单词 | china-hong | ||
释义 | china-hong
例句释义: 中国鸿星体育 1. In the long history of China, Hong Kong is the only place in the country where the rule of law flourishes. 在中国漫长的历史当中,香港是唯一让法治开花结果的地方。 www.hku.hk 2. In China, Hong and Fang are definitely the notable celebrities like shining star in the sky. 在中国,洪晃、方兴东肯定都是赫赫有名的明星般人物; ecocn.org 3. With its own power in 2004, a German company MAN companies in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao regions the only distributor. 2004年凭借自身实力,公司成为德国MAN公司在中国大陆、香港、澳门地区的唯一总代理。 www.showxiu.com 4. Even with an Oxford degree, my daughter's standard of Chinese is at great variance with students from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 尽管小女已取得牛津学位,然其华文水准显然和中港台学生有差距。 www.jukuu.com 5. China, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea have reported rebounds as the effects of stimulus efforts across the globe take effect. 中国,香港,新加坡和韩国也都报道说,随着刺激计划在全球范围内开始凑效,他们的经济出现了反弹。 www.bing.com 6. And, a Greater China Area office is based in Shanghai to overall responsible for Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia and Taiwan. 总部位于上海的大中华区统管中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾及蒙古的业务发展。 sic.szpt.net 7. With excellent service, low price and high quality, we win customers all over Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea. 凭借优秀的服务和质量价格优势,我们的客户遍及中国大陆、香港、日本、韩国等国家和地区。 www.iliyu.com 8. PricewaterhouseCoopers China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan work together on a collaborative basis, subject to local applicable laws. 普华永道中国大陆、香港、台湾及新加坡事务所已根据各地适用的法律协作运营。 jobs.zhaopin.com 9. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd. and Deutsche Bank AG handled the deal for the ADB, controlled by a number of nations inside and outside Asia. 亚开行由亚洲内外的多个国家控制。这只债券是中银香港(BankofChina(HongKong)Ltd.)和德意志银行(DeutscheBankAG)承销的。 chinese.wsj.com 10. From China, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region is no exception. 来自中国香港、澳门特别行政区和中国台湾地区的货物也不例外。 www.bing.com 1. Group set up a number of wholly owned subsidiaries: China-Hong Kong investment in Ho PR, cash register through technology. 集团旗下设立多家全资子公司:中港投资、中浩公关、收银通科技等。 www.job20.com 2. After setting up a server in Washington, D. C. , the testing moved to Shenzhen, China, Hong Kong and finally Beijing. 在华盛顿设置了一个服务器之后,测试转至中国的深圳、香港,最后是北京。 www.bing.com 3. We now have regulated offices in UK, Australia, United States, China, Hong Kong, Germany, New Zealand and Canada. 现在,我们已经在英国、澳大利亚、美国、中国、德国、加拿大、新西兰和香港建立了接受当地监管的分公司和办事处。 www.cmcmarkets.com 4. Has arrived in Beijing at the start of an official visit to Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR and Japan. 已经抵达北京,开始了对中国及其香港特别行政区和日本的官方访问。 www.uk.cn 5. Housing prices are rising rapidly in Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, South Africa and Sweden. 澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、香港、以色列、新加坡、南非和瑞典的房价都在飞涨。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Ensure audits and tax returns (in Mainland China & Hong Kong) are carried out on time and in accordance with the law. 确保我司在大陆与香港之公司的财务审计与纳税申报工作按时合法地进行。 www.28zhaopin.com 7. Within Asia, China, Hong Kong and India appear the most promising, and clearly lack the structural problems that exist elsewhere. 在亚洲,中国、中国香港和印度似乎是最有前途的,并且明显没有存在于其他地方的结构性问题。 www.hsbcjt.cn 8. China's leaders are facing criticism from nationalist activists in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 中国领导人面临着内地、香港和台湾民族主义活动人士的批评。 c.wsj.com 9. He says he'll be flying back to Asia once a month or so, where he'll likely focus his energies on mainland China, Hong Kong and India. 他说他会一个月飞回亚洲一次左右,并可能将精力放在中国、香港及印度三地。 c.wsj.com 10. FAMS has also established long-term cooperation with more than 30 research fieldwork agencies in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 丰凯兴与中国大陆、香港和台湾的30家代理公司保持着长期的合作关系。 