单词 | defense minister | ||||||
释义 | defense minister
例句释义: 国防部长,国防部部长,防卫相 1. Defense Minister Fitzgibbon told reporters Saturday he would like the option of buying America's state-of-the-art F-22 Raptor fighter jet. 澳大利亚国防部长菲茨吉本星期六告诉记者,他希望购买美国先进的F-22猛禽隐形战斗机能够成为一个选择。 www.voanews.cn 2. Israel's Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, said the country is currently engaged in an all-out conflict against Hamas. 以色列国防部长巴拉克说,以色列目前在同哈马斯进行全面交战。 www.kekenet.com 3. Monday, Israel's defense minister said the nation was in an "all-out war" with Hamas, which rules Gaza. 周一,以色列国防部长称,以已经与统治加沙的哈马斯处于全面战争状态。 www.ebigear.com 4. Bolivia's defense minister said the central government has sent food to the affected areas, supplies and pharmaceuticals. 玻利维亚国防部长称,中央政府已经向灾区送去食物、补给以及药品。 www.englishtang.com 5. The British Defense Minister John Hutton says the killing of a senior rebel commander in Afghanistan is a significant blow to the Taliban. 英国国防部长JohnHutton表示,除掉了阿富汗的资深叛军司令是对塔利班的沉重打击。 www.bing.com 6. Russia's defense minister Friday said the withdrawal negotiated with French President Sarkozy is complete. 俄罗斯国防部星期五说,和法国总统谈判的撤军行动已经完成。 www.voanews.cn 7. Brazil's Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said he no longer had any doubt that Air France flight 447 crashed off Brazil's coast. 巴西国防部长若宾说,他对法航447航班飞机在巴西沿海坠毁一事已不再有任何疑问。 www.voanews.cn 8. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud B arak s aid in a live television bro adc ast th at he does not expect the incursion to be short ore asy. 以色列国防部长胡德巴拉克在一次电视直播时发表讲话,他不希望袭击持续时间既短,过程又简单。 www.showxiu.com 9. In Beirut, Lebanon's defense minister said the Lebanese army will defend the country's borders if Israel invades. 在贝鲁特,黎巴嫩国防部长说,如果以色列进犯,黎巴嫩军队将保卫国家边界。 www.edu114.cn 10. Brazilian Defense Minister Nelson Jobim said the ocean could be 3, 000 meters deep in the region, which would complicate salvage operations. 巴西国防部长乔宾(NelsonJobim)表示,该地区海底可能深达3,000米,这加剧了打捞工作的难度。 www.bing.com 1. Iran's defense minister said the missile has an extraordinary high legibility. 伊朗国防部部长说导弹具有异常高的特点。 www.bing.com 2. This week, Iraq's defense minister, Hazem Sha'alan, blamed Tehran for the majority of terrorist attacks that have been carried out in Iraq. 这个星期,伊拉克国防部长沙兰指责德黑兰要为发生在伊拉克的大部份恐怖袭击事件负责。 www.voanews.com.cn 3. Chinese Defense Minister General Liang Guanglie warned that the threat of war must not be forgotten during a recent interview in Beijing. 中国国防部长梁光烈上将近日在北京接受采访时警告我们不能忘记战争的威胁。 www.china.org.cn 4. The Canadian defense minister was the first prominent Western official to admit the possibility of Western military intervention in Syria. 加拿大国防部长是第一个西方著名官方承认的可能性,西方对叙利亚的军事干预。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Defense Minister Ehud Barak says the ship is an unnecessary provocation. 以色列国防部长巴拉克指出,这条船是在进行无谓的挑衅。 www.voanews.cn 6. The Russian Defense Minister praised the operation, saying, "We have seen in deeds, not in words, what the brotherhood of the sea means. " 俄国国防部长称赞这次行动说:「他们用行动,不是言语,见证了海上男儿的手足之情。」 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 7. The subject of Iran and its nuclear ambitions dominated talks Monday between Mr. Gates and the Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak. 有关伊朗及其核野心的议题将是盖茨和以色列防长巴拉克星期一会谈的主要内容。 www.voanews.cn 8. But current Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who spoke at the funerals, said the government made the right decision. 但现任以色列国防部长巴拉克在葬礼上发表讲话时表示,以色列政府作出了正确的决定。 www.voanews.cn 9. Defense Minister Wardak told reporters that the current war against them cannot be won only by military means. 阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克对记者说,仅仅通过军事手段不可能取得战争的胜利。 www.kekenet.com 10. Rentai Xi said, the new Defense Minister candidates will be announced tomorrow. 