单词 | conclude |
释义 | concludes是conclude的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:concludes 现在分词:concluding 过去式:concluded v. n. conclude transaction,conclude deal,conclude agreement,conclude treaty,conclude negotiation 例句释义: 结束,推断,议定,〈美〉决定,总结 1. 'He would have had trouble getting out of any bunker in the country, ' concludes Mr. Mulak. 穆拉克断定,照奥巴马的打法,无论美国的哪个沙坑他很难将球打出去。 c.wsj.com 2. It concludes that for the present warp knitting enterprises, four standard integrated management systems should be built up in orde. . . 对于当前的经编企业,要想保证生产稳定和持续发展,就必须建立包含四大标准的整合管理体系。 www.chemyq.com 3. Drews concludes that the Neronian persecution is likely "nothing but the product of a Christian's imagination in the fifth century. " 多尔总结,尼禄的迫害很可能是“公元五世纪基督徒想象的产物”。 cnufo.com 4. But, he concludes, most researchers say that in the absence of a vaccine, a combination of these methods could slow the onward march of HIV. 但是,Cohen得出结论说,在缺乏疫苗的情况下,对这些方法的联合应用确实能够减缓艾滋病毒扩张的脚步。 www.scidev.net 5. He concludes, "It seems to me quite irresponsible to let the current chaos prevail. " 他总结道,“目前这种混乱局面愈发流行,在我看来,这太不负责任了。” www.ecocn.org 6. In an article published in Science magazine, she concludes that those effects add up to quite a bit. 在《科学杂志》上刊登的一篇文章中,她总结了悬浮微粒的许多影响。 www.bing.com 7. "Some of our clients say it's more exciting to be a part of this type of presentation, " concludes Boylan. “我们的一些客户说成为这种演示的一个参与者是令人非常兴奋的”,boylan总结。 my.putclub.com 8. The brief account of the Great Leap Forward in On China concludes with the observation that more than 20m died as a result of famine. 《论中国》中讲述大跃进的篇幅不多,最后的结论是:当时有超过2000万人死于饥荒。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This paper concludes error to influence drill eccentricity from the sort of measuring error, accordingly teleology to control. 本文从测量误差分类中将影响钻孔的误差进行归纳,从而有目的地进行控制。 www.chemyq.com 10. Wen concludes this elegant paean by noting how he visits Hu's family every year and how much he misses his mentor. 温家宝在这篇行文优美的文章结尾写道,他每年都要去胡耀邦家中看望,他非常怀念自己的导师。 c.wsj.com 1. "The only plausible scenario for a dollar crash" , Mr Eichengreen concludes, "is one in which we bring it upon ourselves. " 如书中结语,“美元崩溃唯一的可能性,就是我们美国人自己导致的。” www.ecocn.org 2. She concludes that she could not, and that her only option was to quit the company. 她觉得她不能,惟一的出路就是离开公司。 chinafanyi.com 3. The report concludes, controversially, that the rules did not add to the pro-cyclical nature of the financial system. 这份报告总结称,会计准则并未计入金融体系的顺周期性。这一结论引起了争议。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It looks at the huge amount of Chinese national savings and concludes that much of it does not seem to be captured by the banks. 该报告对中国庞大的国民储蓄总量进行了分析,认为其中多数似乎都没有被银行争取到。 www.ecocn.org 5. Stamping concludes with an inspection of its appearance, as well as a technical test taking account of six parameters. 冲压结束后,对表壳外观进行检验,并依据六项指标进行技术检测。 www.iwatch365.net 6. "Even with a large subsidy, it would be very hard to move to such a large market share that quickly, " Sweeney concludes. 斯威尼总结说,“即使有巨大的补贴,想要这么快的占领一个大的市场份额,仍然非常艰巨。” www.bing.com 7. You ve encountered a close tag, meaning that this concludes all the character data you ll receive for this particular element . 遇到一个结束标记,它意味着这将结束您收到的这一特定元素的所有字符数据。 www.bing.com 8. In fact he concludes that, based primarily on the PEG ratio, Apple's shares are even more undervalued now than they were a year ago. 事实上他得出结论称,仍然主要从PEG方面考虑,苹果的股价与一年前相比,低估程度甚至更大。 www.fortunechina.com 9. "Then" , concludes the friend, "Instead of you paying him, he pays you thirty-five dollars a day to tell him to work faster" . 朋友总结道:那么,不是你付他钱,而是反过来他付你一天35块钱让你叫他快点干? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mr Lonergan concludes, somewhat sheepishly, that money would cause less damage if people did not think about it so much. 洛内甘最后略带怯懦地总结道:倘若人们不把钞票看得这么重,钱所造成的损失就会相应减少。 www.ecocn.org 1. Aid and development policy, concludes Mr Banerjee, should take more account of that evidence. Banerjee先生总结道:援助与发展政策应该多多考虑这些证据。 www.bing.com 2. Goldman's report concludes that it should disclose conflicts of interest when it acts as an adviser or fiduciary to its clients. 高盛的报告得出的结论是:当它作为客户的顾问或受托人时,它应该向客户披露利益冲突。 kk.dongxi.net 3. Planet Earth would have to be one-and-a-half times bigger to meet the demands of mankind, concludes the organization. 该组织总结说地球这个星球再大一倍半才能满足人类的需求。 www.bing.com 4. Michael Bluejay concludes, Today, acceptance of vegetarianism by American medical authorities and the general public is at an all-time high. 迈可步鲁杰所做的结论是:目前,美国医学界和大众对于素食主义的接受程度,可谓空前高涨。 sm2000.org 5. My best love to Jack & Nelly and regard for the rest of the family concludes me with the utmost truth & sincerity. 请转达我对杰克、尼利和其他家人的最诚挚的爱。 qing.weibo.com 6. But a survey to be released next week concludes that U. S. firms might not be doing as well as they could be. 然而,下周即将发布的一项调查认为,美国律所似乎做得不够好。 www.bing.com 7. "Absolute returns did not deliver their promise fully during difficult markets but they did cushion the impact, " concludes Mr Moonesawmy. 穆恩莎密总结称:“在形势艰难的市场中,绝对回报策略没有完全兑现承诺,但它们的确缓解了影响。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Officials at the G20 summit, which concludes today, were trying to reconcile clashing views on currencies and current accounts. G20峰会将于今天结束,与会官员正在试图弥合各方在汇率和经常账户问题上的严重分歧。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. 他对这一切很高兴,因为从今以后他的世界中没有那些既无新意有没有作用的统治者, blog.hjenglish.com 10. After that, this paper analyzes the need of test system, researching on the architecture of test system and concludes GPIB bus construction. 接着,针对这些测试项目进行需求分析,对测试系统的架构进行研究,提出了基于GPIB总线的硬件结构。 