单词 | cleaning up |
释义 | 例句释义: 收起,清洗,清理,清洁洗涤,清除 1. Stocks were subdued on both sides of the Atlantic as analysts reflected on a year's progress in cleaning up the banking system. 就在金融分析师对一年来各国政府清理银行系统的进展进行深思的时候,大西洋两岸的股市都处于低迷。 www.bing.com 2. It's worth carefully cleaning up the indentation and white space before trying to debug a thorny problem. 调试困难的问题之前一定要安排好缩进和空白。 www.ibm.com 3. London's Olympics may be four years off, but already, some of the capital's most famous buildings are cleaning up in readiness. 虽然离伦敦奥运会的举行还有四年之遥,但首都最著名的一些建筑物的外观清洁工作已在进行中,为奥运会做准备。 qac.yappr.cn 4. The story's hero is a man who got a little older, just that his work is able to meet this habit - cleaning up the crime scene. 故事的主人公是个有洁癖的男人,恰好他的工作正能满足这一癖好——清理犯罪现场。 999mm.5d6d.com 5. pumping water, cleaning up the ball from the front-end pipeline until smoke. 泵送水,直到清洗球从输送管的前端冒出为止。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The cost of cleaning up the environmental damage is not limited to trying to repair the actual damage to the environment. 环境污染清理的成本并不仅仅在于恢复实际的环境损害。 hk.lexiscnweb.com 7. We were winning - the bombs had been disarmed, the mad scientist captured, and it was just a matter of cleaning up and going home. 我们本来正要取胜—炸弹已被解除,疯狂的科学家已被逮捕,打扫战场,之后回家。 www.starwarsfans.cn 8. And the job of cleaning up America's hazardous waste is now projected to cost up to a trillion dollars over the next 30 years. 而且,在今后30年中,清理全国有害物质的规划,资金投入高达一万亿美元。 news.koolearn.com 9. The bank is cleaning up its lending through third-party reviews of where the money goes. 世行通过第三方检查资金流向何处来清理借贷。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. There was a great deal of cleaning up, of the very worst sort, to be done on rising, due to an illness in the youngest member of the family. 最糟糕的是,因为家里最小的成员生病的缘故,一起床就有一大堆东西等着清洗。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And, of course, cleaning up those tracks also helps you maintain a bit more of your privacy as well. 而且,当然,这些跟踪清理还可以帮助您保持更多的您的隐私以及。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Chemical companies have finally secured insurance to help them pay the costs of cleaning up the long-term damage they do to the environment. 化学公司最终获得了保险费,用以帮助它们支付清除对环境造成的长期损害所需的费用。 www.yingyudaxue.com 3. The sun finally returned, and on the first available Sunday we were out cleaning up the soggy remains of our prized garden. 等到天终于放晴,我们赶在第一个周日出去整理被浸泡的宝贝花园。 app.fortunechina.com 4. Further signal traps may be required that would be contained within the child scripts to do further cleaning up before exit. 有时可能需要更多的信号捕捉,它们包含在子脚本中,用于在退出前执行清理工作。 www.ibm.com 5. You know those living in Memphis are cleaning up this morning after thunderstorms knocked down trees, power lines all across the city. 孟菲斯是居民将不得不撤离,因为强暴风雨天气使击断了全城的树和电力。 club.topsage.com 6. In Parliament on Wednesday, Mr. Cameron called on the company to drop the bid and focus on cleaning up the 'mess' created by the scandal. 周三,卡梅伦在英国议会呼吁新闻集团撤销收购交易,专注于清理丑闻带来的“麻烦”。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Where on the face of it, looking like Thai soldiers cleaning up a drug running gang, this incident exposes increasing border tensions. 从表面上来看,泰国士兵在清理贩毒团伙,这个事件曝光了越来越紧张的边界形势。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Janet Napolitano said she expected government workers to be still cleaning up in six months time. 珍娜·奈帕利塔诺(JanetNapolitano)表示,她期望政府工作人员能够在6个月的时间里专注于清理工作。 www.bing.com 9. The bank has spent years cleaning up its balance sheet and restructuring. It has delayed its IPO on numerous occasions. 该银行花了数年时间清理其资产负债表,并进行重组。它的IPO计划一再推迟。 www.ftchinese.com 10. How Japan fares in cleaning up the radioactive contamination will determine, in part, the extent of any long-term damage. 现在日本如何进行辐射污染的清理,将部分决定长期损害的程度。 chinese.wsj.com 1. It is responsible for cleaning up the damage and for meeting fair compensation claims , as it has readily conceded . 它有责任收拾残局,并满足合理的赔偿要求,而它也毫不犹豫地同意这样做。 www.bing.com 2. With that, Mike and I GOT excited again. With new vigor, we began cleaning up the mess caused by our now defunct first business. 听到这番话,我和迈克又兴奋起来了。带着新的希望,我们迅速清理了首次失败的生意所造成的混乱。 dict.ebigear.com 3. "We have been consistently cleaning up the balance sheet, repairing the damage that was done over the last few years, " Mr. Thain said. 塞恩先生说:“我们一直在清理资产负债表,修补过去几年造成的损失。” www.suiniyi.com 4. Cleaning up the dining room means getting the fast food bags out of the back seat of your car . 打扫厨房指的是清理汽车后座的快餐包装盒。 www.bing.com 5. She was on her knees cleaning up the spilt food . 她跪下来把撒在地上的食物弄干净。 www.bing.com 6. After the president's speech, BP said in a statement that it shared Mr. Obama's goal of cleaning up the spill and helping those affected. 在奥巴马发表讲话后,英国石油公司在一份声明中表示,同意奥巴马有关清理漏油和帮助受灾民众的目标。 club.topsage.com 7. Waiting for bubbles to burst and then cleaning up the aftermath is now a new lesson of what not to do. 如今,坐等泡沫破裂,然后收拾残局,成为一个新的反面教训。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Cleaning up internal organs, he found a shiny ZIPPO lighter impressively in the fish stomach. 在清理内脏的时候,他发现一支闪闪发光的ZIPPO打火机赫然在鱼的胃中。