单词 | curve |
释义 | curves是curve的复数
复数:curves 现在分词:curving 过去式:curved 例句释义: 曲线,弯曲,弯曲物,曲线规,弄弯,使弯曲,成弯曲状,曲线行进,曲线调节,创建曲线,曲线调整 1. It used to be covered up by all that fat! Now she's got all the right curves! 是啊。以前全身都是肥肉,现在她却有着美妙的曲线! www.1stzone.net 2. And a freely falling object would pass by, let's say, the sun and it would be deflected along the natural curves in the space. 自由落体的物体在经过向太阳这样的天体时将会被偏转沿着空间中被弯折的路径运动。 www.ted.com 3. Defines how much rotation curves should be reduced. The smaller value you use - the higher precision you get. 定义应该减少多少旋转曲线。使用较小的值——得到较高的精度。 game.ceeger.com 4. The whole curves were broken at the point of space intersection and the NURBS curves were joined from beginning to end. 将这些控制型线在空间的交点处断开,形成首尾相连的NURBS曲线段; www.magsci.org 5. The surface of an object in four-dimensional space would look like a three-dimensional "surface" that curves in on itself. 四维空间物件的表面能看作是三维曲状附着的“表面”。 club.topsage.com 6. And for a short few months, his computer company was on top of the world, with one of the steepest revenue growth curves ever seen. 在仅仅几个月的时间里,他的电脑公司成为了世界顶级,给他带来了前所未见的丰厚回报增长。 www.bing.com 7. So, maybe what you have in mind is some sort of doughnut shape like this that curves on itself, and maybe comes back. 有可能你想到的是一类这样环状物,它自身有这种曲线,也有可能绕回来。 open.163.com 8. If it's a car, you could change the curves of the lines to make it look like it belongs in a science-fiction movie. 加一些想象的元素。如果是辆车,你可以改变它的曲线使他看来就像出现在科幻电影里面似的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The combination of supply and demand curves for labor determines how much labor is purchased, and at what price. 相结合的供应和需求曲线决定劳动多少劳动力购买,价格。 lwdx123.com 10. If you ask me what I look for in my perfect girl, I got to say is her curves. 如果你问我我看中我的完美女孩的哪方面,我得说是她的线条。 word.hcbus.com 1. Sequins on your skirt accentuates all of your curves, and girl, you know I'm likin' all the things you're doing'. . . 你裙子上的亮片突出了你的所有曲线,而女孩,你知道我喜欢你做的所有事… www.chinastargps.org 2. Closed timelike curves would make such a program impossible, as a simple thought experiment reveals. 封闭的时间型曲线会让这样进行的程序不复存在,就如同一项简单的思维实验所揭示的那样。 www.bing.com 3. The least square approach is applied to get regression curves and a design plan is proposed on the basis of the regression curves. 应用最小二乘法求出回归曲线,并根据回归曲线提出设计方案。 www.dictall.com 4. Easy to install with a complete selection of standard 45o degree and 90o degree curves, as well as custom curves and turntables. 易于安装一个标准的45度和90度度度曲线完整的选择,以及自定义曲线和转盘。 bbs.canjiren.net 5. Meanwhile, the long dance with the equivalent of being a ballet dancer, put the body into one graceful curves, graceful and dynamic. 同时,长带也相当于狂舞之中的芭蕾舞者,将身体摆成一个个曼妙的曲线,婀娜又动感。 dict.chla.com.cn 6. Give him a gentle reminder that both his hands are free, guiding them to caress your curves and stimulate your clitoris. 可以温柔的提示他一下,他的双手是自由的,引导他抚摸你的躯体,刺激你的阴蒂。 www.bing.com 7. She was beautiful with her smooth curves, fair skin and raven hair, holding a gold arrow in one hand and a blood red apple in the other. 那个娃娃特漂亮,曲线特别流畅,雪白的皮肤,乌黑的头发,一手拿着金色的箭,另一只手拿着一个血红的苹果。 www.bing.com 8. The genetic algorithm is usually selected as an optimization tool for the least square fitting about ordered plane data by B-spline curves. 在B样条曲线的最小二乘拟合平面有序数据问题中,经常采用遗传算法进行优化。 www.joca.cn 9. Such a standard curve is referred to as dot dot curves, which are provided by the software, as shown in Figure 2. 这样的网不面增大弧线称为尺度网不面增大弧线,它们是由软件供应的,如图2所示。 www.bing.com 10. This method was simple, convenient and easy to calculate, the level of submerged oil layer could be identified with the logging curves. 该方法简单方便,计算量小,根据测井曲线即可判别出油层水淹级别。 www.chemyq.com 1. Like a child, she did not stir; but what throbbing life was suggested in the curves of her body and in her air. 像那个孩子一样,她一动不动,但她身体和胳膊的曲线却表现出搏动的生命(这里是指母亲悲痛欲绝,心里充满悲伤,却强忍着悲痛。) kcpt.cidp.edu.cn 2. She was once famous for her curves, making a name for herself as one of the country's foremost glamour models. 她曾经以身体的曲线而闻名,她是全国最有魅力的模特之一。 dongxi.net 3. If the velocity curves of load are given, the moment function of magnetic powder brake can be obtained by means of numerical value method. 若给定负载的速度曲线,则可通过数值方法求得磁粉制动器力矩函数。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. We may draw curves which have everywhere one of these directions for a tangent, these curves are called stress trajectory. 我们可以画一簇曲线,这簇曲线处处都有一个主方向作为切线,这些曲线叫做应力轨线。 5. The word "spline" once referred to a piece of flexible wood, rubber, or metal used to draw curves on a piece of paper . 单词曲尺曾经指的是惯于在一张纸上绘制曲线的一片柔软的木头,橡胶或金属。 dict.kekenet.com 6. The research and the simulation calculation demonstrate that this method can solve the interpolation of these unknown-formula curves. 通过理论研究和仿真试验表明,这种方法能够较好地完成这类曲线的插补。 www.chemyq.com 7. Simple drawings might be straight lines, but you are free (just as a real artist is) to draw curves and arcs. 简单的图形可能由直线组成,但是与现实的画家一样,也可以绘制曲线和弧线。 www.ibm.com 8. You might be able to draw curves that are perpendicular to it. 或许你可以画出每点都垂直于向量场的曲线。 open.163.com 9. Just as stock options suggest concern, similar worries can be gleaned by looking at volatility curves in the currency options market. 正如股票期权透露了市场的关切,类似的忧虑也可通过外汇期权市场的波动率曲线窥得一斑。 cn.reuters.com 10. Smooth curving lines often evoke the soft curves of the human body, whether the viewer is conscious of this effect or not. 无论观者是有意还是无意,光滑曲线会让他们常常联想到人体的柔软曲线。 www.bing.com 1. curve She 's got all that right curves . Every guy is so crazy about her . 她的曲线尽现!每个男人都为她着迷。 