单词 | deformation |
释义 |
复数:deformations n. distortion,twist,buckle,bend,warp 例句释义: 变形,畸形,损形,破相,形变,变态,变形症 1. In the function of injection pressure, the mould which has core will produce a little core offset and cause plastics deformation. 具有型芯的模具,在注射压力的作用下,将使型芯产生一定偏移,引起塑件变形。 terms.shengwuquan.com 2. For stainless steel, high speed steel, vanadium steel, high hardness, toughness and deformation, easy to burn the workpiece grinding. 适用于不锈钢,高钒钢速钢等硬度高,韧性大及易变形,易烧伤工件的磨削加工。 www.qinggong.com 3. Rubberand version there are easy to deformation and cracking defect as a result, not suitable for making a fine product. 橡皮版还活命便当变形和龟裂的弊病,因此,不不宜制卡粗忽的产物。 www.bing.com 4. And you will see after a while that you get permanent deformation, then it no longer comes back to its original length. 你会看到不久后,它会发生永久变形,它不会再回到,原长。 open.163.com 5. And the surface deformation is continual and slow with a long duration of movement due to deep mining of iron ore in soft rock strata. 软岩地层深部铁矿开采引起的地表移动变形发展缓慢且周期较长。 www.rockmech.org 6. Increased loading, pipes easy to corrode, leakage and pipe rupture easily increase, easy to expanse and easily cause ground deformation. 增加承重,排管易腐蚀,易增加漏水和管材破裂现象,易膨胀造成地面变形。 www.teramex.cn 7. Plug is one of the key deformation tools in cross piercing. Its function is turning a solid bar into a hollow bloom. 顶头是斜轧穿孔主要的变形工具之一,其作用是将实心管坯穿轧成一定壁厚的空心毛管。 lib.cqvip.com 8. The design of tall building is often controlled by its deformation . 高层建筑结构的设计往往由其变形所控制。 www.fabiao.net 9. Although steel is usually unfirable, it intends to deformation and fracture owing to its high thermal conductivity when exposed to fire. 钢材虽然不具备可燃性,但是钢材的导热系数大,一旦发生火灾易产生结构变形和破坏; paper.pet2008.cn 10. By comparing the load of compression deformation and that of compression buckling deformation, the critical relative thickness is derived. 通过比较压缩变形载荷与压缩失稳变形载荷的大小,导出了临界相对厚度。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Deformation, division, fuzzy, "abstract" image is in this day and age of human psychological state of specific visual symbol. 变形、分裂、模糊、“抽象”的形象正是处于这个时代的人类心理状态的具体可视的象征。 jztu.5d6d.com 2. However, due to the poor stiffness, thin-walled parts are easy to deformation in machining. 但是,由于薄壁件的刚性较差,在加工过程中很容易发生变形。 www.chemyq.com 3. The results show that, in the shoulder deformation zone, the fine grain is similar to that of the center of friction stir zone. 结果表明:搅拌摩擦中心区晶粒尺寸与轴肩变形区相似,晶粒比较细小; rjggy.net 4. The preliminary suggestion about adjusting deformation result of the equivalent model is provided for a reference in engineering design. 建议对等效混凝土墙模型的侧移变形结果进行修正,给出了初步的修正系数供工程设计参考。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The risk point was observed through the stress and deformation. Every point at all levels under the wind with no wind load are compared. 根据应力、变形情况观察危险点,并将在各级风载作用下的结果与无风载荷时进行比较,得出结论。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. This kind of fly line may also be a sort of new deformation form at explosive load in metal. 这种飞线可能还是爆炸载荷下金属中出现的一种新的和特殊的塑性变形机制。 www.csu.edu.cn 7. The elastic deformation of drawing die is an important factor which can affect the accuracy, but it is often neglected in draw forming. 拉拔模的弹性变形是影响拉拔精度的重要因素,但往往在拉拔成形中被忽略。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. 2 products relatively easy to breakage, deformation, please do not use too much force. 产品比较容易破损,变形,请不要太用力使用。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A method is provided, with which the mean pure deformation resistance is calculated by means of the specific pure deformation energy. 为提高变形抗力的预测精度,提出了一种基于混合最小二乘支持向量机和数学模型的组合方法。 www.dictall.com 10. steel cages stacked venue is not formed, easy to make steel cage deformation occurred. 钢筋笼堆放场地不平整,容易使钢筋笼发生弯曲变形。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. There is no "island structure" will not be able to exert the existence of resin-based Deformation energy potential. 没有“海岛结构”,将无法发挥的树脂存在的变形能源的潜力。 www.qiyeku.com 2. read in after piling up to pressure when xiao hai, so as not to cause a heap of spine of deformation on the subject, compression. 起脊后的书册在堆放时底下要放垫板,以免堆书后受压导致书脊变形。 www.bing.com 3. Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the product. Technical delivery conditions. 对制品表面垂直方向有高变形特性的钢制品.交货技术条件 www.mapeng.net 4. When transporting the mattress to avoid excessive deformation, do not bend or fold the mattress, do not directly tied with a rope hard. 搬运时避免使床垫过度变形,不要将床垫弯曲或折叠,不要直接用绳索使劲捆绑。 www.citynoon.com 5. The result shows that the deformation of the bunch and the formation of beam halo also take place in a cyclotron. 模拟结果表明,束团的形变、束晕现象同样发生在回旋加速器中,不过,其产生机制不同于直线加速器。 www.dictall.com 6. A quantum group is a deformation of a given classical group, and is such that no classical space can have it as a symmetry group. 量子群是已知经典群的变形,所有经典群都无法将其作为对称群。 www.bing.com 7. has been used to measure the deformation of internal combustion engine connecting rod in this paper. 本文用单光束激光散斑干涉法测量了内燃机连杆的变形。 www.showxiu.com 8. Method of nonlinear element has been used to the research on large deformation of rubber like material. 研究了非线性有限元方法在橡胶类材料中的应用。 www.dictall.com 9. Conventional method can only approximately describe the relationship of the deformation and its impacting factors. 传统方法只能近似地描述变形与各影响因子之间的关系。 www.fabiao.net 10. It was shown that the creep deformation of the dam body and foundation was on a small level and tended to be stable. 通过对该坝的流变计算,得出坝体、坝基流变变形较小,而且基本趋于稳定的结论。 www.cgejournal.com 1. Box of high quality stainless steel, does not rust, clean, hair rollers is not easy deformation, rolling brush made of nylon cord, durable. 