单词 | context |
释义 | contexts是context的复数
复数:contexts 例句释义: 上下文,文章的前后关系[脉络],关节,来龙去脉,语境,处境,管理上下文 1. In complex branching logic, it's possible to have two separate copies of these contexts; for instance, consider the flow shown in Figure 8. 在复杂的分支逻辑中,可以拥有这些上下文的两个独立副本,例如,考虑如图8所示的流。 www.ibm.com 2. In various contexts, it's useful to be able to send a query to a server and receive a response containing a list of matching results. 在许多场合下,如果能提供发起一个查询请求来获取相匹配的结果列表的服务,这是很有用的。 www.bing.com 3. Therefore, you might think the hierarchy for the transformation contexts would look similar to that of the transformation configurations. 因此,您可能会转换环境的层级结构与转换配置的层级结构相类似。 www.ibm.com 4. the ambiguity of an individual word or phrase that can be used (in different contexts) to express two or more different meanings. 一个词或短语被用来表达两个以上的不同的意思而产生分歧。 www.hotdic.com 5. Such anxious ruminations seem to haunt much of our national commentary these days, even in the unlikeliest of contexts. 诸如此类的反思最近常常出现在我们全国性的评论当中,甚至场合都令人匪夷所思。 www.bing.com 6. These let you treat each node attribute as if it is a list in those contexts where it would be nice for the attribute to behave like a list. 这两种方法可以让您在属性适合作为列表发挥作用的情况下象对待列表一样对待每个节点属性。 www.ibm.com 7. The Oxford English Corpus would have let me look at numerous contexts of the word to tease out whether this was the case. 若有牛津英语语料库,我或许就能从大量的语境中分辨出事实是否如此。 www.bing.com 8. We make a lot of mistakes in a lot of different contexts. You know, where are we actually going to start with this? 我们在不同情境下,犯下许多错误,我们究竟该从何处下手? www.yyets.com 9. To put for $4 billion in contexts that's enough to send about 80, 000 students to Princeton for a year. 给大家打个比方,40亿美元足够让80,000名学生去普林斯顿大学读书一年。 www.tingclass.com 10. It has been used historically in a number of contexts, but a primary focus now is in the virtualization of servers and operating systems. 虚拟化技术已经在很多场合中应用过了,但现在主要的关注点是服务器和操作系统的虚拟化。 www.ibm.com 1. The scope of a set of PropertyConstraint elements is the range of active contexts within a policy-governed application to which they apply. 一组PropertyConstraint元素的范围是策略控制的应用程序中的活动上下文所应用的范围。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. VRML continued to putter along, mostly in research contexts, but failed to take hold and was largely written off by the Web community. VRML继续被研究,大部分工作都是在研究领域中开展的,但是Web社区却不关心这种技术了。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The technical performance of a technology cannot be isolated from its agronomic, social and institutional contexts. 一种技术的技术性能不能与它的农业、社会、和制度环境割裂开来。 www.scidev.net 4. In some contexts it can be used to refer to any sort of occlusive vascular disease anywhere in the body, except the heart. 在某些语境中它也指代除心脏外全身任何地方的各种闭塞性血管疾病。 www.bing.com 5. The new usage of the word has come from America, and is now found in British contexts. 这个新词用法来自美国,现在已用于英国的文章中了。 www.jukuu.com 6. Even cooler was that we could generate application contexts on the fly from ASP pages that would read the settings from a database. 更酷的是我们可以从ASP页面(需要从数据库中读取配置)中即时生成应用上下文。 www.infoq.com 7. Critical expressions can crop up in other contexts as well: consider the following code. 临界表达式可能在其他上下文中突然出现:考虑如下代码。 www.0470a.net 8. The criterion of translation ought to be constantly modified to make it adapt to different times, contexts and communicative purposes. 翻译标准应该被不断的重新阐释以顺应不同的时间,不同的语境和不同的交际目的。 www.fabiao.net 9. But ever has been used as an intensive with rarely for several hundred years, and the construction is common in informal contexts. 但ever用在rarely之后表示强调已有几百年的历史,而且这种结构在非正式场合是常用的。 www.chinabaike.com 10. The template could have been created in advance and then used for any number of contexts. 模板可以被创建并在任意数量的context中使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. What are the possible contexts in which the given sentences can be used for other purposes than just stating facts? 哪些语境可能使所给的句子改变陈述事实而转作其它的用途? blog.163.com 2. If the class has no default constructor, then the class may not be used in these contexts . 如果类没有默认构造函数,则该类就不能用在这些环境中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. But one should be very cautious and keep to reading the texts in their historical contexts and not with an eye on later knowledge. 但我们应该非常谨慎,并坚持在他们的历史背景下阅读的文本和对后世的知识的眼睛没有。 aistaneen.blog.163.com 4. Learn how multiple application contexts can be combined and used as an implementation for your SCA component. 了解如何将多种应用程序上下文综合起来用作SCA组件的一个实现。 www.ibm.com 5. Due to the different survival contexts, this sense of the elite in different stages of fictions shows a dynamic rheological. 因其不同的生存语境,这种精英意识在不同阶段的小说中呈现出动态的流变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. since the total number of typical contexts of situation they will encounter is finite, the total number of social roles is also finite. 因为典型情景语境的数量总数是有限的,所以社会角色也是有限的。 hi.baidu.com 7. MIME types are also used in other contexts, including e-mail, and by a few experimental operating systems, notably BeOS. MIME类型还用于其他场合,包括电子邮件和少数实验性的操作系统,特别是BeOS。 www.ibm.com 8. That's not the case for one major reason: transformation contexts do not support multiple inheritances. 实际上并不是这样,主要是因为:转换环境并不像转换配置那样可以支持多个继承性。 www.ibm.com 9. In WebSphere Business Monitor, monitor models contain monitoring contexts, which define the set of information to be collected at run-time. 在WebSphereBusinessMonitor中,监测模型包含监测上下文,用于定义将在运行时收集的信息集。 www.ibm.com 10. Most Chinese English-learners do not practice speaking often enough. They have no good contexts for doing that. 