www.bing.com 2. eg. Provided debt troubles do not blow out into a crisis, yield curves are staying right where banks want them. 只要债务问题不演变为一场危机,目前收益率曲线的形状正是银行所希望看到的。 www.bing.com 3. I'm not trying to argue that all environmental problems fit these curves, or that these improvements happen automatically. 我并不是说所有的环境问题都会符合这些曲线,或者环境的改善会自动地发生。 www.bing.com 4. Perhaps he thinks that his own future may be much like this path; full of bends and curves, thorns and traps. 也许他想到了自己的未来就像这条小路一样,充满曲折、荆棘和陷阱。 www.oxford.com.cn 5. Go for a block colour dress with a slimming dark pencil skirt. Extra folds at the top of the dress will balance out your curves. 最好选择这种纯色的上衣搭配显瘦的深色铅笔裙,上衣的折叠设计会很好地协调平衡你的曲线。 www.ebigear.com 6. Position relationship problem between two quadratic curves is usually discussed in collision detection problem between two coplanar objects. 平面实体间的碰撞检测中,经常需要讨论二次曲线间的位置关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Special development curves of pressure showed that nucleation was not always essential for the complete growth of hydrate crystals. 实验表现出来的特殊的压力变化曲线和规律还表明晶核形成对水合物晶体的生成并非绝对重要。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Summer sticks to her skirt sumptuously, in the shiny gray fabric hanging loosely from her curves. 她身上的裙子尽显夏天的艳丽,裙子闪亮的灰色裙料飘逸地从她的身体垂下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Note also that this definition of a supply curve holds for both short-run and long-run supply curves. 还有注意,供给曲线的这个定义对短期和长期供给曲线都适用。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The stress-strain curves of a copper wire and a structure adhesive film tested with the system are given. 最后采用该系统对金属铜丝和一种结构胶粘剂薄膜进行了拉伸测试。 www.chemyq.com 1. As the movement grew older, prominent artists began to reject geometric forms in favor of the sensual curves found in nature. 现代美学发展进一步成熟后,杰出的艺术家厌倦了几何图案而转向更自然性感的曲线造型。 gb.cri.cn 2. meanwhile , the kinetics law of nickel electrodeposition was investigated by means of steady - state polarization curves. 同时采用稳态技术测定稳态极化曲线,对氨络合物体系阴极电积镍的动力学过程进行了研究。 www.ichacha.net 3. Let's see, so you said if it's not path independent, then we cannot draw level curves that are perpendicular to it at every point. 看看,如果它不是路径独立的,就不可能画出,各处都垂直于向量场的等值线。 open.163.com 4. Kelly Brook has long been a success in the modelling world thanks to her stunning curves. 凯莉布鲁克因为有着惊艳的曲线在模特界享誉盛名。 www.hxen.com 5. Dynamic waves and moving fishes form rays of curves which go through each other, trying to reach generality from among disorder. 动感的海浪与鱼群的游动,形成发散性的线条互相穿透其中,在无序之中寻找各自的共性。 www.sedgroup.com 6. A trademark used for a prefabricated portable hut having a semicircular roof of corrugated metal that curves down to form walls. 小屋屋顶为半圆形,为波纹金属,卷下来可组成墙壁。 odict.net 7. The design of this chair was inspired by fighter planes, from its aluminum wrapped curves to its padded leather seat and back. 这款椅子的设计是受战斗机启发,外侧是铝片制成,坐垫和椅背是用皮革填补而成的。 www.bing.com 8. Users will also be able to monitor G7 Neutral Print Density Curves and gray balances while tracking variances during the printing process. 用户还可以监控七国集团中性印刷密度曲线,灰平衡,同时跟踪在印刷过程中的差异。 bzxw.512121.com 9. Now it may be that the supply curves to the industry of these factors can be taken as horizontal. 现在,也许可以认为行业面对的这些要素的供给曲线是水平的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The result of contrast shows that the effectiveness division of a reservoir can be done according as the stoneley wave permeability curves. 对比结果表明,可依据获得的斯通利波渗透率曲线进行储层的有效性划分。 www.chemyq.com 1. By mathematical method and computer simulation, it calculated the sun-light incidence rate of different surface radian curves of greenhouse. 通过数学方法,并结合计算机模拟,对日光温室不同弧度的采光屋面太阳光入射率进行了严密的计算。 www.dictall.com 2. As can be seen, the two parameters (curves) follow one another closely, as would be expected. 可以看出,这两个参数(曲线)后续1另一个密切,正如预计将。 www.tech-domain.com 3. The PV curves of bulk power system and critical parameters can be obtained by means of this new algorithm also. 该算法亦可完成一般电力系统PV曲线的连续追踪和临界参数的搜索。 joa.csee.org.cn 4. Procedures prepared Bezier curves like to complete the Bezier curve drawing, and is able to draw the curve data preservation and open. 程序中编写了Bezier曲线类来完成Bezier曲线的绘制,并能对绘制的曲线数据进行保存与打开。 ftp.hackchina.com 5. Let's say we start in a universe that, at some particular moment, has no closed timelike curves. 我们在宇宙中是以一些特定时刻来起始的,没有封闭的时间型曲线。 www.bing.com 6. Draw a line between your breasts and along the curves of your breasts with it, blending it well. 在你的胸部之间划一条线,还要在你的胸部凸起的边缘画线,并且和眼影粉混合起来。 www.bing.com 7. In mathematics, a set of functions , curves, etc. , Which can be generated by varying one or more of the parameters of a general form . 数学中的一组函数、曲线等,它们可以通过改变一个通式中的一个或几个参数而生成。 www.bing.com 8. Finally, a series of nodes from the curves are picked up to regenerate surface, and a swept volume is generated. 最后从每个节点的投影曲线上提取出一系列的点,由这些点就可以进行曲面重构,从而生成扫掠体。 www.fabiao.net 9. To constrain interpolating curves to be bounded in a given region is an important issue for shape control of curves. 将插值曲线约束于给定的区域之内是曲线形状控制中的重要问题。 ceaj.org 10. Compared to stress-strain curves method, DMTA was more effective for analyzing the damping property of materials. 与应力-应变曲线相比,DMTA能更全面地反映材料的阻尼性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Think of this the next time you are in a big city, zooming around curves and between lanes along with thousands of others, doing top speeds. 下次当你在一个大城市的时候再琢磨一下这个,绕着曲线在车道之间与成千上万全速行驶的其他人一起风驰电掣。 www.bing.com 2. Then, the investigations on the irregular potential energy curves of the diatomic molecule are calculated by means of CASSCF method. 