单词 | data-sets | ||
释义 | data-sets
例句释义: 数据集,数传机 1. Neither of these approaches are appealing when you're dealing with large data sets or trying to build user-friendly Web applications. 在处理庞大的数据集或尝试构建用户友好的Web应用程序时,这两种方法都不是最理想的。 www.ibm.com 2. This was one of the first and most spectacular data sets taken with Hubble's brand new wide-field Camera Three. 这是哈勃望远镜以其崭新“第三代广域照相机”取得的首批最为厉害的数据之一。 www.joyen.net 3. Given large data sets, whether they are text or numeric, it is often useful to group together, or cluster, similar items automatically. 对于大型数据集来说,无论它们是文本还是数值,一般都可以将类似的项目自动组织,或集群,到一起。 www.ibm.com 4. Experimental results showed that this method could effectively enhance the classification performance with the unbalanced data sets. 实验结果表明,该方法可以有效提高不平衡数据的分类性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The player can now request a speed estimate on a target as long as he has recently sent at least two range bearing data sets. 玩家现在可以要求得到目标的估计速度,前提是至少测两次距离和方位。 oldbbs.ali213.net 6. This could speed things up quite a bit and allow fluid realtime visualization and manipulation of much more complicated data sets. 这可能会加速上涨了不少,并允许流体可视化和实时操作更为复杂的数据集。 bbs.pczilla.net 7. Experiments using phantom and clinical data sets are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of the method for a real time execution. 幻像的实验和临床使用数据集列,显示出了实时执行该方法的有效性。 www.syyxw.com 8. This discovery process means finding data sets that are of good quality and up to date. 这个发现的过程意味着找到高质量的,与时俱进的数据集。 www.bing.com 9. The fixture class acts as the driver to determine how the sample data sets in the table are to be tested against the SUT. fixture类的作用相当于驱动程序,确定如何根据SUT来测试表中的示例数据集。 www.ibm.com 10. Recent phylogenetic analyses of multiple molecular data sets indicate that Trimeniaceae is one of the basal taxa of the extant angiosperms. 最新的分子系统发育研究显示,腺齿木科是现存被子植物的重要基部类群之一。 www.dictall.com 1. Large data sets are no longer esoteric concerns for a few big companies, but are becoming commonplace. 大数据集已不再是几家大公司的深奥议题,而是变得非常常见。 www.infoq.com 2. When he looked at the HIRES and the combined data sets, the best solution was a star with two planets. 当他研究雇佣光谱仪组和相关的数据时,最有可能的情况是一颗恒星和两颗行星。 www.bing.com 3. Information derived from sequence data is inherently static, and most interaction data sets are measured in a static way as well. 来源于序列数据的信息是固有地静态的,并大部分相互作用数据集也以一种静态的方式来测量。 chinapubmed.net 4. Of course, all GIS data can and often must be edited, and most data sets arrive in a format that GIS specialists are educated to deal with. 当然,我们能够对所有GIS数据进行编辑,而且必须经常编辑这些数据,训练有素的GIS专家可以处理接收到的大多数数据集格式。 www.ibm.com 5. All of these diverse data sets that contain location data are just screaming to be presented graphically using maps. 所有这些包含位置数据的不同数据集均可利用地图通过令人惊奇的图形化方式呈现出来。 www.ibm.com 6. Security and authorization to the data sets must be considered here as well. 还必须考虑数据集的安全性和授权。 www.ibm.com 7. QA Mapper enables the creation of project specific and secure test data sets which can be easily maintained through a web-based interface. QAMapper能够创建可以通过基于web的接口简单地维护的具体工程的且安全的测试数据集。 www.ibm.com 8. We built a very large scale, distributed, fault-tolerant file system, called GFS, to help manage and process huge data sets. 我们建立了一个相当规模,分布,容错文件系统,称为队,以帮助管理和处理庞大的数据集。 www.google.com 9. The practical use of these models requires complete and accurate data sets including species distribution, cost of site selection, etc. 模型的实际应用需要完整和准确的数据包括物种分布、选择费用等。 www.biodiversity-science.net 10. But in a BIRT report, you can create as many data sets as you want. 但是在一个BIRT报表中,您可以创建尽可能多的数据集。 www.ibm.com 1. Using a spreadsheet-like data editor, testers create or import customized data sets to be inserted into the script during playback. 使用类似电子表格的数据编辑器,测试人员创建或引入定制的数据集,在回放的过程中插入到脚本中。 www.ibm.com 2. Three- and four-dimensional reconstructions from projective and tomographic data sets are an alternative form of image display. 三个四维重建和层析从投影数据集是一种替代形式的图像显示。 www.syyxw.com 3. The architectural pattern shown in figure 7 is the most basic in that it enables a simple query for multiple data sets. 图7中显示的架构模式是最基本的,它支持对多个数据集进行简单的查询。 www.ibm.com 4. Confidence Intervals may be calculated for the means of the data sets. 置信区间可能适合于做数据集合的方法。 bbs.wda.com.cn 5. The company made a blog post last night announcing the availability of four new public data sets. 昨天晚上公司通过博客宣布公布四项新的公共数据包。 www.bing.com 6. You can also set global parameters for the report and use those parameters in as many data sets as you want. 您还可以得到报告的定制参数,并使用尽可能多数据集中的这些参数。 www.ibm.com 7. They found close correlations between the Viking experiment results' complexity and those of terrestrial biological data sets. 他们在火星车实验结果和地球生物数据库二者的复杂性中发现了非常密切的相关性。 www.bing.com 8. Many mashup applications use data that is supplied directly to them by their user base, making (at least) one of the data sets local. 很多mashup应用程序都使用了直接由用户提供的数据,(至少)使一个数据集是本地的。 www.ibm.com 9. This dataset is separate from other couple data sets and must be connected to all systems where registration and restart might occur . 此数据集独立于其他耦合数据集合,它必须连接到所有可能发生注册和重启的系统。 