单词 | chinese mainland | ||||||||
释义 | chinese mainland
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 中国大陆,中国内地,中国大陆叫 1. YA'AN, Sichuan -- A pair of giant pandas offered by the Chinese mainland are going to leave the Chinese mainland Tuesday for Taiwan. 雅安,四川——一对大熊猫应大陆要求周二离开大陆前往台湾。 www.kekenet.com 2. The company reserved two spaces on the first flight, one for a man and one for a woman, for passengers from the Chinese mainland. 在首次航程中,公司为来自中国大陆的乘客保留了一男一女共两个名额。 www.englishfree.com 3. The first Taiwanese ships were scheduled to leave from Kaohsiung and Keelung harbors for Chinese mainland ports about noon Monday. 而首批台湾船定于周一中午从高雄和基隆港出发,前往大陆港口。 www.ebigear.com 4. Chinese mainland has always believed that most DPP members do not share the views of the small number of diehardsecessionists, Li said. 李唯一说,大陆人民始终认为绝大多数民进党党员不会同意少数顽固分裂分子的分裂企图。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At those rates, Baosteel was able to borrow much more cheaply than it would be able to on the Chinese mainland. 按照以上利率,宝钢的借贷成本远低于在中国内地的借贷成本。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The ocean shipping between Chinese mainland and Taiwan area shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. 内地与台湾地区之间的海上运输,依照国家有关规定执行。 www.sh360.net 7. At the beginning of this year Home Depot closed its last shop in Beijing. It now has only seven stores on the Chinese mainland. 今年年初,家得宝关闭了其在北京的最后一家门店,现在在中国大陆只剩下7间门店了。 dongxi.net 8. Chinese mainland's rice price remains stable due to its small amount of import and export. 中国大陆大米进出口数量很小,因此受国际市场影响不大。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Taiwan singer Rene Liu is currently on her concert tour on Chinese mainland. 台湾歌手刘若英近日在大陆举行名为“脱掉高跟鞋”的巡回演唱会。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 10. Insiders said the accusations will impede Gucci's expansion in the Chinese mainland. 内部人士分析,这一事件将会影响古奇在中国内地市场的扩张。 www.bing.com 1. Many Chinese mainland psychiatrists still subscribe to the old, lucrative opinion that sexual orientation is a matter of choice. 许多大陆的心理医生对性倾向问题持有一种保守的观点,称那是一种选择问题。 www.bing.com 2. Experts noted, the Chinese mainland rice market remains stable due to its relative independence and small import and export volume. 专家指出,中国大陆大米市场相对独立,进出口量很小,受国际市场影响不大。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The talks coincided with the beginning of the torch relay on the Chinese mainland, in the resort area of Sanya, in Hainan. 会谈举行之际,恰逢奥运火炬在海南三亚开始中国内地的首站传递。 www.ftchinese.com 4. China imposes extensive capital controls which prevent the free flow of renminbi between the Chinese mainland and elsewhere. 中国实行广泛的资本管制,使人民币不能在中国内地与境外之间自由流动。 www.ftchinese.com 5. On the Chinese mainland the only legal form of gambling is a thriving lottery. 在中国大陆,唯一的合法赌博为欣欣向荣的博彩业。 www.bing.com 6. Experience in Chinese Mainland projects and knowledge of mainland planning processes would be a must. 有中国大陆项目经验,熟悉规划报批流程; www.lietou.com 7. Introduction of the Program "Studies for the Monitoring of Volcano Activities in Chinese Mainland" “中国主要火山活动监测研究”项目成果介绍 service.ilib.cn 8. The amnesty system is put into the judicial practice in Taiwan area and Chinese mainland and it has already effected the legal system. 赦免制度在两岸的司法实践中都被付诸实施过,也相应收到了一些效果。 9. At the moment, petrol stations on the Chinese mainland are increasing their sales promotions. 现在,中国大陆的加油站正推广促销活动。 www.233.com 10. So I rose to the occasion and guessed that what she might be wondering about was what types of housing are common on the Chinese mainland. 于是我转了一下脑筋,猜测她可能只是想问一下中国大陆的房子一般是什么样子。 app.fortunechina.com 1. Introduction of the Program "Fundamental Database of the Environment of Crustal Stress in Chinese Mainland" “中国大陆地壳应力环境基础数据库”项目成果介绍 service.ilib.cn 2. The company is the sole agent of IBM, W&R, Korea SUMSUNG and HITACHI products in Chinese mainland . 公司为IBM、威尔、韩国三星、日立等品牌产品的中国大陆区总代理。 www.jobif.com 3. The data utilization ratio of most Chinese mainland enterprises is no more than 7%. 中国企业的数据有效利用率不足7%。 www.juhe8.com 4. But direct demand from Chinese mainland, fell 15 percent, compared with a 38 percent slide in the United States. 但是直接来自于中国大陆的需求量仅下降了15%,与此相比,美国的需求就下降了38%之多。 www.bing.com 5. There appears to be a war between Chinese mainland and Taiwan. 在中国大陆和台湾之间似乎将有一场战争。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Article 30 Organization of Chinese mainland residents to travel outbound travel, group travel arrangements should be accompanied tour. 第30条旅行社组织中国内地居民出境旅游的,应当为旅游团队安排领队全程陪同。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 7. Cui Jian is universally acknowledged as the pioneer of the rock-and-roll of Chinese mainland. 崔健被公认为是中国大陆摇滚乐的先驱。 jack0914.blog.163.com 8. The basic tax rate of the manufacturing enterprise in Chinese mainland is much higher than in Taiwan. 大陆制造企业基本税率远高于台湾制造企业; www.ceps.com.tw 9. Of those studying in the US, 62, 580, or roughly 11 per cent of the total, came from Chinese mainland this past school year. 在过去的一学年中,中国大陆的赴美留学生共有6.258万人,约占留美学生总数的11%。