单词 | concise |
释义 |
例句释义: 简明的,简练的,简洁的,简略的,简约,精炼,简要的 1. Fermat's principle is not so much a computational device as it is a concise way of thinking about the propagation of light . 费马原理更多的是对光的传播的一种简明看法,而不是一种计算工具。 www.bing.com 2. I just a dream and a dream, can a few pens concise and comprehensive. 沧海桑田也不过一梦与一梦之间,大可寥寥几笔言简意赅。 www.bing.com 3. By consolidating all the parameter checking into a concise location, I've done more than cut down on the method's size. 将所有参数检查合并到一个简洁的地方,这不仅仅是消减了方法的大小。 www.ibm.com 4. HAND IN a brief analysis of your conclusions with appropriate but concise back-up to support your recommendations. 缴交一个简短的结论分析,包含了适当但简明的文件以支援你的建议。 www.myoops.org 5. Make the page in concise, easy to read and style of a high degree of unity on the premise still has a unique traditional means. 使页面在简洁、易读、风格高度统一的前提下依然具有独特的传统意味。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Following this guideline keeps the backlog concise and ensures that the items likely to be implemented in the next sprint are workable. 遵循这条金玉良言可以保持待办事项列表的简洁,并且可以确保在接下来一个Sprint里很可能会被实现的待办项是可行的。 www.infoq.com 7. It was all the things that I wanted in a framework, particularly in terms of being concise. 在框架中我想要的所有东西,RubyonRails都一应俱全,特别是它的简练是我最想要的。 www.infoq.com 8. If people aren't noticing you and you need service, say clearly "Excuse me. " Also, whatever you are trying to say, try to be concise. 如果人们没有注意你,你需要服务,清楚地说:“对不起”而且,不论你要说什么,努力简洁。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Reality, subtle, concise and easy to read, "the twilight city" series will make readers deeply intoxicated with it. 现实、微妙、简洁、易读,“暮光之城”系列将会令读者深深沉醉于其中。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. This leads us back to the point of making your logging concise and logging enough information to trace the call through the system. 这又将我们带回这个点:保持日志简洁,记录足够信息以跟踪调用通过系统。 www.ibm.com 1. You know an abstract should be concise, clear, and easy to follow. 你知道,摘要必须简短、清晰、易于理解。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Digital image operation is concise and easy to understand, the diversification of control methods make applicability more extensive. 数字式的画面操作简洁易懂,控制方式的多样化使它适用性更广。 www.hi1718.com 3. For that reason, as you design your presentation and select content, look for ways to keep your message as concise as possible. 由于这个原因,当你设计你的演讲并选择内容的时候,想办法尽量精简你想说的东西。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Goals should be concise, compelling, and easy to read and understand, and no longer than a sentence. 目标要简明扼要、引人注目、通俗易懂——千万别超过一句话。 www.bing.com 5. The Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2001) has no less than seven definitions of the noun "model. " 简明牛津词典(牛津大学出版社,2001)关于名词“model”至少有7种以上的定义。 www.ibm.com 6. This book describes a concise and up-to-date treatment program for insomnia intended for a range of health care providers. 这本书描述准备给多种保健提供者的失眠的一个简明和最新的治疗计画。 www.tzhealth.com 7. It is not easy to get the information about that country which is at once up-to-date, concise and accurate. 要得到有关这个国家既是最新的,又是简明准确的信息是不容易的。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Regardless of what is the subject of independence, economists, frankly, concise and respect the fact that the quality of any difference. 无论主题是什么,经济学家的独立,坦率,简练和尊重事实的品质任使其与众不同。 www.hroot.com 9. Obviously with this the metrics and graphs are already available through GA however this needs to be incorporated into a concise report. 显然与此指标和图表已经可以通过遗传然而,这需要将一个简洁的报告中。 www.bing.com 10. The Service Description tells the client what your services are, so be as clear and concise as you can with what you do as a freelancer. “服务说明”告诉客户你的服务范畴,尽可能简洁明了的介绍你作为自由职业者的工作内容。 dongxi.net 1. Be concise--long sentences with complex construction do not belong in memos. Keep memos short and to-the-point. 简明扼要-备忘录一般不会出现有复杂结构的长句子,所以尽量使备忘录简明扼要。 www.english88.com 2. It would certainly help if he gave clearer and more concise explanations of his health care plan. 如果他对推行的医疗保健方案做出更为清晰、更为简练精到的解释,当然会起到很到作用。 victor2929.blog.163.com 3. All of this information is packaged in a concise, easily digestible format and seems to work well so far. 他们将所有这些信息以一种简要,易于理解的形式打包起来。目前,这看起来效果还不错。 www.bing.com 4. XQuery uses a concise set of commands to make it easy to work with XML data. XQuery使用一组简洁的命令,很容易处理XML。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Concise style is always advocated by famous stars. Do not need too much description, it is community of beauty and fashion. 在不少的杂志款中,简洁的款式为大牌明星所钟爱,不需要过多的语言去描述,它就是美与时尚的共同体。 wwww.chris-tina.com 6. "I thought it was really cool, " he said. "His e-mails are really concise, so I really appreciate the thought he put into it. " “这真是太酷了”,他说道:“他的邮件真的很简洁,我很感激他费神回邮件。” dongxi.net 7. Do not want not to the point, say to want to prepare what to say first before exit, next as far as possible concise and comprehensive. 不要不着边际,说出口之前先想一下准备说什么,然后尽量言简意赅。 pjprimer.com 8. Easy to use - With the concise interface and design, users can easily handle the software without any help. 使用便捷-与简洁的界面和设计,用户可以轻松处理软件没有任何帮助。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. The book is clear, concise, and offers information in such a way that readers can easily takesolutions to the next level. 它分析透彻、简明扼要,提供的知识轻而易举的将读者解决问题能力引领到一个新的高度。 