Are the crane operator & signalman out of clear sight of each other? 起重机操作员和信号员彼此看不到吗?。 blog.163.com 4. Trade certification as a hoist operator (hydraulic crane) is available, but voluntary, in Saskatchewan and British Columbia. 吊重机操作员贸易证书(液压起重机)可以在萨斯喀彻温省和不列颠哥伦比亚省考取但是是出于自愿的 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The wheel load is the main load of the rock bolt crane girders design, but there is still no criterion for its calculation. 轮压荷载是设计中的一个主要荷载,但其确定方法目前尚无明确规范可循。 www.dictall.com 6. One difficulty in every building for heavy industry is the arrangement of the supports for an overhead crane . 重工业的所有厂房均存在一个困难问题,即如何布置桥式吊车的支承结构。 www.jukuu.com 7. In the cavernous dry dock, a modern crane lifts massive steel sections for final assembly of a gigantic oil tanker ordered by Iran. 在这个向下凹陷的干船坞里,一台先进的起重机提起大量的型钢,为伊朗订购的巨型油轮做总装。 www.ecocn.org 8. Crane estimates that SIV-related paper now makes up less than 2% of money market fund holdings. Crene估计与SIV相关的票据在基金持有资产的比例不到2%。 www.bing.com 9. As an important resource in repairing the oilcan of train, crane affects directly the productivity of the systems. 作为机车油罐修理中的一个重要资源,天车的排序直接影响系统的生产率。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The crane is generally assembled into a truck-mounted crane prior to shipment. 起重机运输机一般应装配成随车起重运输车后发运。 www.juyy.net 1. This paper is an all-round analytical investigation for the electric control system of the container crane simulation. 介绍集装箱装卸桥电气控制系统设备的仿真。 www.dictall.com 2. The 400-t capacity fully swing lifting vessel is mainly composed of two major parts of the crane and vessel. t全回转起重船主要由起重机和船舶两大部分组成,介绍其主要技术特点及技术性能。 www.dictall.com 3. Because urban area of it is a place that red-crowned cranes perch, so it has the good reputation of "crane's city" . 因市区东南部栖息繁衍着世界珍禽丹顶鹤,故又有“鹤城”的美誉。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. "There's a price for safety, " said Peter Crane, president of money market mutual fund information company Crane Data LLC. “资金安全是要付出代价的”一家名叫CraneDataLLC的货币市场共同基金的总裁PeterCrane说。 www.bing.com 5. 100t Offshore deck crane which installed on ship deck is used for loading goods near the shore or on the sea. 船用甲板起重机是安装在船舶甲板上用于船舶在岸边和海上装载货物的一类起重机。 www.fabiao.net 6. Crane, if you think we're going out onto that ice willingly. 克莱恩如果你以为我们会心甘情愿的在冰上走 blog.sina.com.cn 7. At the 14th floor they smashed a window and jumped on to an adjacent roof, where they were eventually rescued by a crane. 到了14楼,他们击碎了玻璃跳到临近的屋顶上,最终被起重机给救出。 www.kancaimi.cn 8. From Cui Hao and free verse flowed from eternal charm, let Yellow Crane Tower stand as firm as a rock in a Chinese scholar. 从崔颢洒脱的诗句里流淌出来的千古神韵,让黄鹤楼巍然屹立在了每一个中国文人的心头。 www.bing.com 9. George Crane once said, "You can have such an open mind that it is too porous to hold a conviction. " 乔治·科瑞恩(GeorgeCrane)曾说过:“你可以有一个开阔的心胸,但它可能开阔到无法承载信念。” www.bing.com 10. The Data Acquisition System is mainly used to measure the angle, lifting height and the weight in the process of the tower crane working. 塔机工况参数数据采集系统主要对塔机工作过程中的角度、起升高度、称重量进行检测。 www.boshuo.net 1. In automatic production in an immersion production line, the automatic stable running of bridge crane is critical. 浸渗线全自动生产中,行车的全自动稳定运行是关键。 tech.zidian8.com 2. The invention also discloses a multi-mode control system of the electronic control engine and an automobile crane with the control system. 在此基础上,本发明还公开一种电控发动机的多模式控制系统和具有该控制系统的汽车起重机。 ip.com 3. The actual load is compared to four limit values, and by achieving the limit value, the relay of the crane controller could be switch. 实际的装载量靠近极限值的同时,又不断与四个极限值相比较。起重机控制电容可以作为开关。 tecsis.de 4. The Contractor shall furnish and install lubricants and hydraulic fluid in sufficient quantities for initial lubrication of the crane . 