单词 | cleanse |
释义 | cleansed是cleanse的过去式
第三人称单数:cleanses 现在分词:cleansing 过去式:cleansed 例句释义: 净化,治愈,把…弄清洁,消毒,清洗,净化的,清洗过的 1. 9 And a voice answered a second time out of heaven, The things that God has cleansed, do not make common. 徒十一9第二次有声音从天上说,神所洁净的,你不可当作俗物。 edu.china.com 2. These lands have to be cleansed and there will be a time of remodelling of the planet, and that will be visible to you in coming times. 这些土地都必须清洗,将有一个地球的改造过程,你们将在未来亲眼见证到。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. As you become greater Beings of Light so you attract even more Light and will eventually have cleansed yourself of the lower vibrations. 在你成为更伟大的“光之存有”的时候,你就可以吸引更多的“光”,并且最终会把你自己从较低的能量体中清理出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. 19 The filter materials should be cleansed at least once a week and replenished at least once a month. 19过滤物料应至少每星期清洁一次,以及至少每月补充一次。 www.fehd.gov.hk 5. It was thus that, at the beginning of the century, ancient society cleansed its double bottom, and performed the toilet of its sewer. 就这样,在本世纪初,旧社会消除了它的双层底并打扮了它的阴渠。 www.ebigear.com 6. The quartz sleeve of the UV lamp should be cleansed at least monthly by trained personnel of the operator or the system supplier. 应由系统供应商或曾受训练的人员至少每月清洁紫外光灯的石英套管一次。 www.fehd.gov.hk 7. The theory of the truth has converted the head, but the soul temple has not been cleansed from its idols. . . 真理的理论已使大脑悔改了,但那心殿中的偶像还没有清除出来。 qzone.mm57.com 8. When he saw them, he said, "Go, show yourselves to the priests. " And as they went, they were cleansed. 耶稣看见,就对他们说:“你们去把身体给祭司察看。”他们去的时候就洁净了。 new.fuyinchina.com 9. Those souls that are involved will have to be cleansed to be lifted up, if they are to have any chance of being ready to ascend. 那些被包孕出去的魂魄将不得不被清算干净再被提升,若是他们有任何意向准备好了扬升的话。 www.mycqb.com 10. Religious huckstering wasn't the only reason the temple needed to be cleansed. Another reason had to do with God's mission to the world. 圣殿要被洁净,不但是因为那些宗教贩子,另一个原因是关乎神对世人的使命。 www.chinesetodays.org 1. We have stated often the planet is going to be completely Cleansed, and this list is a partial list of those activities. 我们经常指出地球将被完全地清理,而且这个清单是那些行动计划中的一部分。 hi.baidu.com 2. And a voice came to him again a second time: The things that God has cleansed, do not make common. 第二次又有声音向他说,神所洁净的,你不可当作俗物。 edu.china.com 3. The Indian prefers the soft sound of the wind itself, cleansed by a midday rain, or scented with pinon pine. 我们印第安人喜欢倾听那清风拂水的声音,喜欢那正午雨后清爽的微风,或带着松香的清风的气息。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As the cells are transmuted in ascension, viruses that may have hidden for your entire lifetime may surface to be cleansed. 当细胞在提升中被改变,可能你终生所隐藏(携带)的病毒会被带到表面来净化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. What he needs is to become a new person, with a changed, cleansed heart, and a godly nature. 他需要的是成为一个新的人,拥有一颗改变、净化的心,和虔诚的本质。 www.bing.com 6. In order to accomplish this, Hercules had to be cleansed of his wife's murder. 为了做到这一点,他必须洗清他谋杀妻子的罪名。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. There was grievous news today, my lord. I did not wish to trouble you until you had cleansed yourself. 今天我们接获了悲伤的消息,大人,我不想在你清理宝剑之前打扰你。 www.cndkc.net 8. And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. 他对我说,到二千三百日,圣所就必洁净。 www.ebigear.com 9. Up to this very day we have not cleansed ourselves from that sin, even though a plague fell on the community of the LORD! 