单词 | crammed into | ||
释义 | crammed into
例句释义: 填满 1. Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket, and partly crammed into one of the cribs, there sat an old man apparently about seventy years of age. 一个看着明显有约摸七十岁的老头被一张巨大的白色毯子包裹着,几乎是半塞进那张婴儿床。 www.bing.com 2. And second of all, we were all crammed into two lanes, so I always had somebody on my tail trying to get around me. 第二,我们都挤在两个泳道里,因此我不得不忍受总有人在我屁股后面游来游去试图超过我。 www.bing.com 3. As he leans over a small desk crammed into a cabin on board a modified 757, he comes across as just another Washington big shot. 在一架改进过的757飞机上,当他趴在塞进机舱的一张小办公桌时,他看上去似乎是又一个华盛顿大腕。 www.bing.com 4. Placing the quantum dots on top of the electronics means more pixels can be crammed into a given area and less incoming light is lost. 将这种量子点涂在电子设备上意味着每一个特定区域都能产生更高的像素,并且入射光线的散失会更少。 www.ecocn.org 5. The accountants took their respective seats, but the three engineers all crammed into a rest room and closed the door behind them. 会计师坐在他们各自的位子上,而三个工程师躲进了一个休息室,并关上了门。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Jews were crammed into its four square kilometres from all over the city, Poland and the German Reich. 来自波兰和德国各城市的犹太人被塞进了这个4平方公里的地方。 www.ecocn.org 7. First, the paper magazine was crammed into the little iPad frame. In form of a PNG slide show. 首先,纸质的杂志被塞进iPad小小的框内,变成了PNG格式的幻灯片。 www.bing.com 8. Chinese current affairs magazine shocked its readers last month when it published a picture of the market showing dogs crammed into a cage. 一份中国的当代生活杂志上个月发表了一张关于市场上狗被塞满笼子的照片,这张照片令读者震惊了。 www.xici.net 9. Others crammed into bars or gathered at home for the match, which left the country paralysed for two and a half hours Sunday evening. 还有一些球迷涌入酒吧或聚在家中观看比赛,致使西班牙在上周日晚间陷入瘫痪状态达两个半小时之久。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Chickens are crammed into cages by the hundreds of thousands, each with less space than a standard sheet of paper on which to live. 鸡被成千上万的塞在笼子里,每只的居住空间还不到一张标准纸大。 www.bing.com 1. its occupants, a motley herd of bandy-legged crustaceans, have been crammed into one of the townships once reserved for blacks. 从飞船里乱哄哄地走出一群五颜六色的甲壳类动物,他们双腿弯曲,被圈养在一个废弃的黑人区里。 club.topsage.com 2. Here are more varieties of living creatures crammed into a square meter than anywhere else on the planet. 这里每平米生物种类数目超过了地球上其他任何地方。 dongxi.net 3. Her heart ached for the survivors, crammed into Displaced Persons camps, and she wanted to help. 她为那些幸存者感到心痛,于是来到难民营,想帮助他们做些事情。 www.bing.com 4. Visitors from Berlin and from around the world are crammed into the sprawling Messe Berlin, where the gadget expo is taking place. 从柏林游客和来自世界各地的人挤在了广阔的展览柏林,那里的小工具博览会正在发生。 www.bugutang.com 5. But he wants the rest of us "crammed into a few huge cities like so many ants " because it's best for the planet . 要知道这位老兄可是住在昂贵的艾迪龙达克农场上。但他却想让剩余的我们“像蚂蚁一样挤进为数不多的大城市里”,因为这样对这个星球最好。 www.bing.com 6. Even with our bodies crammed into crannies and our legs dangling free in the air, we're glad to be here. 虽然身体挤入雪沟,但腿仍然在空中摇摆,即便如此,我们依然对能来到这里感到高兴。 www.doyouhike.net 7. A circus refugee, Jenny had often been tied up for 23 hours a day or crammed into small train cars traveling from one city to the next. 在一个马戏团里,詹妮常常一天被拴上23个钟头,或者被塞进一节小车厢里从一个城市赶往另一个城市。 www.elanso.com 8. Barney, opening a cupboard, brought forth several articles, which he hastily crammed into the pockets. 巴尼打开食橱,从里边摸出几样东西,急急忙忙地塞进他俩的口袋。 novel.tingroom.com 9. Shannon got a kick out of the political diversity crammed into the one-room office. 仙农因为政治观点不同,被排挤到另一间办公室里交易。 www.56.cx 10. If a large enough mass or energy is crammed into a small enough space that warping becomes so severe that nothing not even light can escape. 如果把巨大的质量或能量压缩到足够小的空间,那么扭曲就会非常严重,以至没有任何东西,包括光在内,能够逃脱它的引力。 www.bing.com 1. People crammed into the bookstore hoping to get the author to autograph a copy of his latest work. 书店里人塞得满满的,大家都想得到这个作者的亲笔签名。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. People were crammed into crumbling, unsafe and unhealthy buildings, enduring terrible conditions at the hands of ruthless landlords. 人们挤满了摇摇欲坠的不安全也不干净的建筑物,忍受着无良房东给予的糟糕生活条件。 www.bing.com 3. Many said they were "crammed" into their offices and felt like "battery hens" which, researchers said, could make them paranoid. 不少人说,与同事“挤”在办公室中,感觉就像是“机械化饲养的鸡”。研究人员表示,这种心理可能使他们患上妄想症。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. When the mayor closed big schools to open small ones, many displaced students simply crammed into other schools nearby. 