箱体采用优质不锈钢材质,不锈蚀,清洁卫生,毛辊不易变形,毛刷采用尼龙线绳轧制而成,经久耐用。 www.foodqs.cn 2. The change at the elastic limit from elastic to plastic deformation is referred to as the yield point or yield strength. 在弹性极限范围由弹性变形到塑性变的变化叫作屈服点或屈服力。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The prevention method has to be adopted to its different section and its structure for the purpose of deformation prevention. 针对不同形式的外形结构的主梁,依据其特点,采用不同的防变形方法。 www.chemyq.com 4. If the pad is too soft, dot business card printing and membership card making easy to deformation. 若衬垫太不软,网不面制卡和会员卡制息便当变形放不小。 www.bing.com 5. Platen paper teeth are mostly solid, but they still in the fast-moving, easy-to-deformation emergency stop when the inertia. 平压平模切机输纸牙现多为实心,但在高速运动时还是易变形,急停时惯性大。 www.bing.com 6. The invariant space has to be as well a deformation of a classical space, a deformation that makes it noncommutative. 这些不变的空间同样也是经典空间的变形,它们通过这种变形成为非对易空间。 www.bing.com 7. The retractable air door has no deformation when the downhole pressure of a coal mine changes. 它是一种在煤矿井下压力出现变化时不变形的可缩性风门。 ip.com 8. The bolt is a new kind of structural bolt. Few researches have been carried out on its force, deformation and action mechanism at present. 柔性注压锚杆是一种结构和锚固机理新颖的全长锚固锚杆,已有的研究缺少其受力、锚固力与锚固机理的分析。 www.chemyq.com 9. For the rigid-body model, the fault has no internal deformation, thus the bed remain its length after rotation. 刚性旋转时,断块内部没有任何塑性变形,因此地层的长度没有变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Experimental results show that this algorithm can achieve exact deformation with low calculation cost. 实验表明算法计算代价低,可实现精确变形。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. It would be a very useful mathematic tool for the description and analysis of structural deformation. 这将为我们对具有任意形状的构造标志体变形的描述和分析提供方便和有用的数学工具。 www.geojournals.cn 2. A printing plate cylinder and nano-imprint lithography drum is hard and bring pressure to bear on the surface, the deformation of after. 印版滚筒和不抬印滚筒是硬性的暗地,施加不张力后是不易变形的。 www.bing.com 3. The experiments show that the formulas set up in this pa per can lower the deformation of non-symmetry extruded sections efficiently . 实验证明利用本文提出的计算式进行模具设计能有效地减小挤压非对称型材的弯扭畸变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A spherical symmetric deformation problem was examined for a solid sphere subjected to a prescribed uniform radial stretch on its surface. 研究了由一类均匀各向同性的可压缩超弹性材料组成的球体在给定的表面拉伸作用下的球对称变形问题。 www.dictall.com 5. The consequence indicates that this model can reproduce the deformation of line profile of eclipsing binary well. 结果表明,这一模型可以较好地再现畸变的含食双星光谱。 www.fabiao.net 6. Charge deformation maps have been produced and both a maximum-entropy and a multipole analysis have been applied to the data. 充电变形图,都已经产生最大熵和多极分析已经应用到的数据。 www.syyxw.com 7. Recently, Dezhou University engineers with cylindrical nanoparticles made of compressible deformation of artificial muscles. 近日,德州大学的工程师们用圆柱形纳米粒子制造出了可压缩变形的人造肌肉。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The results obtained in this study could be used for a hollow part deformation by the similar process. 研究结果对楔横轧工艺在轧制空心阶梯轴类件的应用具有指导意义。 elec.wanfangdata.com.cn 9. The deformation process can be indicated by a stress-moistening path and a stress-moistening-deformation surface. 同时还用应力增湿路径和应力增湿变形曲面来表示变形的发展过程。 www.cgejournal.com 10. The cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it rolls. 辗压抵抗的原因是滚动元件和滚道在其轧辊上的齿合表面的变形。 bbs.wps2005.com 1. The film will be the cutting edge, photographic film, resulting in a distance of a spell of deformation is not a graphics and text. 差底片裁剪不分歧,片基边间隔纷歧,变成不拆不入图文的变形纷歧。 www.bing.com 2. Baser fon analyzing the relationship between rock deformation characteristics and support by means of the characteristic value method. 应用特征值法分析了围岩变形形态与支护之间的关系。 www.dictall.com 3. Traffic load was the main reason of the pipe deformation. Appropriate increase in pipeline depth could increase pipe life. 交通载荷是引起管道形变的主要因素,适当增加管道埋深刻提高管道寿命。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. From the point of crystal lattice deformation, materials removing and processing of machined surface were discussed. 从晶体晶格变形的角度,分析讨论了纳米尺度下切屑以及加工表面的形成过程。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. So it is not easy to evaluate and predict stability of rocky slope by external deformation which is small before slope fails. 所以,对于在破坏之前变形量不大的岩质边坡,往往不易根据外部变形来判别稳定性。 6. Settlement of earth-rockfill dam is mainly influenced by aging deformation and regression model is usually adopted for settlement analysis. 土石坝沉降主要是时效变形,一般采用回归模型进行分析。 stae.com.cn 7. During the Cenozoic, tectonic deformation mainly occurred around the Ordos basin, resulting in the formation of the grabens. 新生代时期,构造变形主要发生在鄂尔多斯盆地周缘,形成一系列地堑盆地。 www.magsci.net 8. This can cause deformation of the BGA-balls when some of the material in the ball flowing into the via. 这可能会导致变形的BGA球时的一些材料在球流入通过。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. From the point of internal force and deformation, the influence of girder joint scheme of side span on construction control is discussed. 从受力与变形角度讨论了边跨合龙方案对连续梁桥施工控制的影响。 www.dictall.com 10. The existing large underground mined-out area leads to the surface subsidence deformation. 由于地下大体积空区的存在,引起了地表的沉降变形。 www.jsks.net.cn 1. The residual bend results from the plastic deformation imparted as the string is spooled around the radius of the reel and guide arch. 在挠性管柱绕着卷筒半径和导拱缠绕时,所给予的塑性变形造成了残留弯曲。 www.infopetro.com.cn 2. Soft sediment deformation is one of the key indicators identifying the existence of paleo-earthquake. 软沉积物变形构造是确定古地震存在的关键证据之一。 