单词 | coupon | ||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:coupons n. voucher,ticket,token,slip,form coupon 显示所有例句
例句释义: 优惠券,配给券,订货单,折价券,息票,赠券 1. The convertible bonds it bought offered a 5% coupon and guaranteed it a return of at least 1. 5 times its outlay. 其购买的可换股债券提供5%的利息,并且保证利润至少是投入的1.5倍。 c.wsj.com 2. Make a her a coupon book where in each coupon she gets to send some special time with you. 为他做一本优待券,她得到的每一张优待券都给她专用的时间跟你在一起。 www.elanso.com 3. It is only valid for the reseller accounts and cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon. 仅对于经销商主机有效,且不能与其他优惠码同时使用。 blog.china.alibaba.com 4. "Make it a rule to only purchase items on sale or with a coupon or don't buy it, " Taliaferro said. “给自己制定一个规定:只买打折商品或优惠票,要不然就不买东西。”塔利亚说。 www.bing.com 5. This can be used on any payment term and cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon. 可用于任何机房,且不能与其他优惠码同时使用。 blog.china.alibaba.com 6. You can't come and live in Shanghai ". And I said " But I need the money to buy the train ticket. I need a coupon to survive in Shanghai. 我说:“我可以去,但是我必须有钱买火车票,再有了粮票才能在上海生活。” www.kouyi.org 7. Before you buy anything online, make it a habit to check for coupon codes from sites like RetailMeNot first. 在网上买东西之前,要养成习惯首先从网站(如)检查优惠码。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Ouyang said the company had already bought several coupon site groups to help it enter smaller cities, and would continue to do so. 欧阳云表示,高朋已收购了几家团购网站,助其打入中小城市市场,该公司将继续坚持这一战略。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Like when someone enthuses about how they saved a small amount of money with a coupon they found down the back of the sofa. 试想一个执着于节约点滴开支的人,在沙发背后的下面发现优惠券的表情。 www.bing.com 10. There needs to be a place for coupons and specials and a place to input coupon codes to take advantage of specials or deals. 需要有一个优惠券和特价商品和输入优惠券代码地方采取的特价或交易优势的地方。 www.bing.com 1. The coupon would be the same for everyone, and Chris would have no way of telling if the coupon was redeemed more than once. 优惠券将是对每个人都是一样的,和克里斯将无法知道,如果优惠券已兑换超过一次的方式。 www.bing.com 2. A woman at a shopping center kiosk smiles at a travel ad, prompting the device to print out a travel discount coupon. 一位妇人对购物中心的信息显示台上的旅游广告笑了,提示该信息台打印一张旅游优惠卷。 www2.ccw.com.cn 3. If you know which product you want to buy, first you'll want to check to see if an online coupon is offered. 吐过你确定了想要“入手”的商品,首先肯定是想看一下是否有网上折扣券可用。 www.bing.com 4. For years I saw companies pitching themselves as "mobile coupon companies" and I never believed this would be a big idea. 多年以来,我看见有些公司自称为“手机优惠券公司”,我从不认为这是个什么伟大的想法。 www.bing.com 5. i'm visualizing sort of a coupon so it seems like they are buying a packaged item. 我是那种可视化的优惠券,因此像他们所购买的一包项目似乎。 www.bing.com 6. Fixed rate bonds pay a pre-determined coupon and FRNs pay coupons at a premium above the bank's fixed deposit rate. 固定利率债券支付预决息票,浮动利率债券根据银行存款利率贴水支付息票。 www.24en.com 7. Now the clerk rang up the little girl's medicine, while she shakily pulled out a coupon, a dollar bill and some coins. 现在,那个药店的店员在收银机上输进了小女孩的药品名,女孩则抖抖索索地抽出一张优惠券、一美元的钞票和几个硬币。 blog.zjol.com.cn 8. A coupon is a little slip of paper allowing you to get a small discount when you buy the specific item described. 一张优惠券是一个小纸条,让你得到了一个小的折扣,当你购买具体项目进行了描述。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. In all my years as a practicing food snob, I've never seen anybody whip out a coupon at a pricey food emporium. 在我练习成为一名食物挑剔者的这些年来,我从来没有发现任何人会在一间昂贵的食品商场里面使用一张优惠券。 www.bing.com 10. If I don't know exactly where to go for coupons, I'll just do a simple Google search for say, Amazon coupon code. 如果我不知道到哪里寻找优惠券,我只需在谷歌里搜索,例如亚马逊书店的优惠券代码。 www.yappr.cn 1. They're now getting ready to launch GoodDivot. com, an online coupon service for golf enthusiasts, next month. 现在他们准备让GoodDivot.com这个网站在下个月上线。GoodDivot是一个为高尔夫球爱好者提供网上优惠券的网站。 chinese.wsj.com 2. For that price, a vendor's coupon becomes the featured deal of the day in a certain city. 按这个价格,一个供应商的优惠券在某个特定城市就能变成特色卖点。 www.bing.com 3. Sometimes a mention on Winfrey's show can generate too much interest. That was the case with a coupon offer for KFC's grilled chicken. 有时在奥普拉的节目上提到能产生太大的兴趣。肯德基提供的烤鸡优惠券就是这样的。 www.tianya.cn 4. In its home market, Groupon sells deeply discounted coupons for goods and services, keeping half the cost of each coupon sold. 在其本土市场,Groupon销售高折扣的商品和服务,自己留存售价的一半。 www.ftchinese.com 5. When creating a coupon the system will ensure that you do not create a coupon which exceeds the commission for the future sale. 在建立优惠券的同时,系统会确证您所建立的优惠券不会超过您的未来销售佣金。 www.regnow.com 6. I grew up in a coupon clipping , thrift store - shopping household . 我是在一个收集优惠卷,逛二手店的家庭长大的。 www.bing.com 7. Accrued interest is the accumulated coupon interest, paid to the seller of a bond by the buyer (unless the bond is in default). 应计利息是指累积的息票利息,由债券的买入者付给卖出者(除非契约未得到履行)。 www.jukuu.com 8. The coupon cannot be exchanged for cash and photocopies of this coupon will not be accepted . 此优惠不能兑换现金及影印本恕不接受。 www.bing.com 9. EN: The coupon is not allow to be used for another discount and product promotion in the same way . 