www.findgs.com 1. Powell says, highlighting China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the Philippines as final destinations. U. 并指出中国大陆、中国香港、马来西亚和菲律宾都是这些酒的最终归宿地之一。 www.bing.com 2. HTSC provides financial services support to HSBC customers around Mainland China, Hong Kong, and other Asia Pacific regions. 公司主要为汇丰集团在中国、香港及其他亚太地区的客户提供优质的金融及后勤服务。 www.job001.cn 3. The film creation of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan is the principal part of Chinese films. 以中国大陆和香港、台湾地区的电影创作为主体的华语电影,是在互渗互补互促中不断拓展的。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. This method is widely used in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 这种输入法在中国大陆、香港和台湾使用率较高。 www.ecocn.org 5. KONON customers throughout mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao , and Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. 康能公司的客户遍布中国大陆、港澳台、及东南亚等国家和地区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Growth areas for beef export include China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and Mexico. 出口扩大区域包括中国、香港、台湾、南韩、日本和墨西哥。 www.cahec.cn 7. Bank of China (Hong Kong) and HSBC are acting as joint lead managers and bookrunners for the issue. 中国银行(香港)有限公司(BankofChina(HongKong))和汇丰(HSBC)担纲此次发债的联席主承销商和簿记行。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The entourage had taken you to countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, China, Hong Kong and Macau. 旅游团带着你去了如下的国家和地区,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,印度,中国,中国香港和中国澳门。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Privileged solicitor's fee subsidy if apply mortgage through Bank of China (Hong Kong). 可于中银香港享有特惠按揭律师费优惠。 www.sino-land.com 10. Means any day banks are open for business in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States. 指中国、香港、马来西亚、英国、瑞士以及美国之银行营业日。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Unlike the rest of China, Hong Kong also has a lot of experience organizing horse races. 不像中国其他地区,香港还有许多组织赛马的经验。 www.voanews.cn 2. To the relief of Britain and China, Hong Kong has been largely absent from world headlines in the past turbulent decade. 不过,中国和英国可以放心的是,在过去风风雨雨的十几年,香港大部分时间都没有出现在世界的新闻头条上。 www.ecocn.org 3. The 48-year-old Briton oversees the U. K. group's operations in countries such as China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Malaysia. 麦世盟来自英国,现年48岁,全面管理着这家保险集团在中国、香港、印度、新加坡和马来西亚等国家和地区的运作。 www.cn.wsj.com 4. 'Many went to high-end collectors, ' Mr. Powell says, highlighting China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the Philippines as final destinations. 鲍威尔说,“很多Laird被高端收藏家收入囊中。”并指出中国大陆、中国香港、马来西亚和菲律宾都是这些酒的最终归宿地之一。 c.wsj.com 5. Deutsche Bank and Bank of China (Hong Kong) were joint lead managers on the ADB deal. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)和中银香港[BankofChina(HongKong)]是亚行此次发行的联席牵头经办人。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the June quarter, the company's revenues in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan combined grew sixfold to US$3. 8bn. 在6月份当季,该公司在中国内地、香港和台湾的收入合计增长5倍,至38亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. P&G Greater China business includes Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, which were established in 1988, 1987 respectively. 宝洁公司大中华区业务包括内地,香港和台湾,分别成立于1988年和1987年。 swyyfy.wlkc.zjtie.edu.cn 8. When I first started no one recognized China, Hong Kong or Asia. 我刚开始那会儿,还没有人了解中国、香港或者亚洲。 www.forbeschina.com 9. Traders are accepting it to settle bills with customers in China. Hong Kong companies are issuing yuan-denominated debt. 内地游客用人民币在香港购物,香港贸易商接受内地客户用人民币付账,香港公司也在发行以人民币计价的债券。 c.wsj.com 10. Hudson surveys more than 2, 300 companies from China, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore every quarter. 