www.fabiao.net 1. He concludes that Fitzgerald persists in despising any form of femininity, but unfortunately the writer has a deep identification with it. 他总结道菲茨杰拉德虽然鄙夷作品中任何形式的女性气质,但是他本身却和这种气质有许多共通点。 www.fabiao.net 2. Concludes Bradley, "If the U. S. said: 'We'll match what China's going to do, ' I'd be fairly happy with that. " 布拉德利最后说:“如果美国说:‘中国要做到的,我们也要做到。’我会很高兴听到这样的承诺。” www.bing.com 3. As a consequence of this analysis, Fodor further concludes that the computational theory of mind is not applicable to central systems. 由此,福多进一步得出心的计算理论不适用于中心系统的结论。 www.dictall.com 4. The company refuses to say until an independent panel concludes its investigation, says Mr Takayama. 公司拒绝回答这些问题直到通过独立委员会的调查才水落石出,Takayama说到。 www.ecocn.org 5. This article concludes our tour of the major improvements and changes IBM has made to its implementation of the Java virtual machine. 本文结束了对Java虚拟机的IBM实现中主要改进和改变的讨论。 www.ibm.com 6. Michael Sandel concludes his lecture series by making the point that we, as individuals, may never agree on many moral philosophical issues. Sandel作总结时指出,我们作为个体,可能永远不会同意许多道德哲学问题的争论点。 www.bing.com 7. It concludes with some generalizations likely to help with your own development work. 本文总结了一些一般规律,可以帮助您进行开发。 www.ibm.com 8. As the bank's primary regulator, the Fed can force out executives if the agency concludes they are behaving irresponsibly. Mr. 作为该行的主要监管方,如果美联储认为其管理人士行为不负责的话,它可以让他们卷铺盖走人。 bbs.51ielts.com 9. As he continues to pull away, she mistakenly concludes that he doesn't want to talk or that he doesn't care for her. 若他继续抽离,她就误下判断,以为他不想谈话或不关心她。 www.bing.com 10. The paper concludes that the price signal in land market is one of the important factors of the fluctuation of newly-built housing price. 研究结论:土地出让价格信号是引起新建商品住宅价格波动的主要因素之一。 www.chinalandscience.com.cn 1. It concludes that this method can accelerate the stabilization of the garbage dump ground. 得出此法可以加速垃圾场的稳定。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. This chapter concludes main research result of this paper and broaches the subsequent research imagination. 本章概括了本文的主要研究成果,并对后续研究提出设想。 www.fabiao.net 3. Documenting the evidences, the present study concludes the tiger in the Zhou's set of photographs to be a three-dimensional, animate object. 综合各项证据,目前的研究结论是,在周的系列照片中的老虎是三维活体对象。 url.cn 4. The dossier made a bad situation worse, the author concludes, but was not the turning-point it has been portrayed as. 作者认为,虽然这些档案使局势变得更糟糕,但它不是世人所描述的转折点。 www.ecocn.org 5. Finally, this paper concludes with an outlook and several key techniques of the progressive transmission of spatial data over the Internet. 最后结合目前国内该方面最新的研究成果对空间数据网络渐进传输的研究趋势做了进一步展望。 cjig.cn 6. This article concludes with a commercial bank for the establishment of an industry credit rating model, shows that our model is reasonable. 本文最后还为某商业银行的一个行业建立了信用评级模型,说明了我们模型的合理性。 www.fabiao.net 7. At least the memo is candid when it concludes, "Bank customers are unaware that such reclassification is occurring. " 至少备忘录是坦诚的,它总结道,“银行的客户们并没有意识到这种重新调整的发生。” www.bing.com 8. When the British scrambled for the exits, lingering chaos was often the result of this hearty ad-hoccery, Mr Kwarteng sadly concludes. 当英国人狼狈不堪地辙出各个殖民地时,这种爽快的特别辙退往往遗留下的是挥之不去的混乱,Kwarteng先生黯然作出总结。 www.bing.com 9. The thesis concludes that Dickinson's surreal death poetry is an expression of her unconscious wish for sensual love. 本文进而指出狄金森的超现实死亡诗歌表现了潜藏在诗人无意识中的爱欲诉求。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. "This isn't a solution, but a way of putting off the solution until later, " concludes Yulia Latynina, a political commentator. 政治评论家拉提尼纳的结论是“这并不是解决方案,而只是把解决方案推迟到晚些时候公布的一种方式”。 www.ecocn.org 1. All responsible companies should have sleep policies just as they have policies on smoking and sexual harassment, he concludes. 他的结论是,所有负责任的公司都应当制定睡眠政策,就像它们制定了禁止吸烟和性骚扰政策一样。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Thereupon this paper concludes through a textual research that it was written in the eve of the downfall of the Qin Dynasty. 本文在此说的基础上,考证《大招》作于秦亡前夕。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The tutorial concludes with a couple of tricks on making the application easy for your users to access on their mobile devices. 本教程最后将介绍几个技巧,以帮助您的用户在他们的移动设备上更轻松地访问您的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 4. It concludes that the result of fuzzy recognition and cluster is the same as the result of expert estimate through analyses of an example. 并通过实例分析进行验证,模糊识别聚类结果与专家评定结果是相吻合的。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Mr Adler concludes that Hill came to believe that he was worth far more to his cause as a symbol than as an individual. 阿德勒先生得出结论:希尔相信,与个人比起来,他作为其事业的象征,是更有价值的。 www.ecocn.org 6. The research concludes that, contrary to popular belief, people with red hair do not bleed any more than other patients. 该研究的结论是:红头发的病人流血并不会多于其他病人。这和我们普遍的观点相反。 www.bing.com 7. Which brings us to the two important philosophical questions with regard to performance with which Colvin concludes his presentation. 这让我们想起有关成就的两个重要哲学问题,而科尔文也以此作为演讲的结尾。 app.fortunechina.com 8. The paper concludes that sexually-experienced male adolescents were "no more likely to be infected than adolescent virgins" . 该论文认为有性经历的青少年男性“感染艾滋病病毒的可能性并不高于没有性经历的青少年。” www.scidev.net 9. The last part is the conclusion, the author concludes the main findings of this thesis, and offers some proposals for further study. 最后为结论部分,对全文的对比研究进行了总结和概括,为以后的研究工作提出了一些建议。 www.fabiao.net 10. Adding to the confusion, a November version of such an e-mail concludes, "This has been fact-checked out on Snopes. com, and this is true. " 一个九月份的流言也跑来添乱,说“这件事在snopes.com上已经被证实啦。” www.bing.com 1. Jon concludes his article with a very interesting observation on the decentralized, collaborative network effects such services can produce. Jon用一种非常有趣的观察总结了自己文章,基于这类服务对分散协作网络产生的影响。 