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. It's true that cleaning up the banking sector will be costly and unpopular, but it need not be crippling for the eurozone as a whole. 确实,清理银行业是烧钱而且不受欢迎的,但这些花费对欧洲整体来说并不形成很大损害。 dongxi.net 10. A male hermit crab had found a very big cultch, was then clean the shell cleaning up, has made own house. 一只公寄居蟹找到了一只很大的空贝壳,便把贝壳清理干净,做成了自己的房子。 www.showxiu.com 1. This was where we were volunteers in Jiangbin Park, cleaning up the trash. It was a tough work, but we were happy. 这是我们去江滨公园当志愿者,清理公园里的垃圾,虽然很累,但我们都觉得很开心。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. But it does mean that policy makers may have to worry less than some think about cleaning up from the last stimulus. 但这意味着决策者在清理上次刺激政策时所要面临的问题比一些人想象得要少。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The girl satisfied her mother by cleaning up the kitchen. 女孩清洗厨房使得母亲很满意。 www.etmeet.com 4. "We try to improve the looks of that school, either by planting flowers or trees, or sometimes painting, or just cleaning up, " said Burton. “我们试图通过种植鲜花或树木,或有时进行粉刷工作,或者只是打扫让那所学校有所改观。”伯顿说道。 www.bing.com 5. Homework after homework cleaning staff at the cab while also running on the lower part of body to carry out cleaning up the sludge? 作业结束后,作业人员在清扫驾驶室的同时是否也对下部行走体上的污泥进行清扫? blog.sina.com.cn 6. The rescue team spent a week cleaning up the debris from the plane crash. 抢救小组花了一周时间清理飞机的残骸。 www.transfun.net 7. Cleaning up the damage to the political system from President Bush's unprecedented fear campaign may prove to be even more difficult. 从政治体系中清除由布什总统史无前例的恐慌运动所造成的伤害或许更加艰巨。 www.bing.com 8. Across the Florida peninsula, communities are cleaning up the damage from torrential rain that flooded homes and destroyed crops. 横穿佛罗里达半岛的风暴的大破坏所带来的强降雨引发的洪水淹没并毁坏了房屋和庄稼。 bbs.putclub.com 9. NEW YORK (CNNMoney. com) -- BP has spent $2 billion cleaning up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the company said Monday. 纽约(CNNMoney.com)--英国石油公司周一时表示他们在墨西哥湾原油泄漏的清理工作上已经花掉了20亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. The father helps the mother deliver the babies: biting off the umbilical cord, cleaning up the afterbirth, receiving and washing the babies. 父亲帮助母亲繁殖宝宝:咬掉脐带,清洗胞衣,接受和帮幼猴洗澡。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. We're busy cleaning up the code, trying to flush out some bugs and make a stable platform for further development. 我们忙着向上弄干净密码,设法冲洗一些虫并做一个为更远的发展的稳定的台。 bbs.tgbus.com 2. It is mainly responsible for the work to read the data, so when cleaning up the internal drive to be cautious. 它主要负责数据的读取工作,因此在清理光驱内部的时候要格外小心。 www.xiami360.com 3. After I paid my cleaning-up dues, Hillary and I stayed in the garden for another hour or so. 我把我答应要做的事情做完之后,和希拉里在花园里又呆了一个小时左右。 www.bing.com 4. Yes, Lieutenant Mumphreys told me about your raid on Merris' compound. We have had men cleaning -up the mess for several days now. 是的,马姆利少尉告诉了我你对麦里斯家进行的突袭。这些天我们派遣了许多人手来处理后事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. With all this equipment put together, I started cleaning up the floor in front of the bathroom and the one in the restroom. 这些工具准备好之后,我便开始清扫起浴室前的通道和洗手间的地面来。 sm2000.org 6. Tweak the numbers to support your case that you need to put some full-time resources on cleaning up the debt. 调整数字来支持您的案例,您需要投入一些全时资源(full-timeresources)来清理债务。 www.ibm.com 7. Are Chinese regulators trying to ship responsibility offshore again, instead of cleaning up at home? 国监管机构又在试图把责任转嫁到海外,而不是在国内解决吗? blog.sina.com.cn 8. We spent the time talking, watching DVD's (Slum Dog Millionaire), cleaning up her yard a bit, and looking through the old photo albums. 我和妈妈闲聊、看电影(贫民窟里的百万富翁)、清理院子,还一起看旧时的相册。 www.elanso.com 9. Cleaning up those numbers would force her to cool the economy to reduce inflation. 清理这些数字将迫使她为经济降温以减小通胀。 www.ecocn.org 10. Progress by developers in cleaning up after themselves tends to win only grudging approval. 开发商采完油后清除污染的进步举动往往只获得了勉强的认可。 www.ecocn.org 1. Miss were very obedient to see the money into another apartment cleaning up. 小姐看在钱的份上很听话的又进套间冲洗起来。 bbs.renyu.net 2. Also, remember that the US, in our industrial age made a mess so vast that we are still cleaning up parts of it today. 此外,请记住,美国,在我们工业时代环境搞的一团糟,所以今天我们仍然在清理。 www.ptfcn.com 3. When I was working with Neal there was one elderly man we were cleaning up who had decomposed for almost a month. 我和Neal一起工作的时候有个差不多烂了一个月的老男人。 www.bing.com 4. As a suggestion, the player should do whichever one does the most to help in cleaning up a column later. 作为一个建议,球员应该做的哪一个最不帮助清理一栏后。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Under pressure from the public, the government is cleaning up the city after years of neglect and decline. 在公众的压力之下,经过多年疏忽和衰退之后,政府开始整治城市。 etc.bjut.edu.cn 6. Asset sales are an attractive way of cleaning up the public balance-sheet without doing anything that further chokes demand. 对于清理公共的资产负债表来说,国有资产出售是一个极具魅力的方式,因为它不会在远期阻碍需求的增长。 www.ecocn.org 7. One team member counts down the last five minutes while others are busy cleaning up the tools. 当其他人忙着整理工具时,一名队员还在分秒必争的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Mr Christofias must start cleaning up the mess. Otherwise, Cyprus will become the next Greece. 