许多中国学生并没有得到充分的口语练习,因为他们没有好的内容。 www.ebigear.com 1. Instead, our attention information should be thought of as a personal filter than can be used in many contexts. 实际上我们的注意信息可以看作是我们的个人挡案,在很多情况下都可以被利用。 www.bing.com 2. Yes. This word can be used in a great number of different contexts. But in this case, the suggestion is pretty clear, isn't it? 是哦,这个词能用在很多不同的语境关系中。但是在上述语境中,它的意思很明确是吧? gb.cri.cn 3. In many of these contexts, one starts out with multi-megabyte data sources. 在许多这样的环境中,人们是从有好几兆字节的数据源着手。 www.ibm.com 4. As shown in Figure 5, we used templates to separate the structure and styling of these contexts from the modules creating the data. 如图5所示,我们使用模板将这些上下文的结构和样式与创建数据的模块分隔开。 www.ibm.com 5. Like the transient and correlation contexts, the Shared Context is defined as a user-provided business object. 就像瞬态上下文和关联上下文一样,共享上下文被定义为用户提供的业务对象。 www.ibm.com 6. This technique should allow a robot to move from desert to, say, farmland and still perform well by loading a new set of contexts. 利用这项技术,机器人只要载入一组新的情境,就能确保机器人从沙漠进入其他地方(例如农田)仍能表现良好。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 7. It also did not align with the processing times and cycle times the agency reports in other contexts. 它与处理时间和周期还没有排列代办处报告在其它上下文。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. Each of these formulations has its use in particular contexts; we should expect to see yet more formulations in the coming years. 每种公式在特殊的环境中使用;我们期望在接下来的数年内看到更多的公式。 www.ibm.com 9. Spiritual life of human emotional and psychological contexts significantly affects the human decision-making, cognition and behavior. 作为人类精神生活的情绪和心理情境显著地影响着人类的决策、认知和行为。 www.13191.com 10. Over the years, rural development approaches have been modified to meet changing economic, political, and demographic contexts. 多年来,农村发展政策随着经济条件、政治环境和人口变动不断地进行着调整。 www.bing.com 1. The game and its cultural and political contexts have been beautifully chronicled by Terry Frei in his book Horns, Hogs, and Nixon Coming. 特里.弗雷的《牛角队、野猪队、尼克松到场》对这场比赛及其文化和政治背景做了精彩的记录。 www.bing.com 2. It turns out that the literate brain contains two distinct pathways for making sense of words, which are activated in different contexts. 负责读写的大脑部位实则包括了两条不同的神经回路以帮助我们理解词义,这两条回路分别在不同的情况下被激活。 www.bing.com 3. Multiple dispatch does not merely generalize polymorphism, it also provides a more flexible alternative to inheritance in many contexts. 多分派不仅仅泛化了多态性,它还在许多上下文中提供了更加灵活的继承方式。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Intuitively, one of the most significant distinctions between different contexts is the dynamic information of surroundings. 直观来看,不同情境间的一个主要区别,在于周围环境的动态信息。 search.gucas.ac.cn 5. But, I recommend the section as a valuable set of considerations for the use of XML in many contexts. 但我认为这一节的内容对于XML在其他很多环境中的使用也同样有价值。 www.ibm.com 6. Common sense tells us that we, as he writes, "can understand something better by studying its behavior in different contexts" . 就像他在书中写到的那样,常言道,“在不同环境下研究某样事物,能让我们更好地了解它。” dongxi.net 7. In maximum civil contexts it did not problem whet IT negligence is "gross" or "slight" . 在多数民事要点环境中,过失行为也许“重大”或“轻微”并不关紧要。 www.ffenglish.com 8. The concept of a consumer is used in different contexts, so that the usage and significance of the term may vary. 消费者这个概念在不同的场景里使用,可能用法和意义会不同。 www.bing.com 9. This function can only be used to create compatible device contexts for devices that support raster operations. 这个函数只能用来为支持光栅操作的设备创建兼容的设备环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Method no longer exists, and device contexts are no longer used for printing. 方法,设备上下文也不再用于打印。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. However, in some contexts, a bit of obscurity can help. 但是,在某些场景中,隐匿一点儿会有帮助。 www.ibm.com 2. To become useful as an explanation, the proclaimed 'craziness' should have been verified beforehand, in unrelated contexts. 为了让解释更有力,这个宣称的“疯狂”应该事先在毫无关联的情况下被核实。 www.bing.com 3. Was it possible that they might be beneficial in some contexts? For some of them, it turns out that the answer was yes. 在某些情况下,消极人格特质有没有可能是有益的?结果表明,对于其中的一部分来说,答案是肯定的。 www.bing.com 4. Trusted contexts introduce the concept of context-sensitive privileges. 可信上下文引入了上下文敏感的特权的概念。 www.ibm.com 5. That will definitely save me tons of time since I can now just add tasks to various contexts and just wait until Pre reminds me of them. 这一定会帮我节省大量的时间,因为我现在可以添加各种情况下的任务,然后只要等Pre自动来提醒我。 www.bing.com 6. Contexts are sets of Interaction sets related by an Intermediate Object field called a context ID. 上下文是通过名为contextID的中间对象字段关联在一起的一组交互集。 www.ibm.com 7. First, the introduction of roles and trusted contexts did not introduce any new DB2 privileges. 首先,角色和可信上下文的引入并没有引入任何新的DB2特权。 www.ibm.com 8. however, the concept of subaltern counterpublics should be reinterpreted in different political and cultural contexts. 但次反公众的概念在我国当代政治与文化语境下必须得到重新诠释。 www.chnmedia.com 9. For audit opinions to be believable in specific contexts they must be logically explainable and retraceable and testable. 如果稽核人员的意见在特定的情况下要能够被信任,那麽该意见一定要能被合理地解释、追踪与测试。 goldenmarkint.com 10. The role of instruction is not to dispense facts but to provide students are engaged in authentic tasks that relate to meaningful contexts. 指示的角色是不分配事实但是预防学生从事与有意义的上下文有关的真实的任务。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 1. How can we use knowledge about implicit motives in clinical, business, and school contexts to help people achieve their goals? 