单词 | countess |
释义 |
复数:countesses 例句释义: 女伯爵,伯爵夫人,伯爵夫人为,康特斯,仙堡堡主 1. "Go to bed, darling, go to bed, my pet, " said the countess, lightly touching Natasha's shoulder. “躺下吧,宝贝,躺下吧,小伙伴,”伯爵夫人轻轻拍着娜塔莎的肩头说。 novel.tingroom.com 2. Word reached the Countess of what was happening, as the Queen knew it must, but no sign of anger appeared on her broad Derbyshire face. 正如女王预料的那样,这一切都传到了伯爵夫人耳朵里,然而在她那张德贝郡特产的宽阔脸庞上却看不出一丝恼怒的痕迹。 www.bing.com 3. The fact that they can be offended by such a trifle as Countess Olenska's going to the house of a woman they consider common. 我是说奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人去了一个他们认为是平民的女人家,他们不会为这样一件小事生气。 www.hxen.com 4. The countess, with a deep sob, hid her face on her daughter's bosom, while Nikolay got up, clutched at his head, and went out of the room. 伯爵夫人忧悒地啜泣,把脸藏在女儿怀里,可是尼古拉站了起来,心惊胆战,从房里走出去了。 novel.tingroom.com 5. Sonya, with downcast eyes, listened in silence to the countess's cruel words, and did not understand what was expected of her. 索尼娅默默无言,低垂着眼帘,谛听伯爵夫人的残酷的话语,她不明白到底对她有什么要求。 novel.tingroom.com 6. On the third night the countess was quiet for a few minutes, and Natasha closed her eyes, her head propped on the arm of the chair. 第三天夜里伯爵夫人安静了几分钟,娜塔莎把头靠在安乐椅的扶手上,合了一会儿眼睛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. sonya , said the countess , raising her head from her letter , as her niece passed by her. “索尼娅,”伯爵夫人在外甥女从身旁经过时,从信上抬起头来说。 www.ichacha.net 8. but I met the Countess Ellen in Madison Square, and she was good enough to let me walk home with her. 在麦迪逊广场遇上了埃伦伯爵夫人,她十分客气地要我陪她回家。 www.kekenet.com 9. This was an old bachelor, Shinshin, a cousin of the countess's, famed in Moscow drawing-rooms for his biting wit. 这位客人是老光棍,伯爵夫人的堂兄,莫斯科的沙龙中常常议论他,都说他是个造谣中伤的人。 yinghanhuyi.com 10. The Countess Katerina Ivanovna sat with her elbows on an inlaid table, leaning her head on her hands, and her shoulders were shaking. 察尔斯基伯爵夫人坐在一张细工镶嵌的小桌旁,两手抱住脑袋,肥胖的肩膀不住抖动着。 novel.tingroom.com 1. But European society is not given to divorce: Countess Olenska thought she would be conforming to American ideas in asking for her freedom. 但欧洲上流社会也不喜欢离婚的:奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人认为要求个人自由符合美国的思想。 www.bing.com 2. The countess was left in the country, and towards the end of January the count took Sonya and Natasha with him to Moscow. 伯爵夫人尚且待在乡下,伯爵偕同索尼娅和娜塔莎,乃于元月底启程着往莫斯科。 novel.tingroom.com 3. the count and countess did not know where they were and were very anxious , so said one of the men. 一个被派来的人说,伯爵和伯爵夫人都不知道他们在哪儿,心里焦急不安。 www.ichacha.net 4. The countess had not time to answer her before Prince Andrey with a troubled and serious face walked into the drawing-room. 伯爵夫人还来不及回答她的话,安德烈公爵就显露出忐忑不安的异常、严肃的样子走进了客厅。 novel.tingroom.com 5. As she went into the drawing-room, her father came quickly out of the countess's room. His face was puckered up and wet with tears. 当她走近大厅时,父亲匆忙从伯爵夫人房间走出来,满面皱纹,老泪纵横。 novel.tingroom.com 6. Mrs Seton told her how the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury, though both middle-aged, had not been married long. 西顿夫人告诉她,虽然什鲁斯伯里伯爵和伯爵夫人都已人到中年,然而却是新婚不久。 www.bing.com 7. Born at the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, the countess stood out for her collecting. 出生于1870年,恰逢法国波斯两国爆发战争,伯爵夫人坚持着她的收藏。 