赫里斯托菲亚斯必须开始着手清理乱局,否则塞浦路斯就会成为下一个希腊。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Make litterers bear the cost of cleaning up the area they litter for one year. Yes, littering is not free. 要求违法者未来一年内,负担他乱丢垃圾区域的清洁费用,乱丢垃圾并非免费,清理需要成本。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. person also wipes down the counters and empties the trash because those tasks are also related to the larger goal: cleaning up the kitchen. 例如,一个尽责的人会擦干净柜台,倒空垃圾。而不只是洗刷盘子,因为那些事情与清洁厨房这个更大的目标有关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. eg. Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation. 城里的警察一直在收拾一天的暴力冲突留下的残骸。 www.kekenet.com 2. Cleaning up the completed project so that the add-in no longer runs automatically on your development computer. 清理已完成的项目,使该外接程序在开发计算机上不再自动运行。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Then, as recent as 2002, the Hainangovernment was still cleaning up the messes created with the bursting of that bubble. 之后,最近的2002年,海南政府还在扫除泡沫破裂的后患。 www.tianyayidu.com 4. After I had a party at my joint I had to spend about six hours just cleaning up! 在我的住处举行了一次派对后,光打扫卫生我就花了大约六个小时的时间! www.xianzai.cn 5. Maybe you would enjoy cleaning up a vacant lot or planting a garden or signing people up for a charity run. 也许你会喜欢打扫空地,种植花园或者在慈善跑中负责签到。 www.bing.com 6. Unfortunately, meth labs are volatile, and cleaning up the toxic by-products when a lab explodes or is shut down by police is expensive. 可惜的是,冰毒制造窝点踪迹不定,当一个制造窝点发生爆炸或被警方查封时,清理毒性副产品的费用就很昂贵。 www.ecocn.org 7. The exercising of the human spirit can take many forms, and the simple act of cleaning up after oneself is one of them. 人性的培养可以采取很多方式,清理自身排泄物这种简单的行为就是其中一种人性的培养方式。 www.bing.com 8. Residents of Hawaii are cleaning up from a strong earthquake and a series of aftershocks. 在经历了这次强烈地震和一系列余震后,夏威夷的居民们开始了清理工作。 bbs.putclub.com 9. Some call it cheating, but I just view it as a method of cleaning up the sound. 有人称之为作弊,但我只是认为它作为清理的声音的方法。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 10. His main mechanism for resolving these problems and "cleaning up" lower-echelon "corrupt" bureaucrats was the political campaign. 他解决这些问题和清除低级官僚主义者的主要机制是政治斗争。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The rescues of banks, insurers and mortgage lenders have also left some cleaning up to do. 对银行、保险公司和抵押贷款提供者的救助也留下了一些扫尾工作。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Emu can't fly. 7. A TV commercial for a cleaning product showed a little girl cleaning up the mess her brother made. 一家电视有一则清洁产品广告,展示了一个小女孩在清理她弟弟制造的混乱。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If you validate frequently, cleaning up a few errors is not difficult or time consuming. 如果经常执行确认,那么清除一些错误并不困难,也花不了多少时间。 www.ibm.com 4. They are also helpful in automating operations that need to be performed after the application terminates mainly cleaning up the operations. 对于自动化应用程序终止之后需要执行的操作,主要是清除操作,这两个程序也很有用。 www.ibm.com 5. The convenient operation, may realize the online cleaning up, does not need to disassemble the mold, improves the system core efficiency. 方便操作,可实现在线清理,无需拆卸模具,提高制芯效率; ch.shandongbusiness.gov.cn 6. With Beijing hosting the Summer Olympics in just seven months, there's much talk about cleaning up the air pollution. 还有七个月北京就要举行夏季奥运会了,人们大谈清理空气。但清理盗版产品的事情呢? www.stnn.cc 7. The cleaning up of cliche is an acknowledgment of the existence of evil power and deeds in the public domain. 清理和检讨这些难孚人心的陈词滥调,也就是承认和检讨公共生活中那些心照不宣的权力之恶。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The ground cloth or garbage bag is important only in that it makes cleaning up the fire much easier. 使用地席或者垃圾袋只是为了更方便地清除火堆。 bbs.go9m.com 9. Tens of billions of dollars have been spent or committed by BP on cleaning up the devastation and compensating victims. BP公司承诺将花费数百亿美元用来进行污染的处理和对受害者的赔偿。 www.bing.com 10. Once, while cleaning up, she accidentally threw away a pair of Neil Young concert tickets. 有一次,在打扫的时候,她不小心把两张NeilYoung音乐会的票给扔掉了。 c.wsj.com 1. While he was cleaning up his books that collated a long time , he found a suit of stamps. 整理他的藏书时,他意外地发现一套珍贵的邮票。 bbs.5i5i.cn 2. Employees from a private company in Chengdu were cleaning up a town around the bend. 在成都,私人公司的雇员们在清理着周边的城镇。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Along with cleaning up waste, particle accelerators help prevent more of it from accumulating on our coffee tables and our roads. 通过对废物的清理,粒子加速器能帮助我们预防咖啡桌以及道路上越来越多的废物淤积。 www.bing.com 4. China's government this year has prioritized cleaning up the country's milk industry in a push to usher in a new era of consumer safety. 为了开启消费安全新时代,中国政府今年将整治乳品行业列为工作重点。 chinese.wsj.com 5. You end up programming a lot of silly stuff at night that you have to spend half the next day cleaning up. 你最终会在夜里编出一大堆愚蠢的东西,不得不在第二天花上半天时间清除干净。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But that does not mean the cost of cleaning up the banks will be negligible. 但这并不意味着可以忽视清理银行体系的代价。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I often use timeboxing for tedious tasks like cleaning up a hard drive that needs better structuring of its folders. 