单词 | clash | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:clashes 现在分词:clashing 过去式:clashed clash 显示所有例句 打斗fight
两件事of two events
颜色of colours
大声loud noise
体育运动in sport
差异be different
两件事of two events
颜色of colours
发出大声make loud noise
例句释义: 冲突,交锋,比赛,差别,抵触,相矛盾,冲撞,碰撞,撞击 1. It was a very endearing moment, something out of a stereotypical "cultures-clash" film but much funnier. 这是一个珍贵的镜头,不是某种老套的“文化冲突”电影,但非常搞笑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The Pakistan Army will present Sunday's clash as proof of its valor in an attempt to assuage Pakistanis outraged by its incompetence. 巴基斯坦军队将用周末冲突作为事例表明他们的英勇,试图以此平息巴基斯坦人民对该军队能力不济的愤怒。 dongxi.net 3. Owen, who underwent a hernia operation little more than a week ago, says he feels fit and raring to go for the big clash. 欧文一周多以前刚刚做过疝气手术,但是他说他感觉身体恢复得很好,急切渴望投入激烈的战斗中去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The military clash took place in the disputed maritime border area in the Yellow Sea along the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. 这场军事冲突系发生在朝鲜半岛西岸黄海上的争议海界区。 www.newxue.com 5. A clash between the two titans, divided for so long by so much bad blood, is widely supposed to be inevitable. 由于被太多恶意隔阂太久时间,在这两个巨人之间,一场冲突看来已经难以避免。 www.bing.com 6. A partisan difference like this one is not a clash of "values, " with each side blind to the other and with no way to decide between them. 双方皆对另一方毫无所知,也没有办法决定他们之间的是非,像这样的党派性分歧并不是“价值”的冲突。 www.duhaha.com 7. He said the two of them decided to head home after being caught in a clash with club-wielding forces in central Tehran. 他说他们两人当时在德黑兰中部遭遇了舞着棍棒者的势力冲突,正准备回家。 www.bing.com 8. but , there was no loud irruption into the court - yard , as he had expected , and he heard the gate clash again , and all was quiet. 可是并没有他所预料的冲进院子的喧嚣,大门反倒砰的一声关上了,一切又归于平静。 www.ichacha.net 9. KING: So there was no clash over what you would record or what kind of music you were singing , etcetera ? 金:就是说和你要录制什么或者你演唱哪种类型的歌曲方面并没有什么冲突对吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He picked up a serious elbow injury in a heavy clash with an opponent throughout the club's worst performance of the season. 他在这场紫百合本赛季表现最差的比赛中和对方球员碰撞,肘部严重受伤。 bbs.fiorentina.com.cn 1. The new politics, he said, would be about boring administration, not the clash of ideals. 新政治将聚焦于治理,而非观念冲突。 www.ecocn.org 2. In this solution, a mixin is associated with a view that determines which method to call in the case of a name clash. 在这个解决方案中,mixin包含有这样的观点:确定在名称不一致的情况中要调用哪个方法。 www.ibm.com 3. Wednesday's clash at Portsmouth will see the end of a three-month spell in which Philippe Senderos has played every minute of every game. 周三对朴茨茅斯的比赛桑德罗斯不会上场,这会结束他三个月以来踢满每分钟比赛的纪录。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Much of the debate has fallen into the familiar tramlines of a clash between an authoritarian right and a compassionate left. 辩论大多落入大家熟悉的冲突套路:独裁的右派对慈悲的左派。 club.topsage.com 5. The U. S. military says a prison clash broke out yesterday when guards tried to stop the fourth suicide attempt in a day. 美军方表示,昨天正当狱警试图阻止一天中的第四起自杀行动时,监狱内爆发了动乱。 bbs.putclub.com 6. This clash is often depicted as an epic struggle for supremacy between Linux and Microsoft's proprietary Windows operating system. 这个冲突往往被描述成Linux与微软所属Windows操作系统之间为市场领先地位所进行的了不起的斗争。 www.ecocn.org 7. There's going to be a massive culture clash and Google need to be very careful in finding the right balance between innovation and humility. 谷歌和摩托罗拉之间会有一个巨大的文化冲突,因此谷歌需要在创新和妥协上拿捏好分寸。 dongxi.net 8. The conflict between work and leisure appears to be the clash of time distribution. Beneath the surface, the conflict is of values. 劳动与休闲的矛盾在形式上表现为时间分配上的冲突,但深层次的问题是价值观的冲突。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Larry Gopnik: No. It would be a culture clash if it were the custom in your land to bribe people for grades. 拉里:不是,如果真的是文化冲突,那么在你的国家是有用钱买来及格成绩的传统的。 www.qvocd.com 10. The history of philosophy is to a great extent that of a certain clash of human temperaments. 哲学史在极大的程度上是人类几种气质冲突的历史。 www.bing.com 1. There is a very definite clash between the approach of the historicist and that of the social engineer or the technologist. 历史决定论者的看法与社会工程师或技术师的看法之间有着极其明确的差别。 2. After deciding that this job would not clash with her studies and upon considering the high salary, Liu applied. 在考虑这份工作与她的学业不会产生冲突,并且薪水还比较高,她就申请了。 www.xici.net 3. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the priority was to reduce tensions and avoid a clash over the incident. 中国总理温家宝说首要问题是要缓解紧张局势,避免因为此事而引发冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Y et it is not inevitable that this series of events will quickly spiral into a broader geopolitical clash in Asia. 不过,这一系列事态未必会迅速升级,演变为亚洲全面的地缘政治冲突。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The England international missed last Sunday's clash with Chelsea with a calf injury but has trained this week and is ready to return. 英国国脚因伤错过了上周日与切尔西的比赛,但本周已经恢复训练并整装待发。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 6. I was always listening to his music, and a bit of the Rolling Stone, the Clash. 我总是听他的歌,还有一些滚石乐队和撞击乐队的音乐。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. A bluff, perhaps. But it has raised fears of an impending strike and of a clash of something more serious than words. 这也许是个骗局,却使人们更加担心迫近的打击冲突将不会停留在口头上。 www.ecocn.org 8. You could have a great deal of fun trying to invent a way to do this; a way for two threads to ensure that they don't clash. 可以进行许多有趣的尝试去发现一个合适的方法;这个方法要保证两个线程不会冲突。 www.ibm.com 9. Gianluigi Buffon has spoken of his pride at wearing the captain's armband for Italy in what promises to be a hard-fought clash with Holland. 在戴上意大利队队长袖标之后布冯表达了自己的自豪同时指出与荷兰队的比赛是一场相当困难的比赛。 