单词 | classics |
释义 | 例句释义: 西洋古典学,经典,古典文学,经典动画 1. Quintilian did it for Roman education, selecting, as he said, both ancient and modern classics. 罗马修辞学家昆提连为罗马教育也做过这项工作,他说过,他选定了古今经典名著。 www.712100.com 2. Scarred by her schizophrenic mother and dislocated upbringing, she was happy to have the classics put in her hand. 经历了患有神经分裂症的母亲带来的伤痛和错位的成长过程,她很乐意将这些名著拿在手中。 www.bing.com 3. Under the peach tree, a seventy years of age wearing a pair of old eye reading glasses, hands and one classics, attentively reading the. 桃树下,一古稀老人眼戴一副老花镜,手捧一册典籍,聚精会神地阅读着。 enwaimao.cn 4. So we started thinking, what if instead of copying the classics with a new spin, the original films had never been made? 因此我们开始思考,如果不以新方式复制经典,而是原版影片根本就不存在,会怎么样? www.bing.com 5. Meng Zi is a work of Meng Zi who was a famous thinker in ancient times. It had been listed one of the thirteen classics in feudal times. 《孟子》是我国古代著名思想家孟子的著作,封建时代被列为十三经之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Hardly had my parents' car rounded the corner at the end of the road than I ditched German and scuttled off down the Classics corridor. 可是等到父母的车消失在公路的转角,我就立刻抛掉了德语,奔向古典文学的道路。 www.ruanyifeng.com 7. Your ability to appreciate Chinese classics left me with admiration. You were indeed unique in many ways. 我真的很佩服你对中国古典艺术的鉴赏力,你在很多方面真的都很特别。 www.bing.com 8. So at a very early age I was exposed to all the Italian Neorealist classics, which had a profound effect on my psyche. 所以我很小的时候就接触到了所有的意大利新现实主义的经典影片,这对我的思想产生的巨大的影响。 www.bing.com 9. But it evolved into a nightmare for China as the system gradually changed into one that tested memorization of Confucian classics. 但这种制度逐渐变了味,因为它逐渐演化成一种死记硬背孔夫子经典的考试。 www.68en.com 10. Still, having expanded on one of the classics of English literature, James vowed, "I shall never do anything like this again. " 然而,由于把英国文学的经典著作之一延展改编了,James发誓说,“我再也不会做这样的事了。” www.bing.com 1. Her works stand up to the test of the time, and turn out to be the classics in modern American fiction. 华顿的作品经受了时间的考验,已成为现代美国小说中的经典。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. First responsibility of education depends on allowing a student can free-standing, is not to be its to engraft bellyful Confusion classics. 教育的首要责任在于让学生能够自立,而不是为其灌输满腹经书。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As one of the Chinese classics, Tao Te Ching attracts a great number of Western as well as Chinese scholars to interpret it in a new way. 作为中国的经典著作,《道德经》吸引着中外众多的学者对其进行新的阐释。 www.fabiao.net 4. Many of the great anime and manga classics take place in millennial universes, including the Evangelion and Akira series. 许多伟大的经典动画片和漫画都发生在千禧年的宇宙,包括《福音战士》和《阿基拉》系列。 www.bing.com 5. Such a theme is generally implicit between the lines in tea classics with highly concise, implied, metaphoric and symbolic language. 这一主题含而不露地隐蕴于茶著的字里行间,文本语言编码表现为简约化、含义化和隐喻化。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. But the true classics, the great films, work on a completely different level that transcends the moment of their creation. 而真正经典的作品,那些伟大的电影,却是在一个完全不同的层次上起作用,折射出他们所在的时代气息。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Confucian school of thought is one of the classics, by the disciples of Confucius and his disciples compiled from longer. 是儒家学派的经典著作之一,由孔子的弟子及其再传弟子编撰而成。 www.ksw123.com 8. In the classics, there are always demonic character images, whose charm always attracts reader of every times firmly. 伟大的文学作品中,总是那些富有恶魔性的人物形象散发出最迷人的光辉。 en.zidian8.com 9. I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Classics; they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day. 我不记得我告诉我的父母我在学习古典文学;也许他们在我毕业那一天是第一次发现这一情况。 www.ecocn.org 10. I read his magnificent book, The Value of Money, which is one of the classics of American economic writing and world monetary literature. 我读了他的巨著《货币的价值》,那是美国经济著作和世界范围内货币作品中的经典之一。 www.bing.com 1. In a certain sense, "believed in speaking" has become the subsequent interpretation of Confucian classics in the form of the basic features. 在一定意义上,“述而不作”成为了其后儒家经典诠释基本的形式特征。 jztu.5d6d.com 2. EMI Classics was just as excited by the young pianist as Bush, and soon a new album was underway. 百代唱片公司也像Bush一样激动,很快一张新的专集在制作中。 q.sohu.com 3. Transmission of ancientness in classics translation has long been a disputable issue. 典籍翻译是否应当传递古雅韵味?这是一个长期困扰翻译界的问题。 www.dictall.com 4. Steampunk ideas have also increasingly been retroactively applied to existing cult classics. Perhaps the most notable of these is Star Wars. 有越来越多的蒸汽朋克创意被追加到已有的经典邪典电影中,最明显的就是《星球大战》。 www.bing.com 5. The classics do not force a child to conform to old-fashioned beliefs, nor do they teach them to be Eurocentric. 经典并不是强迫一个孩子去认同那些过时的信念,也不是教他们变成欧洲中心主义者。 www.bing.com 6. Their appreciation of classics and the given information are much more than I can imagine. 他们对经典的解读,所传达的丰富信息,是我以前所无法想象的。 ccca.hk 7. Reading the classics develops an understanding of the human condition and a deeper appreciation of modern problems. 阅读经典名著能提高对人类状态和对现代社会问题的更深层次的理解。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. She had to spend much of her time boning up on the classics to pass the test. 她不得不花许多时间攻读古典著作以便能通过这次测验。 word.hcbus.com 9. arrest lock up do not exceed two months commonly , details of a case is complex , classics approval also cannot exceed 3 months. 逮捕关押一般不超过两个月,案情复杂的,经批准也不能超过三个月。 www.ichacha.net 10. And maybe this is why you think he's done such good work with American classics, because so much is about family. 也许这正是为什么他对美国经典剧目做出了这么大的贡献,因为这都与家庭有关。