单词 | chinese oil |
释义 | 例句释义: 桐油 1. One person familiar with the matter said there had been talks with at least one Chinese oil company. 一位知情人士表示,BG至少已与一家中国石油公司进行了谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Even before the turmoil, Iran signalled it had tired of western foot-dragging and was likely to favour Chinese oil companies. 早在动乱前,伊朗就发出信号称,它已经厌倦了西方的犹豫不决,有可能会偏向中国的石油公司。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Any deal with a Chinese company would likely involve training Chinese oil engineers, he said. 他还说,与中国公司达成的任何交易将可能包括为中方石油工程师提供培训。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The bank said it expects Chinese oil demand to continue growing 4. 5% to 5. 5% a year over the next two years. 花旗预计未来两年中国石油需求将继续以每年4.5%-5.5%的速度增长。 www.bing.com 5. Chinese oil traders, including the secretive ZhenHua Oil, began supplying fuel to Iran in 2009 and now provide up to a third of its imports. 2009年,行事隐秘的振华石油(ZhenhuaOil)等中国石油贸易商开始向伊朗供应燃料,如今已占到该国燃料进口中至多三分之一的比重。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A ministry spokesman said the kidnappers had demanded that Chinese oil companies leave the region. 中国外交部发言人声称绑架者要求中国石油公司撤离这个地区。 www.bing.com 7. An Iraqi joint venture between Shell and a state-owned Chinese oil company could be advantageous to both sides. 如果壳牌与一家中国国有石油企业成立伊拉克合资公司,对双方都将有利。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Thirdly applying sense to hold shape and enhancing modal sense of Chinese oil paintings with "Blank left" . 三以气守形,用“留白”加强画面的形式感。 www.fabiao.net 9. It's official: The U. S. is no longer off limits for Chinese oil companies. 中国油企无法进入美国的日子正式结束了。 chinese.wsj.com 10. He said concessions for Chinese oil companies to produce oil in Brazil could be discussed in the future. 加布雷利说,将来可能会讨论让中国石油企业在巴西开采石油等优惠条件。 www.bing.com 1. Finally the last part discusses the significance and existence of complanation in contemporary Chinese oil painting. 第四部分剖析了中国当代油画平面化特征的现实意义和存在的问题。 www.boshuo.net 2. With Chinese oil demand surging, energy security has been a much-discussed theme in Beijing. 随着中国石油需求不断飙升,能源安全成为北京热烈讨论的一个话题。 www.ftchinese.com 3. On September 9, the U. S. Department of Commerce decided to levy a tariff on Chinese oil country tubular goods. 9月9日,美国商务部决定对原产于中国石油管材国家关税。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Mr Buffett was speaking a week after announcing that Berkshire Hathaway had sold its entire stake in PetroChina, the Chinese oil group. 巴菲特发表上述讲话一周前,他宣布BerkshireHathaway出售了所持中国石油集团中石油(PetroChina)的全部股份。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A month earlier, Chinese oil-exploration company Cnooc paid more than $3 billion for a stake in a major Argentinian oil-exploration company. 一个月前,中国石油勘探公司中海油斥资30多亿美元收购了阿根廷一家主要石油勘探公司的部分股权。 c.wsj.com 6. Chinese oil companies have frequently been operating in areas where communities complain of a wide range of abuses. 而中国采油公司常常在人民抱怨发生各种人权践踏事件的区域里运作。 www.hrw.org 7. The paper analyzes four basic characteristics of synthetic materials used in Chinese oil painting, as well as its influence. “综合材料”在当代中国油画作品中运用的四个基本特征; www.fabiao.net 8. Analysts agreed Chinese oil companies were likely to sustain interest in overseas acquisitions as they seek to grow their production base. 分析师们一致认为,随着中国石油企业寻求发展各自的生产基础,它们很可能保持对海外收购的兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Ethiopian rebels have released the 7 Chinese oil workers kidnapped in a deadly raid on an oil field in the eastern part of the country. 埃塞俄比亚叛军已经释放了被绑架的7名中国石油工人。他们是在叛军对该国东部一座油田的猛烈袭击中被绑架的。 