www.infoq.com 2. Therefore, this paper concludes that the global climate management is bound to depend on the global institutional construction and control. 因此,该文认为,在后哥本哈根时代,全球气候治理只有寄望于制度建设及其约束。 lib.cqvip.com 3. "Being able to paint on the fly is a huge plus for a creative person like Michael, " Carroll concludes. 克罗尔最后总结道:“能够边拍摄边作画对迈克尔这样有创意的导演来说可谓如虎添翼。” www.bing.com 4. Finally done concludes that the advantages and disadvantages of each method and the direction of further development. 最后做了研究总结,指出了两种方法各自的优缺点,提出进一步研究拓展的方向。 www.fabiao.net 5. The experiment, limited to that region of applicability, concludes with a result that either agrees with the theory or disagrees with it. 被限制在适用范围中的实验得到符合或是不符合理论的结果。 www-128.ibm.com 6. It concludes that this method should be applied in the full process of singing, and can play an active role in raising the level of singing. 掌握思维的非演绎方法对于歌唱水平的提高有积极的促进作用。 www.chemyq.com 7. Thus, this particular Jesus must have had some unusual role or fame - and Jesus of Nazareth certainly qualified, Lemaire concludes. 因此,勒迈里认为有理由相信这个“耶酥”一定有非同寻常的身份地位--而拿撒勒人耶稣就刚好具备这个条件。 www.hotdic.com 8. The narrator of Descartes' Meditations concludes that none of his former opinions are safe. 笛卡尔《第一哲学沉思录》中的叙述者推断说,他之前所有的想法中没有一个是可靠的。 www.bing.com 9. Thus, this paper concludes that, on average, managers do not abuse accounting discretion at the expense of firms' shareholders. 因此本文得出结论:在平均水平上,管理层并不会以股东财富损失为代价滥用会计自由裁量权。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The report warns that voluntary measures by the food industry have had 'limited success' and concludes that further action is needed. 报告告诫,食品工业的自愿措施‘效果有限’,并总结出需要采取进一步的行动。 www.hxen.com 1. It briefly concludes the points of the previous chapters, helping the reader to understand the outline of the thesis. 简单总结以上四章的观点,让读者对该论文有一个总体纲目的脉络把握。 www.zidir.com 2. This section describes each of these steps and concludes with a custom attribute example. 本节描述上述每个步骤,并以自定义属性示例结束。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. "The only major beneficiaries of the recovery have been corporate profits and the stock market and its shareholders, " the study concludes. 研究得出:“此次复苏中唯一的主要受益者是公司获利、股市及其股东。” cn.reuters.com 4. The report concludes that overfishing is a greater threat to the area than pollution or any other human activity. 报告的结论说,过度捕捞对这一海区的威胁大于污染和其它任何一种人类活动的威胁。 www.kekenet.com 5. By deducing past conditions from tree rings, the report concludes that this rate is "unprecedented" in the past millennium. 通过对树的年轮情况的推断,这份报告下结论说:这个上升率在过去的千年中是前所未有的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. One numerical simulation of a reinforced concrete slab which demonstrates the efficiency of the presented model concludes this paper. 最后,通过一个钢筋混凝土单向板的数值算例,验证了模型的有效性。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Accordingly, it concludes that the declaration of independence on the 17th of February 2008 did not violate general international law. 相应的,国际法院得出结论,2008年2月17日,科索沃宣布独立并不违反国际法。 show.24en.com 8. concludes with a prospect of the pole management applying in the aluminum processing, and summarizes some problems concerning the applying. 最后,展望标杆管理在铝加工业的应用前景,并对企业在标杆管理过程中应注意的一些问题进行了概述。 www.fabiao.net 9. So Tinker's team concludes that cutting back on fat without exercising or losing weight may not be enough to cut diabetes risk. 因此,Tinker博士的研究小组得出的结论就是减少膳食脂肪而不运动或减轻体重对减少糖尿病风险可能是不足的。 news.dxy.cn 10. The author concludes that favoritism is unquestionable a requisite element, as it is stated to help defining the crime. 笔者认为徇私明确写入罪状之中,理当认为是构成必备要件。 www.fabiao.net 1. The paper concludes that the third option 'seems to be more easily ready for rapid deployment. ' 文件的结论是,第三种选择看起来更容易迅速实施。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Indeed, the main obstacle will be Turkey, if it concludes during 2009 that its own chances of joining the EU have vanished. 事实上,主要的障碍将是土耳其,如果确定它在2009年加入欧盟的机会已经为零。 www.ecocn.org 3. As in past years, the meeting, which concludes today, was not expected to produce any significant breakthroughs. 就像往年一样,定于今日结束的会议,预期不会产生任何重大突破。 www.ftchinese.com 4. concludes with a synthesis of citric acid esters of the existing problems, development the direction and application prospects. 最后提出了柠檬酸酯的合成目前存在的问题、发展方向和应用前景等。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. "These facilities will serve the nearby residents and students after the 2011 Universiade concludes, " he said. “世界大运会结束后,有关的体育场馆将会成为市民和学生进行体育锻炼和休闲的场所。”叶虔如是说。 paper.sznews.com 6. It concludes with a bibliography of relevant readings and a list of useful Internet sites. 期刊结尾列举了一些相关读物以及一些有用的互联网网址。 www.america.gov 7. In the end, it concludes the important significance of studies on auto insurance differentiation for the company development. 最后总结得出车险差异化经营研究对公司的发展具重要的意义。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. "It follows that India's citation output has the potential to increase dramatically over the next decade, " the report concludes. “其结果是印度的引用产出有潜力在未来10年显著增加。”该报告得出结论说。 www.scidev.net 9. This study concludes with detailed discussion of these modes, and recommends that additional variables be included in future studies. 未来,建议可将更多的环境变数加入一同探讨,以弥补此部分之不足。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Finally, the paper concludes that no demonstration would be meaningful unless law of identity is obeyed. 最后得出结论:只有遵循同一律的论证才是有意义的。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. An exporter is the entity that concludes an export contract, shall be identical with that in the export approval documents. 