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The big winner of the 81st Academy Awards "Slumdog Millionaire" will debut in Chinese mainland cinemas in late March or early April. 本届奥斯卡的最大赢家《贫民窟的百万富翁》有望于3月底或4月初在内地上映。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. He was also the first person from the Chinese mainland to have studied at Harrow School before being accepted by Oxford. 此外,在被牛津大学录取前,他是首个在哈罗学校就读的来自中国大陆的学生。 www.rr365.com 2. From now on, the classical movie and TV of chinese mainland piece cannot take off a mode: See chase after , chase after fall, bite. 从此,中国大陆的经典影视片都脱不了一个模式:一见就追,一追就倒,一倒就咬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Taiwan writer Li Yu's classical work "The Cloud" rarely catches the attentions of Chinese mainland academic circle. 台湾作家李渝的经典作品《朵云》在大陆学界尚少有人关注。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. China is a crucial part of H& M's plan to grow its brand in Asia, and the Beijing branch is its tenth store in Chinese mainland. 中国是H&M品牌亚洲拓展计划的关键一环,而北京分店则是在大陆开设的第十家分店。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The Chinese mainland agreed to hold negotiations by setting up ARATS in December 1991 to promote exchanges across the Straits. 大陆同意举行谈判,建立于1991年12月海峡两岸关系协会以促进海峡两岸的交流。 q.sohu.com 6. Of course, both companies can thank the swelling ranks of wealthy Chinese: mainland China led the sales charge. 当然,这两家公司应该感谢日益壮大的中国富人阶层:在销售额增长方面,中国内地市场独领风骚。 www.ftchinese.com 7. We obtain the movement models of the major tectonic blocks in Chinese mainland using the collocation model presented in this paper. 采用文中改进的最小二乘配置方法,建立中国大陆内部主要块体的运动模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. For applicants from the Chinese Mainland, the student visa applications should be submitted through the University. 申请人来自中国大陆,对学生签证申请应通过大学。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Taiwan actor Peng Yuyan, actress and singer Amber Kuo and Chinese mainland actress Yuan Xinyu (or Renee) co-star in the film. 台湾演员彭于晏,演员兼歌手郭采洁以及大陆演员苑新雨将一同出演该片。 www.bing.com 10. Compared with the period on Chinese mainland, corruption governance of Taiwan had been improved from 1950's to 1970's. 与大陆时期相比,蒋介石在台湾的统治时期,其腐败治理状况有了改进。 www.13191.com 1. Home prices in Singapore are up 37% from a year earlier while in the Chinese mainland, prices rose 36. 8%, Knight Frank said. 报告显示,新加坡房屋价格同比上涨了37%,而中国大陆的房价则上涨了36. www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Continuous innovation and development, is striving to develop high-quality environment for the Chinese mainland coating products. 不断创新和发展,致力开拓适合中国大陆环境的优质涂料产品。 china.npicp.com 3. We reaffirm that there is only one China in the world and the Chinese mainland and Taiwan both belong to one China. 我们重申,世界上只有一个中国,大陆与台湾同属一个中国。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Present confirmed their participation in the Chinese mainland is also one of the few game companies. 而目前确认参加的中国大陆游戏公司也为数不多。 www.dw188.com 5. each, as the buoyant economy and stock markets on the Chinese mainland lift demand for exclusive properties beyond pre-crisis levels. 目前中国内地经济和股市的繁荣,提升了对高端房地产的需求,甚至超过危机前水平。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Chinese mainland actress Zhao Wei, actor Zhang Fengyi and Taiwan actor Chen Chang also on the cast list. 中国大陆演员赵薇和张丰义以及台湾演员陈昌也将在该片中饰演角色。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. the Chinese Nationalist government moved from the Chinese mainland to Formosa as the Communists pressed their attacks. 年,中国国民政府从大陆福尔摩沙作为共产党人按下攻击。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In Chinese Mainland, teleplay market matured gradually. 在中国大陆,电视剧市场正逐步成熟。 www.fabiao.net 9. Trading volume was light in Asia as the 2 markets, Japan and Chinese mainland, were closed for holidays. 受中国大陆、日本节假日休市的影响,今日亚洲成交量疲软。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Just imagine that number if it wasn't blocked on the Chinese Mainland. 如果不是因为在中国大陆禁止使用,想想会发展到多少人吧。 www.igolfyou.cn 1. Key visitor markets impacted included South East Asia, Chinese Mainland, Taiwan, North America and Japan, according to AAHK. 据香港机场管理局的数据,受影响的关键旅客市场包括东南亚、中国大陆、台湾、北美和日本。 www.bing.com 2. The agreements allow them to use their yuan reserves to directly trade with the Chinese mainland within a set limit in volume. 根据协定,他们可以直接用人民币储备金与中国大陆进行贸易往来,但有一定的数量限制。 www.ebigear.com 3. A spokeswoman for Cathay Pacific said it has only four duplicate routes with Air China in the Chinese mainland. 国泰航空发言人说公司在中国大陆与中国国航只有四条线路相同。 www.ebigear.com 4. In 1997, he won worldwide recognition as the first singer from the Chinese mainland to be featured in Billboard. 1997年,他是第一个在公告牌上得到公认的大陆歌手。 tieba.baidu.com 5. The foreign brides generally come from Chinese mainland and Vietnam. 外籍新娘大多来自中国大陆和越南。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Partly reflecting this difference, Chinese mainland A shares trade at a 47 per cent premium to the H shares, according to JPMorgan figures. 根据摩根大通的数据,中国内地A股价位相比H股价位存在47%的溢价,这在一定程度上反映了上述不同。 www.ftchinese.com 7. At present, we have been an effective enterprise run by local people in this trade in Chinese mainland market for over 20-year development. 