www.bing.com 10. Lists differ from other container elements in that they iterate over data sets that are bound to the list. 列表不同于其他容器型元素的地方在于列表会迭代绑定到其上的数据集。 www.infoq.com 1. And it can be considered as an index block which is set up in the massive data sets. Using CDL can easily deal with massive data sets. 类分布链表可以看成是建立在海量数据集上的一个索引块,通过它可以方便地对海量数据集进行处理。 www.fabiao.net 2. So far, you've seen that Rational Team Concert presents information to reports in tables, which form the basis of data sets in BIRT. 到目前为止,您已经看到了表格中报告的RationalTeamConcert信息,它组成了BIRT数据集的基础。 www.ibm.com 3. Having data sets with a non-white space character separating the data points is a very common occurrence. 最常见的就是数据集合不使用空格字符分隔数据点。 www.ibm.com 4. It specifies how data sets or members are transferred between the desktop and the host, as shown in Figure 10. 它指定了如何在桌面和主机之间传输数据集或者成员,如图10所示。 www-128.ibm.com 5. As the name suggests, this is a ready-made Zend Framework component that you can use to paginate large data sets. 顾名思义,这是一个现成的ZendFramework组件,您可以用它来为大型数据集分页。 www.ibm.com 6. Thus, you show more than one table of data at once in a report, plus you can cross-reference the data sets to show more complex information. 因此,在报表中一次可以显示不止一个数据表,而且您可以对数据集进行交替引用,以显示更加复杂的信息。 www.ibm.com 7. Establish a core set of data governance directives that account for the special requirements of big data sets. 建立一套核心数据治理的指示来满足数据集的特殊要求。 bcont.cuc.edu.cn 8. Volume rendering technology is one kind of visualization technology, which can truly represent the information within the 3D data sets. 体绘制技术是一种能够真实地反映空间数据场内部信息的可视化技术。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Processing enormous customer data sets is ineffective with current compute resources due to elongated cycle times and intense manual effort. 使用当前的计算资源处理大量的客户数据集的效率很低,因为周期太长,并且需要太多的人工干预。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Each of these data sets has specific values, and most of those have their own structures. 其中每种数据集都具有特定的值,绝大多数都有着自己的结构。 www.ibm.com 1. Few options exist for exploring the relationships between data sets through time with an interactive interface. 但利用交互式界面探究数据集之间时变关系的选择寥寥无几。 www.ibm.com 2. Data sets released by app developers looking to drive downloads and smaller marketing agencies, meanwhile, have been unreliable at best. 同时,应用开发人员则希望增加下载量,他们和小型市场代理机构发布的数据集,就算往好里说,也靠不住。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Preliminary results of an independent analysis conducted to test the hypothesis on another six data sets have been communicated to GACVS. 利用另外六组数据进行独立分析检验此假设的初步结果已经报告给疫苗安全咨委会。 www.who.int 4. The first step was to triangulate the data sets, and wavelets decomposition was performed on the triangulation mesh. 首先对数据点进行三角网格划分,并进行多层小波分解。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. Methods Delphi measure and expert consulting were adopted to select data sets in HER. 方法采用德尔斐法和专家会议法对健康档案数据集进行筛选。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 6. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method for data sets with both compact and non-compact cluster structures. 实验结果表明,该算法对聚类结构紧密或松散的数据集均可给出较精确的聚类结果。 www.joca.cn 7. The software has been tested on over a hundred different body scan data sets and shown to be robust. 该软件已经过测试的一百多个不同的全身扫描数据集,并显示出强劲势头。 www.syyxw.com 8. Called AWS Hosted Public Data Sets, the service will enable you to use public data within your Amazon EC2 environment. 该服务名为AWS公共数据集,可以让用户在AmazonEC2环境下使用公共数据。 www.bing.com 9. It also inherits the advantage of the low time complexity from LLE so that it can be applied to deal with the large-scale data sets. 同时继承了经典LLE时间复杂度低的优点,可用于解决大规模数据问题。 www.airiti.com 10. Data virtualization is provided by a software layer through which applications have transparent access to local and remote data sets. 数据虚拟化是由软件层提供的,所以应用程序可以通过该软件透明地访问本地和远程数据集。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Large data sets are often the result of multiple data feeds. 大型数据集往往是混合着多种数据源。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Neighborhood selection is one of the most important link in low-dimensional representations of high-dimensional data sets. 对高维数据进行降维时,邻域选取是一个非常重要的环节。 www.fabiao.net 3. By reducing the number of possible responses, menus help tame data sets and generally make life easier for those processing the data. 通过减少各种意外的回复,菜单帮助理顺数据集,并让那些处理数据的人们感到生活可以更加美好。 www.bing.com 4. When working with large data sets, this analysis can negatively impact the performance of the control when automatic resizing occurs. 当处理大数据集时,如果发生自动大小调整,这种分析可使控件的性能下降。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. They keep the previous day's data in the server to allow near instantaneous fallback in case of problems with new data sets. 他们会将前一天的数据保持在服务器上,这样一旦新一天的数据集出现了问题就可以立刻恢复过来。 www.infoq.com 6. The input is a sequence of data sets, followed by a terminating line containing only a zero. 输入的是数据序列集,接下来是一个只包含零的终止线。 ww.mf08s.com 7. The ability to manage large distributed data sets is a critical aspect of a significant grid effort. 