此券不可同时享有其他的折扣和在产品促销的活动中使用。 www.ok06.com 10. Use one of our thousands of coupon codes to get instant discounts from hundreds of online stores. 使用我们的优惠券密码能立即获得在线商店折扣。 www.elanso.com 1. Sometimes you can cut a coupon out of a magazine and use it to get a discount. 有时候你可以从杂志上剪下一张优惠券,买东西时能够打折。 www.wizbcn.com 2. One free gift or bonus is a free on-line "coupon book" with a "value" of at least $125 in discounts, savings, coupons, free offers and more. 一个免费的天赋或奖金是一免费联网“息票书”与一“价值”在折扣的至少$125的,积蓄,息票,免费出现并且更。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Stock investors, who are in general not aware that they too have a "coupon" , are still receiving their education on this point. 股票投资者虽然总的来说没有意识到他们也有“息票”,但是他们还正在接受教育的过程中。 barrons.blog.caixin.cn 4. Note that this bond pays a higher coupon than the prevailing interest rates of 5%, which therefore makes the bond attractive to investors. 这批债券所付的利息高于市场,对投资者来说很具吸引力。 www.24en.com 5. Create your own love coupon book with one coupon for your partner to redeem each week of the year. 自制“爱情优惠券”,让对方可以每周兑换一张。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. The coupon should be able to have manual prefix or suffix and expiry dates. 优惠券应该能够有手动前缀或后缀和失效日期。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Locke tried using a discount coupon to pay, Mr. Tang said, but the barista would not honor it for some reason. 唐朝晖表示,骆家辉想用优惠券支付,但咖啡师出于某种原因不收这张优惠券。 dongxi.net 8. In addition, newly-issued credit debt coupon rate is gradually declining, credit debt also continued to rise on the overall space. 此外,目前信用债新发的票面利率正在逐步下降,信用债总体上还有持续上涨的空间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If a bond carries a fixed coupon, the interest is usually paid on an annual or semi-annual basis. 票面利率固定的债券通常每年或每半年付息一次。 glossary.reuters.com.cn 10. Users buy deals in advance and then print out a coupon that's used to redeem the deal. 用户提前团购,然后打印用于兑换该笔交易的优惠券。 www.bing.com 1. A bond where the coupon's interest rate remains fixed for the entire term. Interest rate movements affect the bond's price not the coupon. 固定利率债券在整个债券有效期限内,债券的息票利率保持不变的债券。利率的变动影响债券的价格而非息票。 www.putclub.com 2. For example: a newspaper coupon might have the initials of the paper and the date as a small code in one of the corners of the coupon. 例如:报纸券可能有纸的首字母和作为对优惠券的一个角上的小的代码日期。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. The group coupon website Groupon filed an initial public offering Thursday, hoping to raise up to $750m, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,2日,美国团购网站Groupon正式提交首次公开招股申请,计划筹集高达7.5亿美元的资金。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. However, if coupon clipping leads you to make purchases you wouldn't normally make, it's money wasted, not money saved. 但是如果只是为了使用优惠券而去买你通常不会买的东西,那就是浪费,不是节省。 www.bing.com 5. Floating rate bond: Bond on which the coupon is established periodically and calculated with reference to short-term interest rates. 浮动利率债券:这种债券的息票是定期确定的,并参照短期资金利率来计算。 dict.ebigear.com 6. But you know what ? You might like a coupon can. You never know . 但你知道吗,你可能会喜欢一个放优惠券的罐子,你不会知道的。 www.bing.com 7. There may also be tax advantages to an investor from taking a one-off capital gain rather than a stream of income from coupon payments. 另外,对一些投资人来说,获得一次性的资本利得而非一连串的利息收入,也许还有赋税上的好处。 glossary.reuters.com.cn 8. Unfortunately our Black Friday coupon for 50% off is only valid for brand new customers signing up for the first time with us. 不幸的是我们黑色星期五50%优惠券关闭只是为品牌的新客户与我们签订了第一次有效。 www.hostloc.com 9. They did have the style in my size, and I was even able to give her my coupon code for additional savings! 柯尔百货确实有我尺寸大小的那条短裤,我甚至还可以用优惠券代码省下不少钱! www.bing.com 10. Recently, I found a coupon for 10% off a complete order at Target. 最近我在塔吉特看到每完成一次订单有10%折扣券的促销。 www.elanso.com 1. For example give her a coupon that says: "This coupon entitles you to ONE FREE KISS, Reedemable only at Jason’ s lips, 7 days a week" 例如,给她一张优待券上面写着:“该券允许你每周七天的免费一吻,仅限于杰森的唇。” www.elanso.com 2. Use coupons. It never hurts to do a little old fashioned coupon clipping. Now, however, you don't have to clip them, you can print them. 使用优惠券。不要觉得从报纸或者别的地方剪优惠券很过时或者不好意思。现在你甚至不用剪,直接能从网上把他们打印下来。 www.bing.com 3. Any time you're making an online purchase, search online for "coupon code" plus the name of the product or store. 你在网上购物的时候,到网上搜索是否有优惠劵加上产品名称或商店名。 www.bing.com 4. To enjoy this offer, please present the valid airport lounge coupon together with your Charter Card at the lounge reception. 如欲享用此优惠,请于候机室接待处出示有效之机场贵宾候机室入场券及您的Charter卡。 www.americanexpress.com 5. In a mass mailing or in an advertisement, you might post a coupon code to give customers an added incentive to order. 在大量邮件推广或在某个广告中,您可以公布优惠券代码以刺激客户的订购欲望。 www.regnow.com 6. Several weeks later I received a note of apology --- and a coupon for a free dessert. 几个星期以后,我收到一封道歉信和一张免费甜食优待券。 www.6sigma.cc 7. Floating Rate Note(FRN)A bond where the coupon 's interest rate is changed periodically in accordance to a specific market rate . 浮动利率债券(FRN)息票利率根据一定市场利率而发生周期性变化的债券。