公司经过20多年的发展,目前在该行业已成为中国大陆市场中极具影响的民营企业。 londer.com 8. That way, he could avoid some of the restrictions on the Chinese mainland. 这样,就能绕开中国大陆一些严格的限制。 www.bing.com 9. Chinese mainland part of the film and television industry friends want to shoot some students in my class. 中国大陆几个影视界的朋友想让我班部分同学拍戏。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Chinese mainland director Hu Xuehua will direct the film, sponsored by the Shanghai Film Group Corp and Dasheng International. 中国大陆导演胡雪华将执导该片,上海电影集团和大圣国际将出资赞助。 www.bing.com 1. Four, The Chinese mainland trainee, does not collect tuition fee without exception. 中国大陆的学员,一律不收学费。 hi.baidu.com 2. Nine Dragons has about $50m of bonds outstanding, with the bulk of its debt held by state-owned banks on the Chinese mainland. 玖龙纸业有大约5000万美元未清偿债券,大部分债务由中国内地国有银行持有。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Ao lee claimed to unify Chinese mainland and Taiwan and reclaim the Fishing island. 李敖主张大陆和台湾的统一,并且应该收回钓鱼岛。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When the shortage of workforce appears in Chinese mainland, cheap Chinese migrant workers is also in high demand. 就在内地用工荒愈演愈烈之际,薪资实惠的中国农民工在国外也变得日益抢手。 lqlsqsh.blog.163.com 5. The US plane was reportedly flying along the Taiwan Strait to collect information about the Chinese mainland. 据报道,当时美国飞机正沿台湾海峡飞行,以搜集有关中国大陆的情报。 www.fanyitie.com 6. AIM : To clone a partial paramyosin gene from Schistosoma japonicum of Chinese mainland origin. 目的:克隆日本血吸虫大陆株副肌球蛋白部分基因。 www.jsczz.cn:8080 7. First undersea tunnel in Chinese mainland runs through. 中国大陆第一条海底隧道全线贯通(厦门)。 www.17tx.com 8. Taiwan split from the Chinese mainland in 1949 and the United States has vowed to support them if China initiates an unprovoked attack. 1949年台湾从中国大陆分离,美国在当时誓约,若中国发首先对其发动攻击,美将对其提供支持。 www.ytbbs.com 9. In April, Gemdale Property and US launched the first real estate investment fund run by a developer on the Chinese mainland. 今年四月,金地物业及美国市场的第一个房地产投资基金开始对中国大陆开发人员运行。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. H Company is the first foreign vegetable seed company in the world which invested in Chinese mainland market. H公司是最早进入中国大陆市场的外资蔬菜种子企业。 www.fabiao.net 1. In 1998, the TV drama was a great success on the Chinese mainland after it struck a chord with young people. 1998年电视剧版本的《将爱情进行到底》在年轻人中相当受欢迎,也因此红遍中国内地。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Dalian is beautiful city with the China's coast of China and it has good air connections on most large cities to the Chinese mainland. 大连和中国的海岸的中国是美丽城市和它有在绝大部分大城市上好的空气和中国大陆的连接 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Analysis of Chinese Mainland Motion in Eurasian Plate Based on Multiple GPS Data of "Chinese Crustal Motion Network" 基于“网络工程”的GPS联测资料分析我国在欧亚板块中的运动规律 www.ilib.cn 4. Chinese mainland announced on Wednesday preferential polices to facilitate Taiwan farmers starting business elsewhere in China. 中国政府星期三宣布为方便台湾农民在大陆创业的优惠政策。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Peugeot Citroen would recall 263 autos sold to the Chinese mainland due to defective radios, China's product quality watchdog said. 质检总局宣布,因收音机存在缺陷,标致雪铁龙将在中国召回263辆轿车。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. The Chinese mainland in particular is becoming an attractive market, especially for trade exhibitions. 中国内地市场的吸引力越来越大,尤其在商贸展览会方面。 www.tdctrade.com 7. New World China Land's latest financial reports said 45 percent of its growth in the Chinese mainland came from second tier cities. 新世界中国土地的最新财务报告说,百分之45的发展是来自中国大陆的二线城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Sohu video has got the on-network broadcast rights of the hit show on the Chinese mainland from Warner Brothers. 搜狐视频已获得华纳公司许可,获得该剧中国大陆区的网络视频播出权。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. A delegation of Olympic gold medallists from the Chinese mainland have arrived in Macao to share their Olympic experiences. 来自中国大陆的奥运金牌获得者已经抵达澳门,与广大市民分享参加奥运会的经历。 ilovebree.blog.sohu.com 10. The Chinese mainland has announced a series of new policies at the on-going Straits Forum aimed at boosting Taiwan's economy. 中国大陆已在正在进行的海峡论坛上宣布了一系列新政策以推动台湾的经济发展。 www.bing.com 1. And the Chinese mainland, the machine has encountered a problem or, when necessary, it will consider maintenance, customer service. 而中国的内地客户,更多的是在机器遇到问题或有需要的时候,才会考虑维修、客服。 www.bing.com 2. Buyers from the Chinese mainland bought as much as 43 per cent of the total. 成交额中的43%由中国内地买家购得。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The NBA has been on a quest to discover and develop top athletic talent throughout the Chinese mainland. NBA在中国寻找、发现并培养最高运动天赋的运动员。 www.bing.com 4. Xiamen Xiang'an Undersea Tunnel, the Chinese mainland's first undersea tunnel, opened to traffic Monday morning. 中国大陆第一条海底隧道——厦门翔安海底隧道26日上午建成通车。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Ningbo Port has unique natural condition, which is a famous deepwater port in Chinese mainland. 宁波港域自然条件得天独厚,是我国大陆著名的深水良港。 