www.magsci.net 3. The pressure proportional elastic deformation of this bourdon tube is transmitted through a low friction movement to the knife edge pointer. 波登管的压力比例塑性变形通过摩擦力很小的机械装置传递给刃形指针。 www.kuenglish.info 4. Ductility refers to the capacity of a material to undergo deformation under tension without rupture as in a wire drawing operation. 延展性指的是材料在承受拉应力时发生变形而不断裂的能力,就像在拔丝一样。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The point that unsaturated soil shear deformation exists in the consolidation process is certified initially. 初步证明了非饱和土剪缩变形存在固结过程。 www.fabiao.net 6. by vibration differential equations, crack deformation equation is derived by the concept of mobility. 通过振动微分方程,借用导纳概念建立裂纹处变形协调方程。 www.13191.com 7. This method is characteristic of that only one sample was need for continued different deformation degree on the same section. 这种试验方法的特点是:只需一个试件,便可以在同一截面上连续地得到不同的变形程度。 www.chemyq.com 8. Besides, this deformation does not require the existence of the slide mass at the back-end of the slope. 这种变形并不要求坡顶后端有滑移块体的存在。 emuch.net 9. Underground mining can cause the surface deformation and in turn induce the additional stress in the buildings in the mining area. 矿山地下开采引起地表变形,从而对区内建筑物产生附加内力。 www.chemyq.com 10. Deformation of a reduced set of contour points was made according to a discretized global, regional and local minimum energy criterion. 变形减少的轮廓点是根据离散全球,区域和地方的最低能源标准。 www.syyxw.com 1. High moisture content, the wood easy to warp, deformation. 含水率高了,木材容易翘曲、变形。 www.xiami360.com 2. Meanwhile, the springback potential energy principle is applied to calculate the springback deformation of a pure bending of curved beam . 同时,应用该回弹势能原理于纯弯曲梁的回弹变形计算。 it.bab.la 3. In this paper, the settlement and lateral deformation principle of composite ground under flexible foundation was the main research content. 因此,本文研究的主要内容是柔性基础下水泥粉喷桩复合地基的沉降和侧向变形规律。 www.boshuo.net 4. The deformation of a solid body is proportional to the force acting on it, if the force does not exceed a certain limit . 如果作用于某物体的力不超过一定限度的话,则该固体受力后的形变与这一作用力大小成比例。 www.jukuu.com 5. After treated by B19 fermentation filtrate mycelial deformation, spores do not germinate, swollen and form a round spherical bubble. 经细菌发酵滤液处理后,变色菌菌丝变形,孢子不萌发或萌发产生不正常的芽管,如畸形、肿大,形成圆球状泡。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Stress is generated by the swell-shrinking deformation constraints and the concept of moisture change stress is put forward. 当土体的胀缩变形受到约束时就会产生应力,据此提出了变湿应力的概念。 ytlx.whrsm.ac.cn 7. The transducing levelling instrument can be used for automatic observation on deformation. 传感水准器可在自动化观测变形中应用。 www.dictall.com 8. So far, the supporting measures which have already been operated take effect, the deformation of the slope is effectively controlled. 从支护情况看,右岸拱肩槽边坡已有支护措施效果良好,边坡变形得到有效控制。 www.13191.com 9. Wrong tooth adds up to deformation is polygene hereditary disease, often behave familial and genetic tendency. 错牙合畸形是多基因遗传病,常表现家族遗传倾向。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The influence of Soil moisture and root length for deformation properties has no obvious law. 土壤含水量和试验根长度对单根变形的影响无明显规律。 www.fabiao.net 1. larger deformation and greater stress instantaneously occur around the connection lug of the frame in working conditions. 在作业工况下,车架的连接耳板附近有瞬时的较大变形和应力。 www.fabiao.net 2. Because loading process has plastic deformation, unloading curve should be used for sensitivity evaluation. 因加载过程存在塑性变形,应力敏感性评价应采用卸载曲线。 www.magsci.org 3. Since the yield (flow) stress of the material decreases, in general, with temperature, inelastic deformation will most likely take place. 自从产量(流)的应力降低,普通状况下,资料温度、无弹性变形就极有可能会发作。 hi.tt40.cn 4. The middle crust with plastic deformation consists of a platy ductile flow zone and a ring-shaped re-melting zone. 中地壳为塑性流变层,由板状韧流带和环状重熔岩带构成; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Considering the elastic deformation of the barrel, the AA gun is simplified into a multi-rigid body dynamic model. 同时考虑身管弹性变形,建立了火炮发射时的多刚体动力学模型。 www.dictall.com 6. The invention provides a method and a device for correcting bending deformation of a main beam of a container. 本发明提供一种集装箱主梁弯曲变形的校正方法及校正装置。 ip.com 7. The correctness and effectiveness of the method is proved by the result of actual bridge deformation control. 实桥变形监控的结果,证明了本文所提方法的正确性和有效性。 www.xdjtjs.com 8. Finally, some rational suggestions are put forward for the long-term deformation and stability of large underground caverns. 第四,根据计算结果,对该大型地下洞室群的开挖变形以及长期稳定性进行评价,同时提出合理的工程指导建议。 www.fabiao.net 9. A great deal of fundamental data for the damping ratio of rubber powder concrete in small deformation is obtained. 采用自由振动法测试得到了一批橡胶混凝土小变形阻尼比的基础性数据。 www.dictall.com 10. In the light of the actual conditions of drawing deformation, the relationship of displacement with flange radius is established. 根据拉延变形的实际情况,建立了位移和凸缘半径之间的关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The early research on thermal model of friction stir welding is mainly about the heat of friction, ignoring the heat of plastic deformation. 早期的搅拌摩擦焊温度场模型只考虑了摩擦产热,而忽略了塑性变形产热。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The vertical shear produces bed deformation, whereas the horizontal length of bed does not change. 垂直剪切作用使断块内地层变形,但水平方向的地层长度不变。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. This test method provides a reference for carrying out in-depth deformation diagnosis of transformer winding and has a good prospect. 该测试方法为深入开展变压器绕组变形诊断提供了参考,具有很好的应用前景。 www.boshuo.net 4. Calculation of deformation amount during pipe- rolling operation is an operational issue as well as a theoretical one. 