www.eoezone.com 10. "In making acquisitions we're thinking about the long-term development of our company, " one Chinese oil executive said. “进行收购意味着我们在考虑公司的长远发展,”中国石油业一名高管表示。 www.rfp.org.cn 1. We hope to hold the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese oil-painting influenced by the post-modernism current of thought . 以期把握后现代主义思潮对中国油画产生的利害关系。 www.fabiao.net 2. But need to see the Chinese oil group is still a domestic-focused companies, new energy business just started. 但需要看到,中国石油集团仍然是一个以国内业务为主的公司,新能源业务刚刚起步。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Through the research on social responsibility information disclosure, the paper will provide some proper advice for Chinese oil companies. 通过对社会责任信息披露的研究,本文希望能为我国石油企业的可持续发展提供一些建设性的意见。 www.13191.com 4. Chinese oil consumption is currently growing by more than 7 per cent a year. 中国的石油消费目前在以每年超过7%的速度增长。 www.ftchinese.com 5. How will Chinese oil painting develop as a cultural container when culture background of modern China has changed so tremendously? 由于当今中国大的文化背景已发生了深刻而巨大的变化,中国油画作为一种文化载体,如何发展? www.fabiao.net 6. This analysis has a certain degree of guidance to the production, inspection and exportation of Chinese oil well cement enterprises. 这对我国油井水泥的生产、检验及出口有一定的指导作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The demand of consciousness of African oil & gas development will increase the cost of Chinese oil companies. 非洲油气开发主体意识的增强,将导致中国企业投资非洲油气开发领域的成本提高。 qk.cass.cn 8. Chinese oil groups' margins are under pressure at home. No wonder that asset-rich Canadian explorers look especially tempting. 中国石油企业在国内的利润率存在压力。难怪资产充裕的加拿大勘探企业会显得格外诱人。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Tallying Chinese oil reserves must go well beyond the books of its already large oil companies. 计算中国石油储量,必须远远超出该国业已庞大的石油公司的账目。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The acquisition would be the fourth-largest by a Chinese oil and gas company, according to Thomson Reuters. 汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据显示,这宗收购将是中国油气企业所实施的第四大收购。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The recent conflict in Sudan between the north and the south has affected the security of Chinese oil companies and workers. 最近苏丹南北方发生冲突,涉及到中国石油公司在苏油田和工人的安全。 news.xinhuanet.com 2. This discovery has a great guiding significance for further considering the social roles of Chinese oil painting art. 这一发现对中国油画艺术社会角色的进一步思考具有很强的指导意义。 3. But while U. S. drivers and industries have been slow to increase energy consumption, Chinese oil demand is strong. 尽管美国消费者和工业迟疑不愿增加能源消费,但中国的石油需求依然旺盛。 bbs.51ielts.com 4. By controlling the price at which Chinese oil companies can sell gasoline, China's government has caused heavy losses for refiners . 政府控制了国内石油公司的汽油销售价格,从而给油企造成了沉重的负担。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. So, the explore and reform of The Europe oil painting teaching system are valuable for Chinese oil painting education. 本文以此展开对中国和欧洲高等美术院校油画专业教育的比较研究。 www.fabiao.net 6. At present, as the largest corporate pension, the Chinese oil group annuity market in the doldrums for the market to add a little Light. 作为目前国内规模最大的企业年金项目,中国石油集团此次年金入市为低迷的市场增添了些许亮色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Therefore the foreign integrated management system provides reference for Chinese oil companies. 因此,国外大石油公司的勘探开发一体化管理作法值得我国借鉴。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. This article recalls the main achievements in peasant's image of the Chinese oil painting beginning with the earliest painter Wang Yuezhi. 本文重点回顾了中国油画中农民形象创作的主要成果。从早期画家王悦之说起。 www.fabiao.net 9. But it is hesitant to threaten the flow of Chinese oil and food that keeps the regime alive. 