www.juvefans.com 10. This has already been a momentous week in the titanic clash between the champions of transparency and the protectors of privacy. 这是个重要时刻的一周,透明度的拥护者和隐私权的保护者产生巨大冲突。 www.bing.com 1. But with the two set to clash again tomorrow when Rovers visit Anfield, Allardyce claims Benitez's complaints are nothing but sour grapes. 但是明天布莱克本做客安菲尔德,两个冤家再次相遇,阿勒代斯表示贝尼特斯的抱怨没什么,只是不吃葡萄说葡萄酸。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 2. Harry Reid is surely aware a U. S. clash with Iran, with him at the president's side, could assure his re-election. 由于在总统身边,哈里·瑞德肯定清楚美国与伊朗的冲突可确保他的连任。 www.bing.com 3. It will, perhaps, be said that this is not the time to raise an issue on which opinions clash sharply. 也许有人要说,这不是针锋相对地提出尖锐问题的时候。 www.bing.com 4. Satan knows even better than we do that the final clash in the great contest will revolve around loyalty and obedience to that law. 撒旦甚至比我们更清楚,大争战的决定性冲突必将围绕着对律法的忠诚与顺从。 www.fuyinshop.com 5. At least 15 Turkish soldiers have been killed in a clash with Kurdish rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party. or PKK. 星期五夜间,在土耳其部队与库尔德工人党反政府力量的战斗中,至少有15名土耳其军人被打死。 www.ebigear.com 6. Long waiting periods must be avoided and the schedule must not clash with family mealtimes or other essential community activities. 要避免长时间的等待,时间安排不能与家庭进餐时间或其它基本的社区活动冲突。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But her reassurances clash with a widely held public understanding of a pandemic as the spread of a serious infectious disease. 但她的辩护与公众将流行病视为严重传染病传播的普遍理解相悖。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But Alonso is now back in training and should be available for the clash at The Hawthorns. 但是阿隆索已经恢复训练,他将可能在西布朗的比赛中出场比赛。 engbbs.fans1.com 9. Analysts said the rise in tension made a military clash on the strongly-defended border more likely. 分析家指出,局势的进一步紧张将更有可能导致在防卫严密的边界线爆发军事冲突。 www.bing.com 10. Rafa Benitez spoke to radio journalists as part of the build-up to today's Barclays Premier League clash with Stoke City at Anfield. 拉法对电台记者发表了讲话,这也算是今天利物浦迎战斯托克城的比赛的一部分吧。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 1. Where ideals clash and sometimes even when pundits seem to agree, I prefer to provide support that gives the programmer a choice. 当理想发生冲突时,有时甚至是权威们一致同意时,我倾向于提供支持,让程序员自行选择。 dict.kekenet.com 2. Japan worries about a growing clash of interests as China's interest increasingly overlap with its own "exclusive economic zone. " 日本一直担心两国间正在增加的利益冲突,因为中国的利益正在日益与其“专属经济区”相重叠。 www.bing.com 3. Owen has been ruled out of Saturday's Premier League clash with Sunderland, but Ferguson admits the extent of the injury is still unclear. 欧文已经无法参加周六与桑德兰的比赛,但弗格森承认他的伤情还不好说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. A "clash of interests and a clash of perceptions" could result in a stalemate at the summit that would impede progress towards recovery. “利益冲撞与理念冲突”可能导致峰会陷入僵局,从而妨碍复苏进程。 www.ftchinese.com 5. That seems to clash with signals from the TIPS market, but some say those signals may be misleading. 这与TIPS市场传来的信号似乎相互矛盾,但部分人士表示,这些信号可能产生误导。 cn.reuters.com 6. on Chinese soil, but as they have no regard for the national interests, their interests clash with those of the majority. 买办阶级和地主阶级虽然也住在中国的土地上,可是他们是不顾民族利益的,他们的利益是同多数人的利益相冲突的。 www.jukuu.com 7. The clash began when the protesters tried to break through a barricade blocking the road to the US embassy in Seoul. 冲突是在抗议者试图突破路障前往在首尔的美国大使馆时发生的。 www.hjenglish.com 8. And by framing the fight as a clash of civilizations, he could draw the West into a global war on terror. 号称是文明的冲突的原因,本拉登把西方国家拉入世界恐怖活动之中。 www.kekenet.com 9. It seems as if, for some people, a clash of wills is inseparable from educating children. 对有些人来讲,在教育孩子方面存在着观点冲突好像是不可避免的。 www.hotdic.com 10. In the terms of discourse, the dispute is a clash of different discourses and a competition for a dominant voice and more cultural capital. 从“话语”角度看,论争是不同话语的冲突和关于话语权及文化资本的竞争。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Drop any plans for signings or legal agreement around the time of the Mercury-Neptune clash. 在这一段海王星与水星的冲突时间里,放弃任何的签约以及法律协定。 viviencheng132033.spaces.live.com 2. But the Japanese had announced sinking two battleships in an air-sea clash off Rennell Island (TIME, Feb. 8). 可是日本人声称在伦内尔岛上空的一场空海战役中,击沉了两艘战舰(时代杂志,2月8号)。 www.bing.com 3. There was only one name on everybody's lips in the build-up to Sunday afternoon's heavyweight clash. 周日下午给力战前,大家念叨的只有这一个名字。 dongxi.net 4. It is not particular important what these values are, as long as they don't clash with any other mappings you use. 只要这些值不和任何其它您使用的映射冲突,它们是什么并不特别重要。 www.ibm.com 5. This clash was an unhelpful distraction, given that the entire telecoms-equipment industry is suffering. 鉴于整个电信设备产业正遭受的困境,这一文化冲突毫无益处。 www.ecocn.org 6. It is no longer a dance, with smooth rolling adjustments, but a different kind of clash which is not smooth but rather violent. 这不再是作出平静滚动调整的“舞动”了,而是不同种类的冲突;不会再那么平静,而是相当剧烈。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Uruguay international missed Juve's clash with Bari over the weekend, fueling speculation that he is about to be sold. 乌拉圭球星错过了周末对巴里的比赛,这更激发了他被卖掉的猜测。 dict.ebigear.com 8. In such a sensitive consumer sector, the risks of a culture clash and brand destruction are high. 在这样一个敏感的消费群体中,文化碰撞和品牌摧毁的风险是很大的。 club.topsage.com 9. Roy Hodgson admits he could yet call upon some of his World Cup stars ahead of Thursday's Europa League clash with FK Rabotnicki. 霍奇森表示自己将在周四的欧联杯预选赛上派遣参加了世界杯的球星上场。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. However, the 27-goal forward is now back in training and could feature in his country's clash with Italy tonight. 不过,这位打入27球的前锋现在已经参加训练了,今晚对阵意大利时又能为他的国家队发挥重要作用。 