www.worldwidehotel.cn 6. The Chinese mainland is widely regarded as having the best growth potential for marketing services companies. 业界普遍认为,中国内地是最具增长潜力的市场。 www.tdctrade.com 7. And just before the forum got underway, the Chinese mainland agreed to give benefits to one more fruit from Taiwan - pears. 在论坛开始之前,中国大陆同意给台湾的另一种水果——梨优惠。 www.hxen.com 8. as the biggest C2C shopping platform on the Chinese mainland, should really step up its game to avoid such practices. 淘宝公司,作为中国大陆最大的消费者对消费者的电子商务平台,应该插手这类事情避免再发生。 www.bing.com 9. Some cities deep in the Chinese mainland resemble San Francisco, with sparkling night lights on high-rise buildings. 有些深在内陆的城市,像三藩市那样,高楼大厦在夜间灯光闪闪。 news.163.com 10. From April the supply of mobile phones to the Chinese mainland will be taken over by a Tianjin production line. 这意味着今后摩托罗拉在中国大陆发售的手机产品将基本出自天津生产线。 chinadaily.com.cn 1. From April the supply of mobile phones to the Chinese mainland will be taken over by a Tianjin production line. 这意味着今后摩托罗拉在中国大陆发售的手机产品将基本出自天津生产线。 chinadaily.com.cn 2. Chinese residents from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, the prevalent language is Mandarin Chinese. 华人居民主要来自中国大陆和台湾,通行的语言是国语。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In fact, these five engaging in the "Forbes" as the Chinese mainland's real estate tycoons are not very precise Dives. 事实上,《福布斯》将这五位从事房地产业大亨的列为中国大陆富豪是并不十分确切的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Chinese Mainland and direct flights between China Taiwan, 199 yuan one-way from the same price . 中国内地与中国台湾之间直达航班,199元单程往返同价。 cna1030.chinaw3.com 5. Lastly, some suggestions are given according to the reality of Chinese Mainland. 最后,结合我国大陆的实际,提出了建议措施。 www.fabiao.net 6. Frogs were collected from 12 localities across Chinese mainland. 标本采自中国大陆的12个地点。 www.ebiotrade.com 7. Some people have overly optimistic expectations about the Chinese mainland. Reality will always fall short of one's expectations. 有些人对中国大陆有过于一厢情愿的期待,但期待和事实往往会有差距。 datelinetaipei.wordpress.com 8. "Chinese sports movie" refers to the physical education film from 1949 until 2008 of Chinese mainland in this thesis. 本文关于“新中国体育电影”的论述指的是从1949年至2008年新中国大陆体育电影的研究。 www.fabiao.net 9. A map showing the course of Typhoon Kaemi as it crosses Taiwan and moves towards the Chinese mainland. 台风格美途径台湾,向中国大陆地区移动。 gb.cri.cn 10. Donghang adjust sales outside the Chinese Mainland and Australia routes between the fuel surcharge charged at the standard. 东航调整境外销售的中国内地与澳大利亚之间航线的燃油附加征收标准。 www.5955555.net 1. Young overseas Chinese, mainland Chinese, anyone interested in China and pop culture, Jewish hipsters. 在外国的中国留学生、大陆人、任何对中国、流行文化以及犹太爵士乐感兴趣的人。 www.bing.com 2. ZHOU Libo, a local stand-up comic, has been the hottest Google search keyword in the Chinese mainland this year, Google Inc said yesterday. 周立波,以说笑为主的本地滑稽戏演员,今年在中国大陆已经成为最热门的“谷歌搜索”关键词,谷歌公司昨天说。 www.bing.com 3. Most of the export business comes from Asia, particularly the Chinese Mainland. 输出业务大多数来自亚洲,尤以中国内地为然。 www.tdctrade.com 4. The Chinese mainland and Taiwan are holding the largest-yet unofficial cross-straits forum in Xiamen. 中国大陆和台湾在厦门举行最大的一次非正式的海峡两岸论坛。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Yesterday, on behalf of the Chinese mainland " Olympics" of the Zhang Yimou film " Thirteen beauties" in Beijing the first show. 昨天,代表中国内地“申奥”的张艺谋新片《金陵十三钗》在京进行了首场放映。 www.bing.com 6. With Chinese Mainland's economic development, real estate bubble has been on the show since 2003. 随着中国大陆经济的发展,房地产泡沫在2003年以来便有所显现,此后房价增速更是明显加快。 www.fabiao.net 7. Baidu is in chinese mainland is very all-pervading. 百度在中国大陆是很普及的了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The first plan is to allow residents of selected cities on the Chinese mainland to visit Taiwan as individual tourists from June 28th. 第一个计划是从6月28日起允许中国大陆的部分选定的城市的居民到台湾个人旅游。 www.bing.com 9. The skyscraper, the tallest on the Chinese mainland, also has three stories underground. 这座摩天大楼是中国大陆最高的楼,同时在地下还有三层。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The Chinese mainland is by far the largest export market, accounting for the bulk of total export income from this profession. 到目前为止,中国内地是最大的输出市场,占业界输出总收入的大部分。 www.tdctrade.com 1. In November 2007, Linkin Park sold out its Chinese mainland debut in Shanghai. 2007年上海,林肯公园在中国大陆的首次演出销售一空。 www.bing.com 2. Why do we always enjoy the Chinese mainland market, not with international standards of service? 为什么我们总是很喜欢祖国大陆市场,不符合国际标准的服务? www.qiyeku.com 3. Actually, the event was televised live on the Chinese mainland and actually re-run several times. 事实上,这件是上中国大陆电视直播并确实重播了许多次。 blog.gxsky.com 4. At present, Chinese Taibei doesn't recognize diplomas earned in the Chinese mainland nor help with any inquiries about studying there. 不前台北还不承认内地大学的学位,也不会提供任何赴内地求学的帮助。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. The Chinese mainland has opened up its fund management industry since joining the World Trade Organisation. 中国内地加入世贸后已开放基金管理业。 www.tdctrade.com 6. McDonald's announced an expansion plan Wednesday to set up 175 new outlets this year on the Chinese mainland. 