在做乏味的工作时我经常定时,比如说清理一个文件夹需要优化重组的硬盘驱动器。 www.bing.com 8. Cleaning up the aftermath of a bubble is easier and less expensive, he argued. 他声称,清理泡沫的后果更容易,花费更少。 www.bing.com 9. One challenge of cleaning up the oil is collateral contamination, including the transfer of oil via workers' boots, Kirby said. Kirby说,二次污染是清除油污的挑战之一,其中就包括粘在工人的靴子上,随工人走动而造成的油污污染。 www.bing.com 10. It was all about cleaning up Germany, and the West, and the world, and ridding it of anything unglamorous. 主要内容是赶走德国人,西方世界,乃至全世界,并且去掉任何单调乏味的东西。 www.ted.com 1. It was all about cleaning up Germany, and the West, and the world, and ridding it of anything unglamorous. 主要内容是赶走德国人,西方世界,乃至全世界,并且去掉任何单调乏味的东西。 www.ted.com 2. WOMA's technique is used in all industrial branches - from industrial cleaning up to materials recycling. WOMA公司拥有的技术在现代工业的所有领域得到应用,从工业清洗直到材料回收使用等。 www.woma-applications.com 3. There is hope, but the only way out of this is a return to sound financial principles, which will include cleaning up our mess. 希望还存在,但摆脱这一困境的唯一出路,在于回归健全的金融原则,其中包括收拾目前的混乱局面。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He says, " Lady, if this vacuum cleaner don't do wonders cleaning up that horseshit , I'll eat every chunk of it. " 他说,『女士,如果这个吸尘器没法神奇的把马粪清乾净的话,我就把它们全吃了。』 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Biderman said the Seaswarm robots are relatively cheap, quick and effective at cleaning up oil spills. Biderman表示,海群机器人在清理原油泄漏上相对便宜、快速且有效。 www.bing.com 6. Cleaning up your room and finding something that brings back brilliant memories hidden at the back of a drawer. 清理房间,然后在抽屉深处找到一些能给你带来许多回忆的物件。 movie.yeshj.com 7. The number of days before cleaning up replay demos. Modifying this number will not affect the lifespan of existing replays. 在几日后删除重播档。修改这个数值不会影响已储存的重播档储存期限。 wiki.teamfortress.com 8. Does he often help his mother with the cleaning up? 他经常会帮助妈妈一起清理吗? www.ebigear.com 9. Cleaning up statues and repairing the damage caused by pigeons cost each Venetian taxpayer 275 euros a year, one study says. 一年中清理和修补由鸽子毁坏的(雕塑)要花费每一个威尼斯人纳税人二百七十五欧元。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Although it was still a mess everywhere, American people already started cleaning up this unfortunately destructed city. 虽然是一片破败景象,但人们已经开始收拾这个不幸遭受重创的城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The cost of cleaning up the oil spillage in the Gulf of Mexico now runs into billions of dollars , according to BP estimates . 据英国石油公司估计,目前清理墨西哥湾漏油事件的费用已达几十亿美元。 www.bing.com 2. The message box from the Finalize method will appear at some seemingly arbitrary time when the garbage collector is cleaning up the object. 当垃圾回收器清理对象时,Finalize方法的消息框仿佛会随时出现。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Cleaning up, adding more lights, or including pleasant decorations can completely change the mood of a room. 清理卫生、多些灯光,或者添置小摆设都可以改变整个房间的氛围。 www.bing.com 4. Cleaning up your lifestyle is an essential part of bringing your life in balance. 清理生活方式是使你生活和谐的一个基本部分。 www.bing.com 5. And People can save so much money by not cleaning up an area that causes serious mutations just by drinking the water. 一个地区,只是因为人们喝了那儿的水,就给他们的后代造成了严重的遗传突变。不用清理该地区了,这样可以省下很多钱。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. The appendix cleaning up clean unification laying aside, prepares the next time test use. 将附件清理干净统一放置,以备下次测试使用。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The Southeast is cleaning up from a night of sever weather and it's left at least one person dead. 经过一夜猛烈的风暴过后,我国东南部天气终于放晴。风暴造成一人死亡。 www.bing.com 8. 'We're getting ready for possible aggression, cleaning up the bunkers, ' Choi Cheol-young, the island's administrator, said early Sunday. 延坪岛行政长官ChoiCheol-young周日早间说,我们做好了迎接攻击的准备,已经清理了防护掩体。 c.wsj.com 9. The person in charge of the meeting is responsible for cleaning up the room, including tables, chairs , floors and counters. 管理会议事务的人负责打扫房间,包括桌子、椅子、地板和柜台。 www.blueseatour.com 10. BP says its cost of stopping the leak and cleaning up the damage is approaching $1 billion. 英国石油公司表示,他们用于阻止漏油和清理漏油损害的费用已经接近10亿美元。 www.voanews.cn 1. BP says its cost of stopping the leak and cleaning up the damage is approaching $1 billion. 英国石油公司表示,他们用于阻止漏油和清理漏油损害的费用已经接近10亿美元。 www.voanews.cn 2. A personal analogy I am sure that you can relate to would be cleaning up of your room or house. 我相信你能联想到的比方会是打扫房间或屋子。 www.bing.com 3. He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend. 他通过让她在周末打扫干净所有档案来加重她的负担。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The ensuing fiscal costs of cleaning up the banking system could be really high. 接下来为清理这些银行系统的成本将会非常高。 www.bing.com 5. Cleaning up the housing market would help cut America's unemployment rate, by making it easier for people to move to where jobs are. 清理房地产市场可以帮助美国减少失业率,因为人们可以更加容易的随着工作地点的变动而搬家。 www.ecocn.org 6. No dependencies exist now for the module, and the process of cleaning up the kernel can begin for this module. 该模块不存在依赖项,因此可以开始模块的内核清理过程。 www.ibm.com 7. But the local residents also understand that cleaning up after the cold war pays even better than winning it. 