www.bing.com 10. Such a theme is generally implicit between the lines in tea classics with highly concise, implied, metaphoric and symbolic language. 这一主题含而不露地隐蕴于茶著的字里行间,文本语言编码表现为简约化、含义化和隐喻化。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The book was full of clear and concise examples that I could use to easily play around with MongoDB and get a feel for using it. 本书有许多简洁明了的例子可供我来简单的使用MongoDB,有一种使用它的感觉。 www.bing.com 2. Your Gemini boss wants just the facts, in a concise format. Further, you must be able to pump out work at the speed of light. 双子座的老板要的是事实,而且你一定要以光速来完成工作。 gb.cri.cn 3. the end of the presentation concise, briefly explained their ideas have been summarized to help the listener a deeper impression. 在演讲结束时简洁、扼要地对自己已阐述的思想进行总结,帮助听者加深印象。 www.xiami360.com 4. working together as a team, quick on the draw, armed with a few rules and practices that are light, concise, and effective. 我们作为团队工作在一起,反应敏捷,仅仅用那些轻量级的、简练的和有效的规则和惯例把我们武装起来。 bbs.chinaunix.net 5. This metrics method is concise, practicable, flexible and easy to popularize. 该进度度量方法简明实用、灵活性强、易于软件组织实施和推广。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. When reading books, start from the easy to the difficult, and then from the redundant to the concise. 读书要从薄到厚,再从厚到薄。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Concise product modeling simple, smooth lines and rich sense of the times, both at home and abroad favored by the consumer market. 产品造型简洁明快,线条流畅,富有时代感,在国内外消费市场深受青睐。 www.tonke.cn 8. The architecture diagram should be specific, yet concise enough to be quickly understood. 体系结构图应该明确,并且足够简洁,以便人们能够快速理解。 www.ibm.com 9. This book provides a concise overview of thermodynamics, and is written in a manner which makes the difficult subject matter understandable. 这本书提供热力学的简明的概述,并且被用使难的主要内容可理解的一种方式写。 www.tzhealth.com 10. Concise and lively colors bring you vigor and a good mood. The taste of green apples goes well with a lazy afternoon in the big, cozy bed. 简洁明了的色彩使人如沐春风。午后,坐在柔软的大床上,削一个青苹果满足自己的口腹,何乐而不为。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 1. Cutting stuff out in an effort to make things concise may have the opposite effect of making things ambiguous. 缩减容量,努力使事情简洁可能产生相反的效果,使东西模糊不清。 www.bing.com 2. Advertising hydroxylamine concise language, with a rendering power, to attract readers, make it the things advertised interest. 广告语言简意胲,具有渲染力,吸引读者,使其对广告中所宣传的事物产生兴趣。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Many resume writers begin by trying to construct concise bullet points. 许多人在写简历时都从创立简明的要点开始。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. It is concise for the liquor pulse discharge facility of its electrodes rotation with ultrasound device to be introduced by this paper. 介绍了一种带超声波的,在液体中工作的电极旋转式脉冲放电设备。 www.chemyq.com 5. abstract: Colonoscopy, characterized by its concise and efficacy, is widely used for clinical diagnosis of colon disease. 结肠镜检查是一项广泛用于临床的直观有效的诊断结肠疾病的方法。 www.bing.com 6. Because a superclass is not referenced as frequently as a sublcass the names do not have to be as concise. 由于超类不会像子类那样被频繁引用,对子类的命名就不必考虑太多简洁的因素。 www.infoq.com 7. In sum, the PDP presents a concise snapshot of what you learn throughout the entire semester and emphasizes your individual contributions. 总而言之,个人设计文件集简明地体现了你在本学期学到些什么,并且强调了你们的个人贡献。 www.myoops.org 8. Bishop Doc said the book, with 500 basic Christian terms, has concise, clear and comprehensible definitions. 裴主教说,该字典有五百个基督宗教的基本术语,有简明清晰且易于理解的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The lean and concise poems, working in an right, clever in Allusion, and many new ideas, do not follow the previous. 其诗简练精悍,工于属对,巧于用事,且多新意,不沿袭前人。 1zitong.com 10. But as you get more comfortable with the newer syntax, your code will gradually evolve to embrace the more concise, expressive Groovy style. 但是随着您越来越熟悉新语法,代码将逐渐发展为包含更简明、更有表现力的Groovy风格。 www.ibm.com 1. This thesis focuses on sorting out his ethical and aesthetic ideas, and then makes a concise comment on them. 本文着重对董仲舒的伦理美学思想进行系统梳理,并加以简要评述。 www.fabiao.net 2. He gave a concise report of the meeting . 他对会议作了简明扼要的报道。 www.bing.com 3. Concise content, easy to point the highly readable narrative, friendly, length to 1 to 2 page for appropriate (one page is preferred). 简洁切要的内容、平易友善的叙述、高度可读性、篇幅以1至2页为宜(一页尤佳)。 www.03964.com 4. Expressed in the form of a commonly used form and typical drawings, through mutual contrast, concise clear. 在表达形式上采用表格与常用的典型图纸,图文相互对照,简明清晰。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The concise part of the name that only need be unique within its own context is the local name. 名称中简洁的、只需在自身上下文中保持唯一的那一部分称为本地名。 www.ibm.com 6. All appeared to be quite concise narrative, while the characters are very vivid and lifelike. 一切似乎很精练的叙述,而字符是非常生动,逼真。 fw.t135.com 7. Application of the factory model of the structure of the system compact concise, easier to understand. 工厂模式的应用使本系统的结构精巧简洁、易于理解。 www.fabiao.net 8. The new secretary has written a remarkably concise report only in a few pages but with all the details . 那位新秘书写了一份非常简要的报告,只用几页纸,却包含了所有的细节。 www.bing.com 9. Use concise low type furniture to be able to narrow the short of planar space feels for instance. 比如利用简洁的低矮式家具可缩小平面空间的局促感。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The greatest benefit in PEAK's dispatch package is the possibility it offers for a much more accurate and concise modularization of code. PEAKdispatch包中最大的优点是可以对模块更精确而简明地进行模块化。 