中国的石油和食品使得朝鲜政权得以维持,但中国一直犹豫不愿以此相威胁。 c.wsj.com 10. At present, home of Chinese oil paintings are, consciously or unconsciously, in their creative practice and to explore in this regard. 目前中国油画家们都自觉或不自觉地在各自的创作实践中进行这方面的探索。 www.boshuo.net 1. My research is "early European Renaissance art and contemporary Chinese oil painting research. " 我的研究方向是“欧洲早期文艺复兴美术与中国当代油画研究。” www.fabiao.net 2. The Ablyazov affair has aroused passions in Kazakhstan, where the issue of Chinese oil investment is highly controversial. 阿布利亚佐夫事件激起了哈萨克斯坦人的愤怒,中国人投资该国石油行业的做法本来就倍受争议。 cn.wsj.com 3. That should allow Chinese oil companies to continue working in Iran, and China to continue consuming Iranian oil. 这样,中国石油企业可以继续在伊朗作业,中国也可以继续消费伊朗的石油。 c.wsj.com 4. Chinese oil companies have subsequently been cautious about investment in US resources. 自那以后,中国的石油公司对投资美国资源一直持谨慎态度。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Chinese oil and commodities firms are taking aim at Africa to satisfy the country's demand for energy to fuel its fast-growing economy. 为了满足本国的能源需求,中国的石油公司和经营大宗商品的公司纷纷将目光投向非洲。 smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 6. CNOOC, a Chinese oil firm, announced that it is paying $3 billion for a 50% stake inBridas, a privately owned Argentinian oil and gas group. 中国的石油公司-中国海洋石油宣布将以30亿美元购得Bridas公司50%的股份,Bridas是一家阿根廷的私人控股油气集团。 www.ecocn.org 7. Self-expression in the Chinese oil -paintings as a concrete expression of "I" words enlarged and rational and emotional tendencies. 自我表现在中国油画中具体表现为“我”字的放大、理性和感性两种倾向。 www.fabiao.net 8. Chinese oil companies, which spent more than $24bn on overseas acquisitions in 2010, have increasingly emphasised natural gas production. 中国石油企业在2010年斥资逾240亿美元进行海外收购,这些企业日趋重视天然气生产。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Annual Chinese oil imports are predicted to increase by 0. 5 million b. p. d. for the next five years. 预计在下个5年里中国石油进口量每天将会增加50万桶。 www.bing.com 10. The paintings on display show that Chinese oil paintings have developed remarkably. 从送展的作品看,中国油画有明显的发展。 www.owencollege.com 1. Although the Chinese oil group's transnational business made a good start, and has shown good momentum of development and potential. 尽管中国石油集团的跨国经营有了一个好的起步,并表现出良好的发展势头与潜力。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. It plays an important role to develop the low permeability oil field in advancing Chinese oil industry. 开发低渗透油田对中国石油工业的发展至关重要。 www.lw23.com 3. Chinese oil that the theory of the bankruptcy. 认为中国贫油的理论破产了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The need for extra oil for the reserve could explain the strength of Chinese oil imports. 储备建设所需的额外原油或许能解释中国石油进口的强劲势头。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, we ought to remember that his works played an important role in the renewal of Chinese oil painting in the 80s. 但我们应该看到,他的作品八十年代给刚刚起步的中国油画界带来一股清新气息,引人瞩目。 e.pku.edu.cn 6. The largest Chinese oil firms are being more flexible in choosing targets, say bankers. 投行人士说,中资石油大公司在选择目标时正变得越来越灵活。 c.wsj.com 7. Two years ago, Chinese oil workers arrived there. 两年前,中国的石油工人到了那儿。 www.tianya.cn 8. Likewise, a Chinese oil company dropped its bid for Unocal in 2005 after drawing fierce congressional opposition. 类似的情况还有:2005年,一家中国石油公司竞购尤尼科引起国会强烈反对,中国后来放弃。 www.stnn.cc 9. Chinese oil demand is heavily skewed toward non-industrial uses. . . 中国原油需求严重向非工业用途倾斜…… www.ftchinese.com 10. There is abundant tradition culture and nationality characteristics in Chinese oil painting. 中国油画具有民族性特征,并隐含丰富的文化传统。