www.chinaonfifa.com 1. Instead, use a virtual host name to avoid the name-clash with the "Computer" object in Active Directory for the Web server computer. 相反,请使用虚拟主机名来避免与Web服务器计算机在ActiveDirectory中的“Computer”对象的名称冲突。 www.ibm.com 2. And you may wonder, OK, that's all fine, sounds great -- moral direction in history -- but what about this so-called clash of civilizations? 好吧,你可能会好奇,听起来不错--历史的道德维度--但是怎么解释那些不同文明之间的冲突? www.ted.com 3. The clash in their relationship came when they neither wanted to leave their respective churches. 他们都不愿意脱离各自的教会,这使得他们的关系出现了冲突。 www.ebigear.com 4. Sandoz's Mr George insists there is no such cultural clash, only "a healthy debate of siblings" between his firm and its owner, Novartis. 山德士的George坚持认为他的公司和母公司诺华之间并不存在什么文化冲突,只有兄弟般的争论,而且这种争论是有益的。 www.ecocn.org 5. Brazil keeper Helton dropped a clanger as he fumbled Arjen Robben's shot that let Chelsea back into the last-16 second-leg clash. 巴西门将赫尔顿在扑救罗本的射门时犯下了低级失误,使得切尔西在16强淘汰赛第二轮取胜。 www.kuenglish.info 6. There were fears of a clash over the maritime border, and reports that the North was preparing to test-fire its longest-range missile. 人们担心朝韩冲突可能发生于海事边境,且据说朝鲜正准备试发射程最远的远程导弹(见文)。 www.ecocn.org 7. Rafael Benitez is confident preparations for next weekend's clash at Sunderland won't be affected by his Dutch duo's trip to Australia. 贝尼特斯认为库伊特和巴贝尔随荷兰长途跋涉飞赴澳洲比赛并不会影响到球队下周的联赛备战。 engbbs.fans1.com 8. You and target opponent each flip a coin. Mana Clash deals 1 damage to any player whose coin comes up tails. 你和目标玩家各掷一个硬币,魔法力碰撞对掷出反面的玩家造成1点伤害。 tw-wowbox.yatta.com.tw 9. Will I clash with Mary if I go off at the beginning of July? 如果我七月初离开,会和玛丽发生冲突吗? www.bing.com 10. I don't know to what extent you want to call that consumerism a culture clash, or is that just something we have to face as global citizens? 我不知道在多大程度上应该称这种消费主义为文化冲突,还是说它不过是全球公民必须面对的现象? www.america.gov 1. The dynamic global image of our times is not the so-called clash of civilizations but the "marbling" of civilizations and peoples. 我们这个时代的全球动态特征不是所谓的文明冲突,而是各种文明和各民族像大理石纹理那样交织。 www.america.gov 2. "This clash of speeds can often derail the current path of change, or at least send it on a detour, " he warns. 他警告称:“这种速度冲突往往会偏离当前的变革轨道,或至少会使其走上弯路。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Conflict: A state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash. 冲突不相容或持不同见解的人思想或兴趣之间的矛盾;冲突。 www.kuenglish.info 4. You've got your idea of how the day should unfold but that's likely to clash with the plans of those around you. 你已经想好了今天准备干神马,不过可能和你身边人的计划冲突。 www.douban.com 5. The Brazilian injured himself in the Champions League clash with AEK Athens on Tuesday. 这位巴西人在周二冠军联赛对阵雅典AEK的比赛中弄伤了自己。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 6. Daniel Agger has admitted that it is a great boost to have Steven Gerrard available for the UEFA Champions League clash with Lyon. 丹尼尔-阿格已经承认杰拉德能够在冠军杯里昂的比赛伤愈复出将会对利物浦注入一剂强心剂。 engbbs.fans1.com 7. In 1998, a clash near the frontier village of Badme escalated into a new war between Eritrea and Ethiopia, its former colonial master. 1998年,在厄立特里亚和埃塞俄比亚边界的巴德梅村附近的一次冲突,令两国再度开战。埃塞俄比亚曾是厄立特里亚的殖民宗主国。 www.ftchinese.com 8. horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum , a place where ideas clash and crash. 荷洛威茨把摇摆音乐剧场看成是辩论的讲坛,是各种思想交锋的场所。 www.ichacha.net 9. Organization is always imposed or inherited from the environment, and freedom is always from the inside, and these two clash. 组织总是外在强加的,或者从环境中继承的,而自由总是来自内在,这两者互相冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. We're also sorry for a player like Christian who has proven his worth and this injury arrived in a normal clash during the game. 阿比亚蒂已经证明了他对于球队的价值,在这么一次正常的对抗中受伤,实在是令人感到可惜。 www.milan-milan.com 1. His new scientific ideas and theories are a result of the clash of Eastern and Western cultures and the resolution of this conflict. 他的新的科学思想和理论是东西方文化冲突和撞击的结果。 www.blog.edu.cn 2. Sunday's clash with Stoke City will test Arsenal's aerial prowess to the max but their manager believes his players can deal with it. 周日和斯托克对话将会考验阿森纳的头球能力到极限,但是他们主帅认为他的球员可以应付这些。 bbs1.arsenal.com.cn 3. They wish to see their own ideology reflected in prominent people and institutions, and in any clash it is tempting to seek a hero. 他们希望自己的意识形态在出色的人物和制度中,而在任何冲突中,寻找英雄的诱惑是难以抗拒的。 www.bing.com 4. The period of Deng can be said to be a period that saw the clash between socialism and a market economy. 在邓小平时期,可以说是社会主义与市场经济的冲突。 www.stnn.cc 5. Even in the US, institutions out of sync with each other are caught in a " clash of speeds " between the old system and the new. 即使在美国,彼此不同步的机构,也陷入了新老体系之间的“速度冲突”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. With the plethora of festive fixtures approaching, Steven Hunt (he of that challenge) offers some thoughts relating to our Boxing Day clash. 随着比赛日期的临近,亨特(就是撞伤切赫的那个)谈了些他对节礼日比赛的看法。 www.chelsea.net.cn 7. These developments point to a clash between three objectives: financial integration, financial stability and national supervisory autonomy. 这些进展将引发3个目标之间的冲突:金融一体化、金融稳定以及国家监管自主权。 www.ftchinese.com 8. U. S. President Barack Obama has urged Congress to act, promising to make another push even as he and lawmakers clash over budget issues. 而美国总统奥巴马已经敦促国会采取行动,承诺即使他和立法者在预算问题上发生冲突,也将尽力争取。 www.kekenet.com 9. Martin Kelly will be out of action for a month after sustaining a hamstring tear during Sunday's clash with West Ham United. 马丁·凯利在上周日与西汉姆联的比赛中因腿筋撕裂而下场。他将因伤缺阵一个月。 www.ept-team.com 10. Then too, the values implicit in motherhood were bound to clash with the "male values" of competitiveness and devil-may-care profiteering. 这样,母性中隐含的价值又必然与不顾一切地谋取暴利且具竞争性的“男性价值”起冲突。