随后,利用CASSCF方法对一些双原子分子的特殊势能函数进行了计算研究。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. By analysis of the body wave dispersion curves, the enhanced continuum models are compared to corresponding discrete lattice models. 通过分析体波色散曲线,增强连续模式相比,相应的离散格子模型。 www.syyxw.com 4. Shape recognition of planar curves is a fundamental problem of pattern recognition. But it has not been well resolved by now. 平面曲线形状识别是最基本的模式识别问题,然而这个问题至今仍然未能很好地解决。 cjig.cn 5. The travel path can contain any number of curves, inclines and declines, which do not create any problems whatsoever. 整条定位路径可以包含无数个曲线,倾斜和下降,而不产生任何问题。 www.ca18.net 6. This approach applies to any spectral source and provides curves of constant spectral resolving power, as produced by many spectrometers. 这种方法适用于任何光谱源,并提供不断的光谱曲线解决电力,作为生产的许多分光计。 www.syyxw.com 7. The simulation results show that the problem about the smooth connecting of these curves can be solved well with the new method. 仿真验算证明,利用该方法可很好地解决上述曲线光滑连接问题。 terms.shengwuquan.com 8. It extended its tendrils down the corridors of the maze, bending around curves, reaching dead ends and then backing out of them. 它的卷须沿着迷宫的走廊延伸,转过弯角,遇到死胡同会退回来。 www.bing.com 9. Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit. The path curves down into the valley and then up to the ruin. 云杉屋是最容易参观的崖居,通往云杉屋的道路蜿蜒曲折而下到峡谷,然后向上到达这个崖居。 www.bing.com 10. "The global carry trade is dead and in Asia, flat forward curves in the currency markets offer poor risk-reward, " she said. “全球套利交易已经再无生机,在亚洲,货币市场上平坦的收益率曲线只能提供很差的风险回报率,”她说。 www.bing.com 1. In the presence of closed timelike curves, though, we generally will not be able to slice space-time that way. 在封闭的时间型曲线存在的环境下,我们一般不能那样切割时空。 www.bing.com 2. He shows me a graph with three different curves representing the same amount of carbon being emitted over different timescales. 艾伦向我展示了一张图表,上面画着三条不同的曲线,代表不同时间段内相同的碳排放量。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Lines and curves Lines are the foundation of any vector graphics drawing system. 直线和曲线-直线是任何向量图形绘制系统的基础。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The cam is of several teeth of cosine curves and of good quality at high speed. 凸轮采用了多齿的正弦曲线,高速性能好。 www.ilib.cn 5. The synoptic charts embrace much meteorological information, which can be represented in two forms: numerical values and curves. 天气图中含有丰富的气象信息,这些信息的载体具有图形和数值两种不同的表现形式。 www.dictall.com 6. The calculation of these velocity and displacement curves from the accelerogram is not a trivial matter. 要从加速度记录计算速度和位移曲线也不是一件轻而易举的事。 7. The result could be shown in the form of matrices and three-dimension curves. 计算结果可以用矩阵的形式和三维空间曲面的形式表示出来,方便应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Transforms any curves in the path selected into the current device context, and turns each curve into a sequence of lines. 变形选取到当前设备上下文路径中的任何曲线,把曲线变成一系列直线。 www.zjrj.org 9. Consumer preferences can be completely described by a set of difference curves, or an indifference map. 消费者偏好可以通过一系列的无差异曲线或者一张无差异图像被完全描述出来。 space.cenet.org.cn 10. The polarization curves of aluminized steel without and with a post oxidation treatment were measured in H2S saturated solution. 用极化曲线方法对氧化处理前后的渗铝钢在饱和H2S水溶液中的耐蚀性进行了研究。 www.chemyq.com 1. Even the shower boasts the same sinuous curves in its shower column and undulating glass enclosure in clear or with a color-tinted finish. 即使是淋浴拥有在其淋浴柱和玻璃外壳,起伏蜿蜒曲线清晰相同或颜色,着色完成。 www.qiyeku.com 2. Theoretical result coincides fairly well with statistical curves obtained from the long series data from Zo-Se and Huancayo Observatories. 理论结果与用佘山及洪伽幼地磁台站得到的统计结果是一致的。 www.geophy.cn 3. A woman's body naturally has a higher body fat percentage than that of a man, so don't dismiss your curves. 女人的身体天生比男人有更多的脂肪,别对你的身体曲线视而不见。 www.bing.com 4. Comparing the church exterior is plain, facing a pair of towers, decorated with soft curves, rich in kindness. 教堂外观比较平淡,正面有一对塔楼,装饰有柔和的曲线,富有亲切感。 wenda.tianya.cn 5. a handsaw with a taut thin blade; used for cutting small curves in wood. 有拉紧的细刃片的手锯;用来在木头上切小曲线。 www.jukuu.com 6. Therefore, the change pump performance curves become the main form of energy-saving pumps. 因此,改变水泵性能曲线成为水泵节能的主要方式。 www.nanyangpumps.com 7. First, the logging response characteristics of an oil play were used to synthesize the characteristic curves. 然后,进行有井约束的综合地震储层特征反演,得到油层的地震反演体; 8. The curves show that the state of stress affects the suction and the soil water curve becomes horizontal with the increase of the stress. 分析得到了应力状态影响了土的进气值,土-水特征曲线随应力的增大而变得平缓。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The recovery of parametric representation generates a set of profile curves by marching throughout the blend region and fitting cylinders. 在过渡曲面参数提取算法中,通过圆柱拟合和过渡区域跟踪算法,计算出一系列过渡曲面的截面线。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Another example of a fractal may be seen in a spiral, whose shape is repeated in the formation of wider and wider curves . 在螺旋形的图案中也可以看到这种现象,螺旋形是由越来越宽的曲线反覆连结而成。 www.bing.com 1. The method of curves of cross sections is one of the important and popularly applied ways in generation of tool path in NC machining. 截面线法是数控加工中重要的也是应用较为广泛的一种刀具轨迹的生成方法。 www.dictall.com 2. Rob Marshall has sent out a request to casting agents in Los Angeles insisting only those with natural curves should apply for roles. 罗伯马歇要求洛杉矶代理人只挑选那些拥有自然曲线美身材的演员来饰演电影中的角色。 www.hxen.com 3. When plotting two or more curves, we need a key or legend to distinguish them. 当绘制两条或多条曲线时,我们需要关键字或图例来对它们进行区分。 www.ibm.com 4. 