www.ecocn.org 8. He knew that the Countess Olenska had brought some of her possessions with her-bits of wreckage, she called them. 他知道奥兰斯伯爵夫人来的时候带了一些财产--一些残骸,她这样称呼它们。 9. To the general relief the Countess Olenska was not present in her grandmother's drawing-room during the visit of the betrothed couple. 令大家都感到宽慰的是,在这对订婚青年造访时,奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人并不在她祖母的客厅里。 www.kekenet.com 10. "But I do not think it is the Earl that the Countess loves the best, " she said to the Queen. “我可不认为伯爵会是伯爵夫人的最爱。”她对女王说。 www.bing.com 1. the countess stopped for a moment , as if gasping for breath. 伯爵夫人停住脚步,象是只是为了喘一口气。 www.ichacha.net 2. The Little Countess had shut her eyes again, but two fat tears escaped from under their lids and coursed down her cheeks. 小郡主闭着的双眼中流出眼泪,两行珠泪从腮边滚了下来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For a whole fortnight the countess sat in a low chair by his pillow, never taking off her clothes. 伯爵夫人和衣坐在安乐椅上,在他床头守了两个星期。 novel.tingroom.com 4. The smile passed from Countess Olenska's eyes to her lips: she looked younger, more like the bold brown Ellen Mingott of his boyhood. 笑容从奥兰斯卡夫人的眼睛传到她的双唇,她看上去更年轻了,更像他孩提时那个大胆的棕发小姑娘埃伦·明戈特。 www.kekenet.com 5. The matter has been gone into by the family. They are opposed to the Countess's idea; but she is firm, and insists on a legal opinion. 全家人进行了研究,他们反对伯爵夫人的意见,但她很坚决,坚持要求得到法律的判决。 www.kekenet.com 6. But the years went by; Elizabeth was as healthy as ever, no one invaded and the Queen grew tired of paying the Countess compliments. 然而日子一天天过去,伊丽莎白依然像从前那么健康,外国的入侵也遥遥无期。女王开始厌倦了对伯爵夫人的阿谀奉承。 www.bing.com 7. the countess had fallen asleep , and the count put off their departure till morning and went to bed. 伯爵夫人睡着了,伯爵把行期推延至早晨,也去睡了。 www.ichacha.net 8. The Countess who brought the Apple Tree Branch to the castle was one of them. 那个把苹果树枝带到城堡里来的伯爵夫人也在其中。 www.chnxs.com 9. with him went sonya , who had not yet undressed , and madame schoss , natasha and the countess were left alone within. 和他一起出去的还有尚未脱衣就寝的索尼娅和肖斯太太。只有伯爵夫人和娜塔莎留在房间里。 www.ichacha.net 10. the countess thought a moment , and took a pinch from a golden snuff - box with her husbands portrait on it. 伯爵夫人思忖了一会,闻了闻镶有丈夫肖像的金质鼻烟壶。 www.ichacha.net 1. Pierre looked absently at Natasha, and was about to say something, but the countess interrupted him. 皮埃尔茫茫然然地看了看娜塔莎,正要开口说话,但伯爵夫人打断了他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. My dear Countess, I've brought an old friend of mine to see you--Mrs. Struthers. 亲爱的伯爵夫人,我带了我的一位老朋友来看你——斯特拉瑟斯太太。 www.kekenet.com 3. "What manners! Staying on and on! " said the countess, when she had seen her guests out. “是什么派头!他们都坐着,坐着不走!”伯爵夫人送走客人后说道。 www.okread.net 4. Recent days in the media spotlight have been a trial for the countess. 最近几天媒体的关注对苏菲王妃来说是一场考验。 www.ycwb.com 5. The case of the Countess Olenska had stirred up old settled convictions and set them drifting dangerously through his mind. 奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人的事搅乱了那些根深蒂固的社会信条,并使它们在他的脑海里危险地飘移。 www.kekenet.com 6. It occurs to me, my dear, that the Countess Olenska is already a sort of relation-- through Medora Manson's first husband. 我想,亲爱的,奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人已经算是亲戚了——通过梅多拉·曼森的第一位丈夫。 