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. At present Chinese oil companies are prospecting for oil in north-eastern Kenya. 目前,中国的石油公司正在肯尼亚的东北部地区执行石油勘探工作。 dongxi.net 2. World and Chinese Oil Markets undergoing Profound Changes-- "2006 Oil Market Situation Forum" 解析深刻变化中的世界与中国石油市场--记“2006年石油市场形势研讨会” ilib.cn 3. Xingjiang area is strategic potential area of Chinese oil-gas resource. 新疆是我国油气资源战略接替区。 www.chemyq.com 4. Finally, it summarized some revelations based on the practical situation of Chinese oil refining industry at present. 最后,针对我国当前炼油业的实际情况,提出了几点启示。 www.chemyq.com 5. The Chinese oil group Sinopec is to gain access to reserves in Iraq after agreeing to acquire the UK-listed company Addax. 中国石化同意收购在英国上市的埃达克斯石油公司后将获得伊拉克的油田。 www.bing.com 6. In the mid-1980s, Western culture and arts poured into China, exerting great influence on Chinese oil painting. 80年代中期,西方文化艺术涌进国门,对中国油画产生很大冲击。 chinafanyi.com 7. Chinese oil companies are also investing heavily in Iraq and Iran. 此外,中国石油公司还在伊拉克和伊朗投入了大量资金。 www.ftchinese.com 8. For the spring term 2010 the Institute will provide classes in Chinese Oil Painting, Chinese philosophy and Chinese law. 明年春季计划开设中国国画,中国哲学,中国法律等课程。 www.confuciusinstitute.net 9. Prospect for China's Oil Demand and Supply--Analysis Reports from "2004 Chinese Oil Market Workshop" 中国石油需求与供应前景--来自“2004中国石油市场研讨会”的分析报告 ilib.cn 10. The biggest transaction was Chinese oil major Sinopec's $7. 1bn purchase of a 40 per cent stake in Repsol Brazil. 最大的一笔交易是,中国石油巨头中石化(Sinopec)以71亿美元收购了雷普索尔巴西公司(RepsolBrazil)40%的股份。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I think only do that, can we make Chinese oil-painting to have nationality, age and speciality. 认为只有这样才能创造出具有民族性、时代性、独特性的中国油画艺术。 www.fabiao.net 2. On Influence of Conceptual Art on "Chinese Oil Paintings" 论观念艺术对“中国油画”的影响 service.ilib.cn 3. Chinese oil and gas companies accounted for about one-fifth of global M& A activity in the sector in 2010. 中国油气企业在该行业2010年的全球并购活动中约占五分之一。 www.ftchinese.com 4. so when do we start importing chinese oil like everything else? 那我们是从什么时候开始像进口其它东西一样,进口中国油呢? www.ltaaa.com 5. In the same year, nine Chinese oil workers were killed in Ethiopia. 同年,9名中国石油工人在埃塞俄比亚被杀。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Western oil experts have claimed that Chinese oil. 西方国家的石油专家曾经声称中国贫油。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. And the primary problem in front of us is how to orientate the developing direction of Chinese oil painting. 中国油画未来发展的方向该如何定位,是摆在我们面前的首要问题。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 8. Xiao Hong: We were really concerned about this during that time and thought about the future of Chinese oil painting. 肖红:那段时间很看重这个,考虑中国油画怎么办。 news.99ys.com 9. The Chinese oil products market is highly regulated, and the profitability of refineries has been volatile. 中国成品油市场受到高度管制,炼油厂的盈利能力波动很大。 www.tesoon.com 10. Imports now account for about 40 per cent of Chinese oil consumption. 目前进口石油约占中国石油消费总量的40%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In 2006, An Invitational Chinese Oil Painting Artists Exhibition, Zhongwai Boyi Gallery, Beijing, China. 2006年中国油画邀请展,中外博艺画廊,北京。 blog.artron.net 2. This is the first time Chinese oil workers have been abducted in many years, although Chinese oil interests were targeted before. 这是首次中国石油工人被绑架多年来,虽然中国的石油利益是有针对性的面前。 www.2muslim.com 3. As a result, among so many oil wells in the South China Sea, there is no Chinese oil well. 如今,在南海区域内错落交织排列着众多钻油井,却没有一口中国的钻油井。 www.fabiao.net 4. In 2007, 16 Chinese oil workers were kidnapped in Nigeria and nine were killed by rebels in Ethiopia. 2007年,16名中国石油工人在尼日利亚遭到绑架,9名被埃塞俄比亚叛军杀害。