'I never diet. I'd like more curves, but it doesn't bother me that I haven't got any. 我一般不吃普通的食物,因为我必需保持身材的曲线美,但我对此没有怨言。 club.pchome.net 5. Waves - Curves and contours found on the surface of the wafer that can be seen by the naked eye. 波浪-晶圆片表面通过肉眼能发现的弯曲和曲线。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Data on more than 23, 000 song valuations resulted, allowing the professors to get a sense of the actual demand curves for popular songs. 这些超过23000首歌曲的估价结果使教授得到了人们对流行歌曲的真实需求曲线的一点眉目。 www.ecocn.org 7. The analytic methods of this paper can also be used to discuss certain properties about density curves of other distributions. 该文的分析方法还可用来讨论其它一些分布的密度曲线的某些性质。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Then the curves of magnetic strips field ( B) with length ( L ) and magnetic roller field( B) with its angle (DEG) are described by printer. 通过打印机绘图仪输出了磁条的磁场(B)与长度(L)的曲线、磁辊的磁场(B)与角度(DEG)的曲线。 www.elecfans.com 9. The S form of the rachis of equestrian Sa Yi Ren and average now person curves rachis to differ somewhat, for straight " one " glyph. 马萨伊人的脊柱与现在一般人的s形弯曲脊柱有所不同,为直的“一”字形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Polygonal approximation of digital curves is one of the crucial steps prior to many image analysis tasks. 与其他步骤相比,数字曲线的多边形近似比其它图像分析任务都要重要。 bulo.hjenglish.com 1. With the studies of release curves and SEM photos of the microcapsules, it was shown that two kinds of release profile might exist at least. 溶出曲线和微囊形貌结构照片研究表明,可能至少存在两种不同的溶出释放通道。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Give it a smack, and it curves, swerves and recovers. 如果给它一个侧推,车子将会走出曲线,摆正,然后恢复平衡。 www.bing.com 3. If it curves up away from a straight line, that's bad, because more load means a greater cost per request. 如果曲线向上弯曲,那就糟糕了。因为更多的负载意味着每请求的成本更高。 www.infoq.com 4. Finally, the Subsection Cubic Spline interpolation was used to analyze the Pitch curves which provide a method for the further work. 最后运用三次样条插值对其节曲线了进行研究,这为后续的设计制作提供了一定的依据。 stae.com.cn 5. But really if we want to see what's happening in each of the phases, we have to stay on the coexistence curves. 但如果想看看,每一相的变化,就必须呆在共存曲线上。 open.163.com 6. By altering the height with a fixed increment, the path intersects the curves of the contour to arrive at the terminal point. 通过已确定的增量变化高度,路径得以穿越各条等高线到达终点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The phase equilibrium curves of the system were determined by the turbidity and chromatogram method. 采用浊度法和色谱法相结合的策略测定了体系的相平衡曲线,并绘制了三元相图。 www.chemyq.com 8. Around this time, a sassy modeling named Eva was getting a lot of attention for her curves and her love life. 大约在这时,一名叫做爱娃的时髦模特人体模型因曲线和爱情生活受到很多注意。 www.yappr.cn 9. The result indicates that the potential curves do not show six fold symmetry as predicted by "six site potential" model. 结果表明势能曲线不存在“六阱势”理论所预言假设的准六度对称性。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. A shift dress will give you an ample amount of coverage and has nice seaming details that can help define the curves of your body for you. 连衣裙将提供充足的覆盖面,而且有漂亮的接缝细节,来帮助你凸显身体的曲线美。 www.bing.com 1. By contrast the system output curves, it shows that the Fuzzy-PI controller's output performance obviously surpasses the PID controller's. 通过对系统的输出曲线时比可以发现,Fuzzy-PI控制器的输出曲线的性能指标明显优于PID控制器的输出曲线。 www.juhe8.com 2. They will review the light curves to look for any periodic decrease in brightness, an indication of a possible transiting planet. 他们将检查这些光变曲线,从中搜寻任何(细微)的光度周期性减小现象,由此推测可能的行星运动现象。 www.astronomy.com.cn 3. I put the eye sphere in place and drew creation curves for the leg and the eyelids . I used the same method as for the body . 我将眼球放上去,画出创建腿和眼皮的曲线。我使用的是和画身体一样的方法。 www.bing.com 4. The whole appearance of the village does not present a straight line, but curves like a half-arc. 整个村落的全貌不成直线,而是半弧形。 www.bing.com 5. A fish moves its tail from side to side. The rest of its body curves in the opposite direction from its tail. 鱼就是通过用尾巴左右摇摆,身体呈与尾巴相反方向的弯曲来游动的。 blog.163.com 6. Tool paths are free-form curves on the surface in the process of sculptured surface pen-cutting machining. 复杂曲面笔式加工时的刀具轨迹是位于曲面上的自由曲线轨迹。 www.dictall.com 7. Select one of the constituencies, use " and " " levels and curves " dialog box to adjust the brightness and contrast. 选择一个选区后,使用“色阶”和“曲线”对话框进行亮度和对比度调整。 www.bing.com 8. As the grades grew steeper and the curves sharper, my sense of control faltered, "It's all in your head, " I kept repeating desperately. 随着坡越来越陡,弯越转越急,我渐渐有了控制不住之感。“全是胡思乱想,”我拼命反复地提醒自己。 www.24en.com 9. The shapes and smoothness of intermediate portions of the blending curves can be easily controlled by adjusting two parameter values. 混合曲线上两个裁剪点之间的中间部分的形状与光顺性可通过调节两个参数值加以控制。 www.magsci.org 10. Compared with normal consolidated clay, the dynamic strength curves of over consolidated clay are smoother with a less degradation rate. 与正常固结比相比,超固结软粘土的动强度曲线更平缓,强度衰减速率更小。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. British developed a highly decorative tracery curves, the British called the peak of Gothic architecture was a decorative style. 英国人发展了有高度装饰性曲线的窗花格,英国的盛期哥特式建筑被称作是当时的一种装饰风格。 www.bing.com 2. You can see that both investments start to grow slowly and then accelerate, as reflected in the increase in the curves' steepness. 你能看到,两个投资在开始时都缓慢然后加速,在它们曲线的倾斜度上反映出来的。 www.bing.com 3. These curves show how a market comes to equilibrium, in which the price of a product adjusts to ensure that demand equals supply. 从曲线可以看出市场如何达到供需平衡,其中调整产品价格可确保需求和供给的均衡。