管理大型分布式数据集的能力是网格工作的关键方面。 www.ibm.com 8. The differences in the mashup solutions are the roles of the users and the data sets being aggregated to create unique value. mashup解决方案的不同之处在于用户角色和用于创建独特价值的聚合的数据集。 www.ibm.com 9. Query data sets can be satisfied objects tracking query and object-oriented path query and the needs of traditional data analysis. 查询数据集可以很好的满足物品追踪查询和面向路径查询以及传统数据分析操作的需要。 www.fabiao.net 10. Some statisticians argue for a tougher standard of proof when researchers are fishing in large data sets. 一些统计学家认为,研究人员在分析大量数据时应该采取更为严格的证明标准。 www.bing.com 1. Over the years, Earth Observatory has featured many images, data sets, and human insights from the Space Shuttle program. 多年来,通过航天飞机计划,我们观测到很多的图像,数据集,和站在人类的视角的见解。 woshao.com 2. Such a chart would have two data series and four data sets. 此类图表将包含两个数列和四个数据集。 docs.info.apple.com 3. MOTIVATION: Gene expression microarray experiments can generate data sets with multiple missing expression values. 动机:基因表达微阵列实验能够产生具有许多缺失表达值的数据集。 chinapubmed.net 4. Typed data sets are used to provide a schema-oriented programming model for interacting with the data island. 键入的数据集用于提供面向架构的编程模型,以便与数据岛交互。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Our algorithm produces recommendations in realtime, scales to massive data sets, and generates high quality recommendations. 我们的算法实时产生推荐,计算适应海量数据集,并生成高质量的推荐。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. QA Mapper also maintains data in terms of data sets that may be reused. QAMapper还根据可能复用的数据集对数据进行维护。 www.ibm.com 7. The memory has enough space for up to 100 data sets of this type. 内存有多达100个数据足够的空间这种类型的集合。 www.daily86.com 8. The new study examined two data sets on low-level stratiform clouds over a large patch of the northeast Pacific Ocean. 这项最新研究调查了有关太平洋东北地区低空层状云的两组数据。 www.bing.com 9. However, in a production environment with large data sets, lazy loading always provides advantages. 但是,在一个有大量数据集的生产环境中,延迟加载往往为您提供优势。 www.ibm.com 10. Partitioned data sets are mostly used to store application programs and JCLs. They can only be stored on DASD. 分割数据集通常用来存储应用程序和。 blog.csdn.net 1. In a cloud environment, the MapReduce structure increases the efficiency of throughput for large data sets. 在云环境中,MapReduce结构提高了大型数据集的吞吐效率。 www.ibm.com 2. Keep it in mind, though, that Hadoop is capable of handling much larger data sets. 记住,Hadoop有能力处理更大的数据集。 www.ibm.com 3. Therefore, bioinformaticians have experimented with several strategies to try to integrate data sets and tools. 因此,生物信息学家尝试了一些策略来试图整合数据集和工具。 chinapubmed.net 4. Extensive comparisons have shown that support vector machines obtain good generalization performance on various data sets. 大量的对比实验已经表明支持向量机在很多问题上获得了良好的推广能力。 www.chinadegrees.cn 5. Because of the way VSAM data sets are organized, data access from these data sets is much faster than any other type of data set. 数据集数据访问速度比其他类型数据集要快。 blog.csdn.net 6. Hadoop can be used in many applications beyond simply computing word counts of large data sets. Hadoop可用于许多应用程序上,其已超越了为大型数据集简单计算字数的工作。 www.ibm.com 7. Sorting by a column and related tasks works in memory as expected for small data sets; you can effectively get things done in JavaScript. 按一列或者相关任务进行排序在内存中像小数据集那样运行;您使用JavaScript就可以有效地完成任务。 www.ibm.com 8. A set of geophysical logs, core descriptions and derived data sets accompany this report. 报告还包括一系列的地球物理学日志、钻芯记录和衍生数据。 biositemap.com 9. to carry on self-adaptive grouping for arcs of the data sets and apply partition algorithm. 对缓冲目标集合进行自适应分组和运用分治算法等。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. These data include the pollen counts and related information, as well as several different derived data sets. 数据包括花粉数和相关信息,也包括不同来源的数据集合。 biositemap.com 1. The simulated experiments demonstrate that our approach can effectively identify local ab- normality in large spatial data sets. 仿真实验说明算法可以有效地发现大规模空间数据中的孤立点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Simulation results show that the algorithm can achieve more stable clustering accuracy on the benchmark data sets. 实验结果显示,该算法在不同结构和维数的数据集上都取得了更稳定的聚类精度。 lib.cqvip.com 3. Work with small data sets as much as possible to avoid consuming excessive amount of memory within your applications. 使用尽可能小的数据集合,避免在应用程序内消耗过多内存。 www.ibm.com 4. The efficiency of the proposed approach is shown by the experimental results on very large data sets. 本文通过实验证明了此方法的对于大规模数据集的聚类效果。 www.lw23.com 5. Considering the possible gross error existed in collected data, sets up a checking method. 同时对建筑物特徵点采集数据中可能出现的粗差,提出了检查和评判的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In this paper, we present a new mathematical method that synthesizes normal data sets for quantification of regional myocardium perfusion. 在本文中,我们提出了一种新的数学方法,综合了正常的数据集的量化区域心肌灌注。 www.syyxw.com 7. This chapter describes methods for learning gene interaction networks from high-throughput gene expression data sets. 这一章描述了从高通量基因表达数据集中学习基因相互作用网络的方法。 chinapubmed.net 8. Both analyses are conducted on two independent data sets, the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey and the National Health Interview Survey. 