单词 | depiction |
释义 | depictions是depiction的复数
复数:depictions n. representation,portrayal,description,illustration,delineation 例句释义: 叙述,描写图画,描述 1. But, are Mr. Jin's depictions of men who fight and kill at the drop of a hat really an accurate reflection of real Chinese people? 但是,金先生的描写男性谁的斗争,杀人,在下拉一个真正的帽子,准确地反映了真正的中国人? bulo.hjenglish.com 2. IN AN era of string-'em-up hostility to the rich, sympathetic depictions of pharaonic aristocrats ought to be a tough sell. 在一个对富人极端仇视的年代,剧作家们对各种暴君似的贵族阶级同情的描述应该是非常艰难的销售。 www.bing.com 3. He began by studying the history surrounding the event as well as other artistic depictions of the burghers. 他开始学习历史的周边活动,以及其他形式的艺术描写的伯格。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In reality, most of the time hieroglyphs were used for innocuous inscriptions or historical depictions. 在现实中,大多数时间象形文学被用于相当无害的题字或历史的描述。 www.bing.com 5. PRIVACY, OF COURSE, IS something that humans have been losing since the first cave dwellers drew depictions of each other on stone walls. 当然,自从第一个穴居人将人人都画上石壁,人类就一直在失去隐私。 www.bing.com 6. Depictions of Akhenaten with a bizarre feminine physique were due to the belief that god represented by the pharaoh was androgynous. 据描述,埃赫那顿具有奇异的女性特征,这源于法老代表的神兼具两性特征这一信仰。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Using a variety of techniques, these depictions are often used to convey subtle but recognizable meanings. 虽然工艺不同,这些装饰图案都委婉地表达出其比喻意义。 chambersfineart.com 8. The Mooshak is usually depicted as very small in relation to Ganesha, in contrast to the depictions of vehicles of other deities. 耗子与甘尼萨的关系中,通常是被描绘成非常细小,与其他神的坐骑形成鲜明对照。 www.chinaufo.com 9. But all of those early depictions and predictions of nomadism arguably missed the point. 但是所有这些对于游牧主义的早期描述和预言都没有切中要害。 www.bing.com 10. During the Romanesque, sinister and depressing fears of the last judgement dominated such depictions. 在最后判决的罗马,险恶和沮丧恐惧主导的描写。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Unlike the depictions we see on television, history is not decided by a small number of politicians making back-room decisions. 不像我们在电视上看到的那样,历史不是一小撮政治人物在密室决定的。 www.bing.com 2. Last year, the court struck down laws limiting speech about politics and making it a crime to distribute depictions of cruelty to animals. 去年,最高法院否决了意在限制政治性言论和禁止传播虐待动物图像的法律。 www.bing.com 3. This section is important for historical purposes, but it may make some readers uncomfortable in its frankness and graphic depictions. 这个片段从历史上看是重要的,但是它的坦率和形象描述也许令一些读者感到不安。 www.chinaufo.com 4. Rather than realistic, observational depictions, the tigers convulse across the paper in explosions of pigment and gunpowder. 画中的老虎并非以写实观察的手法描绘,而是透过火药和色块的爆发在纸面上抖动。 www.christies.com 5. The Black Swan scenarios for China and the United States undermine the conventional depictions of the global economic system. 美国和中国的“黑天鹅”状况破坏全球经济体系的传统描述。 www.stnn.cc 6. Images of a fat "Jolly Buddha" or Laughing Buddha are actually depictions of a different character, sometimes called Hotei (or Hoti). 胖胖的“欢喜佛”或者笑佛肖像事实上是描写一个不同的品格,有时候就称为布袋寅泰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Depictions of all Lamictal formulations are shown in the medication guide that accompanies the product. 所有对利必通规格说明的描述都写在产品用药指南上。 www.bing.com 8. They are unique and authentic depictions of what you experienced in that solemn and stirring earthquake-relief campaign. 这不是一般的画作,是你们在那场悲壮的抗震救灾中亲身经历的真实写照。 www.hjenglish.com 9. This cheerful image is flanked by depictions of charity, with the poor and dispossessed being helped out. 这个喜庆的形象的两侧描写的是慈善,帮助穷人和无依无靠的人。 www.putclub.com 10. Advertisements often include depictions of affluence, sexual imagery, and explicit or implied celebrity endorsement. 