单词 | be in a position to |
释义 | 例句释义: 在可以…的地位,能够…,能够做,销售确认书,有能力做 1. Of censorship broadly, Li says: "I'm an entrepreneur. I'm not a politician. I should not be in a position to make this kind of a call. " 对于审查制度,李彦宏表示:我是一个企业家,不是政治家,我不想处于一种被别人某个电话叫走的那种位置。 www.bing.com 2. As a top lawyer, he would be in a position to ensure that none of Russia's recent history was falsified. 作为一名顶级律师,他将置身于一个确保任何俄国近来的历史都不被篡改的岗位上。 www.ecocn.org 3. "Opportunities will come up over the next 24 months, and we want to be in a position to consider them, " he said. “机遇将于未来24个月中出现,我们希望能够有能力去考虑他们,”罗尔仁补充道.(完) cn.reuters.com 4. "We're going to be in a position to more effectively strengthen the security of both of our nations and this region, " he said. 奥巴马说:“我们将会更有效率地加强澳大利亚和整个地区的安全。” dongxi.net 5. And given where the NBA salary cap is probably heading, which NBA team is going to be in a position to sign two max players? 而且NBA的工资帽可能是问题,一支NBA球队将怎能同时够签署两个超高额的球员? www.lebroncn.com 6. It has never been plain sailing where duality is concerned, but soon you will be in a position to realize that the end is clearly in sight. 在二元周期里学习从未是一帆风顺的,但是很快你们将处在一个位置,明白结束已经清晰的进入眼帘。 www.angozj.com 7. If we were to total the amounts of these projections and then actually hit those annual figures, we would be in a position to retire! 如果我们把这些预测数字加起来,然后就当成是年度销售额,那么我们就该退休了! www.zftrans.com 8. "If pressure were being applied, I think Mexico would be in a position to exercise pressure (too), " he said. 如果说各国正对此施加压力,我想墨西哥也准备施加压力。 cn.reuters.com 9. If there was agreement at next week's conference in London, Afghanistan would be in a position to run its own affairs. 在下周伦敦召开的会议上,阿富汗是否可以自己做主,处理自己的事情。 www.bing.com 10. At the end of an audit, the auditor should be in a position to know whether all requirements of the standard are satisfied or not. 当审核结尾的时候,审核员处于这样的地步:应当知道,标准所有的要求是否满足了,还是没有满足。 www.qilongtan.com 1. If you can entertain i tall ment payment on deferred terms, we would be in a position to place orders with you for these goods. 入股你们能接收延淘宝怎么取消订单期条件的分期付款,我将有可能向你淘宝如何取消订单方定购这些货物。 www.91gupiao.com 2. If you can entertain installment payment on deferred terms, we would be in a position to place orders with you for these goods. 如果你们能接受延期条件的分期付款,我们将向你方订购这些货物。 www.bing.com 3. There will come a point when the EU will no longer be in a position to help, even if it wants to. 终有一天,欧盟将不再有能力提供援助,即使它有心这么做。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We never thought that we would be in a position to start producing oil from Kurdistan only two years after we commenced exploration. 我们从没想过,在开始石油勘探仅仅两年后,就开始从库尔德地区开采石油。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Even a fully operational, leveraged EFSF would not be in a position to give a "whatever it takes" bond purchasing guarantee. 即便欧洲金融稳定安排具有充分的可操作性、且杠杆化程度足够高,也难以“不惜一切代价”为债券购买提供担保。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In order for this deal to hold he must be in a position to offer the Palestinian people something concrete. 如果他想要保持住这个停火协议,他必须处于一个能给巴勒斯坦人民一些更实际的东西的位置。 www.bing.com 7. As with other changes that are being observed, we hope to soon be in a position to reveal the truth to you. 随着其他的改变也在被观测,我们希望很快就位把真相揭示给你们。 www.bing.com 8. It will also not be in a position to move ahead with the civilian nuclear deal with the United States. 此外政府也无法处在一个推动跟美国的民用核协议向前发展的地位上。 www.ebigear.com 9. Next month Pluto will not be in a position to harm you, so I feel that you'll do better in your negotiations. 下个月冥王星不会在一个会对你造成伤害的位置,所以我觉得你应该会在你的谈判做的更好。 cckitty.blogcn.com 10. Investors worried the new administration won't be in a position to act fast enough to avert a deep economic downturn. 投资者担心新政府难以迅速行动扭转严重的经济颓势。 cn.reuters.com 1. Google executives believe Microsoft would be in a position to influence the evolution of the web itself. 