我们如何使用有关的临床,商业动机隐含的知识,和学校环境中,帮助人们实现他们的目标是什么? www.ccebook.net 2. But this application is fairly "real life" and the improvements are enough to be significant in many contexts. 但是这种应用程序是相当“真实的”,而且在许多环境中这些改进已经是够显著的了。 www.ibm.com 3. The social contexts in which human beings are living can be classified into two categories: political one and philosophical one. 人们生活的场域可分为哲学和政治两大基本区域。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The Concurrency Runtime scheduler (see Scheduler) uses execution contexts to execute the work queued to it by your application. 并发运行时计划程序(请参见计划程序)使用执行上下文来执行由您的应用程序对其进行排队的工作。 5. Yet two inventive new academic papers claim to have solved the problem of identifying news, in two very different contexts. 然而两篇新近的有创造性的学术论文声称他们找到了解决新信息鉴别问题的办法。 www.ecocn.org 6. This means the callback function itself can execute asynchronously with respect to its caller for such contexts. 这意味着对于这样的上下文,回调函数本身可以相对于其调用方异步执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. This change will broaden the measurement of examinee abilities and reduce the number of different contexts that the candidate must process. 此类变化将会更广泛地测试考生能力并减少考试语境(话题)的数量。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Web 2. 0 can be generally characterized as a common set of architecture and design patterns, which can be implemented in multiple contexts. Web2.0通常可以被当作架构和设计模式的一个公共集,它们可以在多种环境中实现。 www.infoq.com 9. In addition, this database allows each piece of information to be stored only once but referenced from many different contexts. 此外,该数据库对于每个信息只存储一次,但从不同的上下文中进行引用。 www.ibm.com 10. Results The relations of attribute characteristic between the combined formal context and primary formal contexts were obtained. 结果得到了形式背景的属性特征在横向合并前后的关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. historical contexts include entertainment media , computing technology , applications of gaming technology and business history. 历史部分包括娱乐媒体,计算机技术,游戏技术的应用及其商业化历史。 ichacha.net 2. Efficient, error-free transmission is assumed to be the primary goal, especially in engineering contexts. 有效、无误的传送被认为是最主要的目标,特别是对于机械工程行业。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Oromo who resettled in the United States have adapted ancient coffee traditions in indigenous, Christian, and Muslim contexts. 重新定居于美国的奥洛摩人使古老的饮用咖啡传统适应于土著的、基督教的及穆斯林的情境。 www.showxiu.com 4. For information about the security contexts used in a typical ATL Server application or XML Web service, see ATL Server Security. 有关典型ATLServer应用程序或XMLWebservices中使用的安全性上下文的信息,请参见ATLServer安全性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Leading Change in Multiple Contexts: Concepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change Settings. 多语境领导变革:组织,社区,政治,社会和全球变化设置的概念与做法。 www.cepiec.com.cn 6. Words have different connotations in different contexts. The more abstract the word, the more it can be interpreted in different ways. 字词在不同的文本中代表的意义不同,越抽象的词,其解释的方法也越多。 www.myoops.org 7. The third issue that Stephen discusses is the concept of contexts, specifically the synchronization context and the execution context. Stephen所讨论的第三个问题是上下文的概念,特别是同步上下文(synchronizationcontext)和执行上下文(executioncontext)。 www.infoq.com 8. Of prime interest was the phenomenon of customer involvement, usually studies in western contexts. 最主要关注的是通常出现在西方研究的客户介入现象。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Sharing objects or contexts might be required if you are writing XAML node loop logic, or providing a custom save path. 如果您编写XAML节点循环逻辑或者提供自定义的保存路径,则可能需要共享对象或上下文。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Being able to evaluate a DSL script in multiple contexts begins to blur the line between code and data. 在多个上下文中对DSL进行求解的能力,模糊了代码和数据之间的界线。 www.infoq.com 1. In general, personas provide a more holistic model of users and their contexts, where many other models seek to be more reductive. 总的来说,人物角色提供了关于用户及其情境更为完整的模型,而许多其他模型都过于简化。 www.jukuu.com 2. EAI solutions pull data from different sources, aggregate and transform the data to be used in different contexts. EAI解决方案从不同来源抓取数据,聚合并转换数据以被不同的上下文使用。 www.infoq.com 3. Application contexts thus permit flexible, parameter-based access control using attributes of interest to an application. 通过应用程序上下文,开发者可以根据应用程序的属性信息实现灵活的,基于参数的访问控制。 www.zw1840.com 4. But their most significant contribution was their salutory reminder that ideals do not exist outside of social contexts. 但他们最有深远意义的贡献在于他们不无裨益地提醒:理想决不是存在于社会情境之外的东西。 www.bing.com 5. Assignment: Discuss the relationship between physicists' contexts (institutional, political, cultural) and the content of their research. 作业:讨论物理学家背景(制度、政治、文化)和其研究内容之间的关系。 www.myoops.org 6. Pragmatics is the study of the ability of language users to pair sentences with the contexts in which they would be appropriate. 语用学是对语言使用者把句子和使这些句子得以合适的语境相匹配的能力的研究。 www.modlinguistics.com 7. RUP is designed to be easily configurable for specific projects in specific organizational contexts. RUP被设计成对具体企业环境中的具体项目很容易配置。 www.ibm.com 8. Learn more complex language and skills used in a variety of banking and finance contexts. 学习将复合的用语与技巧应用在银行及金融业。 cn.104learn.com.tw 9. The call stack represents the various contexts that the XSLT execution is going through. 调用堆栈表示XSLT执行所经过的各种上下文。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Specifies the set of execution contexts in which a class object will be made available for requests to construct instances. 