麦当劳4日宣布,2009年将在中国大陆增开175家新店。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Internet commentators on the Chinese mainland were outraged. 中国大陆网上的评论者都十分气愤。 www.bing.com 8. Moreover , PAIF is the first foreign bond fund with access to the interbank bond market of the Chinese Mainland . 此外,PAIF是首只能够进入中国内地银行同业债券市场的外地债券基金。 www.bing.com 9. That's right, there are lots of differences between UIC and other Chinese mainland universities. 没有错,UIC的确是跟普通大学有很大不同。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. At present, the largest platform of its kind on the Chinese mainland is dianping. com, which launched the first comments service in 2003. 目前,内地最大的此类平台是“大众点评网”,该网在2003年首创消费者点评模式。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. At present, the largest platform of its kind on the Chinese mainland is dianping. com, which launched the first comments service in 2003. 目前,内地最大的此类平台是“大众点评网”,该网在2003年首创消费者点评模式。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Some 300 Chinese mainland companies are now investing in the UK, up by 50 or more over the past year. 近300家中国大陆公司在英国投资,比去年增加了50余家。 www.uk.cn 3. Mandarin is the official language on the Chinese mainland and Chinese Taiwan. 普通话是使用于中国大陆和中国台湾的官方语言。 bbs.patuu.com 4. Chinese mainland actor Zhang Fengyi has replaced Japanese heart throb Ken Watanabe to play the historical character of Cao Cao in the hit. 中国内地演员张丰义取代了日本影视巨星肯。沃特安玻在该片中出演历史人物曹操。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The park is expected to draw massive crowds, particularly from Chinese mainland. 迪斯尼乐园预期将吸引大量游客,特别是来自中国大陆的游客。 www.neworiental.org 6. She is thought to be the first woman from the Chinese mainland to become a full professor in Britain in any subject. 现年51岁的江香倩被认为是中国大陆第一位在英国大学担任正教授一职的女性。 forum.netbig.com 7. The price of flight ticket from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan has dropped accordingly because of the shortened flight hours. 由于飞行时间的缩短,从中国大陆到台湾的机票也相应的降价。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The organisers have created two similar fairs on the Chinese mainland: one in Guangzhou, the other in Shenyang. 组织者们在中国大陆创办了两个性质相似的交易会,分别落户广州和沈阳。 www.bing.com 9. Another long, hot summer is just beginning on the Chinese mainland. 中国内地又一个漫长炎热的夏季才刚刚开始。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Deals involving firms from the Chinese mainland are touchier because of the two countries' uneasy relations. 出于两国紧张的关系,涉及中国大陆公司的交易如同火药桶一般。 dongxi.net 1. Domestic spending on the Chinese mainland is strong and growing. 中国内地投资及消费现正强劲增长。 www.tdctrade.com 2. For all practical purposes, the Chinese mainland was off limits to Americans at the time, so that was not an option. 由于各种实际原因,当时中国大陆还没有向美国人开放,所以我不可能去那里。 app.fortunechina.com 3. Seeded 6th for the French Open, Li Na is the highest seed among the Chinese mainland. 法网公开赛上,李娜排名第六,是中国大陆选手中成绩最好的一位。 www.hxen.com 4. McDonald's has over 800 restaurants in the Chinese mainland and plans to open 100 more every year. 麦当劳公司在中国内地共有800多家餐厅,并计划每年增开100家餐厅。 www.hxen.com 5. A great iron war unfolds in "Iron Man 2, " which opens tomorrow on the Chinese mainland. 《钢铁侠2》将于明天在中国大陆上映。影片上演了一场钢铁大战。 www.i21st.cn 6. The huge potential of the Chinese mainland market is the focus of the world. 内地市场的巨大潜力已成为全球的焦点。 www.tdctrade.com 7. Incomplete statistics show that there are 129 overseas and 787 domestic Internet gambling websites operating in the Chinese mainland. 据统计显示有129个海外及787个国内博彩网站在中国营运。 www.mahjongmania.com 8. SYA started in Beijing in 1994 and it is the only year-long programme in the Chinese mainland. SYA项目于1994年启动,这是中国大陆唯一一项长达一年的交换学生项目。 datum.studyget.com 9. Yang added that over 60 percent of cruise package buyers from the Chinese mainland are from Shanghai. 杨又称,中国大陆超过60%的巡游游客多来自上海。 putclub.com 10. But compared to the SAR, the Chinese mainland's lovers were the seventh most lengthy in the world on 20 minutes. 但与香港相比,中国大陆伴侣的性生活时间则以20分钟位居世界第七。 gb.cri.cn 1. There are now 155 million mobile internet users in Chinese mainland. 现在有1.55亿在中国大陆的移动互联网用户。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Financial Times has ranked the top 50 women in world business, among which are 4 from the Chinese mainland. 英国《金融时报》评选出了世界50大商界女强人,其中有4位来自中国大陆。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. For reasons known to all, Taiwan has been severed from the Chinese mainland since 1949. 由于众所周知的原因,台湾从1949年与中国大陆中断了联系。 www.for68.com 4. Chapter 3 systematically analyzes the phenomena of "Louhua Mortgage" in the Chinese mainland. 第三章阐述了我国内地的“楼花按揭”现象。 www.fabiao.net 5. It is also a direct reaction to the tastes of the Chinese mainland. 这也是迎合中国大陆口味的直接反应。 www.bing.com 6. This paper argument on Okamuva recently published in the Chinese mainland on the new Tao Yuanming criticism. 本文针对冈村繁最近在中国大陆出版的陶渊明新论提出批评。 www.sinoss.net 7. In Chinese mainland, it is harder to get the permission from the government. 在中国大陆,要得到政府的许可更难。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The answer is that because most of the people who violate the rules are visitors from Chinese mainland. 