单词 | Chinese ink |
释义 | 例句释义: 墨,中国墨,墨汁,中国墨汁 1. Roaming in the town streets, you feel as if you were in a picturesque Chinese ink painting. 徜徉古镇街头,使人们仿佛置身于一副美丽的水墨画之中。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The experimental results show that this algorithm can generate vivid Chinese ink painting style image real-time. 实验结果表明该算法能够实时地生成生动逼真的具有中国水墨画风格的图像。 www.zidir.com 3. This objective has not tried to make Chinese ink painting career, in a dramatic change in the Five Dynasties. 这在客观上使唐人未尽的水墨山水画事业,在五代发生了戏剧性的变化。 m.coolline.cn 4. Blank blank, also known as Chinese ink painting of a common artistic practices. 空白也叫留白,是中国水墨画的一种常见艺术手法。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. Take off clothes from the body, in Chinese ink pot filled with a "cleansing. " 从其身上扒下衣服,在盛满中国墨水的盆中进行“清洗”。 blog.artintern.net 6. Li: The westerners in the early age, their acceptance of Chinese ink and wash were completely driven by the curiosity to exotic culture. 李:早期的西方人,他们对中国水墨的接受完全受异域文化和好奇心的驱使。 www.zhuweiartden.com 7. For a general audience, Chinese ink painting means elegant calligraphy and profoundly subtle landscapes. 对于观众来说,中国水墨画意味着优美的书法和对山水深远微妙的描绘。 www.zhuweiartden.com 8. A walk along the lane is like a journey across an ancient Chinese ink-wash painting. 行走其间,就仿佛穿行在一幅古老的水墨画中。 weilingcha.spaces.live.com 9. One of the most challenging work in non-photorealistic rendering research field is to studies of the simulation of Chinese ink wash drawing. 对中国水墨画进行仿真研究是非照片真实感绘制领域的一个具有挑战性的课题。 www.dictall.com 10. The discussion is set, and Zhu Wei has been expressing the unspeakable sorrow as a contemporary Chinese ink painter without reservation. 话题已经打开,朱伟也毫不避讳的倒出了当下作为一个水墨画家的难言之隐。 www.zhuweiartden.com 1. This paper aims to arouse the consideration of the impromptu creative skill and consciousness of Chinese ink and wash painting. 本文旨在将借鉴中国水墨画“即兴”创作手法和意识提上日程。 www.fabiao.net 2. To paint with Chinese ink painting's techniques, Fan's series of Abstraction is a good example to implant the "Flat" concept into paintings. 用中国水墨的技法创作油画,范少华近期的抽象系列试图就往“世界是平的”意念去做,去玩,去变“魔术”。 www.gdmoa.org 3. "Dragon's whiskers" -----Xiao Qian created this word, using its delicate imagery to express the essence and beauty of Chinese ink painting. “龙须”——萧乾先生创造的这个词,以其玲珑的意象把水墨的技艺和神髓完美的表达了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Pen and Ink develops following the times. The modernization reform of Chinese Ink Painting is established on the core of Chinese Painting. 笔墨当随时代,水墨画现代化变革,立足于中国水墨画精神核心的基础上,更加凸显纯艺术要素。 www.fabiao.net 5. Chinese ink and wash animation, when analyzed from work formation, the direct is lack of film and television art language . 中国水墨动画片,单从作品形态上分析,最大的缺陷是缺少影视艺术语言。 www.fabiao.net 6. She identifies herself and her work with the traditional practices of needlework, embroidery and the essence of Chinese ink painting. 透过传统针黹、刺绣和水墨画,文凤仪确定自身及其艺术工作。 cleanairauction.com.hk 7. His artistic education started with oil painting, which is the foundation for his later painting of dramatic characters in Chinese ink. 事实上,关氏的艺术学习都是从油画开始,而且其中国式水墨戏剧人物,也是以西洋油画基础发展起来。 www.christies.com 8. Can the color and richness of oils and the flow and harmony of Chinese ink work together in a complementary way? 油画的色感和浓郁与国画的流畅和风韵,彼此可以补充吗? www.christies.com 9. Besides, it agrees with the artistic conception of Chinese ink wash painting in pairs of simple black and metal colour. 简单的黑色、金属色的搭配也复合中国水墨画的意境要求。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. and I choose the prepared Chinese ink to structure the dragon. 并选择了水墨这一最淳厚的中国元素来表现龙的形态。 www.zcool.com.cn 1. The two funds invest in three major areas: Chinese ink painting, classic oil painting and contemporary art. 