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Two other classics on investing are The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel. 另外两部投资经典书籍有BenjaminGraham的《做个智慧投资人》以及BurtonMalkiel的《华尔街漫步》。 www.bing.com 2. Turns the head in 2006 the university profession very ordinary one day, let me know was in sharp contrast the classics frontier sheepdog. 回眸2006年大学生涯很普通的一天,让我认识了黑白分明经典的边境牧羊犬。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. The interpretation and research on The Book of Songs, one of the Confucian classics, always share extreme importance in history. 《诗经》作为儒家重要经典之一,它的阐释和研究始终处于极其重要的地位。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Country of classics of unit of a few recruit students teaches appoint approval, can examine and approve by oneself. 少数招生单位经国家教委批准,可自行审批。 www.nwpu.net 5. One of the country's most popular animators, Hayao Miyazaki, has produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. 宫崎骏是日本最受欢迎的漫画家之一,他曾制作了多部日本电视动画的经典巨作。 www.zftrans.com 6. I read classics before going to bed every night. 每天晚上,我在睡觉之前看名著。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. When he was about twenty, his mind was already full all the classics. Therefore, the poems he wrote were outstanding. 到二十岁左右时,他已经满腹诗书,写出的诗歌也不同凡响。 bnu.eduwuca.org 8. The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. 该老人与海是海明威的最持久的作品,并很可能成为一个真正的经典我们这一代人。 wenwen.soso.com 9. I suggest you to read literary classics, popular science books to read, to read biographies of famous people. 我建议大家多读文学名著,多读科普读物,多读名人传记。 enwaimao.cn 10. Like a thirsty people need water, 1978 reprint of a batch of classics, the twinkling of an eye is the reader robbed. 象极度干渴的人需要泉水那样,一九七八年重印的一批名著,瞬息间就被读者抢光了。 www.bing.com 1. "The Manifesto of the Communist Party " is one of the greatest classics in history. 《共产党宣言》是历史上最伟大的经典著作之一。 www.kekenet.com 2. Many readers have only begun reading Zen Habits in recent months, and may have missed some of these classics. 许多读者在最近几个月只是开始读禅宗养生的文章而可能错过了这些好内容。 www.bing.com 3. The Applied Philosophical Balance Theory is not the unity of past philosophies, but the "integration of philosophical classics. " 应用哲学大平衡不是以往哲学之统一,而是“原有哲学经典之融和”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This book brings together in a single and convenient volume the classics of our modern practice of radiology . 这本书在一间单人房和方便的卷里集合我们的放射学的现代实践的经典作品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I'm always seeking different tea sets in different seasons and I keep looking perseveringly for the classics that could accompany me. 不同的季节里我总是在寻觅不同的茶具,执著的我总在寻找着陪伴自己的经典。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. The classics , meanwhile , may not fetch huge returns but will at least hold their value . 同时,经典服饰或许不会获得巨额利润,但至少它们会保持价值。 www.bing.com 7. regardless of how the network does renew quickly, is also unable to eliminate this section of classics game. 无论网络更新如何快,也无法淘汰这款经典游戏。 www.qdcs5.com 8. The humanism thinks , read classics being able to stride over the time and space chasm, survival state and mindset improving human being. 人文主义认为,阅读经典可以跨越时间与空间的鸿沟,改善人类的生存状态和精神状态。 www.fabiao.net 9. Haoyuedangkong night, I look at the peak wearing moonlight, as if tirelessly still ringing in the classics. 皓月当空的晚上,老子看经峰身披月色,仿佛在不知疲倦地犹在读经。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As the Chinese classics voluminous, we also had a huge capacity of the electronic CD-ROM as part of its transmission carrier. 由于中华典籍浩如烟海,也就有了容量巨大的电子光盘作为其传播的载体。 www.cutpic.cn 1. Cross-strait agriculture communication and collaboration are the main component that cross-strait classics trade concerns. 海峡两岸农业交流与合作是两岸经贸关系的重要组成部分。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 2. His translations of Sino-Western cultural classics have made a great contribution to Sino-Western cultural exchanges. 他的中西文化经典翻译为中西文化交流作出了贡献。 lib.cqvip.com 3. There is no doubt that people have benefited a lot form reading classics . 毫无疑问,阅读经典书籍使人们收益匪浅。 www.bing.com 4. Among red classics, the novel The Three Family Alley is not the most influential, but it has its unique characteristics. 小说《三家巷》不是红色经典中最富有影响力,但却是独具特色的。 lib.cqvip.com 5. The reassessment and innovation of classics is a normal cultural process and a duty of the intellectuals. 经典的重估更新是常态的文化过程,一直是知识分子的份内事。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The classics also reveal ideas that have long been the foundation of American government, including those of Plato and Aristotle. 经典也阐述了作为美国政府基础的理念,其中包括柏拉图和亚里士多德的观点。 www.bing.com 7. We read the classics, he said, because we believe they say more than the author meant. 他说,我们之所以阅读经典,是因为我们相信经典作品表达得比作者本人想表达的含义还要丰富。 htmlr.com 8. The classics are the literature of ancient Greece and Rome, known as classical antiquity. 经典是古代希腊和罗马古代著名的经典。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 9. D. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye is considered as one of the Modern Classics in the post-war American literature gallery. 塞林格的唯一长篇小说《麦田里的守望者》被认为是美国文学的“现代经典”之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. My assignment to the kids is to have them perform love songs, so we're doing some fun classics that are Valentines-y. 我想让孩子们唱几首情歌,所以我们正在准备几首配合情人节气氛的经典情歌。 www.ebigear.com 1. We have been entering the new times , have been full of the acute political affairs classics and society volatile situation everywhere. 我们正进入新的时代,到处都充满了剧烈的政经及社会变局。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Kane, a classics major, has always been interested in politics, "that's why he and Chelsea hit it off. " 学习古典文学专业的凯因对政治一直很感兴趣。