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Coupon rate refers to the annual interest rate as a percentage of the par value of a bond . 息票率指债券的年利率,相当于债券面值的某个百分比。 www.bing.com 9. But in practice, the coupon payments can only be reinvested at the market rates operative when the coupon is received. 但是实际上,息票收入只能够按照收到息票时实行的市场利率进行再投资。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. This coupon will entitle you to a 20% discount (max. discount $2, 000) from Lexus toward the purchase of F-Sport accessories. 此优惠券将有权您到20%的折扣(最大折扣2,000元)由雷克萨斯对采购F-运动配件。 usa.315che.com 1. Olympus has admitted using buy other companies to cover up the coupon investment huge red card of the facts. 奥林巴斯承认公司曾利用收购其他公司来掩盖证劵投资巨额亏空的事实。 www.360doc.com 2. Bankers say the coupon on Unilever's bond, which will be finalised on Monday, will be "very competitive" . 银行家们表示,将于周一敲定的联合利华债券的票息将“很有竞争力”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I really don't like this restaurant that much, but I wanted to use this 2-for-1 coupon before it expired. 其实我不太喜欢这家餐馆,但是我想在这张代金券过期前把它用出去。 www.bing.com 4. Unlike the old scheme where you had to purchase a physical coupon from any Singapore Post Office, things are a lot easier these days. 与老的方案,在那里你必须购买一个物理券从任何新加坡邮局,一切都变得容易很多,这些天。 www.bing.com 5. Dealers must send the original qualified Lexus coupon AND a copy of the invoice or receipt. 经销商必须向原来的合格雷克萨斯赠券和一份发票或收据。 usa.315che.com 6. Even if it was a good coupon, and even if they knew you needed it. 即使那是张很赞的优惠券,即使他们也知道你真的需要它。 www.bing.com 7. By purchasing items offered on the coupon, a buyer can have his grocery bill reduced by a substantial amount at the supermarket checkout. 购买折扣券上规定的商品,购买者可在超市的收银处享受很大的优惠。 paper.sznews.com 8. Businesses should be able to examine coupon validity on the site. 企业应该能够检查网站上的优惠券的有效性。 www.bing.com 9. four champions will be identified from the finalists and each of them will be rewarded with a book coupon worth hk $ 2 , 000 and a trophy. 香港邮政会在入围的作品中选出四个大奖,各得价值港币2,000元书券及奖杯乙座。 www.ichacha.net 10. To experience the quality of our services simply present this coupon and enjoy one FREE regular manicure( each coupon for one person only). 凭此卷可免费体验本甲修护一次(每卷限一人一次) wlswcn.blog.bokee.net 1. If, during this period, a high-grade, non callable, long-term bond with a 12 percent coupon had existed, it would have sold far above par. 如果在这一时期,一个高等级,无法回购的12%息票率的长期债券存在的话,也会卖的远远超过票面价值的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The main characteristics of a bond include face value, maturity date and coupon rate. 债券的主要特征包括面值、到期日和票面利率。 www.pianyiba.com 3. In a separate posting, Mr. Tang wrote that Mr. Locke tried to use a coupon but was rebuffed by Starbucks staff. 唐朝晖在另一条微博中写道,骆家辉想用一张优惠券,结果星巴克店员拒收。 cn.wsj.com 4. Add a coupon from the Publisher Design Gallery to one of the brochure panels. 在小册子的一个版面上添加Publisher“设计方案库”中的赠券。 office.microsoft.com 5. Our breakfast coupon includes a bowl of rice gruel two portions of steamed stuffed buns and a plate of dish . 我们的早餐券包括一碗稀饭、二笼包子、一碟小菜。 www.bing.com 6. The Cash Coupon is subject to relevant terms and conditions, for detailed terms and conditions, please refer to overleaf of the Cash Coupon. 赠送的现金券须受有关条款及细则约束,详情请参阅现金券之背面。 forms.online.standardchartered.com 7. A $16 billion auction of long bonds on Thursday will be the last of this week's three sales of coupon securities. 周四将标售160亿美元的30年期公债,这将是本周最后一次标售。 cn.reuters.com 8. Details: Sales promotion of all the big shopping centers and malls in Nanshan District. consumption coupon will be sent to the public. 内容:南山区内各大商业企业开展各种形式的促销活动,刺激消费,并派发南山购物节消费券。 www.chinese.cn 9. for example, they may leave the recipient like the kinds coupon business card printing and membership card-making on the General Bill. 举例来说,他们可以把收件人喜欢的那个口味的披萨优惠券制卡和会员卡制作在常规账单上。 www.bing.com 10. If the store is having a "double coupon day, " the coupon is worth twice as much (you would pay 80 cents less for a can of Pledge). 如果商店有一种“双重折价卷日”抵过两次免费需要付出你同样多的钱(80美分质权能少)。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. If the coupon rate is less than the yield to maturity, then the bond will sell at a discount to par value. 如果票面利率低于预期收益,那么债券会折价发行。 www.elanso.com 2. From there the business owner can send out mass messages to the phone numbers stored in the database which will be a coupon text. 企业主从那里可以发送大量邮件到手机中的数据库,该数据库将是一个优惠券的文本存储的电话号码。 www.bing.com 3. As part of this interview, InfoQ also got a coupon code that will give our readers 25% discount on the book. 作为访谈的一部分,InfoQ还提供了一些优惠券,读者买这本书可以获得25%的折扣。 www.infoq.com 4. They mailed me a coupon so I could purchase a new GE bulb free of charge. 他们给我寄了优惠券让我再免费领取一个新的。 www.chinadialogue.net 5. You can only use the Coupon in the month of print, from Monday to Wednesday (not include holiday). 优惠券只能在打印月份的周一至周三使用,节假日除外。 hi.baidu.com 6. In this example "XXXXXX" should be replaced by the coupon that you wish to embed. 在这个例子中,应该用您想要嵌入的优惠券代码替代“XXXXXX”。 www.regnow.com 7. Bonds are sold to City investors in much the same way as shares , in return for an annual " coupon " , or dividend payment . 