承包人要为吊车最初的润滑供给并加注入足够数量的润滑油和液压油。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I dutifully crane my head, and notice with some awe that Gameloft has procured a meeting room with a most impressive view of the city. 我老实的调过头去,心带敬畏的注意到Gameloft订了一间可以观赏城市美景的会议室。 www.bing.com 6. The next day, Mrs. Crane telephones Mr. Fox. 第二天,鹤太太给狐狸先生拨了一个电话。 www.bing.com 7. And in a fund where even 1% of the assets have no buyers, says Crane, "the fund could break the buck. " 一只基金即使有1%的资产没有买家,这个基金也会跌破净值。 www.bing.com 8. Then a floating crane will be used to insert the high cylinder part into the top of the base structure. 再用起重船起吊箱筒型构件上部高圆筒,和基础结构相连接。 www.boshuo.net 9. Instead, they discover that the crane they had already paid for is apparently being offered for sale on the Internet again. 相反,他们发现自己花钱购买的那两吊车又大张旗鼓地在互联网上销售。 www.bing.com 10. In 1994, Lee designed America's first joint-issue stamp with China. The two-stamp set featured a black-necked crane and a whooping crane. 1994年,他设计了第一套美国和中国联合发行的邮票。这一套两张的邮票的特色是一只黑颈鹤和另一只呼叫中的鹤。 www.ebigear.com 1. The moving process of a certain single mast stack-crane was simulated and analyzed with multi-body system method. 以某型号单立柱有轨巷道式堆垛机作为研究对象,运用多体系统方法对其运行过程进行仿真分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The crane operator also must have full control over the movement of the personnel platform. 吊车司机也必须始终完全控制载人平台的移动。 bbs.anquan.com.cn 3. A moving crane briefly comprises a moving mechanism, a lifting mechanism and a gate structure. 移动式起重机主要包括行走机构、起升机构、和门架。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. The tower crane boom structural design and mechanical analysis, finite element method can be regarded as a good way. 对于动臂塔机的结构设计和力学分析,有限元法不失为一种好方法。 www.boshuo.net 5. Truck-mounted crane may move on the highway on itself, or be transported for a long distance on a train or on other facilities. 随车起重运输汽车可在公路上自行行驶,也可用火车及其它运输工具长距离转移。 www.hina-translation.com 6. As a typical port crane, rubber tired gantry crane handle loads with heavy weight and high height, lifting and laying down frequently. 作为典型的港口起重机械,轮胎式起重机在工作过程中搬运的货物负载质量大,起升高度高,而且要进行频繁的起升和下放操作。 www.13191.com 7. Combining of the crane design standard, we conclude a set of CAE analysis process for grab design. 结合起重机设计规范,总结了一套可用于抓斗设计的CAE分析过程。 www.fabiao.net 8. The little one was sure the helpful crane was about to drop him into the wonderful pond. 小鱼仔确信这只好心的鹤会把它放到那个美丽的池塘里。 george.shi.blog.163.com 9. Have all the domestic large tonnage, frequency, explosion-proof, remote crane manufacturing conditions. 完全具备国内大吨位、变频、防爆、遥控起重机的生产、制造条件。 www.tonke.cn 10. Coleman LongRanger articulated jib crane expands the applications that a jib crane can be used for. 装有旋臂起重机的科尔曼测距仪扩大了旋臂起重机的应用范围。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 1. The automatic safe load indicator of crane should be inspected by competent person periodically to ensure it is in good order. 起重机的自动安全负荷指示器应由合资格人士定期检查,以确保操作正常。 www.oshc.org.hk 2. Waste isWaste isdischarged discharged from the storage bunker into the feeding chute by an overhead crane. 通过卸料抓斗废物从贮料仓倒进进料槽。 www.emcc.cn 3. This book describes in detail with the crane hoisting the computing and security technologies. 本书详尽介绍了与起重吊装有关的计算和安全技术。 www.99jianzhu.com 4. The paper crane wanted to speak something in his hand, When Star remembered the happiness they enjoyed ever. 他想起了他们曾经快乐。而那只午夜千纸鹤,在星的手中,似乎在诉说着什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At present the domestic bridge crane control system requires people at the scene to control, control methods are backward. 目前国内的桥式起重机控制系统都需要人在现场进行控制,控制方式都比较落后。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. So, what we're going to do next is a poem that was written by Nathalia Crane. Nathalia Crane was a little girl from Brooklyn. 