单词 | Cook Is. | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | Cook Is.
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 库克群岛,科克群岛,库克岛 1. Thomas Cook is now the official travel partner of Manchester United in a deal announced at the beginning of July. 托马斯。库克现在成了曼联的官方旅行合作伙伴,双方的合作从7月开始。 www.manutd.com.cn 2. It's not so easy to be a good fashion designer, and to become a successful cook is hard too. 做一个好的服装设计师不容易,而做一个好的厨子也很难。 spaces.msn.com 3. You can see Apple and its board desperately trying to convince us that Tim Cook is great, and I'm sure he is and will do fine. 你可以看到苹果及其董事会千方百计地让人们相信提姆·库克非常优秀,并且我相信他确实优秀,能够胜任CEO一职。 www.bing.com 4. This Diary of a Blonde Cook is one of the few stories on my web site that is not an original, but it needed to be illustrated and shared. 这篇金发厨师的日记是我网站上少数几个非原创故事之一,但它需要配上插图并参与。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. WHEN a cook is said to be in the weeds, it usually means he is tangled up in too many orders coming at him too fast. 当我们说一位厨子掉进杂草里,通常是指客人的菜单上得太快,让他手忙脚乱,应付不过来。 www.bing.com 6. Shortcomings : Cook is not known as a product visionary or for shepherding projects through Apple's rigorous development pipeline. 库克并不是一位非常具有产品洞察力的人,在苹果严格的新产品酝酿计划方面也欠缺领导力。 dongxi.net 7. As I've written, Tim Cook is better suited than anyone in the tech industry to run Apple and lead the company into the future. 就像我曾经写的,在技术产业中没有比库克更适合的人选来执掌苹果,领导公司的未来。 www.bing.com 8. By his own words, Cook is a cautious and meticulous man. 用库克自己的话说,他是个谨小慎微,一丝不苟的人。 dongxi.net 9. And for that course, Cook is, you will pardon the expression, an executive chef extraordinaire. 因为那个原因,库克,你能原谅这个表达,是一个杰出的执行主管。 www.bing.com 10. One of the mysteries surrounding Steve Jobs' decision to hand the CEO title over to Tim Cook is its timing. 上周,史蒂夫?乔布斯宣布将CEO职务交由蒂姆?库克接管。围绕他的这一决定,最让人不解的是时机的选择。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Already Thomas Cook is talking about the "expansion" of its OTA, although it has yet to reveal exactly how its OTA will operate. ThomasCook早已说过要“扩张”其在线旅行社,即使它从来没有具体说明该在线旅行社将如何运作。 www.bing.com 2. Dinky part is as a result of the gill fungus with edible inferior noxiousness kind but because cook is undeserved and cause toxic. 极小部分则是由于食用毒性较低的蕈类但因烹调不当而引起中毒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The cook is going to stew potatoes and mutton until the meat becomes tender and soft. 这位厨师正打算把土豆和羊肉放到一块来炖,直到这些肉变得又脆又软。 www.bing.com 4. His successor, Timothy Cook, is an operations expert rather than a product-design team leader - Mr. Jobs's particular talent. 相较于乔布斯,苹果新任CEO蒂姆·库克拥有超凡的业务经营能力,但他远非一个产业设计团队的领袖。 www.bing.com 5. Russia and China are being targeted for expansion, two countries where Thomas Cook is "particularly encouraged" by the opportunities. 俄罗斯和中国成为ThomasCook当前的主要扩张目标,ThomasCook特别为这两个国家的发展机会“所鼓励”。 www.bing.com 6. I think the best thing about being able to cook is that if I'm hungry, I can just go to the kitchen and cook something for myself. 我觉得自己会做饭最大的好处是要是我肚子饿了,可以随时走进厨房给自己煮点东西吃。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Charlie Cook is editor and publisher of the Cook Political Report, and Jerry Hagstrom is contributing editor of the National Journal. 库克是《库克政治报告》(CookPoliticalReport)的编辑和发行人。哈格斯特龙是《国家期刊》(NationalJournal)的特约编辑。 www.america.gov 8. Thomas Cook is now working on a new strategy for the ailing British market. It is also replacing its bosses again. 目前,针对不景气的英国市场,托马斯库克公司采取了一项新策略。还是换老板。 www.ecocn.org 9. Some employees say Mr. Cook is just as demanding as Mr. Jobs. 一些员工说,库克和乔布斯一样要求很高。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Analysts said that like Mr. Jobs, Mr. Cook is obsessed with details and involved in minute elements of the business. 分析师们说,像乔布斯先生一样,库克先生痴迷于细节,关注商业因素细致入微。 www.bing.com 1. One reason, says Mr Cook, is simply that guards are paid less than police officers. 库克说,一个简单原因是,对保安的支付比对警方的少。 www.ecocn.org 2. If anybody comes in you tell them the cook is off, and if they keep after it, you tell them you'll go back and cook yourself. 要是有人来了,你告诉他们厨子不在,要是他们还在追问,你告诉他们你到后面去亲自替他们做莱。 www.unsv.com 3. Cook is widely credited with excellence in managing operations, manufacturing and logistics. 库克在运行,生产和物流方面的管理能力是广为人称赞的。 www.bing.com 4. Relationships : If Cook is in a long term partnership, he's kept it well hidden. 如果库克正与某个人保持长期关系,那他已经隐藏得很好了。 dongxi.net 5. Like Jobs, Cook is a relentless executive and exacting boss, a perfectionist who obsesses over minute details. 和乔布斯一样,库克也是个要求严格的管理者和处处苛求的老板,一个执着于最微小细节的完美主义者。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Captain Cook is preparing for his first great expedition to the Pacific. 