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The resulting clash of expectations, they thought, might be where the unease was coming from. 他们认为这种在预期上产生的冲突,可能就是不适感的来源。 www.ecocn.org 2. The struggle against extreme Islamist terrorism is not a "clash of civilisations" but a civil war within Islam. 反抗极端伊斯兰恐怖主义的斗争,并不是一场“文明的冲突”,而是伊斯兰世界的一场内战。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Gerrard is out of today's clash with Fulham and is a major doubt for Liverpool's must-win showdown with Lyon on Wednesday. 杰拉德将会缺席今天的富勒姆比赛,而下周三出战必胜里昂之战也成疑。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 4. The moves continued to sharpen the country's clash over whether Mr. Mubarak would resign. 这些举动使围绕穆巴拉克总统是否辞职产生的冲突进一步尖锐。 c.wsj.com 5. She may be making something similar or it may clash with her carefully planned menu. 她也许做了一些类似的或者那与她精心计划的菜单不搭配。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. A clash of civilizations seemed to be exactly what was taking place. 文明上的冲突正是这里发生的事情。 www.bing.com 7. Both of them believed in a progressive evolution through a clash of opposing systems, resulting finally in a perfect society. 他们两人都相信通过相反系统的冲突最后导致一个完美社会的进步的进化发展。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 8. Ferdinand was originally a doubt for the game against the Hornets after picking up a groin strain in Tuesday night's Champions League clash. 费迪南德本来就可能错过本场足总杯,因为他在周二的冠军杯上腹股沟有拉伤。 lennyhan.blog.163.com 9. But could just a simple tip repair this clash of cultures? 但仅仅是小费就能修补文化上的冲突么? dongxi.net 10. The French Defence Minister Alain Juppe said the two were found dead on the Niger-Mali border after the clash. 法国国防部长阿兰·朱佩(AlainJuppe)表示,冲突过后,这两人在尼日尔和马里边境附近被发现死亡。 www.voanews.com.cn 1. That sets up a possible clash with the centralist-minded PP, although the party weakens on devolution when political expediency requires. 这与中央集权想法的PP党存在着可能的冲突,不过当需要政治上的权宜之计时政党削弱了权力下放。 www.ecocn.org 2. clash of interests between private and public transportation as artificial and destructive to the health of these cities. 他们认为私人和公众交通间的表面上的利益冲突是人为的,对这些城市的健康发展具有破坏性。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Ahead of his team's Premier League clash at City, Wenger accepted each philosophy has its own obstacles. 在即将客场与曼城交锋,温格承认不同执队理念都有各自的困难。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Emmanuel Eboue relishing Stoke culture clash Tomorrow brings one of the most evocative fixtures of the season: Stoke City host Arsenal. 明天将会上演一场本赛季最能让人情绪激昂的比赛:斯托克主场对阿森纳。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. Many have pointed to China's clash with Google over censorship as evidence that the country will not become more democratic as it prospers. 许多人指出,中国与谷歌(Google)围绕审查制度发生的冲突,就是中国在走向繁荣之时不会变得更加民主的证据。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Mounted riot police clash with protesters during student demonstrations in Parliament Square, in London, on December 9, 2010. 安装防暴警察与示威过程中发生冲突在伦敦议会广场,示威学生12月9日,2010。 08062788.blog.163.com 7. If you're looking for a little Halloween-themed time wasting, two simple options are Halloween Clash and Pumpkin Simulator. 如果你在寻找万圣节主题的东西打发时间,两个简单的选择——HalloweenClash和PumpkinSimulator。 www.elanso.com 8. "Who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures" 在寻找故乡的忧郁灵魂时,发现了文化冲突和融合中的新的象征 lib.verycd.com 9. Because WSDL files can import other WSDL files, there is always the possibility of a name clash. 由于WSDL文件能够导入其它的WSDL文件,因此总有可能发生名字冲突的时候。 www.ibm.com 10. There would thus be more particles pushing in than pushing out, and the plates would clash together like a pair of tiny cymbals . 显然,外面相里推的粒子就多于里面相外胀的粒子盘子自然就会像原盘张力器一样合到一起了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Returning those who a bit must be carry is Chinese Yahoo and the culture clash between Alibaba. 还有一点不得不提的是中国雅虎和阿里巴巴之间的文化冲突。 pjprimer.com 2. As in 2005, this week's rioting was triggered by the deaths of two youths in a clash with the police. 和2005年暴乱相似的是,本周的暴乱的导火线是在两名青年在与警察发生的冲突中死亡。 www.ecocn.org 3. Only time can brush everything except tear. Moving the sentiment by time seems like a diluted tea, the more time, the less clash. 能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。 dict.bioon.com 4. The purpose is to maintain distance between the arbiter and those he must arbitrate between, and to secure a clash of conflicting views. 这样做的目的就是在仲裁者和被仲裁的人之间保持一定的距离,从而保证看法针锋相对。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Google and the Western media in general have effectively turned this imbroglio into a clash of morals. Perhaps. 谷歌和其他西方媒体大体上有效地把这种混乱变成了一种道德上的冲突。 www.showxiu.com 6. Of course, these explanations may be unconvincing to older bosses, co-workers and teachers on the other side of this culture clash. 当然,在那些与这种文化格格不入的年长的老板、同事或者老师看来,这些解释也许没有什么说服力。 dongxi.net 7. Arsenal's record at home in this clash will give them confidence leading up to kick off. 阿森纳在主场的战绩,会给他们取胜的自信心。 www.lfc.org.cn 8. Facts are constituted by older ideologies, and a clash between facts and theories may be proof of progress. 事实是由老年人组成的思想,理论和事实之间的冲突,可能是进步的证明。 wenku.baidu.com 9. One fifth had an embarrassing clash of faces as they tried to kiss, and one in 10 became so flustered they resorted to waving instead. 有五分之一的人在行亲吻礼时与对方尴尬地撞脸,还有一成的人慌乱中选择了挥手致意。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. Rocks fly through the air as supporters of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak clash with anti-Mubarak demonstrators in Tahrir Square in Cairo. 总统穆巴拉克支持者与反对者示威人士冲突上石头飞过空中,解放广场,开罗。 thehlc.cn 1. Ideas about decentralized management clash with a basic lack of faith in the abilities of the subordinates. 分权化管理的理想与对下属们的能力缺乏基本信任的现实发生冲撞。 www.fzfanyi.com 2. Both clash with the aspirations of the masses, who want India to be a land of opportunity. 