单词 | current affairs |
释义 |
例句释义: 时事,时政,时事新闻,时事政治 1. Whether the current affairs change or not, that year of we are ever so always ready to smile, so of innocent. 无论世事变迁,那年的我们曾经那样的爱笑,那样的天真。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. She must be able to laugh at my jokes, and be able to talk about current affairs, politics, and international events. 她得懂得欣赏我开的玩笑,会谈论时事、政治和国际事件。 hi.baidu.com 3. And if your sense of fun lies in current affairs why not try out the World News Quiz page through the link at the top of the page. 如果你喜欢当前实事,为何不尝试一下世界新闻测试页面,页面的顶部有链接。 www.bing.com 4. Chinese current affairs magazine shocked its readers last month when it published a picture of the market showing dogs crammed into a cage. 一份中国的当代生活杂志上个月发表了一张关于市场上狗被塞满笼子的照片,这张照片令读者震惊了。 www.xici.net 5. Often surf the Internet concerned about current affairs, although some CNN don't understand, but like to see some economic class message. 经常会上网关心一些时事要闻,虽然不懂,却喜欢看一些经济类消息。 wenwen.soso.com 6. If either country happened to be prominent in current affairs, no argument could make Mr. Houghton think well of it. 无论这两个国家中哪一个在时事中表现突出,他都对它没有好感,任何论证都无法说服他。 www.bing.com 7. It is a good chance for you to mention any interests relevant to the job: current affairs if you want to be journalist. 因此,此时正是提及与工作相关兴趣的好机会:你想要成为记者可以提及时事。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The financial magazine became as well known for its current affairs investigations as its authoritative business articles. 这本金融杂志因时事调查和权威商业内容而为众所知。 www.bing.com 9. More than 9 million homes in Canada consider CBC as a reliable source to know about current affairs within the country as well as in abroad. 超过900万加拿大家庭将CBC作为了解当前国内外事务一个可靠的信息来源。 www.bing.com 10. combines theory and current affairs heat to contact book learning to do not have finally, undertake having the memory of the key. 最后结合理论与时事热点联系书本知识没,进行有重点的记忆。 www.nwpu.net 1. Checkout Current Affairs, please return the front bar key card. 结账时务请吧钥匙卡交还前台。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Dispassionate and comprehensive news and current affairs are at the top of the list: democracy demands open access to news. 公正而全面的新闻与时事节目位居首位:民主制度要求新闻的获取方式必须是开放的。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Besides teaching, Zhang now spends most of his time being inter-viewed on current affairs and writing books or commentaries. 除了上课,张鸣把他的大部分时间花在深入研究时事、写书和评论上面。 www.bing.com 4. 3 their heaver commitments do not allow them to immerse themselves in current affairs as fully as they might wish. 他们激烈的争论使他们无法像期望的那样全心投入到手头的事情中去。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. According to U. S. President Barack Obama 6, the media, talking about some hot current affairs and now the White House two years experience. 据新华社电美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马6日接受媒体采访,谈及眼下一些热点时事和入主白宫两年来的感受。 www.englishtang.com 6. I would like to mention the documentary of current affairs, which is an investigATion in depth of a single subject AT home or abroad. 我带想谈谈时事纪实节目,它是对国内外某一问题的深入探索。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Worried and indignant expression by a foreign story, denouncing current affairs, is a creation of modern improvements in features of opera. 借外国故事抒发忧愤、抨击时政,是近代改良戏曲创作的一个特点。 baike.soso.com 8. This paper selects the current affairs current events farmer groups as a research object, game logic, theoretical analysis and study. 本文选取当前的时政问题农民群体性事件作为研究对象,用博弈逻辑的思想理论对其进行分析研究。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Hot current affairs in marketing field , new trends ! Marketing administration communion , exchange experience in this field . 营销业界热点时事,最新动态!营销管理交流,大家在营销管理中的经验交流。 www.bing.com 10. A channel from Germany to provide updated news, magazines and documentaries , current affairs. sports highlights in German and English. 以德文及英文提供最新新闻,杂志,纪实,时事,体育之德国频道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The reports in newspapers are current affairs on politics, economies, sports, etc, which took place within one or two days. 在报纸上报道的是关于政治、经济、体育等最新事件,这些事件都是在一两天之内发生的。 oral-english.com 2. What subject college students should learn is a frequent topic of discussion when people have concentrated more on current affairs. 