债券像股票一样出售给金融城的投资者,以换取每年的“息票”,或债息支付。 www.bing.com 8. Another early entrant is EnableTable, a restaurant coupon service developed by a company of the same name based in Greenwich, Connecticut. 另外一个NFC应用先驱是EnableTable,位于康涅狄格州格林威治的同名公司开发的餐厅优惠券服务。 www.bing.com 9. Bullet Bond A regular coupon paying debt instrument with a single repayment of principal on the maturity date. 期末一次性偿还债券定期支付息票的债务工具,在到期日一次性偿还本金。 sh.netsh.com 10. Additionally, there are Optional Rules that you may set for your coupon, they include. 另外,还有一些供您设置优惠券的可选规则,包括。 www.regnow.com 1. Exhibitor can provide premium or giveaways include DM, promotion material, discount coupon or order taken. Selling products are not allowed. 参展单位得于参展摊位内进行促销活动(如提供宣传摺页、促销资料、优惠券、接受订餐或赠送纪念品等),但不得贩售商品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Li: Looks at you to look pale, washes a foot together, here has the coupon. 李:看你气色不好,一起去洗个脚吧,我这儿有优惠券。 img3.zhubajie.com 3. Government-debt security with a coupon and original maturity of more than 10 years. Interest is paid semiannually. 原始有效期高于十年并带有息票的政府债券,利息每半年支付。 www.tradeblazer.net 4. Specify a custom range of coupon code numbers, and post every number in that range to the "keys" table in his database. 指定优惠券代号自定义范围,并张贴在该范围内的数字都以“钥匙”在他的数据库表。 www.bing.com 5. Bonds that do not pay interest are called zero coupon bonds. 不付息的债券叫做零息债券。 www.24en.com 6. The coupon cannot be applied to combined orders. 此现金券不可与其他订单合并使用。 www.yesstyle.com 7. The coupon will be expired automatically afterwards and is not refundable after use. 本券逾期将自动失效,且一经使用,恕不退还。 www.bbkz.com 8. Aslong as it remains a bond, ICULS holders will enjoy payment of interest income at a predetermined specified coupon rate. 只要我们仍然债券iculs持有人可享有利息收益在预定订息率。 www.dictall.com 9. And if you're shopping online, don't hit the checkout button until you've looked for a discount code or coupon. 如果网上购物,只有看到到折扣代码或者优惠券后才能点击“购买”。 www.bing.com 10. Details: Send a self addressed envelope and an International Reply Coupon for further information. 寄一封带国际答复券和写好地址的信封以获取更多信息。 alberich.yculblog.com 1. Today, I spent about an hour going through the sales flyers checking out loss leaders, manager's specials and coupon deals. 今天,我花了大概一个小时的时间检验菜单上所缺少的东西,管理者的特例和商家优待券。 www.elanso.com 2. Brad: What's wrong? It's rare I can get a coupon for that restaurant. 怎麽了吗?难得我拿到那间餐厅的折价券耶。 times.hinet.net 3. Only use coupons if they apply to your normal and needed purchase items. Otherwise, skip the coupon and skip the purchase altogether. 只有当优惠券适用于你日常需要的商品时你才用它,否则把优惠券和那优惠的商品都抛诸脑后吧。 www.bing.com 4. The first is a traditional Groupon, but on a low-cost product that makes it barely worth remembering to print out the coupon. 其中第一比团购是传统的Groupon式团购,但是商品过于廉价,以至于几乎很难让人记得去打印优惠券。 www.bing.com 5. A bond that delays coupon payments for the first few years but pays the accumulated interests in a lump sum at maturity. 指债券发行人将头几年的票面利息延后至到期时一笔支付。 www.treasurer.org.cn 6. Bond yields are based on the coupon rate, the price paid and the maturity length of the investment. 债券收益率,票面利率的基础上,付出的代价和投资期限长度。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Delegates will construct a zero coupon yield curve from a set of various securities . 参加者将从一系列不同的证券中构建一个零票息收益曲线。 www.bing.com 8. This coupon entitles you to a free lunch. 凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If you participate in V-Touch English Corner on every Saturday morning, you will get a complimentary coupon for our Coffee Corner . 如果您参与星期六早上的水沙莲「英语角」活动,您将可获得一张「咖啡角」优惠劵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Known as the "coupon generation, " they are changing the way business is done in the world's second-largest economy. 被称作“优惠券一代”的他们正在改变世界第二大经济体商业运作模式。 www.common-talk.com 1. He's decided to give away a coupon for two free draft beers to those who complete the survey. 他决定放弃了两个免费的生啤酒券那些谁完成调查。 www.bing.com 2. You must be able to print the Form I-901 payment coupon or payment receipt when you complete the form online. 当您在网上时,完成形式您一定能打印形式I-901付款优惠券或付款收据。 08translation.cn 3. Groupon, a name that blends "group" and "coupon, " presents an online audience with deep discounts on a product or service. Groupon这个名字混合了“group(团体)”和“coupon(赠券)”两种含义,代表着对某种产品或服务享受很大的折扣的一个在线群体。 www.bing.com 4. If the bond was purchased at a premium (above par), then your overall yield to maturity will be lower than your stated coupon rate. 如果债券溢价(高于票面价值)购买的,那么你的整体到期收益率将低于您说的票面利率。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Why may the coupon rate of re-opened Notes differ significantly from prevailing market interest rates? 为甚么重开债券的息票率可能会大幅偏离当前市场利率? www.info.gov.hk 6. This means that the yield for an investor is a little higher than the coupon, at around 4. 6% of the actual price. 这意味着投资者能获得较政府债券稍微高一点,约为实价4.6%的收益。 www.24en.com 7. Municipal Convertible A zero-coupon municipal bond that can be converted into an interest-bearing bond under certain circumstances. 市政可转换证券在某些情况下可以转换成为有利息债券的零息票市政债券。 sh.netsh.com 8. Here you go. Here's your room key and a coupon for a free breakfast. You're all set. 