两者都打破了民众希望印度成为充满机遇之地的愿望。 www.ecocn.org 3. The clash brought tensions with Turkey, one of Israel's few friends in the Muslim world, to a boiling point. 此次冲突使得以色列与其穆斯林世界的新朋友土耳其的关系紧张到极点。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The clash of arguments between them is unavoidable. 他们争论时,双方的冲突是不可避免的。 hi.baidu.com 5. The subsequent protest in Urumqi turned into a violent clash with the authorities. 后来在乌鲁木齐的抗议活动逐渐变成了同政府的猛烈对抗。 www.tryjohn.com 6. It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies. 这是宇宙微光的七彩碰撞的时候,仍未写入传记 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Agger will be given at least 45 minutes of tonight's clash with Manchester United at Warrington Wolves' Halliwell Jones Stadium. 在沃灵敦沃尔福斯的哈里维尔·琼斯体育场,阿格今晚将至少在对曼联的比赛中出场45分钟。 club.sports.sohu.com 8. But try not to clash the colour of your napkin with your shirt. 但要注意的是:餐巾纸的颜色与所穿衬衣的颜色要相搭配。 www.ftchinese.com 9. When these servers are Windows servers in the AD forest, you will have all the name-clash issues described above. 当这些服务器都是ADForest中的Windows服务器时,将会遇到上面所述的所有名称冲突问题。 www.ibm.com 10. Mind you, it would be pointless to pretend that many children don't clash with their parents over the partner bedding issue. 提醒你一下,假装孩子和父母在是否和伴侣同床的问题上没有分歧是没用的。 www.bing.com 1. The United goalkeeper was apparently involved in a clash with Liverpool striker Dirk Kuyt and required immediate treatment. 曼联门将应该是因为与利物浦射手库伊特碰撞之后受伤的,他立刻就接受了治疗。 www.thefa.cn 2. In the short-term, only Rio and Edwin miss out on Saturday's tea-time clash with Arsenal. 在短期内,只有里奥和埃德温错过了周六的下午与阿森纳之间的对抗。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Hospitals had been stocked with extra blood plasma in preparation for a Monday-night clash, and Leipzigers knew it. 为了准备周一晚上的冲突,医院额外储备了血浆,莱比锡人都知道这一点。 www.bing.com 4. Within these troubled walls, Samuel P. Huntington's essay "The Clash of Civilizations? " is bound to resonate. 萨缪尔.P.亨廷顿的一篇名为《文化的冲突》的论文在这些被围困于围城中的人群间产生了共鸣。 www.ecocn.org 5. To avoid this name-clash problem, treat this simple environment as a degenerate example of the above complex environment. 为了避免这个名称冲突问题,请将这个简单的环境视为上面的复杂环境的简化示例。 www.ibm.com 6. But the clash of rankings also has a bright side: it underlines the fact that there are different ways in which business schools can excel. 这些排名的差异也有其好的一面,它表明这样一个事实:商学院可以有各自擅长之处,百花齐放。 www.ecocn.org 7. However, if the defender does not feature he may be thrown into the reserve clash against Wigan on Tuesday. 然而,如果这位后卫没有出场,那么他可能会在周二对维冈的预备队比赛中上场。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The force faces do-or-die clash against the enemy. 这支部队面临着和敌人的生死决战。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. It has also threatened a naval clash with South Korea on the disputed western sea border between the two. 它还威胁说将和韩国在有争端的西海(我国黄海)边界进行海军冲突。 www.bing.com 10. The Champions League clash between Barcelona and Bayern Munich was a showcase for some of the world's finest talent. 冠军杯中巴萨与拜仁的巅峰对决对某些世界级足球天才来说是一次绝佳的展示机会。 bbs.17mcp.com 1. The clash between greater sexual openness and continued conservative attitudes has had a surprising side effect -- a boom in abortions. 性行为趋于开放,保守的观念却依旧,二者的碰撞导致了吃惊的副作用--频繁堕胎。 www.hotdic.com 2. The Puglia-based outfit clash with Palermo on Sunday. Ventura's side are unbeaten so far having drawn twice in as many games. 巴里将会在本周日对阵帕勒莫,两轮过后文图拉的队伍以两平的战绩保持不败。 www.juvechina.com 3. The Las Vegas Sands unit's aggressive expansion plans have appeared to clash with the government's calls for sustainable development. 金沙中国积极扩张的计划似乎与澳门政府希望可持续发展的目标相抵触。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Sir Alex Ferguson admits Saturday's trip to the Emirates Stadium could be a key clash in this season's Barclays Premier League title race. 弗爵爷认为周六前往酋长球场的比赛将是今年英超冠军争夺战中的关键战役。 www.imanutd.com 5. Police officers clash with student protesters in Parliament Square on December 9, 2010 in London, England. 警务人员与学生示威者发生冲突12月9日,2010年在议会广场在伦敦,英国。 08062788.blog.163.com 6. Some people may say that traditional Chinese culture will clash with an innovative society that we are pursuing. 可能,有些人认为,华族传统文化和我们要追求的、富有创意的社会,是有冲突的。 www.jukuu.com 7. She has resisted criticising countries, including China, for tough quarantine measures and pork bans that clash with her agency's advice. 她拒绝批评采取严厉检疫措施和下达猪肉进口禁令(这些措施与WHO的建议相违)的中国等国家。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The protest was the latest clash between age-old traditions and the new sensibilities made possible by China's growing affluence. 这种主张正是中国在经济发展过程中旧体系与新思想之间产生的一种冲突。 www.bing.com 9. Torres was substituted during the early stages of the second-half in Saturday's clash with Armenia after reporting groin pain. 在周六与亚美尼亚的比赛中,托雷斯由于腹股沟受伤下半场就早早被替换下场。 engbbs.fans1.com 10. "This means that there is no need for us to clash with the regulatory authorities, " Mr Yuen says. "Our positioning is quite unique. " “这意味着我们无需与监管机构发生冲突,”阮纪堂表示,“我们的定位非常独特。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Mars that makes this union hot and heavy. The possessive Scorpio will, however, does clash with your free spirited nature. 你们同被冲动的火星支配,因此这样的组合火热激烈。然而天蝎的占有欲又常和你自由自在的天性冲突。 chat.hongen.com 2. Sagna reflected on the midweek clash when he spoke to the Official Matchday Programme ahead of the Leeds game. 萨尼亚在对阵利兹联赛前的官方比赛日节目中说起他在周中比赛中的这次冲突。 www.bing.com 3. Even a small border clash between these two arrogant giants could light the fuse of a broad and very frightening conflict. 这两个傲慢的巨人之间,即使是小小的边界冲突,也可能是点燃一场非常广泛而可怕的大战的导火索。 www.bing.com 4. Henry also reserved praise for Manchester United ahead of Saturday's clash between the great rivals. 亨利在周末双红会即将来临前,向曼联表达了自己的敬意。 