双方进行了分析两个独立的数据集,当前的医疗保险受益人调查和国民健康访问调查。 www.syyxw.com 9. When there is much difference between the initial configuration of the data sets, the ICP algorithm may finds a wrong result. 在数据集初始位置差异较大时,ICP算法可能出现错误的配准结果。 www.boshuo.net 10. Large data sets with escalating complexity have pushed traditional data mining techniques to new levels of processing demand. 复杂性不断提升的大型数据集已经将传统的数据挖掘技术推向新层次的处理要求。 www.ibm.com 1. These data sets, while imperfect, reveal that men in poor countries are generally much more unfaithful than those in rich ones. 这些数据集虽然不完善,但却揭示出:穷国的男人通常要比富国的男人要不忠得多。 www.ftchinese.com 2. We conclude that cache- oblivious algorithms do outperform traditional RAM-model algorithms when working on large data sets. 本文的主要结论是,当处理大数据量时,高速缓存参数无关算法显著优于传统的基于ram模型的算法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Thus frequently, an important input into optimization efforts comes from pattern analysis of XML data sets and message statistics. 因此,优化措施的重要输入通常来自XML数据集和消息统计的模式分析。 www.ibm.com 4. It is surprisingly useful in database projects, especially for integrating data sets from traditional databases into XML document systems. 它在数据库项目中发挥了令人吃惊的作用,尤其是用于将数据集从传统数据库集成到XML文档系统时。 www.ibm.com 5. These fields tend to manipulate large data sets to assist the user in visualizing, estimating, or actually solving non-trivial problems. 这些字段适用于操作大型数据集,以帮助用户处理可视化、评估或实际解决重要问题。 technet.microsoft.com 6. The validity of the novel method is indicated by experimental results with fully polarimetric SAR data sets. 利用全极化SAR实测数据验证了该文方法的优良性能。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The LOD community maintains a diagram of significant, public data sets that are available using LOD principles. LOD社区使用LOD原则维护着可用的重要公共数据集的图表。 www.ibm.com 8. You call these valuable data sets "points of control" in the emerging Internet Operating System (notably not Web Operating System). 你把这些有价值的数据集称为互联网操作系统中的“控制点”(注意不是网络操作系统)。 yq000cn.blog.163.com 9. After every measurement, the data sets called Points Clouds which contain the coordinate of measured object are presented. 三维激光扫描的成果数据被称为点云,其中包含了大量空间点的三维坐标信息。 www.fabiao.net 10. WebSphere MQ administrators and users should be prevented from tampering with the SMF data sets. 应该避免WebSphereMQ管理员和用户修改SMF数据集。 www.ibm.com 1. Verify this by restoring to a virtual server and comparing the data sets with the live unit. 通过还原到虚拟服务器并将数据集与活动的单元作比较来验证备份是否良好。 www.ibm.com 2. Now the goal is to mine and integrate these data sets to better understand the big biological picture. 现在他的目标是挖掘和整合数据来以便更好地参透广阔的生物界图景。 www.bing.com 3. Experiments on many artificial and real-world data sets show the effectiveness of the proposed method. 最后,通过多组人工数据集的和实际数据集的实验,证明了该算法的有效性。 www.13191.com 4. This regression model is easy to use and can be used for myriad data sets. 这个回归模型很容易使用,并且可以用于很多数据集。 www.ibm.com 5. The broad application of systems biology approaches in biomedical science has created massive and complex data sets. 系统生物学方法在生物医学科学中的广泛应用产生了大量复杂的数据集。 www.medlive.cn 6. It's an extremely powerful mechanism for exploring your data and well worth the effort if you find yourself with large or complex data sets. 这对于探究数据是一个极其强大的机制,如果您的数据集很大或者很复杂,那么也值得花点精力去了解它。 www.ibm.com 7. The Data Store is a collection of high quality data sets which are curated by the Guardian and hosted on Google Docs. 其中的数据存储是一个集合了由卫报所管理和谷歌在线办公套件托管的高质量数据库。 www.bing.com 8. Mechanics. In general, the labs will involve computer work with modeling and application to 'live' data sets. 机械技术:大体上,实验将涉及计算机操作来建模和应用“活”数据集。 www.myoops.org 9. DataSet express the entire data sets, including tables, constraints and table relationships. DataSet表示整个数据集,其中包含表、约束和表之间的关系。 3333355555.com 10. Currently, over 40 statistical values are calculated on two data sets of up to 100 points each. 目前,超过40统计价值指望最多100点每一个的两数据集合。 bbs.wda.com.cn 1. Topic map similarity criterions are related to a threshold, and the determination of the threshold is associated with the data sets. 主题图相似性的判别准则与阈值有关,间值的确定与数据集相关。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The moduli and the flow diagram of SIR2000 are also described and its efficiency tested on several protein diffraction data sets. 模和流程图SIR2000也说明,并测试其效率的几个蛋白衍射数据集。 www.syyxw.com 3. You can use this function to determine whether two data sets have different degrees of diversity. 使用此函数可以确定两个数据系列是否存在变化程度上的不同。 office.microsoft.com 4. For very large data sets, a scalable recommendation algorithm must perform the most expensive calculations offline. 对于非常大的数据集,一个可扩展的推荐算法必须离线运行最昂贵的计算。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Identify remote data sets that you want to access as nicknames to the federated system. 将要访问的远程数据集标识为昵称(nicknames)。 www.ibm.com 6. Of course, you can equally analyze frequencies of higher-level grammatical features, or even of data sets unrelated to NLTK. 当然,您也可以这样分析高层次语法特性或者甚至是与NLTK无关的数据集的频率分布。 www.ibm.com 7. This allows for the creation of truly enterprise scalable applications with large data sets via Domino. 