这两只基金投资于3个主要领域:中国水墨画、经典油画和当代艺术品。 www.ftchinese.com 2. How to explore under upholding the spirit of chinese ink art, it appeared various experiments around the 30 years after reform and openness. 在如何秉承水墨的艺术精神而探索,改革开放的30年来出现了多种多样的实验,特别是抽象水墨给人们的视觉和惯性思维冲击最大。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The indistinct touch of ash gray insinuates the rolling clouds and wreathing mists of Chinese ink landscapes. 迷濛沧茫的灰白暗喻中国水墨画烟云翻腾、烟岚缭绕的山水景观。 www.christies.com 4. Brush strokes with different patterns of Chinese ink make the elegant and expressive art works more impressive than color painting. 中国水墨画以不同的笔触描绘出高雅而富于表现力的艺术作品,比色彩画更令人印象深刻。 www.putclub.com 5. Rosie: Wow, how come you have such a large Chinese ink painting at home. 哇,你家怎麽会有这幅这麽大的中国水墨画啊。 times.hinet.net 6. WwW. zIdiR. coM Five traditional Chinese ink figure painting from an initial development period to the Ming and Qing dynasties mature. 中国传统水墨人物画从五代时期有了初步发展,至明清两代趋于成熟。 www.zidir.com 7. Chinese ink painting has moved beyond traditional brushwork on paper scrolls to include video, photos and even sound. 国水墨画已经走出了传统的纸本形式,用上了视频、照片乃至声音之类的表现手法。 c.wsj.com 8. If there is an exhibition on the development and evolution of Chinese ink painting, Liu Dezhou's paintings are representative in a sense. 假如他们办中国水墨画的发展及演变的展览的话,刘德舟的画一定有代表意义。 hi.baidu.com 9. Chinese ink painting, where they become a common black pigment. 中国画的水墨在他们那里变成了一种普通的黑色颜料。 blog.163.com 10. Why is traditional Chinese ink landscape painting in the late Tang Dynasty? 为什么中国传统的水墨山水画出现在晚唐? www.cutpic.cn 1. He was born in Jixi, country of origin of the chinese ink, where he came to know art by the soul of mountain and water. 他出生于以制墨闻名的绩溪。故乡的山水给予他自然之灵,也启发了他对美与艺术的追求。 blog.jiazazhi.com 2. I prefer the traditional Chinese ink and wash paintings. They are elegant and artistic. 我还是喜欢中国传统的水墨画,意境优美雅致。 m.nciku.com 3. I use chinese brushes and a wide variety of inks - such as: chinese ink, watercolor ink, food colouring and mixtures of all 3. 我用中文刷子和各种各样的油墨-例如:中国油墨,水彩油墨,食品着色及混合物的所有3。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It goes without saying that the Chinese ink painting holds very particular connotations. 毋庸置疑,水墨作为画材具有非常特殊的意义。 www.zhuweiartden.com 5. The history of Chinese ink goes back to ancient times. 中国墨的历史发展源远流长,现存最早的古墨是在战国时期。 www.dictall.com 6. The second part focuses on twentieth century Chinese ink figure painting realism of the development and evolution of the course. 第二部分着重论述了二十世纪中国现实主义水墨人物画的发展和演变历程。 www.13191.com 7. Rice paper Chinese ink, brush outline outline. 宣纸泼墨,画笔勾勒出轮廓。 dict.wanyuwang.com 8. About the earliest Chinese ink produced in the Western Han Dynasty. 中国最早的墨约产于西汉。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Twentieth-century Chinese ink and oil paintings have been skyrocketing in price over the last year. 过去的一年当中,20世纪中国水墨画和油画的价格一直在飞速攀升。 c.wsj.com 10. Her paintings combine the Chinese ink and wash style with Western impressionism. 她的作品融合了中国水墨画和西方印象派的风格。 m.nciku.com 1. Cryptococcus meningitidis is found on the prepared Chinese ink dyeing glass slice in 4 patients. 结果4例病人在常规墨汁涂片找到隐球菌; www.jukuu.com 2. Chu was born in 1920 in China's Jiangsu province to a family of physicians who collected traditional Chinese ink paintings. 朱德群的抽象布面油画作品最为知名。他于1920年生于中国江苏省一个医生世家,家藏有众多传统中国水墨画。 www.bing.com 3. Group of Chinese ink painting is a treasure of art, modern design elements in the ink in order to appropriately use. 水墨画是中国名族艺术的瑰宝,水墨元素在现代设计中如何运用才能恰如其分。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 4. But there one thing Zhu Wei is aware of: "Do Chinese ink and color, don't even think about success before 50. " 但有一点朱伟很明白:“画传统水墨,50岁之前根本出不来。” www.zhuweiartden.com 5. On the Gain and Loss of JIA Ping-wa's Exploration of "Writing Modern Things with Chinese Ink Painting" 试论贾平凹“用中国水墨画写现代的东西”探索得失 www.ilib.cn 6. He painted a picture in Chinese ink. 