www.lfc.org.cn 5. Britain may see the next such clash as its public-sector unions square up for battle. 英国公共部门各工会已经整装待发,准备掀起新一轮的冲突。 www.ecocn.org 6. Meanwhile, Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard will both continue to receive intensive treatment ahead of this weekend's clash with United. 同时,托雷斯和杰拉德在周日面对曼联之前,继续接受队内的重点照顾。 engbbs.fans1.com 7. The run-up to the first televised clash increases the tempo of a campaign that is already breaking all records. 首次电视对决进入准备阶段,竞选的节奏开始加快,并且已经开始打破所有的记录。 www.bing.com 8. These can be used to flank your opponent for harassment or can provide an extra punch when Avatars clash against Tripods. 他们可以被用来从侧翼骚扰你的对手或者在圣灵对抗三脚时提供额外的打击。 www.gamersky.com 9. In a scene long dominated by insubstantial teen idols, Beyond have been the Beatles, the Clash and Oasis rolled into one. 在现场长期主导的单薄青少年的偶像,除了一直是披头士,冲突和绿洲合而为一。 tieba.baidu.com 10. The clash between Google and Facebook represents one of the biggest battles of the Internet Age. Google和Facebook间的冲突预示着互联网时代的一场大战。 dongxi.net 1. Rooney shown a straight red in the 62nd minute of a tense clash in Gelsenkirchen for a stamp on Ricardo Carvalho . 第62分钟鲁尼由于在一次激烈的冲撞中踩了卡瓦略而被直接出示红牌。 www.bing.com 2. Steven Gerrard, Alvaro Arbeloa and Fabio Aurelio have all been ruled out of Sunday's FA Cup third round clash at Luton Town. 杰拉德、阿北罗阿和奥类里奥都已被排除在周日足总杯第三轮在卢顿城的比赛名单之外。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Law's power to enforce its vision of the world can clash with other practices of knowledge, and with other forms of truth. 运行它的世界的视觉的法律的力量能冲突其他的知识练习,和与其他的表格事实。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In Europe the clash of imported and native models provided the energy to set the great 1950s boom going. 在欧洲,外来模式和自身模式之间的碰撞推动了上个世纪50年代的繁荣。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 5. This followed a clash between the two men over corruption, and it later led to the arrest and imprisonment of Mr Khodorkovsky. 这是两人对腐败问题的冲突所致,随后导致霍多尔科夫斯基被捕入狱。 www.ecocn.org 6. Huntington is most famous for "The Clash of Civilizations, " but his scholarly reputation properly rests on his earlier work. 亨廷顿因“文明冲突”而广为人知,但是他的学术声望却建立在他更早期的研究上。 www.bing.com 7. The _ Morningtide _ set has a number of spells with clash that you return to your hand if you win the clash. 晨光_有些具有比点的咒语,会在你赢得比点的状况下回到你手上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Next up will be a clash over whether big banks should be forced to take back billions of dollars in contaminated mortgages they sold. 接下来将是针对是否应迫使各大银行收回他们已出售的数十亿美元“问题房贷”这一问题的争论。 dongxi.net 9. 'If I have lenses here, ' she says, sticking her finger through the frames, lashes 'may clash with the glasses. ' 楚帆用手指戳戳镜框中间说,“如果这里有镜片,睫毛就有可能划伤镜片。” chinese.wsj.com 10. Men, in the desire to increase their individual power and to satisfy their passions, will necessarily clash. 因为人们都欲求增加个体的力量,满足自己的激情,所以人们之间必然发生倾轧。 1. However, between Monday's unsettling Full Moon and Saturn's clash with your ruler Uranus, your patience is short. 可惜的是,在周一的令人不安的满月和土星在你的主星天王之间的冲突把你的耐心变少了。 www.douban.com 2. With the dignity of the Romany people and Romania's national identity at stake, a lot is riding on the outcome of this semantic clash. 随着罗马尼亚的吉卜赛人的尊严受到威胁的国家认同,很多是骑在这个语义冲突的结果。 www.englishtang.com 3. When high legal principles clash with a quite different social reality, the results are inevitably messy. 在高的法律原则与一个截然不同的社会现实相冲突的时候,结果往往不可避免的乱作一团。 www.ecocn.org 4. However, he has kept working hard in training and is in the party for the Europa League clash in Italy. 然而这名小伙子十分努力刻苦地训练,为在意大利(意指那不勒斯)进行的欧联杯进行备战。 www.lfc.org.cn 5. Pepe Reina insists he will have no complaints if Diego Cavalieri gets the nod in goal for this weekend's FA Cup clash with Everton. 雷纳坚称如果卡瓦列里会在周末的足总杯比赛上为球队把守球门,他也不会有任何的怨言。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Being a shareholder is different from taking control of a U. S. investment bank, which would present a culture clash. 做股东和控股美国投行非常不同,后者将会产生文化冲突。 www.bing.com 7. Barcelona fullback Adriano is set to miss the Champions League clash against Milan with a hamstring problem. 巴萨后卫阿德里亚诺被确定将因腿筋伤势缺席与红黑军团的欧冠比赛。 milan.tiao.com 8. JAY SPEARING says he is ready to show Liverpool boss Kenny Dalglish what he can do in tonight's Carling Cup clash at Stoke City. 杰-斯匹灵表示,今晚和斯托克城的联赛杯中,他已经准备好向肯尼展示自己的实力了。 www.jczqw.com 9. The striker who once scored a hat-trick in the Milan derby turns his thoughts to his first clash between London's top two clubs. 舍甫琴柯(曾经在米兰德比上演帽子戏法)又谈到了他对他的第一次伦敦两大俱乐部德比的看法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. John Terry insists England will not treat Wednesday's clash with Germany like a friendly but has stressed the importance of avoiding injury. 约翰特里强调周三与德国的碰撞并不是友谊赛的性质,但是强调避免伤病的重要性。 bbs.qieerxi.com 1. He began March on the substitutes bench but came on during the 2-1 win against Reading and the Champions League clash with PSV Eindhoven. 他在三月初的比赛中作为替补上场,包括2比1胜雷丁和冠军联赛对阵埃因霍温。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. Mourinho returns to face the side he steered to the UEFA Cup and European Cup in the first leg of the last-16 clash in February. 穆里尼奥又要面对他向欧冠联赛和欧洲杯前进这条道路了,明年二月他们将开始欧冠联赛的最后十六场碰撞。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The needs of this thriving new industry created radical changes in the community causing a clash between older and newer residents. 这种欣欣向荣的新产业的需求造成了社区内部发生了巨大的变化,导致新老居民发生了冲突。 www.bing.com 4. The ashtray , splashed with ash, crashed with a clash in a flash while being washed. 那个溅有灰尘的烟灰盘在清洗时咣当一声一下子摔碎了。 www.hjenglish.com 5. So if karaoke songs really are projections of our personalities, it's fitting that these personalities sometimes clash, too. 因此如果K歌真的反映了我们的个性,那么有时候产生性格冲突也是可以理解的了。 www.bing.com 6. 