释义 |
derogated是derogate的过去分词 derogate美 [?der??ɡe?t] 英 [?der?ɡe?t] 第三人称单数:derogates 现在分词:derogating 过去分词:derogated v. | 1. to make something seem inferior or less significant; debase or degrade 2. to say unpleasant things about someone or something that show you have no respect for them 3. to deviate from a norm, rule, law, or set of conditions, e.g. by refusing to be bound by part of a treaty 4. [Law]to repeal or abolish part of a law or decree 1. to make something seem inferior or less significant; debase or degrade 2. to say unpleasant things about someone or something that show you have no respect for them 3. to deviate from a norm, rule, law, or set of conditions, e.g. by refusing to be bound by part of a treaty 4. [Law]to repeal or abolish part of a law or decree |
1. | 贬低 赵丽——GRE词汇课 - 豆丁网 ... interrogate v 审问 derogate 贬低 surrogate 替代品, 代理人 ... www.docin.com | 2. | 贬损 贬字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 贬价〖 reduceaprice〗 贬损〖 derogate〗 贬义〖 derogatorysense〗 ... xh.5156edu.com | 3. | 毁损 英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... abrogate v 取消,废止 derogate v 毁损;堕落 derogatory a 贬低的 ... www.douban.com |
4. | 减损 ...S协议第2条第2款规定,成员们所承担的起码义务不得减损(derogate)其已经承担的《巴黎公约》 、《伯尔尼公约》、《罗 … www.baike.com | 5. | 诋毁 复习计划 单词助记第二版下载/类反攻略/... ... rogat 表示祈祷的字根 derogate 诋毁,诽谤 ro 弱+ ... bbs.gter.net | 6. | 诽谤 GRE逆序_馆档网 ... abrogate 废止,废除 derogate 贬低,诽谤 arrogate 冒称具有……权力 ... www.guandang.com | 7. | 段实系限制贬损了 ...系只可以作为审核重要事实的工具,而现时关於外佣个一段实系限制贬损了 (derogate)《基本法》条文的意义,基本法包含的 … www.inmediahk.net | 8. | |