都在这了,这是你的房间钥匙和早餐免费券。您可以入住了。 www.bing.com 9. Smaller services, like social-coupon company Groupon, continue to emerge with new social and community ideas consumers like. 小型服务商,例如团购公司Groupon,将继续推出消费者喜爱的社交与社群新创意。 chinese.wsj.com 10. outline that the merchant must perform proper ID checks (drivers license, or credit card) for each coupon redeemed. 大纲,厂商必须进行适当的检查身份证每兑换优惠券(驾驶执照,或信用卡)。 www.bing.com 1. There may be sales coming up you don't know about, special pricing or even a coupon that the store has on hand. 你可能不知道商场正在搞促销,商品特价或者赠送优惠券。 www.elanso.com 2. Other 2-D bar codes might add an event to a calendar or display a coupon that entitles the bearer to a discount on a hamburger. 其它的二维条形码可能会往手机的日历里添加一个事件,或者显示一个优惠信息,这样当你出示该信息,就能在某家快餐店享受折扣。 www.ecocn.org 3. Greece, for instance, raised 7. 5 billion ($9. 4 billion) in a single ten-year bond issue, though it had to offer a coupon of 6%. 比如希腊将增加75亿欧元(约合94亿美元)的10年期国债项目,尽管这样做不得不提供6%的票面利息。 www.ecocn.org 4. So the notional value of interest-rate contracts, the most common OTC derivative, represents the "principal" rather than the "coupon" . 所以利率契约的名义价值,这最常见的场外交易衍生工具,代表的是本金而不是息票。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Reports - Generated reports of overall sales, coupon codes used, and growth chart comparing it with the previous month. 报告-创造了整体销售,使用优惠券代码报告,图表和增长与上月相比它。 www.bing.com 6. We want you to develop and implement the coupon code onto our site. 我们希望您能制定和实施我们的网站上优惠券代码。 www.bing.com 7. He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling. 在他收到赌场寄给他的价值20美元的赌资之前他从没有赌博过。 www.tianya200.com 8. Meanwhile, the coupon is constant, stems from the inflated principal and is paid at maturity. 同时,受益于资本增长的红利固定,并且定期支付。 www.bing.com 9. Coupon book, often found by the tenant of the Tian Tian in whole or in part as "two often limit" language. 券书中屡见田家所佃之田全部或部分为“二年常限”语。 jztu.5d6d.com 10. But the "shoppers" were charmed anyway and acted on their positive feelings by choosing a *coupon from the store that had flattered them. 但不管怎么样,这些“购物者”还是十分受用,十分乐意去获取刚刚那家恭维他们的商家的优惠券。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. The unrated two-year issue priced inside initial price guidance, with a coupon of 2. 98%, a cheapness driven by extreme scarcity of supply. 在最初的价格指导里,未分级的二年期发行价格含2.98%的利息,这是因为供给的极端缺乏而导致的。 www.bing.com 2. The companies argue that the coupon strategy gives them direct feedback on how well their marketing is working. 一些公司表示这样的优惠券策略能够为他们提供有关他们的营销效果的直接反馈。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Note: Coupon offers do not have the disable option but you can edit the quantity of uses or the expiration date to end the offer early. 注:优惠券折扣无撤销选项,但是您可以通过修改使用次数和有效期限来提前结束折扣。 www.regnow.com 4. Upon their next trip to the store these devices can receive an advert targeted at the product for which the coupon was issued last time. 潜在顾客在此光临本店时,这些设备能够接受到上次发行优惠券时所锁定的产品广告。 wenda.tianya.cn 5. If the limit is reached before the coupon runs out, the deal closes and no-one can buy it anymore. 如果限制达成之前,优惠券用完,在交易完成,没有人能买它了。 www.bing.com 6. Locke tried to use a coupon or voucher for the coffee, but the barista rejected it, Tang said. 唐还说,骆家辉还试图用优惠券来购买咖啡,但是营业员拒绝了。 www.putclub.com 7. What's the optimal coupon to send to their smartphones as they shop for it in aisle 6 at ShopRite? 当他们在ShopRite通道6购买它时,发送什么样的最佳优惠券到他们的智能手机? www.logclub.com 8. Since only $20 billion worth of coupon securities are maturing next week, the bulk of the auctions represents new cash being raised. 由于下周仅有200亿美元有票息的债券到期,此次新债标售意味着将从市场筹集新的资金。 cn.reuters.com 9. Burke found her Gap coupon right before she had planned on buying jeans anyway. 伯克在购买Gap的优惠券前已经在计划购买牛仔裤了。 www.bing.com 10. Joe Sale, who joined daily-deal coupon company LivingSocial in August 2010, grew increasingly frustrated with his working conditions. JoeSale于2010年8月开始就职于团购公司LivingSocial,在这个工作环境中他觉得越来越沮丧。 www.bing.com 1. Groupon, the online coupon giant, recently formed an alliance with Tencent, China's biggest Internet company. 在线团购巨头Groupon近期与中国最大的网络公司腾讯结为盟友。 dongxi.net 2. Coupon The interest rate stated on a bond when it's issued. The coupon is typically paid semiannually. 债券在发行时确定的利率,息票一般每半年支付一次。 sh.netsh.com 3. We bring in new customers to you via our platform and our promotion using a discount coupon. 我们通过自己的宣传平台,用优惠券或者促销活动的形式,为您带来更多的新客户! site.douban.com 4. Complete coupon on back of tray liner, stick Game Piece on the coupon and deposit the coupon in the official entry box in the Restaurant. 把餐盘衬纸背后的优待券填好,奖游戏片粘贴在券上,然后设入店里的正式抽奖箱。 dict.ebigear.com 5. If I die, I want you to know where the coupon drawer is. 如果我死了,我希望你知道放优惠券的抽屉在哪里。 sfile.ydy.com 6. Inflation-linked bonds promise that both the coupon (interest payment) and the redemption value will keep pace with prices. 通胀挂钩债券承诺债息(利息支出)以及赎回价格会与购买价格保持一致。 www.ecocn.org 7. "Tsukuda a number of town, where the number of acres, " then, each of the coupon books are. “佃田若干町,凡若干亩”的话,每一券书均有之。 jztu.5d6d.com 8. This coupon's use validity period cannot be extended. 