单词 | dinner party |
释义 |
复数:dinner parties 例句释义: 宴会,家宴,晚餐会,晚宴,饭局也疯狂 1. My mother wilted like a piece of limp lettuce, bid them goodbye and never had another dinner party, I mean never, for the rest of her life. 我的母亲蔫得像霜打的茄子,无精打采地和宾客们挥手作别,她再也没办过任何一次宴会,我是说,她的余生中再也没有过。 www.bing.com 2. Luckily for me, my hair is quite long, and if anyone asks at a dinner party I say I'm a writer trying to get his first novel published. 幸运的是,我的头发很长,如果有人在宴会上询问我的职业,我会说我是一位作家,正在努力出自己的第一本小说。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Tonight we'll hold a dinner party for you and I'd like you to meet my friends in Nanjing. 今晚我们在金陵饭店为您接风洗尘,并将南京的朋友介绍给你。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. With a little bit of font-acy and "Vers Libre" candle holders, your candlelight dinner party will certainly make a difference! 随着一个字体,有点素养工作的可见和“弗斯自由报”烛台,烛光晚宴,你一定会有所作为! blog.artintern.net 5. Ostrich eggs offer the perfect opportunity to add a bit of fun and theatre to a dinner party. 而鸵鸟蛋为增加烹饪乐趣提供了难得的机会,也可以使用餐变得更加有趣。 dongxi.net 6. Blue Peacock in the south of the clouds, used in the design of a shawl, makes a woman charming throughout a dinner party. 将彩云之南的孔雀蓝运用在披肩设计上,让女人的自然魅力弥漫夜宴之局。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He and his wife decided to give a dinner party, with the arrangements taken bodily from the contents of a woman's magazine. 他和妻子商定举办一次宴会。全部按着一期妇女杂志的内容来安排。 www.dictall.com 8. At the dinner party, the hospitable hostess walked around and asked each of her guests if he was eating and drinking to his heart's content. 在晚宴上,好客的女主人走到客人中间询问每一位客人是否吃得尽兴,喝得尽致。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. He felt rather out of place as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party. 他觉得很不适宜因为他是唯一一个穿运动服出现在宴会上的人。 wljy.axhu.cn 10. Imagine how much easier a dessert party could be than a dinner party. 想象一下,准备一个宴席比准备一个点心派对容易多了。 www.elanso.com 1. So as you can see, you don't have to be a great mixologist to have fabulous drinks and a fabulous dinner party. 正如你们所见,你不必成为一名伟大的混酒师就能拥有漂亮的鸡尾酒和晚餐聚会。 www.yappr.cn 2. The drink that I'm going to make is Passion, so maybe this should be like a - you know, romantic dinner party. 我将要调制的酒是激情(西番莲),或许这个应该像,你知道,浪漫的晚餐聚会。 www.yappr.cn 3. At a recent dinner party I was asked what I did and I said I was an investment banker. 在最近的一次晚宴上,我被问到自己的职业,我回答说,我是一个投资银行家。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Gale: You want me to be a stand-in for you again tonight at the dinner party? 盖尔:你今天又要我替你去参加晚上的晚餐会? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Britney, * 22, used just such a stroke of genius during a dinner party, when she was swooning over the guy sitting next to her. 22岁的布兰妮在一个晚宴上就用过这一招,那时她迷上了坐在她身边的男人。 www.bing.com 6. Fine, thanks. My wife is not able to come and I have a dinner party to go at eight, so I think I can only check one apartment tonight. 很好,谢谢.我太太今晚没有空,而我八时要参加一个晚宴,所以我想今晚只能看一个公寓单位。 wenku.baidu.com 7. After the parade, he and his wife, a native Beijinger, plan to continue celebrating at a dinner party with Chinese and foreign friends. 阅兵式结束后,他和他的妻子,原生北京人,计划在晚宴继续与中外朋友庆祝。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. About a year later I invited Brendan to a dinner party, and a woman asked him if he missed anything at all about life at the outpost. 大约过了一年,我邀请Brendan参加晚宴,一位女士问他在外驻扎期间有什么是他会怀念的。 bbs.sciopsy.com 9. Another time his wife is dispatched to a dinner party alone whilst he slips out to see "The Sting" . 另一次,他把妻子送去了一个晚宴,而自己则溜了出去看电影“骗中骗”(TheSting)。 www.ecocn.org 10. Make it for yourself, for you and your partner or hold a dinner party with friends and be amazed! 为了你自己、为了你和你的夥伴、或者与朋友举行晚餐派对时调制它,你将会得到令人惊喜的结果! blog.yam.com 1. I wonder if it is possible that we organize a dinner party for all the colleagues in our departments. 我想知道能否为我们部门的所有员工组织一个晚餐派对。 www.hxen.com 2. Helen is still trying to arrange a dinner party but it's not easy. Helen还是想尝试着安排晚餐派对的事儿但是发现并不是那么容易。 www.remword.cn 3. I recall my mother having a dinner party one hot summer evening to which she had invited eight very important and relatively wealthy guests. 我想起我的母亲在酷夏时节举行的一次宴会,她为此邀请了8位达官显贵。 www.bing.com 4. Many years later, Mister Fulton said this dinner party was the beginning of an eighteen month adventure. 许多年后,富尔顿先生说,这次晚会是他为期十八个月的冒险旅行的开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The interior ministry chief did not explain why the two leaders decided to change the venue of the dinner party. 他没有解释这两位领导人为什么会改变餐会地点。 www.ebigear.com 6. If one more person tells me at a dinner party that it's our own "Anglo Saxon fault" for living on credit, I shall scream. 