www.ibm.com 1. The semantic triangle is a concise symbol intended to explain the abstract nature of language. 语义三角是一种用简洁、形象的几何图形对抽象的语言实质进行解释的模式理论。 www.dictall.com 2. To be useful, informational resources must be correct, timely, concise, and comprehensive. 有用的信息资源必须是正确的,及时的,简明和综合的。 www.xici.net 3. This book collates information and provides a concise text on the performance of different materials used in devices and implants. 这书详细比较讯息并且提供在在设备使用并且灌输的不同的材料的性能上的一份简明的正文。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Multi-page interface, concise, easy to use. 采用多页面操作界面,简洁明了,容易使用。 www.g36.com.cn 5. This design improved the convenience and flexibility of the system with small size and concise structure, while ensuring the performance. 该设计体积小巧、结构简练,在保证性能的前提下,极大地提高了系统的易用性和灵活性。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Using this approach, as Rails does, you get the best of both worlds: concise code with less repetition without sacrificing flexibility. 像Rails那样使用这种方法,您可以两全其美:具有较少重复的简洁代码而不会失去灵活性。 www.ibm.com 7. It costs more to create a reusable asset, or to write concise guidance, than it does to create project-specific assets. 创建可复用的资产,或者书写简洁的指南,比创建具体项目的资产要花费的更多。 www.ibm.com 8. You should be able to explain in a few clear and concise sentences what Node. js is. 应该已经得到了解答,您应该能通过几个清晰简洁的句子回答这个问题。 www.ibm.com 9. The MT matrix in this method is concise and a good exactitude of this method is confirmed by numerical simulation. 该方法对应的MT矩阵很简洁且数值模拟的精度很高。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Smaller, more concise build files are much easier to maintain and understand; in fact, this pattern happens to hold true for code as well. 更小、更简洁的构建文件维护和理解起来要容易得多。实际上,这种模式对于代码而言同样适用。 www.ibm.com 1. On the expression of words should be concise and to the point, to minimize the use of argumentative, modifying phrases. 文字表述上应简明扼要,尽量少用议论性、修饰性词组。 bbs.517hb.com 2. these simple phrases , organized into a series of concise and focused lessons , will help guide chinese speak proper english in restaurants. 这些常用的片语词句,将整理成一系列简要方便的美食英语课程,帮助您如何利用英语在餐厅与人正确沟通。 www.ichacha.net 3. He gave a concise and firm summary of our position. 他扼要而坚定地阐述了我方的立场。 4. Accounting records and financial statements shall be prepared in a clear, concise manner to facilitate understanding, examination and use. 第十五条会计记录和会计报表应当清晰明了,便于理解和利用。 www.hjenglish.com 5. We can see that this approximate solution is concise and has a good degree of accuracy. 表格和图像的比较显示,近似解更加简洁,并且具有很好的精确度。 www.boshuo.net 6. Ling was a style of official documents, with its concise and simple stylistic features. 令是下行公文中的一种,以简炼朴实为风格特征。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. This powerful algebraic structure with its finiteness makes itself a concise and beautiful subject of study in the mathematical world. 这种强有力的代数结构再加上有限性这一条件使它成为数学领域中一种简洁、美妙的研究对象。 www.lw23.com 8. Effective presentation skills . through clear and concise communication to a variety of differing audiences including peers. 有效的表达能力,能向包括同事在内的不同受众简明清楚地传达信息。 www.job956.com 9. Articles need to be concise, to the point, informative, and have 100% correct grammar and punctuation. 文章必须简洁,中肯,内容丰富,并有100%正确的语法和标点符号。 www.bing.com 10. Concise form the entire symbol, refined, giving a stable sense of the overall mix for the group's logo. 整个标志造型简练、精致,整体搭配给人一种稳重感,适合作为集团的标志。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Mao Zedong's "targeted" and "fact is fact" are the concise summation of his theoretical creation method. 毛泽东提出的“有的放矢”和“实事求是”则是这一理论创造方法的简明概括。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The use of phrasal verbs can effectively make our explanations more concise and to the point, eliminating unnecessary words. 应用这些短语动词来作说明时,我们就能更为扼要、明了,一针见血,能够有效剔除多余的一些词汇表达。 www.englishtown.com.tw 3. any legal document must be concise , clear , and conform to the objective standards that have evolved in the legal profession. 任何法律文件必须简练、清晰,及符合法律行业演变出的客观标准。 www.ichacha.net 4. Instead, I chose to use the Worker Object pattern (see Resources), which allows for a more modular, concise expression. 但是,我选用了工人对象(WorkerObject)模式(请参阅参考资料),因为它支持更加模块化、更简洁的表达。 www.ibm.com 5. Concise, elegant, classical Symmetry integrated kitchen will comes to be an innovated fashion design. 对称式整体厨房,将成为一种创新的流行设计。 www.defuro.com 6. He had no taste for shame, tack or pretension, and his credo as a professional soldier was unified and concise. 他不喜欢装假、做作,或是八面玲珑,作为职业军人,他的信条是:表里一致,言简意赅。 dict.wenguo.com 7. If you ignore the JUnit-specific code in Listing 2, you can see that the test case is now quite neat and concise. 如果没注意清单2中特定于JUnit的代码,那么您可以看到,测试用例现在变得相当整洁、简练。 www.ibm.com 8. A goal of the digest effort is to produce a concise, usable view of all program work, timeframes, and required results. 工作的目标是产生一个所有规划工作、时间框架和必需结果的简洁的、可用的视图。 www.ibm.com 9. For this section, we thought it would be more clear and concise to offer a series of steps and a flowchart to illustrate the process. 对于本节,我们认为提供一系列步骤和流程图可以更清楚、简洁地说明处理过程。 www.ibm.com 10. This has led to the Gita often being described as a concise guide to Hindu theology and also as a practical, self-contained guide to life. 这导致了经常被作为一个简明的指南中描述的歌印度教神学,也可以作为一个实用的,独立的生活指南。