这允许通过Domino创建带有大量数据集的、真正企业级可伸缩性的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 8. In data security, the right of users to dispense and revoke privileges for objects they own, e. g. access on programs and data sets. 在数据安全技术中,用户对其拥有的对象行使分配和取消特权的权利,例如对程序和数据集的访问权。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. These data sets are usually used to store user data. 通常用来存储用户数据。 blog.csdn.net 10. Initial vector-space creation times can be long, especially for large data sets. 初始向量空间的创建时间可能很长,尤其对于大型数据集来说更是如此。 www.ibm.com 1. BIRT also provides a special data set called a Joint Data Set that allows combining existing data sets using inner and outer joins. BIRT还提供了一个叫做联合数据集(JointDataSet)的特殊数据集以使用内外连接来整合现存的数据集。 www.infoq.com 2. This use of pieces enables the index pages of an NPI to be spread out into multiple data sets. 通过使用这些小块,可以使NPI的索引页散步到多个数据集中。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Genomewide scans have yielded suggestive evidence of linkage at multiple chromosomal sites, with little overlap among independent data sets. 基因组广泛扫描已经显示口吃可能与染色体上的多位点有关,在独立的数据集中鲜有交叉。 news.dxy.cn 4. Consult the demonstration video (see Resources) for some ideas on data sets for with temporal visualizations. 观看演示视频(参阅参考资料)了解数据集时态可视化。 www.ibm.com 5. Here, we describe potential artefacts that could affect the interpretation of data sets on immune cell migration. 在这里,我们描述了潜在的文物,可能影响免疫细胞迁移的数据集的解释。 www.syyxw.com 6. The decision tree technique is a very effective method for classifying large data sets. 决策树技术是一种对海量数据集进行分类的非常有效方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The data sets we have created to get work item information are shown in Figure 7. 我们用于获得工作项信息而创建的数据集如图7所示。 www.ibm.com 8. CDC WONDER - general purpose warehouse of public health data sets for the epidemiologist. 为流行病学家提供的大众健康数据库。 lib.hebust.edu.cn 9. Large, complex data sets escalate traditional data mining techniques to new levels of processing demand. 大型、复杂的数据集将传统的数据挖掘技术推向新层次的处理要求。 www.ibm.com 10. In the 1990s, Professor Shneiderman developed tree mapping, which uses interlocking rectangles to represent complicated data sets. 在20世纪90年代,Shneiderman教授发明了映射树技术。它使用一些联结的矩形来表示复杂的数据集。 dongxi.net 1. By calculating the longest common subsequence , finally, similarity searching in time-series data sets is realized. 利用求最长公共子序列的方法计算二个序列的匹配度,实现时间序列的相似性搜索。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 2. Data Mining, which extracts useful information from large data sets or databases, is a rising cross subject. 数据挖掘是从庞大的数据集或数据库中提炼有用信息的科学。 www.fabiao.net 3. I used test data sets broken up into medium and large individual documents, along with several collections of smaller documents. 我使用了分解成中型和大型独立文档的测试数据集,以及一些更小文档的集合。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Then you can limit other data sets to only the team areas that the report user selects in the list box. 然后您可以将其他的数据集限制为报告用户在列表框中选择的团队区域。 www.ibm.com 5. Extracting the contents of so many far-flung data sets requires a sophisticated kind of computational guessing game. 从这么多相隔遥远的数据集中提取内容,需要一种复杂的计算性的猜测策略。 www.bing.com 6. Although few data sets are as of dubious a provenance as Westling's data on penile length, a fact he cheerfully acknowledges. 不过很少有哪个数据集的来源,能像韦斯特灵的阴茎长度数据的来源一样可疑,这一点他倒乐于承认。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Ahh, the rigor of the Ivory Tower: the data sets, the regression math. . . the facial analysis? 啊,象牙塔生活的艰苦:数据组、回归数学……面部分析? www.qnr.cn 8. While cached tables provide support for data sets bigger than available RAM, text tables are a convenient way to import and export data. 缓存表支持比可用RAM大的数据集,而文本表则可以作为一种导入导出数据的方便手段。 www.ibm.com 9. The climatic jump of the Western Pacific Warm Pool and its climatic effects were analyzed using the SST (COADS, NCEP) data sets. 用SST(COADS,NCEP)资料研究热带西太平洋暖池的年代际变化和跃变特征,讨论其气候效应。 tech.zidian8.com 10. Such rules can be discovered efficiently from even very large data sets. 这类规则甚至能够从大型数据集中被有效发掘出来。 www.ibm.com 1. And volume rendering of 3D irregular data sets is still a focus in the volume rendering field. 在体绘制研究领域中,非规则的空间散乱数据体绘制目前仍然是一个研究热点。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The analysis used data sets on river stressors around the world. 该分析使用了世界各地河流压力的数据集。 www.bing.com 3. The proposed method unified classification form for balanced and imbalanced data sets. 平衡或不平衡数据集都可采用相同的方法进行分类。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The Percentage Sampling transformation is also useful for creating sample data sets for package development. 百分比抽样转换对于创建用于包开发的样本数据集也很有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. You can still plot such data sets if gnuplot can be told to ignore the invalid data points. 如果gnuplot被告知忽略无效数据点,您仍可以对这样的数据集合绘图。 www.ibm.com 6. Most of the data sets offered by governments bear the stamp "beta" , suggesting that they are open to improvement. 政府提供的大多数数据集都有“贝塔”(beta)的印记,说明允许人们改进它们。 www.ecocn.org 7. All data of the large system are divided into smaller regional data sets, and get the physical partition. 提出几何-物理空间概念,把大的系统的所有数据按物理空间划分成小区域的数据集,实现物理分区。 