“正因如此,凯因和切尔西才会合得来。” www.dictall.com 3. Japanese toy manufacturers showcase innovative new toys and classics with a twist at the International Tokyo Toy Show. 在东京国际玩具展览会上,日本的玩具制造商们展示了各种新奇的和经典的玩具。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 4. Paterson more than made up for the lack ofschooling with self-directed education, voraciously reading the classics ofpoetry and literature. 帕特森如饥似渴的阅读诗歌和文学经典,凭借自我导向的教育不仅弥补,而且还胜过了学校教育。 www.bing.com 5. The deep color is one of the season's hottest hues, and goes perfectly with white and black classics. 深红色可是当季流行色调之一,与经典的白色或黑色搭配都能相得益彰。 www.hjenglish.com 6. The ancient history of triple law of Xu Tang School has important significance as reference about the choice of the way of Chinese classics. 徐唐学派积极倡导并科学实践的古史三重证法,对中国古典学的未来路向的选择,具有重要的借鉴意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Shakespeare's plays are among the great classics of English literature. 莎士比亚的戏剧是英国文学中的伟大经典著作。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Confucius created this tradition for future interpretation of the Confucian classics had a major impact. 孔子所开创的这一传统对日后儒家经典诠释产生了重要影响。 jztu.5d6d.com 9. Confucian Classics are the chart by which the rulers of China have endeavored to navigate the ship of state. 儒学经典是一张航海图,中国的许多统治者正是靠它来驾驶国家这艘航船的。 chen.bokerb.com 10. he reads extensively on a wide range of subjects , from the classics and literature to science , technology , economics and management. 汪老涉猎极广,从经史子集到文学名著,从天文地理到财经科技,无所不读,且一目十行、过目不忘。 www.ichacha.net 1. Reading the classics is an excellent intellectual exercise which will arm you with a lot of powerful intellectual tools. 阅读经典书籍是个绝妙的脑力练习,将会赋予你强大的智力工具。 www.bing.com 2. There will also be some of the classics present like Navy, chocolate brown, and gray. 还会有些经典的颜色如海军蓝、巧克力棕和灰色。 www.bing.com 3. Legge spent most of his off-hours translating Chinese classics, and this work eventually became his job and specialty. 但理雅各的业余时间多用来翻译中国经典。这是他所作的文化输入工作。 guzhenqing.blog.sohu.com 4. I think spending time reading some of the classics, as well as passionately pursuing new interests, is energy well invested. 我认为,投入到经典著作的阅读和对新兴趣的热情追求的时间是一项很好的投资。 www.bing.com 5. Being the core element of traditional Chinese culture, Confucian classics belong to China, and the whole world as well. 经典是中国传统文化的核心要素,它既属于中国,更属于世界。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. I am anxious very much, but I or classics do not live of the husband beg for leniency repeatedly, acquiesced in his aggression eventually. 我很担忧,但我还是经不住丈夫的再三求情,终于默许了他的进攻。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Metal Slug commands a loyal fan base, and with good reason: Few franchises have the run-and-gun thing down like SNK's classics. 合金弹头命令的忠实的球迷基础,并有很好的理由:很少有专营权的跑轰的事情了像拳皇的经典之作。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Mrs. Obama loves classics with a twist and Inky indigo is the ultimate complexion-enhancing alternative to basic black. 奥巴马夫人喜欢稍有创新的经典,墨青色正是除了黑色之外最能提亮肤色的颜色。 www.bing.com 9. Some of us have misunderstood the great classics like "Think and Grow Rich, " and the "The Magic of Thinking Big, " etc. 有些人误解了一些警句和著作,比如:“思考就能致富”,或者《大思想的神奇》,等等。 www.bing.com 10. The study of this thesis intends to shed some light on translation of the culturally-loaded concepts in traditional Chinese classics. 希望能够对中国典籍中大量的文化负载词的翻译提供一定的理论和实践帮助。 www.boshuo.net 1. From the age of eight he attended his native villages primary school, where he acquired a basic knowledge of the Confucian Classics. 从八岁开始他在本村的小学读书,在这里他获得了儒教古典的基础知识。 www.bing.com 2. With a retro running shoe renaissance on our hands, we've seen our fair share of re-developed and re-inspired designs of cult classics. 与复古跑鞋文艺复兴时期对我们手中,我们已经看到,我们的公平份额重新开发和重建的灵感设计邪教经典之作。 www.yoho.cn 3. WU Cheng was a famous neo-Confucianist, expert in the Confucian Classics Studies, and Yi-ologist of the Yuan Dynasty. 吴澄是光显于元代的著名理学家、经学家和易学家。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. A handsomely produced and readable set, the work brings together some of the classics of early travel and exploration. 一个可观的生产和可读设置,工作汇集了早期的旅行和探索的一些经典。 www.jingrong114.com 5. The Zhouyi is one of the most ancient and prominent classics in the history of Chinese culture. 《周易》是中国文化史上最古老、也是地位最显要的一部典籍。 lib.cqvip.com 6. The book was published shortly before her death in 1878 and became one of the best-loved children's classics of all time. 该书出版不久,1878年在她去世前,成为史上孩子最喜爱的经典之一。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. China meticulous portrait art, with a long history, extensive and profound, has left many enduring classics in Chinese art history. 中国工笔人物画艺术源远流长,在中国美术史上留下了许多不朽的经典名作。 8. These classics by Strunk and White and William Zinsser capture writing as a craft, so they concern themselves with toolboxes and blueprints. 由斯特伦克和白色和威廉津瑟这些经典捕获一工艺写作,所以他们关注自己的工具箱和蓝图。 wenwen.xdnice.com 9. The classics can become the wellspring of cultural innovation, only if the learners can learn and think in such an interaction situation. 在这样的互动情境中学习与思考,经典才能成为文化创新的泉源。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. This classics construction theory has become one of the diversities on the effect of literature elucidatory unpredictability. 这种经典构建理论在文学阐释的未知性影响下出现了多元化的现象。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. As a student, he early read many of the classics of world literature and wrote frequent articles for his high-school newspaper. 学生时期,他很早就读了许多世界文学名著,还经常给他中学的报纸写文章。 