如果还有人胆敢在晚宴上告诉我是我们自己的“盎格鲁撒克逊式错误”造成了我们生活在贷款之上,我一定会冲他吼。 www.bing.com 7. If you receive an invitation to a White House dinner party, this is such an honor that you would not turn it down. 如果你受到白宫晚宴的请帖,这是很荣耀的事你一定不会拒绝。 www.hcchome.org 8. Q. What are the considerations in deciding whether or not to have help when giving a dinner party? 在举办晚餐聚会时,决定需不需要帮手应考虑哪些因素? www.haotushu.com 9. They held a dinner party in honor of respect of him. 为了表示对他的敬意,他们举行了一次正式宴会。 bbs.tingroom.com 10. As it was a formal dinner party , I wore formal dress , as Mother told me to. 那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Instead of your usual dinner-and-a-movie Saturday night out, invite your neighbors over for a small dinner party. 取代你通常的星期六晚上的电影-晚餐外出,邀请你的邻居开一个小型宴会。 www.bing.com 2. In the earlier programmes we've used the situation of someone trying to arrange a dinner party and trying to find food which everyone likes. 在早先的节目里,我们假设了一个场景:有人要准备一场晚宴派对并且想搞清楚大家的口味。 www.remword.cn 3. Not at all. And the beauty of this dish is that it can be served at a formal dinner party or with a simple summer salad at home. 一点也不难。这道菜的好处就在于,它既可以在正式聚餐上享用也可以配上简单的夏季沙拉作为家常菜食用。 www.hellomandarin.com 4. The con artist angled his way into the dinner party. 这个大骗子溜进了宴会中。 www.nciku.cn 5. I'm not too surprised that "you're garbage" made sense to her in that context, but not at all to her dinner party compatriots. “你是垃圾”这句话对她来说有理而对派对上的其他国人而言是不合理的,我对这点不感到惊奇。 www.gd31.cn 6. French leave He took French leave during the dinner party. 他在宴会中不辞而别。 www.wwenglish.com 7. John Loring, the design director of the jeweller Tiffany, is the kind of man you want to sit next to at a dinner party. 约翰?洛林(JohnLoring)是珠宝品牌Tiffany的设计总监,他是那种你在晚宴希望坐在他旁边的人。 www.ftchinese.com 8. When invited to a dinner party or wedding, we feel a strong compulsion to reciprocate, sometimes against our better judgement. 当被邀请参加一次晚宴或婚礼时,我们感觉到很大强迫去交换,有时不利于我们更好的判断。 www.kekenet.com 9. A group of people are at a dinner party and slowly realize that, for some inexplicable reason, they cannot bring themselves to leave. 一群人在一个晚宴上,慢慢地意识到因为一些莫名的原因,他们无法离开晚宴。 www.bing.com 10. Friends say she used to be a difficult person to invite to a dinner party. 她的朋友说,她曾经是个很难应邀赴晚宴的人。 www.bing.com 1. Within a few days of the dinner party, Robert Fulton began his preparations. 在那次晚会后的几天里,罗伯特.富尔顿就开始了他的准备。 www.bing.com 2. I'd like to invite you to a dinner party to celebrate the finish of my dissertation, Dr. Hampton. 哈姆普逊博士,我想邀请您去参加一个为庆祝我完成博士论文而举行的晚宴。 www.tingclass.com 3. As with all my regular mini-disasters I made it into a hilarious dinner party story. But inside I didn't find it funny. 我像通常经历小型灾难时一样把它编成了一个逗笑的晚宴故事,但事情的本质并不滑稽。 www.bing.com 4. C: Fine, thanks. My wife was not able to come and I have a dinner party to go at eight, So I think I can check only one apartment tonight. 很好,谢谢.我太太今晚没空,我八点要参加一个晚宴,所以我想今晚只能看一套公寓了。 www.ebigear.com 5. I want to have a few friends over for a dinner party to celebrate my birthday. Would you be able to come the next weekend, on Saturday? 我想请几位位朋友吃顿饭来庆祝我的生日。时间在下周末,星期六,你能来吗? blog.sina.com.cn 6. That invitation was to a dinner party hosted by one of Jordans royals. 一封来自约旦皇室家族邀请参加晚宴的邀请信。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I am making dinner for Mom on Saturday one of her dear friends is coming and also my nephew, which should make a nice little dinner party. 周六晚上我的侄子和她的一个好朋友会过来,为了母亲我要亲自掌勺,希望可以办一个温馨的小宴会。 www.elanso.com 8. What a delightful dinner party! We have always enjoyed going to your home, but last Saturday's visit was more delightful than ever. 那是多麽愉快的宴会!我们一向喜欢到府上,但是上星期六的拜访,倒比过去更愉快。 www.tai-sing.com 9. He took French leave during the dinner party. 宴会上他不辞而别。 www.hxen.com 10. Our manager would like to invite you to a dinner party this evening at the Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant. 今晚我们经理想请你们去北京烤鸭店吃饭。 www.ebigear.com 1. Her mother dress her up the formaldress of the dinner party. 她妈妈帮她穿上参加宴会的礼服。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Don't start off by inviting three couples over to your home for a lavish dinner party. You'll put too much pressure on yourself. 不要一开始就邀请三对以上的夫妇到你家享用晚餐,那会带给你自己很多压力。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. First last soup, almost become the decided structure and form of dinner party in Guangzhou after the last vegetables. 先上汤,后上菜,几乎成为广州宴席的既定格局。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. That's probably as terrible a way to die as you can imagine, and very few of us were invited to a dinner party. 极少的几个人被邀请到她的晚餐聚会, www.ted.com 5. We are going to have a dinner party next week and I was asked to check out a good restaurant. 