通常包括广告描绘富裕,性图片,并明示或暗示的名人背书。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Obviously, depictions of the Prophet are forbidden in Islam and Pakistan is sensitive to this issue. 当然,任何描绘先知形象的行为在伊斯兰都是遭禁止的,而作为“清真之国”的巴基斯坦对之尤为敏感。 www.bing.com 2. We respond to truthful depictions of New York with the same surprise that we feel when we hear a recording of our own voice. 我们见到纽约的真实写照感到惊异,就像听到一段自己的录音感到惊异一样。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. During this time the traditional Chinese depictions of beautiful women also entered a new stage. 此时传统的中国美人图进入了新境界。 www.bing.com 4. Most depictions of Roman women are more formal, with hair done and up, so the redhead on the left looks particularly unusual. 根据史料,多数描写的罗马妇女是比较正规的,做好了发型,所以左边那个红头发的妇女看起来非常特别。 www.bing.com 5. As the reflection of social life, literature includes these vivid depictions of human cultural history. 作为社会生活反映的文学,便有了这种生生灭灭的人的文化历史的书写。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Taking her inspiration from a film, Anne-Catherine's depictions of fish are doctors, chat show participants and factory workers. 她从电影中获得灵感,制作的鱼头玩偶包括医生、访谈节目参与者以及工厂工人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Each of these scenes might seem, at first glance, a conventional image of artillerymen at work. They are depictions of strength and strain. 乍一看,浮雕上的每个场景似乎只是炮兵工作状态的传统展现,是力量与张力的再现。 www.bing.com 8. "Dangerous Encounter of the First Kind" (1980) was censored by the then-British government for its graphic depictions of youth violence. 《第一类型危险》(1980)被当时的英国政府作了画面暴力程度审查。 kk.dongxi.net 9. Dr Bernstein admits, though, that many film depictions of psychiatry and mental disorders are "terrible" . 不过,伯恩斯坦承认,许多影片对精神病学和精神失常的描述“很骇人”。 www.ecocn.org 10. The effect of these simple depictions, in the darkness, was ethereal and emotive. 在黑暗中,这些画中简单的描绘对我们的影响是轻巧的并且令人动情的。 www.bing.com 1. Negative depictions of American politics were long a staple of Chinese propaganda. 负面描述美国政治长期以来一直是中国宣传的主要内容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Filmic depictions often involve a small group of individuals under siege from the undead or fleeing a flesh-eating mob. 影片通常只是描绘被不死人包围或逃离那些吃人的暴徒的少数几个人。 www.ecocn.org 3. Its design features depictions of the Macallan estate in northeast Scotland. 这一设计突出了麦卡伦酒厂位于苏格兰东北部的传承历史。 c.wsj.com 4. This is one of the most highly charged depictions of fatherhood in Hollywood history. 这是好莱坞历史上描写父亲的最扣人心弦的一部影片。 dongxi.net 5. For Essex depictions of dickens using "unexpectedly story" , "the story of popularity" characters are! 对于赛克斯的描写狄更斯运用了“出人意料的故事情节”,“故事的通俗性”人物比较! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The three watercolours auctioned on Saturday included depictions of cottages, mills and churches nestled in rural landscapes. 上周六被拍卖的三幅水彩画描绘的是德国乡间的村舍、磨坊和教堂。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. It features more than 100 depictions of the ethnic group's daily accessories and traditional garments. 此次展览的特点是:展出了100多件描述少数民族日常生活的器件和传统服饰。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. Today he is best known for his depictions of elegant ladies engaging in daily activities. 如今,他因对善于操持家务的优雅女士的细致描写而家喻户晓。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The designers would love to create more sophisticated depictions. 设计者喜欢创作更加复杂的描述。 www.bing.com 10. When depictions of the phoenix are found on tombs and grave markers, it typically indicates that a royal female is buried below. 如果发现坟墓或墓碑上刻有凤凰形象,则通常表示此处埋葬的是一位皇族女性。 www.tcfl.cn 1. The early stages of traditional Chinese depictions of beauty began in the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589). 