当人们越来越关注大学教育的重要性的时候,学生应该学习什么样的课程成为经常讨论的话题。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. From serious political and current affairs to polling, fun anecdotes and photo sharing, we have diversity and broadcast variety! 政治时事,民意投选,轻松小本,照片分享…无奇不有,应有尽有! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Famous people are often interviewed and asked about their opinions on current affairs . 名人们经常接受采访,被问及他们对时事的看法。 www.bing.com 5. They are indifferent and insensitive to current affairs and to avoid reality, they indulge themselves in the hassle-bustle of the city. 他们对现实事件充耳不闻;故而只能选择在喧嚣的尘世中放纵自己,粉饰自我的太平; exhibit.99ys.com 6. First of all, the poetry will be divided into current affairs poetry, scenery poetry, religious poetry and communication poetry by contacts. 首先,本章从诗歌内容这一角度将项斯的诗歌分为时事诗、写景诗、宗教诗和交往诗四个类别。 www.fabiao.net 7. Toward the end of April , I came across an obituary issued by Lida School in the newspaper Current Affairs. How quickly the day had arrived! 四月底在《时事新报》上见到立达学校的通告,想不到这么快互生就殁了! www.ebigear.com 8. After learning Liberal Studies, are there any changes concerning your habit of discussing current affairs online per week? 学习通识教育后,你每星期于网上讨论时事的习惯有否改变?。 www.my3q.com 9. no talk about politics and current affairs (so that her family won't have to worry about her). 尽量不谈政治,不论时事,让家人放心。 www.3us.com 10. Andrew Adonis, the minister in charge of railways, backed high-speed trains in the January issue of Prospect, a current-affairs magazine. 负责铁路事务的大臣AndrewAdonis在一个反映当前事务的杂志《一月问题展望》上支持高速铁路。 www.ecocn.org 1. Imagined futures that are really thinly disguised commentaries on current affairs are not chiefly concerned with reliable prediction. 想像中的未来即使是很小程度的受当前事件的评论左右,那么它都与可靠的预言无缘。 www.ecocn.org 2. Work was found to be the favourite topic of conversation (20%), closely followed by current affairs (18%) and relationships (17%). 工作是最受欢迎的闲谈话题(20%),其次是当前事(18%),再次是人际关系(17%)。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Last Saturday we listened to a report on current affairs. 上星期六我们听了一个时事报告。 www.ruiwen.com 4. Thus, people, in most of the civilized countries, have been appealed to express their own ideas and thoughts on current affairs. 因此,在很多文明的国家,已经开始倡导人们独立思考,各抒己见。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. You won't be very good at small talk if you don't know about current affairs. 不了解时事的话,这种闲聊对你来说就会比较困难。 www.justing.com.cn 6. Instant news and current affairs channel with wide Indian and international reportage. 二十四小时印度及国际新闻,时事频道。 www.rywen.net 7. sports, culture and international on top of various current affairs programmes. 新闻,主要有财经,体育,文化,国际四大,及各新闻专题节目。 www.rywen.net 8. According to cognitive view, allusions are historical metaphors which describe the current affairs by referring to historical event. 认知学将典故语看成一种特殊的隐喻,它利用过去的事件来描述当下的事件。 www.fabiao.net 9. In the meantime, examinee also should care the major issue that produces socially and current affairs. 同时,考生也要关心社会上发生的大事和时事。 www.nwpu.net 10. In the intervals between his periods of reading we conversed, as travellers will, on current affairs. 在他看报的间隙里,我们像旅行者都会的那样谈论时事。 www.zftrans.com 1. Especially when students listen the news and the material of current affairs. 尤其是当学生听到新闻和时事的时候。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. We have been debating about current affairs recently. 我们最近就时事问题一直在进行辩论。 yytree.com 3. I say to people explanation, the magazine can let them understand current affairs at any time. 我对人们解释说,杂志可让他们随时了解时事。 qyweb.org 4. a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art. 刊登评论当前时事、文学、艺术的文章的杂志。 www.jukuu.com 5. I really like to talk about current affairs with others. 我确实喜欢三两个人聚在一起谈天说地。 www.ife.com.cn 6. Speech will be fast, and will nearly always involve current affairs, and concepts in law and economics. 演讲的速度快,且几乎都会牵涉时事、法律或经济概念。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the studies of current affairs. 了解世界历史对研究时事很有帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Newspapers and periodicals keep me updated on current affairs. 报纸和期刊让我懂得时事。 www.hydz8.com 9. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a talk on current affairs by a reporter from the People's Daily. 