www.jukuu.com 2. Deeply versed in the classics, the founders had seen ancient Athens as the main historical example of direct democracy. 通晓典籍的国父们都视古雅典城邦为直接民主的主要历史例子。 www.ecocn.org 3. The product may enter embryo blood circulation through blood- placenta parclose , a little classics milk discharges. 本品可透过血-胎盘屏障进入胎儿血循环,少量经乳汁排出。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The novel originated as a screenplay for Paramount written by a young classics professor. 小说出自一个年轻的古典文学教授为派拉蒙写的电影剧本。 www.bing.com 5. Nakai Riken for "orthodox" Confucian classics, but also a set of views, he said: Cultural. 中井履轩对于「正统的」儒家经典,也提出一套看法,他说:文化。 word.hcbus.com 6. After manganese ore Confucian classics carved on stone magnetic separation depuration, can have the quite considerable economic efficiency. 锰矿石经磁选提纯后能产生相当可观的经济效益。 detail.china.alibaba.com 7. Skaters compete during the Veluwemeertocht in Elburg, one of the twelve marathon classics on natural ice in The Netherlands January 14. 运动员比赛期间埃尔堡,对天然冰在12马拉松经典之一Veluwemeertocht荷兰1月14日。 08062788.blog.163.com 8. Liu Wen-qi is an important representative scholar in Yangzhou , he start the project of studying ancient classics for four generations. 刘文淇是清代扬州学派重要代表人物,开创仪征刘氏四世治经事业。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The concept is already in use in the U. S. , where the classics come with added sound effects. 这个概念在美国已经被使用,许多经典名著被配上了音效。 www.kle100.cn 10. Some advocate Confucianism by publicizing the meaning of the Confucian classics and advocating scholar "s high moral integrity. " 有些诗歌宣扬儒教,张扬儒家经义和鼓吹士人节操; www.lw23.com 1. Indeed, our Frog had so often listened [15] to their debates on texts from the classics that he had himself become a sage and a philosopher. 真的,因为频频听到和尚们关于经文的辩论,我们的青蛙已经成了一位智者,一名哲学家。 www.dreamkidland.cn 2. Since the book was first published, the sales of amazing, a generation classics. 这本书自首次出版后,销量惊人,成为一代名著。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Even these activities are dwarfed by those of two other American classics, Coca-Cola and Harley-Davidson. 但即使是这些活动,与美国的可口可乐以及哈雷戴?维森这样的大牌公司比起来就算不得什么了。 www.ecocn.org 4. As two classics of traditional Chinese culture, Lao zi and Zhouyi are venerated as a wisdom collection of ancient Chinese society. 《老子》与《周易》是中国传统文化中的两部经典,是中国古代社会的智慧结晶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. 'Hadn't time, ' said the Gryphon: 'I went to the Classics master, though. He was an old crab, HE was. ' “我没时间啊!”鹰头狮说,“不过我听过外语老师的课,它是一只老螃蟹,真的。” www.bing.com 6. The direct effect of declination of classics is the declination of the Confucianism and the wane of its social function. 经学衰落导致的直接后果,就是儒学地位的下降和它的社会作用的削弱。 www.edu-hb.com 7. We're a French restaurant, we're renowned for our classics so they have to be on the menu, but we have evolved. 我们是一家法国餐厅,我们因我们的经典美食而声誉卓著,所以它们必须出现在菜单上,但我们也不断演变。 www.bing.com 8. rich literary tradition, Chinese classics, mythology, literary genre, literary legacy, patriotic theme ? 丰富的文学传统,中国古典文学作品,神话,文学类型,文学遗产,爱国题材? wenku.baidu.com 9. Sony Pictures Classics today launched the North American Driving Lessons website, which can be seen by clicking here. 索尼影音今天发布了“驾驶课”的北美官网,可以点击这里观看。 www.hpfans.net 10. Guo Jingyuan won the contribution activity of "reading classics, becoming scholars" organized by Henan Provincial Book Association. 2005年,郭敬源获河南省图书工委组织的“阅读文化经典、建设书香校园”征文活动三等奖。 mail.sohu.com 1. Change shows the pluralism and openness of the meaning of classics. The interpreter could interpret the classics creatively. 变表明经典之义具有多元性、开放性,解释者可以发挥其主观能动性,创造性地解释经典; www.ceps.com.tw 2. Li Weifang. Black Classics : On the British Gothic Fiction. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2005. 李伟昉:《黑色经典:英国哥特小说论》。北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Not long ago I established the big study project of the translation of the Five Classics, and this truly has a far-reaching significance. 不久前,我们建立了翻译《五经》的大课题,确是涵义深远。 www.sinology2007.com 4. Chinese language is the key to Chinese culture which includes calligraphy, paintings, ceramics, literary classics, history and others. 华文是接触中华文化的钥匙。中华文化包括书法艺术、绘画艺术、陶器艺术、古典文学、历史等。 www.jukuu.com 5. Curriculum development of historical events has for the classics, and regional-specific issues are introduced and discussed as the weft. 课程安排以历史事件发展的先后为经,特定议题及区域的介绍与讨论为纬。 www.lhu.edu.tw 6. To avoid to weigh skip west developed country " pollute first, hind processing " mistake, the choice suits Chinese classics. . . 为了避免重蹈西方发达国家“先污染、后治理”的错误,选择适合中国经… zhaiyao.ckzl.net 7. Professor Yuan Ming teaches the History of International Relations and Western Classics of International Relations at Peking University. 袁明教授在北京大学讲授国际关系史和西方国际关系经典等课程。 news.enorth.com.cn 8. Her paper-cuts focus on the stories and heroes in Chinese classics and show her understanding of our traditional culture. 老人所剪的都是中国经典名著中的人物和故事,每一幅精美的作品都透着她对中国传统文化的理解。 i.myechinese.com 9. The Old Man and the Sea may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. 《老人与海》完全可能成为当代一部名副其实的经典作品。 www.jukuu.com 10. The muscle after can be because intensity works, training of sports growth period brought about rub classics? 体育生长期训练会导致因强度作业后肌肉摩经吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. they, above all others, were the teachers of the ancient classics and thus the inheritors of the ancient cultural legacy. 他们与别家的人不同,都是传授古代典藉的教师,因而是古代文化遗产的保存者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Classics such as "Money, Money, Money" are sung entirely in Chinese (apart from the word "money" , which apparently needs no translation). 