单词 | defer |
释义 | deferring是defer的现在分词
过去式:deferred 第三人称单数:defers 现在分词:deferring 例句释义: 服从,拖延,扣存,使延期入伍,延迟,推迟,的例句 1. Deferring testing until the end of your development process is always expensive. 将测试延缓到开发过程的末尾代价总是很高昂的。 www.ibm.com 2. The three leaders also came out in favour of deferring awards and claw-backs in case of negative outcomes. 三国领导人还表示,赞成延后支付奖金和在出现不良业绩时扣减奖金。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Many of my examples throughout this series rely on the Lean Software concept of deferring decisions to the last responsible moment. 本系列中我所用的很多示例都是依赖将决策推迟到最后责任时刻的LeanSoftware概念。 www.ibm.com 4. Automakers have been running their factories almost around the clock, paying costly overtime and deferring maintenance. 汽车制造商的工厂几乎昼夜不停,支付着昂贵的加班费同时推迟保养维修。 www.bing.com 5. If such a plan is not possible , the query optimizer returns an error instead of deferring error detection to query execution . 如果不能使用这样的计划,查询优化器将返回错误而不是延迟对查询执行的错误检测。 www.bing.com 6. This manipulation of attached methods could also be wrapped in a function factory as before, deferring the final decision until runtime. 这种对附加方法的操作也可以像之前一样打包到一个函数工厂中,这将使最终决策延迟到运行时。 www.ibm.com 7. While I think its admirable for him to be dedicated to deferring to teammates I'm not sure that's what's best for T-Mac. 我想麦迪专注于如何去适应队友值得尊敬,但是我不确定哪种方式对麦迪更好。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 8. Deferring to historical custom, astronomers, measure the apparent brightness of stars through the magnitude scale, a very confusing way. 按照历史习惯,天文学家用星等标这种容易使人混淆的方法来度量恒星的视亮度。 tr.bab.la 9. Deferring to biology as explanation or excuse for a behavior is to abandon all notions of what it means to be human. 推迟到生物学解释或辩解的行为是放弃所有的概念意味着什么人权。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When the government brought in the International Monetary Fund in late 2008 the IMF prescribed deferring the pain for a year. 2008年年末,冰岛政府向国际货币基金组织(IMF)求援,IMF开出的处方让冰岛的痛苦推迟了一年。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But the administration is also learning that deferring too much to Congress can produce as many problems as deferring too little. 然而奥巴马政府也逐渐意识到,对国会过于依赖或是过于疏远,都同会造成很多的麻烦。 ecocn.org 2. Pay packages will have to be designed to prevent excessive risk-taking, which may involve deferring as much as 60% of managers' bonuses. 工资报酬将设计成预防过高风险的形式,这将涉及60%的经理人的递延奖金。 www.ecocn.org 3. You can potentially save memory and startup time by deferring these references or reducing the reference set of classes. 通过延迟这些引用或者减少对一些类的引用,您有可能会节约内存和启动时间。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Teams that skipped the meetings and arguments weren't making the underlying problems go away; they were simply deferring them until later. 那些略过会议和争论的团队也无法让问题随之溜走,他们只是简单的把问题拖延到了以后。 www.ibm.com 5. "Most participants favored deferring asset sales for some time, " the minutes said. “多数与会者支持将资产出售递延一段时间,”会议记录称。 cn.reuters.com 6. But criticising an American company comes easier than deferring to critics of the police. 但(在网上)批评一家美国公司优先于批评警察。 www.bing.com 7. They rely on a pointcut rather than a type, either assuming nothing or deferring a context specification to a concrete subaspect. 依赖于切入点而不是类型,要么不作任何假定,要么将上下文规格推迟到具体的子方面中。 www.ibm.com 8. From property buyers perspective, it prevents other buyers buying, and allow themselves soberly consider deferring payment. 从购房者角度分析,这样能防止其他买家抢购,又能让自己冷静考虑,暂缓付款。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Committees are notorious for delaying and deferring decisions through interminable discussion. 委员会是出了名的喜欢通过冗长的讨论来拖延和推迟决定。 