www.hxen.com 7. COUNTESS ROSTOV, with her daughters and the greater number of the guests, was sitting in the drawing-room . 叫做罗斯托娃的伯爵夫人随同几个女儿陪伴着许多客人坐在客厅里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Olivier declares that the sonnet was written for the countess and recites it again, which inspires Flamand to rush off to set it to music. 奥里维尔宣布,那首十四行诗是为女伯爵而写,并再次背诵,这使得弗莱米德产生灵感,于是他夺门而出,准备将其创作成音乐。 www.themetinhongkong.info 9. Sonya was finishing dressing, so was the countess; but Natasha, who had been busily looking after every one, was behindhand. 索尼娅快要穿好衣裳,伯爵夫人也快要穿好衣裳,可是娜塔莎因为替大家操劳,落后了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. COUNTESS: I rejoice to say that I did not. 伯爵夫人:我很庆幸地说,我不知道。 yy.china-b.com 1. The Countess greeted them with her grave smile, and Archer, feeling his host's admonitory glance on him, rose and surrendered his seat. 伯爵夫人以庄重的微笑与他们招呼,阿切尔觉察到主人对他责备的目光,便起身让出了他的座位。 www.kekenet.com 2. "Let it be powdered with little pink carnations, " said the Countess. “在上面点缀一些粉色康乃馨”。伯爵夫人说。 www.bing.com 3. pierre exchanged glances with countess maria and nikolay natasha he was looking at all the time , and he smiled happily. 皮埃尔和玛丽亚伯爵夫人,和尼古拉交换了眼色,会心地笑了。 www.ichacha.net 4. The countess originated the idea of a loop in a program, which she likened to a "snake biting its tail. " 这位伯爵夫人发明了在程序中循环的概念,她把这比作“蛇咬自己的尾巴”。 www.bing.com 5. COUNTESS : ( putting her hands on her shoulders to comfort her ) My dear , you're ill. I 'll send for Doctor Bonnachoven . (把她的头放在肩上安慰她)亲爱的,你生病了,我会叫鲍那乔文医生过来。 www.bing.com 6. "A skirt, " said the Countess of Shrewsbury in the most decisive manner. “一条裙子,”什鲁斯伯里伯爵夫人毫不犹豫地说。 www.bing.com 7. Eventually it was granted to a countess (rumored to be a king's mistress) in 1670 who had built up gambling debts. 最终它在1670年被授予一位赌债累累的伯爵夫人(传言是一位国王的情妇)。 www.bing.com 8. The countess lets them in and one of them asks to express their gratitude. 女伯爵让她们进来,其中一个请求表达她们的感激之情。 www.themetinhongkong.info 9. The handsome young countess smiled scornfully , apparently not in the least mortified. 貌美的薇拉鄙夷地微露笑容,显然她一点也不感到屈辱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Archer hesitated. "I can't pledge myself till I've seen the Countess Olenska, " he said at length. 阿切尔犹豫了。“会见奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人之前,我还不能打保票,”他终于说。 www.kekenet.com 1. The Countess put the branch among the fresh and green beech trees, and she smiled with satisfaction. 伯爵夫人把树枝放在新鲜翠绿的山毛榉树丛中,满意的笑了。 www.chnxs.com 2. The Countess dutifully admired the pictures, but offered no opinion as to which the Queen should choose. 伯爵夫人衷心赞美了这些图案,但是对于女王应该选择哪一个却不置可否。 www.bing.com 3. Since he had been tortured, he was sold for many times, and have been sold to the noble family is fashionable, countess. 从此他饱受折磨,他一连被卖过多次,曾经被卖到贵族家里,伯爵夫人是个赶时髦的人。 wenwen.soso.com 4. When she wanted to say something spiteful, the pretext was the Countess Marya. 她想要说些刻薄的言语,就去找玛丽亚伯爵夫人的岔子。 novel.tingroom.com 5. "Old friends are soon forgotten nowadays, " the countess would say after Boris had been mentioned. “当今之世没有人会想念老朋友。”伯爵夫人在有人提到鲍里斯之后接着这样说。 novel.tingroom.com 6. "Yes, " said the Countess. “是的。”伯爵夫人说。 www.bing.com 7. Artists, friends, and admirers have gathered to celebrate the birthday of the young, widowed countess Madeleine. 