经典的片段,如“钱、钱、钱”完全以汉语演唱(除了“钱”这个词的英文,貌似这个也不用翻译)。 www.bing.com 3. The exercises contained within the two classics are said to aid physical strength, health and wellbeing. 据说肌肉和骨骼的运动能增强体力,保持健康,维持幸福。 www.elanso.com 4. Palpation can hit the area with more compact model of compressed, grain, the edge is not clear, after classics also not subsidise . 扪诊可触到扁平、颗粒样较致密的区域,边缘不清,经后亦不消退。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Square and flat overall shaping is ideally combined with the modern lines elaborately presents the beauty featuring fashion and classics. 方正平整的整体造型与现代的线条结合,演绎着时尚与大方的融洽之美。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. When he spoke to people, he was always spouting the classics. 他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也。 eastasiastudent.net 7. Cameron makes the point that some movie classics deserve a rich 3-D conversion. 卡梅隆强调,有些非常经典的电影确实是值得制作成真正的3D版本。 dongxi.net 8. If produce hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus , be in possibly wholeMenstruationCycle has durative ache, the aggravate before classics. 如发生乳腺小叶增生,则可能在整个月经周期有持续性疼痛,经前加剧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Song intellectuals sought answers to all philosophical and political questions in the Confucian Classics. 宋朝的贤人开始研究孔子学说中关于哲学和政治的探讨。 www.foreignercn.com 10. The natural spectacle and numerous historical relics have inspired the ancient writers and calligraphers writing down many classics. 壮观的自然风景以及不可计数的历史名胜,激发了古代文人墨客,为了舞文弄墨创作了无数的经典佳作。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Traitors are one of the important negative figures in Red Classics. 在红色经典“反面人物”谱系中,叛徒是其中重要的一类。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. classics partner agrees with cession equity , below coequal condition , other shareholder has preferential buy right. 经股东同意转让的股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有优先购买权。 www.ichacha.net 3. People of interest to academic or traditional Confucian classics Interpretations of justice. 人们在学术上所关心的,还是传统儒家经典的训诂正义。 jztu.5d6d.com 4. The reading of literature classics is an important activity to construct one's spiritual home and create a poetic world. 文学经典阅读是一个人构建精神家园、创造诗意世界的重要活动。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. To have a standard version of these classics, classics carved in stone were thus born. 为了有一个标准的版本,这部石刻经书就诞生了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. but the adventurous student will always study classics, in whatever language they may be written and however ancient they may be. 有进取心的学者会不辍古籍的考究,无论那是用何种语言写就,不管那有多么古老。 tieba.baidu.com 7. These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics. 这些书是依照“五经”之中所体现的更为早期的思想而著成的。 www.kekenet.com 8. Young people still keep coming to his music because so many of his songs are classics. 年轻人仍继续被他的音乐吸引,因为他的许多歌曲是经典。 www.mjjcn.com 9. Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers. 壮观的自然风景以及不计其数的历史名胜,激发了古代文人墨客,为之舞文弄墨,创作了无数经典佳作。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Studies the master is not one person, I think I can think so JiXianLin studies professor li is the master of the classics after master. 国学大师不是人人称得的,我认为我可以这样认为李汉秋教授是继季羡林国学大师之后的国学大师。 www.cninfcw.com 1. Dickens is a high-yield writers, by virtue of his hard work and talent to create a large number of classics. 狄更斯是高产作家,他凭借勤奋和天赋创作出一大批经典著作。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The year 1995 began with the January release of Classics, a compilation of his early R&S singles. 95年初James放出了Classics,一张收录了他早年在R&S的单曲集。 www.bing.com 3. Frontier Classics resurrect long out-of-print gems of frontier history. 边疆国境的历史经典复活长外的印刷宝石。 www.ccebook.net 4. Scholars in Qianlong and Jiaqing reigns of Qing dynasty regarded researching classics and history as their life responsibilities. 清代乾嘉学者以治经研史为职志,治学之余兼论书法。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Lai Shi can enter your life, you feel the culture, ancient and modern classics and integrate the best thinking of exploring! 可莱士走进您的生活,使您感受到文化、经典和融汇古今优秀思想的探索! www.tonke.cn 6. The classics present cultural history in a way contemporary books cannot. 经典作品在叙述文化的历史时可以达到当代作品无法企及的高度。 www.bing.com 7. Why we love it: RMB 4 usually gets you a Styrofoam container of eight of these velvety and delicate Shanghai classics. 为啥受欢迎:这一种上海的经典小吃一般4块钱就能买到用泡沫盒装的8个,滑嫩可口。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Red Classics, which serves hearty northeastern cuisine, heavy on stews and starch, is decorated with posters from the Cultural Revolution. “红色经典”是一家东北特色餐馆,主要提供煨炖的高淀粉食物,餐厅装饰有文革时期的大字报。 www.bing.com 9. Mu Dan triumphs by a willful ignorance of the old classics . Even his conceits are Western . 穆旦的胜利却在他对于古典经典的故意的无知。甚至于他的妙喻也是西方的。 www.bing.com 10. A classic is a work which relegates the noise of the present to a background hum, which at the same time the classics cannot exist without. 经典就是将当下的嘈杂之音化作嗡嗡背景声的作品,而这背景声同时也是经典存在所不可或缺的。 www.bing.com 1. As a social phenomenon and cultural trends, "Chinese classics craze" has become unavoidable in contemporary China. “国学热”已成为当代中国不容回避的一种社会现象和文化思潮。 2. If you scour the classics for the most intelligent, passionate writing in existence your own inspiration will follow. 如果你借鉴那些现存的充满智慧的、富有激情的经典之作,那么你自己的灵感将会遵循。 www.bing.com 3. Read free classics like The Sorrows of Young Werther or TheWaste Land with this app. 用这个软件可以阅读免费的经典之作,比如《少年维特的烦恼》以及《荒原》。 www.suiniyi.com 4. After case hair, public security mechanism is sequestered afore-mentioned all firearms, classics appraisal, all have power. 