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Next to force on the definition of a strict analysis, the two inertial system separable force transformation be tween short and concise. 其次对力的定义进行了严格分析,据此导出两惯性系间的力变换武,简洁明了。 lib.cqvip.com 2. These would ideally set out, in clear and concise English, a dozen, or so, core principles to underpin all those rules. 这两页最好用简洁明了的英语,提出十几条核心原则以支持所有这些法案。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement, usually in the form of a poem. 一个简明,机智,常常似是而非的陈述,经常以诗的形式出现。 blog.renren.com 4. The designers of early graphical user interfaces for computers used this to create a really concise GUI shortcut to say "clickable" . 点击“设计师说:”早期的图形用户界面快捷的电脑用这个来创建一个真正的简洁界面。 www.duoente.net 5. Few languages can boast such a wealth of clear and concise documentation gathered in one location. 很少有语言敢自夸能从在一个地方获取如此丰富的,且清晰而简明的文档。 www.bing.com 6. The answer would seem to lie in another concise and declarative statement: Rankings are based solely on projected 09-10 performance. 答案似乎能够在一条简单的声明中找到:所有的排名只是基于对09-10赛季的表现的预测。 tieba.baidu.com 7. They must be concise but comprehensive instructions and the word limit per exercise is 300. 他们必须是简洁而全面的说明和每行使字数限制是300。 www.bing.com 8. It may also turn one or two concise words into a long and boring essay. 把原来精炼的一两个字译成冗长乏味的长篇大论。 chinafanyi.com 9. To ensure that all telephone inquiries are provided with concise information concerning the services and facilities provided by the Hotel. 确保为所有的电话查询提供有关饭店服务和设施的简要信息。 www.tourjob.net 10. The styles of her paintings are rough and tough, realistic and concise and full of unlimited tension. 她的画风粗犷而严峻、写实而简洁、并且充满了无限的张力。 www.fabiao.net 1. The name of Meng Han Diao is the most accurate and concise summary of this kind of folk song. 蒙汉调这一称谓是对歌种最准确、最精炼的概括总结。 www.lw23.com 2. Basically he gave very short, concise answers. 他给出的答案大多短小精悍,逻辑清晰。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Expressions in Sitebricks templates are just as concise as JSP, but are statically type-checked using a type-inference algorithm. Sitebricks模板中的表达式就像JSP那样简洁,但却通过一个类型推断算法进行静态的类型检查。 www.infoq.com 4. A succint and concise language is applied in this book to tell the readers many small tales full of philosophy. 这本书以简短、精炼的语言为读者讲述了一个个充满哲理的小故事, zhidao.baidu.com 5. Strong verbal and written communication skills including ability to articulate complex technical information in a clear, concise manner. 较强的口头和书面沟通技巧,包括表达能力,以清晰,简洁的方式处理复杂的技术信息。 www.lietou.com 6. Developing a clear, concise communication style is probably one of the most important things you'll ever do for your career. 形成一种清晰、简明的交流方式,是你工作生涯中最重要的一件事。 www.redlinux.org 7. Indoor stylist people making for how bedroom, the illuminative of the office is more concise and Ming is thought of. 室内设计师们正在为怎样使居室,办公室的装饰的更简洁而瞑思。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A concise and up-to-date reference, Handbook of Immune Response Genes does just that. 简明和最新的参考,免疫的回应基因的手册仅仅做那。 www.tzhealth.com 9. In comparison with the traditional asymptotic theory, this theory gives rise to a concise derivation and results in exact solutions. 与传统的渐近分析理论比较,其求解过程十分简捷且可以得到准确解。 www.pet2008.cn 10. Levorsen gave a concise definition of a trap as "the place where oil and gas are barred from further movement. " 利温森(Levorson)将圈闭简明地定义为:“阻止石油和天然气进一步运移的地方。” www.lqqm.net 1. Keep your answers specific and concise, and work to maintain a good balance of conservation with your interviewer. 保持你的答案具体,简明,并努力保持一种保护与面试官保持良好平衡。 www.yjbys.com 2. Try to make your speech clear, concise and to the point. 尽可能让你的言词清晰、简洁,并能直奔主题。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The improved NMM method, avoiding complicated matrix inverse, is easy to understand and has concise physical meaning. 这一方法避免了原NMM中复杂的求逆运算,思路简单,其物理意义也更明确。 4. Remember that people with the Sensing preference need to be communicated with in a direct, concise manner. 记住,要用一种直接、简洁的方式与具有感知偏好的人交谈。 www.douban.com 5. Start with the subject at hand, let the reader know where you're going, and provide a concise, specific thesis. 拿手边的主题做开头,让读者知道你在何处做什麽,且题纲简要「具体」的题目。 www.myoops.org 6. The pure representation of the basic composition of the chair was to keep my information concise and clear. 纯粹呈现椅子最基本的构造是为了使我所表达的讯息保持简洁、清晰。 www.far2000.com 7. The purpose of this article is to assist family medicine researchers in writing organized and concise articles. 这篇文章的意图是在书写有组织且简明的文章中帮助家庭医学研究者。 www.chinapubmed.net 8. If so, allow me to layout a concise summation of my experiences and expectations. 如果有,请允许我跟你简单地总结一下我的经验和期许。 www.bing.com 9. The character "Shu" is the most concise description of these features of the sculptures. “蜀”字是对这些最突出特征的简约集中的象形表达。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. That can get verbose, and one of the goals of the Go language is to be concise whenever possible. 这显得很冗长,而Go语言的一个目标是尽可能的简明扼要。 www.infoq.com 1. In addition, at the bottom of the article is a concise list titled "Ten Steps of Business War Gaming. " 另外,下文详述了“野战游戏之十大步骤”的简明清单。 www.360doc.com 2. At a glance : concise financial news coverage that includes news photos , statistics , quote of the week and financial buzz words . 速览:包括图片新闻、数字说话、一周引语和财经热词在内的财经新闻的浓缩。 www.bing.com 3. These behaviors give the brand energy and structure, and act as a concise reference point throughout the design process. 这些行为给品牌的能量和结构,并在整个设计过程中的行为作为一个简明的参考点。 