此券不得延长其使用有效期; wenku.baidu.com 9. They present coupons and coupon to help you save money. 他们提供了优惠券或者优惠活动来帮你省钱。 www.bing.com 10. not including alcohol Oh, this coupon can now sell now, that there can drink the most pure best green Pi! 不含酒水哦,酒券可现场现卖现用,保证这里可以喝到最纯最好的青啤! yantai.qite8.com 1. This coupon has cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash . 此优惠卷并无现金价值及不能兑换现金。 www.bing.com 2. It's a cents-off coupon married to a Friday-after-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy. 这是象征性赠券与感恩节周末疯狂购物的一桩联姻。 www.bing.com 3. DEALER INSTRUCTIONS: Apply this coupon towards F-Sport accessories purchased. 经销商说明:应用此优惠券实现的F-运动配件购买。 usa.315che.com 4. Zero-coupon Treasurys, in contrast, are sold at a discounted price but redeemed at face value. 相比之下,零息债券以折价售出但以面值价赎回。 c.wsj.com 5. Notices appeared in electronics stores, and the government even offered a free $40 coupon toward the purchase of a converter box. 电子产品店贴著告示,美国政府也提供补贴了四十美元的优惠券,鼓励大家去购买数码电视转接器。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. You can find any number of blogs and websites dedicated to the fine art of coupon shopping. 你可以找到许多专门讲用优惠券购物技巧的博客和网站。 www.bing.com 7. Don't forget to double- check your receipt before you click to submit to make sure your coupon code worked correctly! 在你提交之前别忘了再检查一遍你的收据,以确保你的优惠码能够生效! dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Despite popular belief, I'm not a coupon queen always looking for the cheapest price. 先不论对流行的崇尚,我并不是个到处看哪里才是最便宜的优惠券女王。 www.elanso.com 9. The hotel reserves the final right of this coupon. 本酒店保留对此券的最终解释权。 wenku.baidu.com 10. This coupon is good for: buying you what you want. 这张优惠卷可以用于:给你买你想要的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The unusual offer, which promises a 7 per cent coupon for five years, is an eloquent sign of the times. 此次所发售的5年期债券的票息高达7%,实属罕见。这有力地反映出当下的形势。 www.ftchinese.com 2. When market interest rates lower than the coupon rate , the borrower will repay the loan early, thereby facilitating IO bond prices. 当市场利率低于息票利率时,借款人会提早偿还贷款,从而促使IO债券的价格下降。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Therefore it is assumed that the coupon payments can be reinvested at this average rate, i. e. 因此这就假设了票面利息可以以这样一个平均折现率来进行再投资。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 4. A very simple coupon app allow customers to download coupons by categories, type. 一个非常简单的优惠券下载的应用程序允许客户按类别券,键入。 www.bing.com 5. If you need to resize the coupon, drag one of the coupon's corner handles. 如果需要调整赠券的大小,请拖动赠券的一个角部手柄。 office.microsoft.com 6. It can take up to two weeks for merchants to receive feedback as to how well a plain-old paper coupon performed with customers. 一般来说,商家可能最多要等上两个星期的时间,才能获得反馈,知道老式的纸质优惠券在顾客中的使用情况如何。 www.bing.com 7. A "coupon" is a small piece of paper, usually, that a shopper (someone in a store) will show in order to get a discount. “coupon”是一小张纸,通常,购物者会出示以便拿到折扣。 www.remword.cn 8. In 2007, GIC acquired a 9% stake in UBS through convertible notes on a fixed coupon of 9% per annum with a two-year maturity period. 2007年,新加坡政府投资公司通过购买年利率9%的可转换债券获得瑞银约9%的股权,该债券的期限为两年。 c.wsj.com 9. And don't worry, if you lose, you'll still get a buy-one-get-one-free Starbucks drinks coupon. 如果你输了也没关系,因为你还是可以得到一张星巴克买一送一优待。 times.hinet.net 10. A lady came down on us for another free coupon. 有一位小姐向我们索取免费增卷。 zonghe.17xie.com 1. I would also like to post coupon codes and links as well. 我也想发布优惠券代码和链接以及。 www.bing.com 2. The coupon offer of the contractor can take and procedures and due diligence content. 报价劵商的取能与工作程序及尽职调查内容。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Assign the Product Scope for your coupon. You have the option of selecting Vendor Products or Product Specific. 指定您优惠券适用的产品范围,您可以选择指定某个发行商的产品或某个特定的产品。 www.regnow.com 4. Present this coupon at The Book Store to get a 10% discount on any books you buy . 在书店呈现这一个折扣券在你买的任何的书上得到10%优惠。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. A maximum number of uses for your coupon (default is 1000). 优惠券的最多使用次数(初始默认设定为1000)。 www.regnow.com 6. The current limiting resistors (R) protect the scanner cards from damage if the test coupon develops a short circuit. 限流电阻(R)保护扫描卡在测试样板被短路时不被损坏。 www.eefocus.com 7. Many grocery stores offer double coupon weeks. This can significantly reduce your food costs. 许多商店有双倍优惠券周,这可以显着降低您的食物成本。 www.bing.com 8. Please present your breakfast coupon before having meal Please show your coupon before your meal. 请您出示餐券后用餐 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We got this stuff at 50% off regular pricing. That has to be the best coupon I've ever used. 这是到目前为止我们用过的最优惠的优惠券了。 www.bing.com 10. Maintenance of coupon stocks and updating of the inventory record ? 保管礼券存货及修订盘点记录?。 www.bing.com 1. If the coupon rate is greater than the yield to maturity, then the bond will sell at a premium to par value. 如果票面利率高于预期收益,那么债券将相对于面值进行溢价发行。 www.elanso.com 2. If an issuer does not redeem then, they must pay a higher penalty coupon rate . 如果发券商不按时赎回,那么它们必须支付一个较高的惩罚性利率。