案发后,公安机关扣押上述全部枪支,经鉴定,均具有杀伤力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Today the studies on religion medicine were concentrate on medicine material and medicine idea of religion classics. 目前学术界对佛教医学的研究主要集中于对佛教经典中的医学资料和医学思想的探析。 www.chemyq.com 6. The Song Dynasty flower-and-bird painting is in Chinese flower-and-bird painting history work classics. 宋代花鸟画是中国花鸟画史上的经典之作。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. National classics trade appoint change with body appoint execute to industrial business amalgamative or annex drafts a new regulation. 国家经贸委和体改委对工业企业实行合并或兼并制定出新的规定。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 8. Zhang Xuecheng has been known in modem China for his famous maxim: "All the Six Classics are Historical. " 章学诚以其著名的“六经皆史”说而为现代中国所知。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. It's Darwinian selection at its most brutal: only the most popular authors, the newest novels, and the most recognizable classics survive. 这也应归咎于达尔文那野蛮的进化论:只有最流行的作家,最新的小说以及那些被公认的经典作品才得以幸存。 www.ebigear.com 10. Peking University Professor of theoretical knowledge taught in counseling and case, both classics and refreshing. 北大教授讲授咨询方面的理论知识和案例,既精典又新鲜。 blog.tianya.cn 1. The "Red Classics" itself has a great appeal to the market in today's market economy with diverse and multi-polar culture. 在今天这样一个充斥着多元、多极文化的市场经济大潮中,“红色经典”作品自身对市场有着极大的吸引力。 www.zidir.com 2. It is a new subject, with TCM Philology as its basic content and the theory of Chinese Classics Philology as the basic framework. 它是以古典文献学理论为基本框架,以中医药文献的实际为基本内容的一门新兴学科。 jpkc.shutcm.edu.cn 3. Time achievement, he accomplished classic, only can be eternal classics. 岁月成就了他,他成就了经典,唯有经典方能永恒。 www.orangelipin.com 4. Let's check out which classics are the best love of the glamorous Chris. 让我们看看其中的经典是最好的爱的迷人的克里斯。 hi.baidu.com 5. Therefore, the research on socialist political civilization lacks support from Marxist classics. 这使今天的讨论缺乏相应的经典作家的理论支持。 www.zidir.com 6. Stop focusing on such perennial classics as going to the gym more often, losing weight and quitting smoking. 不要把新年决心定死在那些永恒的经典目标上,像什么多去去健身房呀,减肥呀,戒烟呀。 www.elanso.com 7. This is the mark with mature trend of Chinese furniture design, also be maturity of Chinese architect trend surely the road of classics . 这是中国家具设计走向成熟的标志,也是中国设计者走向成熟的必经之路。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. However, the theologizing of Confucianism is realized with the help of interpretation of Confucian classics. 然而儒学神学化却是借助于经学阐释来实现的。 www.zidir.com 9. The early Chinese classics don't linger on desriptions of warfare -- the gore of death, the muck of the battlefield. 早期的中国古典著作从不在战争本身的细节--死亡的血腥,战场上的残骸--上面浪费笔墨。 book.douban.com 10. But evolutionary anthropology is not destiny, as they say in the classics. 但是进化人类学并不代表一成不变的命运。 www.bing.com 1. Classics are often rich in contents and profound in meaning, harboring a keen hope that the world will be a better and happier place. 经典内容丰富,思想深远,拥有「希望让世界变得更美好更快乐」的热切渴望。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 2. This paper discusses professor Li Ding's research characteristics of acupuncture classics literature. 探讨李鼎教授针灸经典文献研究方面的特色。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics--an ability to synthesize and relate. 通过学习历史、经典著作等学烀所培养的知识能力是一种综合与联系的能力。 rrting.com 4. The classic graphic overall shaping design elaborately presents the beauty featuring fashion and classics. 经典平面整体造型设计,演绎着时尚与经典的融洽之美。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Since starting in 1947, it has produced sumptuous but affordable hardback versions of classics and obscure books alike. 自1947年创立以来,一直出版经典著作与小众著作的精装本——装帧精美,但也让读者支付得起。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Pale, nervous girls with black-rimmed glasses and blunt-cut hair lolled around on sofas, riffing Penguin Classics provocatively. 一群脸色苍白、精神紧张、戴着黑边眼镜、头发剪得齐齐的女孩子倚靠在沙发上,在飞快地翻看企鹅版经典丛书,姿态诱人。 www.douban.com 7. Many literary classics may be claimed as the products of imaginative power. 文学史上的许多经典之作都可以说是想象力的产物。 tech.zidian8.com 8. Art Classics achieve conformity through communication, and form classical art brand themselves. 通过传播实现了美术经典的整合,形成经典的美术品牌。 www.fabiao.net 9. Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers and calligraphers. 壮观的自然风景以及不计其数的历史名胜,激发了古代文人书法家,为之舞文弄墨,创作了无数经典佳作。 www.7781.org 10. The first part discusses the market appeal of the "Red Classics" from the historical, literary history and aesthetic value. 论文的第一部分从历史、文学史以及审美价值角度出发,论述“红色经典”作品自身的市场吸引力。 www.zidir.com 1. The classics also preserve traditional values that have survived for centuries. 经典作品还能保持几个世纪以来存留下来的传统价值。 www.bing.com 2. Test paper detects electropositive , why is alvine meeting painful? With forthcoming month classics like. 试纸检测阳性,为什么小腹会痛呢?跟来月经似的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. There's a whole load of good stuff in the classics, so plagiarize away. 经典里的好东西多得很,抄点也无妨。 www.bing.com 4. At present, it is of importance to discuss the question about literary classics. 此时,探讨文学经典的问题无疑具有重要意义。 www.lw23.com 5. No word if it will read the classics are the people who really understand Buddhism. 如果会念无字经,才是真正明白佛法的人。 quote.psytopic.com 6. Is there really any good reason, for instance, why today's teenagers should be required to immerse themselves in the classics? 这其中有没有什么理由,来要求今天的青少年必须沉浸在对古典文学的阅读之中? dongxi.net 7. Yes, copious quantities of the short listed classics will be lying gift-wrapped under Christmas trees in Britain this year. 是的,在英国,大量精选出的经典著作今年都将被包装起来作为礼物躺在圣诞树下。 