人家回答:“因为有这些不文明行为的人,大多数是中国大陆的游客。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. No infection has been reported on the Chinese mainland. 中国大陆目前没有发现被感染的报道。 www.italki.com 10. Attacks by waves of J-20s from airbases on the Chinese mainland would also shut down the US Air Force airbases in the region. 来自中国大陆空军基地的J-20的多批次攻击将同样关闭美国在这一地区的空军基地。 www.santaihu.com 1. It now has only seven stores on the Chinese mainland. 它现在在中国大陆仅有7家店铺。 www.bing.com 2. Chang's book, published in the West in 2008, has yet to appear on the Chinese mainland. LeslieT.Chang的书于2008年在西方出版,但至今未出现在中国大陆。 www.bing.com 3. China hasn't ruled out the use of force to reunify Taiwan with the Chinese mainland. 大陆尚没有排除使用武力统一台湾的可能。 www.voa365.com 4. It's the first time that the rock band has held a concert on the Chinese mainland. 这是国际摇滚乐队第一次在中国大陆举办演唱会。 www.hjenglish.com 5. But he acknowledged there were not a lot of options for foreign investors wanting to buy assets on the Chinese mainland. 但他承认,对于希望购买中国内地资产的外国投资者而言,选择并不多。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Ajisen Ramen, a Japanese noodle brand with 5, 900 outlets on the Chinese mainland, is the biggest loser in this round of mistrust. 场信任危机中,味千拉面是最惨的输家,该日本快餐品牌在中国大陆拥有5900家分店。 www.ttxyy.com 7. Peking University and Tsinghua University from the Chinese mainland also make the top 50, placed at 46 and 47 respectively. 中国大陆的北京大学和清华大学也跻身50强,分别排在第46位和第47位。 www.hxen.com 8. A total of 16 Chinese universities made the top 300 chart this year, among which 8 are from the Chinese mainland. 今年排行榜前300名中,中国共有16所大学上榜,其中8所来自中国大陆。 www.hxen.com 9. opened in the Chinese mainland with 13, 000 screenings Thursday. 本周四,《让子弹飞》在中国大陆13,000家影院上映。 hi.baidu.com 10. Ties between Taiwan and the Chinese mainland have warmed since the Nationalist Party assumed power in Taiwan last year. 自国民党去年在台湾掌权后,台湾和中国大陆之间的关系逐渐升温。 www.voa365.com 1. Just as Japan, South Korea, China's Hong Kong and Taiwan have prospered while opening their media, Chinese mainland could too. 伴随媒体的开放,日本,韩国,中国的香港和台湾都变得繁荣,中国大陆也可以。 www.bing.com 2. The park, which is expected to open by 2015, will be the first Disneyland theme park on the Chinese mainland and sixth in the world. 上海迪士尼乐园有望于2015年开园,届时它将成为中国内地首个,同时也是世界第六个迪士尼乐园。 www.chinese.cn 3. 2010-04-05 CCTV will be the exclusive broadcaster of the 2010 South Africa World Cup on the Chinese mainland. 2010年04月05日中国中央电视台是2010年南非世界杯中国大陆地区电视与新媒体独家持权转播商。 www.confuciusinstitute.net 4. The other four major markets for Chinese mainland's food exports were the European Union, the United States, ASEAN members and Hong Kong. 我国其余的四个主要的出来国家是欧盟、美国、东盟还有香港。 www.bing.com 5. There were 2, 601 cases recorded on the Chinese mainland on april 24, according to government figures. 根据官方数据,截至4月24日中国大陆已有2,601病例记录在案。 chinafanyi.com 6. The British Council is a major provider of high quality ESL classroom instruction in Hong Kong, but not on the Chinese mainland. 英国文化委员会是香港高素质英语教室的主要提供者,但在中国内地却没有设点。 app.fortunechina.com 7. 2009-12-17 Hong Kong is often regarded as a shopping paradise by many people from Chinese mainland. 2009年12月17日对于中国大陆的不少居民来说,香港是一个购物天堂。 www.chinese.cn 8. Golden China then went on to look at the valuation of gold producers listed in Hong Kong or on the Chinese mainland. 金华公司继续观望着那些在香港或大陆榜上有名的产金商们估价。 www.ecocn.org 9. The victims have also included a Hong Kong-flagged ship with 25 crew aboard and a Chinese mainland fishing boat reported seized off Kenya. 被劫船只中还包括一艘悬挂香港区旗的船只,船上有25名船员,还有一艘中国大陆渔船在肯尼亚水域被劫。 www.ebigear.com 10. Helped by strong gold prices, the Chinese mainland's gold mining sector reaped robust growth in profits last year. 由于强劲的黄金价格,中国大陆黄金矿业部门去年的利润获得强劲的增长。 www.zjky.cn 1. My own experience suggests they may now be doing a better job of this in the Chinese mainland than in Hong Kong. 但我的亲身经历告诉我,这一点目前他们在中国大陆做得比香港要好。 app.fortunechina.com 2. Censorship is a hot topic in Hong Kong, as local moviemakers increasingly work on productions on the Chinese mainland. 当地的电影制片人增加在大陆推广时,在香港审查制度是个热门话题。 dongxi.net 3. In the past, with both Japan and the U. S. animation industry, power, the Chinese mainland's animation industry seems to be rather backward; 以往,与日本和美国这两个动漫产业大国相比,中国内地的动漫产业显得较为落后; www.dw188.com 4. The aim has been to protect the island from an economic over- dependence on the Chinese mainland. 台湾当局设此上限的目的是为了避免台湾岛内经济对中国大陆的过度依赖。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Examining the Basic Hypothesis of Human Capital Investment Theory -- A Case Study of Chinese Mainland Undergraduate Students 人力资本理论基本假设的检验:对中国大学生的个案分析 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Typhoon Dujuan lashed Taiwan overnight and headed on toward Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. 昨晚,台风杜鹃登陆台湾,并且开始移向香港和大陆。 learning.sohu.com 7. Foreigners, residents of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who live on the Chinese mainland will all be included for the first time. 居住在中国大陆的外籍人士,香港、澳门以及台湾公民都将首次被列入普查范围。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Hong Kong's duty-free policy is mature and has been attracting millions of shoppers from the Chinese mainland. 