下星期我们要举办一个宴会,我被派去找一家好的饭店。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I would like to have gone to your dinner party last night, but I had to prepare an article. 我本打算出席你昨晚的宴会,但我得准备一篇文章? ymxuhua.w16.dvbbs.net 7. Honored leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I'm very grateful to you all for your presence at this dinner party tonight. 尊敬的各位领导、贵宾、女士们、先生们,非常感谢大家出席今晚的宴会。 swyyfy.wlkc.zjtie.edu.cn 8. Hello, Mr. Ni. Our manager would like to invite you to a dinner party this evening. Please come and join us. 您好.倪先生.我们经理今天晚上想请您参加宴会.请您光临。 www.bing.com 9. Do you want me to be a stand-in for you again tonight at the dinner party? 今晚你又要我替你去参加晚宴吗? en.eol.cn 10. On her company's New Year's dinner party, she won one of the second prizes. 在她公司的新年晚宴上,她抽中了一个二等奖。 www.1363.cn 1. Saturday night there was a live auction that included a holiday dinner party at the corporate commissary in Burbank. 周六的晚上在波尔班克举行了一场现场拍卖会,期间还提供给假日晚餐派对。 www.tesoon.com 2. Linda was pressed for time so she decided not to stop by the store before going to the dinner party. 琳达时间紧迫,所以她决定在去宴会之前,不去商店了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. My little sister is terrible at cooking ! She should let me take the wheel for this dinner party. 我姐姐不擅长厨艺,她应该让我来主持晚宴。 bbs.koolearn.com 4. His intelligent chief shouted at the dinner party that he wanted South Korea to be a free democracy. 他的聪明厨师冲着晚宴大喊希望韩国成为一个自由民主国家。 www.bing.com 5. Hillary and I ended our Washington stay with a dinner party given by Pamela Harriman. 参加了帕梅拉.哈里曼举办的那个宴会后,我和希拉里结束了我们的华盛顿之行。 www.bing.com 6. The dinner party at your home last Saturday was a real delight for which no words can express my appreciation. 上星期六在府上的宴会,实在太高兴了,无法表达我的感谢。 www.tai-sing.com 7. Derek: I'm having a dinner party this weekend. I'm going to prepare some Central Thai dishes, and I was wondering if you'd like to come. 我这周末要办一场晚宴,我会准备一些泰国中部料理,我想知道你是否愿意参加。 epaper.pchome.com.tw 8. When the leader of the chorus retired from the opera, they gave him a dinner party. 当合唱队的领队从剧院退下的时候,他们为他举办了一个宴会 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I cannot work out if your question is a genuine inquiry about dinner party etiquette or a howl of pain at the unfairness of life. 我拿不准你真是在诚恳地询问有关宴会礼仪的问题,还是在为生活的不公鸣冤? www.ftchinese.com 10. At the dinner party were several of those conceited fellows, who very soon tried to make him feel uncomfortable. 宴会上有那么几个趾高气扬的人物,他们迫不及待地想使哥伦布难堪。 www.kekenet.com 1. B: Could you get in touch with my cousin and tell him that I won't be able to make the dinner party tomorrow because of this delay. 请你能跟我表兄联络一下吗?并告诉他,因为这个延误我将不能参加明天的餐会。 www.kekenet.com 2. At a large dinner party, wait for the hostess to place her napkin in her lap before doing so yourself. 参加一个大型宴会,等女主人把餐巾纸搁在她的膝盖上后你才可以进餐。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Well, it's just the rules of a dinner party transported to a restaurant, but because the rules are out of place they are surprising. 好了,其实这只是将一些派对上的东西移植到餐厅里罢了,只不过,规则脱离了场景就让人非常惊讶了。 www.bing.com 4. Our Director of Foreign Trade Bureau, Mr. Zhang, wishes the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. 我们外贸局主任张先生向今晚想请您共进晚餐。 www.weihai.gov.cn 5. (British) an annual dinner party given by an employer for the employees. (英国)雇主款待佣人的每年一次的宴会。 www.jukuu.com 6. Bree: Well, I wanted to invite you and your father to a dinner party tomorrow night. 我想邀请你和你的父亲参加明天的晚宴。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 7. The food at the dinner party did not seem very inviting. 宴会上的食物似乎并不诱人。 www.backpack.net.cn 8. Or is it simply part of being a rounded personality, to be able to engage in enlightened conversation at a dinner party? 或者,艺术仅仅是健全人格的组成部分,为了能在晚宴上的知性谈话中对答如流吗? www.elanso.com 9. Of course, he thought bitterly, Uncle Vernon was talking about the stupid dinner party. 当然啦,他怨忿地想,弗农姨父是在讲那个愚蠢的晚宴。 www.kekenet.com 10. Reading this book is like a good conversation at a dinner party. 阅读这本书就如同在一场盛宴中愉悦地交谈。 dongxi.net 1. I put my foot in my mouth when I said that I didn't like fish just before my friends served fish at their dinner party. 就在朋友在晚宴上吃鱼的时候,我说我讨厌鱼。我真是说错话了。 cet.hjenglish.com 2. I began to relax. The Gleasons' dinner party wasn't so different from a Chinese meal after all. 我松了一口气,其实格林森家的晚宴与中国的无甚区别。 www.thnu.edu.cn 3. If I were invited to a dinner party with my characters, I wouldn't show up. 如果有人邀请我和我创造的动物形象一起参加一个宴会,我是不会露面的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If the boss is going to give a dinner party, he or she should make the reservation ahead of time in an appropriate restaurant. 如果老板要开一个晚宴,他或她在这之前要预定一个合适的酒店。