任太熙还说,新任防长人选将在明天公布。 www.englishtang.com 1. Defense Minister Kim W Town previously issued an emergency order for the military "best efforts" to eliminate abuse within the military. 国防部长官金宽镇先前下达紧急指令,要求军方“尽最大努力”消除军内虐待现象。 www.englishtang.com 2. Yes, they will go around to toast guests and in a while our Defense Minister will make the welcome speech. Let me fill up your glass. 是的,他们将向各位敬酒,等一会我们的国防部长将致祝酒词。让我为您倒满酒杯。 www.bing.com 3. Chen intention to follow the United States, the appointment of "civilian defense minister. " 陈水扁本意仿效美国,任命“文人国防部长”。 www.robroad.com 4. Egyptian Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi was seen visiting the square Friday for the first time since the start of the protests. 人们看到埃及国防部长坦塔维自从抗议活动开始以来首次在星期五视察了解放广场。 www.360abc.com 5. In late to save and do not do the early cases, Chen Shui-to find "Defense Minister" candidates. 在无力挽救和迟做不如早做的情形下,陈水扁决意另寻“国防部长”人选。 www.robroad.com 6. Q: It is reported that US Defense Minister Gates had been denied visit to China originally scheduled next week. Please confirm. 问:据报道,美国国防部长盖茨原本打算下周访华,但遭到中方拒绝,请证实。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. Juan Ponce Enrile, the defense minister, was asking him to join an uprising against Marcos. 国防部长胡安·庞斯·恩瑞尔请求他加入反抗马科斯的起义。 www.hxen.com 8. The cable comments that Sultan, longtime defense minister and now also Crown Prince, seemed to value family unity and stability above all. 电报评论称,苏尔坦长期担任国防部长,作为现在的王储,他似乎把家庭团结和稳定看得比一切都重要。 www.bing.com 9. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo became president, Reyes served as Secretary of Defense, Minister of Environment, Interior and Energy ministers. 格洛丽亚·马卡帕加尔·阿罗约就任总统后,雷耶斯先后担任国防部长、环境部长、内政部长和能源部长等职务。 www.englishtang.com 10. The defense minister later told RPP radio that Peru is also planning to look at navy and air force purchases as well. 国防部长后来告诉RPP电台,秘鲁还计划看海,空军采购和。 article.daqi.com 1. Indian Defense Minister Arackaparambil Kurian Antony says that has ramifications on this side of the border. 印度国防部长安东尼说,这些镇压对印度也有影响。 www.bing.com 2. The issue will top the agenda when Defense Minister Ehud Barak visits the U. S. this week. 这个议题将会成为国防部长巴拉克这星期访问美国时的主要议程。 www.ebigear.com 3. State Councilor and Defense Minister Liang Guanglie and other officials were present at the meeting. 国务委员兼国防部长梁光烈等会见时在座。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. At Monday's news conference, French Defense Minister Herve Morin tried to clarify his earlier comments. 法国国防部长莫兰在星期一的记者会上试图澄清他早些时候发表的评论。 www.ebigear.com 5. Germany's defense minister resigned Tuesday amid a scandal involving allegations that he plagiarized his doctoral thesis. 德国国防部长古腾贝格星期二在有关他的博士论文涉嫌抄袭的丑闻中辞职。 www.ept-xp.com 6. South Korean military for the recent appointment as defense minister inaugurated the town of Golden wide. 4日,韩国军方为不久前被任命为国防部长的金宽镇举行就职典礼。 www.englishtang.com 7. The statement also showed that Pyongyang closely watched Friday's confirmation hearing of South Korea's new defense minister, Kim Kwan-jin. 该声明还显示平壤密切关注上周五举行的韩国新任国防部长金宽镇(KimKwan-jin)的听证会。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Through a translator, the Chinese defense minister said both countries desire a healthy military-to-military relationship. 通过翻译,中国国防部部长说两国都希望双方军事关系能够健康发展。 www.bing.com 9. Earlier this year, General Ma accompanied China's defense minister, Liang Guanglie, on a visit to Washington. 今年早些时候,马晓天上将曾陪同中国国防部长梁光烈一起出访美国。 cn.nytimes.com 10. Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie and US Defense Secretary Robert Gates held their first phone talks Thursday. 国防部长梁光烈于10日与美国国防部长盖茨通过两国国防部直通电话进行了首次通话。 www.bing.com 1. "There is no military alignment, " India's Defense Minister A. K. Antony said recently. "It's only an exercise. " 印度国防部长安东尼(A.K.Antony)最近表示,这没有军事结盟,只是一次军演。 