指出口合同签订单位,应与出口批准文件一致。 www.bing.com 2. But it also concludes that the automated maintenance messages don't explain 'the complete sequence of events which led to [the] accident. 但备忘录也认为,自动维护讯息无法解释导致事故的整个过程。 www.bing.com 3. Chapter Six concludes the achievements of this study, with future direction of research introduced. 第六部分对已完成的工作进行总结,并提出不足与展望。 www.fabiao.net 4. The cost of the managerial synergy effect in the conglomerate merger concludes premium value, integration costs and pre-transaction costs. 混合并购中管理协同效应的实现成本包括并购溢价、整合成本和前期交易费用。 www.showxiu.com 5. It asks whether increased opportunities for choice actually make people happier, and concludes that often they do not. 同时质问越来越多选择是否真使人感到更加愉悦,而结论常常是否定的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. With the package "in its current form" , there is no chance of an agreement among the 27 EU countries, concludes Mr Dowgielewicz. “目前情况下”,该方案在要想让27个国家达成一致并不可能,多夫盖莱维奇先生总结道。 www.ecocn.org 7. The series concludes by putting together all the concepts into a "stub enhancer tool" . 本系列最后要将所有概念放入到一个“存根增强器工具”中。 www.ibm.com 8. The Chinese consumer sector is now arguably the healthiest of any major economy in the world, the consultancy concludes. 麦肯锡称,各主要经济体中,中国消费者领域仍是最稳健的之一。 cn.reuters.com 9. The first section examines the economics of commodity agreements and concludes that they have not lived up to expectations. 第一节讨论商品协议的经济学问题并得出结论,认为它们并不尽如人意。 www.jukuu.com 10. Part I of the book concludes with a consultation project reproduced in its entirety. 部分书在我结束其全文转载了咨询项目。 www.ccebook.net 1. The ICSU report concludes that, so far, the production of biofuels has aggravated rather than ameliorated global warming. ICSU的报告得出结论,到目前为止,生物燃料的生产加剧了而非缓解了全球变暖。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. And one of the best ways to do this, he concludes, is to use derivatives. 他得出结论说,这么做的最佳方式之一就是利用衍生品。 www.ftchinese.com 3. 'A key factor driving the growth of consumption-based emissions was the import of manufactured products from China, ' the paper concludes. 文章说,推动消费排放增长的主要因素是来自中国制造的产品。 c.wsj.com 4. The last part of this paper concludes our work and gives an outlook of the video sequence post-processing domain. 文章的最后对课题工作进行了总结,并对视频图像后处理领域的相关技术进行了展望。 www.fabiao.net 5. A fully qualified name includes the path to the report, and concludes with the name of the report itself. 完全限定名称包含报表路径,并以报表本身的名称结束。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. However, the arbitral tribunal may extend the time-limits if it concludes that an extension is justified. 但是仲裁庭可以延长该等期限,如果仲裁庭认为该等延期是适当的。 www.sjzyitong.com 7. Each section concludes with a summary of the section and key concepts, which ensures that important elements don't get lost in the details. 每个小节的结尾是该小节和重要概念的总结,这确保了重要的元素没有湮没在细节中。 www.ibm.com 8. The annual summit concludes July 10 with a working session on development in Africa and a session on world food security. 八国集团的年度峰会将在举行非洲开发工作会议和世界食品安全工作会议后于7月10日闭幕。 www.america.gov 9. It concludes in Hanoi and bilateral meetings with Vietnamese officials and a regional dialogue with ASEAN foreign ministers. 访问的最后一站是河内,克林顿将和越南官员举行双边会谈,并和东盟外长举行地区问题的对话。 www.voanews.cn 10. How well these natural musicians played together, Krause concludes, says good deal about the health of the environment. 克劳瑟推论,这些自然音乐家合奏时是否悦耳,可透露出环境的健康状况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. At last, the thesis concludes the result of the research and proposes the questions for further research. 论文最后对研究结果进行了总结并提出了本课题需要进一步讨论的问题。 www.fabiao.net 2. S. schools in terms of Ivy League admissions, concludes: "They're very serious about their education, it's Exeter, Harvard or bust. " 其招生负责人迈克尔·加里总结说:“韩国家长对子女教育的要求很严格。他们的心态是:埃克塞特,不是哈佛就是完蛋。” 3. "A sense of community is hard to sustain in organisations where large pay gaps exist, " Mr Trevor concludes. 特雷弗总结说:“在薪酬差距大的组织里,团体感很难维持。” www.bloglegal.com 4. Burk was cautious about the likelihood that an agreement will be reached by the time the NPT review conference concludes at the end of May. 对于在五月底《不扩散核武器条约》审议大会(NPTreviewconference)闭幕时达成一项协议的可能性,伯克持谨慎态度。 www.america.gov 5. This study concludes that relevance theory is powerful and effectively an account of metaphor. 本研究表明,关联理论能够更加有效地解释隐喻。 www.fabiao.net 6. The compound statement starts with a BEGIN statement and concludes with an END statement. 复合语句以BEGIN语句起始,以END语句结束。 www.ianywhere.com 7. The fall semester starts around the end of August or early September and concludes before winter vacation. 秋季学期是从八月末、九月初到寒假前夕。 www.liuxuexiaobao.com 8. Hence, concludes the jaded half of Lexington, Mr Obama is merely pandering to an important segment of his political base. 因此,列克星顿心生厌倦的半数人总结到,奥巴马不过是在迎合之于他政治基础重要的那群人。 www.ecocn.org 9. Each section of the statement includes cash receipts and cash payments and concludes with a net cash increase or decrease. 报表的每个部分都包括现金收入和现金支出,并且得到净现金变动增加或者减少的结论。 www.wtokj.com 10. This study suggests that VNS may be a viable option in patients with treatment-resistant rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, the team concludes. 这项研究表明,迷走神经刺激可能是一个可行的选择,在患者治疗难治性快速循环双相情感障碍,该小组总结。 news.dxy.cn 1. The last chapter concludes the main research work and the future study trends have been discussed as well. 第五章总结了研究的主要工作,并对未来的工作方向进行了研究和讨论。 www.zidir.com 2. Finding a single measure that captures all this, the report concludes, seems too ambitious. 报告下了这样的结论:找到一个能概括所有这些指标的度量标准似乎野心太大了。 www.ecocn.org 3. Mr O'Hanlon concludes that. America may indeed be taking larger security risks with its fiscal than its military policies. 