但是当地人也明白,冷战之后清理工作比赢得冷战赚的还要多。 www.ecocn.org 8. I told her I was fine, that I had some cleaning up to do. 我告诉她我很好,只是想打扫一下房间。 www.kancaimi.cn 9. out of cleaning up the kitchen! 不要逃避打扫厨房的责任! dictionary.sina.com.tw 10. As incomes go up, people often focus first on cleaning up their drinking water, and then later on air pollutants like sulfur dioxide. 随着收入的增长,人们常常最先关注的是他们的饮用水,而后是有关氧化硫的空气污染问题。 www.bing.com 1. The automatic upgrade no longer accidentally deletes files when cleaning up from a failed upgrade. 自动升级不再意外删除的文件清理时,从一个失败的升级。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Not by cleaning up the banks, as is sometimes thought, but by offering them unlimited support. 并不是像有些人想象的那样通过清理银行资产,而是通过向银行提供无限度的支持。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The only better business in town these days, he says, is cleaning up crime scenes. 他说,这些日子,镇上最好的生意就是收拾残局。 www.ecocn.org 4. And their position of cleaning up the female boudoir painter in painting history. 及其清女性闺阁画家在画史中之地位。 5. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward. 我自己更喜欢笑,因为笑完比哭完好收拾。 www.readersdigest.cn 6. This can include invalidating sessions, canceling timers, canceling callback handlers or cleaning up any data structures that may need it. 清理可能包括终止会话、取消计时器、取消回调处理程序或清理可能需要的任何数据结构。 www.ibm.com 7. Cleaning up "white" pollution, waste plastic bags to make a festival thrown into the rubbish bins. 清理“白色”污染,把废塑料袋打个节再扔进垃圾箱。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Beijing also spent $40 billion on preparing its infrastructure and cleaning up the environment. 北京在基础设施建设和环境治理方面用了400亿美元。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. The services and applications can then prepare for the backup by cleaning up on-disk structures and by flushing caches and log files. 这样,服务和应用程序就可以通过清理磁盘结构以及刷新缓存和日志文件,为备份做好准备。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Colombia and Philippines have recently achieved success in cleaning up their rivers and lakes by imposing charges on factories that pollute. 哥伦比亚和菲律宾最近通过对污染企业实行收费制,在清理河流湖泊方面取得了良好进展。 web.worldbank.org 1. The navy is chafing at the cost of patrols, rescue operations and cleaning up fuel spills. 海军对于巡逻,营救和清理漏油的付出感到很是厌烦。 www.ecocn.org 2. The sales were cheered by the investors as a sign the banks were cleaning up their balance sheets. 投资者曾为这些出售而喝彩,认为这是银行开始清理资产负债表的标志。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Yes, cleaning up your own rickshaw was like counting your own money , a source of real satisfaction. 是的,收拾自己的车,就如同数着自己的钱,才是真快乐。 www.jukuu.com 4. Including filtering and cleaning up, section seperation of steel-bar, examination and detection of seperation opening. 包括滤波去噪、棒材区域分割、分离开口状况检测等。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Today, I was hard at work cleaning up from a party I had while my parents were out for the night. 今天,我非常努力地打扫着昨晚趁父母出门的时候开的派对的残局。 www.tianyayidu.com 6. In particular, he foresees juicy contracts from applying Wessex Water's skills at cleaning up rivers to the continent's murky waterways. 尤其是,他预见了利润丰厚的合同:将WessexWater的技术应用到清洁这片大陆上墨黑的水道。 www.ecocn.org 7. As a rule, we have a general cleaning up once a week. 通常我们每周有一次大扫除。 huiminsc.blog.163.com 8. No one noticed we had been running around emptying bins and cleaning up. 没有人注意到我们一直在忙着倒垃圾箱,打扫卫生。 www.03964.com 9. The command is useful for cleaning up all objects if you want to do that independently from the default deferred deletion interval. 如果想独立于默认的延期删除间隔而清除所有对象,那么该命令可以起作用。 www.ibm.com 10. Manufactured through cleaning up, crushing, screening, roasted, ground, pressed by cocoa beans . 可可豆经清理、破碎、筛选、焙炒,研磨,压搾等工艺而得。 www.diytrade.com 1. Lucene indexes text, and part of the first step is cleaning up the text. Lucene对一个文本建索引,第一步的部分工作是整理这个文本。 www.bing.com 2. Palestinian security forces in cleaning up the scene found the bodies of 24 militants. 巴安全部队在清理现场时发现了24具武装分子的尸体。 www.englishtang.com 3. Governments in Asia, she says, "simply do not have the luxury of growing first and cleaning up later" . 她表示,亚洲政府“实在承担不起先增长、后清理的后果”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Preliminary steps to space partnerships could include Chinese involvement in tracking and cleaning up space debris. 初步的空间伙伴关系合作步骤包括中国清理轨道太空垃圾。 www.bing.com 5. President Obama says crews have made progress in cleaning up the spill, but the job is not done. 奥巴马总统说,相关人员在清理泄漏中已经取得进展,但这项工作尚未结束。 www.ebigear.com 6. The bail-out implicitly required that bank depositors subsidise the cleaning up of the banking industry. 纾困措施暗含着一个要求,即银行储户要为银行业清理提供资助。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I know you care about cleaning up the planet, your bedroom is part of the planet. 我知道你很小心的打扫行星,你的卧室也是行星的一部分。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. how about cleaning up a bit around here? 你是不是该把这儿收拾一下? www.crazyenglish.org 9. Erasing a disk means cleaning up all the existing partitions and data. The partitions and data will all be deleted. 抹除磁碟的意思是清除所有存在的分区及资料。分区及资料都将会被删除。 wiki.myakitio.com 10. Not littering at all or cleaning up litter, such as cigarette butts and plastic bags, greatly improves the quality of our environment. 