'A lot of studio executives are going to look at 'Clash, ' and if it works -- then 3-D conversion will explode. ' 许多制片商的管理人士都在等待《泰坦之战》的效果,如果转换出来的3-D效果不错,那么3-D转换将呈现爆发式增长。 www.voa365.com 7. A recent border clash between Malaysia and Indonesia has once again sparked tension between the two nation states. 马来西亚与印度尼西亚最近爆发边界冲突,造成两国关系紧绷。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. A Darfuri tribe says 55 of its members have been killed in a clash with soldiers from Southern Sudan's army. 达尔富尔地区一个部落与南苏丹军队产生冲突,55位成员被杀。 www.enread.com 9. This clash of cultures is no longer a simple matter of black versus white. 文化的冲突已不再是一个简单的黑与白问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Argentine, who turns 21 next week, could line-up in our third round clash at Reading on Saturday tea-time. 阿根廷人下个星期即将年满21岁,他可能在周六午茶时间出阵足总杯第三轮雷丁的首发。 www.jczqw.com 1. What doesn't work, his study found, allowing to develop the kind of clash that encompassed James. 他的研究发现,如果缺乏这种灵活性,就可能发生詹姆斯遇到的那种冲突。 chinese.wsj.com 2. These differences don't mean our cultures are destined to clash, but rather that we must work harder to understand each other. 这些分歧并不意味着我们的文化注定要发生冲突,而是(意味着)我们必须更加努力地了解对方。 kaoshi.alai.net 3. His theory is borne out on the ground by some Lehmanites who privately bemoan the clash of cultures with their new owners. 现实证明,他的理论是正确的,一些雷曼员工私下里哀叹与新东家的文化冲突。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It is time for the colorful clash of the universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies. 就在此刻,让多姿多彩的交锋成为宇宙中闪耀的辉煌,从而载入传记。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Yet from the beginning this didn't look like a typical drug-smugglers' clash. 然而从一开始,发生在两者之间的争端就与一般典型的毒品团伙火并有所不同。 www.ecocn.org 6. Francesc Fabregas is hoping to be fit for Arsenal's mouth-watering clash with Manchester United next week. 法布雷加斯希望能够尽快伤愈,以便赶上下周主场对阵曼联的比赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The ashtray, lashed with ash, crashed with a clash in a flash while being washed. 那个溅有灰尘的烟灰盘在五年级解方程清洗时咣当一声一下子摔碎了。 www.52vpn.com 8. Liverpool can forget about their league troubles tomorrow night when they turn their focus to a Europa League clash with Napoli in Italy. 利物浦应该明天晚上就忘记联赛的失利,因为他们要把经历集中在意大利那不勒斯的欧联杯上。 www.lfc.org.cn 9. Members of "old Europe" may hope to avoid a clash with the Kremlin, but many countries of "new" Europe say the struggle has already begun. “老欧洲”成员们或许希望避免与克里姆林宫发生冲突,但许多“新”欧洲国家们声称战斗已经打响。 www.ecocn.org 10. The two cultures may clash and executives may over-estimate what can be delivered, only to disappoint their shareholders. 两种文化可能发生碰撞,高管们可能高估所能实现的结果,从而只会让股东感到失望。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This afternoon the Azzurri Coach oversaw a game between ranks that experimented the two most likely alternatives for the Ghana clash. 今天下午蓝衣军团教练通过一场比赛检验了两种针对加纳的战术试验的效果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Now, according the proponents of the clash of civilizations, both Barbie and Fulla occupy these completely separate spheres. 现在,根据文明冲突的拥护者所说,芭比和福啦是在两个完全不同的领域里。 www.ted.com 3. Some fans asked Nerazzurri striker for an explanation on last Wednesday's expulsion in the Uefa Cup clash against Sochaux. 部分球迷要求国米前锋维耶里就上周三在对索肖的联盟杯赛中被红牌罚下一事作出解释。 www.inter1908.net 4. In a nuclear age, the U. S. and Chinese militaries are unlikely to clash. 在核时代,美国和中国军队不太可能发生冲突。 www.bing.com 5. The forth part of this paper discusses the academic value of the theory of civilization clash based on the former discussion. 第四部分在前文分析的基础上,关注文明冲突论的学术价值。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Chelsea begin a busy period with a clash against Arsenal, and Drogba is hoping to keep the pressure on their London rivals. 切尔西正在为周末对阿森纳的德比战准备。德罗巴希望给他们的对手施加压力。 www.qieerxi.com 7. praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. 用大响的钹赞美他,用高声的钹赞美他。 www.ebigear.com 8. But if that clash occurs, at least now we're in the same weight-class. 但即使碰撞真的发生了,至少我们和仙女星系还处在同一个重量级。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. The strapping defender soldiered on after picking up his injury, but Mourinho feels he may not be fit to for England's key clash with Wales. 这位高大健壮的后卫在受伤后仍旧坚持比赛,但是穆帅觉得他可能难以参加英格兰对威尔士的这场关键的比赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. And I think the theatre is the place that artists, arts, words and ideas clash, come together and mix. 所以,我认为,在戏剧舞台上,艺术家、艺术、语言和观点之间会发生碰撞,融合到一起。 www.zftrans.com 1. The convergence of different industries has also led to a culture clash. 不同产业的汇集也导致了文化上的冲突。 www.bing.com 2. White noise becomes the aural equivalent of the clash of images, the nonstop blast of fragments that increasingly agitates our minds. 白噪音成为在听觉上相当于形象的冲突,日益不断烦扰我们头脑的零星轰鸣。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. War (Life) is defined as "a violent clash of interests between or among organized groups characterized by the use of military force. " 战争(生活)的定义就是两个或两个以上有组织的团体,以武力的方式解决的一种激烈的利益冲突。 www.elanso.com 4. Vinh emphasized that the recent incident with China was a civilian clash and not a military issue. 阮志勇强调,最近与中国发生的事件仅仅是一起“民事纠纷”而不是一场军事冲突。 www.jdzj.com 5. People try to achieve cognitive consistency: they want the images they hold not to clash with or contradict each other. 人们谋求达到认知的一致。他们希望已有的意象不协调,甚至相互抵触。 bbs.education.163.com 6. The British troops split into two groups, pulled back from the clash and called in airstrikes from American A-10 attack planes. 英国军队分成两个小组,迅速从战火中撤出,要求美国A-10强击机发动空袭。 www.bing.com 7. It is in the currency markets where different economic policies and different economic and political systems interact and clash. 正是在外汇市场,不同的经济政策以及不同的经济与政治体系发生着相互作用和冲突。