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Mr. Black sends me to invite you to our dinner party Saturday evening. 布莱克先生叫我来请您出席星期六的晚宴。 www.dzhzz.com 6. The family decided to hold a dinner party to celebrate their daughter's graduation from high school. 这个家庭决定举行一个晚会去庆祝他们女儿从高中毕业。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Navigate through different moments of a dinner party, discover the recipes and get inside the new refrigerator. 通过一个不同的时刻导航晚宴,发现里面的食谱,得到新的冰箱。 movingshop.org 8. I'd like to invite you to a dinner party at Tongxiang International Hotel. 我想请您在桐乡国际大酒店吃饭。 wmw.tx.gov.cn 9. I'd like to invite you to a dinner party at Jiangyin International Hotel. 我想请您在江阴国际大酒店吃饭。 www.englishunion.com 10. If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of genetically modified foods. 如果你想在一次晚宴上引发一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. One day at a dinner party, he was asked to sit next to a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. 有一天在一个晚宴上,主人让他坐在一位身材高大、满脸严肃的女士身边,那位女士身穿黑色的紧身晚礼服。 big5.cri.cn 2. Kids, we are going to a very important dinner party, so I don't want you kids to forget yourselves. 孩子们,我们要参加一个非常重要的宴会,所以我不想你们失礼。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A: I'd like to invite you to a dinner party for my birthday. 我想邀请你参加我的生日晚宴。 www.ebigear.com 4. Our manager had sent me here to request the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. 我们经理派我来请您光临今晚的宴会。 blog.olog.cn 5. A: I wish the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. We can talk about our time schedule over the dinner party. 我希望今晚陪您共进晚餐,能赏光吗?进餐期间我们可以谈一谈我们的时间安排。 www.chuxing.com.cn 6. Betty and I will throw a dinner party this evening, we'd like you to come. 贝蒂和我今晚准备举行一次宴会,希望你能来。 www.ecp.com.cn 7. You could, for instance, acknowledge the superstitious shiver and get on with having 13 people at your dinner party regardless. 例如,你可以一面承认迷信的想法令你感到恐惧,一面不管不顾地依然邀请13个人参加自己的晚宴。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Dinner party is also a luncheon, participants take beverage and food to put together Shared, also held at noon more. 聚餐会也是午宴的一种,参加者自带饮料和食品,放在一起大家共享,亦多在午间举行。 www.bing.com 9. We got a message that Jeff would be ten minutes late for the dinner party. 我们刚刚得到消息,杰夫会迟到十分钟,方可抵达晚宴会场。 blog.tkms.ptc.edu.tw 10. what i wanna tell you is that i figure you are very excellent in dinner party, and i am mad with joy, how do you make it ? 我想告诉你的是,我认为今晚的晚宴你做的非常棒,我都有些欣喜若狂了,不知道你是怎么做到的。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink, especially at a dinner party. 36你也许有不同看法,但我不喜欢喝酒,尤其是在宴会上更是如此。 tieba.baidu.com 2. If you do not mind, I will discuss our coroperate with you before the dinner party. 如果你不介意的话,我想在宴会开始前和你讨论一下我们的合作事宜 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Evening Graduation and farewell group dinner party! ! Students will also receive a CD of Yoga Music as a Special Graduation Gift. 晚间毕业典礼及告别晚餐和派对!!学员将获得瑜伽音乐CD作为特别毕业礼物。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It was at a dinner party in Paris, at the house of the artist Bill Copley. 那是巴黎的一个午餐聚会,在比尔·科普利家举行的。 www.bing.com 5. On the fourth day, we will arrange a professional discussion with local entrepreneurs and a Shanghai style dinner party after that. 与当地企业家进行专业座谈,然后是上海风味的晚宴会。 www.docj.net 6. Now if Julia has her way, she's gonna have quite a dinner party at her house one day. 如果朱莉亚有时间的话,她希望能在家里举办一个晚宴。 english.suridea.cn 7. The manager, along with his secretaries, is going to a dinner party tonigh. 经理以及他的几位秘书今晚将去参加晚宴。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The guests the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国威严的语气感到有点意外。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Peacetime dinner party or not to drink too much wine! 平时应酬还是少喝点酒! www.zx0371.com 10. Michael and Lisa hit it off on their very first date, at a dinner party of a mutual friend. 迈克和丽萨在第一次约会时就十分合拍,在一个晚餐会上成为了朋友。 www.bing.com 1. eg. We tried to stay away from controversial topics at the dinner party. 晚宴上我们尽力避免一些有争议的话题。 www.bing.com 2. Please accept my sincere regret at not being able to join the dinner party. 由于不能参加晚宴,请接受我诚挚的歉意。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Instead I drove home to a small dinner party: my wife and I, another couple and a friend. 然后我开车回家,参加了一个小型的聚会:我和我妻子,另一对夫妻,以及一位朋友。 www.bing.com 4. If they were to throw a small dinner party -- indoors! 如果他们举行一次小晚餐会-------室内! greg-mankiw.blog.sohu.com 5. When they engage in a banquet or dinner party, wine is their adversary, putting them into the shoes of an angel or a devil. 应酬时,酒是女人的敌人,它把女人变成天使或魔鬼。