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. There are many additional areas in which you can lead by example, such as coupon shopping, cooking at home and recycling, to name a few. 还有很多其他你可以在其中以身作则的事情,如用优惠券购物,在家做饭和回收利用等,能列举出一些。 www.elanso.com 4. Sometimes, a coupon or discount is provided by the merchant to those who participate by checking in, too. 参与签到的用户有时还能得到运营商提供的优惠券。 www.bing.com 5. The coupon could, and should, come down significantly before Chinalco starts to squeal. 在中铝开始激烈抗议前,票面利率能够,而且应该,大幅降低。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It never hurts to do a little old fashioned coupon clipping. 剪下一张老式优惠券没什么不好的。 www.elanso.com 7. Your discount would then be applied right there, just like using a coupon at your local grocery store! 之后,你就能在那儿获得折扣,就像在菜市场使用优惠券一样。 www.bing.com 8. You cannot return to the page and print the coupon or payment receipt at a later time. 您不可能回来到页和以后打印优惠券或付款收据。 08translation.cn 9. The coupon entitles the bearer to a 25 percent savings. Every citizen is entitled to equal protection under the law. 债券占其所有人存款总额的百分之二十五。每个公民都有权依法受同等保护 www.putclub.com 10. Berkshire Hathaway will enjoy a handsome 12 per cent coupon on its Swiss Re "perpetual convertibles" . 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司购买的瑞士再保险“永久可转换债券”,享受了12%的丰厚利率。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The man on the city council followed his cousin's counsel, took the coupon and moved into that cosy cottage in the country. 市政委员会的那个人听从了他的表弟的意见,接受了那张代金券,接着搬进了乡下那间温暖舒适的小屋。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Let's assume you spend a minute per coupon. 让我们假设每张优惠券花一分钟时间。 c.wsj.com 3. Zero Coupon Bond A bond that is issued and sold at a discount, pays no coupons and provides payment of the face value at maturity. 零息债券打折出售的到期不支付利息只支付面值的债券。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Both make semiannual invest payments called coupon payments. 每半年一次的投资支付称为息票。 www.examw.com 5. By coupon bonds face form three, namely secret ceremony, a certificate and book-keeping. 国债按券面形式分为三种,即无记名式、凭证式和记账式。 www.showxiu.com 6. Before you buy, do a coupon search and potentially save yourself a lot of money. 在购买前,先对优惠券进行搜索,说不定就可以为你省下一笔钱。 www.bing.com 7. The preferred shares would carry a low coupon, say 5 per cent, so as not to impair banks' profitability. 优先股的息率应较低,比如5%,以免削弱银行的盈利能力。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The coupon cannot be redeemed for cash. 此现金券不可兑现为现金。 www.yesstyle.com 9. But almost everyone knows about the backpack, the Starbucks coupon, the cattle-class airline seat. 但是几乎每个人都了解了这个背着背包,用着星巴克优惠券,坐着经济舱的人了。 www.bing.com 10. If you offer coupons, adding a unique code to each coupon can prevent customers from sharing copies of coupons. 提供赠券时,为每张赠券添加唯一代码可以防止客户共享赠券副本。 office.microsoft.com 1. Are all movements of coupon stocks recorded and acknowledged ? 所有礼券存货的交收是否必须记录及认收?。 www.bing.com 2. Please make sure you use the coupon code when checking out in order to get your discount. 请你一定确保在验货的时候你用了验货单据,以便得到你自己的折扣。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Not everything is as straightforward as a 10% off coupon though. 但不是所有的陷阱都像打九折礼券那么直接。 www.elanso.com 4. Here's your change and a coupon to join our raffle. 这是找您的零钱以及参加抽奖的优待券。 www.kekenet.com 5. This coupon is valid only at the western restaurants and one coupon for one guest only. 此卷只限在酒店西餐厅享用早餐。每卷只限一位客人使用; www.pai-hang-bang.com 6. And it has been testing a coupon service, called Google Offers, aimed directly at Groupon's business. 它一直在测试一项团购服务,叫做谷歌建议(Googleoffers),直接瞄准的是团购网的生意。 www.bing.com 7. The main attraction of zero-coupon bonds is that they let investors avoid the reinvestment risks associated with coupon payouts. 零息债券主要的吸引力在于它让投资者免除债券付息时再投资的风险。 c.wsj.com 8. With this coupon , you'll give me a 15% discount for chasing night cream , right ? 用这张优惠券,买晚霜的话有15%的折扣,是吗?。 www.bing.com 9. Most people feel that if they saved $10 this week on groceries due to their tedious coupon clipping, they deserve a reward. 很多人觉得,要是自己这礼拜凭着无聊的优惠券剪摘在杂货店省了10美元,就得有所回报。 www.bing.com 10. Moreover, the higher coupon ESDRA receives from the Greek government from year 6 would more than pay for the EFSF funds already disbursed. 此外,ESDRA自第6年起便会从希腊政府得到较高的利息收入,要偿还EFSF已经拨付的贷款可谓绰绰有余。 www.ftchinese.com 1. He enclosed an International Reply coupon with his letter . 他把一张国际邮件预付回信邮资单装入他的信中。 dict.ebigear.com 2. The Greek government is obliged to issue zero coupon bonds as collateral for its new bonds, as Latin countries did in the late 1980s. 希腊政府被迫发行零息债券来作为其新发债券的抵押品,正如上世纪80年代末拉美国家的做法一样。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It's hard to restrict to new customers--and the people who already like your product are probably the most likely to use the coupon. 它很难控制定位于新顾客——尤其是那些对你的产品已有好感的人是最有可能来使用折扣券的。 www.bing.com 4. Clerk: You got a coupon for this orange juice? 职员:您有橙子汁的免费礼券吗? epaper.citygf.com 5. Last week, LivingSocial, the No. 2 site offering daily coupon deals, sold 1. 3 million coupons for an Amazon. com gift card in a single day. 