轧管过程中变形量的计算,既是理论问题,又是生产实际问题。 www.chemyq.com 5. mesh point and fine words with elastic deformation recovery slow low produced more able to maintain a sharp edge of the plate. 网点和细字用不塑性矮、变形复兴缓的印版较能保留印版锋利边际的表示。 www.bing.com 6. high toughness, not easy to deformation or loosen. 韧性好,不易变形,松脱。 club.china.alibaba.com 7. This large deformation is called for rock dilatancy if volume dilation only occurs owing to stress redistribution. 这种大变形如果仅是应力重分布引起的体积膨胀则称为岩石扩容。 www.dictall.com 8. Used for testing seat frame welding point strength and deformation amount Before and after car seat formation. 本机用于测试汽车座椅未成型前及成型后,座椅骨架的焊接点强度及变形量。 www.ck365.cn 9. With this method, the deformation zone can be very accurately determined. 用这种方法,变形区可以非常准确地确定。 www.cadedu.com 10. The movement and deformation of the aortic arch are shown in a same periodic property. 主动脉弓的运动和变形具有相同的周期性; www.ceps.com.tw 1. Vertical suspended sintering furnace with a production of small, sintering deformation rate of over 95% of the benefits, but complex. 笔直悬挂烧结炉具有烧结变形小,不败品率达95%以上的弊端,但摆设驳杂。 www.bing.com 2. This paper presents a study of the drawing deformation process upon the theory of plasticity. 本文应用塑性加工力学理论分析了拉延变形过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The results indicated that the crushing force decreased and there was not notable effect on deformation with increasing moisture content. 结果表明,破壳力随着含水率的增加而降低,壳体变形没有显著变化; epub.cnki.net 4. As a result of using a paper jam, on the day in the process of cutting a good date to be piling up too long to avoid paper deformation. 因此在使用卡纸的过程中,当天裁切好的当天使用,不宜堆放时间过长,避免引起纸张的形变。 www.bing.com 5. Finally, it proves the inherent strain method can be used for welding deformation analysis of large-scale structure of the spot welding. 最终得出固有应变法可用于大型点焊结构的焊接变形分析过程中。 www.13191.com 6. Strain, or unit deformation, is defined as the unit change in the size or shape of material as a result of force on the material. 应变或者单位变形是材料上的压力造成材料大小和形状的单位改变量。 www.tianyablog.com 7. As shown in Fig. 4. 2, grain flow is the direction of the pattern that the crystals take during plastic deformation. 如图4.2所示,晶粒流动的方向就是在塑性变形期间结晶排列的方向。 www.mapeng.net 8. The discovery would be helpful to a thorough study on the strength theory, deformation and stability analysis in soils. 这将有助于土体在强度理论、变形和稳定分析等方面的深入研究。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The change in a physical dimension is called deformation. 物理尺寸上的改变就叫做变形。 www.tianyablog.com 10. In the light of the principle of structural mechanics, the calculating formulae of the deformation is obtained on them. . . 按照结构力学原理得出了在均布荷载和梁端弯矩作用下梁的跨中挠度计算公式。 epub.cnki.net 1. Autogenous deformation: the bulk deformation of a closed, isothermal cementitious material system not subjected to external forces. 自生变形:没有受到外力的,封闭的、等温的水泥胶结材料系统的总体变形。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This approach provides an invaluable tool in investigating whether or not a given initial deformation is stable. 这种处理方式提供了一种不可估价的工具,来考察所给的初始形变是不是稳定的。 dict.veduchina.com 3. So, special attention should be paid to the strength of the riser for the section where the biggest deformation and bending moment is. 在横向位移和弯曲应力最大位置,应特别注意隔水管的强度问题。 www.fabiao.net 4. By means of digital camera, the displacement of sand particle near interface was recorded, and deformation mechanism was analyzed. 并通过数字照相技术记录了接触面附近砂土颗粒的位移情况,分析了土与结构物接触面剪切破坏的变形机理。 www.cgejournal.com 5. measuring the camber deformation of a dragonfly wing using projected comb fringe without hypothesizing that the wing is a rigid plate. 梳状条纹投影法,解决翅膀弓形变形测量问题,不需要以往的翅膀刚性平板或刚性条杆假设; www.keyanjijin.cn 6. Only a few zinc particles in the coating occurred plastic deformation with irregular orientation. 镀层中只有少部分锌粉颗粒发生塑性变形,并且变形取向也无明显的规律。 www.chemyq.com 7. The deformation measurement of object is always to be the problem of the field of the engineering. 物体变形测量一直是工程领域中的重要问题。 www.fabiao.net 8. The thickness, the size of the cross-section and the procedure specifications in welding are the main factors about the welding deformation. 焊件的厚度、焊件的焊缝截面尺寸、焊接工艺规范等是影响焊接变形的主要因素。 www.13191.com 9. Especially in the quick deformation speed and the big part deformation and distorted degree, the temperature change will be very obvious. 材料的变形过程伴随有能量形式的转化和温度的改变,尤其是在变形速度快,局部变形和畸变程度大的情况下,温度的改变会非常明显。 www.juhe8.com 10. Thus the calculation model was set up to consider part of the foundation and slab deformation. 从而建立考虑地基及部分楼板变形的计算模型。 www.boshuo.net 1. It is a debilitating disease whose effects in its young victims (mostly children under 15 years of age) can often cause gross deformation. 它是一种耗损性疾病,往往造成年轻患者(大多数为15岁以下儿童)显著畸形。 www.who.int 2. The reasons causing EPC castings to be deformed in ever procedure during production process and measures to avoid deformation was described. 介绍了在消失模铸造生产的各道工序中铸件产生变形的原因以及防止变形的方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Preferably, the high crystallinity layer is capable of undergoing plastic deformation upon the elongation. 优选地,该高结晶度层在伸长时可经历塑性形变。 ip.com 4. And with similar initial stiffness or section area, the time-dependent deformation of wide-flat beams is larger than conventional beams. 在同等的初始抗弯刚度或截面积条件下,宽扁梁长期变形增长较普通梁显著。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. The winding deformation is one of the most familiar faults, it compromise the security of the power system severely. 绕组变形是变压器的最常见故障之一,严重威胁着电力系统的安全。 www.lw23.com 6. Dirty and the helps deformation of physiology of allergy of mulberry devil psychology contributing factor like the dwarf? 龌龊且侏儒般的扶桑鬼子心理变态生理畸形的成因?。 