翰德每季度针对中国、香港、日本和新加坡的逾2300家公司进行调查。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The league has split the tender document, allowing bidders to bid for broadcast rights in one or all of China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 联盟已经将标书切分为几部分,允许竞标方在中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾中选择一个地区或者整体竞标。 www.ftchinese.com 2. China-Hong Kong English School is a school. 中港英文学校是一所学校。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Buyers in China, Hong Kong and India last year accounted for about a fifth of world diamond demand, half that of their US counterparts. 去年,中国内地、香港和印度的买家约占全球钻石需求的五分之一,是美国的一半。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Stock markets in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand are all up by well over 40% this year. 中国大陆、香港、印度、印尼、新加坡、韩国、台湾和泰国的股市今年涨幅都远超过了40%。 c.wsj.com 5. China Hong Kong Aviation Club Ltd. 香港飞行总会。 big5.xinhuanet.com 6. TRUMPF China(Hong Kong)Ltd. sells TRUMPF Machine Tools and Lasers in China and provide the after-sales services. 通快中国(香港)有限公司在中国负责销售通快机床及激光器并提供售后服务。 www.gongsi001.com 7. China, Hong Kong and Taiwan are boosting efforts to screen the 10, 000 or so plants described in the Chinese herbal medicine literature. 中国大陆,香港和台湾正在努力检测中国本草纲目中记录的10000多种植物的成分。 www.scidev.net 8. Aspecto Asia is a European Human Resources Services Company located in China, Hong-Kong and in Europe. 艾仕百特人力资源有限公司是一家欧洲的人力资源服务供应商,公司在中国大陆及香港,欧洲均设有分支机构。 bbs.china-eam.com 9. Wang started the tour in March last year and had performed in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore. 王力宏去年三月开始他的盖世英雄全球巡回演唱会,分别在台湾、中国、香港、美国、新加坡召开。 www.leehom-cn.com 10. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd. 以及中国银行(香港)有限公司 chinese.wsj.com 1. In 1991, mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan joined the organization at the same time. 1991年中国大陆与香港、台湾地区同时加入该组织。 www.bing.com 2. Companies in China, Hong Kong and South Korea have improved standards of governance in order to attract and retain overseas investors. 为了吸引并留住境外投资者,中国、香港和韩国的企业已经改善了他们的治理标准。 www.ftchinese.com 3. S. H. E is famous in Japan, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and so on. They are one of the main C-POP groups in Asia. 她是一个台湾女生组,是著名的日本,中国大陆,香港,台湾,马来西亚,菲律宾和新加坡。他们是亚洲主要的中文流行音乐组合之一。 wenku.baidu.com 4. I've been to China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea. 我去过大陆、香港、日本、和韩国。 www.bing.com 5. China, Hong Kong, Taiwan 中国,香港,台湾 www.bing.com 6. Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited 中国银行(香港)有限公司 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Comparison of Teacher's Professional Ethics among Mainland China, Hong Kong and the America 中国大陆、香港、美国教师专业伦理比较 service.ilib.cn 8. World Men Apparel Group (China ? Hong Kong)Co, Ltd 第一部分天地男人服饰集团(中国?香港)有限公司 wenku.baidu.com 9. World China Hong Kong, China Macao, China Bangladesh Brunei Darussalam Cambodia India 世界中国中国香港中国澳门孟加拉国文莱柬埔寨印度 wenku.baidu.com 10. the church of christ in china , hong kong council 中华基督教会香港区会 www.ichacha.net 1. Bank of China Hong Kong Ltd: Investigation into Alleged Unauthorised Distribution of Assets 中银香港有限公司:未获授权的资金分配调查 www.info.gov.hk 2. SE Manager, China & Hong Kong 中国香港系统工程与应用经理 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Contact Center Mgr. China, Hong Kong, Taiwan 中国香港台湾客服中心经理 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Up to 0. 125% extra concession on mortgage rate by Bank of China (Hong Kong) 中国银行(香港)提供额外最高0.125%按揭利率优惠 www.sino.com 5. Commissioned by the National Theatre Company of China, Hong Kong Arts Festival and Singapore Arts Festival 中国国家话剧院与香港艺术节联合制作,新加坡艺术节协制 cn.ent.yahoo.com 6. Link Between Management Development Organisation Performance in Mainland China Hong Kong 发展管理层与组织绩效的联系:中国大陆和香港地区 www.ceibs.edu |
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