他画了一幅水墨画。 yingyu.eduu.com 7. In a lot of Chinese ink ingots, Huizhou inkstick intimidates all kinds of flowers with alone. 在众多的中国墨锭中,徽墨独压群芳。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Chinese ink landscape painting to the world contribute to the very homes of the aesthetic sense of the ecological vitality; 中国水墨山水画给世界贡献了极富家园意识的美学生态活力; www.zidir.com 9. Whole set of production line of ink and prepared Chinese ink production line of shoeshine pouring machine of pesticide 墨水、墨汁成套生产线鞋油生产线农药灌装机 www.szbtm.com 10. Experimental Study of Chinese Ink as a New Type of Dye Tracer in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy 中华墨汁作为前哨淋巴结活检新型示踪剂的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Evaluation the activation on cortical bone plates allografts with Chinese ink perfusion and tetracycline fluorescence marker 墨汁血管灌注和四环素荧光标记评价异体移植骨板活化状态 service.ilib.cn 2. On the Influence of Deep Meditation while Sitting Quietly upon the Formation of Ancient Chinese Ink and Wash Painting 论禅定对中国古代水墨画形成的影响 ilib.cn 3. Characteristics and Modern Construction of Space in Experimental Chinese Ink and Wash Painting 实验水墨语言空间的特征及现代建构 www.ilib.cn 4. The Difference Between Traditional Chinese Ink Painting with Thick Color and Japanese Painting and 中国重彩画与日本画的区别及现状 www.wenloo.com 5. Graphical Simulation Algorithm for Chinese Ink Wash Drawing by Particle System 基于粒子系统的中国水墨画仿真算法 ilib.cn 6. On the Difference and Similarity between Chinese Ink-and-Water Painting and Western Water-color 试比较中国水墨画与西洋水彩画之异同 ilib.cn 7. Inseparable affection of modern Chinese ink painting and watercolor 当代中国水墨与中国水彩的关系 ilib.cn 8. Latest Development and Time Characteristics of Modern Chinese Ink and Wash 中国现代水墨艺术的新发展与时代特征 ilib.cn 9. Basic Art Characters and Graphical Simulation for Chinese Ink Wash Drawing 中国水墨画的基本艺术特征及其计算机仿真实现 ilib.cn 10. Affection of Chinese Ink Painting on Education of Student's Integrated Ability 中国水墨画教学对学生综合能力的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. third is colorful, bright and clean and elegant, with Chinese ink painting the art of charm; 三是丰富多彩,明净素雅,有中国水墨画的艺术魅力; www.onccc.com 2. Ideas and Images; Imaginary Oil painting; Chinese ink painting; 意象;意象油画;中国水墨; www.zidir.com 3. Research on Chinese Ink and Wash Landscape Painting Appeared in the Tang Dynasty 水墨山水在唐代出现的原因初探 ilib.cn 4. Reflection on the Current Transition of Chinese Ink Painting 关于中国水墨画现代转型的思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Zhenjiang Landscape and the Mis'Chinese Ink Landscape Painting 镇江山水与米氏父子的水墨山水画 ilib.cn 6. The view of How Arts Exhibitions Affect Creations of Contemporary Chinese Ink Paintings 论画展对当代中国画创作的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Graphical Simulator for Chinese Ink-Wash Drawing 中国水墨画效果的计算机仿真 ilib.cn 8. The Realization of Brush in the Simulation of Chinese Ink Wash Drawing 水墨画仿真中画笔的行为实现 ilib.cn 9. A New Breakthrough in the Plastic Language of Chinese Ink Painting 中国水墨画造型语言的新突破 www.ilib.cn 10. Outstanding representative of Chinese ink is Huizhou ink. " 中国墨的杰出代表就是徽墨。 www.slideshare.net 1. The Ink and the Usage of Chinese Ink in Traditional Chinese Painting 谈中国画的墨和墨法 www.ilib.cn 2. Simulation of Diffusion Effect Based on Physically Modeling of Paper in Chinese Ink Wash Drawing 基于纸的物理建模的水墨画扩散效果仿真 ilib.cn 3. Black, Gray and White in Chinese Ink Wash Painting 中国水墨艺术黑白灰构成初探 ilib.cn 4. On the Visual Conception of Chinese Ink and Wash 探讨中国水墨画的视觉语言 ilib.cn 5. Pen and ink and the Chinese ink wash figure painting 笔墨与中国水墨人物画 ilib.cn |
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