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. The vehicle can be positioned around curves and inclines where traditional laser measurement systems cannot be used. 车辆可以被定位于曲线和左右倾斜的范围内,这些范围内无法使用传统的激光测量系统。 www.dianqi163.com 5. Then to come true the computer control for experiment device and output test curves as well as the performance of hydraulic system. 实现实验台的计算机控制,输出实验曲线,液压系统的性能。 www.juhe8.com 6. when draping a flat piece of fabric over the curves of the human body, the folds of the fabric radiate from the highest point of the bust. 把平面的布覆在曲线的人体上进行立裁,从胸高点辐射出多余的面料折叠。 7. The similarity discrimination of skull-photo contours curves is an important research aspect in computer-aided photographic superimposition. 颅像轮廓曲线的相似性鉴别是计算机辅助颅像重合技术中的重要研究内容之一。 en.zidian8.com 8. Therefore, a group of coupler curves with variable transmission ratio can be generated by a hybrid-driven planar five-bar mechanism. 因此可以采用混合驱动五杆机构实现具有不同传动比要求的、成组的连杆曲线。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Then the initial point correspondences on the correspondence curves between the different images are performed by dynamic programming. 然后采用动态规划法对离散后的图像曲线进行初始匹配; 10. He conducted the modernized recreation in his work and utilized the related beelines and curves, which took on various sense of rhythm. 作品进行了现代化的再创造,并利用了相应的具有各种节奏感的直线和曲线。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 1. The influences of the damping ratio, seismic parameter, waters speed on the response curves of the system are analyzed. 分析了阻尼比,地震影响系数,水流流速,小参数等对系统响应曲线的影响。 www.fabiao.net 2. A given set of points could yield a variety of curves, depending on the properties of the physical spline. 一组给定的点可以产生各种各样的曲线,这取决于物理样条的属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Methods. A clinical diagram derived from a decision tree was developed to help clinicians classify AIS curves. 方法:基于决策树设计一个临床图表帮助临床医生进行AIS侧弯分型。 www.oaopdoc.com 4. Numerical experiments show that this is a very practical fairing approach for curves. 数值实例表明,这是一种有效的曲线光顺方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. However, if the bridge contains any curves, the beams become subject to twisting forces, also known as torque. 但是,如果桥梁包含任何曲线,成为梁受扭部队,也被称为扭矩。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Sometimes the ring comes down and curves into the lower atmosphere, causing strange electrical effects. 这个环有时会下降,弯入大气层的底层,结果引起了奇怪的电效应。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The improved UX should ultimately enable better efficiency of use and shorter learning curves to bring new users up to speed. 改进的UX应当从根本上提高使用效率,并能缩短新用户的学习时间,使用户能够很快上手。 www.ibm.com 8. Taking the plastic mud as the simulation material, strain and load stroke curves under different reduction have been obtained. 用塑性泥为模拟材料对环件轧制的锻透情况进行模拟,获得了不同压下量下的应变场和载荷行程曲线。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. A comparison of the experimental and calculated distribution curves should provide a robust check of the adequacy of this model. 将实验测得的和计算所得的分布曲线进行比较,应该对这个模型是否合适这一问题提供有力的校验。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The road curves as you COME off the bridge. 路在你走到桥的尽头时转弯。 dict.ebigear.com 1. As for curvature continuity curves, they are usually constructed by means of rational cubic curves. 人们通常用有理三次曲线样条来构造整体曲率连续的曲线。 www.dictall.com 2. An easement is a segment of a spiral that provides a smooth transition between tangents and curves, and curves of different radius. 介曲线是一组用来保证在直轨和弯道之间,以及不同半径的弯道之间进行平稳过渡的螺旋线。 bbs.hasea.com 3. Your smooth blond curves around my fingers and fast beating heart next to my ear made me brave enough to face those wolves' bloody eyes. 你那金色卷发从我指中划过,你那澎湃的心跳从我耳中传来,给我勇气去面对那些恶狼般的猩红血眼。 www.xici.net 4. Product, product type, product dimension, part, part shape curves and basal curve, the collection of them make up a whole washing basin. 洗面器产品由产品类型、产品尺寸、产品部件、部件外形曲线和基本曲线等类组合而成。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. In the merited, manually must specify missing structure information by extending a few curves from the known to the unknown regions. 该方法要求人为指出少量的曲线来表示缺损结构从已知区域向未知区域的传播情况。 www.xactad.org 6. The only time I manipulate curves is for moving holds and technical fixes. 我唯一要调整曲线的就是在做movinghold和修正技术细节的时候。 jie262931462.blog.163.com 7. It is the case in shipping economics too, every pair of curves determine one spot freight rate. 航运经济学中也有类似的二维供给与需求曲线,每对曲线决定一个运价。 www.13191.com 8. Have the aircraft in bathtubs and shower doors between curves or rectangular shaped wall, the whole bathroom was to reduce aqueous. 也有把淋浴门架在浴缸与墙面间的圆弧或直角造型的,减少水汽向整间浴室弥漫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In dozens of studies, researchers identified Kuznets curves for a variety of environmental problems. 在许多的研究中,针对众多的环境问题研究者来识别Kuznets曲线。 www.bing.com 10. The equations describing these curves are known as Bezier curves or paths, named after the mathematician Pierre Bezier. 描述曲线的表达式称为Bezier曲线或路径,这个名称源自数学家PierreBezier。 www.ibm.com 1. Current-time curves were given, and formation mechanism of current zones is similar to that in case by electrolysis using a pointed cathode. 给出电流~时间曲线,其中各电流区域形成机理与经点阴极电注入情况基本相同。 www.13191.com 2. In his mind he saw s the stream that curves across the country . 他仿佛看见那条弯弯曲曲的小溪流过乡村。 www.bing.com 3. In CAD system, parametric curves and surfaces are usually applied to interpolate, approximate and fit the giving data. 在CAD系统中,经常用参数曲线曲面来插值、逼近、拟合测量得到的数据点。 www.lw23.com 4. Try these commands on control points, too. Do not limit your thinking to using these only on curves, surfaces, and closed polysurfaces. 