虽然瘟疫临到耶和华的会众,到今日我们还没有洗净这罪。 www.ebigear.com 10. The main thing people need right now is to be cleansed of emotional blockages and programs not to mention karmic burdens. 人们目前最急需的是净化情绪障碍,在心中编制不提及karmic负担的程序。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet: and none of them was cleansed but Naaman the Syrian. 在厄里叟先知时代,在以色列有许多癞病人,他们中没有一个得洁净的,只有叙利亚的纳阿曼。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 2. A life for a life. Before God they were then innocent, the guilt was then cleansed, and there was atonement. Closure. 这样,他们在神面前便是无辜的,罪得洁净和抵偿,案件才可了结,划上句号。 www.chinesetodays.org 3. Part of the challenge is to minimize contamination of the volumes of water used in reprocessing, which itself has to be cleansed and reused. 部份问题在于,如何尽量减低再制时大量用水的污染,而水本身也必须净化后重复使用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The notorious Hell Row was burned down in a fire, and much dirt was cleansed away. 臭名远场的阎王路已在一场大火中化为乌有,许多焦土灰烬被清除一空。 dict.wenguo.com 5. Who shall offer it before the LORD, and make an atonement for her; and she shall be cleansed from the issue of her blood. 祭司要献在耶和华面前,为她赎罪,她的血源就洁净了。 shengjing.911cha.com 6. The rest of the oil in his palm the priest shall put on the head of the one to be cleansed, to make atonement for him before the Lord . 祭司手里所剩的油,要抹在那求洁净人的头上,在耶和华面前为他赎罪。 www.ebigear.com 7. As we all know, she was a prostitute, and Jesus cleansed her of her sin. 她是一名妓女,耶稣洗了她的罪。 www.elanso.com 8. Stranger: through baptism we are cleansed of any sin. When a child gets baptised at an early age, how can they have sinned? 既然我们都要经过罪孽的洗礼,小孩子在很小的时候就经过了洗礼,他们怎么还会有罪过呢? bbs.kaoyan.com 9. The idea is to allow a new, cleansed company to emerge in a matter of weeks (as with Chrysler) or at most a few months (GM). 这样做是为了让一个崭新的、干净的公司出现,要么在几周内(如克来斯勒),要么在几个月内(如通用)。 www.ecocn.org 10. Afterwards I felt relieved, cleansed of the fear that I would have to endure funeral arrangement chaos right after Tom's death. 后来,我便感到放心,消除了恐慌,不必忍受恰在汤姆去世时安排丧葬的混乱。 tr.bab.la 1. Such manipulations are now being cleansed from the Great Central Sun causing an overhaul and shift of those souls in governance herein. 这类操纵目前正从大中枢太阳中被清理出去,并导致这里统辖灵魂的全面检查和转变。 dipan.maidee.com 2. And how is the body cleansed through the proper technique? Through the use of scouring balls & bath powder & the appropriate human effort. 身体如何藉适当的技能被洗净?使用擦球、浴粉与适当的人力。 www.dhammatalks.org 3. The mountains of Israel shall cave in and the earth shall open in a thunderous roar as the blood on their soil is cleansed. 以色列山会塌落,随着血染的土壤被净化,土地会雷鸣般吼叫着张开。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Then they said, there would be peace if only Israel ethnically cleansed Jewish communities in land claimed by the terrorists. 后来他们又照恐怖分子的意思说,只要以色列把这块土地上的犹太人社区清除,和平就能实现。 dongxi.net 5. I bring to thee, night, my day's empty cup, to be cleansed with thy cool darkness for a new morning's festival. 幽夜啊,我为你带来白昼之空怀,为了佳节的弥新之晨,用你清凉的黑暗涤净它吧。 bbs.readnovel.com 6. This period of cleansing ahead allows those members of any species that cannot ascend to become cleansed from Earth through death. 前方的净化时代,将让任何物种中无法提升的成员通过死亡被清除出地球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And I will pour upon you clean water, and you shall be cleansed from all your filthiness, and I will cleanse you from all your idols. 那时,我要在你们身上洒清水,洁净你们,净化你们脱离各种不洁和各种偶像。 