www.showxiu.com 7. The displacement of the surrounding rock on the flank appears plug-style distribution, and the rate of the permanent deformation is high. 侧壁围岩位移呈倒塞体形分布,永久变形比例高。 8. The results tell us that the system important part design is rational andes'deformation is in the design range. 结果显示:系统关键部件设计合理,变形量在设计范围之内。 www.13191.com 9. Thirdly, in the condition of shield construction, the deformation law of loess and testing methods need to be further researched. 在盾构施工的情况下,对黄土隧洞的变形规律及测试方法有待进一步的研究。 www.lw23.com 10. Most solids, if pulled or twisted, will give a little in a process known as elastic deformation. 大多固体,一经拉伸或弯曲,都会出现弹性变形这一过程。 www.ecocn.org 1. As an example, finite element analysis is performed to simulate the deformation and strength properties of a conventional triaxial specimen. 作为算例,对常规三轴试件进行了有限元分析,得出了一些具体的结果。 www.cgejournal.com 2. Rumple child produced mainly attributable to the paper around the edge of the deformation (tight). 产生这类褶子的主要原因是纸张四周变形(紧边)。 www.bing.com 3. The analysis result shows that the ground deformation due to the frost heave is within the permissible limit of ground displacement. 结果表明:水平冻胀引起的地面变形均满足地面变形控制要求。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Some pages of the book fold is liable on gelatinize, plastic deformation of the viscosity must be reasonable and appropriate. 有些书页一经涂胶就皱褶变形,所以用胶的黏度一定要合理、适当。 www.bing.com 5. Test results and analysis of the recorded dynamic deformation of a moving object and plate bended deformation are presented. 文中还给出了物体动变形及板弯曲等实测结果及分析。 www.opticsjournal.net 6. The objective of the research is to set up the curing deformation prediction model of composites based on artificial neural network. 研究目的是建立基于人工神经网络的复合材料固化变形预测模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. As a discontinuous medium, the deformation behaviour of rock masses is quite different from that depicted by continuous media. 作为一种非连续介质,岩体的变形行为与连续介质存在较大差异。 www.rockmech.org 8. It was shown that the deformation was concentrated due to loading, which demonstrated the occurrences of strain localization in the slope. 加载导致土坡在某些位置出现变形集中,意味着这些位置发生了应变局部化。 www.cgejournal.com 9. The effects of the number, length and width of the slots on the thermal deformation of a circular sawblade were investigated in this paper. 本文研究了圆锯片径向槽的数量、长度、宽度对圆锯片热变形的影响。 www.chemyq.com 10. Analyze the cutter deflection by using the theory of cantilever deformation, and finally calculate the surface machining error. 3. 利用悬臂梁理论对刀具受力变形进行了分析,最后建立了表面加工误差的计算模型。 www.boshuo.net 1. Mechanical and deformation performance of such transfer-structure are relative to many factors. So it's necessary to perform more study. 对于上层框架柱外移时的转换结构受力和变形性能,影响因素较多,有必要进行进一步的研究。 www.fabiao.net 2. Pulley deformation is one of the factors affecting transmission efficiency of metal belt CVT. 带轮变形是影响金属带式无级变速器传动效率的众多因素之一。 www.cmemo.org.cn 3. Uneven distribution of the residual stress is the main element to cause the deformation of a workpiece. 非均匀分布的残余应力是引起工件变形的主要原因。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn 4. The result shows that the main factors affecting the ultimate capacity are the local deformation and instability of the bridge. 结果表明,桥梁局部变形失稳是影响整体极限承载力的重要因素。 www.showxiu.com 5. The deformation remaining after an applied load is removed is called plastic deformation. 这种载荷卸除后仍然存在的变形,称为塑性变形。 jpkc.svtcc.net 6. One of criteria for coker drum invalidation is whether the loin-drum deformation has exceeded the critical value. 并以腰鼓变形量是否超过临界值作为焦炭塔判废的标准之一。 www.juyy.net 7. Micro movement of the micromanipulator is implemented by deformation of material and its compulsory coupling forced by driving forces. 微动机构的微小运动是通过驱动力使材料变形及其变形强耦合实现的。 www.fabiao.net 8. However, when decreases to a certain value, it has little influence on rock deformation and failure mode. 当拉压比低于某一确定值时,拉压比对岩石的变形行为影响很小。 www.rockmech.org 9. Combined with a typical plate girder type of landslide deformation and failure mode, respectively targeted treatment program works. 结合板梁式滑坡典型变形破坏模式,分别提出有针对性的工程治理方案。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The technique is applied to measurements of microscale deformation fields within an adhesive joint in a carbon-fiber epoxy composite. 该技术适用于微尺度变形测量领域内的胶粘剂联合在碳纤维环氧复合材料。 www.syyxw.com 1. Huge deformation of wall rock has a strong impact on the stability of roadway in many underground opening engineering. 在许多地下巷道工程中,围岩巨大的变形严重影响巷道稳定性。 www.chemyq.com 2. The effect of direct current pulses (DCPs) on the 7475 aluminum alloy which had underwent superplastic deformation was studied. 研究了直流脉冲电流对7475铝合金超塑性拉伸时的力学性能的影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Relatively the measured deformation and lateral earth pressure were insensitive to the roughness of the wall. 相对来说,所测得的位移和土压力对简壁的摩擦不很灵敏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The conclusion was that the creep deformation because of long-term over-temperature operation caused tube bursting. 结果表明,长期超温运行而引起的蠕变破坏是导致其爆裂的原因。 www.ilib.cn 5. genetic algorithm; finite element method | Workpiece deformation must be controlled in the numerical control machining process. 夹紧力,遗传算法,有限元法|工件变形,必须在数控加工过程的控制。 www.medsci.cn 6. Furthermore, there was a mutually verifying relationship between 3D deformation and ground stress distribution of tunnel region. 隧道三维变形规律与隧道区域地应力场的分布存在相互印证关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Do not hang the tongs on the edge of the boiler while sterilizing, to avoid deformation. 沸煮消毒的一起,请不要将本品间接挂置于锅缘边。 www.zuo3.com 8. This deformation make business card printing and membership card to make a change in the size of the graphics and text. 