艺术家们、友人们及爱慕者们纷至遝来为年轻寡妇女伯爵玛德琳庆祝生日。 www.themetinhongkong.info 8. I had such a delightful dream. I was dancing the galop at Torlonia's with the Countess G----. 我做了一个很有趣的梦:梦中我正在托洛尼亚府里和G伯爵夫人跳极乐舞呢。 www.tdict.com 9. It is Ory, who, when left alone with the countess, is barely able to contain his emotions. 在与女伯爵独处的时候,欧利几乎不能克制自己的感情。 www.themetinhongkong.info 10. Countess Bezuhov had some right to her reputation of being a fascinating woman. 伯爵夫人别祖霍娃论理应当享有迷人的女人的声誉。 novel.tingroom.com 1. The countess shook her head disapprovingly and wrathfully at every solemn expression in the manifesto. 伯爵夫人不以为然地忿忿地摇摇头以反对宣言的每一个雄壮威严的句子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. She put her head out into the damp night air, and the countess saw her slender neck shaking with sobs and heaving against the window frame. 她把头伸到夜晚那润湿的空气中,伯爵夫人便看到她细小的脖颈因抽泣而发抖,触动着窗框。 novel.tingroom.com 3. Countess Gemimi's exposure of his love affair with Madame Merle is another reason for Isabel's resistance to Osmond . 伯爵戈米和茉莉女士的爱情曝光,这件事情是伊莎贝尔拒绝欧斯蒙德的另一个原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Rubinstein now headed for Japan, taking for companionship: a Hungarian charmer who called herself the Countess Natasha. 鲁宾斯坦于是首途赴日,带了一位自称是娜妲霞女伯爵的匈牙利妖姬同行。 dict.veduchina.com 5. I wIll not detaIn you, monsIeur, " contInued the countess; " I would not have our gratItude become IndIscreet or Importunate. “我不耽搁您了,阁下,”伯爵夫人又说道,“我不愿意让我们的感激变成失礼或勉强。” dict.ebigear.com 6. (screaming at the Countess) STOP! ! ! (Looking away, her hair covering her face) Please stop! stop. (对着伯爵夫人尖叫)停下!(移开视线,头发遮脸)请停下来!别说了! www.bing.com 7. The Countess helped Wheatley publish a volume of her poetry in 1773. 伯爵夫人后来在1773年协助她出版了一册诗集。 www.24en.com 8. But the Queen never again tried to steal the Earl's affections away from the Countess. 从此以后,女王再也没有试图从伯爵夫人那里偷走伯爵的心。 www.bing.com 9. Thankful for his advice, the countess invites the "hermit" to the castle. 为感谢神父的建议,女伯爵邀请「神父」进入城堡。 www.themetinhongkong.info 10. During that stay in Petersburg Boris was constantly at the house of the Countess Bezuhov on a footing of the closest intimacy. 鲍里斯这次来到彼得堡,成为伯爵夫人别祖霍娃家中亲密的朋友。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But the countess's illness forced them to put off going from day to day. 然而伯爵夫人的健康情况迫使他们将行期日复一日地推迟。 novel.tingroom.com 2. He extinguishes the lamp in the countess's bedroom as Ory approaches to pay her an unexpected visit. 当欧利即将突然拜访女伯爵时,伊索列熄灭了女伯爵房间的灯。 www.themetinhongkong.info 3. On August 21, 1614, Countess Elizabeth Bathory was found dead in her walled-up room inside her castle. 1614年8月21日,伊丽莎白.巴斯利女伯爵被发现死于她城堡中的封闭房间中。 www.bing.com 4. COUNTESS: Now my dear, if you don't mind tomorrow's schedule--or schedule whichever you prefer-- both are correct. 伯爵夫人:哦,亲爱的,你喜欢明天的日程安排么,或者说你喜欢哪个—两个都不错。 www.bing.com 5. Berg was sitting beside the countess, trying with filial respectfulness to reassure her. 贝格坐在伯爵夫人身旁,愉快地恭敬地安慰着岳母。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. "Very bad, eh? " Lefferts continued. "Wiring to the family, I suppose. I gather it IS bad, if you're including Countess Olenska. " “很严重,是吗?”莱弗茨接着说。“我想,是发电报给亲属吧。如果你们连奥兰斯卡夫人也包括在内,我估计病情是很严重了。” www.bing.com 7. But the wound that half killed the countess, that fresh wound, brought Natasha back to life. 