www.gtn9.com 4. Don't write confused, overlong or pointed letters and try to be polite, friendly and informal to write concise and purposeful letters. 信件内容应避免混乱、冗长或带有攻击性,尽量以客气、友好和不拘的形式书写,而且应简洁,目的明确。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This is the version of the axioms of Kos several expressions, at least one controversy, and most concise strong one. 这个版本既是有关科斯的定理的几种表述中,最少争议的一种,也是最简洁有力的一种。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Your comment is quite concise and to the point. 你的评论简明扼要,一语中的。 www.bing.com 7. Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. Scala是一种通用编程语言,它以简洁、优雅且类型安全的方式表达常用的编程模式。 www.ibm.com 8. Concise language requirements, compact sentences, correct grammar, can be authentic. 要求文字简练,句子结构紧凑,语法正确,地道即可。 wenda.tianya.cn 9. Compared with his former works, the artist makes the painting more characteristic, symbolic, as well as more concise and strained. 作者在自己原有的风格基础上,更风格化、符号化,画面更趋于简洁、富于张力。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 10. Temple decoration is divided into the external decoration and internal decoration, external concise and simple, internal magnificent. 寺院装饰主要分为外部装饰和内部装饰,外部简洁朴素、内部富丽堂皇。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. The monitor gave a concise account of what had happen. 班长简明扼要地讲述了事情的经过。 www.yuloo.com 2. A concise picture of the deployment model for such a system. 这种系统的简明部署模型。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Set the language used to express the concept, make it more concise and clear. 用集合论的语言来表述有关概念,使其更为简洁,明了。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Anyone interested in either of the chapters' topics should check them out, especially the concise and immediately useful examples. 任何对其中一章的话题感兴趣的人,都应该去阅读它们,尤其是那些简明而直接的有用的例子。 www.ibm.com 5. The comprehensive report should be concise in content and succinct in wording and point out the problems or controversial issues. 综合报告内容要扼要,文字要简练,要指出问题或争论之所在。 www.jukuu.com 6. keep them concise where possible , but do not sacrifice readability. 尽量保持标识符的简洁性,但不要牺牲可读性。 www.ichacha.net 7. Of course in the case of replacing a single letter, Groovy offers a more concise replace method. 当然,在替换一个单个字母时,Groovy提供了一个更加简洁的替换方法。 www.ibm.com 8. Read a concise and comprehensive historical account of Egypt for the last 3, 000 years. 一个简明而全面的了解埃及的历史记录在过去的3000年。 www.ccebook.net 9. They generally cite features that include a flexible and extensible syntax, closures, and how concise and expressive the code can be. 人们总是引证Ruby的灵活而可扩展的语法、闭包等特性,以及其代码如何简明和具有表现力。 www.infoq.com 10. The12 - volume Ready Reference provides a quick, easy reference with its concise articles and cross-reference entries. 12卷《简编》以其简明的文章和参见条提供快速、便的查阅。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. S stands for specific. Make your goal or objective as specific as possible. Say exactly what you want to achieve in clear, concise words. 代表特殊性。尽可能让你的目标具体化。用简单明了的句女说出你想要达到的确切目标。 www.va1314.com 2. simulation, the concise mathematical model is applied to demonstrate the hobbing process and result dynamically. 根据最简数学模型,利用计算机图形仿真的方法,动态地演示出齿形的形成过程及结果。 dict.veduchina.com 3. To answer this question, the author conducts a thoroughly and careful analysis and comes to a concise conclusion eventually. 本文作者针对这个问题,做了大量的、详尽的研究和分析,并最终得出了一个明确的答案。 www.juhe8.com 4. Or, move ideas does a few household small adorn article, add to cushion for leaning on lacy , do a concise small candlestick. 或者,开动脑筋做一些家居小饰品,给靠垫加个花边、做一个简洁的小烛台。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And due to space constraints in the print editions, many dictionary definitions are so concise as to be unhelpful. 而且由于印刷版字典在空间上的局限,许多字典的定义非常简练,常常于事无补。 www.ebigear.com 6. Your thesis is your main point, summed up in a concise sentence that lets the reader know where you're going, and why. 你的论题是最主要的观点,它应该是一个简要句子,向你的读者说明你的想法,还有为何会这么想。 www.bing.com 7. The model, in which the partial(angular) velocity is the basic building block, is concise, and can be easily programmed. 该模型以偏(角)速度为方程系数的基本组合模块,具有形式简洁且易于化的特点。 www.magsci.org 8. Any writer blessed with judgment and a good work ethic can master this technique of concise writing. 任何具备判断力且认真严谨的作者皆能掌握简洁写作的要领。 www.publishedscholar.com 9. The characteristics of Five-element Broadsword are: concise methods, prominent strength, swiftness and valour, practical skillful attack. 五行刀的特点是:方法简洁、劲力突出,快捷勇猛,技击实用。 www.yeedou.com 10. The information is selective, concise, and to the point. 报告中的信息有选择性和针对性,且简明扼要。 www.who.int 1. Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL for constructing database queries and table schemas. Sequel具有线程安全,连接池等特性,同时提供了简洁的DSL用来创建数据库查询以及表方案。 www.infoq.com 2. Emerged in the mid Qing Dynasty, "Du Shi Jing Quan" is a concise, precise anti appropriate work, known for accessibility note of this. 清代中期出现的《杜诗镜铨》,是一部以简明精当、平正通达见称的杜诗注本。 www.fabiao.net 3. Begin your response with a concise summary of your answer. 首先对你的回答做一个简洁的概括。 www.93ta.com 4. XPath is a powerful language that allows you to write concise expressions for retrieving information from XML data. XPath是一种强大的语言,它允许您编写用来从XML数据中检索信息的简明表达式。 www.ibm.com 5. Figure 3 illustrates the sequence and gives a concise summary of each of these steps. 图3说明了时序及每步的概要说明。 www.ibm.com 6. Your bio is not your life story. It's a concise and well structured overview of your music career. 