释义 |
covenanting是covenant的现在分词 - n.协议;协议书;【宗教】誓约;(上帝对信徒的)圣约
- v.(订)协定
- 网络契约;盟约;星盟
复数:covenants 过去分词:covenanted 现在分词:covenanting n. agreement,bond,contract,pact,pledge n. | 3. 国联盟约;【历史】(1638年苏格兰长老会反对主教派教会的)国民契约;(1643年英格兰和苏格兰议会协议保护长老会的)严肃盟约 3. 国联盟约;【历史】(1638年苏格兰长老会反对主教派教会的)国民契约;(1643年英格兰和苏格兰议会协议保护长老会的)严肃盟约 | v. | |
n. | 1. a solemn agreement that is binding on all parties 2. a formal and legally binding agreement or contract such as a lease, or one of the clauses in an agreement of this kind. 3. a lawsuit for damages that is brought because of the breaking of a legal covenant 4. in the Bible, the promises that were made between God and the Israelites, who agreed to worship no other gods 5. an agreement by which Scottish Presbyterians united to defend their church on several occasions in the 17th century 6. a legal agreement between two people, for example one relating to a house, land, or property 7. a formal agreement or promise 1. a solemn agreement that is binding on all parties 2. a formal and legally binding agreement or contract such as a lease, or one of the clauses in an agreement of this kind. 3. a lawsuit for damages that is brought because of the breaking of a legal covenant 4. in the Bible, the promises that were made between God and the Israelites, who agreed to worship no other gods 5. an agreement by which Scottish Presbyterians united to defend their church on several occasions in the 17th century 6. a legal agreement between two people, for example one relating to a house, land, or property 7. a formal agreement or promise | v. | 1. to promise something in a covenant 2. to legally agree to do something |
1. | 契约 英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... vcontravene v 违反 covenant n 协议,契约 intervene v 干涉,介入 ... www.douban.com | 2. | 盟约 盟约(Covenant) 希伯来成语karat berit,意思为cutting a covenant,源于旧约圣经中立约的时候,把牲畜劈成两半(创一五:9-21… www.360doc.com | 3. | 星盟 在与星盟(Covenant)和洪魔(Flood)的战斗中,神秘的士官长赢得了胜利,他在纯粹血肉之躯的人类不能成功的地方成功了… www.youxigt.com |
4. | 圣约 圣约(COVENANT)、协约(COMPACT)、契约(CONTRACT) 一个圣约乃是一个有道德根基的协议或约(pact)。 www.xjass.com | 5. | 立约 立约(COVENANT) 18应许(PROMISE) 19「应许」在旧约中的用法 19「应许」在新约中的用法 19逾越节(PASSOVER… blog.sina.com.cn | 6. | 圣约人 在《光晕》中,圣约人(covenant),出演了这个任重道远的角色。圣约人其实是一个以宗教为纽带建立起的庞大团体,包括 … www.abada.com | 7. | 誓约 圣经中视婚姻为一种誓约(Covenant),而不是一种契约(contract)。伦理家史密斯(Lewis Smedes)用两句话话生动 … blog.tianya.cn |
释义: 协议,协议书,誓约,圣约,协定,契约,盟约,星盟