不要乱扔垃圾或者将烟头和塑料袋子等垃圾收拾好都可以大大改善我们的生活。 m.anoah.com 1. Revolutionary measures taken by the new regime prevented the speculators from cleaning up. 新政权采取的革命措施堵塞了投机商发财的路子。 www.1stenglish.com 2. Cleaning up their books But that's not the major part of the problem. 清理他们的帐目但那还不是问题的主要部分。 www.bing.com 3. America spent more than 3% of GDP cleaning up the savings-and-loan crisis, its priciest to date. 美国为了扫清存款与借贷危机,耗资也了超过3%,那是至今为止最昂贵的。 www.ecocn.org 4. It reduces the industrial sprawl office spaces and the associated resources of heating, cooling, and cleaning up after office staff. 它减少了行业内无限制扩展的办公空间,以及有关暖气、制冷和清理等相关资源。 www.ibm.com 5. Since latex paints are water soluble, cleaning up brushes, dripped paint and skin covered in paint is quicker, safer and cheaper. 由于乳胶漆是水溶性,清理刷,滴漆和油漆覆盖的皮肤更快,更安全,更便宜。 blog.163.com 6. The danger is that the cost of cleaning up the banking system will fall, as in the past, on the household sector. 危险在于,与以往一样,清理银行业体系的代价还是会落到家庭部门头上。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Setting rules about television watching , cleaning up, doing the dishes and going on lines an easy next step for parents to take. 设置规则约看电视,清洁,做菜肴,上网是一种容易,下一步采取的父母。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. When it came to cleaning up _, the boys were conspicuous by their absence. 后来轮到做卫生时,这些男孩却不在场,引起了大家的注意。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. They would force through hostile take-overs, realising intrinsic value, cleaning up on inefficiencies. 它们将强行通过一些敌意收购,以实现内在价值,减少无效性。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It is their amazing catabolic abilities that make microorganisms ideal candidates for cleaning up toxic materials in the environment. 微生物正是由于具有这种强大的分解代谢能力才最适合被用于清除环境中的有毒材料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. However, he declined the position and publicly announced that he will dedicate himself to cleaning up his public image. 他婉拒了这个职务,并公开表示将投身净化他的公众形象。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. cleaning up the real estate development sites, and speed up the progress of land use permits issued. 清理整顿全省房地产开发用地,加快土地使用证发放进度。 www.robroad.com 3. Police rushed to the home and found her cleaning up the bloody scene. 警方冲进她的家里,发现她正在清洗血淋淋的现场。 www.elanso.com 4. Cleaning-up all the garbage is not a easy job as far as shanghai, this big city, is concerned. 对上海这样一个大城市来说,清楚所有的垃圾不是一件容易的事情。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Geobacter bacteria, for example, convert dissolved uranium into a solid form, so it could be put to work cleaning up contaminated land. 例如,地杆菌能将溶解的铀转化为固体形态,因此它可以用来清理被污染的地面。 www.bing.com 6. Yeah, but 90% of them are from the dinner you made for your girlfriend. I'm not cleaning up your mess. 是该我了,但是百分之九十的碗碟都是你给你女朋友做饭拿出来的。我才不给你收拾烂摊子呢。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. A model on sewage treatment telling what difference the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme makes in cleaning up our harbour. 参观人士可以透过污水处理的模型,了解净化海港计划对保持海港清洁的重要性。 www.infrastructuregallery.gov.hk 8. Coating multilayer anticorrosive dope after blasting and antisepticising, anti corrosive, easy washing and cleaning up. 秤体经喷砂防腐处理,表面涂覆多层防腐涂料,耐腐蚀,方便冲洗、整理。 www.hi1718.com 9. If the vacuum cleaner or a broom will be cleaning up the mercury to expand the scope of mercury pollution. 若用真空吸尘器或扫帚清理水银会扩大水银的污染范围。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When this old gray, Black gentleman was cleaning' up the lounge. 当这位满头灰白的黑人老先生清扫著酒廊。 www1.iwant-pop.com 1. New York cleaned up its image partly by cleaning up the subway. 通过清理地铁,纽约重新清理了它的形象。 www.kekenet.com 2. Exchange then prepares for the backup by cleaning up on-disk structures and flushing caches and log files. 然后,Exchange通过整理磁盘结构并刷新缓存和日志文件来准备备份。 technet.microsoft.com 3. They got that way by paying your bills, cleaning up your room and listening to you tell them how idealistic you are. 他们变成这样是因为付你的账单,清理你的房间,和听你向他们述说你是如何理想主义。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. For tips on cleaning up a broken CFL, see "Concerned About Quicksilver. " 而关于清理破碎节能灯泡的小贴士,请参见“关于水银的知识”。 www.bing.com 5. Some companies are benefiting by asking "green" consumers to pay them for cleaning up their own pollution. 一些企业在清理自己的污染的时候,设法让那些“追求环保的”顾客为此买单,自己从中获利。 www.ebigear.com 6. Properly cleaning up customer data requires the knowledge of each individual customer. 正确地清理客户数据需要工作人员非常了解每个客户的情况。 www.bing.com 7. Once you stop using the pair, the Scheme runtime will take care of cleaning up the pair for you. 一旦停止使用pair,Scheme运行时环境将为您完成这个pair的清除工作。 www.ibm.com 8. Ruth: Now it 's time for cleaning up our house , we need a thorough cleaning , everybody gets to do something . 现在是我们搞卫生的时间,我们要做一次彻底的大扫除,每个人都有分工。 www.bing.com 9. Alberta is investing C$2 billion in carbon capture and sequestration, its favoured way of cleaning up emissions. 艾伯塔省青睐的减排方式是碳的捕获与封存,将投资20亿加元用于这项技术。 www.ecocn.org 10. Daily cleaning up public area, provide comfortable & tidy environmental for guest. 做好日常公共区域的清洁工作,为住客提供舒适整洁的环境。 