而夺去伯爵夫人一半生命的这个创伤,这一新的创伤却唤醒了娜塔莎。 novel.tingroom.com 8. It was generally agreed in New York that the Countess Olenska had "lost her looks. " 在纽约,人们普遍认为奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人“红颜已衰”。 www.kekenet.com 9. Countess Ada translated an article about the presentation and showed it to Babbage . 艾达伯爵夫人把报告改写为论文,并拿给巴贝奇看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. When La Roche takes Olivier away to rehearsal, Flamand in turn declares his love to the countess. 拉罗什带奥里维尔去彩排的时候,又轮到弗莱米德向女伯爵示爱。 www.themetinhongkong.info 1. He had seen the Countess Olenska only once since his visit to her, and then at the Opera, in the Mingott box. 拜访过奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人之后,他只见过她一次,那是在看歌剧的时候,在明戈特的包厢里。 www.kekenet.com 2. The countess orders a simple meal for the guests and leaves. 女伯爵下令为客人们准备一顿便饭便离开了。 www.themetinhongkong.info 3. Countess: I rejoice to say I do not. 女伯爵:我很高兴地说我不是这样的的。 07mx.com 4. But to her as to the countess he replied only in monosyllables. 他如同回答伯爵夫人一样,只用三言两语来回答她的话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And mind, don't bring me such torn and dirty notes as last time; nice ones now, for the countess. 你要小心,像上次那样破破烂烂的肮肮脏脏的不要拿来,给伯爵夫人拿些好的纸币来。 novel.tingroom.com 6. The Queen asked the Countess what she was embroidering. 女王问伯爵夫人正在绣什么。 www.bing.com 7. COUNTESS: Oh, and your slippers . Please put on your slippers and come away at the window. Your milk and crackers. 伯爵夫人:嗨,你的拖鞋。快穿上拖鞋,离开窗户。你的牛奶和饼干在这里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Join Tibor to save his village from the evil countess who bit him and her vampire army! 与提伯一同从将他变为吸血鬼的魔鬼和魔鬼的军队手中拯救他们的小镇! www.server3.yupapa.com 9. Alone with the countess, Olivier seizes the opportunity to declare his love. 与女伯爵独处的奥里维尔趁机示爱。 www.themetinhongkong.info 10. COUNTESS: (standing up straight, speaking with authority) Your Highness. I'll get Doctor Bonnachoven. 伯爵夫人:(笔直站起,命令地说)公主殿下,我去叫鲍那乔文医生。 www.kekenet.com 1. Her grand-daughter the Countess Olenska wishes to sue her husband for divorce. Certain papers have been placed in my hands. 她的孙女奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人想向法庭起诉,要求与丈夫离婚,有些文件已交到我手上。 www.kekenet.com 2. and Archer took his leave and walked off to fetch the cutter, while Beaufort followed the Countess Olenska indoors. 阿切尔告辞去取他的小雪橇,博福特则跟随奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人到屋里去了。 www.bing.com 3. The countess reflects on the synthesis of words and music, while Olivier, though moved, feels that his work has been ruined. 女伯爵品味著歌词与音乐的融合,然而,奥里维尔虽然被感动,却仍然觉得他的作品被糟蹋了。 www.themetinhongkong.info 4. While her husband was away, the Countess managed the family's business affairs and properties. 在她丈夫不在的时候,由这位女伯爵来管理家族商务和地产。 www.bing.com 5. In order to pay her collectors, the countess had the palace dismantled and then sold off its raw materials. 为了还债,这位伯爵夫人把宫殿拆除,廉价出清了它的原料部分。 www.bing.com 6. The countess sniffed her disapproval. 女伯爵轻蔑地表示不赞同 dict.hjenglish.com 7. The Chinese- tennis team made a corporate effort to win countess championships . 中国乒乓球队通过集体的共同努力赢得了无数次冠军。 www.bing.com 8. Not only Sonya's presence, even her favourite Natasha's, even her husband's company, irritated the countess. 不仅有索尼娅,还有可爱的娜塔莎,甚至还有丈夫出现在她面前,他们都会使她惶惶不安。