奥哈龙总结来说,美国可能的确地在财政上的比较它的军事的政策承受更大的安全上危险。 bbs.e5zj.com 4. He concludes that sound political theories contains elements of utopianism and realism , of power and of moral values. 他的结论是,良好的政治理论应当包括乌托邦主义、理想主义、权势价值观以及道德价值观等诸多元素。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The top prosecutor in North Carolina concludes no attack occurred. And the players were victims of an overreaching district attorney. 北卡罗来纳州首席检举人称没有发生所谓的性侵犯,只是检察官反应过激,让他们蒙受不白之冤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To make even greater strides, "Japan will have to undertake deep energy-efficiency and conservation measures, " the IEA report concludes. “日本必须承担更加深入的能效提升和能源保护人物。”IEA报告总结到。 www.ngmchina.com.cn 7. This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will discuss signals and noise. The first page describes copper and fiber optic cables. 本单元结束此课程。下一课程将讨论讯号和杂讯。第一单元描述铜质和光纤缆线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. "This variation provides evidence for the significance of exposure to sunlight as a protective factor, " the report concludes. “这种地理差异为显著日晒有预防作用提供了证据,”报告总结称。 news.dxy.cn 9. And yet, 'we find no evidence that the firms of competent looking CEOs perform better, ' the study concludes. 不过研究得出结论,我们没有发现有证据显示外表看起来有能力的CEO领导的公司业绩会更好。 chinese.wsj.com 10. This review concludes the recent development in isolation, detection, characterization and quantitation technologies of phytochelatins. 简要评述了植物络合素的分离、检测、表征和定量等方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. This article concludes: company is a God-shaped poly casual, content and form of musical high degree of unity. 本论文的结论是:《常伴左右》是一部形散神聚,内容与形式高度统一的音乐剧。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. The last chapter concludes UK's experience, inspiration and thinking in the designation of Professional standards for teachers. 第五章总结了英国在制定教师专业标准过程中积累的经验及其给我们带来的启示和思考。 www.13191.com 3. If there are no more questions, the press conference concludes here. Thank you for your coming. See you next week. 如果没有问题,发布会到此结束,感谢大家出席。下周再见! www.wangxiao.cn 4. Enterprise Business License concludes an original and a transcript, both are equally authentic. 《企业法人营业执照》分正本和副本,正本和副本具有同等法律效力。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This article evaluates the results of this exercise and concludes with suggestions for additional work items and potential research topics. 本文评估了这些实践的结果,加以总结,并推荐了一些额外的工作内容和深入的研究课题。 www.ibm.com 6. This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will introduce LAN switching. The first page describes LAN segmentation. 这一页将结束这一课,下一课将介绍区域网路交换器,第一页将叙述区域网路区段分割。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The sixth chapter concludes the whole thesis, pointing out some omits and aspects to be improved and studied further in the investigation. 第六章对本文进行了全面的总结,指出了研究中的遗漏及若干需要进一步深化的方面。 www.zidir.com 8. The survey concludes that mental health is one of the major public health challenges in the EU. 调查得出结论,心理健康是欧洲面临的最主要的公共健康挑战。 www.haolawyer.com 9. The writer concludes that the only way to fix the problem is to return to only publishing the works of regional small-town authors. 这位作者最后的结论是,解决这一问题的唯一方法是重返只出版地方性小镇作家的作品这条老路上去。 www.xiaoma.com 10. An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup. 理想主义者就是闻到玫瑰比白菜芬芳,就断言玫瑰做汤味道一定也更鲜美。 www.fortunechina.com 1. He concludes that terrorists, political extremists and those who commit hate crimes are often relatively well-to-do. 他的结论是:恐怖分子、政治极端分子和仇恨罪罪犯,通常都相对比较富裕。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The paper concludes that the identity inheritance system should be built for the inheritance of rural residential land use right. 研究结论:针对宅基地使用权,应建立身份关系继承制度。 www.chinalandscience.com.cn 3. By the summarization and analyzing of the sound experimentation results, concludes the problems of the Sound Environment Design. 通过对声学实验结果进行总结分析,归纳出地铁站声环境设计中应注意的问题。 www.boshuo.net 4. This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will discuss Internet addressing. The first page covers IP addressing. 此页结束此课。下一课将讨论网际网路定址,第一页将涵盖IP定址。 www.showxiu.com 5. One concludes his missive with the line: in the service of the truth and the other uses: in the service of the nation. 其中一位在他发出的公文内容中最后写著:为了真理与其它目标服务:为了国家服务。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. "We are the first among equals, not the last superpower standing, " he concludes. “我们是势均力敌的国家中的领头羊,而不是硕果仅存的超级大国。” www.ftchinese.com 7. BMW concludes from these tests that electric cars are suitable for most people and that range anxiety fades as drivers get used to them. 宝马汽车公司由实验得出的结论是:电动汽车适合绝大部分人,“里程焦虑”会因熟悉车辆而消失。 www.ecocn.org 8. " And he concludes, " But I believe that home-studio situation is more conducive to learning. 因此他推断出:「但是我相信家庭工作室的形式对学习更有利。」 www2.myoops.org 9. Groysberg concludes his article with advice on how men, and those making hiring decisions, can learn from his portable female stars. 在文章最后,葛罗伊斯堡就男性以及那些作出聘用决定的人如何向女性明星学习提出了几点建议。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A renewed military confrontation has been avoided so far, but the report concludes that the risk of another war is serious. 如今,虽然新一轮军事对抗的危险已经消弭,但报告认为,另一场军事冲突的因子还在冰面下浮动。 www.ecocn.org 1. The study concludes that parents' self-efficacy is one of the necessary conditions for the rehabilitation of autistic children. 根据上述结果得出结论,高父母教养效能感是自闭症儿童康复的必要条件之一。 www.71155.com 2. It concludes therefore that "inflation in advanced countries is projected to be close to zero in 2009" . 报告因此总结说:“2009年发达国家的通胀率预计接近为零。” www.ftchinese.com 3. The report concludes that such data gathering was "a practice that approaches unlawful experimentation" . 报告总结认为这些数据采集是“接近非法试验的一种行径”。 