www.ccreadbible.org 8. Prior to your procedure, the treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed , usually with an alcohol-based cleanser. 在治疗之前,治疗区域要彻底清洗,通常是用酒精为基础的清洁剂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me, That I might Thy channel be. 得着生命,充满圣灵,好使我成祢运河。 bbs.loves7.com 10. Like the land, I am renewed, my spirit cleansed, I feel an infinite peace. 像大地一样,我也焕然一新,心灵得到了净化。 jpkc.xafy.edu.cn 1. And Jesus answered and said, Were not the ten cleansed? But the nine, where are they? 耶稣说,得洁净的不是十个人么?那九个在那里? edu.china.com 2. how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. 就是瞎子看见,瘸子行走,长大麻疯的洁净,聋子听见,死人复活,穷人有福音传给他们。 shengjing.911cha.com 3. For humanity, the current adult population must be cleansed before unity can be born. 对人类来说,现阶段的成年人们在统一诞生前必须被净化。 tisheng.org 4. She is to be restored and cleansed through both of our efforts, and that will be ongoing until Ascension. 通过我们双方的努力她将要被修复和清洗,这将会持续直到扬升。 a52xyo.blog.163.com 5. Now that the Temple had been cleansed and reconsecrated to the Lord, Josiah ordered that the Ark be put back into its proper place. 现在殿宇既已洁净,又再度向主分别为圣,约西亚下令,要把约柜放在它适当的位置。 www.glorypress.com 6. None of the wounds cleansed with tap water showed signs of infection and we found no sign that the healing rate was slow. 我们发现所有伤口用自来水清洗后都没有感染迹象,而且伤口愈合的速度并没有被延缓。 www.dxy.cn 7. So this will be so until more of the non-ascending human populace is cleansed from the physical plane. 因此这将如此,直至更多的非提升人类被从物质层净化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. There can be no joy or freedom or harmony until the expressing bodies have been cleansed of the memory of the past. 那可能将没有欢乐或自由或和谐,直到表达的身体清理了过去的记忆。 bbs.qiudao.net 9. The cleansed freshwater could then release into the ocean through forward-osmosis membranes in the sides of the plastic bags. 净化后的淡水通过在塑料袋两面的正向渗透膜流入海洋。 www.bing.com 10. QualityStage tackles the data to be cleansed using a large set of hand-crafted rules written using the services of knowledge experts. QualityStage使用通过知识专家服务编写的大量巧妙的规则处理要清理的数据。 www.ibm.com 1. The data in a data warehouse is cleansed and scrubbed during the data transformation processes. 在数据转换过程中,清洗并清理了数据仓库中的数据。 www.ibm.com 2. After returning home from the meeting, I put on a favorite CD of mine, and cleansed my ears of the noise pollution. 开完会,回到家里,放上自己喜欢的唱片,洗耳清除噪音。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Usage : apply a proper amount of this Cream to the well-cleansed face and tap until adsorption . The effect of use day and night is better . 使用方法:爽肤后,取适量本品于面部,轻拍吸收即可,早晚使用效果更好。 www.bing.com 4. Avoid eyes and lip, use 2 times a month on thoroughly cleansed skin. 避开眼唇周围,粗糙肌肤每月使用2次。 www.verycolor.com 5. Raw wool that has not been cleansed of this oily substance. 生羊毛:没有脱去油性物质的羊毛。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Apply two times a day and massage into cleansed skin. Follow with moisturizer and sunscreen during the day. 每日使用两次,每次于肌肤清洁后,取用适量,轻轻按摩直到完全吸收。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The administrative management must be cleansed of bureaucracy. 必须清除行政管理中的官僚现象。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Cleansed of guilt by atonement , he felt light of heart again . 通过赎罪的方式洗清他的罪行后,他的心变得再次安乐。 www.bing.com 9. His is the energy with which all will be again cleansed. 他是所有将再被洗涤的能量。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Like the land, I am renewed , my spirit cleansed. I feel an infinte peace. 