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. At home Thomas had a dinner party to show the forks to his friends. 托马斯在家开了个晚餐派对,给他的朋友们展示那些叉子。 tieba.baidu.com 7. I'd like to invite you to a dinner party at Nanhu Hotel. 我想请您在南湖宾馆吃饭。 8. No Parisian dinner party is complete without a debate on the human condition and the force of destiny. 巴黎的宴会上永远少不了关于人类状况和命运力量的辩论。 www.ftchinese.com 9. During the first quarter of the century, among society's upper classes, wine was central to the male dinner party. 在十九世纪的前二十五年,上层社会阶层绅士的晚宴上最重要的就是葡萄酒。 www.thnu.edu.cn 10. Mao famously argued that "revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture" . 毛曾有个著名论断,“革命不是请客吃饭,不是做文章,不是绘画绣花”。 www.bing.com 1. As I mentioned yesterday, I'; m having a small dinner party for my mother'; s birthday this weekend. 就象我昨天所提到的,这个周末我将为我的母亲举行一个小型的生日宴会。 www.feedou.com 2. Mr. Taylor has invited me to a dinner party tonight. 泰勒先生邀请我今天晚上去参加一个晚餐会。 www.hxen.com 3. Introduced by friends at a dinner party last spring, the couple kept their love a secret until last autumn and decided marry in May. 他们是头年春天在一次宴会上经朋友介绍相识的,爱情的秘密一直保持到去年秋天,他们定于五月完婚。 www.ebigear.com 4. I'd like to invite you to a dinner party at XXX Hotel. 我想请您在XXX大酒店吃饭。 www.weihai.gov.cn 5. " spent period of time again, a strong dinner party is more, the language that his sweetheart asks is simpler: " Normal not? 又过了一段时间,阿强应酬更多了,他爱人问的语言更简单了:“正常不?” qyweb.org 6. I met with an old friend at a dinner party. 在一个宴会上我碰到了一位老朋友。 rcs.wuchang-edu.com 7. For encouraging the sales team work, enhance energy between the team cooperation, we will hold a small dinner party tonight in activities. 为鼓舞销售团队的工作干劲,增强团队间的合作关系,我们在今晚将举行小型聚餐活动。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. We specially prepared a simple and nice dinner party, every neighbor is warmly welcomed to come to join! 我们特地准备了一个简单而温馨的晚宴,恭请各位邻居光临! wenku.baidu.com 9. I'd like to invite you to a dinner party at Lushuihe International Hotel. 我想请您在露水河国际大酒店吃饭。 lushuihe.net 10. Gavin and Giselle are in their very small kitchen, preparing for a dinner party. 盖文与吉赛儿挤在他们小小的厨房里准备晚餐派对。 bbs.wwenglish.org 1. All of which might be hard to explain, of course, if you've just mooned the dinner party. 所有这一切都难以解释,当然,如果你刚刚在晚宴上神游太虚的话。 www.foodmate.net 2. One was at a private dinner party, (1971) prepared by a Paris trained cordon blue Chef. 一次是在1971年,我去参加的一场私人宴会,当时的那位大厨曾接受过蓝带学院的培训; www.miltt.com 3. I'm going to a dinner party tonight. Should I take the hostess a small gift? 我今晚去参加晚宴。我应该给女。 www.zishayage.com 4. At a recent dinner party, one guest completely took over the conversation. 在最近的一次宴会上,一位客人完全占据了整个谈话。 www.bing.com 5. " A Jiang says: " There is a dinner party today, come home out of order had a meal! 阿强就说:“今天有应酬,不正常回家吃饭了!” qyweb.org 6. Brolin was at a dinner party in Los Angeles with Travolta and Marlon Brando. 布洛林在洛杉矶的一个晚宴上见到了屈伏塔和马龙·白兰度。 www.bing.com 7. It's also possible that you'll host an office dinner party at home or will entertain some colleagues you worked with in the past. 也有可能是你会举办一个宴会在家里或办公室将会让你们曾和他的一些同事在过去。 www.meiguoshenpo.com 8. Actress Mia Farrow was questioned by the court about the events surrounding a dinner party hosted by Nelson Mandela in 1997. 法庭向演员米娅?法罗审问有关1997年纳尔逊?曼德拉举办晚宴的事情。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. You know I think I'll have a party, but not dinner party. If you want to eat, bring your own food. 我觉得,我会举办一个派对但是不会是一个晚餐派对。你们如果想吃东西,自己带好了。 www.remword.cn 10. Frequently dismissed as cranks , their fussy eating habits tend to make them unpopular with dinner party hosts and guests alike. 像怪人屡次不受欢迎一样,他们爱挑剔的的饮食习惯使他们不受主人和客人的欢迎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Huffington says two other guests at the dinner party, both television actors, have confirmed her contention. 赫芬顿说,有两名那晚宴的宾客﹐都是电视演员,也证实了她的说法。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. That was readily apparent at a recent dinner party, where guests were served alcohol and tested throughout the evening. 最近举行的一场晚宴可以非常清楚地证明这一点。宴会整晚为嘉宾们提供酒精饮料并进行测试。 www.cn.wsj.com 3. We came to know many people either out of business or by mere chance-say, having been at the same table at a dinner party. 我们和许多人相识,或是因了事务关系,或是因了偶然的机缘——如在别人请客的时候同席吃过饭之类。 dipan.kekenet.com 4. And on foreign policy, Mr Cameron would get an easier ride at a trendy London dinner party than hawkish Mr Osborne. 在外交政策上,假如卡梅隆和鹰派作风的奥斯本共同出席一场伦敦的时尚宴会的话,卡梅隆可能会更受欢迎。 www.ecocn.org 5. The dinner party last night was an AB treat, so the ladies didn't spend much. 昨晚的聚餐是AB制的,所以女士们都没有花太多钱。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Host a dinner party for some of the folks on your street. 为一条街上的人们举行晚宴派对。