你的介绍文案并非你生平的纪录片,而是一个对自己音乐事业详尽的展望和构想。 www.bing.com 7. Alternatively, the 'context' namespace provides a more concise alternative as shown previously. 另外如上文提到的,context命名空间提供了一个更简明的方法。 www.infoq.com 8. Lab sessions are geared towards demonstrating proper data collection and analysis as well as writing clear and concise lab reports. 并说明正确的数据收集与分析以及写出清楚简洁的实验报告。 www2.myoops.org 9. Make a clear and concise list of the things you want to achieve by the end of the year. 在年末,把你想实现的事情清楚的,准确的列出来。 www.bing.com 10. That's valid syntax, although a little verbose. It be nice to make this a bit more concise and use row value constructor syntax. 上面是一个有效的语法,虽然有一点儿冗长。下面的语句很好,简洁的多,并且使用了行值构造语法。 space.itpub.net 1. I encourage criticism, additional comments, and whatever else you have to say as long as it is concise and relevant. 我鼓励批评,另外的意见,和任何的否则只要它是简洁的和有关的,你必须说。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. Read the code of seasoned developer, you always can discover a few better, more concise means are algorithmic. 阅读经验丰富的开发者的代码,你总会发现一些更好、更简洁的方式算法。 pjprimer.com 3. The Concise Guide is designed to help you understand and master the Visual C MFC programming the basic concepts and techniques. 本简明教程的目的是帮助你理解和掌握VisualC MFC编程的基本概念和技术。 ftp.hackchina.com 4. In translating, concise language is favorable; meanwhile attention has to be given to cultural and political factors involved. 商标翻译在原则上应尊重民族传统文化,注意政治含义,力求语言简洁; www.airiti.com 5. A good speech is always one that is concise and to the point. 一篇好的演讲始终简洁而又切题。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 6. As the exact and concise summary of the source article, abstract continues to draw attentions and studies on it is becoming further. 作为全文的高度浓缩,其作用正被人们逐渐认识并重视,对摘要的研究也在逐渐深入。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. Talks, speeches, artricles and resolutions should all be concise and to the point. 讲话、演说、写文章和写决议案,都应当简明扼要。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. The fact that Groovy offers a concise Java-like syntax that also preserves Java semantics is pretty compelling. Groovy提供了类似Java的简明语法,同时保留了Java语义,这一点非常引人注目。 www.ibm.com 9. Concise concise, do not list and the pages article not relevant information. 简明精练,不罗列与网页文章不相关的信息。 www.82g.com.cn 10. This concise but comprehensive guide provides an effective and practical introduction to the full range of this terminology. 这本简明但是综合的指南提供有效和实际的整套这专有名词的介绍。 www.tzhealth.com 1. cost savings. economic apply. Design more concise form open. construction facilities in a concise mainly lower cost. 节约成本。经济适用。设计形式比较简洁开放。建筑设施也以简洁为主。成本较低。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Young room furniture modelling should be concise, lightsome, lively colour, beautiful decoration, etc. 青年人房间的家具造型简洁、轻盈、色彩明快、装饰美观等; wenwen.soso.com 3. Lawyers who write direct and concise letters to non lawyers are more likely to achieve successful results. 作为律师,只有撰写出精简直接的针对非专业人士的律师函才有可能达到良好的效果。 www.flrchina.com 4. "Just married" wedding naked in the form of simplification, concise, simple. “裸婚”只是将婚礼的形式简单化、简洁、简约化了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Whole effect appears decorous and easy, concise be able to bear or endure look. 整个效果显得高雅大方,简洁耐看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Resume to a clear theme, focused, rational layout, structured, weaknesses, concise. 简历要主题鲜明,中心突出、布局合理、层次分明、扬长避短,言简意赅。 www.ezhaorc.com 7. The concept of RTC of urban wastewater systems and some concise definitions of terms are outlined. 阐述了城市污水系统实时控制的概念,并对相关专业术语做出精确定义; www.chemyq.com 8. The main difficulty lies in concise description of the data to generate the html easy manipulation of the structure. 树形菜单较滑动菜单稍微复杂一点。其主要难点在于从简洁的数据描述来产生便于操纵的html结构。 ftp.hackchina.com 9. He worked painstakingly on his poems , developed a satiric , concise, smooth, graceful and well- balanced style . 他致力于诗歌创作,发展了讽刺,简练,通顺,优雅,平衡的风格。 www.bing.com 10. A good concise cover letter can make all the difference when trying to land a new job. 一封好的简明求职信能够在寻找一份新的工作中关系重大。 www.bing.com 1. As threats go, It was concise and to the point. 这是封恐吓信,信的内容简明扼要。 www.tiantianbt.com 2. This article described how you can use SOA to provide a clear and concise solution using Web services in a pervasive environment. 本文描述了如何在普遍环境中利用SOA为使用Web服务提供简明的解决方案。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Academic language is designed to be concise, precise, and authoritative. 学术语言被设计成简洁,精确且权威性的。 www.chinapubmed.net 4. Control system and electrical control systems, mission control borne by the very concise clear, the structure is simple to many. 操纵系统与电器控制系统相比,所承担的控制任务非常精简明确,结构上更是要简单许多。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Concise words was a characteristic statement in ancient Chinese philosophy. 文辞简约成为古代中国哲学的表述特色。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Business affairs English has six big principle generally: Correct , entire , clear , concise , understand that with courtesy. 商务英语通常有六大原则:正确、完整、清楚、简明、体谅和礼貌。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. No need to prove yourself. Instead, be reserved, say thanks, and give a concise, even self-deprecating summary of what you do. 真的没必要证实自己。不如隐藏一下,说句谢谢,对自己干的事情做一个简洁谦逊的总结。 www.kekenet.com 8. Canning also cost like the cloud is similar concise, only is 1 Shan but die, having not track again can look for. 