大地焕然一新,我也焕然一新,心胸一洗,我感到无比恬静。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Before we could begin our journey, we had to be cleansed at the portal of the earth. 在旅程开始之前,我们在洞穴的门口清洁干净自己。 www.ted.com 2. Ask for forgiveness and allow your soul to be cleansed by the healing it offers. 请求宽恕,让你的心灵因宽容的恩赐而纯净透明。 www.elanso.com 3. The organs are taken out and cleansed, then the body is hydrated for more than 70 days, submerged in a tank. 工作人员先把内脏掏出并清洗干净,然后把尸体放在水槽里,用水合物药液浸泡70天。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. 大麻疯既时离开他,他就洁净了。 www.for68.com 5. We read in Hebrews 9 that our consciences have to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. 我们在希伯来书9中读到过,耶稣的血会洗刷我们的良心。 www.bing.com 6. And he burnt the bones of the priests upon their altars, and cleansed Judah and Jerusalem. 将他们祭司的骸骨烧在坛上,洁净了犹大和耶路撒冷。 bible.popcastle.com 7. In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. 按著律法,凡物差不多都是用血潔凈的,若不流血,罪就不得赦免了。 www.ebigear.com 8. the priest shall order that two live clean birds and some cedar wood, scarlet yarn and hyssop be brought for the one to be cleansed. 就要吩咐人为那求洁净的,拿两只洁净的活鸟和香柏木,朱红色线并牛膝草来。 www.ebigear.com 9. We have cleansed the garden of weeds. 我们已把花园里的杂草清除干净。 www.yuloo.com 10. If he were not sprinkled on the third day, he cannot be cleansed on the seventh. 若在第三日和第七日上不取洁,他仍然不洁。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 1. And how is a mirror cleansed through the proper technique? Through the use of oil & ashes & chamois & the appropriate human effort. 衣服如何藉适当的技能被洗净?使用油、灰、软皮与适当的人力。 www.dhammatalks.org 2. She felt cleansed of her sins after confession . 她忏悔之后觉得自己的罪洗清了。 www.bing.com 3. When our hearts are cleansed by his blood, on the day he returns, or when we through death return to Him, we will see him face to face. 当我们的心被祂的宝血所洁净,在他回来的那一天,或者我们透过了死亡进到他那里的时候,我们必要面对面的看见他。 www.hcchome.org 4. Apply proper amount onto cleansed face. Pat lightly with fingertips until absorbed completely . 取适量均匀涂抹于脸部,轻拍直到肌肤吸收为止。 www.jukuu.com 5. Smooth emulsion over cleansed face with a circle motion . 洁面后,取适量乳液从面部中间往四周涂抹。 www.bing.com 6. c. A weighted speculum is placed intravaginally, the vagina and cervix are cleansed, and a paracervical block is placed. 选择合适的窥阴器置入阴道,清洗阴道及宫颈,放置围宫颈锁。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Like the land, I am renewed, my spirits cleansed. 像大地一样,我也焕然一新,心灵了净化。 www.ttxyy.com 8. For two thousand three hundred days ; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed . 到二千三百日,圣所就必洁净。 www.bing.com 9. Download-Lists and typed URLs may also be cleansed. 下载列表和输入网址也可清洗。 bbs.kafan.cn 10. Powerful out "raindrop" impact of the earth be cleansed cleansed voice, little pieces of paper into performence of root of dandelions. 有力的雨点发出“啪嗒啪嗒”撞击大地的声音,小纸片成了无根的蒲公英。 wenwen.soso.com 1. To Use: Apply an appropriate amount of lotion to cleansed face, pat gently until absorbed. 用法:洁肤后,取适量轻拍于面上至吸收即可。 www.huayimei.com.cn 2. Who consorts with the unclean becomes himself unclean; who consorts with clean is cleansed. 与污秽者为伍,自己也得污秽;与洁净者相伴,自己也得洁净。 www.zftrans.com 3. Returning back to the make-up room, she cleansed her makeup and still maintained calm. 回到后台,她卸下妆,依旧平静如常,她的朋友感到不可思议。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Directions: Apply a small amount evenly to cleansed and toned face. Massage until absorbed. 