www.xici.net 8. Classics consist of three factors: historical heritage, identity basis and cultural influence. 经典是由历史积淀、认同基础和文化影响三个因素构成的。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. " Quebec pull " to subvert the adaptation of classics and children's routine Infant, its originality is worthy of recognition. 《魁拔》颠覆了改编名著和少儿低幼的套路,它的原创精神很值得肯定。 www.dw188.com 10. The so called new marketing rules don't really exist - they're just repackaged versions of the old classics. 所谓的新营销法则并不存在-他们只不过是经过包装后的经典老版本。 www.bing.com 1. Note: We will be analyzing a classic film and as with most classics, this film requires a larger block of time to see and discuss. 注意:我们将分析一个代表性影片,这影片需要一段较长的时间来观赏及讨论。 www.myoops.org 2. ln second chapter, the author compared and construed the different classics performance of "Falstaff'; " 第二章中,笔者就几个不同的经典演出版本《法斯塔夫》进行了实例分析和比较; www.fabiao.net 3. By Dostoyevsky. These two classics are fascinating for their explorations of the human psyche under extreme conditions. 作者陀思妥耶夫斯基,这两部经典之作都因对艰险条件下人们内心灵魂的探索而引人注目。 www.hjenglish.com 4. "It's a story that captures the imagination, " says James Romm, a professor of classics at Bard College in Annandale, New York. “这可是一个引人无限遐想的故事,”来自纽约州安纳代尔镇巴德学院的古希腊罗马文学教授JamesRomm说道。 www.bing.com 5. When if we are use phoneticize input methods, typing, classics regular meeting appears a few wrongly written or mispronounced characters. 假如我们是使用拼音输入法打字的时候,经常会出现一些错别字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Most of the books on the list constitute, in my view (and others), modern classics, or potential classics, in social and economic history. 我(其他人也一样)认为列表中的大部分书籍组成了社会和经济历史领域中当代或潜在的一流作品。 www.myoops.org 7. Led by acclaimed jazz performer Carol Grimes , the group's genre-defying repertoire ranges from Cole Porter classics to ethnic punk. 在受人欢迎的爵士乐手卡罗?格林姆斯带领下,合唱团挑战的拿手曲目从科尔?波特的轻古典到民族庞克风皆能上手了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The reading of literature classics makes it possible to enhance university students' aesthetic literacy. 因此,文学经典阅读提高大学生的审美素养成为可能。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. However, every time culture faced a crisis, there would appear both "discarding classics" and "pseudo-classics" . 但每逢遭际精神无根的文化危机时代,总会出现“去经典化”与“伪经典化”共生的现象。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. New York, New York has been acclaimed as one of the most touching BL classics. 《纽约纽约》感人至深,是公认的BL经典。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Five Classics is a corpus of five ancient Chinese books used by Confucianism as the basis of studies. 五经是一个主体的五个古代书籍用儒学为基础的研究。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. While Sony has Microsoft beat in the sheer number of available games, many of the original Xbox titles are already classics. 虽然索尼仅就上市的游戏数量而言,要比微软略胜一筹,但是Xbox的原始型号上的许多节目已经成为经典。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Passing through Contemporary Classics--a Comment on the Limitation of Hotspot Writings of "Scar Literature" 穿越当代经典——“伤痕文学”热点作品局限评述 www.ilib.cn 4. Young YAO Nai was deeply moved, and changed his focus from simply rhetoric to textual criticism of Confucian classics and history. 青年姚鼐受此激荡,将为学重心从此前的溺爱辞章向经史考据转移。 www.dictall.com 5. The "Seven Classics" of the Han Dynasty has unmistakably shown that The Analects was already Confucian classics. 汉代七经之说早已确切无疑地显示《论语》是经。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. This list gives you my top ten underrated classics of fantasy prior to the publication of "The Hobbit. " 下面的书单是我心目中在《霍比特人》之前出版的的十大被低估的经典幻想小说。 www.bing.com 7. Soviet Literature has far - reaching implications for the narrative spirit of Red Classics. 俄苏“红色经典”对中国当代“红色经典”叙事精神有着极为深远的影响。 lib.cqvip.com 8. Blessing doctor: Real wood floor is lumber classics drying, the area that forms after treatment decorates material. 福博士:实木地板是木材经烘干,加工后形成的地面装饰材料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Today, the material desire flowed over, such love is not second to " classics " of Hollywood . 在物欲横流的今天,这样的爱情不亚于好莱坞的“经典”。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Thereafter, in order to identify when a large number of the emergence of classical Chinese classics, Exegesis is entering a boom phase. 此后,为了辨识当时大量涌现的古文经籍,训诂学更是进入了一个繁荣阶段。 www.cutpic.cn 1. "Destruction" and "the Young Guards" , written by Fajeyev, a world known Russian novelist, are classics of the socialist realism. 俄罗斯享誉世界的著名作家法捷耶夫的《毁灭》和《青年近卫军》是社会主义现实主义的经典作品。 www.dictall.com 2. The classics, from Smith to Marx, all assumed, or argued, that an unlimited supply of labour was available at subsistence wages. 这一经典,从斯密到马克思,都假设或争论过,就是“在仅给予维持最低生活工资时,劳动力无限供给”。 www.pinggu.org 3. It must overcome the paradoxical situation to construct the contemporary literary classics. 要实现当代文学经典的建构或重构,必须跨越这些悖论性处境。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Qing calligraphy epigraphy and literary greats , SuRu classics, founder of the pie. 清代书法金石学家和文坛泰斗、经学宿儒,邓派的创始人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Many people agree upon the fact that The Analects became the Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty. 很多人都同意:《论语》是在汉代成为经的。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Wang An-shih also stressed: , "If for enlightenment, then from the sage of the classics, are not there-ming. " 王安石也强调:“若欲以明道,则离圣人之经,皆不足以有明也。” jztu.5d6d.com 7. As master of art ChanTianFang new classical literary classics, upon taiji as the original novel reshipment broadcast. 评书艺术巨匠单田芳全新演释古典文学名著,评书《水浒传》重装播出。 www.cntingshu.com 8. Evita: I think I'd have to say the "Classics" ! 