谷歌高管认为,微软本身倒是有可能影响网络的发展。 www.ftchinese.com 2. WHO will also be in a position to seek verification from States concerning reports received from sources other than the States themselves . 世卫组织也将理所当然地要求缔约国核实从该国以外来源收到的报告。 www.bing.com 3. We are really very sorry not to be in a position to accept your order, but hope that you will understand our situation. 我们非常遗憾不能接受你方的订单,但希望你方能理解我们的处境。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. Many associates privately complain about how law firms have betrayed trust by promising jobs they may not be in a position to deliver. 很多律师私下抱怨事务所对他们信任的背叛-在毫无职位的前提下保证予以雇佣。 www.bing.com 5. Making backups is essential because problems inevitably occur and you need to be in a position to take action when disaster strikes. 制作文件备份非常地重要,因为问题不可避免地发生,而且当问题发生之时,你应该能够采取应对措施。 www.zzbaike.com 6. You will now be in a position to always be able to write something for your blog. 现在你总能在你的博客中写些什么了。 www.elanso.com 7. Opinion polls suggest Democrats might be in a position to retake control of one or both chambers of Congress in the November elections. 民意调查显示民主党已经准备好在11月的大选中重新取得对一院或者两院的掌控。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Job seekers without any savings may not be in a position to say 'no. ' 没有任何积蓄的求职者可能就没有底气说不。 www.kekenet.com 9. You will then be in a position to help others who may be confused and shocked by what they hear. 随后你们将处在一种位置,去帮助那些被他们听到的一切搞得混乱并被吓倒的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In either case, the persons conducting the audit should be in a position to do so impartially and objectively. 无论哪种情况,从事审核的人员都应做到公正,客观。 www.tdict.com 1. If the eurozone had moved to a fiscal union some years ago, its finance minister would now be in a position to take action. 如果欧元区几年前就建立了财政联盟,其财政部长现在就能够采取行动了。 www.ftchinese.com 2. However, things might change at some point if central banks will be in a position to rein in part of the current excess liquidity. 但是,如果中央银行能够驾御一部分目前过剩的流动资金,在某个时刻事情可能会出现转机。 3. Perioperative nurses may be in a position to refer patients for pain therapy and are encouraged to do so. 围手术期的护士可能在一个位置指疼痛治疗的病人,并鼓励他们这样做。 www.syyxw.com 4. Now they will have to realise that the Fed may no longer be in a position to do so. 如今,他们将被迫认识到,美联储无法再这样做了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If you feel a need to end a bad habit, this full moon would be in a position to bring you the right coach to help you overcome it. 如果你觉得有必要戒除一项不良嗜好,这时的满月会带来合适的教练帮助你。 txtkay.blogbus.com 6. The person must be in a position to support his or her family members without recourse to public funds. 邀请人必须有能力支付其家庭成员的生活费用而不必借助公共基金。 www.embassyofireland.cn 7. To the extent that China cuts back increasingly on its rare earth exports, it will be in a position to pick and choose its trading partners. 中国减少稀土出口到了一个程度,其会处于一个有力的地位去选择自己的贸易伙伴 www.bing.com 8. With a planned issue of $5bn in new common stock and strong quarterly earnings of $1. 8bn, it may soon be in a position to do so. 从50亿美元的普通股增发计划和18亿美元的强劲季度业绩来看,该行或许不久就会有条件这么做。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Relatives who are doing well may be in a position to lend money, cosign a loan, or pay a few bills. 做的好的亲戚们可以提供借钱、担保贷款或支付一些账单。 www.bing.com 10. Their former firm aims eventually to be in a position to start growing again. 他们的前东家最终最终定位于重启增长上。 www.ecocn.org 1. But a lot of other things can kill you too, things that the state may be in a position to prevent. 可是其他许多事物也会致人死亡,政府或许也该禁止才对。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If you make that assumption, you realise Greece will almost certainly not be in a position to repay its debts. 如果你做出这样的假定,你就会意识到,希腊无力偿债几乎是板上钉钉的事情。 