中国的美人图最早出现在南北朝时期(公元420-589年)。 www.bing.com 2. Others are perfectly realistic depictions of waves painted in oil on canvas. 其他的则是在帆布上的用油彩描绘出非常逼真的波浪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The academic depictions above are definitely shapes. 上面这些按学术描述是形状无疑。 www.bing.com 4. But it's important to keep in mind that popular depictions of extraterrestrial life are likely wrong. 但牢记各种广泛流行的关于搜寻地外生命的描述很可能是错的。 www.bing.com 5. The depictions of the two Zenos are similar; both were tall. 对两个芝诺的描绘是相似的,他们都同样高大。 www.bing.com 6. Many depictions in the novel are related to China's traditional rites(etiquettes), and reflecting a profile of China's folk culture. 其描写多次涉及中国传统礼仪,反映了中国民俗文化的一个侧面。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. A gold necklace with intricate depictions of animals. 一条刻有未知神兽的金项链。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Rose Tattoo, published by Yanbian People's Publishing House was banned because it contained "large amounts of obscene depictions. " 延边人民出版社出版的《玫瑰梦》由于包含“大量色情描写”被禁。 www.bing.com 9. In North Korea, only idealistic depictions of reality are shown on TV, while in South Korea, this is not true. 因为在朝鲜,只有对现实的理想主义描述才会在电视上展现,但是在韩国就不是这样。 dongxi.net 10. realistic depictions of waves painted in oil on canvas. 而另外一些却是在油画帆布上精致逼真的写实。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. Such depictions are generally taboo. 这样的刻画通常是个禁忌。 chinese.wsj.com 2. No. 3In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand? D: A bow and arrow. 教义中描述的罗摩神,他的右手里握着的是什么?D:弓和剑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. There is a sinister backdrop to traditional depictions of Judas. 关于犹大的传统描述有着用心险恶的背景。 www.bing.com 4. Q3. In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand? 教义中描述的罗摩神,他的右手握着什么? blog.sina.com.cn 5. But the oldest known depictions of heterosexual anal appear 800 years later on Peruvian pottery (c. 300 A. D. ). 但是最早的有关异性@肛@交的记载是在800年后的秘鲁陶器(大约公元300年)。 www.bing.com 6. Landscape painting and erotic depictions are but two kinds of art forms that speak of two cultural fantacy stereotypes. 山水画与春宫图,不过是两种类形文化遐想典型的艺术图式。 city.yoho.cn 7. noted for his vigorous depictions of the rural American scene, such as Tornado over Kansas (1929). 美国画家,以其对美国乡土风情的充满活力的描述而著称,如《堪萨斯河上的飓风》(1929年)。 dict.ebigear.com 8. there are curious depictions of dinosaurs. 都有一些奇怪的关于恐龙的描述 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Through their depictions of nature, people and their residences, Li's landscapes explored the theme of harmony between the nature and man. 譬如山水景观应该是“可游、可居”的,也就是要体现出人与自然共处的和谐之美。 magazine.99ys.com 10. They are intimate depictions of RongRong and inri's private life at Liu Li Tun. 它们是对荣荣和映里在六里屯的私生活所做的深入描绘。 chambersfineart.com 1. His depictions of influential world faces on are superbly done with emotions that one can almost touch. 他对现实世界的描绘极富感情,观者彷佛可以触摸到画中物。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. Unfortunately, there is also unhealthy porn such as incest films, true rape and other terrible depictions. 坏的色情电影——不幸的是,也有坏的色情电影,比如乱伦、真实的强奸和其他糟糕的描述。 blog.163.com 3. provide graphic depictions of the disastrous consequences of smoking and secondhand smoke 提供描绘吸烟和吸二手烟带来的灾难性后果的图像。 www.ichacha.net 4. General Depictions of Studies on American Urban Environmental History 美国城市环境史研究综述 www.ichacha.net 5. Might ancient depictions of dinosaurs really 关于古代恐龙的描述如果一旦证实 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Two Depictions of Congruence on Completely Simple Seimgroup 完全单半群上同余的两种刻画 www.ilib.cn |
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