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Reminds me of my first royal dinner party. 令我想起我的第一个皇室宴会 blog.sina.com.cn 8. You meet a man called Lawrence at a dinner party. Which of the following is his most likely occupation? 你在晚宴上遇到一个叫劳伦斯的人。下面哪一项是他最可能的职业? zhidao.baidu.com 9. We have decided to invite the Blacks to the dinner party. 我样已经决定邀请布莱克一家来参加宴会。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This modelling suits in long hair, the hair is exiguous , hope the hair has big curly lady. When also suiting urgent dinner party quite. 此款造型适合中长发,头发稀少,并希望头发有大卷曲的女士。也比较适合紧急应酬时。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I'll be late for the dinner party tonight. Can you reserve a seat next to you for me? 今晚的晚宴我会晚点到。你可不可以帮我在你旁边留个位子给我? lyle.myrice.com 2. There is, as everyone knows, an art to assembling the perfect combination of guests for a dinner party. 众所周知,能为一场宴会邀请到最完美的嘉宾组合就如同完成一件精美的艺术品一样。 www.bing.com 3. drink like a fish A guy hosted a dinner party for people from work, including his boss. 某人举办一场宴会招待他的同事,包括他的老板。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. There, he hopes to throw a dinner party with Donald Trump Jr. , an executive vice president with the Trump Organization. 他希望在那里与TrumpOrganization的执行副总裁川普(DonaldTrumpJr.)一起举办一个晚宴。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Last Sunday was his birthday and he had a dinner party at a big hotel. 上星期日是李先生的生日,他在一家大饭店举行宴会。 6. THE ups and downs of house prices have provided an inexhaustible topic for dinner-party conversations for several years. 几年来,房价起起落落,成了餐会上茶余饭后永不枯竭的谈资。 www.ecocn.org 7. sorry, not yet! can you help me to select the dress? i don, t what i should wear to fit the dinner party. 对不起,还没有呢!你能帮我选一下衣服吗?我不知道穿什么比较适合这个晚宴。 www.ebigear.com 8. Actually, I'm getting ready for a dinner party tomorrow night. Six people. 事实上,我正在准备明天晚上的晚宴,六个人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The guest at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the America n. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点以外 wenku.baidu.com 10. They could spend part or all of it on various luxury items such as a new car, a dinner party at a restaurant or a holiday in Europe. 他们可以把其中一部分或者所有的钱花在各种奢侈品上,比如一辆新车、在餐馆的一次晚宴、或者去欧洲度假。 www.yuloo.com 1. We won't be able to come to your dinner party on Sunday because that is the day we will have the Smiths here for dinner. 因为这是一天,我们将有吃饭的史密斯在这里,我们将无法来上周日晚宴。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 2. In a slow learning child school fundraising dinner party, all the people will never forget one student's father said. 在一个学习迟缓儿童学校的募款餐会上,在场的所有人永远忘不了其中一个学生的父亲所说的话。 news.cnqr.org 3. David hosts a dinner party to introduce Michael to his friends. 大卫在家举办晚宴把迈克尔介绍给自己的朋友们。 happygolucky2006.spaces.live.com 4. He wished the pleasure of your company at the dinner party. 他希望您能赏光参加这次宴会。 zhangjinwei1983.blog.163.com 5. barked a senior executive at one of Japan's biggest electronics firms, as drinks flowed at a dinner party. 一名任职于日本最大的电子企业的高级主管厉声说道,当时他正在一个晚宴上开怀畅饮。 www.remword.cn 6. They rarely make a good impression when arriving at a dinner party. 去参加晚宴时开这样一辆车很难给人留下好印象。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Mary has posted herself up for the dinner party. 玛丽为了参加宴会而浓妆艳抹。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Today my mother bought several wineglasses with beautiful patterns on them to drink wine at the dinner party. 今天我的母亲买了他们美丽的图案几个酒杯喝葡萄酒在宴会。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The couple gave a dinner party in celebration of their silver wedding anniversary. 这对夫妇设宴庆祝他们的银婚纪念日。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Thanks. Wendy. There will be an important dinner party tonight. So I must make me the focus of my friends. 谢谢,温迪。今晚有一个很重要的宴会,我要成为朋友的焦点。 www.kekenet.com 1. Provide details concerning the dress code. Black tie or smart casual are typical dinner party choices. 提供具体的着装要求。黑领带,或者休闲正装是常见的晚会着装。 edu.163.com 2. Recently, at a dinner party, the guy sitting on my right side was clearly very bored by me. 最近在一次晚宴派对上,坐在我右边的一位男士显然对我感到十分无聊。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Health officials say the outbreak began at a village dinner party near Danzhou. 卫生官员说,疫情源自在儋州附近的一个农村席宴。 ept-cn.com 4. We are planning a small dinner party in honor of Mr. Liao yalin, President of this company. 我们将开一个小型聚餐会欢迎本公司总裁廖亚林先生。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Over one hundred men attended the dinner party held in the honor of the old professor. 一百多人出席了为老教授举行的聚餐会。 www.tianya.cn 6. Could we have the honor of your presence at our dinner party? 