指定执行上下文集,类对象将在这些上下文中对请求构造实例的请求可用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Specifies the set of execution contexts in which a class object will be made available for requests to construct instances. 指定执行上下文集,类对象将在这些上下文中对请求构造实例的请求可用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Security principal objects can only be created inside domain naming contexts . 安全主要对象仅能在域命名环境菜单中创建。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The concept of nationality law has its broad or narrow sense in different contexts. 民族法概念在不同的语境中有广义和狭义之分。 www.dictall.com 4. Mashups pull data from different sources, aggregate and transform the data to be used in different contexts. Mashup从不同来源抓取数据,聚合并转换数据以被不同的上下文使用。 www.infoq.com 5. With a fixed maximum context length, use of the escape mechanism in PPM will decay with time as all the contexts' predictions fill up. 有了固定的最大范围内的长度,使用单位为ppm逃逸机制将与所有的大环境的预测填补时间衰减。 hi.baidu.com 6. We have a duty to perform in each of those contexts and to be responsible is a necessary condition of our existence. 在每一情形中,我们都有一种义务要履行。因此,成为一个有责任心的人是我们人生的一种必要条件。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Psychohistory does not merely use psychological explanations in historical contexts. 心理历史学并不仅仅在历史环境下使用心理解释。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Second, they will put the readings in their larger contexts and, I hope, set the stage for discussions of the readings. 其次,它将把阅读材料置入它们庞大的上下文中,而且,我希望,为讨论这些阅读笔记提供舞台。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In more formal contexts, "service" refers to the abstract or logical representation of a business task. 在比较正式的上下文中,“服务”指业务任务的抽象或逻辑表示。 www.ibm.com 10. Contexts - break your to-do list into several lists based on the context you're in and what you can actually do right now. 环境——将你的计划表根据你现在所处的情况和你目前正在做的事情,划分成几个小部分。 www.bing.com 1. If you take one of the switches away, the bulb still works in the four other contexts, but not in the fifth. 如果你拿走任何一个开关,由于其他四个开关仍然工作,灯泡还可以打开,但是用拿走的那个不行。 www.bing.com 2. The policy of career-orientedness has not been virtually carried out in practical contexts. 当前以就业为导向在中等职业教育的实践过程中并没有真正的落实。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Even components within the architecture may be deemed potentially reusable in other contexts. 甚至体系架构内部的组件也可以被认为是潜在的复用资源。 www.ibm.com 4. This special sense of community is common to most American Indian cultural contexts. 这种特殊的社会意识对一个有美籍印第安文化背景的人来说是很普通的。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. For instance, in some contexts the French and Spanish word "libre" works well, but people in India do not recognize it at all. 例如,在某些语境中,法语和西班牙语中的libre这个词很适当,但印度人根本不认识这个词。 www.bing.com 6. Inthe covariance model, gender differences are considered to be dynamic and to covary with the macro and micro contexts. 在这一理论模型中,性别差异被视为是动态的,随宏观和微观环境变化而变化的。 www.fabiao.net 7. People might think you're drunk when you're sleep deprived; this can be reputation-damaging in work and social contexts. 当你睡眠不足时,人们可能认为你喝醉了,这可能会损毁你在工作或者社交中的形象。 www.bing.com 8. Anthropologists are generally trained to focus on practices, meaning, embodiment, inequality, social contexts and relationships. 一般来讲,神经人类学家接受的训练是如何关注实践、价值、对象化、不平等、社会条件和人际关系。 www.bing.com 9. In addition, as cultural policy in any given country tends to shift according to changes in the various contexts of cultural policy. 随着国家文化政策倾向于在不同的环境进行变化,必然会导致不同语境从而转移文化政策。 www.docin.com 10. This table could continue to grow, depending on the number of events received with contexts, ultimately resulting in poor performance. 根据接收的事件数量,这个表会不断增长,最终导致性能变差。 www.ibm.com 1. Drawing on all the symbolic contexts suggested in the Hebrew of the Bible, it erects on a barren hill the shadow of the cross. 依照圣经的希伯来文所具有的象徵内涵,此树在荒凉的小山上,巍然矗立,像个十字架的阴影。 springhero.wordpress.com 2. Different hardware and contexts require different tactics, but as a general rule using high-contrast designs is a good idea. 不同的硬件和情境需要不同的应对策略,但是有一个通用的原则,就是要采用高对比设计。 www.jukuu.com 3. These included early writings of Pliny, Philo and Josephus among others allowing comparisons of texts as well as historical contexts. Pliny的包含早期作品还有其他允许以及历史的上下文文本的比较Philo和Josephus。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In pursuing environmental ethics, ecological ethics and ecological aesthetics analyze identical intension by different contexts of ideas. 在追求环境伦理的行动中,生态伦理与生态审美从不同的层面阐释了同一内涵; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Relevance Theory emphasizes that utterance production and interpretation involves the dynamic construct of cognitive contexts. 在关联理论的框架下,交际中话语意义的生成与理解是语境动态构建的过程。 xuebao.jmu.edu.cn 6. Different expressions and understanding of the euphemism depend on different contexts, which, in turn, has an impact on the communication. 语境不同,委婉语的表达方式和理解不同,从而影响交际的顺利进行。 www.bing.com 7. Gen Y is drawing a line between personal and professional contexts and does not bear this trust outside personal relationships. Y世代希望区别私人和专业领域,他们无法承受在私人关系以外的信任。 www.bing.com 8. Regardless, it is necessary to avoid accidentally introducing unintended transformation contexts into the hierarchy. 尽管如此,您需要避免偶然地向层级结构引入意料之外的转换环境。 www.ibm.com 9. Often this results in what was initially a single term being fragmented into multiple terms to satisfy all contexts. 在这种情况下,最初的一个术语常常被分解为多个术语,从而满足所有上下文的需要。 www.ibm.com 10. Failed to retrieve one of the naming contexts. 检索名称上下文中的一个失败。 www.fan6.net 1. Vector products arise frequently in this book in a number of contexts. 