用法:洁肤爽肤后,取适量均匀涂于面部按摩至吸收即可。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Then, some of the water is cleansed again at drinking water treatment plants and piped to consumers. 其中有些水重新会在饮用水处理厂被在一起净化并输送给消费者。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. The person being cleansed must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and that evening he will be clean. 那人要洗衣服,用水洗澡,到晚上就洁净了。 www.ebigear.com 7. Thousands died in fighting; hundreds of thousands fled, or were ethnically cleansed. 数千人死于冲突;成千上万人逃离该地区,或被种族清洗。 www.ecocn.org 8. The Nine is for the lepers that Jesus cleansed of leprosy He cleansed ten, but nine never thanked Him. 九点,代表耶稣治愈的九个麻风病人,他医治了十个,但其中九个都不曾心怀感激。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. To Use: Apply an appropriate amount of base to cleansed face evenly, and massage gently. 用法:洁肤后,取适量均匀涂于面部,轻加按摩即可。 www.huayimei.com.cn 10. And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? 耶稣说,洁净了的不是十个人吗。那九个在那里呢。 www.ebigear.com 1. Apply morning or evening to a thoroughly cleansed face and neck. 早或晚使用于彻底清洁后的脸颈部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. When the doors of perception are cleansed, man will see things as they truly are, infinite. 所呈现:一旦感知的大门变得纯净,人们看到无边无际! metzx.blogcn.com 3. Sanitizing filters simply allow or disallow characters in a string and return a cleansed string back as a result. Sanitizing过滤器只是允许或禁止字符串中的字符并将清理后的字符串作为结果返回。 www.ibm.com 4. Smooth a small amount on thoroughly cleansed face and neck using gentle, upward strokes. 涂小量在彻底清洁后的面部和颈部,用温柔,向上抬升的指法。 www.alasale.com 5. Both the infant and the person with Alzheimer's must be fed, cleansed, they are highly emotional, sleep a lot, they have wrinkled skins. 新生婴儿和阿尔茨海默症患者都得有专人给他们喂饭,清洗,他们的情绪高度敏感,嗜睡,皮肤起皱。 www.bing.com 6. Any wound should be thoroughly cleansed and properly covered. 彻底清洁及妥善包伤口。 www.chp.gov.hk 7. To Use: In the morning and evening, apply to cleansed face and neck evenly, pat and massage gently until absorbed. 用法:早晚洁面后,取适量本品均匀涂于面部及颈部,轻轻拍打按摩至吸收即可。 www.huayimei.com.cn 8. After removing the outmost leaves, the material was cleansed with 70% ethanol for surface sterilization. 材料去掉外面的叶子后,用70%乙醇进行表面消毒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If sand filters are used, they must be cleansed periodically by backwash. 假如使用沙粒过滤器,必须定期以反冲方法清洗沙粒,直至污水变得清澈为止。 www.fehd.gov.hk 10. After he hath cleansed the sanctuary, and the tabernacle, and the altar, then let him offer the living goat. 为圣所、会幕及祭坛行完取洁礼后,便将那只活公山羊牵来。 www.ccreadbible.org 1. Many of these ancestries were cleansed in inner earth ascension over the past 1200 year cycle. 有很多这类祖先在过去1200年周期来已经被净化。 cqly186.blog.163.com 2. Fish tanks and other connected articles left unused for a period of time should be cleansed thoroughly before they are used again. 长期未经使用的鱼缸和其他连接鱼缸的物件必须彻底清洗,才可再次使用。 www.fehd.gov.hk 3. Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation. 人子阿,你要对这地说,你是未得洁净之地,在恼恨的日子也没有雨下在你以上。 www.ebigear.com 4. By the grace of the Master and the God power inside, at the time of initiation we can get cleansed. 透过明师的恩典和内边上帝的力量,我们在印心时可以获得净化。 sm2000.org 5. To Use: In the morning and evening, apply to cleansed face and neck, massage gently until absorbed. 用法:晚间洁肤后,将适量均匀涂于面部及颈部,轻轻按摩至吸收即可。 www.huayimei.com.cn 6. Let the soul be pierced and cleansed , again and again. 