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Chinese oil consumption doubled between 1994 and 2003 and will have doubled again by 2010. 1994年至2003年,中国的石油消费量增长了一倍,到2010年前,还将再增长一倍。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Africa has dropped from accounting for 26% of Chinese oil and gas acquisitions in 2006 to 11% this year, according to Dealogic. 据Dealogic的数据,非洲在中国油气收购活动中的比重,已经从2006年的26%下降到今年的11%。 chinese.wsj.com 7. This is something the government is encouraging Chinese oil majors to do for energy security. 中国政府为保证能源安全,鼓励中国石油巨头进行油储。 www.bing.com 8. Chinese oil demand surged 7. 2% from 2008 as the government's stimulus package revived construction and car sales. 去年,由于中国政府的经济刺激政策推动了建筑业和汽车销售,中国的原油需求比2008年激增7. cn.wsj.com 9. Analysts expect Chinese oil demand to grow 5-10 per cent this year. 分析师预期,今年中国的石油需求将增长5%至10%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Ethiopian rebels killed nine Chinese oil workers in the Ogaden region in April last year. 去年4月,埃塞俄比亚的叛军在奥加登地区杀害了9名中国石油工人。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Libyan oil last year accounted for just 3% of China's crude imports, but Chinese oil companies are keen to get bigger stakes. 去年利比亚石油只占中国原油进口的3%,但中国石油公司渴望得到更大的份额。 club.topsage.com 2. Chinese oil companies, by contrast, spent more than $30bn on overseas deals last year. 相比之下,中国石油企业去年花在海外交易上的资金超过了300亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Platt's says that first-quarter Chinese oil demand fell 4. 8% compared with the first quarter of last year. 普氏能源资讯说,今年第一季度中国石油需求较上年同期下滑了4. www.bing.com 4. The phenomenon of "New Humans" as Is Shown in Contemporary Chinese Oil Paintings “新人类”现象在中国当代油画中的呈现 www.ilib.cn 5. Building and analysis of a model for assessing the climate for overseas investment by Chinese oil companies 中国石油企业跨国投资环境评价模型的构建与分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Discussion on the Potentiality and Opportunity of Chinese Oil Refining Industry in Promoting the Cleaner Production 论我国炼油行业推行清洁生产的潜力和机会 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on the International Competitiveness of Chinese Oil and Petrochemical Industry 中国石油石化产业国际竞争力分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Characteristics and Development Trend of Economic Evaluation of Chinese Oil and Gas Resources 论我国油气资源经济评价的现状与发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 9. A Reconsideration about the Building of the Evaluation System of Chinese Oil Painting 对建立中国油画评价体系的再思考 www.ilib.cn 10. The Reference Importance for Chinese Oil Corporation to Take in PK Company in Sino-Russian Oil Cooperation 中石油收购PK公司对中俄石油合作的借鉴意义 www.ilib.cn 1. Chinese oil companies have been striking deals across Africa: 中国石油企业也已在非洲开展业务: www.ecocn.org 2. The Political Risks of Transnational Management for Chinese Oil Companies 中国石油公司跨国经营的政治风险分析 ilib.cn 3. Exchange-rate Risk Management for Overseas Operations by Chinese Oil Companies 中国石油公司海外经营的汇率风险管理初探 ilib.cn 4. Effect, Imperfection and Improvement of Chinese Oil Price Mechanism 我国当前油价机制的效果、缺陷及完善措施 www.ilib.cn 5. The Prospect of Chinese Oil Painting seen from the Perspective of Cultural Environment 从审美文化环境论述中国油画的发展前景 www.ilib.cn 6. consensus forecasts already factor in much slower chinese oil demand growth this year 普遍预测已经考虑到中国今年的石油需求增长将大幅减缓。 