www.stnn.cc 2. Early in 1998, in company with the German defense minister, he drafted new proposals. 1998年初,他和德国国防部长共同起草了提案。 www.tingroom.com 3. Monday's blast also wrecked a key power plant and forced the resignations of the defense minister and the military chief. 星期一的爆炸事件炸毁了一座主要的电厂,迫使塞浦路斯国防部长和军方首脑辞职。 www.voanews.cn 4. LIM: For his part, China's Defense Minister reiterated his opposition to U. S. arms sales to Taiwan. 路易莎.老林:在这一部分,中国国防部长重申,中国反对美国和台湾进行武器交易。 www.bing.com 5. Prime Minister Gilani's trip to Kabul included meetings with Hamid Karzai and Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak. 吉拉尼总理访问喀布尔的行程包括与卡尔扎伊总统和阿富汗国防部长瓦尔达克的会谈。 www.voanews.cn 6. Mr. Jung was Defense Minister at the time and for days insisted no civilians have been killed. 时任国防部长的容格,曾一度否认在空袭中有平民伤亡。 home.putclub.com 7. Meanwhile his brother, Raul, the defense minister, is in charge. 同时他的弟弟,革命武装部部长劳尔将暂时接任他的职务。 www.ecocn.org 8. The Israeli army says rockets fired from the Gaza Strip hit a residential area of Defense Minister Amir Peretz's home town. 以色列军方说,从加沙地带发射的火箭弹击中了国防部长阿米尔。佩雷兹住宅所在的居民区。 www.readfree.net 9. As one former defense minister subsequently noted: "we learned an important lesson, but the tuition was high. " 正如前国防部长后来说到的一样:“我们得到了重大的教训,但是代价太大了。” dongxi.net 10. Pakistan Defense Minister Mu Keta and Pakistan denied that the two attacks in any way related. 巴基斯坦国防部长穆克塔否认巴基斯坦与这两次袭击有任何关系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Defense Minister Javier Ponce said Monday the salary hikes were planned before last week's unrest. 厄瓜多尔国防部部长哈维尔.庞塞星期一说,提高工资是在上星期的骚乱之前就已经计划好的。 www.bing.com 2. Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin said an attack from North Korea was certainly possible but unlikely. 国防部长金宽镇表示,来自朝鲜的袭击是有可能的,但可能性不大。 www.mwjx.com 3. Former Defense Minister Moshe Arens says the deal erodes Israeli deterrence . 前以色列国防部长阿伦斯说,这次交换削弱了以色列的威慑力。 www.bing.com 4. In Israel, Defense Minister Ehud Barak rejected the intelligence report. 在以色列,国防部长巴拉克拒绝了情报报告。 gtvod007.blog.163.com 5. Cao Gangchuan arrived in Tokyo Wednesday for talks with Japans newly appointed defense minister, Masahiko Komura. 曹刚川星期三抵达东京,与日本新任命的防卫省长官高村正彦会谈。 kantianya.com 6. The Afghan defense minister says the agreement will take effect immediately. 阿富汗国防部长瓦达克说,这项协议立即生效。 www.bing.com 7. The skirmish prompted President Lee Myung-bak to replace his defense minister on Friday. 冲突导致李明博星期五撤换了国防部长。 www.bing.com 8. "The effort to free Gilad Shalit is a supreme effort, " said Defense Minister Ehud Barak. 国防部长巴拉克说:“我要尽最大的努力让沙利特获释。” www.ebigear.com 9. Morrell also announced that Gates will host a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov in the Pentagon next week. 莫瑞尔同时宣布,下周,盖茨夫妇将在五角大楼与俄罗斯国防部长谢尔久科夫进行会谈。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. State radio and television say Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi opened two new missile production centers on Saturday. 伊朗国家广播电视称国防部长瓦西迪新建的两个导弹制造基地已于周六投入生产。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The Israeli public and government then gave Defense Minister Ehud Barak a free hand. 以色列公众和政府随即授予国防部长埃胡德巴拉克自由处置放手去干的权力。 www.bing.com 2. They say Japan's defense minister reiterated that message to Mr. Zebari on Friday. 日本防卫厅长官星期五向兹巴里重申了这个信息。 www.voanews.cn 3. Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi, Iran's defense minister, said in comments to state media the new weapon was defensive in nature. 伊朗国防部长瓦西迪准将(AhmadVahidi)在对国家媒体发表讲话时说,这种新式武器属于防御性质。 c.wsj.com 4. Japan's defense minister will give the opening remarks Wednesday. 日本防卫大臣将在周三的大会开幕式上发表讲话。 cn.wsj.com 5. Russian Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin has said that the fifth-generation fighters will enter service beginning 2015. 