在本书的许多场合中经常要出现矢量积。 www.jukuu.com 2. Spring Web module: The Web context module builds on top of the application context module, providing contexts for Web-based applications. SpringWeb模块:Web上下文模块建立在应用程序上下文模块之上,为基于Web的应用程序提供了上下文。 www.ibm.com 3. Part three The fixing a name "s reference is not a interacting course with many compound factors excepting contexts. " 第三部分:名称所指的确定是一个离不开语境的多重复合因素的互动过程。 www.edu-hb.com 4. The contexts in which these falls occur and the resulting morbidity and disability need to be better understood. 我们需要更好地了解跌落事故发生的环境以及由此产生的发病率和致残率。 www.who.int 5. It is expected to be answered through the investigation of related texts and contexts in this paper. 本文尝试通过对相关文本和语境的了解,能对这一疑问略有解答。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Using different tools for different purposes forces me to switch contexts too often. 对不同的用途使用不同的工具迫使我过于频繁地切换环境。 www.ibm.com 7. At IBM, the client organization information is used in a variety of business contexts and business processes including sales and financing. 在IBM,包括销售和财务在内,各种各样的业务上下文和业务流程中使用了客户的组织信息。 www.ibm.com 8. Moral gray zones therefore rely on trust, at all levels, and might not be appropriate in all contexts. 道德灰色地带,因此,依靠多方面的信任,也不会在任何时候都合适。 www.elanso.com 9. In literary contexts , it is applied, generally, to poetry of a Platonic, esoteric, recondite , or occult kind . 就文学范围来说,它一般用于指柏拉图式的、深奥的、晦涩的或玄妙的诗歌。 www.bing.com 10. Moreover, the boundary and function of the four are not definite, but rather, they vary in different historical contexts. 而且,四者的边界和职能不是固定的,而是随着历史条件的变化而变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Problem contexts and the creating of the problem contexts are of great importance in physics inquiry teaching. 利用教材资源创设问题情境是实现教科书资源性和工具性统一的一座桥梁。 www.dictall.com 2. It will explicate the historical and societal contexts from which modern schooling system and its policies are generated. 首先会讲解现代学校教育及其相关政策发展的历史及社会背景。 dict.bioon.com 3. Our w3 Home page can have up to ten portlets, resulting in up to ten session contexts per page. 我们的w3主页可以有十个portlet,这就导致每页有十个会话上下文。 www.ibm.com 4. whereas the second group tend to begin at a later age and achieve a more limited range of comfortable second language contexts. 而后一类人则在年龄稍长时才开始学习,所以熟练掌握的语境也就有限。 app.fortunechina.com 5. Models could not then be universal: they would have to be specific to contexts. 这样一来,经济模型就无法放诸四海而皆准:它们必须因地制宜。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Each of these monitor contexts can have a cube associated with it. 每个监视上下文可以关联一个多维数据集。 www.ibm.com 7. You'll learn about them as they're used in particular programming tasks or contexts. 您将在特定的编程任务或上下文中学习它们。 www.ibm.com 8. When running in a managed environment, the application server can manage the transactional contexts. 当应用程序服务器运行于受管环境下时,应用程序服务器可以管理事务性上下文。 www.ibm.com 9. Once you've created a class with ports and interfaces, it follows that you can re-use them in multiple contexts. 一旦您创建了一个带有部件与接口的类,那么接下来您就可以在多种背景下重复使用它了。 www.ibm.com 10. Confidence in listening is instilled through laboratory exercises which emphasize different social contexts. 在语音室中做不同的社交场合下的练习,逐渐建立听力的自信心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If we're going to address problems, we need to understand the contexts and how these tendencies emerge or don't emerge. 假如我们打算解决难题,我们就要理解环境以及这些趋向是怎样浮现或怎样就不浮现。 www.bing.com 2. Images are concretized emotional codes. In different cultural contexts, images can present different esthetic features. 在不同的文化语境下,绘画意象呈现出不同的审美特征。 www.lw23.com 3. There is no limit to the relative contexts in which yin and yang can be applied. 在相对的环境中阴和阳的应用是没有限制的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Objects, which means that you can create a table in any of those contexts. 对象的成员,这意味着您可以在其中任何上下文中创建一个表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. This scam program surfaces in many contexts, including links spreading on social-networking sites and through advertisements. 这种欺诈程序在很多情况下都会出现,包括遍布社交网络的链接和贯穿其中的广告。 www.mittrchinese.com 6. Concepts and skills are taught in ways that encourage students to apply them in real-life contexts that make subject matter meaningful. 在概念和技能的教学中鼓励学生与实际生活相联系使学科内容意义深远。 blog.cersp.com 7. Ideally, you could use an automated tool to derive accessibility evaluation points based on personas and their contexts of use. 理论上说,您可以使用自动化工具取得基于角色和使用的上下文的易访问性评估点。 www.ibm.com 8. The potential contexts that readymade objects probably possess are experimented and considered again in every different stage. 在每个阶段里,都不同程度的重新体验和审视了现成品的可能赋予的艺术语境。 www.13191.com 9. As an act of communication, interpreting is a dynamic process of selection and adaptation to specific contexts. 口译作为一种交际行为,是在特定的语境因素作用下动态的选择和顺应的过程。 www.13191.com 10. A conceptual framework was proposed regarding the relationship among risk, risk attitude and trust in buyer-seller relationship contexts. 本文提出了一个商业关系背景下感知风险、风险态度与信任的概念模型。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Some songs from the original musical were dropped and some were added, while others were used in a different contexts. 有些歌从原来的音乐分别下降了,有些人说,有的人则是用在不同的情境。 www.hudong.com 2. Instances: Display the available monitoring contexts in either individual instances or user-defined groups of context instances. 实例:显示单独实例或用户定义的上下文实例组中的可用监视上下文。 www.ibm.com 3. Seek out new perspectives4 and contexts. The more perspectives you seek out, the more you push the boundaries of your mind. 