当市长关闭大规模学校以开办小规模学校时,许多需要转移的学生就被强行塞到附近的其他一些学校。 www.ecocn.org 5. He was among dozens who were crammed into an overloaded minibus which crashed head-on with a truck while on its way to classes. 他是数十人被塞进超载小巴与一辆卡车相撞,而它的方式类的头。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Are we supposed to live like sardines crammed into a can? 我们应当像罐装沙丁鱼一样生活吗? iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. New means of torture, and new torturers , crammed into the depths of the first ditch. 新的苦刑,和新的施刑者,那第一断层就为这些所充塞着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They were brought to market by dealers on motorcycles, crammed into wooden crates and sent to Guangdong on trains. 每天早晨商人们用摩托车装着大批的猫咪运往市场,然后把他们塞进木箱中并放到开往广东的火车上。 www.bing.com 9. In 1997 state schools seemed in a parlous state, with crumbling corridors, poorly paid teachers and young children crammed into classrooms. 1997年以破落的走廊,工资微薄的教师,还有塞满教室的学生为特征的公立学校似乎处于一个不利的地位。 www.ecocn.org 10. It took three of us crammed into the kitchen over a pot of simmering water. 我们三个人,围着一锅沸水,挤在厨房里研究。 video.2u4u.com.cn 1. Jenny Zhou and her two friends recently crammed into a $30 room at a Motel 168 in Shanghai. 简妮·周和她的两位朋友最近住进上海一家莫泰168连锁店,价格是每晚30美元。 www.bing.com 2. Many people crammed into a homeless shelter to escape near-freezing temperature. 许多人挤进无家可归者的避难处,躲避让人结冰的气温。 bbs.wwenglish.org 3. "Much of their activity is kind of crammed into the weekend, " Spang said. 斯潘说:“他们多数的运动都是挤压在周末这两天进行的。” www.bing.com 4. A black hole weighs as much as a massive star but it's crammed into an area smaller than a pea. 黑洞的重量宛如一颗巨星的重量,但是它却能自己的体积压缩得如同一颗豌豆一般小。 bbs.putclub.com 5. It's crammed into cheese slices and canned vegetables and sprinkled into cinnamon-raisin bagels and sandwich bread. 它融入了芝士薄片、罐装的蔬菜、肉桂葡萄干面包圈以及三文治面包。 www.bing.com 6. Hundreds of cats a day are being rounded and crammed into cages so small they cannot even turn around. 数百只猫每天正整数,并塞进笼子这么小,他们甚至不能掉头。 www.movshow.com 7. Several hundred students crammed into the lecture hall. 几百个学生涌入讲堂。 bbs.putclub.com 8. One afternoon in January 2008, Nathan Lee returned home from work to find his two little boys crammed into the same crib, crying. 2008年1月的一个下午,内森?李NathanLee下班回家,发现他的两个小儿子挤在一张儿童床上大哭。 www.bing.com 9. Dozens of passengers crammed into the carriage. 大批乘客把车厢挤得满满的。 www.taipeitimes.com 10. But many refugees today are middle-class people crammed into cheap flats. 但实际上今日许多的难民是中产阶级,住在便宜的平房里。 www.ecocn.org 1. The room was a wreck. Mismatched furniture. Faded paint. Ugly light fixtures. Knick-knacks crammed into crowded spaces. 这是一间破旧的屋子:不协调的家具,褪色的油漆,丑陋的灯具,乱七八糟的小摆饰胡乱堆积。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 2. Three operating tables are crammed into the one operating theatre. 简陋的手术室内挤了三张病床。 www.redcross.org.hk 3. You need the most information you can get crammed into the fewest people possible. 你带的人数需要精简,但资料却要。 www.ttxyy.com 4. In Tal as many as 12 people are crammed into flimsy shelters patched together from reeds and plastic sheets. 在塔尔,12位罗辛亚族人挤在由芦苇和塑料片拼凑成的单薄避难所里。 www.ecocn.org 5. But earlier this month, 150 people crammed into Room 1010 at City Hall to debate LA's latest gastronomic craze: gourmet food trucks. 但这个月早些时候,150人把市政厅(CityHall)的1010房间挤得水泄不通,就洛杉矶城最近出现的美食热潮——流动美食餐车(gourmetfoodtruck)展开激辩。 www.ftchinese.com 6. According to one eyewitness, hundreds are crammed into each room. 据一位目击者说,每个房间都塞进了数百人。 www.america.gov 7. Some 700, 000 people crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by. 000人次充斥着整个展厅中心,痴迷于他们的漫画书、观看最新发售的游戏并和同好们一同搅基。 www.bing.com 8. There are no roiling masses of migrant workers crammed into shoddily built factory dormitories. 这里没有大批民工涌向简陋的工厂宿舍的场景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. More than 300 shops, restaurants and food stores are crammed into an area of about 500 square meters. 在约500平方米的区域内集中着300多家餐馆和食品材料商店。 web-japan.org 10. It's dangerous for so many people to be crammed into one bus. 这么多人挤上一辆公车是很危险的? www.cfl.cqu.edu.cn 1. A crowd of 73, 295 crammed into Highbury on March 9, 1935 to see the title contenders draw 0-0. 1935年3月9日,共有73,295名观众涌入海布里球场观看了这场冠军争夺者之间战平了0比0的比赛。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. The good news is that any old bag will do, even a rubbish bag, so long as everything is crammed into it. 好消息是,任何老太婆做的工作,甚至一个垃圾袋。只要一切都塞进。 www.sjgcz.cn |
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