www.ibm.com 10. Some top executives will receive nothing now, deferring their 2011 payouts until the end of this year. 公司部分高管暂时不会获得任何奖金,2011年的奖金将推迟到今年年末发放。 www.qeto.com 1. The potential benefits and drawbacks of deferring the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear facilities. 核设施退役和拆除延期的潜在利益与不利…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 2. By deferring the activation of a plug-in, the user is given the impression of a zippier product. 通过延迟插件的激活,会给用户一种产品更为灵活的印象。 www-128.ibm.com 3. While many hospitals say they have no plans to abandon projects already under way, they are already deferring new ones. 正当许多医院称他们没有计划放弃已经在实施的工程,他们已经推迟了新的工程了。 www.ecocn.org 4. The club has handled Bentley's situation delicately in the past few months, often deferring questions to the player and his representatives. 俱乐部在过去的几个月中都谨慎地对待本特利的事情,常常延期处理他及其经纪人的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This allows for both ordering of items by priority and deferring certain types of work until the system has time to handle them. 这就能够按优先级对项目排序,并延迟某种类型的工作,直到系统有时间来处理它们。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. What are the pros and cons of deferring or expensing immediately these developmental costs? 哪些优点和延迟或费用化的开发费用,立即这些利弊? women.zhishi.sohu.com 7. This method provides a skeleton of an algorithm, deferring some steps to subclasses. 这个方法提供了一个算法框架,它把某些步骤推迟到子类中来实现。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Of course, deferring serious action on climate change would have other nasty consequences. 当然,推迟延缓气候变化的正式行动也会引起其他一些不良结果。 www.ecocn.org 9. Infrastructure team members learned to refuse the interruptions, deferring to the process above for such requests. 基础架构团队成员了解到要拒绝这种干扰,于是遵从上述流程来处理这类请求。 www.ibm.com 10. With today's macroeconomic uncertainty, users are deferring new equipment purchases and lab testing. 因为现在的经济存在不确定性,所以客户都推迟购买新设备和进行实验室测试。 www.cnw.com.cn 1. Boeing hasn't commented on China's threats, deferring all comment to the U. S. government. 该公司尚未对中国的威胁发表置评,而是将所有的置评都交给了美国政府。 c.wsj.com 2. Children whose native language is not English may benefit from deferring the time when they learn it. 母语是非英语的儿童如果推迟开始学英语的时间或许会有好处。 paper.i21st.cn 3. Indeed, a recent study suggested that deferring treatment until classical symptoms appear increases the chance of someone dying by 70%. 实际上,最近的研究表明,推迟治疗直到典型的症状出现,将使患者的死亡几率增加到70%。 www.bing.com 4. I sensed also that maybe my presence was a way of deferring death in some way. 我也同样感觉到也许我的出现在某种方式上推迟了死亡。 www.bing.com 5. Humans inherited a propensity of deferring karma much like their Pleiadian and Sirian ancestors. 人类继承了延迟业力的倾向,就象他们的昴宿星及天狼星祖先一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Others are deferring investments until promised new mining, tax and labour laws are passed. 其他一些公司正在推迟投资,直到之前承诺出台的关于采矿,税收及劳工的新法律获准通过。 www.ecocn.org 7. However, for lack of space, I am deferring a discussion of the specific capabilities (and limits) of XPath and XSLT until a later column. 不过,由于篇幅限制,我将在以后的专栏中讨论XPath和XSLT的具体性能(和限制)。 www.ibm.com 8. Deferring losses to mañ ana doesn't change the extent of the difficulties facing Spain's financial system. 推迟贷款损失的时间并没有改变西班牙金融体制所面临的困难程度。 www.ecocn.org 9. Question about deferring new carriers in Sept. quarter. Pushed new carriers off until after the launch of the iPhone 4S. 关于本季度推迟引入新运营商的问题:在iPhone4S推出之后引入新运营商。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time. 将一项活动推迟或拖延或顺延到以后的时间。 www.bing.com 1. A property can even be " milked " for short periods of time by deferring maintenance , but that is not a wise long-term strategy . 房地产的款项甚至可以通过推迟保养而暂为“挪用”,可这从长期来讲,却不是一个明智的策略。