寻找新视角和背景看问题角度越多,思路也就越开阔。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. None of the existing contexts offered the appropriate level of granularity to handle multirequest operations. 现有的任何上下文都没有提供合适的粒度水平,用于处理多请求操作。 www.ibm.com 5. As a main discussion point, eight practical situated designing principles for SBME in theoretical and practical contexts are then expounded. 作为探讨重点,为理论与实践境脉中的SBME提炼了系列情境化设计原理和实用原则。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Gives concrete examples of historians' own usage of such ideas drawn from a range of cultures, contexts and periods. 给出了历史学家的这种想法从自己的具体使用范围制定的文化,背景和时间的例子。 www.ccebook.net 7. In this study, we investigated risk decision-making and cognition process of venture experts and novices under a given venture contexts. 本研究从专家一新手的角度出发,研究创业专家与新手在假设的创业情境中的风险决策及其认知过程的差异。 www.fabiao.net 8. We have said that the meaning of a word is the sum of the contexts in which it occurs. 我们说过,一个词语的含义是它所出现的背景总和。 www.fane.cn 9. Number of cached execution contexts for the query plan that are not being currently used. 当前未使用的查询计划的缓存执行上下文数目。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Proposed features of SOP include contracts, components, connections, containers, and contexts. SOP提供的特性包括合同、组件、连接、容器和上下文。 www-128.ibm.com 1. As the above example shows, by executing the DSL in various contexts you can generate multiple behaviors from the same business rule. 如上述示例所展示的,通过在不同上下文中执行DSL,可以从同一个业务规则产生多种不同的行为。 www.infoq.com 2. They may be, in contexts where girls are totally protected, safe from any misreading or violation. 在受到完全保护之下,她们或许可免受任何误解或侵犯。 www.bing.com 3. More important, its implications often show the variety and complexity due to the linguistic contexts. 更重要的是,其言外之意往往因语言环境的不同而呈现出多样性与复杂性。 www.dictall.com 4. To understand why people make different decisions about the same risk, you must understand their contexts. 为了理解人们为何对同样的风险做出不同的决定,你必须理解他们所处的环境。 www.scidev.net 5. Words have different meanings in different contexts, and usually monolingual dictionaries are of utmost value in this regard. 同一个单词在不同上下文中会有不同含义,在这方面,单语词典通常会提供最有效的帮助。 www.bing.com 6. The framework maps two broad classes of technology against the locus of adoption, resulting in four IT adoption contexts. 框架映射技术二个主要的种类反对收养所在地,造成四它收养上下文。 wenwen.soso.com 7. System administrators then create a "security policy" that specifies what privileges are granted for which security contexts. 然后系统管理员就可以创建一个指定哪些特权授与哪个安全上下文的“安全策略(securitypolicy)”。 www.ibm.com 8. The application of our ideas about turbulence to specifically oceanographical contexts has taken place only fairly recently. 将湍流的概念应用于特定的海洋学领域,这仅仅是很近代的事情。 9. Data and indicators reflecting activities and processes in these local contexts serve to assist local monitoring and decision-making. 下文所提到的数据和活动及进程相关的指标将利于协助当地的监测和决策。 www.chinatranslation.net 10. In many contexts, it's not feasible to identify and effect a direct transfer to the victims of the discrimination. 在许多情况下,把得到的好处直接转移向歧视的受害者是不可能的。 www.bing.com 1. It also clarifies the specific contexts and category of emergency education discussed in this paper by comparison and empirical analysis. 通过比较和实证浅析浅析的策略,厘清论文所讨论的应急教育的具体语境和范畴。 www.zidir.com 2. For every operation, we ve cut down the number of contexts floating around in our application to one. 我们将遍布在应用程序中的上下文数量减少为一个。 www-128.ibm.com 3. This will help to clarify the learning contexts in which errors should be avoided or harnessed. 这将帮助弄清楚在学习中错误是应该被避免呢还是被揪住。 www.bing.com 4. Indeed, "service" in some contexts could refer to all interpretations, perhaps in different phases of the service lifecycle. 实际上,“服务”在某些上下文中可以指所有含义,比如在服务生命周期的不同阶段。 www.ibm.com 5. The Project Contexts panes display the properties of the active solution build configuration . “项目上下文”窗格中显示了活动解决方案生成配置的属性。 www.bing.com 6. There are two characteristics in engineering-engineering contexts and its social experimentation. 工程存在境域性和社会实验两个基本特性。 www.dictall.com 7. However, by staying with simple content, where common words appear often in different contexts, these words eventually start to stick. 然而,通过反复阅读简单文章,其中的常见词经常出现在不同的上下文中,这些词最终开始在大脑中扎根。 www.bing.com 8. Such navigation aid for the sea of information would be highly useful only in complex contexts such as global change. 这种信息之海的领航援助,只有在全球变迁这种复杂议题下才会非常有用。 docs.google.com 9. On the basis of the local image model, we propose a tissue-based local entropy minimum method to generate the contexts for all pixels. 为了满足局部图像模型的三个假设条件,本文提出一种基于局部熵最小化的组织分块方法。 www.fabiao.net 10. Once you profile them, you can reuse personas, with slight modifications to accommodate different application contexts. 一旦您描述了它们,您就可以复用角色,用细微的修改来适应不同应用程序的环境。 www.ibm.com 1. This is problematic because updates to the XAML data binding (and possibly the data contexts as well) are hard to test. 这就会带来问题,因为对XAML数据绑定(可能还包括数据上下文)的更新很难进行测试。 harvey8819.blog.163.com 2. Besides, it highlights restrictive influence of dynamic contexts on communicating parties. 同时也充分凸显出动态语境对交际双方选择和理解委婉语的制约作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. "Cognitive Contexts" and "Expressions in Translation" --a study on "the criterion and principle of translation" “认知语境”与“翻译表达”--关于“翻译标准与原则”的探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. "I" and "Myself" are important first-person pronouns in the Pre-qin literature, but the two have different meanings in different contexts. “吾”与“我”是先秦文献中重要的第一人称代词,但是二者在不同语境中却有着不同的含义。