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Misled by the countess's voice, Ory makes his advances towards Isolier. 女伯爵的声音误导他,使得他朝著伊索列的方向走去。 www.themetinhongkong.info 10. Did her husband judge only by the Countess Gemini ? 难道她的丈夫跟格米尼伯爵夫人是一丘之貉吗? dict.veduchina.com 1. COUNTESS: It's nerves, control yourself, Ann. 伯爵夫人:你一定是神经出了问题,镇静点,安妮。 www.24en.com 2. COUNTESS: Ten fifty-five, the Newfoundling Home For Orphans. 伯爵夫人:十点五十五,到新建孤儿院。 www.bing.com 3. And there's Countess Puck of Austria. 奥地利的Puck伯爵夫人到了…… blog.sina.com.cn 4. Natalie was visiting Aaron at the hospital when the countess barged into the room and introduced herself. 娜塔丽上医院去探望埃伦的时候,伯爵夫人闯入病房,作了自我介绍。 tr.bab.la 5. You'll come to the fancy dress ball, countess? 伯爵小姐,您会出席化装赛会吧? baike.soso.com 6. Yes, old chap, I was going to marry the countess. It's true, but it's all off now. 是的,老伙计,我曾打算和那位伯爵夫人结婚,真的,但是那都是过去的事了。 www.kaka3.com 7. She is remembered as the Blood Countess or Blood Queen. 她被称作嗜血伯爵或是嗜血魔女。 dongxi.net 8. COUNTESS: It's alright, dear, it didn't spill. 伯爵夫人:做得好,亲爱的,牛奶没有溢出来。 yy.china-b.com 9. Come, dear countess, and as a pledge give me this flower. 可爱的伯爵小姐,去吧,您把这朵花送给我作为保证。 www.okread.net 10. Meanwhile the Countess of Wessex said: "I think it's absolutely thrilling. We couldn't be more excited. " 同时月季.维斯克女伯爵说:“这实在是太劲爆了。我都迫不及待了。” www.bing.com 1. In 1992, Karlotta Libenstein, a German countess, left $60m to Gunter III, her German Shepherd dog. 1992年,德国女伯爵卡洛塔?利本斯坦(KarlottaLibenstein)给自己的德国牧羊犬“甘特三世”(GunterIII)留下了6000万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 2. COUNTESS: My dear, you have lovely things. 伯爵夫人:亲爱的,你有很多可爱的东西。 www.bing.com 3. The Countess Cathleen (892). His poetry, published in collections such as. 《凯瑟琳女伯爵》(892年)。他的诗作成集出版,如。 www.poptool.net 4. However, the Countess of Lee Kerst do not understand is, this young gentleman has been reluctant to tell her own name. 然而,李克斯特伯爵夫人不明白的是,这个年轻的绅士一直不愿意告诉她自己的名字。 bf.9bin.com 5. "I wonder, " Winsett broke off, "how a Countess happens to live in our slum? " 温塞特突然改变话题说:“不知一位伯爵夫人怎么会住在我们贫民窟里?” www.bing.com 6. Isolier informs the countess that the Crusaders will return that night. 伊索列告诉女伯爵十字军当天晚上将会回来。 www.themetinhongkong.info 7. I have just been calling on the countess, your spouse, and to my misfortune, my request could not be granted. 我刚才到过您太太——伯爵夫人那儿,我真倒霉,我的请求未能如愿以偿,伯爵,我希望在您那儿过得更幸运。 novel.tingroom.com 8. but the countess pushed away her daughter , and went up to the count 伯爵夫人却推开女儿,朝伯爵走去。 www.ichacha.net 9. He spoke mysteriously, too, of splendid women, and was suspected of having once committed himself with a Countess 不但如此,他还用神秘的口吻谈起国色天香的女人,大家都疑心他曾经一度跟一位伯爵夫人关系暧昧。 www.jukuu.com 10. and the Countess Tolstoy collects the copyright which her husband foregoes; 和伯爵夫人托尔斯泰收集她的丈夫放弃; taody.com 1. Elizabeth Stewart, Countess of Lennox 论诺克斯伯爵夫人,伊丽莎白·斯图尔特 zh.wikipedia.org 2. the countess exchanged glances with sonya 伯爵夫人与索尼娅交换了一下眼神。 www.ichacha.net 3. Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham 珂拉·克劳利,格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人 zh.wikipedia.org 4. The Evidence of the Count and Countess Andrenyi 第七章安德雷尼伯爵和夫人的证词 baike.soso.com 5. Countess from Hong Kong, A 香港女伯爵 www.bing.com |
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