也可以在控制点上尝试这些命令。不要限制你的思想,仅在曲线、曲面和闭合多边形曲面上使用这些命令。 bbs.chinaddu.com 5. Finally we get these curves. They show us how the light reflected from asteroids relates to the asteroid's rotation cycle. 最后我们得到这些曲线,让我们了解到行星光线的反射,和行星自转周期的关系。 g15.baidu.com 6. Enhance the texture of your hair by adding curves with a hair straightener. 通过用夹直板给头发加一些曲线,提升头发的质感。 www.hxen.com 7. The tiny bumpiness of the wire is enough to make the current flow in little curves, distorting the magnetic field. 导线的微小凸起足以让电流流经微小的曲线,造成磁场扭曲。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 8. For standard curves of internal standard, double internal standards were applied to obtain better quantitative results. 在色谱内标标准曲线定量时引入了双内标,从而得到了较好的定量结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The stop term does not depend on the gradient of the image and the initial curves can be anywhere in the image. 终止项不依赖于图像的梯度,初始曲线可以在图像的任何地方。 www.opticsjournal.net 10. Combine radial symmetry, your own custom alpha textures, reference images and masking curves to build complex forms in a matter of seconds. 结合辐射对称的,你自己的阿尔法纹理,参考图像,掩盖了曲线构造复杂的形式在几秒钟。 www.galaxix.com 1. A calculation theory of diffuse neck-down and local neck-down limit strain curves during bulge forming is put forward. 提出了复合管胀形过程中发生分散性失稳及集中性失稳时极限应变的计算理论。 www.chemyq.com 2. The world is changed 'cause you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history. 世界因你而改变,因为你是象牙和黄金所造,你嘴唇的曲线将重写历史。 hi.baidu.com 3. In this paper, two equations which can be used to fit the efficiency curves of coaxial Germanium detectors are introduced. 作者研究了两类关于同轴锗探测器全能峰效率曲线的拟合公式。 www.dictall.com 4. Cardinal B-spline wavelets have been widely used in multi-resolution modeling for curves and surfaces. 在多分辨率曲线和曲面造型中,B样条小波已经得到广泛应用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to compare test performance. 受试者工作特征曲线用来比较试验结果。 www.med66.com 6. The cutting system stability is simulated and relation curves between the limited cutting width and servo system parameters . . . 仿真和实验结果表明,数控机床伺服参数与极限切削宽度具有映射关系,文中所述方法实用、可靠。 www.chemyq.com 7. We attempted to create a space that people feel like snuggling up to the organic form that curves based on human body dimensions. 我们试图创造一个空间,人们感觉依偎到有机形式,曲线的基础上人体尺寸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The force curves may account clearly for the differences of aerodynamics between a flapping wing with and without a wing flexure. 各力系数曲线揭示了折叠翼与非折叠翼气动特性差别的原因。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 9. Firstly, to the rectangle window, algorithms for clipping lines, circles and ellipses , as well as parametric curves are introduced. 首先对于矩形窗口,介绍了直线裁剪算法,圆和椭圆裁剪算法以及参数曲线的裁剪算法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The graph in FIG. 6 shows a predictive set of curves for exit temperature as a function of billet location and extrusion speed. 图6中的坐标图示出了出口温度与坯料位置和挤压速度关系的一组推测性曲线。 www.pat365.com 1. The underline of the rib cage curves gradually into a moderate tuck-up. 胸腔底部呈优美的曲线,向身躯后方适度上提。 www.3316.cn 2. The corrosion resistances of the coatings were studied by polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. 极化曲线、电化学阻抗谱测试技术研究了转化膜的耐蚀性能。 www.caesv.cn 3. The reflections and shadows cast on surrounding walls, and curves touching the wall create an illusion of suspension in space. 投下阴影的反射和对周围墙壁和曲线摸墙创造空间悬浮在一个幻想。 blog.artintern.net 4. By using mathematic functions to simulate fashion structure curves, the amendment of prototype structure can be implemented digitally. 用数学函数模拟服装结构曲线,完成了原型结构修正的数字化; www.ceps.com.tw 5. The study of slopes of curves, accelerations, maxima, and minima by means of derivatives and differentials. 通过导数和微分来研究曲线斜率、加速度、最大值和最小值的一门学科导数 wenku.baidu.com 6. Through the road test, the data and curves prove that the test platform works stable, which fulfills the design requirement. 通过工况实验,得出实测波形及数据,实验结果证明该测试平台工作稳定,并且达到了设计要求。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Hanbok both curves and lines of the United States was a straight line. 韩服的线条兼具曲线与呈直线之美。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Likewise, a corresponding simulation process is also developed to help project managers to employ the FaSS-Curves. 相同,本研究亦提出一对应之模拟程序,方便管理者在专案之绩效评估中使用FaSS-Curves。 9. Use different color copy of the same color, the spectral reflectance curves (transmission curve), there may be different. 用不同色料复制的同样颜色,其光谱不直射弧线(透射弧线),不离有不定不同。 www.bing.com 10. This paper gives a new curves matching method of computing parameters about the surface of the earth. 论文给出了一种求地层特性参数的曲线匹配算法。 www.dictall.com 1. The field curves the electrons' trajectories, even turning them into helices if it is strong enough. 磁场会弯曲电子的轨迹,够强的话,甚至能将电子轨迹变为螺旋线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Acoustics - Measurement and modelling of spatial sound distribution curves in workrooms for evaluation of their acoustical performance. 声学.工作室中声学性能评估用空间声音分布曲线的测量和参量描述 www.mapeng.net 3. The direction is defined in the order that lines and curves are added to a figure, or is defined by the geometric shape primitive. 方向按将直线和曲线添加到图形的顺序定义,或者按几何形状基元定义。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Convex: Having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere. 凸起的:具有向外弯曲或凸出的表面或边界的,如球体的外表面。 chinafanyi.com 5. One of key problems of constructing parametric fitting curves is to compute a knot for each point. 构造参数拟合曲线的关键问题之一是为每个数据点指定一个参数值(节点)。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Analyzing decline curves with typical curve matching is introduced in this pa-per, as well as the diagram of typical curves. 