www.bing.com 4. Our analysis concludes that the economy will slow during the second half of the year and be in recession next year. 我们的分析结论是经济将会在今年下半年放缓且明年将陷入经济衰退。 www.blancgroup.com 5. Ireland, he concludes, needs to start all over again and create what he calls a new republic. 他总结说,爱尔兰需要从头再来,创立一个他所谓的新共和国。 www.ecocn.org 6. This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will discuss cabling WANs . The first page focuses on the WAN physical layer. 本节课程在此结束。下一节将讨论广域网路配线。而第一小节著重在广域网路的实体层。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The article concludes with a brief discussion of potential future additions to the BlueSpace wall display. 本文结尾是一个关于BlueSpace墙壁显示将来可能增强的简短讨论。 www.ibm.com 8. If it wins control of the council or a parliamentary seat, it will be time, Mr Travers concludes, "to press the panic button" . 特拉维斯最后总结道,如果BNP最后获得了议会的大多数席位或者获得一个国会席位,到时恐怕会惊慌一片了。 ecocn.org 9. "Circumstantial evidence suggests direct person-to-person, possibly sexual, transmission of the virus, " the report concludes. 「间接证据显示,病毒透过直接人对人,可能是性爱的方式传播」,该研究结论指出。 www.english.com.tw 10. Yet the NFA study commissioned by Museveni concludes that ecological and economic losses would be devastating. 然而穆塞韦尼委托国家森林管理局所做的调研结论是生态和经济的损失是灾难性的。 www.ecocn.org 1. The last Chapter concludes the investigation and proposes the subject of future. 结论:对考察内容进行总结,提出今后的课题。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. The book concludes with five questions for would-be mavericks, each of which focuses on winning the increasingly fierce war for talent. 本书为那些想成为特立独行者的人归结出五个问题,每个问题都旨在赢得日益激烈的人才之战。 www.ecocn.org 3. above all , when property insurance contract concludes , contract both sides must be assumed tell obligation. 首先,在财产保险合同订立时,合同双方都须承担告知义务。 www.ichacha.net 4. The report concludes that sex and relationships education is "more effective if it is introduced before young people first have sex" . 报告结尾称,“如果年轻人在第一次发生性行为前”就接受了性教育“效果会更好”。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. It concludes that The Analects, like an abundant mineral resource, can not be fully excavated by a single interpretation. 文章认为,《论语》像一个无比丰富的矿藏,并非通过一次性的阐释就能穷尽对它的发掘。 www.fabiao.net 6. He concludes that the desire to wallow is probably hardwired and rewarding in itself. 他总结道,喜欢在水里打滚这种欲望可能是这些动物的生活习性,也是取悦于自己。 www.bing.com 7. I agree with haply his conclusion, do not agree with the basis that he concludes however. 大致上我同意他的结论,却不同意他得出结论的依据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The announcer concludes, " Barack Obama : failing to stop cheating, failing American workers. " 播音员说道,“贝拉克·奥巴马:没能阻止欺骗行为,他让美国工人失望。” cn.nytimes.com 9. Smaller projects, like a nuclear-powered shipping fleet, would be a better place to start, concludes He Zuoxiu. 建设较小规模的项目,比如可移动海上反应堆,可能是更好的开端。 www.chinadialogue.net 10. Alternatively, the dead could have been killed on the spot in "the swampy valley environment" , the paper concludes. 另一种可能是,这些死者是在有“沼泽河谷环境”的地点被杀害的——论文总结道。 www.bing.com 1. Through these two parts of analysis, the paper concludes that the patent pool has potential monopoly. 通过这两大部分的分析论证,本文形成了专利联盟具有潜在垄断性的结论。 www.13191.com 2. That concludes the opening ceremony. May all the athletes have best. Of luck and fulfill your dream. 我宣布,开幕式到此结束。祝运动员万事如意,实现梦想! blog.china.alibaba.com 3. It concludes by showing you a technique for accessing data elements from a Relational Record List that consists of two related tables. 文中结尾向您展示了访问来自包含两个关系表的RelationalRecordList中的数据元素的技术。 www.ibm.com 4. Last, concludes the work and points out some aspects to be further studied on chaos synchronization of nonlinear dynamic systems. 指出了本文混沌同步理论研究中存在的一些问题,并对接下来的研究工作进行了展望。 www.boshuo.net 5. This article concludes is that the Bush administration's Korea policy, the United States Asia-Pacific strategy is an integral part of. 布什政府的对韩政策是美国亚太战略的一个组成部分。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. And the question, " he concludes, provocatively, " is what the rest of us are going to do about it. 最后,他煽动,现在的问题是,我们要对这一切做些什么。 club.mil.news.sina.com.cn 7. This paper concludes four distributive modes of sandstone reservoirs which are controlled under different hydrodynamic intensity conditions. 为此,总结了四种不同的水动力强度控制条件下砂岩储层分布模式。 www.chemyq.com 8. A certain communication type may occur many times. On this basis, the paper concludes with three teaching suggestions. 在此基础上,针对对外汉语课堂交际,文章提出了三条教学建议。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Nonetheless, concludes Cyranoski, sceptics say real progress depends on a full reversal of the policy of ethnic favouritism. 然而,Cyranoski得出结论说,马来西亚的批评者认为,真正的进步必须依靠完全逆转种族优先主义的政策。 www.scidev.net 10. She concludes that, while neither gender is in a crisis, boys' issues are troubling and overlooked. 她以此得出结论,当男孩女孩处于危机时,男孩问题更加麻烦并且不被重视。 www.bing.com 1. The writer concludes that ecological literature is a catalyst for the healthy development of a harmonious society. 生态文学是和谐社会健康发展的“催化剂”。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond. 认为那是通往远方世界的一道门。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. As the first section of this short book concludes, we find Tony agreeably at peace with his quiet desperation. 从这本小书的第一部分中,我们发现托尼与他平静的失望欣然地和睦相处着。 dongxi.net 4. Aristotle concludes that there is no wickedness too great for a tyrant. 亚里士多德结论说,对一个僭主来说,没有什么罪恶是太大的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Female bosses are a nightmare to work for, a survey of employees concludes. 最近的一项员工调查显示,有个女上司简直就是梦魇。 www.24en.com 6. Dr. Fieldman concludes the study shows beauty counts. He says men are more prone to choose a beautiful woman, regardless of her age. 