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The excuse for TMac's early struggles that he was simply deferring to Yao is lame and laughable. 那些对麦迪早些时候的不在状态,是因为他去适应姚明的解释,是站不住脚,并且很可笑的。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 3. Deferring income until retirement may result in paying taxes on that income at a lower rate. 把收入延迟到退休的时候来交税可以让收入按低一点的税率来交税。 www.morebacking.com 4. Also have certain effect to deferring consenescence. 对延缓衰老也有一定的作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Goldman will continue its regular practice of deferring a large part of the compensation package in order to foster retention and loyalty. 高盛将继续其延后发放相当大部分奖金的惯例,以促进员工留下并保持忠诚。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Conclusions Tongbuyanshuai recipe has functions of deferring aging in mice model. 结论通补延衰方具有延缓衰老小鼠的作用。 epub.cnki.net 7. Deferring the taxability of income makes sense for two reasons. 延迟收入的税收责任是有意义的,有两方面的原因。 www.morebacking.com 8. If a printer is missing, the message box should offer options for deferring the printout or selecting another printer. 如果打印机不存在,消息框应该提供延期打印输出的选项或选择另外的打印机; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Even if for many the formal price is zero, students are still paying with their own time, deferring earnings and incurring living costs . 即使很多正式的代价为零,但学生仍将以自己的时间、推迟工作收入和生活成本做为代价。 www.ecocn.org 10. Moderate this risk by deferring payment to existing shareholders but also negotiate a standstill agreement with the larger creditors. 缓解这种风险的做法是,推迟付款给现有股东,并且与主要债权人协商一份暂停偿付协议。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Prof. Smith didn't favour deferring making a decision . 史密斯教授不赞成推迟作出决定的时间。 www.hotdic.com 2. Nurse the recovery by deferring spending cuts and big tax rises until 2011. 2011年之前通过维持开支削减以及税收的大幅增加来保障经济的恢复。 www.ecocn.org 3. Many baby boomers are deferring retirement because of poor personal finances and heavy debts. 很多婴儿潮出生的人如今都因为个人财务状况不好和债务繁重而推迟退休。 www.bing.com 4. Morgan Stanley has sought to pre-empt new rules capping cash pay-outs on Wall Street, deferring 60 per cent of employees' 2010 bonuses. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)宣布延迟支付2010年员工奖金的60%,试图绕开即将出台的限制华尔街现金奖金的新规。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This is lazy loading, or deferring the query as long as possible. 这就是延迟加载,即尽可能长的延迟查询语句的执行。 www.ibm.com 6. If you set up your projects to adapt to change, deferring decisions isn't damaging, because you have optimized for course corrections. 如果您设置您的项目以适应变化,推迟决策不会发生故障,因为您可以实时优化。 www.ibm.com 7. All of this is why I am deferring my retirement and returning to running money. 正是因为上述原因,我才推迟退休、重返基金管理阵地。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The Security Council first discussed sanctions, then last year the possibility of deferring the case against Mr Bashir. 安理会一开始先讨论了制裁问题,去年则开始商议推迟对巴希尔的起诉。 www.ecocn.org 9. it also has strongly retarding ability, controlling the heat of hydration and deferring the structure to establish; 有较强的缓凝作用,有效抑制水化放热,延缓结构形成; www.ceps.com.tw 10. deferring stamp duty payments due on home purchases until the completion of transactions 容许楼宇买卖印花税延至完成物业交易后才征收 www.bing.com 1. Deferring solutions to a planned release, and 延迟计划版本的解决方法 www.judger.org 2. Analysis of Deferring Method and Liability Method in Income Tax Accounting 所得税会计中的递延法与债务法分析 www.ilib.cn 3. From IL-2 and Its Receptors Expression to Discuss Deferring Apolexis Effect of Codonopsis Pilosula 从IL-2及其受体表达探讨党参在延缓衰老中的作用 www.ilib.cn 4. Study on deferring aging effect of Zuoguiyin 左归饮延缓衰老作用研究 www.ilib.cn |
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