本文提出了衰减曲线分析的典型曲线拟合法,并给出了典型曲线图版。 www.chemyq.com 7. It is also proved that the step length after subsection is less than or equal to one pixel unit, so the curves drawn are equally smooth. 而且可以证明分段后所绘制曲线的步长小于等于一个象素,这样就保证了分段后所绘制曲线的平滑。 www.showxiu.com 8. Allows you to reshape curves and surfaces by dragging handles attached to the object. 通过拖动连接在物体上的手柄来重定义曲面或曲线的形状。 dict.kekenet.com 9. NOTE: Existing curves will get lost by subsequent computation, unless the Next button is pressed. 注意:藉着后来的计算,已存在的曲线将会消失,除非按Next。 www.caxhome.com 10. He tried to illustrate the fact with a diagram of curves based on rough estimates. 他试图以根据粗略估计做出的曲线图来说明情况。 bbs.crazyenglish.com 1. Like the foot, it has only curves and no angles. 就像人脚,新干线车身只有曲线,没有棱角。 cn.wsj.com 2. the relationship curves between the extrusion speeds and extrusion force for different extrusion ratio are obtained. 分析了挤压力随挤压速度及挤压比的变化规律。 www.juyy.net 3. I used the feather tie set between 40% and 60% on the opposite side of the boat and curves to create the bounce lights (Fig. 38). 船的另一边我把羽化范围设定在40%到60%之间,用曲线来营造一种平衡的光照效果。(图38) blog.sina.com.cn 4. The kinetic curves have been obtained. Kinetic studies showed that the reactions between nitrobenzene. 根据动力学原理处理实验数据,获得动力学曲线方程。 www.chemyq.com 5. Do not use CORELDRAW, paragraph text in, it is converted into art text, or converted to curves. CORELDRAW洋不给搁置段落文本,请转为美术文本,或转为弧线。 www.bing.com 6. But there is no significant difference between the range of radius of the dynamic and the static curves. 而在相同压力水平下,动态和静态曲线的直径变化范围并没有明显的差异。 word.hcbus.com 7. For Jessika, swimwear design is the perfect platform to embrace and enhance a woman's curves and shapes. 泳装设计是一个完美的平台,树立和提高女性的曲线和形状。 www.hudong.com 8. Resistivity logging is an important way to the oil exploration. Its curves can be used to judge the oil and gas reservoirs. 电阻率测井是油气勘探的重要方法之一,电阻率曲线为判断油气层提供技术支持。 www.chemyq.com 9. Using lead benzol as curing agent, cured epoxy resin was analyzed by means of IR spectrum and DSC curves. 采用苯甲酸铅做固化剂,通过对环氧树脂固化物的红外光谱及DSC曲线分析,认为苯甲酸铅是一种催化型固化剂。 www.dictall.com 10. Choice and the Theory of Demand: Rationality Axioms, Utility, Indifference Curves, Constrained Utility Maximization. 选择与需求理论:理性原则,效用,无差异曲线,受约束的效用最大化。 www.myoops.org 1. He branch arising from the eye runs downward into the cheek and curves around the inner surface of the lips. 其支者;从目系下颊里,环唇内。 www.naturohealing.com 2. These bonds provide benchmark yield curves for the reference of the market and represent additional investment options. 这些债券有助提供基准收益曲线供市场参考,提供更多投资选择。 www.fstb.gov.hk 3. Finally, The algorithms of principal curves and knowledge are used to extract the structural features of digits and design a classifier. 最后利用主曲线和知识约简算法进行数字特征提取和分类器设计。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Can be used to connect the performance of its moment-rotation curves. 连接的性能可用其弯矩—转角曲线表示。 www.fabiao.net 5. In Design and architecture, we are dealing with roundness and curves, with everything in reference to the body. 在设计与建筑中,我们要面对的是圆形与曲线,涉及到的一切都和身体有关。 www.xici.net 6. We first use a total-variation filter to smooth the normal vectors of the level curves of a noise image. 我们首先使用共变滤波器平滑载体的正常水平曲线噪音形象。 www.syyxw.com 7. Many auto focus algorithms base on focus value curves, and they do not consider the correlation between sampling and image characteristic. 许多的自动对焦演算法基于清晰度值的曲线,但是他们并没有考虑到取样位置与影像的特性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Strain No. 4 was screened out with kinds of culture mediums and growth curves, and the conditions of its fermentation were optimized. 通过多种培养基的筛选、生长曲线测定筛选出4号菌株,并对其发酵条件进行优化。 www.fabiao.net 9. In Einstein's relativistic universe, matter curves space and slows down time, and the speed of light remains the only constant. 在爱因斯坦的相对宇宙中,物质扭曲空间,令时间变慢,光速也不过是个常数。 www.ebigear.com 10. This paper presents a study on transition between sections of B-Spline curves when used in direct interpolation algorithm. 本文主要对基于B样条类曲线的直接插补算法的曲线段间过渡问题进行了研究和阐述。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. A patriotic choice it may have been, but it did little to enhance Eugenie's terrific curves. 这也许是个爱国的选择,但是在提升尤珍妮曼妙的曲线方面没起到什么作用。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The same user-interface (web browser) would operate all programs, thus eliminating the learning curves of many applications. (用户)可以使用相同的用户界面来操作所有程序,从而避免了学习很多应用程序的学习过程。 www.dictall.com 3. a. Draw the demand and supply curves. What is unusual about this supply curve? Why might this be true? 绘出供需曲线。供应曲线有何特殊之处?为何会是这样? blog.sina.com.cn 4. In both images, the Chao Phraya River curves through the southwestern part of the city (image lower left). 从两幅照片上都可以看到,湄南河蜿蜒地流经大城府的西南(照片左下)。 www.bing.com 5. Filled areas Whenever a series of lines or curves encloses an area, you can cause that area to be filled with the current GDI brush object. 填充区域-无论什么时候一系列的直线或曲线封闭一块区域,你都可以使得那个区域被用当前的GDI画刷对象填充。 www.wangchao.net.cn 6. The different coupler curves can be achieved when the parameters of the hybrid-driven planar five-bar mechanism are changed. 改变混合驱动五籽机构的尺寸参数和运动参数,可以得到不同的连杆曲线; www.ceps.com.tw 7. Obtained Residence time distribution curves shows a single peak shape, both ends of the peak (i. e. error) is relatively a little large. 得到的停留时间分布曲线呈单峰状,峰的两头波动(也就是误差)比较大。 www.lwtxw.com 8. So, you know that if you walk right along these curves, you will stay along the same height. 因此如果你正确地沿着这些曲线走,你会总是处在同一海拔高度。 