香港的免税政策是成熟的,已经吸引了成千上万中国大陆购物者。 www.hxen.com 9. I have worked abroad for 8 years, 4 years in Bangkok, 2 and a half years in Hong Kong, and came to Chinese mainland in 2004. 我在海外工作至今已经8年了,曼谷4年,香港2年半,2004年来到中国大陆。 dict.bioon.com 10. The production has gathered an A-list cast consisting of 178 celebrities from the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. 参与电影拍摄的是中国大陆,台湾和香港一线的178名著名演员。 www.bing.com 1. Industrial Transfer, Industrial Update and Constitution of a Entrepot in Chinese Mainland 产业转移、产业升级与大陆贸易中心的建立 www.ilib.cn 2. Some 98% of Hong Kong's vegetables are currently imported, mainly from the Chinese mainland. 香港目前98%的蔬菜依靠进口,主要来自于大陆。 app.fortunechina.com 3. Each year, millions of visitors, rich and poor, make the pilgrimage from Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland. 每一年,成千上万的游客,穷人和富人,从香港从大陆,做朝圣之行。 www.bing.com 4. In stark contrast, Hong Kong is booming thanks to above-8 per cent economic growth on the Chinese mainland. 与之形成鲜明对比的是,得益于中国内地超过8%的经济增长,香港经济蒸蒸日上。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Many are pop stars from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 很多演员是来自中国大陆、香港和台湾的知名明星。 www.hxen.com 6. The Present Conditions of the Course of Female Sociology on Chinese Mainland, and Its Trend of Development 中国大陆女性社会学课程建设现状与发展趋势 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on the Relations Between Strong Earthquakes in Chinese Mainland and the Strong Earthquakes Occurred at the Plate-boundary Around China 中国大陆与周边板块边界强震活动的互动关系探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. The Fundamental Characteristics of Principal Tectonic Blocks Present Movement in Chinese Mainland 中国大陆主要构造块体现今运动的基本特征 www.ilib.cn 9. 23 companies are from the Chinese mainland and one each from Hong Kong and Taiwan. 来自中国大陆的有23家,香港和台湾各一家。 www.hxen.com 10. The Rhythm of Earthquake Activity and Earthquake Tendency Analyses on Globality, Chinese Mainland and North China 全球、中国大陆和华北地区地震活动韵律性时变特征及趋势分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Statistical Seismotectonics of Strong Earthquakes in Chinese Mainland 中国大陆强震构造环境统计分析 www.ilib.cn 2. On Comparison in Libel between Criminal Law of Chinese Mainland and Macao 大陆与澳门刑法中诽谤罪之比较 service.ilib.cn 3. Meta-analysis of the lesion region and pathological changes of Crohn disease in Chinese mainland 中国大陆克罗恩病病变累及部位的汇总分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Horizontal crustal movement in Chinese mainland obtained from GPS observations 利用GPS观测到的中国大陆地壳水平运动 www.ilib.cn 5. Reviewing and Thinking the Study of Chinese Mainland Vocational Technical Education after Chinese Opening 改革开放以来中国大陆职业技术教育学研究的回顾与反思 www.ilib.cn 6. Exploring the international market and a springboard to enter the Chinese mainland market; 拓展国际市场的窗口和进入中国内地市场的跳板; wenku.baidu.com 7. The Transition of Curriculum Model--the progress and problems in the basic education reform in Chinese Mainland 寻求课程范式的转型--中国大陆基础教育课程改革的进展与问题 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on the Structural Seismic Response Observation System in Chinese Mainland 中国大陆结构地震反应观测系统布设研究 ilib.cn 9. The Underthrust of Pacific Plate to Eurasian Plate and Its Effect on Chinese Mainland 太平洋板块俯冲对中国大陆的影响 service.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of the historical development of experimental nursing studies in Chinese Mainland 中国内地实验性护理研究发展的研究分析 ilib.cn 1. Oh, I see. Indeed, simplified character is much more popular than traditional character in Chinese Mainland 哦,但是现在中国大陆简体比繁体更流行 bbs.koolearn.com 2. Some Features in the Secular Variation of the Geomagnetic Field in Chinese Mainland 中国大陆地磁场长期变化的某些特征 www.ichacha.net 3. Preliminary Study on the Horizontal Crustal Deformation in Chinese Mainland 对中国大陆地壳水平变形的初步探索 www.ilib.cn 4. Keeping, Opening, and Denying--the evolution of theories of "the Essence of Beauty" in Chinese Mainland in recent 25 years 保守·开放·否定--国内近25年“美的本质”问题的理论沿革 www.ilib.cn 5. The Path Choice that Chinese Mainland Permit Private Capital Bank Enter into the Market 中国内地民营银行市场准入的路径选择 www.ilib.cn 6. Chinese Mainland Peaceful Development and Situation in the Korean Peninsula 中国大陆和平发展与朝鲜半岛形势 www.ilib.cn 7. A combined analysis of clinical misdiagnosis for Crohns'disease in Chinese, mainland 中国大陆地区克罗恩病临床误诊的汇总分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Legal Thinks of Independent Director Institution in Chinese mainland 对我国独立董事制度若干问题的法律思考 www.wenkoo.cn 9. Retrieving Change of Precipitable Water Vapor in Chinese Mainland by GPS Technique 利用GPS技术反演中国大陆水汽变化 service.ilib.cn 10. Some statistic features of aftershock sequences in Chinese mainland 中国大陆中强地震余震序列的部分统计特征 service.ilib.cn 1. New Evolving Faces Of Contemporary Novel-Creating Concept In Chinese Mainland 当代中国大陆小说创作观念的新衍变 service.ilib.cn 2. Wavelet Analysis of Earthquake Activity in West of the Chinese Mainland and Its Adjacent Area 中国大陆西部及邻近地区地震活动的小波分析 www.ilib.cn 3. A Comparative Study Concerning Inheritance Law in Chinese Mainland and Macau 