www.boshuo.net 8. With JTable, users can visualize data in two dimensions and interactively change the horizontal and vertical data sets at runtime. 借助JTable,用户可以将数据可视化为二维视图,并且在运行时交互地更改水平和垂直数据集。 www.ibm.com 9. Similar, independent data sets from the US had the raw data published online, he added. 他又说,类似的,美国的独立数据传输机已将原始数据发布到了网上。 www.bing.com 10. Sequentially, proposed an ant colony clustering algorithm for mixture data sets. 在此基础上,给出了一种混合属性数据集蚁群聚类算法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. And to control the size of the multiple data sets which will comprise the index space. 然后控制将组成索引空间的多个数据集的大小。 www-128.ibm.com 2. The generalized adjusted R2 of 200 simulated data sets models all are less than that of the actual data models. 模拟的200个随机数据集分别建模所得广义调整R2无大于等于实际数据集所得广义调整R2值。 www.fabiao.net 3. You don't actually upload data to Google, you just give a link to your data sets through their interface. 并不用真的上传数据至谷歌,而只需通过他们的界面提供你数据集的一条链接。 www.bing.com 4. And Google, Microsoft and - to a lesser extent - Apple are building services based on machine learning driven by huge data sets. 而谷歌,微软以及-程度较小的-苹果都在创建基于海量数据驱使的机器学习的服务。 www.bing.com 5. You can upload or create data sets and let live charts service create an instant graphical view to share with others. 您可以上传或创建数据集,让实时图表服务创建一个即时的图形视图并与他人共享。 www.ibm.com 6. Figure 6 shows results from IBM testing six different data sets supplied by customers or available in the public domain. 图6是IBM对客户提供的或公共领域中的六个数据集进行测试的结果。 www.ibm.com 7. Obviously, you can generate dozens of images in seconds by feeding different data sets to the script. 显然,您可以在瞬间生成大量图形,只要给脚本指定不同的数据集就可以了。 www.ibm.com 8. In our initial exploration of the temperature data sets, we noticed an anomaly while plotting histograms. 在我们对温度数据集进行的最初的探索中,在绘制直方图时我们注意到有一个异常。 www.ibm.com 9. Using area under the ROC curve as performance measurement, experimental results on UCI data sets show the method's effectiveness. 在UCI真实数据上进行了实验,并采用ROC曲线下面积作为评估指标进行比较,结果验证了该方法的有效性。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. We need large data sets that provide detailed environmental, demographic, and genetic data to find answers. 我们需要能够提供环境的、人口统计学的以及遗传学的数据的大量数据集来寻找答案。 www.bing.com 1. The proposed algorithm is compared theoretically with DBSCAN and DBRS, and GDRS is compared with DBSCAN on synthetic and real data sets. 把此算法和DBSCAN及DBRS算法进行了理论比较,并使用合成和真实数据集对GDRS和DBSCAN进行了对比。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. While there are publicly available data sets, accessing them can be expensive and tedious. 现有的数据集访问起来都很昂贵、费劲。 www.bing.com 3. The difference between queries in Rational Team Concert and data sets in a BIRT report is that data sets allow much more flexibility. RationalTeamConcert查询与BIRT报表数据集之间的差异在于,数据集支持更大的灵活性。 www.ibm.com 4. The high precision result is obtained by using data sets in Kunming Station and Lintong Station datas selected at random. 作者使用昆明站和临潼站的观测数据进行处理,得到高精度的时间比对。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. But in large data sets, on average, an asymmetry what you find. 但从广阔的总体来看,不平衡是存在的。 www.bing.com 6. Internal memory holds up to 500 data sets. 内部存储器最多可容纳500个数据集。 www.gyzdhw.com 7. The transformation that distributes data sets to multiple outputs. 将数据集分发到多个输出的转换。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. We surveyed the existing scientific literature and statistically integrated the findings from 105 data sets. 我们调查了现有的科学文献和从统计学角度整合了来自105个数据集的结果。 www.bing.com 9. Data is then sent to target DB (ODS) where it is parsed, written to data sets, transformed, and sent to the warehouse DB. 然后数据被发送到目标DB(ODS),在这里,它被解析、写进数据库,转换并发送至数据仓库DB。 www.ibm.com 10. Dealing with inductively-defined data sets, however, makes finding the sub-problem considerably easier. 不过,使用归纳定义的(inductively-defined)数据集可以令子问题的获得更为简单。 www.ibm.com 1. This would be inappropriate because the t-test requires that the data sets be independent. 这是不恰当的,因为这个测试要求数据集是独立的。 www.fifl.cn 2. Owing to the lack of standards for data sets and the interfaces of the tools this is not a trivial task. 由于缺乏数据集标准和工具的界面,这不是一个微不足道的任务。 chinapubmed.net 3. Supervised learning with the use of regression and classification networks with sparse data sets will be explored. 也将在课程中以带有稀疏值理论的分类神经网路与回归的使用来探讨监督式学习。 www.jukuu.com 4. Processing of data as batch or real-time, including handling large volumes of large data sets. 批处理或实时的处理数据,包括处理大容量的大数据集。 www.infoq.com 5. This Eclipse view allows the designer to add data sources and data sets to the report design. Eclipse视图允许设计者向报表设计器中添加数据源和数据集。 www.infoq.com 6. In these data sets, our pulsar search aims to find binaries with orbital periods longer than eleven minutes. 对于得到的数据集,我们所负责的脉冲星搜索,其目标主要是寻找轨道周期长于11分钟的脉冲双星。 www.equn.com 7. All the data sets in a GDG are stored with the same name. 里存储的数据集有相同的名字。 blog.csdn.net 8. CRU maintains one of the world's most important data sets on how global temperatures have changed. 气候研究中心仍是有关全球气温变化数据最重要的数据库。 c.wsj.com 9. Navigating through large data sets efficiently. 有效在大数据集中导航。 