open.163.com 9. The nano indentation hardness can be achieved by these curves, images and corresponding calculating method. 通过载荷-压深曲线和压痕形貌图,以及相应的计算方法,可以得到纳米压痕硬度。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The error distribution law is simulated as to the center line in the workplace, and the error distribution curves are drawn as well. 对工作空间中心线的误差分布规律进行了仿真,绘制了其误差分布曲线。 www.ilib.cn 1. Neutral curves are drawn from a small number of records in a small amount of time. 中性曲线是从一个小中的记录数少量的时间。 www.syyxw.com 2. She had a delicate, slim figure with beautiful curves and smooth dark skin. 身条纤细的她拥有着迷人的曲线,黝黑的皮肤细致光滑。 www.bing.com 3. The viscosity-composition curves of polymer blends can be divided into eight types: which reveal linear additivity. 前言:高分子的粘度-组成曲线可以根据其关于线性加和值的偏离程度分成八种类型。 www.chemyq.com 4. There are fast curves as well as tight corners and two hairpins, one close to the start and finish of the lap. 有高速弯也有低速弯,还有两个发夹弯,其中的一个接近起止线。 www.bing.com 5. Rarely was our speed limited by other vehicles - more often it was due to the stunning scenery and tight curves . 很少是我们的速度受到限制其他车辆-往往是因为它令人惊叹的风景和严格曲线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The break-even chart presents two curves: the input-output curve and a curve showing the income from sales. 损益平衡图呈现出两条曲线:输入―输出曲线以及显示销售收入的曲线。 it.bab.la 7. Results show that the shape of shear stress-shear strain curves is hyperbolic; and no strain-softening phenomenon was observed in the tests. 分析结果表明:黏土–混凝土界面剪应力–剪切位移曲线仍大体呈双曲线形式,并未出现应变软化现象。 www.rockmech.org 8. The crisis has made clear that the provision of people's elementary needs must not be made dependent on speculation and stock market curves. 这场危机清楚地表明,绝对不能依赖投机和股市走势来保障人们的基本生活需要。 www.bing.com 9. Nerves, when a person experiences pleasure, look relaxed and have many curves, like a healthy river that also has numerous bends and curves. 而神经呢,当一个人高兴时,神经就会松弛下来,而且有很多弯曲,就像一条正常的河流有很多或陡或缓的拐弯一样。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Silk has made its way from the soft curves of the body to the spongy folds of the brain. 从身体柔软的曲线到大脑的海绵状皱褶都用到了丝绸。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. QPen is an elementary graphics object. It is used to draw lines, curves and outlines of rectangles, ellipses, polygons or other shapes. 画笔是一个用来画直线,曲线和矩形的轮廓,椭圆,多边形或其他图形的基本绘图对象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It has always been easier for computers to draw straight lines and more difficult to draw curves. 对计算机而言,画直线总是会更容易,而画曲线总是会更困难。 www.bing.com 3. The presentation was a riot of equations, mathematical lemmas, arching curves and matrices of numbers. 报告中参杂着方程式、数学引理、拱形曲线和一系列矩阵。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Compared with the conventional axial compressor, the performance curves of the ram-rotor are vertical to the axis of mass flow rate. 与常规轴流压气机不同,旋转冲压压缩转子的特性曲线垂直于流量坐标轴; www.boshuo.net 5. The method can automatically detect two curves that are the boundaries of the belt-like object. 这种方法可以自动检测带状目标的两条边界曲线。 www.opticsjournal.net 6. The ignition delay and temperature curves were measured with a rapid compression machine. 实验中应用快速压缩机得到了温度与点火延迟期的关系。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. The cumulative rate curves of problem eating behavior increased by the age of 3 years. 有问题饮食行为的比率累积曲线,在三岁以前向上增加。 www.dictall.com 8. The adaptive genetic algorithm was proposed to overcome the shortcoming during the parameter optimization for B-spline curves. 为克服这一缺点,提出了一种自适应的遗传算法对B样条曲线的参数优化。 www.joca.cn 9. Based on the test result, statistic analysis has been done and fitting curves have been given to forecast the long-term strength. 并且对室内试验结果进行了统计分析,得到近似的拟合曲线,为预测水泥土后期强度提供依据。 www.fabiao.net 10. The output waveforms could be considered as a group of fundamental curves. 电路的输出波形可以看成由若干段的基本曲线组合而成。 www.fabiao.net 1. However, very few data have been published on methods of predicting the variation of load-settlement curves with time after driving. 然而,有关试桩荷载–沉降曲线时效性的模拟方法却鲜见报道。 www.rockmech.org 2. The path curves down into the valley and then up to the ruin. 小路曲折向下通向峡谷然后向上到达遗址。 www.lingyuan.ccoo.cn 3. The data are fitted into curves and furthermore the experiential formula of optimal solution of the lightweight structure is deducted. 处理这些数据,拟合曲线,进而导出该结构轻量化最优解的经验公式。 zgkj.cast.cn 4. But Kurzweil finds that life extension produces even more resistance in his audiences than his exponential growth curves. 但库兹韦尔发现,与理论的指数增长曲线相比,延寿在自己的理论受众那里遭遇了更多的阻力。 www.bing.com 5. It is also instructive to look at the curves derived from the actual data files and compare to what such curves should theoretically look. 看着起源于真实的数据文件并且与如此的曲线应该理论上看的相较曲线是也教育性的。 www.fyjs.cn 6. The curves of roll and heave responses of two bodies at various frequencies in beam waves were presented after calculation. 给出了在横浪作用下两个单体的横摇和垂荡的响应曲线。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. new lease on life with a fresh and exhilarating design that preserves its signature curves and contours. 经典的甲壳虫是一个运动新的生命与新的和令人振奋的设计,保留其签字的曲线和轮廓。 dict.kekenet.com 8. And I should say the derivation of the curves isn't particularly complicated. 我觉得曲线的推导过程,并不是非常复杂。 open.163.com 9. i wish i were a derivative so i could lie tangent to your curves. 我希望我是一个导数,这样我就可以切过你的曲线… blog.sina.com.cn 10. The strengthening mechanism of fiber is reasonably analyzed with the comparison of interface stress distributions and failure curves. 通过两种工况下界面应力分布情况和失效曲线的比较,分析了纤维的增强机理。 www.showxiu.com |
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