中国大陆与澳门继承法律制度比较研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Thinking and Analysis on the Producing of Contemporary Films in Chinese Mainland 当代中国大陆电影创作状况思辨 www.ilib.cn 5. The Deformation of Active Crustal-Blocks on the Chinese Mainland and Its Relation with Seismic Activity 中国大陆活动地块变形与地震活动的关系 www.ilib.cn 6. Statistic Study of LURR Anomaly Temporal Scale before Moderately Strong Earthquakes on the Chinese Mainland 中国大陆地区中强地震前加卸载响应比异常时间尺度的统计研究 service.ilib.cn 7. the second chapter simply introduces the marketing channels of all Chinese mainland vegetable seed companies; 第二章概述我国蔬菜种子企业的营销渠道; www.fabiao.net 8. Summarization on the 25-year Researches of the History of Chinese Esthetics in Chinese Mainland 25年来中国大陆中国美学史研究综述 service.ilib.cn 9. A Comparative Study on Chinese Mainland's and HKSAR'S Legal Interpretation System 中国内地和香港特别行政区的法律解释体制——一个比较法的视角 www.ilib.cn 10. "The Second-Class Stock Market" Should Be Established in chinese Mainland 大陆亟需建立自己的“二板市场” www.ilib.cn 1. The Current Situation and Development of Heart Transplantation in Chinese Mainland 中国大陆心脏移植的现状与进展 service.ilib.cn 2. Present-day Crustal Movement of Chinese Mainland and Active Block Model 现今中国大陆地壳运动与活动块体模型 service.ilib.cn 3. Status in quo and trends of Chinese mainland production of phalaenopsis 大陆蝴蝶兰生产现状与发展趋势 www.goldmay.com 4. The Market effect Analysis on Taiwan's Fruits Exporting to Chinese Mainland 台湾水果出口大陆的市场效果分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Business Contact Entities in Chinese Mainland 与中国大陆业务联系单位 www.tjcw.com 6. Studies on seismic anisotropy in the crust and mantle on Chinese mainland 中国大陆地壳与上地幔地震各向异性研究 www.ilib.cn 7. The Cost-benefit Analysis of Raw Milk Production in Chinese Mainland 中国大陆原料奶生产的成本收益分析 www.ilib.cn 8. First documentation of Toxocara malaysiensis in cat from Chinese Mainland 寄生于猫的马来西亚弓首蛔虫在我国的发现 www.ilib.cn 9. Numerical Simulation on Annual Change Patterns of Present-day Tectonic Stress-strain Field on the Chinese Mainland 中国大陆构造应力应变场现今年变化特征的数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 10. On the Protection for the Intellectual Property by the Criminal Law in the Chinese Mainland 略论中国内地的知识产权刑法保护 www.ilib.cn 1. The Design Odyssey from HongKong to Chinese Mainland 从香港到大陆的设计之路 shukan.chda.net 2. realize national unity and the integration of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan; 完善区域经济体制,实现国家统一和两岸一体化; www.ceps.com.tw 3. Summary of Studies on Chiang Kai-shek in the Chinese Mainland since the 1980s 1980年代以来中国大陆蒋介石研究述评 www.ilib.cn 4. Date of Arrival in Chinese Mainland 来中国大陆日期 www.gddoftec.gov.cn 5. If you are an applicant from the Chinese Mainland, you should, upon receipt of the student visa label, apply for an 'Exit‑ 如果你是中国大陆的申请者,收到学生签证标签后立即申请一个出境证明; www.tianya.cn 6. Population Genetic Structure of Pelophylax nigromaculata in Chinese Mainland Based on mtDNA Control Region Sequences 中国大陆黑斑侧褶蛙基于mtDNA控制区序列的种群遗传结构 www.ilib.cn 7. A review of earthquake damage loss in Chinese mainland in 2005 2005年中国大陆地震灾害损失述评 service.ilib.cn 8. three places have still been separated from the Chinese mainland. They are Taiwan, 至今还有三块地方与中国大陆分开了。它们是台湾、 www.tingroom.com 9. The Development of Financial Holding Companies in Chinese Mainland 中国大陆金融控股公司发展研究 ilib.cn 10. Drawing Enlightenment from Psychological Guidance in Hong Kong SAR Colleges to Psychological Education in Chinese Mainland Colleges 香港高校心理辅导及其对内地高校心理健康教育的启示 www.ilib.cn 1. The Contrast of Students Affairs Administration between the Colleges in Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland 中国香港地区与内地高校学生事务管理之比较 ilib.cn 2. Comparative Research on Creative Tendency and Ability between Chinese Mainland and Chinese Hong Kong Physical Education Students 内地与香港体育院系学生创新倾向及创新能力的比较研究 www.ilib.cn 3. An Empirical Study and Contrast of Guaranteed Funds in the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong Markets 中港股票保本基金的实证研究与比较分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Women from Chinese Mainland, Macao and Hong Kong Discuss Solutions for Domestic Violence and Poverty 内地和港澳妇女代表在港研讨妇女问题 sdep.cei.gov.cn 5. On the Evolution of Trade and Economy Relationship of Chinese Mainland with Hong Kong and Macao 论中国内地与港澳地区经贸关系的演进与转变 www.ilib.cn 6. The Study of Chinese Religions and Christianity in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland 中国宗教与香港及大陆基督教研究 www.cuhk.edu.hk 7. Comparison on the CITES Management System between Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong SAR 中国内地与香港CITES管理体制的比较 www.ilib.cn 8. A Comparison of College Students'Life Satisfaction in Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and America 中国内地、香港和美国大学生生活满意度比较 www.ilib.cn 9. Threshold Effect of Business Cycle Synchronization Between Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong and the Influence from US 中国内地与香港经济周期协同性的门限性质检验——兼论两地经济周期协同性中的美国因素 www.ilib.cn 10. Conflict and Solution on Inheritance Act Between Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong 浅析中国内地与香港特别行政区继承法律的冲突与解决方法 ilib.cn |
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