这种变形使制卡和会员卡制作图不白的尺寸爆不收保持。 www.bing.com 9. Clay is main property of soil in northeast China , intensity or deformation characteristic property is the basis of the building stability . 一般粘性土是东北地区的主要区域性土质,它的强度、变形特性是该地区建筑物稳定性的基础,因此受到岩土工程界的广泛重视。 www.13191.com 10. Severe plastic accumulative deformation occurs with a repeated traffic loading on the aggregate-based flexible pavement. 在交通荷载的反复作用下,粒料基层柔性路面会产生过量的塑性累积变形。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. They are oriented along the ? ow, and the degree of their alignment is highly dependent on the rate of deformation. 它们的方向是根据流向而定的,而且其形成线性的程度高度依赖于变形率。 bbs.wpc.cn 2. 50, Passat car parked in the barrier side of the front deformation, scattered debris. 凌晨3时50分,这辆帕萨特停在护栏边,车头变形,碎片散落。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 3. Relationship has been studied on defect to deformation degree, friction factor and relative length of mould plastic section. 同时,研究了表面缺陷产生与变形程度、摩擦因数及模具整形段相对长度的关系。 www.chemyq.com 4. During the Himalayan period, fold and superimposed deformation had been happened, and cased preexisting structure reformed. 喜山期发生褶皱叠加并进一步改造先期构造。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 5. The part has no deformation with double drawing core mechanism instead of single one in the mould. 模具的双抽芯机构减小了单方向抽芯力,解决了铸件变形问题。 www.chemyq.com 6. The role of CSF during the injury event and its effect on the spinal cord deformation and neurologic injury is not well understood. 脑脊液在损伤过程中的作用及其对脊髓变形和神经系统的损伤的影响还不甚明了。 www.mdchome.com 7. At last the main control and external interference on the heat treatment quenching size deformation was analysed using the taguchi method. 最后采用田口法分析影响热处理淬火尺寸变形的主要控制与外界干扰。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The results provide a theoretical basis for a rational interpretation of the deformation mechanism of the central pier. 研究结果为科学地解释中隔墩变形机制提供了理论依据。 9. Correction to "A comprehensive approach to monitoring volcano deformation as a window on the eruption cycle" 修正“一个广泛应用监视如同爆发周期窗口的火山变形” edu.cma.gov.cn 10. The tendency of the localization of deformation was earlier than the violent increase in the rate of acoustic emission. 变形局部化的趋势比声发射率剧增要早得多。 www.geophy.cn 1. Material mechanical properties relative with its deformation coming from outside force and load. 材料的力学性能与其所受外力或负荷而导致的变形有关。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Experiment result shows that this method can effectively resist the deformation of the target, shelter and so on. 实验结果证明此方法可有效地抵御目标的变形和遮挡情况。 www.chineseoptics.net.cn 3. Accordingly, the heatproof clothes are durable to prevent the deformation by the heat of extremely high-temperature while fis improved. 因此,避免了由高温辐射热引起的材料变形,而抗热衣服的耐久性也得到提高。 ip.com 4. the ribbon, also can be regarded as a flying fish as gull (fishing scene mark), But as the deformation of the "V" word. 主彩带可视为飞鱼,亦可视作海鸥(捕捞作业场景标记);又可看作变形的“V”字。 zhishi.sohu.com 5. The effects of load in certain range were to restrain the swelling-shrinkage deformation and the attenuation of shear strength. 荷载对干湿循环过程中膨胀土的胀缩幅度及强度衰减具有明显抑制作用。 www.cgejournal.com 6. Deformation rate influence the temperature rise of forging, a reasonable choice could influence the forging of forming to a certain extent. 变形速率影响锻件的温升,其合理选择对锻件成形有一定影响。 rjggy.net 7. The first one was based on the understanding that the deformation mechanism was the frontal part upheaval of a landslide. 首次整治基于该变形为一滑坡的前缘隆起,采取了抗滑桩、削方减载等措施。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. Melt lineation is controlled by deformation, metamorphism and partial melting in an extensional tectonic environment. 熔体线理形成于伸展构造环境中,是变形作用、变质作用和部分熔融作用共同作用的结果。 lib.cqvip.com 9. What are the approximate foundation loads? Are there deformation or deflection limitations beyond the usual requirements? 什么是近似基金会负荷?有变形或挠度极限超过平常的要求吗?。 www.hldywl.com 10. Comparison with the results calculated by the small deformation theory shows that it is required to consider the large deformation effects. 通过与小变形理论计算结果的比较,指出了考虑大变形效应的必要性,为今后的大变形刚塑性动力分析提出了建议。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Similarly, the oblique shear also causes bed deformation, but the horizontal length of bed remains constant. 斜向剪切也使断块内地层变形,但水平方向的长度也不变。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Zheng code does not match the bottom and the panel, code pin deformation. 筝码底部与面板不吻合、码脚变形。 www.xiami360.com 3. It is urgently needed that how to more accurately monitor the deformation scale of these large-scale structures around the clock. 如何更精确、更实时的监测这些大型构件的变形尺度变的非常重要。 www.fabiao.net 4. The amount of deformation is directly proportional to the applied stress provided the force does not exceed a certain limit. 如果外力不超过某一限度的话,那么形变量与外力成正比。 online.cumt.edu.cn 5. The amount of deformation that occurs reflects the rigidity of that object. 额变形出现,反映了刚性的那个对象。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Research showed that reservoir deformation should be considered when forecasting coalbed gas well productivity. 研究表明,预测煤岩气藏气井产能时,考虑储层变形是非常必要的。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 7. NO DEFORMATION: Width of the welded joint is small and only a little quantity of heat is produced, since wire electrodes are used. 不变形:对焊接接头的宽度很小,只有很少量的热量产生,因为电极丝的使用。 chinatrader.com.hk 8. Thermo mechanical processing in this region should be avoided because this was harmful to deformation of the alloy. 这对材料的变形是有害的,要避免在流动失稳区进行热加工处理。 www.rm-journal.com 9. The stress, deformation and fatigue life of the optimal platen were compared with the original platen. 