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Ability to work in and maintain performance expectations in diverse cultural contexts and high- pressure environment. 适应能力强,能在文化差异和高度紧张的环境下工作。 jobs.zhaopin.com 6. You should not call any of the enlistment interfaces with impersonated contexts. 您不应通过模拟的上下文调用任何登记接口。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. 'Exhibitions must be sensitive to specific local contexts, ' says Mr. “展览会必须考虑当地的特殊情形,”新加坡美术馆馆长陈文辉说。 www.letou.cn 8. Collaborations among them under various business contexts are more crucial. 在各种业务上下文中进行协作才是至关重要的。 www.ibm.com 9. However, results coming out from the studies in different contexts and different teaching settings also show differences. 但是,学生在两种不同的语言环境和教学环境下对形式的注意也存在差异。 www.fabiao.net 10. You can load multiple add-ins into the same application domain, which enables the add-ins to share resources and security contexts. 可以将多个外接程序加载到同一应用程序域中,从而使外接程序可以共享资源和安全上下文。 1. Metaphor usually goes beyond the denotative meaning and comes under the influence of contexts (linguistic context and cultural context). 隐喻通常隐含于语句的字面义之外,通过语境(文化语境和在语言语境)体现出来。 www.fabiao.net 2. China has conducted fruitful diplomatic activities in both bilateral and multilateral contexts. 我国进行了卓有成效的双边和多边外交活动。 chinafanyi.com 3. Remember that the same information is composed and used differently in different business contexts. 请记住,相同的信息在不同的业务上下文中以不同的方式进行组合和使用。 www.ibm.com 4. Panic-like phenomena occurred in other contexts as well. 类似恐慌的现象同样也出现在其他情况下。 www.bing.com 5. This can be achieved by creating a marketing context that uses business, sales and finance contexts. 这可以通过创建营销上下文来实现,该上下文使用业务、销售和财务上下文。 www.ibm.com 6. Ideas themselves are rooted in specific material contexts and have to independent existence apart from the social formation. 观念本身根源于一定的物质环境,不能脱离社会形态而独立存在。 www.jukuu.com 7. Hidden pragmatics meaning of the mood word in source text, selected by contexts, will be opened or be hidden as before in target text. 受语境选择,原文语气词隐含的语用意义在译文中外现或仍保留隐含状态。 www.sinoss.net 8. The analysis of the learner characteristics and the learning contexts will be dramatically altered or even eliminated. 对学习者特点和学习情境的分析将会大大改变,甚至被取消。 kaoshi.alai.net 9. Students' vocabulary acquisition can be enhanced when it is embedded in real-world complex contexts that are familiar to them. 当学生的词汇被嵌入到他们很熟悉的真实世界的复杂上下文中时可以得到加强。 www.bing.com 10. The tension between symbiosis and conflict has been repeated in many contexts and provides the motivation for this report. 共生与矛盾的平衡在上下文中已经一再重复,也是我写这篇报告的主要动机。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The following table shows the default access levels for various declared programming elements, depending on their declaration contexts. 下表显示各种已声明的编程元素的默认访问级别(取决于其声明上下文)。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. In order to correctly match left and right contexts around the cursor, it needs to ensure the pattern matches only at the cursor's column. 为了正确地在光标周围匹配左边和右边上下文,要确保该模式仅在光标所在的列进行匹配。 www.ibm.com 3. Let's take a look at what these templates might look like for our three contexts using the announcements module described in Part 6. 我们来看看使用第6部分描述的announcement模块的三个上下文所用的模板。 www.ibm.com 4. But competition and competitiveness have different meanings in different contexts. 但在不同的环境下,竞争和竞争力有不同的含义。 www.ftchinese.com 5. These inheritance and variation are undoubtedly closely linked to Ar Lai's national cultural status and new writing contexts. 而这种传承与变异无疑都是与阿来的民族文化身份与新的写作语境息息相关的。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. This would help them understand communities' socio-cultural contexts and provide a guide for introducing ICTs in a sensitive way. 这可以帮助它们理解社区的社会文化背景,并为以一种灵敏的方式引入ICT提供指导。 www.scidev.net 7. The formal contexts and concept lattices in formal concept analysis are good methods of knowledge representation. 形式概念分析中的形式背景及概念格是一种较好的知识表示方法; www.fabiao.net 8. One reason is the relative concern in different risk assessment contexts for relevance and independence from biases. 原因之一是不同风险管理环境下,对风险评估的针对性和独立性的关注程度不同。 www.fane.cn 9. Activation contexts allow an application to load a particular DLL version, COM object instance, or custom window version. 通过激活上下文,应用程序可以加载特定的DLL版本、COM对象实例或自定义窗口版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Threads and contexts use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific and context-specific data, respectively. 线程和上下文使用本地存储内存机制分别存储线程特定的和上下文特定的数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. However, binding contexts can now be explicitly marked up with a new element. 但是,绑定环境现在可使用一个新的元素显式地标记。 www.ibm.com 2. And most importantly, these products are used in much different contexts than desktop computers. 更为重要的是,这些产品的使用场合和桌面计算机非常不同。 www.jukuu.com 3. All the overhead of switching contexts is applied to the thread one time. 切换上下文的所有开销都一次性应用到线程。 www.ibm.com 4. The Task Force defined minorities as "members of racial and ethnic minorities unless the context indicates a broader contexts" . 该特别工作组将少数民族界定为“在种族和民族上属于少数群体的成员,除非另有情况对之进行意义更为广泛的解释。” cc.shnu.edu.cn 5. The application of language can't do without contexts; they play a crucial role in comprehension of discourse in communication. 语言的运用离不开语境,语境对交际中话语的理解起着关键的作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Not only do the trees, flowers and crops change, the wildlife and light vary as well, offering contrasting contexts for the same scenes. 不光树木、花朵、农作物会变化,野生动物和光线也会改变,给同一场景带来全然不同的景致。 