在这里,让灵魂一次又一次被美丽刺穿,荡涤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Wipe product with fingertips and smooth evenly over cleansed face and neck. 用手指沾适量产品均匀地涂在已经清洁好的脸部和颈部。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Your impurity must be cleansed . 必须净化你的非道德。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Are the reused hard disks cleansed of all data before you use them or send them out? 在您使用这些用过的硬盘或将它们送出去之前,硬盘上的所有数据执行擦除操作了吗? www.ibm.com 10. Prior to the procedure, the area being treated will be thoroughly cleansed. 程序之前,该地区将被洗净治疗。 actuafreearticles.com 1. Keep your system cleansed and running smoothly with Fiber Fusion! 保持您的系统清洗和运行光纤熔接顺利! www.vvcha.cn 2. Try putting it all over your face after you've cleansed, but before you go to sleep, your skin will be soo soft and clear the next morning. 试试晚上睡觉前清洁脸部之后全脸擦它,第二天早上你的皮肤会非常柔软明亮。 www.cz8.com 3. Lack of saliva means that the mouth is cleansed more slowly. 唾液缺乏意味着口腔清洗更缓慢。 www.bing.com 4. For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world they had dreamed of, cleansed of all human meanness. 因为胜利的曙光无论如何也不会照耀在他们梦想中的那个摆脱了人类一切卑劣的灿烂的新世界上。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 5. Should you apply primer on top of freshly cleansed skin or on top of moisturiser? 应该先涂隔离霜还是在保湿霜上面再涂隔离霜? bbs.imelite.com.cn 6. Twice a day. Apply on cleansed and toned face and neck sparingly. 早晚清洁后取适量均匀涂抹脸部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In about one week 100 percent of the water is recycled, cleansed by microbiological activity in wetland treatment areas. 在大约一周的时间里,所有的水都完成了一次循环,通过湿地的处理区中微生物的活动而得到了净化。 dongxi.net 8. Specific help is cleansed with salt water to dip the nose, dry after washing. 洁面后用盐蘸水来揉鼻子,干后洗掉。 www.xuejiewang.com 9. Soon, your world will be cleansed of the Evil Forces that control it. 很快,你们的世界将从这些恶魔的势力和他们的控制中得以清理。 www.lxxsd.com 10. When sin and defilement accumulate in our hearts, we need to be cleansed. 当罪与脏污累积在我们的心灵时,我们就必须被彻底洗净。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 1. It will be cleansed in due course as all of the lower vibrations are transmuted. 在适当的时候这将被清理完结,因为所有的较低的振动在被转化着。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Usage: Apply to cleansed face and pat gently until absorbed. 用法:洁肤后,取本品适量于面部轻拍至吸收即可。 www.huayimei.com.cn 3. The continental European banking system was never properly cleansed after the crash of 2008. 2008年崩溃之后,欧洲大陆的银行体系并未得到严格清理。 www.bing.com 4. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. 他的大麻疯立刻就洁净了。 www.ebigear.com 5. Saturate a cotton wool pad and sweep across a cleansed face and neck. 用化妆棉沾取适量擦于面部和颈部。 www.xxpig.com 6. I want to be cleansed of this whole tradition so that I can be a new human being. 我想清除掉这整个传统,这样我就能成为一个新人类。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 7. He felt that he hand been cleansed of guilt. 他感到自己的罪过已被洗净。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. The nurse cleansed the wound before stitching it. 护士先把伤口弄干净后才把它缝合。 www.hxen.com 9. Enough blood has already been spilt and negative energies have built up within the earth, and these are now being cleansed away. 鲜血流的够多了,负面能量在地球肆虐,现在它们都将被清除。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. To cleanse or purify or become cleansed or purified. 净化变干净或纯洁 wenwen.soso.com 1. After we have cleansed our minds, our lives start anew. 所以我们若把心灵洗涤乾净之后,人生就可以重新开始。 marksheu.wordpress.com 2. And forthwith his leprosy was cleansed. 