可也如同烟花一样的短暂,仅是一闪而逝,再无踪迹可寻。 www.swty.net 9. Simple concise fairy tales are often embedded with a wealth of knowledge and profoud truth. 简单、凝练的童话往往蕴涵着丰富的知识和深刻的道理 www.bing.com 10. IFile might not be the best and most concise interface for our needs, but the advantages of using it are very convincing. IFile也许不是满足我们需要的最佳和最简洁的接口,但用它的好处在于令人信服。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 1. Be in folk nevertheless, clear acting furniture still follow is worn bright form form, retained guileless , concise style. 不过在民间,清代家具仍沿袭着明式程式,保留了朴实、简洁的风格。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Concise human-machine interface, automatically operating with achieving non-attended, remote control system. 简洁的人机界面,全自动运行,实现无人值守、远程控制。 img3.zhubajie.com 3. Road and bridge area on the paper greeting card printing order " " prohibition is concise and comprehensive, full-text than to Word. 路桥区关于纸质贺卡“禁印令”言简意赅,全文不过百来字。 www.bing.com 4. Communication skill: Provides both verbal and written information in a timely, clear and concise manner. 沟通技能:及时、清楚并准确的提供口头和书面信息。 jobs.zhaopin.com 5. The concise expression of the approximated average rate and the multiuser diversity gain are derived by utilizing extreme value theory. 利用简明的平均速率近似闭式解,得到使用协作机会调度所获得的多用户分集增益; 6. Speech- Your speech should be clear and concise. Powerful and visionary speeches are a great way to win support and followers. 讲话——你的讲话应该简单明了。充满力量和富有远见的讲话是赢得支持者和追随者的绝好方法。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Proverbs foreign language is generally concise, simple, compact structure, symmetry, rhythmic beauty and harmony. 中外谚语的语言一般都凝练、简洁,结构紧凑、匀称,韵律优美、和谐。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. And I particularly liked his concise and straightforward style. 我非常喜欢这种简约明快的文字风格。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The content of the handbook is written in the concise, note-based style characteristic of the series, with topics confined to single pages. 满足的那些手册被在简明方面写基于样式特性的那些系列,有题目限制在单个页上。 www.tzhealth.com 10. 8226; written communication must be neat, logical, clear and concise, including technical information. 书面函件必须工整,合乎逻辑的,简明清楚,(包括技术方面的信息)。 www.boxhr.com 1. Talks and articles should all be concise and to the point. 讲话和写文章都应该简明扼要。 dict.wenguo.com 2. People draw images depicting vivid, descriptive text, concise and comprehensive, poetry comes essence of highly summarized. 人物图像勾勒描绘生动,说明文字言简意赅,诗歌取其精髓高度概括。 www.tonke.cn 3. Concise, meaningful titles increase the chance that your issue is directed to the most appropriate WPF team in the shortest amount of time. 简洁又有意义的标题,可增加问题在最短时间内转给最适当WPF小组的机会。 msdn.microsoft.com 4. Latin is concise, is established, express precisely characteristics, consequently often appear in the legal provisions. 拉丁语具有言简意赅、约定俗成、表达精确的特点,因而经常出现在法律条款中。 www.aiwen5.com 5. In this book, Denis Serre begins by providing a clean and concise introduction to the basic theory of matrices. 在这本书中,塞尔丹尼斯开始通过提供一个干净,简明介绍了矩阵的基本理论。 www.ccebook.net 6. Using a concise shorthand, regexes describe the form of data and decompose it. 使用简明的简写方式,regex说明了数据的格式并分解数据。 www.ibm.com 7. The skirt of young woman going to work is concise and elegant, be full of intellectual beauty, savour refinedly convey very easily actually. 上班女郎的裙简洁典雅,布满知性美,雅致的品味其实很轻易表达。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The former indicates the concise, regular geometrical pattern mainly, the latter trends towards the varied and colorful irregular lines. 前者主要诉诸简明、规则的几何图案,后者更倾向于丰富多彩的不规则线条。 www.lw23.com 9. The component of product for horizontal type short clip, belts, combination of concise without losing gifts, extremely practical decent sex. 产品组成为横式短夹、皮带,组合简洁却又不失礼品的体面性,极为实用。 www.expo2011eshop.com 10. Author also wants to present a concise and complete manner picture. Finally author gives some summaries about MIS design and implementation. 作者通过大量的调研工作,力图尽量准确、完整的反映该项目的情况并总结了该项目实施的几点新意。 www.fabiao.net 1. It is too strong and concise, not diffuse enough for a woman. 那太简明有力了,不象一个罗里罗嗦的女子。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Pursuing fashionable neoclassicism forever endows not simple but concise temperament to "Jijia. Chuanqi" . 永远追求时尚的新古典主义思想,赋予了该品牌产品简约而不简单的气质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Try to be concise in your description of the robber, so that I can draw him more accurately. 在你尝试是简洁的描述,强盗,这样我可以更准确地吸引人。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Dimensionally cutting lines constitute geometrical forms, concise and pure, in line with my aesthetic view. 立体剪裁的线条,构几何形态。简约,洗练,纯粹,符合我的审美观。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Write out the complete story, he advises, and then whittle it down to a series of concise descriptive bullet points. 他建议,写出整个故事,然后再浓缩为一系列简明扼要的叙述。 www.24en.com 6. As you can see the evaluation methods of Ruby provide very good options for creating concise, readable code. 正如我们所看到的那样,使用Ruby提供的多种求解方法,我们可以创建简练、可读的代码; www.infoq.com 7. Distinctive character of the heroine, the story to develop naturally, language simple, concise and full of philosophical. 主人公性格鲜明,故事情节发展自然,语言质朴、凝练、富有哲理性。 www.bing.com 8. And can be the most concise summary of the rules of formal beauty is a "unified diversity. " 而能够最精练地概括形式美法则的该属“多样化统一”。 