那么,接下来的一首诗是那他利亚·可蕾茵写的,她是来自布鲁克林的一个小女孩。 www.ted.com 7. Necks crane at the scene of an accident or fire. People stop and stare when they notice a breathtaking panorama. 在意外或火警现场,人们爱伸长脖子看过究竟,面对叹为观止的美景,人们会停下来凝神观赏。 www.showxiu.com 8. The crane lifted the container off the ship. 吊车把集装箱从船上吊下来。 www.tingroom.com 9. Workers wrapped it in a mat and raised it by a crane placing it back into the water. 工作人员急急赶来,用毯子把“库鲁”包住并调来一辆吊车,将它送回池中。 gb.cri.cn 10. Size trumps numbers as a crane scatters black-bellied whistling-ducks near a game feeder on a private Texas ranch. 大小胜过数量,在德克萨斯州的私人牧场里,一只美洲鹤使一群黑腹树鸭分散开来,权且作为一个勇敢的饲养员。 www.bing.com 1. Performing supervision and inspection during crane manufacturing is a new word for special equipment inspection organizations. 开展起重机械制造过程监检是特种设备检验机构的一项新工作。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Internal company certification as a crane operator may be required by some employers. 某些雇主可能会要求起重机操作员具有公司内部的认证 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The Crane can't stop shaking his head in disbelief. 鹤不停地摇着头,他不相信这一切是真的。 www.bing.com 4. Before operation, check the safety conditions around the crane. 操作前,要对起重机周围的安全条件进行检查。 www.hina-translation.com 5. The Crane finds the bone ant take it out easily. 鹤找到了骨头,很容易就把它取了出来。 www.bing.com 6. To meet the needs of high-speed railway construction, we designed gantry crane with passenger dedicated line changeable span orbit plates. 为满足高速铁路建设需要,设计了客运专线可变跨轨道板龙门起重机。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Brilliant yellow crane tower, the long history of the bells. 辉煌的黄鹤楼,历史悠久的编钟。 wenwen.soso.com 8. "Even in the best scenario of supply, these [rare earth-based] magnets are very expensive, " Mr. Crane said. “即便是供应情况最好的时候,利用稀土材料制成的磁钢也是非常昂贵的,”Crane说。 www.bing.com 9. LTC stands for " Liebherr- Telescopic- Compact " , indicating the special compactness of the new crane design . LTC是“利勃海尔伸缩式紧凑型”的缩写,特别强调新型起重机设计的紧凑性。 www.bing.com 10. As I just saw pitcher plants at the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge a couple weeks ago, it seemed the perfect subject. 那简直就像我前几周在密西西比州沙丘鹤国家野生动物保护区看到的完美景象如出一辙。 www.bing.com 1. Visitors crane for a quick peek through the tiny window from inside the crown of the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Sept. 1976年9月7日,游客们从自由女神像王冠内部的小窗户仰头向外匆匆一瞥。 www.bing.com 2. Heartache ground looking at this Yellow Crane Tower of huge colourful work with the breeze so, the Qin Dynasty helplessly sighs tone. 心疼地看着这一盒黄鹤楼的大彩就这样随风而去,秦朝无奈地叹口气。 column.iresearch.cn 3. Normally, loader crane dealers custom-fit a frame of steel bar on top of a truck chassis to mount the crane. 通常,装载起重机经销商随俗地在卡车底盘顶部设置铁杆梯架登上起重机。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. This technique was used in the experiment system of gantry crane and can effectively restrain the residual oscillations of payload. 将这一控制技术用于桥式起重机实验系统中,可以有效抑制载荷的残留摆动。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The maximum displacement at the top of the higher tower crane is larger than that of the lower one. 塔机顶点最大位移随着塔机高度的增加而增大。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. The means the MC must provide crane access to at least two (2) storage positions on the MC. 这意味着MC必须提供可以连到MC上至少两个仓储位置的吊机。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. The suspension framework was welded by the seamless steel pipe, the hand crane and suspension framework are fixed on the suspension coop. 吊杆架由无缝钢管焊接而成,手摇起重机和吊杆架一起固定在吊笼上。 www.dcjzjx.com 8. The tension device can smoothly realize amplitude of variation of the crane jib and effectively relieve the deflection of the crane jib. 