上周,排名第二的团购网站LivingSocial在一天之内便售出了130万张购买亚马逊(Amazon.com)礼品卡的优惠券。 c.wsj.com 6. Fill in and return the attached coupon. 填写所附上的参赛表并寄回。 7. While that equity coupon is more or less fixed over periods of time, it does fluctuate somewhat from year to year. 在一定时期内,股票的收益率虽然多多少少是固定的,但却每年上下浮动。 barrons.blog.caixin.cn 8. Now, welcome a new member of the digital-coupon club: Facebook Deals. 现在,欢迎数字优惠券的一名新成员:FacebookDeals。 www.bing.com 9. They then use that information to send special offers, such as a coupon for the Starbucks on the corner, says Valtanen. 然后,他们使用该信息发送特价信息,例如阿尔塔街头转角处一家星巴克的优惠券。 www.ibm.com 10. Zero-coupon securities have little risk, but they do have a few tax disadvantages. 零息债券没有什么风险,但他们确实有少数税务缺点。 www.elanso.com 1. The coupon is not transferable or redeemable for cash. 兑换券限本人使用,不得转让或兑换现金。 www.docin.com 2. Some price modifiers work in your favor, like using a coupon or getting cash back with a good credit card reward program. 有些价格陷阱对你是有利的,比如赠送礼券,或者是在良好的信用卡奖励活动中返现。 www.elanso.com 3. The higher the commission the more consumers the coupon can potentially reach. 佣金越高,就有越多的消费者可能拿到。 www.bing.com 4. Qing Dao Hua Chen movie ticket group purchase : Hua Chen studios, movie ticket coupon group purchase price of 30 yuan! 青岛华臣电影票团购:华臣影城,电影票兑换券团购价30元! www.fc0531.com 5. The lucky winners will be announced 24 hours later and I will send the coupon code to convert it into full license. 幸运的获奖者将被在24小时后公布,我将会发送可以转换为正式注册码的优惠券代码。 bbs.kafan.cn 6. And if you're in Cincinnati and have one of Savings Sidekick's Cincinnati coupon books, be sure to add them as a friend on foursquare. 如果你正好在辛辛那提市,而且买了SavingsSidekick的辛辛那提市书券,可要记得在foursquare中加它们为好友哦。 www.bing.com 7. Users must purchase a coupon online before using it in real life. 用户在现实生活中使用优惠券前必须在线购买优惠券。 www.bing.com 8. They wouldn't consider clipping a coupon, saving a leftover, reusing plastic containers or rinsing off tin foi. 他们从没想过剪下优惠券,节省一餐剩饭,再次使用朔料容器,或洗净用过的锡箔。 www.rrting.com 9. Let's be pro-active with the customers who bought those products. Send them a discount coupon for their next store purchase. 我们必须积极主动地与购买了那些不合格商品的顾客取得联系,并寄一张下次购物使用的优惠券。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Coupon valid only at authorized Lexus dealers in the 49 continental United States. 优惠券只适用于雷克萨斯授权经销商,在49个美国大陆。 usa.315che.com 1. Fans can be offered a discount coupon for purchases in our online shop if needed. 球迷可以在我们提供的网上商店购买的优惠券,如果需要的。 www.bing.com 2. Check this checkbox to display the coupon code entry field in the checkout pages. 选取此框以在支付页面显示优惠券代码输入框。 www.regnow.com 3. The investor might use the fixed coupon to swap for floating rate income or vice versa. 投资者可以用固定利率的息票来交换浮动利率的收入,或进行相反的操作。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You can choose from among 145 flyer designs that you can customize by adding a coupon, an order form, or a sign-up form. 您可以从145种传单设计方案中进行选择,并且可以通过添加赠券、定单或签约单对其进行自定义。 office.microsoft.com 5. If a customer's order amount does not exceed coupon amount, no refund or YesStyle credit will be issued. 如果顾客的订单总额不多于现金券之数额,我们不会退款或退回YesStyle信用额。 www.yesstyle.com 6. Create discount coupon codes for customers to enter at checkout. 创建折扣优惠券代码,为客户进入结帐。 www.bing.com 7. For using of coupon codes, please refer to the seller'website or contact us. 关于折扣卷的使用方法,请查看相关销售商网站或者与我们联系。 bbs.cncalife.com 8. The line was filled with coupon clippers and check writers. 长队中有剪配给票的,又有填支票的。 www.bing.com 9. Whoever comes will get a discount coupon. 谁来谁就会得到一张优惠券(打折券)。 www.kejianxiazai.com 10. All information in the coupon book is also posted on this website. 优惠券手册上刊载的信息均在本WEB网站刊载。 www.jnto.go.jp 1. Under the original terms, Neo-China must pay investors 120% of the face value of the zero-coupon bonds. 根据当初的条款,中新集团必须向投资者支付这种零票面利率债券面值的120%。 www.bing.com 2. This coupon entitles the bearer to one HOMEWORK PASS. 这个奖卷奖给通过作业的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. survey, and the system emails you a coupon. 调查显示,系统发电子邮件给你优惠券。 www.bing.com 4. I have an admission to make: I can't say "no" when a cute kid from the neighborhood comes around selling coupon books and discount cards. 我要承认:当小区里的一个可爱的小孩四处兜售优惠券册子和折扣卡时,我无法拒绝他。 www.bing.com 5. Ji Weidong: Comment on coupon activity effect please. 季卫东:请评论一下优惠券活动效果。 news.zyoo.net 6. A customer who spends more than Rmb5, 000 receives a coupon for high tea for two at a five-star hotel in the city. 消费5000元人民币以上的顾客,可得到门店所在城市五星级酒店双人份傍晚茶优惠券一张。 www.ftchinese.com 7. So, if the coupon has an expiration date of November 1st that means that you can't use it after November 1st . 因此,如果优惠券的截止日期是十一月一日,那就意味着在十一月一日之后不能使用。 www.remword.cn 8. For somebody thinking about buying a instructor bag it could help to try and locate a 10% or 25% away coupon. 为别人考虑买个教练袋,这将有助于尝试去定位一个10%或25%的息票。 internationalsplace.com 9. I don't have a coupon, but I'd still like to try them. Please give me two of each. 我没有优惠券,不过我也想试试,请每款给我两个。 www.ccue.com 10. To enjoy the offer, simply present the coupon upon order or payment. 请于落单或付款时出示优惠券。 www.hongkongairport.com |
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