请问能否有幸请你光临我们的宴会? mysearch.100e.com 7. At a dinner party in the evening, the speaker, who was the guest of honor, was going to give a speech for the people. 在一个晚宴餐会上,受邀嘉宾成为了当晚的发言人,对大家主持了宴会开始前的仪式。 wenwen.soso.com 8. At a middle-class dinner party, a female guest talks casually of driving her car off a cliff. 一个中产阶级的晚宴上,女宾们以把车开下悬崖为笑谈。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. Foreigners joining a Chinese dinner party should know and follow Chinese table manners. 出席中国宴会的外宾应该懂得并遵守中国的餐桌礼貌。 www.teachercn.com 10. There will be a dinner party for you this evening. I hope you'll come. 今天晚上为你准备了一个晚宴,希望你能来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. how cheap and false the hollow courtesies of an English dinner-party! 这些英国聚会是多么廉价和空洞的谦卑有礼啊! www.bing.com 2. As Mr. Hill was away, Tom, the eldest son, acted as the host at the dinner party. 因希尔先生不在家,长子汤姆做宴会的主人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. That was a wonderful dinner party Mr. Thompson gave for me last night. 昨天汤普森先生为我举行的晚宴太丰盛了。 luoxianjun1.blog.163.com 4. At a dinner party in the home of friends, our host mentioned his highschool alma mater. 在朋友家的一次聚会上,主人提起他的一位高中校友。 bbs.24en.com 5. At a dinner party in the home of friends, our host mentioned his high school classmate. 一次在朋友家聚会,主人提到了高中同学。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. She can tell you how to do any household task, from having a dinner party to gardening. 她可以告诉你怎麽处理任何一项家务,从办晚宴到从事园艺等无所不包。 dict.kekenet.com 7. 'It's like a dinner party at Craig's house, but there are just more tables now, ' Mr. Willis says. “这就像是我家的一次晚餐聚会,只是现在有了更多的桌子,”威利斯表示。 www.voa365.com 8. All the guests agreed that they fared well at the dinner party. 所有来客一致认为他们在宴会上吃得是美味佳肴。 www.52qdu.com 9. Their wine glass at dinner is different from every other wine glass at the dinner party. 在一个晚宴中,他的酒杯就是和别人不同; zy.luyustu.com 10. In despair they seek the advice of Mr. Sewell, a clergyman whom they had met at the Corey's dinner party. 无可奈何之际,他们去求教在科瑞家宴会上认识的牧师西威尔先生。 www.dictall.com 1. Jack brought a safety date to his aunt's dinner party. 杰克带了个临时伴侣去参加她姨妈的聚餐。 www.hjenglish.com 2. You're coming to the small dinner party I'm giving next Saturday night, aren't you? 你要参加下星期六晚上我办的一个小型宴会,不是吗? edu.sina.com.cn 3. As it's a formal dinner party, we will have to wear formal dress. 由于这是正式晚宴,我们必须穿上礼服。 www.upmcn.com 4. His behavior at the dinner party left everyone present a deep impression. 他在晚宴上的表现给在场的每一个人留下了深刻的印象。 school.ecp.com.cn 5. "game over" A dinner party, a last chance, A love song, a bear dance. 游戏结束请客吃饭,最后一个机会,情歌,熊舞。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 6. Normal not? ? One day, a Jiang has a dinner party midday, the decadent that a few people drink. 有一天,阿强中午有应酬,几个人喝的昏天黑地。 qyweb.org 7. an old friend at a dinner party. 她在一个宴会上偶然遇到一位老朋友。 www.jukuu.com 8. When I mentioned that I had done this at a dinner party, I was immediately ostracized. 当我在一次晚餐聚会上提起这件事的时候,我立刻被大家排斥了。 www.gd31.cn 9. Ann: We are going to have a huge dinner party at a fancy hotel, for the class of 2011. 我们在一家豪华的宾馆会举行一个大型的午餐派对,2011届班级,然后出去玩。 www.webi.com.cn 10. Jenny: Well, I'm hosting a dinner party this weekend. Couldn't you make it any sooner? 珍妮:这个嘛,我这个周末要举办一场晚宴。可否安排早一点? english.tw 1. We had a lot of food left over after dinner party; we asked the waitress for some doggie bags. 宴会后我们还剩下了许多食物,于是我们向服务员要了一些方便袋。 www.360abc.com 2. after a formal dinner party, a thank you note should be sent to the hostess. 正式宴会后,一感谢信应送交给女主人。 wgcate.wwwwang.com 3. Wine can help keep conversation flowing at a dinner party. 在晚宴上,酒能使人侃侃而谈。 www.hjenglish.com 4. I'd like to invite Mr. John to a dinner party for our manager. 我想替我们经理邀请约翰先生赴宴。 www.5ibooks.com 5. I got something delicious to take to the dinner party. 我带了一些好吃的去参加宴会。 bh.ztbhw.com 6. However, men earn money takes time and energy, the rich man was not haggle over every penny businessman, is busy dinner party big wigs. 可是,男人挣钱需要时间和精力,有钱的男人不是锱铢必较的商人,就是忙于应酬的权贵。 www.meibai14.com 7. An hour of dinner party, will talk about ten minutes get down to business. 一个小时的饭局,正事也就谈十几分钟。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I couldn't attend a dinner party that spring without people gushing about their magnificent president. 那年春天,笔者参加的每一次宴会上都少不了有人在兴致勃勃地谈论他们的不凡总统。 www.bing.com 9. Management training, not a dinner party, but not a lecture entertainment. 管理培训不是请客吃饭,更不是演讲娱乐。 www.xiami360.com 10. Late for He is therefore forgiven if late for a dinner party. 因此,他要是赴宴迟到了会得到谅解。 www.xycai.com 1. if they were to arrive before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. 如果后天,也就是在我们分别的前一天,他们能到达的话,我们会一起吃一顿大餐。