www.gao8dou.com 1. Nature is very good at cleaning up when things are not too concentrated, but it takes a lot longer when all the garbage is in one spot. 大自然是非常好的在清理时,事情是不能过于集中,但要花很多不再当所有的垃圾放在同一个位置。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. NIS 2008 did a super job of cleaning up malware in testing, and its cleanup is significantly more thorough than most. 在测试过程中,NIS2008在清理恶意软件上能力超强,而且它的清理明显比其它软件彻底。 www.kafan.cn 3. Out walking the dog, he will pick up consciously bring the toilet, after cleaning up the stool in dog dirt. 外出遛狗,他会自觉的带上拾便器,在狗狗大便了之后清理污物。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. GEORGE W. BUSH, on cleaning up after his dog Barney and realizing that his post-presidency life is returning to normal. 当乔治·W·布什跟在他的狗狗巴尼屁股后面清除粪便时,他意识到自己已经从前总统变回一个普通人了。 zjdaily.zjol.com.cn 5. Lynn always has to keep after her children about cleaning up their rooms and doing chores around the house. 琳总是得不断叨念孩子们打扫自己的房间,并打理好周边的各种杂务。 6. Lastly, cleaning up a List portlet takes special care on portal pages. 最后,在门户网站页面上清除Listportlet要特别注意。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Cleaning up before getting into bed helps remove pollen from your hair and skin, which reduces irritation. 睡觉之前洗澡可以帮助你洗掉头发里和身上的花粉,避免瘙痒。 www.bing.com 8. Fifth, the bail-out put the cart before the horse by pumping in capital and liquidity before cleaning up balance sheets. 第五,纾困行动本末倒置,在清理资产负债表之前,就注入资本和流动性。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The argument underscores the central problem: who should pay for cleaning up greenhouse gases and how? 这种争论凸显了一个中心问题:温室气体减排的成本谁来承担,怎样承担? c.wsj.com 10. Methods for Cleaning Up: Cover residues with humid substance , then fill into container by shovel. 清理方法:以吸湿物质覆盖,再以铁锹装入容器。 wenku.baidu.com 1. If you finish a transaction, you are responsible for cleaning up any in-doubt transactions on the resource managers affected. 如果您完成事务,那您就有责任清除资源管理器构件上的任何可疑事务。 www.ibm.com 2. Surface cleaning up derusting quality has a direct bearing on the quality of the coating. 基面清理除锈质量的好坏,直接关系到涂层质量的好坏。 hi.baidu.com 3. She is adamant cleaning up will be a boon even though some of history's biggest achievers lived and worked in notoriously messy conditions. 莫里斯坚称清理杂物大有益处,尽管历史上成就最高的一些人的生活和工作环境是出了名的邋遢。 www.putclub.com 4. Still, cleaning up the sports world of homophobia won't happen overnight. 清理体育界的同性恐惧症并不是一夜之间的事。 www.bing.com 5. Local residents are trapped in their homes and busy cleaning up, but volunteers have brought warmth to the doors of 220 households. 居民都忙著清理屋子不出家门,但是志工带来的温暖,让220户人家感到温暖。 www.newdaai.tv 6. But it clears a crucial hurdle towards building a new bank system and starting the process of cleaning up bad assets in the failed banks. 但在冰岛重建银行体系和启动清理破产银行不良资产程序的过程中,它扫清了一个关键障碍。 www.ftchinese.com 7. So far they have focused on cleaning up individual cases. 到目前为止,他们一直是关注于个案的解决。 chinese.wsj.com 8. After installing properly placed, in addition to cleaning up mosquito-storage room, the other not to spend any time. 安装放置妥当之后,除了清理储蚊室之外,其他不需要花费任何时间。 food.sonhoo.com 9. Cleaning up Fukushima's sprawling farmlands could create an even bigger storage problem. 对福岛广阔农田的清理工作可能会引发更大的贮污问题。 chinese.wsj.com 10. An unexpected error occurred while cleaning up temporary structures. 清理临时结构时发生意外错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Instead of helping to turn out one more widget, you'd be cleaning up another few miles of river or teaching 10 more kids how to read. 你不再是帮着多生产一个小玩意儿,而是要多清理数英里的河道,或多教10个孩子学会阅读。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Public debt will soar because of weak growth, prolonged stimulus spending and the growing costs of cleaning up the financial mess. 由于疲弱的增长,持续的刺激支出以及不断上涨的金融清理成本,公共债务亦将高企不下。 bbs.yeeu.org 3. co-ordinated ways of cleaning up after the failure of big banks without having to splinter them like jigsaw puzzles. 就大型银行破产后以更为协调的方式达成共识,而无需把他们像拼图般独立分割。 www.ecocn.org 4. Henry is on duty today, and he is responsible for cleaning up the classroom. 今天是亨利当值日生,他负责打扫教室的整洁。 www.nciku.com.tw 5. Using SIGKILL prevents a process from cleaning up after itself and exiting gracefully. 用sigkill阻止一个进程,从清理后,本身并退出缓慢下降。 www.javaeye.com 6. Cleaning up your cigarette butts and plastic bags would improve the environment. 收拾好你的烟头和塑料袋将会改善环境。 m.anoah.com 7. In practice, he reckons, cleaning up the Deepwater Horizon spill of almost 5m barrels would have needed around 7, 000 tonnes of wool. 他认为,实际中要清除深水钻井泄漏的百万桶石油需要约千吨羊毛。 www.ecocn.org 8. I finished cleaning up the office at 6. 我在6点时打扫完这间办公室 zhidao.baidu.com 9. How can we believe that the government is serious about cleaning up the water supply or the rivers? 我们如何能够相信政府在严肃对待水源与河流的清理工作? www.chinadialogue.net 10. Cleaning up the data from the global context. 从全局上下文中清理数据。 www.ibm.com 1. By cleaning up your data and ignoring data submitted improperly, you have made excellent first steps in securing your application. 通过清理数据并忽略被错误提交的数据,已经为保护应用程序奠定了良好的基础。 www.ibm.com 2. And in Bethlehem where workers spend times cleaning up after the midnight mass at the church of Nativity . 在柏利恒耶稣诞生的教堂中,子夜弥撒之后,员工多次清理该地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. 