www.ichacha.net 7. Professional experts discuss extensively about the market of Chinese oil painting 业内专家纵论中国油画市场 www.hpshw.com 8. Price Risk Management by Global Oil Companies and Lessons for Chinese Oil Businesses 国际石油公司价格风险管理与启示 ilib.cn 9. The Overseas Management Strategy of Chinese Oil Corporations under the Political Risk Evolvement 中国石油企业跨国经营的政治风险分析 ilib.cn 10. Developing potential and measure of Chinese oil pressing industry 我国油脂压榨业开发潜力及应对措施 www.ilib.cn 1. Aesthetic Image in the Expression of the Modern Chinese Oil Painting 现代中国油画表现性中的审美意象 www.ilib.cn 2. New oils processing project should be helpful to sound development of Chinese oil industry 新建油脂加工项目应有利于我国油脂工业的健康发展 www.ilib.cn 3. Suggestions on secondary pioneering of Chinese oil and gas resources 关于中国油气资源的第二次创业的建议 www.ilib.cn 4. Strategy on Chinese Oil Product Market after Entering of Foreign Capital 外资进入我国成品油市场的应对之策 www.ilib.cn 5. Current Developing Situation of Chinese Oil Painting 中国油画发展现状 www.ilib.cn 6. Second Exhibition of Chinese Oil painting, Beijing ; 参加第二届中国油画年展,中国美术馆,北京; www.zunke.com 7. Third Annual Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting, Beijing; 1995年第三届中国油画年展,中国美术馆,北京; www.zunke.com 8. The national top grade lubricating oil come into Chinese oil product market 中国油品市场有了高档国产润滑油 www.ilib.cn 9. 20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China; 参加《二十世纪中国油画展》(中国美术馆); www.zunke.com 10. The Folk Image and the Cultural Significance of Chinese Oil Painting 中国油画创作中的民俗形象与文化意义 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 1. On System for Building Chinese Oil Security Strategy 浅论建立我国石油安全战略体系 www.ilib.cn 2. Current situation and trends of chinese oil industry 我国制油工业现状及展望 www.ilib.cn 3. On the Nationalization of Chinese Oil Painting 也论中国油画艺术的民族化 www.ilib.cn 4. Chinese oil in Libya: Libyan strife exposes China's risks in global quest for oil - latimescom 利比亚骚乱暴露了中国在全球探求石油的危机 www.bing.com 5. Analysis of Chinese Oil Crops and Edible Oil Supply and Demand 中国油料与食用油供求平衡分析及展望 6. The Foundation of Chinese Oil Painting Market 中国油画市场的建立 service.ilib.cn 7. The thesis is announced in publication such as "Jiangsu pictorial " , "the fine arts studies " ", Chinese oil painting " ; 论文发表在《江苏画刊》、《美术研究》、《中国油画》等刊物; www.bing.com 8. The Breakthrough in Chinese Oil Painting 试探中国油画的突破 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on Imagery of Chinese Oil Painting 简论中国油画的写意特征 www.ilib.cn 10. An exhibition of Chinese oil paintings 中国小幅油画作品大展 pdf.sznews.com 1. 20Th Century Chinese Oil Painting, Beijing and Shanghai 20世纪中国油画展,北京及上海 jha.com.tw 2. Discussion on the Chinese Oil Security Evaluation Indicator System 我国石油安全评价指标体系初探 ilib.cn 3. Thoughts on the Nationalization of the Chinese Oil Painting 中国油画民族化的再思考 scholar.ilib.cn 4. An Analysis on Tax Policies Promoting the Chinese Oil Enterprises Going Global 以税收手段促进中国石油企业海外发展 service.ilib.cn 5. The Local Color of Chinese Oil Painting 浅谈中国油画的民族化 www.ilib.cn 6. The Present and Future of Chinese Oil Painting 评中国油画艺术的现状与出路 www.ilib.cn 7. The Security Policy of Chinese Oil 中国石油安全献策 service.ilib.cn 8. Suggestions on the Chinese Oil Pricing Mechanism 对我国石油价格形成机制改革的建议 ilib.cn 9. Review and Outlook of the Chinese Oil Market 中国石油市场年度回顾与展望 ilib.cn 10. Discussion on the Development of Chinese Oil Products Logistic System 我国成品油物流系统的发展探讨 service.ilib.cn 1. in 2003, "Joining Hands for the New Century" , the Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, in China Art Gallery; 2003年在中国美术馆参加了携手新世纪中国第三届油画展; ebook.artron.net 2. On the Strategic Status of Western Provinces such as Xinjiang in the Chinese Oil Energy Structure 论新疆等西部省区在中国石油能源格局中的战略地位 www.ilib.cn 3. On the Chinese Oil Painting 中国油画探析 www.ilib.cn 4. Took part in "1992 Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition" held by China Artists Associatio; 1992年参加中国美术家协会举办的“92´中国油画艺术展”; ebook.artron.net |
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