明天《人民日报》社的一位记者要给我们做时事报告。 www.rrting.com 10. We have been debating about current affairs. 我们最近正在就时事问题进行讨论。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The second chapter introduce the subject matter of current affairs novels. 第二章,介绍晚清时事小说的题材。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. In studying current affairs you might read this article for reference. 学习时事可以参看这篇文章。 www.bing.com 3. It offers viewers a varied broadcast diet of news, current affairs, documentaries and the arts which is the envy of other countries. 它为观众提供了口味众多的广播节目,涵盖了新闻,时事,纪实影片和艺术鉴赏,这让其它国家民众羡慕不已。 www.ecocn.org 4. MITV calls the daring program of news current affairs "The Naked Truth" . MITV电视台把这个大胆的新闻时事节目叫做“赤裸的真实”。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. An acquaintance with world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. 与世界历史认识是有帮助的时事学习。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Hardly had I finished my homework when I turned on TV and watched the program on current affairs. 我一做完作业,就打开电视,看起时事节目来。 www.ebigear.com 7. Two-thirds of Tea Party supporters get their current affairs from Fox. 现在,三分之二的茶话会听众通过福克斯电视台来关注时事。 www.bing.com 8. Eg. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs. 读一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. His insight into current affairs, guide the push chang just over. 他洞察时事、指点风云,力推张学良从戎。 www.cninfcw.com 10. A total of 1, 069 non-current affairs newspaper and periodical presses have registered as or transformed into business entities. 全国已有1069家非时政类报刊出版单位登记或转制为企业法人。 www.kouyi.org 1. The premier broadcasts on current affairs. 总理发表时事广播演说。 2. She agrees to give us a report on current affairs. 她同意给我们作一个时事报告。 www.tjjy.com.cn 3. This should permit a "hero of current affairs, " saying it. 这就应证了“时事造英雄”这句话吧。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Advanced English in Current Affairs. 高级时事英语 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If we have no information about the current affairs, we are ill informed. 如果我们不了解时事,我们就会变得孤陋寡闻。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. While you are job searching you should try and monitor current affairs and the business news as often as possible. 你是你应该尽可能时常试而且检测现在的事件和商务新闻的工作搜索。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Taxi driver: News about current affairs, documentaries, music, movies, noncommercial ads and so on. 出租车司机:实事新闻、纪录片、音乐、电影和公益广告等等。 www.kekenet.com 8. She broadcasts on current affairs. 她发表时事广播演说。 www.websaru.com 9. Reading newspapers enables us to know more about current affairs. 读报使我们能更多地了解时事。 wenku.baidu.com 10. I didn't touch news papers and television in the holidays , so I know nothing about current affairs. 整个假期我既不读报又没看电视——我对时事一点也不了解。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The students of the English Department are hearing a report on current affairs. 英语系的学生在听时事报告。 www.xzxd.com 2. There has been much talk about current affairs. 关于当前的时事有过许多谈论。 wenwen.soso.com 3. We know current affairs from the media. 我们从媒体中了解时事。 yanghai6804.blog.163.com 4. He is interested in current affairs. 他对时事感兴趣。 oral.ebigear.com 5. He broad-casts on current affairs. 他发表时事广播演说。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs. 应该看报以便了解时事。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Serena: Yes, I do. I read widely, and I am interested in current affairs. 瑟瑞娜:是,我阅读广泛,也关心时事。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 8. It is forbidden to remark on current affairs in public in some countries. 在某些国家不允许在公共场合谈论时事。 lishi.zxxk.com 9. This is one area of where were intervening in current affairs. 这是目前事务中我们正在介入的一个方面。 www.kalazan.com 10. But once again, current affairs force us to question the use of journalists. 但再次,时事迫使我们质疑记者使用。 www.englishtang.com 1. He will broadcast on current affairs on TV this evening. 今晚,他将在电视上发表时势广播演说。 www.591sw.com 2. We are delighted to invite Brain Pendledon to give us a talk on current affairs in the world. 我们很高兴请到布莱恩。彭德尔顿先生,来为我们讲讲当前国际上的大事。 blog.csdn.net 3. He was well informed and updated with all kinds of current affairs. 他见多识广,并且了解各种最新的时事新闻。 www.bing.com 4. It takes only 30 minutes to know the current affairs in almost every part of the world. 