库克船长正在为他的太平洋远征做准备。 www.yuyicn.com 7. The survey suggests the average cook is more comfortable preparing foreign dishes than British classics at home. 调查发现,英国人居家做的多半是外国美食,而非本国佳肴。 class.wtojob.com 8. Malcolm Cook is the Program Director for East Asia at the Lowy Institute in Australia. 马尔科姆.库克是澳大利亚罗伊研究所东亚计划主任。 www.voanews.cn 9. However, no matter how they are marketed or presented, Cook is not convinced they will ever become more than a novelty. 然而,无论如何推销或介绍,人们都不相信库克,认为他们永远不过是个新奇事物。 www.bing.com 10. The cook is sure that she then saw the stranger trying to open the stable door. 厨子肯定她之后看到那个陌生人尝试打开马厩的门。 wenwen.soso.com 1. So you want to sell your Apple stock because Steve Jobs is leaving the CEO post and Tim Cook is stepping in. 你想卖掉苹果股票,因为苹果(Apple)首席执行长乔布斯(SteveJobs)辞职,由库克(TimCook)接任。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Who''''s in the kitchen? The cook is in the kitchen. 谁在厨房里?厨师在厨房里。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But his sucessor, Tim Cook, is still largely an unknown. 但是对于他职位的继承人,提姆库克,我们却仍然知之甚少。 m.yeeyan.org 4. Social style : Cook is relatively withdrawn. 库克是个相对内向的人。 dongxi.net 5. Salty soup is a sign that the cook is in love. 汤太咸,说明那个厨子恋爱了。 edu.163.com 6. "Nonsense, " the king shouted. "My cook is the best cook in the world. " “胡说!”那国王喊道,“我的厨师是世界上最好的厨师。” www.exam8.com 7. Interests: Cook is a " fitness nut, " in the gym by 5 am, often on the hiking trail and even more often on his bike. 库克是“健身狂人”,早上5点钟前就会出现在健身馆,他经常去徒步旅行,更经常从事的运动是骑自行车。 dongxi.net 8. Cook is no showman in the mold of Jobs, but that doesn't matter. 库克并不是乔布斯模具出来的表演家,不过也没关系。 www.bing.com 9. The usable rapeseed oil , soya - bean oil plant when cook is oily. 烹调时可用菜籽油、豆油等植物油。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The cooking show where all we cook is rice. . . on every show. . . 这个烹饪节目每一集的菜色都会用到大米… spaces.msn.com 1. Your food is really good. I suppose your cook is a long-time friend, isn't he? 你们的东西很好吃。我猜厨师是你们的一个老朋友,是吧? blog.sina.com.cn 2. The good cook is cooking cookies with the cookers he often cooks with. 这名出色的厨师正在用他平时用的炊具烹制小甜饼。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "Nonsense, " trap king shrockyed. "My cook is trap prime cook in trap globe. " “胡说!”那国王喊道,“我的厨师是全地球上最好的厨师。” bbs.mxenglish.com 4. But what is a crucial tool to one cook is clutter to another. 但是一个厨师的重要工具是很复杂的。 www.bing.com 5. THOMAS COOK is having the worst year in its 170-year history. 托马斯库克正在经历170年建立以来最艰难的一年。 www.ecocn.org 6. Tim Cook is very well regarded internally at the company. TimCook在公司内部十分受尊敬。 www.bing.com 7. But Nabi, a gentle-voiced 66-year-old cook, is not smiling. 但是,Nabi,一位60岁声音温和的厨师,没有微笑。 www.bing.com 8. The cook is noted for his cake. 这个厨师以做蛋糕而著名。 www.hxen.com 9. C. Mrs. Cook is a penny-pinching woman. 科克夫人是位十分节俭得妇女。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Once a cook is caught smoking while cooking, he will surely be fired. 厨师一旦被发现在做饭时抽烟肯定会被解雇的。 www.cnzhixue.com 1. A cook is cooking some rice in the cooker now. 厨师现在正在用电饭锅煮米饭。 chunhua1989.com 2. The cook is kneading the dough. 厨师正在揉面团。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Mr Finton, a part-time fry cook, is a full citizen, who converted to Islam in prison and then went to Saudi Arabia. 而芬顿则是土生土长的美国公民,兼职厨师,在狱中服刑时皈依伊斯兰教,之后曾去过沙特阿拉伯。 www.bing.com 4. Another reason men might like to cook is that if a man can cook, it might make him more attractive to women. 善于烹饪的男人,可能对女性更有吸引力。 www.tingclass.net 5. A man that can cook is really sexy. 会做菜的男人真的很性感。 www.elanso.com 6. For many of Apple's customers, investors and fans, the most important thing about new chief executive Tim Cook is that he is not Steve Jobs. 对苹果(Apple)的许多客户、投资者和粉丝而言,关于新任首席执行官蒂姆?库克(TimCook)最重要的一点是,他不是史蒂夫?乔布斯(SteveJobs)。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Is he going to cook? Is he going to do fashion segments, the gossip? 那些传闻,他会烹饪吗,他了解时尚潮流吗? www.eoezone.com 8. Canada Cayman Is. Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Congo Cook Is. Costa Rica Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic 加拿大开曼群岛中非共和国乍得智利中国哥伦比亚刚果库克群岛哥斯达黎加古巴塞浦路斯捷克 wenku.baidu.com 9. Countries and Regions Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Congo Cook Is. Costa Rica 国家或地区中非共和国乍得智利中国哥伦比亚刚果库克群岛哥斯达黎加国际域名缩写 wenku.baidu.com 10. the bread which you cook is very delicious 你做的面包很好吃 wenwen.soso.com 1. Permanent David Cook Is this the moment where I look you in the eye 就在我看着你眼睛的这一时刻 zhidao.baidu.com |
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