www.cutpic.cn 9. Ajax enables a richer user experience, a more concise application footprint, and better user feedback. Ajax支持更丰富的用户体验、更简洁的应用程序路径和更好的用户反馈。 www.ibm.com 10. An evaluation method for node importance in communication networks is proposed, the concise generalized expressions are given. 提出了一种对通信网中节点重要性进行评价的方法,并给出了简洁的归一化解析表达式。 www.magsci.org 1. Also, the system should be concise and scientific and operable . 从实际情况出发;简明科学,有可操作性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Since a century modernistic always contact together with these vocabularies: Practical, reason, concise with neuter. 一个世纪以来的现代主义总是和这些词汇联系在一起:实用、理性、简洁和中性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. You will have enormous power if you are the person in the office who can write a clear and concise memo. 如果你是办公室里那个能够写出简明扼要的备忘录的人,你将拥有巨大的权势。 www.bing.com 4. Presents the fundamentals for interpretation of medical images in a logical, concise manner. 为在一种合乎逻辑,简明的模式里的医学图像的解释提出基本规律。 www.tzhealth.com 5. The physical picture in this paper is concise and is helpful to get stable mode- locked laser output in experiments. 所用物理图像简明,结果对获得稳定的锁模脉冲列的实验研究有参考意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. And in his concise way, Murphy provides a thorough overview of the Inquisition's motives, methods and effects. Murphy以一种简明的方式,对宗教裁判所的成立动机、运行方式和所生影响进行了充分的综述。 www.bing.com 7. Taking full account of each other's circumstances, to greetings, but must pay attention to simple and concise. 在充分考虑对方的情况下,进行问候,但一定要注意简单、扼要。 www.7781.org 8. Conversations should be kept concise as patients have difficulties in concentrating for long periods. 谈话时间不宜太长,因患者的集中能力低。 www.info.gov.hk 9. It's concise, gives you confidence and is fashionable. The curve is smooth and clear, shows an unique taste and style. 简明扼要、大胆时尚,流线型曲线顺滑分明,显示独特的品位与格调。 www.9van.com 10. The main flow within a project is directly visible in a concise format. 项目中的主要流是以简洁的格式直接可见的。 www.ibm.com 1. Through a series of question's research, may "Bestow on Note regarding this to Qu Yuan" has a concise thorough understanding. 通过对此一系列问题的考证,可以对《屈原赋注》有一个概括性全面了解。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. The character design to be rigorous and prominent, concise, and ideas to science. 而文字设计要求表达要严谨、突出、简练,构思要科学。 www.bing.com 3. Then the thesis creates a concise model to explain the cooperation conditions of the theoretical framework. 随之,构建了一个简洁模型对框架中的合作条件加以说明。 www.fabiao.net 4. Its characteristic is concise and antithesis, harmonious language, image, expression, extract etc. 其特点是语言凝练、对仗、和谐、形象、表意、精辟等。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The cards were designed to display a concise summary of the qualities of each level. 每章节列出的卡片旨在针对不同级别列出一个简明的总结。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Featuring quick-reference tables, concise lists, and step-by-step instructions, this guide provides fast, accurate answers on the spot. 此指南中的内容以快速参考表、简明列表及分步说明形式为特色,能立刻提供快速准确的答案。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Architectural style is concise and lively, hainan nationality amorous feelings of the symbol of classic. 建筑风格简洁明快,是海南民族风情的标志性经典之作。 peixunfei.com 8. Punctuality and a concise delivery are really important when you are giving a presentation. 在陈述报告时准时以及简单扼要是非常重要的。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Enjoy the aesthetic feeling about concise, general, straightforward cloth paste pictures. Edify Ss'the sentiment of beauty. 感受布贴画简洁、概括、粗犷的形式美感,陶冶美的情操。 blog.163.com 10. Bear in mind the "Golden Rules" a business letter requires, namely, Clear, Courteous, Concise, Complete, Concrete, and Correct. 牢记“金科玉律”业务信要求,即清除,礼貌,简明,全面,具体的,和正确的。 www.bing.com 1. This is a fairly concise (as XML goes) language to specify a Java bean class in terms of its properties. 这是一种十分简明的(像XML一样)语言,可以指定Javabean类的属性。 www.ibm.com 2. A regular expression (regex) describes patterns in a concise, readable notation. 正则表达式(regex)使用简明、易读的符号描述模式。 www.ibm.com 3. Dynamic model of robot translation is concise and suitable for real time control. It provided a reference for dynamic trajectory planning. 该机器人平动时,动力学模型简洁,适合实时控制,为机器人动力学轨迹规划提供了参考。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. In the smallpox design using the modelling concise, form of pure, interface continuous condole. 在天花设计上运用造型简洁、形态纯粹、界面连续的吊顶。 www.bjlby.com 5. Madden concise warehouse street facades, reveal frame structure, column for steel cross window, decorous elegant. 马登仓库沿街立面简洁,显露框架结构,柱间为钢制横窗,端正典雅。 www.xuanoffice.com 6. Regular expressions are a concise and flexible notation for finding and replacing patterns of text. 正则表达式是查找和替换文本模式的一种简洁而灵活的表示法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Being succinct concise, weather forecast would also be awesome. 简明又扼要,好给力的天气预报。 www.bing.com 8. Medical Statistics at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction to and revision aid for this complex subject. 医学一瞥的统计提供简明和可达到介绍给和修正去这几次复杂主题的帮助。 www.tzhealth.com 9. If my book has opened up how care taken makes for good reusable and concise design, then that would make me very happy. 如果我的书揭示了如何谨慎做出良好的可重用并且简明的设计,那我会非常高兴。 www.infoq.com 10. Data smart tags expose concise lists of relevant tasks throughout the data access development process. 数据智能标记公开数据访问开发过程中的相关任务的简要列表。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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