俄罗斯国防部副部长说,第五代战斗机将于2015年开始投入使用。 www.etiri.com.cn 6. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak confirmed the deal. 以色列国防部长确认了这项交易。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. This resignation comes weeks after the country's defense minister resigned. 这份退役申请在该国国防部长辞职一周后提交。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 8. The fighter agreement prompted India's defense minister, A. 中巴围绕枭龙战机达成的协议,让印度国防部长安东尼(A。 www.bing.com 9. Subsequently, the Thai defense minister said that Thailand's F-16 fighters carrying out "routine training. " 事后,泰国国防部长表示,那是泰国的F-16战机在进行“例行训练”。 www.englishtang.com 10. Smith said Australia's defense minister has been targeted to investigate. 澳大利亚国防部长史密斯表示已针对此事展开调查。 www.englishtang.com 1. He also asked Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov deployment of weapons in the region to monitor the situation. 他同时要求国防部长谢尔久科夫对该地区武器装备的部署情况进行监督。 www.englishtang.com 2. Italy's Defense Minister (Ignazio La Russa) said Italy would continue its mission in Afghanistan despite the bombing. 意大利国防部长说,意大利将继续它们在阿富汗的任务,尽管发生这起爆炸。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He briefly served as a senior vice defense minister in 2010. 2010年,他曾短暂担任高级防卫副大臣。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Castro temporarily relinquished his powers to Defense Minister Raul Castro because of surgery in late July. 卡斯特罗是为了七月底的手术才暂时放弃他作为国防部长的权利。 www.ourtra.com 5. Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Deva Hidi 5, said that Iran's actual land area than the previous determination of the area may be 14%. 伊朗国防部长艾哈迈德·瓦希迪5日说,伊朗的实际国土面积可能比先前测定的面积大14%。 www.englishtang.com 6. The Chinese Defense Minister also said talks with Japan's defense officials were positive. 中国国防部长梁光烈还说,与日本防卫省官员的会谈是有建设性的。 www.24en.com 7. The French defense minister said Jan. 19 that EADS and Airbus should pay the bulk of A400M cost overruns. 法国国防部长1月19日表示,EADS和空中客车公司应支付A400M项目的大部分超支费用。 www.etiri.com.cn 8. If Iran is attacked, 150, 000 missiles will be launched at Israel, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said, foreign media reported. 据外媒报道,伊朗国防部长艾哈迈德·瓦希迪表示,一旦伊朗遭到袭击,伊朗将向以色列发射15万枚导弹。 www.bing.com 9. South Korean Defense Minister Jin Tairong said that South Korea fought back more than 80 rounds. 韩国国防部长官金泰荣说,韩国方面回击了80多发炮弹。 www.englishtang.com 10. A total of 34 new government, of which Major-General as Defense Minister Ramin, U Win Maung Lun satisfied as foreign minister. 新政府共设34个部,其中拉敏少将担任国防部长,吴温纳貌伦担任外交部长。 www.englishtang.com 1. As do the finance minister and the defense minister and other cabinet members. 财政部长、国防部长以及其他内阁成员也都有。 dongxi.net 2. Carme Chacon, 37, who is seven months pregnant, was sworn in Monday as Spain's first female Defense Minister. 4月14日,现年37岁并怀7月身孕的卡梅·查孔宣誓就任西班牙第一位女国防部长。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. German defense minister's plagiarized PhD dissertation visualized German defense minister's plagiarized PhD dissertation visualized 剖析德国国防部长抄袭的博士学位论文 www.bing.com 4. russian defense minister sergei ivanov earlier said moscow would supply military hardware to the palestinian authority only if israel agreed 俄罗斯国防部长伊万诺夫早些时候说,只有在以色列同意的情况下,莫斯科才会向巴勒斯坦权力机构提供军事装备。 www.ichacha.net 5. France Willing to Train Iraq'Police, Military, says Defense Minister 国防部长表示愿意训练驻伊拉克的法国警察和军队 online.english61.com 6. Syrian Defense Minister visits Russian Warships in Syria's Tartous City 叙利亚国防部长参观塔尔图斯港俄航母 www.kekenet.com 7. The prime minister has nominated the former defense minister 首相已任命前国防部长 cet.hjenglish.com 8. Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz 以色列国防部长佩雷茨犹太人安息日 blog.sina.com.cn |
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