菲尔德曼博士博士由此作出结论说,长得漂亮的确有用,他说男人更倾向于选择一个美丽的女子,而无视她的年龄。 www.ycwb.com 7. "Britain provided the time, Russia the blood, America the money and the weapons, " he concludes. “英国争取了时间,俄国抛洒了鲜血,美国则提供了金钱和武器”,他如此总结说。 www.ecocn.org 8. This concludes the detailed description of the sample implementation of the Claim Check pattern solution for handling a logical attachment. 上面内容详细描述了处理逻辑附件所用的ClaimCheck模式解决方案的样例实现。 www.ibm.com 9. Cohen concludes that improved teaching "is more likely to be a long march than the quick fix that most recent reforms envision. " 最后,科恩指出,近期大部分改革制定的方案只能临时应急,但改良教育“更像是一次长征。” www.fortunechina.com 10. Despite overheating in a number of emerging countries, the IMF concludes that rebalancing has stalled. IMF的结论是,尽管若干新兴国家经济过热,但全球需求的再平衡已经陷入停滞。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Waiting at the airport is not pleasant, but he quickly concludes that snow today means better skiing conditions tomorrow. 在机场等待是件不愉快的事,但他很快得出结论:今天的雪意味着明天更好的滑雪条件。 www.bing.com 2. "These things rarely happen for no reason: people close to the deal would have an idea of trouble ahead, " he concludes. 他总结道:“这些事情很少会无缘无故地发生,离得近的人会对可能发生的问题有所了解。” www.ftchinese.com 3. The last round of U. N. negotiations before Copenhagen concludes this week in Barcelona, where little progress was made. 哥本哈根峰会前最后一轮联合国框架内谈判于本周在巴塞罗那闭幕,谈判毫无进展。 www.bing.com 4. Finally, the extensive study concludes that the official dietary recommendations are not sufficient for preventing obesity. 该项大规模研究得出的最终结论是:官方推荐的膳食结构对预防肥胖并不那么有效。 www.bing.com 5. When a common law judge concludes that blind adherence to precedent would produce an unjust result in the case presented for decision. 普通法法官盲目坚持判例,也会导致对当前案例判决的不公正结果。 bbs.nau.edu.cn 6. It then concludes that demand stimulus, from whatever quarter, is to be welcomed. 他们接着又断定,无论在哪个领域,需求刺激措施总是可取的。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Idealist: One who upon observing that a rose smells better than a cabbage , concludes that it will also make better soup. 理想主义者:注意到玫瑰比洋白菜闻着香就得出结论说玫瑰作汤也好喝的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The fourth chapter reviews and concludes the thesis, demonstrates the characteristic of the Tianjin Port district before opening. 第四章对全文内容总体回顾与总结,彰显开埠前天津港区的发展特色。 www.fabiao.net 9. Climate change will have "significant negative consequences" on Russia's population, economy and ecosystems, the report concludes. 报告得出结论:气候变化对俄罗斯的居民、经济和生态系统将产生“严重的负面影响”。 www.bing.com 10. "Giving officers greater voice in their assignments increases both employment longevity and productivity, " it concludes. “让军官在调动方面有更多话语权既能延长服役期又能提高效率,”它作出这样的结论。 www.bing.com 1. " Platonic flirtation can be a great way to build relationships and rapport with coworkers , " Graham concludes . 柏拉图式的精神恋爱的确可以帮助你迅速与同事建立联系,和睦交往。 www.bing.com 2. Thechapter concludes with a study of the LMS adaptive filters. 章节以LMS能适应的过滤器的研究结束。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. The convention concludes Thursday, when McCain is expected to give his speech accepting the Republican Party's presidential nomination. 大会定于星期四结束。预计,届时,麦凯恩将发表接受共和党总统提名的讲话。 www.voanews.cn 4. This concludes my presentation, thank you for your watch. 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢您的观看。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Maintenance Practices and Certification Standards Inadequate to Assure Electrical and Fuel System Safety, Safety Board Concludes. 安委会认为,维修惯例和执照标准不足以保证电气系统和燃油系统的安全。 www.lib.cafuc.edu.cn 6. The author introduces and analyses the existing typical time synchronization algorithms, and concludes several points of further direction. 作者在对目前典型的无线传感器网络时间同步算法进行了介绍和分析的基础上,指出了进一步的研究方向。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The overall quality of college Student concludes intelligence quality, physical strength quality and "motive and control oneself quality" . 大学生的全面素质包括智技素质、体力素质和动控素质。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. These are the questions with which the novel concludes and which Lawrence goes on to address in Woman in Love. 这是小说提出的问题,劳伦斯在《恋爱中的女人》中进一步阐述。 www.bing.com 9. The report, issued on Wednesday, concludes that, militarily, China's sustained modernisation programme is "paying visible dividends" . 据周三发布的这份报告总结,中国在军事上的持续现代化计划“正在带来明显回报”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In its Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Outlook, the IMF concludes most emerging Asian economies are not on the verge of overheating. 在亚洲和太平洋地区经济前瞻中,国际货币基金组织认为大多数快速发展的亚洲经济并没有处在过热的边缘。 www.ecocn.org 1. Thirdly, the author analyzes network security regulation subject system in different countries and concludes several experience. 再次,对国外网络安全监管主体制度进行了考察,总结出了几点适应我国国情的可以借鉴的经验。 www.showxiu.com 2. "Until they cut spending, I don't think they'll be able to cut taxes, " concludes Mr Boeri. 伯瑞总结到:“只有减少支出,他们才能够实行减税”。 www.ecolion.cn 3. Finally the author concludes that private international law should be a legal branch with the nature of international law. 作者并在此基础上得出结论:国际私法应当是国际法性质的法律部门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The article concludes some policy measures with the regional brand to promote the construction of the regional innovation. 文章最后提出了以区域品牌促进区域创新建设的一些政策措施。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. That's it! That concludes my tribute to one of Hollywood's greatest actors, Kevin Costner. 就这些,以示我对好莱坞史上最伟大的演员之一的凯文科斯特纳的致敬。 group.m.mtime.com 6. Management. " cost strategy open market, take advantage of what the price advantage. " Han lasanin significantly concludes. 管理。“运用成本战略打开市场,利用价格优势有所为有所不为。”韩沙宁意味深长地总结道。 