www.ibm.com 10. Although in search engine we mainly process large data sets, in other applications we also need to process a large mount of small files. 尽管在搜索引擎中文件多是以大数据集的方式出现,但是在其它很多应用中,大量小文件的访问是很普遍的。 www.fabiao.net 1. "That's a very remarkable result, that all those data sets agree, " he added. 这是一个十分引人关注的结果,所有数据集都一致支持。 www.bing.com 2. Implants for surgery - Minimum data sets for surgical implants. 外科植入物.外科植入物的最小数据集 www.mapeng.net 3. Placemaker is a new open API from Yahoo that helps developers to make their applications and data sets location-aware. Placemaker是雅虎新推出的开放式API,可以帮助开发者将他们的应用程序和数据集地理位置感知化。 www.bing.com 4. "The data sets you free, " says Mr Mulally with his fondness of business-speak. 喜好商业辞令的Mually总裁爱说,“数据让你自由”,“不公开就会难以管理”。 ecocn.org 5. However, in the mid-90s a group of mathematicians devised a technique for reducing the dimensionality of complex data sets. 然而,上世纪90年代中期有一组数学家设计出了一种方法,能够对复杂的数据集进行降维。 career.51youcai.com 6. However, in most case, it can meet production requirements without large data sets for a specific application. 然而,在大多数情况下,对一个具体应用来说,并不需要如此庞大的数据就能满足生产方面的要求。 www.boshuo.net 7. This is the simplest synchronization method, but can involve unnecessarily large data sets being exchanged, which can limit performance. 这是最简单的同步方法,但会引起大量的不必要的数据集交换,从而导致性能下降。 www.ianywhere.com 8. It is the size of the data sets on the Web that opens new worlds of discovery. 网络巨大的数据量为调查发现开辟了一片新天地。 www.bing.com 9. Almost all existing algorithms were evaluated over small data sets. 几乎全部的现有算法,都是在小数据集上评估的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. To the contrary, junior scholars who criticize the data sets used by so many senior scholars do so at their own peril. 相反,如果后进学者对如此多资深学者使用的数据提出批评,就会令自身陷入危险境地。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The Data Explorer tab can help you view all the data sources, data sets and parameters, as seen in Figure 12. DataExplorer项可以帮助您查看所有的数据来源,数据集和参数,如图12所示。 www.ibm.com 2. Finally, we use standard data sets to test the classification results and the results are evaluated by precision, recall and F1. 最后,使用标准数据集对网页主题分类的效果进行了测试,并根据精确率、召回率和F1值对分类效果进行评价。 www.fabiao.net 3. programme EW equipment with data sets for specified missions. 为具体任务计划电子战装备和数据集。 www.etiri.com.cn 4. When you have defined the error-checking syntax, you can define one or more rule sets to be applied to different data sets. 在您定义了错误检查语法之后,您就可以定义一个或多个应用到不同数据集的规则集。 www.ibm.com 5. Select the default directory for the data sets, and select Next. 选择数据集的默认目录并选择Next。 www.ibm.com 6. Some data sets are best represented as a moving image. 有些数据集作为移动影像才是最好的表现方式。 www.ecocn.org 7. "This is Dov's specialty, " Gaines said. "Finding really old data sets that are very interesting. " “这就是Dov的专业性,”Ganies说,“寻找真正古老的资料很有意思。” www.bing.com 8. The transformation that merges multiple data sets. 合并多个数据集的转换。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Similarly, the use of "predictive analytics" on the basis of large data sets may transform health care. 同样地,使用基于大数据集的“预测分析技术”能够使卫生保健得到改观。 www.ecocn.org 10. industry-specific and custom data sets are also available. 特定行业和自定义资料组也有提供。 hi.baidu.com 1. The data sets we work with are simple combinations of data sound overlaid on a 3D model and animation. 我们所使用的数据集合只是简单的在3D模型和动画中数据与声音的简单组合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Each node can transfer data sets simultaneously to every other node. 每个节点可以同步地将数据集传输到其他节点。 www.ibm.com 3. Nicknames act as local proxies to the remote tables or table-like data sets. 昵称作为远程表或类似于表的数据集的本地代理。 www.ibm.com 4. As one employee puts it: "We like learning from large, 'noisy' data sets. " 就像一个员工所说的那样:“我们就好像是在一个非常大且‘嘈杂’的数据集中学习。” www.ecocn.org 5. Climate studies need long serial of historic data sets of high quality. 开展气候研究需要长时间序列的高质量的资料。 www.say666.com 6. People with knowledge of other data sets have the smarts and experience to invent these applications. 了解其他数据集合的人才有智慧和经验来发明这些应用软件。 www.smartgridtimes.com 7. These data sets are created separately so that they may be reused in various test cases. 这些数据集是分别创建的,以便可以在各种测试用例中复用它们。 www.ibm.com 8. Methods Volume scanning was performed in 24 patients with acetabular fractures, all data sets were transfered to workstation. 方法收集24例髋臼骨折患者共24个髋臼行螺旋CT容积扫描。 www.chemyq.com 9. The space allotted to these data sets is partitioned into slots. 分配给直接数据集的空间被划分为各个小块。 blog.csdn.net 10. They are not well-suited for underlying data sets that are frequently updated. 但它们不太适于经常更新的基本数据集。 www.kuenglish.info 1. A collection of RACF users who can share access authorities for data sets. 资源访问控制设施(RACF)用户的集合,他们能共享数据集的访问权。 gg.258288.com 2. When all the data sets are created, they must be added to the project before they can be used. 创建了所有数据集后,必须将它们添加到项目中才能使用。 www.ibm.com 3. Finally, Pig is a platform on Hadoop for analyzing large data sets. 最后,Pig是Hadoop中用于分析大型数据集的平台。 www.ibm.com 4. There are data sets in iteration that converge to single points, called attractive fixed points. 在迭代过程中有数据集汇聚成单点,叫做吸性不动点。 www.bing.com 5. The transformation that merges two sorted data sets. 