其他孩子都手忙脚乱地在他的桌子周围打扫。 www.bing.com 4. Recycling and cleaning up the streets facilitates a better world. 废物再利用和街道清洁让世界变得更美丽。 www.hxen.com 5. After cleaning up all the rooms in the house and cooking a feast for the entire family? I'm beat! 除了打扫房子的所有房间、为一家人煮大餐,还有别的?我累毙了! blog.sina.com.cn 6. The students are cleaning up the classroom for tomorrow's parents' meeting. 学生们正为明天的家长会而打扫教室。 www.ecp.com.cn 7. Yes, I have been busy emptying the packing boxes and cleaning up the mats. 是的,我一直在忙着清空包装箱,清洗席子。 www.hxen.com 8. Understanding these tools is key to recognizing and cleaning up after an attack. 了解这些工具的关键是认识和清洗后攻击了。 www.diybl.com 9. Cleaning up Loans in Arrears and Quickening the Fund Turnover of Enterprise. 清理拖欠货款,加快企业资金周转。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Beijing is not blind to the merits of cleaning up its industry. 北京方面明白提高中国工业清洁程度的好处。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The File Replication Service stopped without cleaning up. 在清理之前,文件复制服务终止。 www.fan6.net 2. When it came to cleaning up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence. 后来到做扫除时,本应在场的安妮却因为不在而引起了注意。 3. Describes the recommended design pattern for cleaning up unmanaged resources. 介绍推荐的清理非托管资源的设计模式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Fire crews in California are still cleaning up after a massive fire at Universal Studios . 加利福尼亚的消防人员仍在为控制环球制片厂的火势蔓延努力着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. On cable television, a different kind of niche product is cleaning up. 如今的有线电视产业,一种与过去风格所不同的一些电视台正大把捞钱。 www.ecocn.org 6. Congressional investigations have a good reputation when it comes to cleaning up financial abuses. 在清理金融业积弊方面,国会的调查口碑甚佳。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Cleaning up the house. It's dirty and everything is a mess. 收拾屋子啊,家里又脏又乱的。 m.nciku.com 8. Cleaning up or customizing an XML Spy generated DTD is a lot quicker than writing one from scratch! 清除或定制XMLSpy生成的DTD比从头开始编写要快得多。 www.ibm.com 9. Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task. 在航路上面清洁是一件巨大的任务。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I can't stand hanging up my clothes and cleaning up my room on a regular basis . 我不喜欢按规定悬挂我的衣服和打扫房间。 www.jukuu.com 1. Cleaning up and anglicizing of channel data. 渠道数据的整理及分析。 021.zp.com 2. equipment used in cleaning up oil leaks. 用来清除漏油的设备 www.jukuu.com 3. Sorry to reply so late to you, as we are cleaning up all things back form exhibition these days. 对不起,这二天在整理展会的东西,所以回复晚了。 blog.rrenglish.com 4. China has made tremendous strides in cleaning up its banking sector. 中国银行业的清理已经取得巨大的进步。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Via window can also see the household of the first floor being dressed in rubbers at home and cleaning up water logging. 透过窗户,还能看到一楼的住户在家穿着雨鞋,清理积水。 www.0734.coolline.cn 6. Why are we cleaning up the city, sir? 我们为什么要清洁这个城市,头? blog.sina.com.cn 7. They brought cloth towels from first class to assist in cleaning up both mom and the infant. 他们从头等舱拿来了毛巾给那位妈妈和她婴儿清洁下。 www.ebigear.com 8. This day, the whole family general mobilization carries on general cleaning, I am responsible for cleaning up indoor "dead angle" . 这一天,全家总动员进行大扫除,我负责清扫室内的“死角”。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. But with their retirement accounts shrivelled, and cleaning up crime scenes apparently a growth industry, some may not make the trip. 但当养老金缩水,而收拾残局又是个明显赚钱的行当,有些人就不走了。 www.ecocn.org 10. Each voucher had things like I. O. U. a massage, dinner, free time, cleaning up etc. 每个上面都有类似我欠你信息,晚餐,空闲时间,大扫除等事项。 www.ebigear.com 1. Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt said on Thursday that the site was in the process of cleaning up damage from the attack. Facebook的发言人BarrySchnitt在星期四说网站正在处理这起袭击造成的损害。 www.bing.com 2. Don't be averse to the unattractive side of the job, to cleaning up mucus and phlegm, or urine and excrement. 别憎恶那些令人厌恶的工作,如清理痰液、尿液与排泄物等。 bbs.fjnet.com 3. It is important to start the New Year fresh, and this means cleaning up the house and buying new clothes. 这意味着开始了崭新的一年,这天人们要在家大扫除还要穿新棉袄。 www.bing.com 4. On December 19th, as The Economist went to press, the commission was due to publish its final proposals for cleaning up Europe's cars. 12月19日,《经济学家》向新闻界宣布,欧洲委员会即将发布清洁欧洲轿车的最终提案。 www.ebigear.com 5. Scientists have proposed many ideas for cleaning up space. 科学家们提出了很多清理空间的想法。 www.unsv.com 6. Cats love cleaning, cleaning up their hair, love of licking the backs, so we will use it forepaw wiping his mustache. 猫酷爱清洁,经常清理自己的毛,爱舔身子,饭后它会用前爪檫檫胡子。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Cleaning up our energy habits is indeed the moral equivalent of war . 改变我们的能源使用习惯已经成为一场刻不容缓的道德战争了。 www.bing.com 8. The entire trade in Congolese minerals needs cleaning up. 刚果矿产资源的整个市场需要整顿。 www.ecocn.org 9. We undertook the task of cleaning up the house. 我们承担起打扫屋子的任务。 www.tingroom.com 10. Robust mutexes solve the problem of cleaning up locks properly after an application holding locks crashes. 健壮的互斥锁解决了在持有锁的应用程序崩溃后正确清理锁的问题。 www.ibm.com |
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