www.bing.com 7. This thesis concludes that to discuss newspaper English is not a matter of merely talking about the language itself. 随着新闻报刊的发展和语言的变化,还有许多问题值得探讨。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This concludes this lengthy US Election Watch blog series, thanks for your attention. 结束这个漫长的美国选举观察博客系列,谢谢您的关注。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This concludes the basic Ajax functions, and depending on your use case, may be good enough. 这其中包括基本的Ajax函数,我们可以根据用例选择使用。 www.ibm.com 10. He further develops this model throughout his book, and concludes by offering practical proposals for reforming democratic institutions. 他在书中进一步展开了这一模式,并以为民主机构改革提供实际的建议作为总结。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. For this, Haier is so concludes: " customers and competitors and zero distance is long distance" . 对于这一点,海尔是这么总结的:“与顾客零距离就是与竞争对手远距离”。 www.cnqr.org 2. The article concludes with recommendations for future study of heavy metals and soil health. 土壤重金属生物毒性的预测模型,最后提出了问题和展望。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In the end, the paper concludes with an evaluation and comparison between two algorithms based on chaos and used to produce sequence key. 最后,根据提出的评价体系,通过实验分析和理论证明对两个基于混沌的密钥流生成算法进行了评价。 ceaj.org 4. The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled. 这本书对有关科学研究进行了调查,其结论是:这个问题还没有定论。 www.kekenet.com 5. Part three: This thesis concludes the general characteristics and age characteristics of 3-6children's fairy tales adapting. 第三部分:在对创编活动过程分析的基础上,总结出3-6岁幼儿故事创编的一般特点及年龄特点。 www.lw23.com 6. This article concludes that implied consent is not acceptable except for traditional routine screening. 综合相关文献,本文总结除子传统之常筛检的知情同意方式是不被接受的; www.ceps.com.tw 7. I'll return home by the time the conference concludes as I scheduled. 会议结束后,我将按期回国。 www.jingqi.com 8. And find the reason caused flight accidents, and conformity, and concludes that the important factor of aviation security. 并从中寻找导致飞行事故的原因,且加以整合,分析并归纳出保证航空安全的重要因素。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Here, Mayhew concludes that new derivative markets clearly increase the liquidity and quality of information in existing financial markets. 在这里,梅休得出结论,那就是新建立的衍生品市场显然增强了现有金融市场信息的流动性和品质。 autumnwater.galaaa.com 10. This step concludes the tutorial, "Adding Grouping, Sorting, and Formatting to a Basic Report. " 此步骤将结束教程“向基本报表添加分组、排序和格式设置”。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The problem with credit default swaps, concludes Wallison, is not their financial effects but their political effects. 沃利森得出结论,信用违约交换的问题并不是其金融影响,而是政治影响。 www.bing.com 2. But it concludes: "Independent of age, men with substantial daily caffeine consumption have increased sperm DNA damage. " 但他们也发现:“抛开年龄因素,每日吸收一定数量咖啡因的男性基因损伤增加。” news.dxy.cn 3. MODERATOR: This concludes the meeting with the news media. Thank you. 中美两国元首共同会见记者结束。谢谢大家。 www.eoezone.com 4. It concludes with a glossary of useful research terms and development indicators. 它最后给出了一组有用的科研术语和发展指标。 www.scidev.net 5. Wang concludes that in the current credit market upheaval, the best government intervention is persuasion. 王江得到的结论是在现在混乱的信贷市场中,最好的政府干预手段是劝说。 www.bing.com 6. The article concludes with measures which can be taken in Zhuzhou apparel industry cluster development. 文章最后提出了株洲服装产业集群发展可采取的政策措施。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. He concludes by examining ancient beliefs about ghosts and their wisdom--beliefs that underpinned and justified the practice of necromancy. 他的结论是通过研究古代信仰鬼,他们的智慧--信仰,而这个合理的做法清道。 word.hcbus.com 8. At last the dissertation concludes the system development and gives an overview of future work. 最后对系统开发进行了总结,并对下一步研究做了展望。 www.boshuo.net 9. It concludes that there are around 1m fewer deaths each year of children under the age of five than previous work had indicated (see chart). 它的研究结论表明5岁以下儿童每年的死亡人数要比之前的研究结果减少100万左右(看图)。 www.ecocn.org 10. What she wants is unknown, but she always comes back, the spectre of darkness, the woman in black, ' the scary rhyme concludes. 虽然不知道她想要什么,但她——黑暗的幽灵,黑衣女人,总会回来的。然后,预告片在恐怖的旋律中结束。 ts.hjenglish.com 1. Thus, Luther concludes, "Themistocles did much good for his city, but received much ingratitude. " 马丁?路德作了如此结论:「第米斯托克利对国家贡献良多,却没有人感恩。」 www.ymnl.org 2. This concludes by saying that no reply should be sent until appropriate international consultations have taken place. 其结论是,科学家们应该在经过恰当的国际磋商后再做出回复。 www.ecocn.org 3. Part 6 concludes the series with a summary of the developed tools, and some suggestions for improvement and further work for the tool set. 第6部分将对系列所有文章进行概括和总结,包括已开发的工具、一些改进的建议和工具集进一步的工作。 www.ibm.com 4. "Modelling is extremely unlikely to be the answer to better data, " he concludes. “新模型看来不是更准确数据的来源(答案)。”他总结道。 www.ecocn.org 5. Finally, it concludes that financing problems facing SMEs may be solved by developing industrial clusters of SMEs. 最后分析得出可以通过中小企业的集群化发展破解中小企业融资难的困境。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. "And this was a wonderful coincidence, " the story concludes (in Lane's version). “这是一个多么美妙的巧合啊”,故事结尾写道。 dongxi.net 7. The threat of waterborne disease may persist as the emergency response concludes and the reconstruction effort begins. 水传染疾病的威胁可能被作为紧急反馈以及重建工程的开端。 www.bing.com 8. The phase concludes with a working, tested system ready for transition to the client. 此阶段是以一个能正常工作的,已测试的,准备迁移到客户端的系统为结尾。 www.ibm.com 9. accepting the labor contract that fraudulent means concludes is invalid . because not be lawful labor contract. 采取欺诈手段订立的劳动合同是无效的。因为不是合法的劳动合同。 www.ichacha.net 10. As a result, the child concludes that the volume depends on the effort. 结果孩子们知道声量的控制取决于他们所做的努力。 security.elanso.com |
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