所述拉紧装置能够顺利地实现臂架的变幅,并能够有效减轻臂架的挠度; ip.com 9. The AGENTS begin to leave. AGENT GENE CRANE comes over to DOGGETT with the picture. 探员们开始离去。吉恩克雷恩拿着照片走到道吉特旁。 www.myxfiles.com 10. A snail crawls out of rubble and climbs towards a tower crane on a construction site. 一只蜗牛从瓦砾下爬出来,朝着建筑工地的吊塔爬上去。 www.ecp.com.cn 1. This book includes knowledge from experts in the process control field, including contributions from the ISA and the Crane Company. 书中包括来自在过程控制领域专家的经验。 1718china.org.cn 2. The present invention discloses a crane comprising a bipod and a balance weight hoisting device. 本发明公开了一种起重机,包括人字架和配重提升装置; ip.com 3. In recent years, the state safety monitoring for tower crane has to be an important means and research focus. 近年来,状态安全监控成为保证塔机可靠工作的重要手段和研究热点。 www.fabiao.net 4. It's the second deadly crane accident in less than two and a half months. 这是该市不到两个半月发生的第二起起重机倒塌事故。 bbs.putclub.com 5. The last of seven bodies was pulled from the rubble at the site of Saturday's crane collapse in Manhattan. 在曼哈顿星期六发生的吊机倒塌事件现场的瓦砾中,发现了最后7具尸体。 bbs.putclub.com 6. Camera moves to KERSH observing as SKINNER looks at him and at DOGGETT then back to CRANE. 镜头移向看着斯金纳和道吉特的克什,之后回到克雷恩。 www.myxfiles.com 7. Higher demands are also asked for the performance and reliability of the railroad aisle stacking crane. 我国物流业的蓬勃发展,对有轨巷道堆垛机的性能提出了更高的要求。 996sj.com 8. A few years ago Mr Crane tried, as a board member of the teachers' pension plan (CalSTERS), to make the assumptions more sane. 几年前,作为教师退休金计划的董事会成员,克雷恩先生曾尝试做出更合理的预估。 www.ecocn.org 9. Its emblem, a stylized crane, is recognized almost everywhere as the symbol of the Polish flag carrier. 其独具风格的仙鹤标志已被广泛公认为波兰航空公司的旗标。 www.ebigear.com 10. A subsidiary of China railway engineering corporation, the main production chassis, railway bridge and boiler, door crane rail. 隶属于中国铁路工程总公司,主要生产桥梁和锅炉底架、铁路道岔、门式起重机。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Telescopic boom crane in the performance of a substantial high from the performance or the impact of conditions is essential. 伸缩臂的性能对起重机在大幅度高起升工况下的性能的影响至关重要。 www.boshuo.net 2. Therefore, the author intended to Double-Crane Pharmaceutical Company Case Study on a concrete analysis of short-term solvency. 因此,笔者拟以双鹤药业为例对公司的短期偿债能力进行具体分析。 fanrengu.net 3. A crane is clearing the rubble of an elementary school to speed its chances of receiving outside assistance to rebuild. 一台起重机则在清理一所小学的废墟,以求尽快获得外界的重建援助。 www.bing.com 4. When the overweight steel members are hoisted at high altitude, large internal-climbing tower crane must be adopted. 超高空吊装超重钢构件,需要大型的内爬式塔式起重机。 www.showxiu.com 5. The possibility of a bridge crane was calculated by the possibilistic reliability method. 通过实例分析,得出某企业桥式起重机的失效可能度。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. finally, through examples verified the calculation accuracy and speed on fast processing software of tower crane this article developed. 最后,通过实例分析验证了本文所开发的塔机快速处理软件的计算准确性和计算速度。 www.boshuo.net 7. The device can realize the automatic and continuous telescopic motion of the suspension arm of the crane only by flipping one switch. 本实用新型只需扳动一个开关,起重机吊臂的伸缩动作可自动连续完成。 ip.com 8. Snatch supplies from abandoned ports with the built-in crane and floor it to 45 knots to make a quick getaway from Jet Ski-mounted raiders. 该船内置有吊车,可从废弃的码头获取补给。其最大船速能达45节,保护你迅速逃离那些装配了水上摩托的袭击者的追袭。 dongxi.net 9. Accidents of crane machines account for a large percentage in the accidents of metallurgical industry. 起重机械事故在冶金企业工伤事故中占很大的比例。 www.chemyq.com 10. Bocog confirmed that Lucky Crane is the exclusive pork supplier for the Beijing Games but declined to comment on the so-called Olympic pigs. 北京奥组委证实,千禧鹤集团是北京奥运会的独家猪肉供应商,但拒绝对所谓的奥运猪一事发表评论。 www.neworiental.org |
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