对比了模板优化前后的应力、变形及疲劳分析情况。 www.iplast.cn 10. The deformation mechanism of this region was dynamic recrystallization and this region was suitable for thermo mechanical processing. 这个区域对应的变形机制为动态再结晶,适合进行热加工。 www.rm-journal.com 1. Check each component installation location is mobile, deformation, tighten all bolts, check the sealing is good or not. 检查各部件安装位置是否移动、变形、锁紧所有螺栓,检查密封是否良好。 www.posuiji168.com 2. This paper analyzed the difference between the temperature filed and thermal deformation in dynamic characters for spindle components. 文章对机床主轴组件温度场和热变形动态特性之间的差异进行了分析。 www.chemyq.com 3. Using FEM to simulate the stress-strain status and the deformation process, mesh movement law of the plastic helical gear is obtained. 运用有限元方法,模拟塑料斜齿轮的应力应变状态与齿廓变形过程,从而得出了塑料斜齿轮啮合的变化规律。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Currently the available elastoplastic deformation simulation is divided into physics and non-physics-based simulation in two ways. 而当前现有的弹塑体形变模拟主要分为基于物理的和非物理的模拟两种方式。 www.fabiao.net 5. Game: small keyboard control around the left arrow and the right side, next small keyboard arrows to control deformation. 游戏方法:小键盘左右箭头控制左移和右移,小键盘上下箭头控制变形。 4455.cc 6. The result can also be used to reveal unloading deformation characteristics of rock mass containing a set of joints. 研究成果可以反映含单组节理岩体的加卸载变形特性。 7. Early concrete cracks because concrete's shrinkage deformation and concrete elastic modulus and tensile strength does not adapt produces. 混凝土早期裂缝产生是因为混凝土的收缩变形与混凝土弹性模量和抗拉强度不相适应产生的。 cn.mychemy.com 8. The main mechanism of melt lineation is extensional deformation which led to partial melting of high-grade metamorphic rock. 伸展构造变形导致岩石部分熔融,是熔体线理形成的主要机制。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Since the high strength steel sheet has good yield-tensile, strong distortion and springback deformation will be produced in stamping. 高强度钢板屈强高,冲压成形中将产生较大的扭曲和回弹变形。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The last work is the applications of digital holography in the measurement of the displacement and deformation. 最后,介绍数字全息在位移和形变测量中应用。 www.lw23.com 1. P The consequences of deformation due to temperature, creep and shrinkage shall be considered in design. 由温度,蠕变和缩水引起的形变在设计时必须考虑。 gatefanyi.com 2. Ultimate load designs according to the yield-line or strip methods do not guarantee safety against cracking or excessive deformation. 接屈服线法或条带法的极限荷载设计不能完全保证抗裂或防止过度变形。 www.jukuu.com 3. The anomaly changes of the crustal deformation on some sites are close correlative with the earthquakes near the sites. 部分场地的形变异常变化与其邻近的地震活动密切相关。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The elastic modulus, therefore, is a measure of the resistance of a material to deformation under load. 的弹性模量,因此,这是一个重大的抗变形测量负载。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The results indicate that the deformation and strength of the structure can satisfy requirements, and it has favorable seismic behavior. 分析结果表明,结构的变形和强度均满足要求,抗震性能良好。 www.buildingstructure.cn 6. Provides a basis for studying the deformation and stresses distribution of composite piston and for the deformation design. 为研究组合活塞的变形和应力状态,进行变形设计提供了依据。 www.dictall.com 7. The deformation mechanism of rail height decrease was put forward by means of laboratory simulation. 通过试验室模拟,提出了轨高减少的变形机理。 www.chemyq.com 8. Gas Spring and curved-rod auxiliary, even stress assurance both in push and close to protect effectively products from deformation. 夹具采用气体弹簧和曲杆下压式,结构上下压合时受力均匀,有效地防护产品压合时造成变形。 www.showxiu.com 9. The foundation stability and residual deformation must be evaluated before building life or service facilities above old mine goaf. 在老采空区上方建设生活或服务设施时,必须对老采空区上方地基稳定性和残余变形情况进行评价和预测。 ytlx.whrsm.ac.cn 10. To decide these heating parameters, the relation between heating parameters and angular deformation must be clarified. 为了确定工艺参数,必须探索加热条件和角变形之间的关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The process of tectonic deformation in the plateau can be compared with the "forging die process" used in the machinery industry. 其构造形变过程可以同机器制造业中的《锻模加工》相比拟。 www.geophy.cn 2. The clips may be susceptible to deformation during any rework or upgrade procedure where the heatsink assembly is disassembled . 重新组装或者升级系统过程中散热器部件被拆解下来,这时扣具可能很容易变型。 mymemory.translated.net 3. Tsunami data from the ocean bottom pressure gauges suggest that the large ocean bottom deformation occurred near the Japan trench. 洋底压力计记录的海啸数据暗示洋底形变主要发生在接近日本海沟的区域。 www.tiantianbt.com 4. When the electrolyte concentration rises to a certain value, the deformation amount does not raise. 当电解液浓度增大到一定数值时,复合片变形不再增大。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. t was observed that the evolution of internal defects or micro-damages are usually accompanied with high velocity deformation of materials. 材料在高速变形过程中常常伴有不同形式的内部缺陷或微损伤的演化。 www.chemyq.com 6. During this stage , the elastic deformation restores gradually the kinetic energy . Let the impact impulse be , then . Therefore . 该阶段中,小球动能增大,变形(弹性)逐渐恢复。 jpkc.qust.edu.cn 7. In this paper, a study of the cavitation of manganese-brass during superplastic deformation is reported. 对超塑变形后锰黄铜的空洞特征进行了系统研究。 en.zidian8.com 8. Two subtools were created, but I offset the second one with a negative value in the Deformation tab of the Tool palette. 创建了两个subtools,但是我偏移了第二个用一个负值在变形选项的工具调色板上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Moreover, the landfill media deformation has an obvious influence on distribution law of pore-water pressure and fluid velocity. 同时,填埋介质变形影响了孔隙水压力和水流速的分布规律。