www.ftchinese.com 3. You'll be in a position to pick and choose if you get out and socialize. 只要你出去多参加集体活动,就会获得挑选的主动权。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. S. - facing more than 450 billion dollars in cuts - may no longer be in a position to offset the shortfalls. 而美国也面临四千五百亿美元的预算削减,可能也不再有能力弥补这些财务上的短缺了。 www.qiewo.com 5. But it's nice to be in a position to chase two great dreams like that. 能够有梦想,并且可以去追逐是一件美妙的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. When every person can have a meal on the table and a toilet in his home, then india will be in a position to compete. 当每一个印度人在饭桌上都有饭吃,在家里都有厕所,那么印度将能处于一个竞争的位置。 www.santaihu.com 7. He could soon be in a position to strike at Benghazi, the rebels' chief stronghold. 他可能很快就可以进攻反对派的主要据点班加西了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. As the biggest party of government, the Maoists may now be in a position to insist. 作为政府中的最大党,毛派现在的立场就是继续坚持自己的主张。 www.bing.com 9. Opinion studies suggest that the Democrats may be in a position to end Republican control of one or both houses of Congress. 名意测验显示民主党有可能有机会结束共和党对国会参众两院的控制。 www.tianya.cn 10. The firm said it will be in a position to explore other corporate-rescue and restructuring plans with creditors. 该机构还说,将同债权人探讨其它救助公司和重组的计划。 www.bing.com 1. Who will be in a position to make key political decisions about land allocation? 谁来做有关土地分配的重要政治决定? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. Finally, you will be in a position to generate money, not see it flow out all the time. 最终,你会赚到很多钱,不会总是花钱如流水。 www.douban.com 3. Will I be in a position to express my opinion on this? 我能对此发表意见吗? www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. So many congressmen want to be in a position to sell votes to Wall Street. 那是因为太多国会议员想要争得一个投票权然后向华尔街的资本家们开价。 www.dooo.cc 5. Would you be in a position to work overtime if required? 你愿意接受需要加班的职位吗 wenku.baidu.com 6. There are opinions about the cosmos and the world that children, once grown, will presumably be in a position to evaluate for themselves. 当儿童一旦长大之后,就大概能够自己评价关于宇宙和这个世界的看法。 bbs-psysoper.zinebooks.com 7. You will be in a position to take back your acceptance or invent an excuse later. 你将在某些场合里收回你的承诺和编造一个谎言。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I don't want to be in a position to do that. 我不希望在有能力做到这一点。 www.englishtang.com 9. you will be in a position to take back you acceptance or invent an excuse later. 你将能够收回你的接受(答应,应允)或着一会儿制造个借口。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. To be in a position to join them 20 years later is a big thrill for me. 要在有能力加入他们20年后对我来说是很大的刺激。 www.englishtang.com 1. By early summer, it will be in a position to adjust the campaign. 在初夏之前,公司将准备调整该广告宣传活动。 www.xici.net 2. Not all Arians will be in a position to accept such radical changes. 不过,不是所有的羊儿有能力接受这种剧烈变化。 www.bing.com 3. The people in the audience may one day be in a position to hire you or write letters of evaluation about you. 有些听众,有朝一日可能会手握大权,给你工作,或者给你写评价意见。 q.sohu.com 4. be in a position to do sth. 由于处境有权做某事 wenku.baidu.com 5. Sir Alex will never let us rest on our laurels and if we can improve the squad this summer, we will certainly be in a position to do so. 老爵爷不会在获得荣誉方面让我们休息,如果我们能进一步提高这套班子,我们势必会这么去做。 www.mu1878.com 6. In addition, some agencies want to be in a position to hire a blind system administrator, for example. 此外,一些机构希望能够雇佣失明的系统管理员。 www.ibm.com 7. I have a lot of envious friends who are worried they will never be in a position to own their own home. 我有很多羡慕我们的朋友。他们担心永远不会拥有自己的家。 kk.dongxi.net 8. For most financial professionals, the idea that the city will be in a position to rival Hong Kong or London within 10 years is absurd . 对大多数金融专业人士而言,上海在十年内可以叫板香港或伦敦的想法是荒唐的。 www.hjenglish.com |
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