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Bribing leaders in the Afghan hinterland to take sides in the clash of civilisations is no easy task. 在文明的冲突中贿赂阿富汗内陆领导人以获得其支持可不是一件简单的任务。 www.bing.com 9. Harmony is under strain in Yunnan's earthly utopia, where locals, government and business clash over the region's future. 云南人间仙境的和谐状况正在受到威胁。对于这个地区的未来发展方向,当地居民、政府和企业意见不一。 www.chinadialogue.net 10. State media quoted an official in Xinjiang as saying that the clash was a "terrorist" attack. 官方媒体援引新疆一名官员的话称,和田发生的冲突是一场“恐怖”袭击。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Dutch soccer fans get into the party spirit in the centre of the Swiss capital Bern, ahead of their team's Euro 2008 clash with France. 在瑞士首都伯尔尼中心,,荷兰球迷结成团队,先于他们球队2008年欧洲足球锦标赛与法国交锋。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Chelsea need only a draw from Saturday's clash at Stamford Bridge to secure back-to-back titles. 切尔西周六在面对曼联的挑战只需要一个平局可以获得他们第二个联赛冠军。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Unfortunately some of these tricks clash with what we consider best practices in web development. 可惜上文提到的这些计巧与我们通常认为的web开发的准则有冲突。 www.bing.com 4. Stephen Hunt will not be offering Petr Cech any words of comfort when Reading clash with Chelsea on Wednesday. 斯蒂芬-亨特将不会在周三对切尔西的比赛中对切赫嘘寒问暖。 www.chelsea.net.cn 5. The Cultural Diversity and Harmony in Macau: Reconsidering Huntington's Paradigm of "the Clash of Civilizations" 澳门的文化多元与和谐——与亨廷顿“文明冲突论”的讨论 ilib.com.cn 6. Some see a clash between the idealistic promotion of open government and the hounding of WikiLeaks. 有些人看到了推广开放政府和不断逼迫维基泄密之间的矛盾。 www.ecocn.org 7. Even if decrepit regimes fell, he suggested, there would still be a fundamental clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. 他表示,即使衰老的政权垮台,在伊斯兰与西方之间依然会发生根本的文明冲突。 www.bing.com 8. He and his elder brother got into a verbal clash. 他和他哥哥发生过口角。 www.zhongshenw.com 9. Chinese police opened fire in at least one clash. 中国警方至少在一场冲突中开火。 www.ecocn.org 10. The enjoyment of romantic pleasure could also be on higher side but you should try to avoid the clash of egos. 浪漫的喜悦将达到更高的境界,但是你要警惕自尊心带来的冲击。 www.douban.com 1. Gerrard aggravated an adductor muscle injury in training ahead of the midweek UEFA Champions League clash with Chelsea. 杰拉德在周中备战与切尔西的赛前训练中内收肌伤势加重。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. MILAN - Ronaldinho left the pitch in the 76th minute during the clash between Brazil and Bolivia, substituted by Nilmar. 米兰-巴西和玻利维亚比赛的第76分钟,罗纳尔迪尼奥被尼尔马替换下场。 www.milanchina.com 3. The film highlights a clash between traditional and modern ways of living and thinking, as well as class differences. 影片主要反映了传统的生活和思想与当代的生活和思想的碰撞,以及阶级差别带来的冲突。 www.bing.com 4. Another risk is one that often presents itself in mergers, especially those involving creative types: a clash of cultures. 在企业合并往往还会出现一个问题:文化冲突,如果合并与创造性相关,那就更是如此。 www.ecocn.org 5. Dmitry Medvedev, the president, said Mr Putin's languagewas "unacceptable" and risked stoking a "clash of civilisations" . 不过俄总统梅德韦杰夫却说普京的话“让人不能接受”,他有点夸张了“文明的冲突”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Both David Silva and Mario Balotelli are out of City's clash with Arsenal on Wednesday night. 译者:sgxiao巴洛特利和席尔瓦将双双缺席星期三晚与阿森纳的战斗 www.bing.com 7. Having come through the Wolves clash unscathed, the England captain is hopeful there will be no more injury set-backs between now and May. 通过了狼队的冲击而且没有受伤,英格兰队长非常希望从现在到五月份不要再有伤病的困扰了。 www.mufans.org 8. "John had surgery, he is recovering from that, but he is not ready yet, " said Mourinho, in the aftermath of the Adams Park clash. “约翰作了手术,他正在恢复当中,不过他还没有做好上场的准备,”穆里尼奥在亚当斯公园的比赛后说。 www.chelsea.net.cn 9. There was a small group of protesters that threw objects at police, and there was some use of tmaneargas, but the clash was fairly minor. 他说,有一小批抗议者向警察投掷物品,警察也使用了一些催泪瓦斯,但双方的冲突是相当轻微的。 c.wsj.com 10. Hate is always a clash between our spirit and someone else's body. 憎恨一向是我们的精神和别人的肉体的冲突。 edu.runsky.com 1. On the stage the previous songs and also I fought the law by The Clash , ever performed by the Gang, were revised in acustic way . 在舞台上的歌,我也打了法律的冲突,以往演出的帮派进行了修改耳蜗方式。 www.bing.com 2. A border clash between the two armies started the war. 双方军队在边境的冲突引发了战争。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 3. Developmental trend of the world culture is Multi-coexistence Culture from " The Clash of Civilizations" to "Harmonious Culture" . 多元文化的共存正是“和谐世界”理念的文化基础和标志。 www.fabiao.net 4. In the great Shiite-Sunni Muslim clash that cleaves the Middle East, score one for Iran's radical Shiite theocracy. 什叶派逊尼派穆斯林的大冲突劈开了中东,伊朗激进什叶派神权国赢得一分。 www.stnn.cc 5. Various people told me the Russia- Georgia clash was a minor spat, signifying not terribly much. 许多人对我说,俄格冲突只是一场小冲突,意义不是十分重大。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The governor of impoverished Marib province was stabbed in a clash with anti-government protesters. 贫困省马里卜省省长在与反政府抗议者的冲突中被刺伤。 www.ecocn.org 7. US President Lyndon Johnson used a second, and highly disputed, second clash to justify air strikes on naval bases in the north. 美国总统约翰逊对北越的海军基地发动了第二次、高度争议的攻击,以证明其空中轰炸行为正当。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This war is more than a clash of arms -- it is a decisive ideological struggle, and the security of our nation is in the balance. 这场战争不仅是武器的较量,更是一场决定性的意识形态斗争。美国的安全取决于平衡。 www.tianya.cn 9. As in 2005, the riots were triggered by the deaths of two youths in a clash with police. 和2005年暴乱相似的是,两次暴乱的导火线是在两名青年在与警察发生的冲突中死亡。 www.ecocn.org 10. I think the present armed clash on the border was a diversion to make their people forget the internal difficult economic situation. 我认为目前发生的边界冲突事件是想要转移他们国内人民对困难的经济形势的注意力。 www.neworiental.org |
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