我想应该是「经典重现」吧! times.hinet.net 9. pupa nutritious, high medicinal value, as early as in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" and other classics have their medical records into. 蚕蛹营养丰富,药用价值高,早在“本草纲目”等典籍已成为他们的医疗记录。 www.qiyeku.com 10. It was a colorful page of history in Tang dynasty classics. 唐代经学是经学史上的一抹异彩。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Chinese classics is a model system of works to be followed by the Chinese nation that contains Chinese conceptual culture. 中华经典是中国观念文化的典范性著作体制。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Despite all of these efforts, many people have grown away from the classics of Chinese thought and literature. 尽管已经做出了上述所有努力,但许多人还是渐渐与中国传统思想和文化相脱离。 www.bing.com 3. Audio versions of classics like Shakespeare's works are entertaining and can help unlock meanings you might miss on the page. 比如有声版的莎士比亚作品,非常有趣,而且帮助你理清在书本中迷惑的含义。 www.bing.com 4. Our class of class culture is based on the British literary classics as the theme. 我们班的班级文化是以英国文学名著为主题的。 wenwen.soso.com 5. From an early age James had read the classics of English, American, French and German literature and Russian classics in translation. 从早年开始,詹姆斯就阅读了英美的古典著作以及法德俄古典作品的译文。 www.bing.com 6. His short poem "West of Hubei" was selected into the "Poetry Volume of Library of China Minority Literary Classics" . 短诗《鄂西》入选《中国少数民族文学经典文库·诗歌卷》。 www.showxiu.com 7. He has also earned much praise for his amazing spoken Chinese and understanding of Chinese poetry and classics. 而他流利的中国话和对中国诗歌和古典作品的理解也广受赞誉。 www.bing.com 8. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, people became interested in the classics. 到了第16和17世纪,人们对古典作品感兴趣。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Absolute classics. The Hobbit by itself is a great little book, but the LOTR series adds epic drama to the world of the Hobbits. 《霍比特人》本身就是一部伟大著作,而由此延续的指环王系列则是史诗般的巨作。 www.ebigear.com 10. We pursue Beauty and Elegance; our brand transcends Classics with Fashion; and creating a new era of porcelain jewellery is our mission. 美丽高雅是我们的追求、时尚经典是我们的品牌境界、创造新世代陶瓷饰品是我们的目标。 space.taobao.com 1. Before forthcoming month classics left next abdomens often ache, came with respect to indolence what reason is? 来月经前左下腹经常疼痛,来了就不痛了是什么原因? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. After the initial learning curve, you'll find the classics as readable as modern books and infinitely more stimulating. 经过对古代词汇的学习,你会发现经典名著和现代书籍同样具有可读性,并且更能使人兴奋。 www.suiniyi.com 3. Arthur Waley's translations of Chinese Tang poetry have become classics of twentieth-century English verse. 亚瑟·丰利翻译的中国唐诗已成为20世纪英语诗歌中的精品。 4. He Romon brand's core values as: "The wisdom of the classics, self-control. " 他把罗蒙品牌的核心价值定为:“智慧、经典、自主掌控”。 bookapp.book.qq.com 5. Picture only beautiful heartrending , a like Director Ma the classics "Star Language Star Hopes" . 画面唯美的让人心碎,一如马导演经典的《星语星愿》。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The author says the classics, classical poetry in particular, are best words in the best order. 作者认为经典作品,尤其是古典诗词,应该是写得最好,又安排得最好的文字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Part three: This part explores the connection strategy that combines the modern media reading and The classics reading. 第三部分:探讨现代传媒阅读与中学经典阅读的对接策略。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. A special coating solution classics does the exterior spray in common urea to solid oxidizes and be become coating urea. 涂层尿素是在普通尿素的表面喷涂一层非凡的涂层溶液经干固氧化而成的。 www.showxiu.com 9. Approve of qualification of ministry of classics country construction plans to design an unit for first class. 经国家建设部资格核准为甲级规划设计单位。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 10. This phenomenon reflects the influence of the study of Confucian classics on Literature in Han Dynasty. 这正反映出汉代经学对文学的渗透与影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Eventually, Kalin ended up at New York University, studying classics and working as a carpenter. 最终,卡林在纽约大学毕业,学习古典研究,并成为一名工匠。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "The Red Classics" , as a historic definition, the discussion about its time limit and time phases is very necessary. “红色经典”是一个“史”的概念,对其时限及分期的探讨非常必要。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. First, the author expounds and proves the historical place and effect of the classics on TCM education. 首先充分论证了《伤寒论》在中医学中的历史地位和作用; kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. There are hundreds of other free, out of circulation classics available here. 谷歌电子书商店里,还有数以百计的已不在市面流通的经典著作可免费阅读。 www.bing.com 5. Classic bikes share the road with new bikes built to look like classics. 经典摩托和仿古的新摩托一起行驶。 www.lingyuan.ccoo.cn 6. This book Can sustain comparison with the classics. 此书可与,经典著作媲美。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Using appropriate quotations from classics will add lustre to your essay. 恰当地称引名篇会使你的文章增色不少。 www.nciku.com 8. The hotel which I live in the enamel (four star classes) indoor are the Mediterranean Sea construction interior decoration classics. 在尼姆我住的酒店(四星级)室内是地中海建筑室内装饰的经典。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Contemporary youths cognitive level to classics in literature isn t enough, but young men still enjoy them. 当代青年对经典文学艺术作品的认知度不高,但依然喜爱经典文艺作品。 www.dictall.com 10. The Pacific Audio & Video Company has fetched out another new record of "Favourite Classics of the World" . 太平洋音像公司又出一张新的“世界名曲”唱片。 www.1stenglish.com |
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