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The long-time creep deformation and strength of the casing in halite stratum were studied assuming the constant creep velocity. 采用常蠕变速率假定,研究了盐岩地层中石油套管的长期蠕变变形和强度问题。 www.clouddb.org 1. The difference between the temperature filed and thermal deformation in dynamic characters for spindle components is analyzed. 对机床主轴组件温度场和热变形动态特性之间的差异进行了分析。 stae.com.cn 2. The dam deformation, especially the post dam deformation, is the key factor to determine the stress behavior of the concrete face. 影响面板受力特性的最主要因素是坝体变形,尤其是坝体后期变形。 www.cgejournal.com 3. The transformation process to turn the thermal deformation caused by temperature factor into the mechanical model is discussed. 对由温度因素引起的热变形转换为力学模型进行了论证。 www.chemyq.com 4. Some criteria of tunnel stabilization and deformation to determine a corresponding local optimization scheme were computed. 在计算中采用巷道稳定性和变形收敛率等多种评价指标,进行了局部优化; www.ceps.com.tw 5. Deformation promotes the growth of ferrite grains, the growing rate of ferrite in the early stage of DEFT was calculated. 形变强化相变铁素体晶粒转变初期的长大速率随应变速率的增加而增大。 www.dictall.com 6. The secular GPS crustal deformation image has reflected the relatively complete left lateral strike slip movement of this active fault zone. 长趋势GPS地壳形变图像反映了这条活动断裂带相对完整的左旋走滑活动。 www.juyy.net 7. if paper crease, site changes, you can be found to be caused by the deformation of the paper itself. 假如纸弛起皱部位爆发了改变,则可以鉴定是纸弛不梢身变不神所致。 www.bing.com 8. Check whether plating position deviation, if serious material deformation process cannot improve, shall be discontinued. 检查电镀位置是否偏离,若素材严重变形制程无法改善,须停产。 www.hfsdm.cn 9. The orientation of mylonites indicates that the ductile deformation is of right-hand shearing character in KSTB. 糜棱岩定向标本研究表明,构造带中韧性变形具有右行剪切特征; www.magsci.org 10. with a small blade deformation, the blade deformation has little influences on aerodynamic damping. 在小振幅下,气动阻尼基本与叶片振幅无关。 www.jasp.com.cn 1. Due to the flexibly and randomness of piping , the mechanism of penetration deformation is in great dispute. 由于管涌的复杂性和随机性,关于管涌渗透变形的机理目前还存在较大争议。 www.lw23.com 2. Traditional polyurethane rigid foam prone to be deformation. This kind of foam has low temper and intensity. 传统的聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料容易产生形变,强度和韧度都不太高。 www.juhe8.com 3. Therefore, study on the wrought magnesium alloy and its plastic deformation is having important practical significance. 因此,研究变形镁合金塑性成形具有非常重要的实际意义。 www.13191.com 4. The ore-hosted strata of Xitieshan lead-zinc ore deposit is located in a limb of a anticline and suffered from deformation partition. 锡铁山大型铅锌矿床含矿岩系的构造格架位于背斜的一翼,普遍遭受变形分解作用。 www.dictall.com 5. These paper goods is a wet or dry, rational water inside of the paper is corrupted, the deformation of a page. 这些纸品一经潮湿或烘干,纸张内部合理水分被破坏,书页就产生变形。 www.bing.com 6. The temperature distributions and deformation regulations under different elevated temperature conditions are analyzed. 分析了不同升温条件下钢梁的温度场分布和变形规律; www.ceps.com.tw 7. During the test procedure, what should be recorded that the strain and deformation at each load step, and the ultimately failure modes. 记录试验过程中高性能钢梁的受载能力、应变增长以及变形,观察最终破坏情况。 www.fabiao.net 8. Work rolls used in cold rolling mills must have outstanding wear resistance and very little plastic deformation. 冷轧轧机上的工作辊必须有很高的耐磨性和较低的塑性。 www.jxcad.com.cn 9. The quasi-continuum method was used to simulate the processes of early stages deformation in FCC Al nanoindentation. 采用准连续介质方法模拟面心立方(FCC)铝单晶薄膜在纳米压痕下产生的变形过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. In this paper, measured data from observation stations is arranged firstly, and then law of surface movement and deformation is analyzed. 论文首先对地表移动观测站的实测数据进行整理,并分析该工作面地表移动与变形的规律。 www.fabiao.net 1. The temperature field of the bar in and out the deformation zone during continuous rolling is simulate by finite element method. 采用有限元法分析了棒材连续热轧中变形区及出变形区时轧件横断面温度场。 www.chemyq.com 2. The hot deformation is one of the machine tool guideways deformations. 机床导轨热变形是导轨变形的一种形式。 www.chemyq.com 3. Besides, some equivalent strain also exists in the straight tube section beyond the terminal bend, due to the diffusion of deformation. 另外,由于弯曲变形扩散,使得弯曲终止端的直管段部分产生了一定量的等效应变。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The main cause of the deformation of perpendicularly crossing buried pipeline is the alignments of shield towards buried pipeline. 顶管向地下管线侧纠偏是引起地下管线变形的主要原因; www.rockmech.org 5. The deformation and failure properties of natural soils are influenced by many complex factors, which can be summarized into five aspects. 本文论述天然土的变形和破坏机理所包含的各种复杂因素,并将其概括为五个方面的影响。 www.cgejournal.com 6. This kind of net skeletons either sustain the bulk of the solution or adsorb and wrap water molecules to produce resistance to deformation. 网络骨架既对溶液本体有支撑作用,又吸附和包裹大量水分子产生形变阻力。 www.syxb-cps.com.cn 7. The destabilization of bank is one of the slope's normal deformation modes in hydrodynamic engineerings. 水库库岸失稳是水利水电工程中常见的斜坡变形方式。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. Finally, it suggests that the beam subjected to secondary loading should avoid excessive deformation for the practical application. 最后,认为二次受力条件下增大截面加固梁在实际使用中应避免产生过大的变形。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. If the location of the sink or improper design of the ill-considered , the cabinet is likely to result in material deformation or mildew. 如果水槽位置不当或是设计时考虑不周,很容易造成橱柜变形或者材料发生霉变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The least squares estimation was applied to the analysis of deck deformation. 利用最小二乘估计对甲板的变形进行了分析。 www.dictall.com |
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