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I'm going to give a dinner party next month for some American friends. 我打算下个月为一些美国朋友举办一个晚宴。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Salad serves as a cold dish at the dinner party. 色拉是宴会上的凉菜。 buyisen.blogchina.com 4. Could you make arrangements for a dinner party of 12 persons? 你能帮我安排一个12人的晚餐会吗? www.hxen.com 5. I'm happy to host this dinner party in honor of our friends. 非常开心能为朋友举办此次晚宴。 qingziw.hn00.com 6. If you haven't mentioned their dinner party, I would have gone home. 表明此人已想起有晚宴要参加,可能不会回家而是去赴宴。 cn.zmfp.com 7. As Mr. Hill was away, Tom, the eldest son, acted as host at the dinner party. 因希尔先生不在家,长子汤姆就成了宴会的主人。 ggkb.ustsd.edu.cn 8. (a little slowly) I want to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening. (慢了些)我想邀请你明晚参加一个晚宴。 blog.163.com 9. He flied non-stop from Beijing to Nanjing to attend an informal dinner party. 他从北京直飞南京就是为了参加一个非正式的晚宴。 www.trgroup.com.cn 10. I wish you would learn to arrive at a dinner party in the correct manner. 我真希望你能学会参加晚宴的正确方式。 www.b2b99.com 1. Over a hundred people went to the dinner party in honour of the senior professor. 一百多人出席了为老教授举行的聚会。 www.hongyang.org 2. After the midyear meeting, the dinner party was held for all participants. 年中会议结束后,为所有与会者举行晚宴。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Master Huang: I'll try again. At this rate, the dinner party will take place tomorrow. 黄师父:我再试一次。照这种速度,晚宴只有明天举行了。 big5.citygf.com 4. Come to the dinner party fifteen or thirty minutes after it is scheduled to begin , you won't be considered late; this is customary. 在晚宴开始后的15-30分钟抵达,惯例你不会被视为迟到。 www.24en.com 5. Tom acted as host at the dinner party, welcoming the guests. 汤姆作为宴会的主人欢迎来宾。 www.dearedu.com 6. They held a dinner party, but it resulted in disarray . 他们举行宴会,但结果却造成混乱。 dict.veduchina.com 7. What time the dinner party starts? 晚会什么时间开始? zhidao.baidu.com 8. Let's have a dinner party. Let's change the mood in this place. He seems a little. . . Does he get angry? 让我们开个餐会,改变一下这里的气氛他看上去有点。他是不是生气了?。 www.bing.com 9. Revolution is not a dinner party. 革命不是请客吃饭。 news.koolearn.com 10. The minimum charge for a dinner party of 200 people is 6000 yuan FED, excluding drinks. 200人的宴席最低的6000人平易近币况换券,不包孕饮料。 2fwww.aqydy.com 1. The minimum charge for a dinner party of 200 people is 6000 yuan FEC, excluding drinks. 200人的宴会最低的6000人民币况换券,不包括饮料。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. His conduct at the dinner party was disgraceful. 他在晚宴上的举止很丢人。 www.12edu.cn 3. Should they arrive before we depart the day after tomorrow, we would have a wonderful dinner party. 如果他们在我们后天离开前到达,我们就可以热闹地聚一次。 www.zzdnyy.com 4. We bought crystal goblets for the dinner party. 为了晚宴,我们买了水晶高脚杯。 wordnet.sparke.cn 5. Have a dinner party sometimes, the sweetheart telephones ask: "Come back to have a meal normally today not. " 爱人就做好饭等他回来一起吃。有时有应酬了,爱人来电话问:“今天正常回来吃饭不。” qyweb.org 6. In friends or attending a dinner party dressed and elegant. 在朋友聚会或出席晚宴时穿着得体、优雅。 www.smxiangji.com 7. His first article was due the day following the dinner party. 他得在晚宴的第二天交出第一篇稿子。 www.bing.com 8. Oh, I was only joking. I'm taking the bottle of wine to a dinner party. 哦,我只是开玩笑。我是要带上酒去参加一个派对。 www.kekenet.com 9. I declined her invitation to the dinner party because I had a prior appointment. 我谢绝了她的晚宴邀请,因为我已经有了约会。 des.cmu.edu.cn 10. It is customary to arrive on time for a dinner party. 习惯了晚饭准时到达。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. My parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. 我的父母都是给予一个晚宴,庆祝党的党。 08translation.cn 2. We threw on impromptu dinner party for winning the case. 我们因为拿到了案子临时办了一个晚餐的派对。 hi.baidu.com 3. Mr. Smith asked me to buy several dozen eggs for the dinner party. 史密斯先生让我买几打鸡蛋吃。 www.haofumu.tv 4. Has everything got ready for the dinner party? 宴会的一切准备都就绪了吗? teacher.yqedu.com.cn 5. In Canada, people usually arrive on time for a dinner party and bring along a bottle of wine or a small gift, such as flowers and candy. 在加拿大,人们通常准时赴宴,带一瓶葡萄酒或是一份小礼物,如鲜花或糖果。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. Is everything set for Grayson's bachelor dinner party? 格雷森的单身派对都准备就绪了吗 wenku.baidu.com 7. So what am I supposed to do at the dinner party? Lie? 那么在宴会上我该怎么做?撒谎? www.bing.com 8. When she gives a dinner party, she always does it up brown. 她举行的宴会总是办得很出色。 dict.bioon.com 9. Laying the table for a dinner party to western countries and in China is not the same. 西方国家在宴会上摆设餐具与中国不同。 i.6to23.com 10. I've sent out the invitations for our dinner party. 我已经发出了晚宴的邀请。 www.kekenet.com |
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