只要30分钟就能了解几乎世界各地的时事。 bbs.yytree.com 5. broaden our horizons, know current affairs and news in time, acquir all kinds of latest knowledge and information. 开阔视野,及时了解时事新闻,获取各种最新的知识和信息; wenwen.soso.com 6. Zhang wants her school to invite experts to explain current affairs to them, for example, the war in Libya. 张昂希望学校能邀请一些专家向学生们谈谈时事,比如利比亚战争。 www.i21st.cn 7. I am a very easygoing person, I like history, current affairs and political, more like the military (especially the Navy). 我是一个很随和的人,我喜欢历史,时事政治,更喜欢军事(尤其是海军)。 hi.baidu.com 8. We read the papers every day to keep up with current affairs. 我们天天读报,好了解时事。 www.wenkoo.cn 9. I like current affairs programs and documentaries. How about you? 我喜欢看时事节目和纪录片。你呢?。 www.xdf.cn 10. Regular news, current affairs and the daily newspapers to see February 3, But too many buy newspapers for his family feel too wasting money; 经常关注新闻、时事,每天看两三份报纸,但买报纸太多让他的家人觉得太浪费钱; bbs.1205.cn 1. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE Repertoires of news and current affairs; differing styles; contrasts with Chinese equivalents 英国新闻和时事的传统类型、风格的差异及中国相关节目之比较 blog.sina.com.cn 2. too much emphasis on education and current affairs of class education, comprehensive education neglected; 过分强调了阶级教育和时政教育,忽视了教育的全面性; www.fabiao.net 3. A Report on the Current Affairs of Nanjing Information and Publication Market Management 关于南京市新闻出版管理的调研报告 www.ilib.cn 4. Agricultural Industrial Operations Models Driven by Whole-sale Markets: Current Affairs and Trends of Reform 批发市场带动型农业产业化经营模式的现状及变革方向 www.ilib.cn 5. Nurturing Students'Dialectical Thinking - task of Current affairs and state policies Course 形势与政策课要注重培养大学生的辩证思维能力 www.ilib.cn 6. Problems in Teaching of the "Current Affairs and Policies" in Colleges and Universities 关于高校“形势与政策”课的几点思考 www.ilib.cn 7. Producer Public and Current Affairs Section, Public Affairs Television Division 电视部公共事务组 www.rthk.org.hk 8. Ideals and Reality: Potential Values and Current Affairs of Human Comprehensive Development 理想与现实:人的全面发展的价值承诺和当代形态 www.ilib.cn 9. We have been debating about current affairs. biologist scan 我们最近正在就时事问题进行辩论。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Current Affairs, Problems and Strategies of Retail Industry in Yangtze River Delta 长三角零售业发展的现状、问题与对策 www.ilib.cn 1. The Application of Current Affairs Materials to the Geography Teaching 时事素材在地理教学中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Theory and Practice of Developing Current- affairs and State- policies Course 形势与政策课程体系建设的理论与实践 www.ilib.cn 3. An interview with Jiang Zhaoyong, a current affairs commentator based in Beijing, sheds some light on Han-Uighur ethnic tensions 北京的当代时事评论员姜照永(音译)在访问中阐明了汉维紧张关系的原因 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. Examples about Chinese-to-English Translation Skills on Current Affairs 常用翻译技巧在时事汉译英中的运用译例 beta.ilib.cn 5. Discussing the orientation of the governmental price work under the new current affairs 试论新形势下政府价格工作的定位 service.ilib.cn 6. Advanced German Listening and Speaking in Current Affairs 时事德语高级听说 www.bjut.edu.cn 7. Improving teaching effect using hot current affairs 利用热点时事提高教学效果 www.ilib.cn 8. NDU embraces multiple forms in education on current affairs and policy 国防大学运用多种形式开展时政教育 english.chinamil.com.cn 9. The Teaching of the Modern World History and the Current Affairs 世界当代史课程教学与时事 www.ilib.cn 10. mediahunter Craig Wilson has a poor opinion of mainstream television current affairs shows CraigWilson(@mediahunter)对主流媒体的电视时事节目评价不高 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. "China English" and Translation of Terms in Current Affairs 从政治时事术语的翻译看“中国英语” ilib.cn 2. Current Affairs Editors Use Network News 时事编辑对网络新闻的利用 ilib.cn 3. current affairs neatly quite, deng Lun of not big; 时事是我比较关注的,问题不大; www.nwpu.net 4. I consider I am interested in international current affairs 我对国际时事非常感兴趣 www.modernweekly.com 5. Q Current Affairs and policies 形势与政策 zhidao.baidu.com 6. news on current affairs; and (二)时事新闻; www.putclub.com 7. Collect information about the post and the trade or industry, pay attention to current affairs 搜集有关行业及该职位的资料,留意时事 www.jobs.gov.hk |
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