www.bing.com 7. However, as an academic phenomenon, the Chinese and Western contexts of all disputes must be distinguished. 但是,作为一个思想现象,必须区分这一争论的中西处境。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. I always have a way to capture ideas and get them out of my head, in all contexts (notepad, laptop, voice recorder, etc. ). 我有办法随时记录自己的想法,无论用笔记本、电脑还是录音笔。 fatcatgtd.diandian.com 9. Note that deterministic contexts, defined earlier, correspond to the non-branching paths in the context trie. 请注意,确定性情况下,先前定义,对应于上下文trie非分支路径。 hi.baidu.com 10. The figure displays execution times for the profiled scenarios in different usage contexts. 这幅图显示了不同的分析场景在各种使用环境下的执行时间。 boost-doc-zh.googlecode.com 1. However, words like 'homosexual' and 'heterosexual' can have advantages in other contexts. 不过,“同性恋者”和“异性恋者”两词在其他的语言环境下反而有优势。 www.bing.com 2. In most civil contexts it does not matter whether negligence is "gross" or "slight" . 在多数民事事项环境中,过失行为是否“严重”或“轻微”并不关紧要。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. This commentary explores the significance of cultural contexts for theories on the built environment. 本评论讨论建成环境理论的文化背景的重要性。 sites.sdjzu.edu.cn 4. Changes in both external environments and internal contexts are critical forces to drive strategic change. 外部环境变化和组织演化是推动企业战略变革的重要力量。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The different contexts will give you different stimulus, which will trigger off different thoughts and actions in you. 不同的环境会给你不同的刺激,这些会让你产生不同的想法,采取不同的行动。 www.bing.com 6. Number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the operating system. 在操作系统上当前加载或运行的处理上下文数目。 www.drados.com 7. An identical word sign has, in different contexts, different references, or in other word, different concepts. 相同的语词指号在不同语境中可以指谓不同的对象即表示不同的概念。 lib.cqvip.com 8. It appeared that small schools are fostering more personal and supportive contexts for both teachers and students. 分析显示小型学校为教师与学生都营造了更人性化更有支持力的环境。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This article explores both of these contexts. 本文将对这两种情况进行探索。 www.ibm.com 10. In the Mortgage Lending scenario, two monitoring contexts have been defined. MortgageLending场景中定义了两个监视上下文。 www.ibm.com 1. The contexts of secretarial verbal communication are constituted by various but related factors. 秘书言语交际语境由各种不同而有联系的因素构成。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Economists will be able to describe how some people acted in some specific contexts. 经济学家将能对某些人在某些特定情况下采取某种行动提供解释。 dongxi.net 3. Sociolinguistics is the sub-discipline of linguistics that studies language in social contexts. 社会语言学是语言学的一个分支,它研究社会环境中的语言。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Transformation contexts were a good fit to accomplish this. 转换环境就是完成这项任务的一个很好的工具。 www.ibm.com 5. With advances in technologies, people are now given more opportunities of learning in different contexts. 随着技术的进步,人们被给予跟多的在不同场合学习的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Object that contains information about the various contexts of the current thread. 对象,该对象包含有关当前线程的各种上下文的信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In Active Directory, data storage is partitioned into three logical segments called naming contexts. 在ActiveDirectory中,数据存储被分区为三个称为命名上下文的逻辑段。 technet.microsoft.com 8. To get an idea of where UBL comes in, think of the many contexts in which addresses are used. 为了对UBL有一个直观的印象,考虑使用地址的很多上下文。 www.ibm.com 9. A multitude of intertwined contexts are stimulated and become dynamic as communication unfolds. 各种语境之间相互联系,在交际中不断被激活,动态地发展。 www.13191.com 10. affected by their contexts of distributed costs and benefits and ecological interaction. 受到他们的分布式环境的成本、收益以及生态互动。 www.wenjiaoyu.com 1. If the disqualification is unresolved, you will no longer be eligible to enter USACO contexts. 在资格取消未解除的状态下,您将不能登录USACO内容。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. To prevent violence and promote women's safety, several strategies have been tested in various cultural contexts. 为了防止暴力,促进妇女的安全,几个战略已经测试了不同的文化背景。 syyxw.com 3. Is your unique and personal potential being completely fulfilled within the various contexts of your life? 在你的生活中,你的独特魅力和个人潜能充分发挥出来了吗? dongxi.net 4. You can use synonyms in place of their referenced base object in several SQL statements and expression contexts. 可以在一些SQL语句和表达式上下文中使用同义词替代其引用的基对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. This simplifies the specification of shared behavior patterns in different contexts. 这样使得在不同上下文中的共享行为模式的规范更加简单化。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Lower levels of education in many contexts has also been found to increase the risk of sexual and gender-based violence. 我们发现,在许多地方,教育水平较低加剧了遭受性暴力和基于性别暴力的风险。 www.who.int 7. In some contexts, the term may refer to any point from which depth is measured. 在一些文章中,深度参考点也指开始测量的任一点。 www.infopetro.com.cn 8. Contexts are important to the dynamic assembler because routing decisions may be altered based upon them. 上下文对动态组装程序非常重要,因为可以基于这些上下文修改路由决策。 www.ibm.com 9. Another important difference between Java methods and JavaScript functions is that JavaScript functions can be run in different contexts. Java方法和JavaScript函数之间的另一个重要区别是JavaScript函数可以运行在不同的上下文中。 www.ibm.com 10. A new study reveals another consequence - 'the social comparison bias' - that's relevant to business contexts. 一项新的研究揭示了另一种结果-“比较偏见”-这跟商业环境有关。 www.elanso.com |
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