他的癞病立刻就洁净了。 www.ccreadbible.org 3. And the data already cleansed start getting stale. 已经清理过的数据又开始走样了。 www.bing.com 4. Usage: Apply the enough content of it to thoroughly cleansed and dry face, you can go to sleep at night without rinsing it. 使用方法:睡前取足够面膜于清洗干净后的面部,不需清洗即可入睡。 www.verycolor.com 5. Selfishness has to come out; that is what defiles you; that is what you have to be cleansed from. 自私必须被根除,那是玷污你的东西,是你必须被净化的东西。 www.bing.com 6. cleansed the wound for the injured. 我把伤员的伤口弄干净了。 bbs.gter.net 7. She cleansed the wound with alcohol . 她用酒精清洗伤口。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. If we only drink sugary beverages and never drink water, how will our insides be cleansed? 如果我们只喝含糖饮料而从不喝水的话,健康,只能与我们渐行渐远。 www.bing.com 9. Great osiris! You have cleansed your spirit for years, and now you cannot climb the Mount because of a weight restriction? 伟大的欧西里斯!你已经花了数年洁净你的灵魂,现在你仅仅因为体重限制不能爬上这座山。 www.pcgames.com.cn 10. If a descendant of Aaron has an infectious skin disease or a bodily discharge, he may not eat the sacred offerings until he is cleansed. 亚伦的后裔,凡长大痲风的,或是有漏症的,不可吃圣物,直到他洁净了。 www.ebigear.com 1. The raindrops cleansed my soul. 雨点洗涤了我的灵魂。 blog.163.com 2. Roman Catholics go to confession to be cleansed of their sins. 罗马天主教徒怅悔是为了洗涤罪过。 msjin.blogchina.com 3. But after he has been cleansed thereof, let him he received, and if worthy be made one. 但当他被洁净后,应接纳他,如果他堪当,可使他成为神职人员。 www.douban.com 4. Mk. 1: 42 And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. 可一42麻疯立即离开他,他就洁净了。 big5.china.com 5. You have cleansed the Den of Evil. You've earned my trust and may yet restore my faith in humanity. 您肃清了邪恶洞窟,不仅赢得了我的信任,也让我恢复了对人们的信心。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He has cleansed of the wrong ideas . 他已经清除了错误的观念。 www.bing.com 7. By the soul of my father - I'll send you back to be cleansed in your fires! 愿父亲的在天之灵保佑我——让我把你送回烈火之中,净化你的罪过。 www.heroworld.net 8. The weather is very cleansed today. 今天的天气非常好。 www.hxen.com 9. And when you go to the toilet, consider all your obscurations and blockages are being cleansed and washed away. 当你大小便时,观想所有的障碍正被净化和消除。 bbs.jcedu.org 10. Hand-washing can make people feel cleansed of their sins. 洗洗手可以让人觉得清洗了自己的罪恶。 www.neworiental.org 1. I want to have a denture fitted (my teeth cleansed) please , make an appointment for me. 我要镶牙(洁齿),请给我约个时间。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Thus cleansed I them from all strangers, and appointed the wards of the priests and the Levites, every one in his business; 这样,我洁净他们,使他们离绝一切外邦人,派定祭司和利未人的班次,使他们各尽其职。 www.ebigear.com 3. If the Doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear as it is, infinite 如果知觉之门得到净化,万物将如其本来面目般无边无际 brianslade.blog.hexun.com 4. With the Two Obscurations cleansed away, And the Two Equipments [now] complete, The [Triple] Body and wisdom's level is gained; 二十八净除二障之同时,两种资具(此时)亦完成,(三)身及智慧境地皆获致; club.xilu.com 5. b. Beijing To Be Cleansed, Beautified 北京将被清洁和美化 wenku.baidu.com 6. If the doors of perception were cleansed, 如果认知的门被净化了, bbs.jcedu.org 7. Pro- independence forces want the Tibetan areas cleansed of Han (as happened in 1912 and 1949); 那些支持独立的人希望西藏像1912-1949期间,彻底清除汉人; study.feloo.com 8. the pan cleansed by a liquid 让液体漫过平底锅 www.ecocn.org 9. They`ll be cleansed by fire 他们会被火净化 bbs.imelite.com.cn |
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