合并两个已排序数据集的转换。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. However, the SSNN models required offline training with large data sets of input-output data. 然而,状态空间神经网络需要大量的历史数据作为离线训练之用。 www.tseit.org.cn 7. The data sets all grant access to their knowledge bases and link to items of other data sets. 这些数据集内的知识库都可以被访问,并和其它数据集的内容连接在一起。 www.bing.com 8. Extensive directory of earth-science data sets. 大量广泛的地球科学数据目录。 blueinfo.blogbus.com 9. If you are working with large data sets, consider using a dedicated buffer pool for the table space. 如果是使用大型数据集,可考虑用专用的缓冲池来代替表空间。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Data sets of orthologous genes from mouse and human were generated using the BKL Retriever. 来自小鼠和人类的同源基因的数据集使用BKL检索器被产生。 chinapubmed.net 1. The key to this is the ExpressionHandle, which makes the objects in the model available as regular, ordinary, conventional . NET data sets. 其关键就是ExpressionHandle,ExpressionHandle使得模型中的对象可以像正规的、普通的、常规的.NET数据集那样使用。 www.ibm.com 2. Therefore, they are updated more frequently than other anti-spam data sets. 因此,它们的更新比其他反垃圾邮件数据集更频繁。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The experiment results of the 8 real data sets prove validity of the new method. 8种真实数据集的实验结果证明了该方法的有效性。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. In fact, this is the graph of the number of data sets in the repositories of data. gov, and data. gov. uk. 事实上,这是几组数据的图表,他们存放在data.gov上,和data.gov.uk网上。 www.ted.com 5. It is superior to the classic LLE in that it can nicely deal with sparsely sampled or noise contaminated data sets. 邻域优化后的局部线性嵌入算法克服了经典LLE不能很好地处理稀疏或含有噪音数据的缺陷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Learn how Exhibit uses schemata to organize data sets. 了解Exhibit是如何使用schemata组织数据集的。 www.ibm.com 7. BIRT reports obtain data from data sources and data sets. BIRT报表从数据源和数据集中获取数据。 www.ibm.com 8. XForms data is grouped into several "data sets. " XForms数据分组为多个“数据集”。 www.ibm.com 9. This feature is very useful when combining data sets from different data sources. 当从不同的数据源中整合数据集时该特性的作用就显得尤为明显。 www.infoq.com 10. Other data sets need to be specified. 其他数据集需要指定。 www-128.ibm.com 1. You need to efficiently process pairs of data from two large and related data sets. 你需要有效的处理来自于两个大的相关数据集合的数据对。 wiki.woodpecker.org.cn 2. The new joint data set (Listing 7) contains merged information from both data sets. 新关系数据集(代码清单7)包含了来自数据集的合并信息。 www.ibm.com 3. Of course, things can get more complicated in real-life data sets. 当然,对于真实的数据集合,事情可能会变得更复杂。 www.ibm.com 4. But data sets on debt levels over time are rare (the most comprehensive ones only begin in the 1970s). 但是有关各时间段债务水平的数据并不多(最全面的数据是从20世纪70年代才开始的)。 bbs.ecocn.org 5. Six urban areas are classified using the land use vector data sets and natural zoning map of China from 1990 to 2000. 利用中国1990-2000年土地利用矢量数据和自然区划图,将中国分为6级城镇用地区。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. For very large data sets it quickly becomes impractical, or even impossible, to use JavaScript for tasks such as sorting by a column. 对于非常庞大的数据集,您很快就会发现使用JavaScript执行任务(比如按某列进行排序)将变得不切实际,甚至不可行。 www.ibm.com 7. Handle very large data sets using virtual mode. 使用虚拟模式处理特大数据集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. But when data sets get to the petabyte scale, the old way simply isn't feasible. 但当数据集达到PB级别的时候,老方法就不那么可行了。 www.bing.com 9. With Figure 28, all you need to do is select which project to add the data sets to and click Enter. 在图28中,所需要做的就是选择在哪个项目中添加数据集并单击Enter。 www.ibm.com 10. Web publishers increasingly serve up content-rich pages based on complex data sets. 网络出版商越来越多地基于复杂的数据集提供内容丰富的页面。 www.ecocn.org 1. In this case, the years are data series and the regions are data sets. 在这种情况下,年份是数列,而区域是数据集。 docs.info.apple.com 2. Especially robust to data sets with noise. 尤其是对于带嗓音的数据集合。 www.fabiao.net 3. This allows us to use our method on small data sets built of specific protein types. 这样,我们就可以使用我们的方法对小数据集,建立具体的蛋白质类型。 www.syyxw.com 4. Create the recovery data sets used by II Classic. 创建IIClassic使用的恢复数据集。 www.ibm.com 5. the efficient of CIGC is tested on several synthetic and real world data sets. 最后在多组仿真和实际数据集上考察了CIGC算法的性能。 ceaj.org 6. Some final take-aways from this model: The power of Nearest Neighbor becomes obvious when we talk about data sets like Amazon. 此模型的一些不尽人意之处:当我们谈论像亚马逊这样的数据集时,最近邻的强大威力是显而易见的。 www.ibm.com 7. However, both data sets show less correlation in summer than that in other seasons regardless of the number of rain gauges in each grid. 季节因素对差异也有重要影响,其中夏季两种降水资料的相关性最低,不论格点内的雨量计数量多寡。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. In the end, the results of experiments by using both the synthetic and real data sets. 同时给出其生成和查询算法,并使用合成数据和实际数据进行了实验验证。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Reading large data sets into memory. 将大型数据集读入内存中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Those XML data sets need to be changed as follows to fit to cust3. xsd. 那些XML数据集需要按如下方式更改以适合cust3.xsd。 www.ibm.com |
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