单词 | bit(1) | ||
释义 | bit(1)
例句释义: 先锋1号 1. Despite a bit of a rebound in recent weeks, the dollar is still off nearly 12 percent since Jan. 11, when it hit its peak for 2007. 除了最近几周的小幅反弹之外,自从去年1月11日以来,美元贬值了12%,2007年达到了最高。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Font Spacing I would space it out a bit more between lines. Probably 1. 5 spacing between lines. 字体间距我想出来一个空间行与行之间多一点。大概1.5行与行之间的间距。 www.bing.com 3. in which a bit of computer code is embedded in a file to identify it. 一种在文件中嵌入1比特计算机编码以进行识别的方法。 www.ecocn.org 4. One of the leaves is seen to cover a bit of the tiger's back and stretch behind it's head. 其中可见一片叶子遮住一点点老虎背部,伸展到老虎的头后(图1)。 url.cn 5. I think when I was one and a bit I took a corner too fast on my walker and smashed my head on a skirting board. 我记得当我1岁多的时候,我坐在步行器上抄近路的时候因为太快撞到了踏脚板上磕破了脑袋。 www.bing.com 6. 1, I've been asked to handle your training and introduce a little bit of the company to you. 我被指派负责你的培训,帮你了解一点公司情况。 www.hjenglish.com 7. However, you can put something just a bit more interesting there: Insert the code shown in Listing 1 into the body section of the HTML file. 但是,您可以在其中放入更丰富的内容:将清单1中显示的代码插入HTML文件的body部分。 www.ibm.com 8. The little volume elements are going to be on the order of an angstrom cubed if it's an atom, a little bit bigger if it's a molecule. 每个小体积有1埃的3次方个数量级,对于原子来说,如果对于分子则要大一点。 open.163.com 9. 1 darling , now don ' t get angry with me but i had a bit of a prang with a truck today. 亲爱的,可别跟我生气啊,不过呢,我今天和一辆卡车剐上了。 www.ichacha.net 10. Your home may be getting quite a bit of attention this month too, for Mars will be touring this sector from August 1 to 25. 你的家(房子)也会在这个月里得到一些关注,因为8月1-25日,火星会这个扇形面内运动。 blog.163.com 1. The reality, Garriott discovers as he checks in at the security booth on his first day of training in January, is a bit different. 事实是,加略特在1月开始训练的第一天入住时,就发现和传说中的有点不一样。 www.bing.com 2. The initial bit of code shown in Listing 1 sets the path for dojo. js and turns debug mode on so you can test your output. 清单1所示代码的初始部分设置dojo.js的路径,并打开调试模式以便测试您的输出。 www.ibm.com 3. In Listing 1, the target of the unload event is the body element, and the event handler is the bit of script inside the onunload attribute. 清单1中unload事件的目标是body元素,事件处理程序onunload属性中为数不多的那一点脚本。 www.ibm.com 4. Active A BIT column that indicates if the customer is currently active (1) or if the company no longer deals with this customer (0). active一个BIT列,用于说明客户当前是处于活动状态(1),还是公司不再与此客户有业务关系(0)。 www.ianywhere.com 5. Vesterbacka told Bloomberg that the company is worth "a bit north of" the $1 billion Bloomberg estimates. 温斯特巴克向彭博表示,该公司的价值比彭博估计的10亿美元“稍高一点”。 www.fortunechina.com 6. Toggling a bit from 0 to 1 in a computer's memory is the same thing as switching the orientation of that bit's magnetic field. 把在计算机的存储体上的一个比特从0变为1就好比是改变那个比特的磁向。 english.oooooa.com 7. The only Write operation permitted on a flash memory device is to change a bit from a one to a zero. flash内存设备中惟一允许的Write操作是将1修改为0。 www.ibm.com 8. If this bit is set to 1, the package is assumed to be a per-user MSI and the user will not be prompted for an Administrator token. 如果此数据位的值设置为1,则会认为该包是按用户(per-user)的MSI,将不会提示用户需要“管理员”令牌。 msdn.microsoft.com 9. "Market sentiment has definitely improved a bit. Maybe we can try to reach $1. 30" over the coming weeks, he said. 他说道:“市场人气确实有些好转.未来几周可能会达到1.30美元。” cn.reuters.com 10. The result of the first bit trial is carried forward to the next most significant bit, Cm-1 which is then set and tested in a similar way. 第一位试验的结果被结转到下一个最高有效位Cm-1,然后使其以类似的方式置位和测试。 www.pat365.com 1. Floating-point numbers for which the first bit of the mantissa is one are normalized. 尾数的第1位为1的浮点数是正常的。 www.ibm.com 2. I'll cover the modifications to the 1. 0 version of the API and spend a good bit of time talking about TRaX (Transformations for XML). 我将讲述对API1.0版所作的修改,然后再花一些时间讲一下TRaX(XML变换)。 www.ibm.com 3. Instead of stripping off the least significant 1 bit (i. e. subtracting), we now add it on at each stage to get the next entry to adjust. 剥离而不是最不显着1位(即扣除)外,我们现在在每个阶段,到下一个条目得到调整。 hi.baidu.com 4. Naked Woman 1: Stay Kratos, just a bit longer. . . 女1:再待一会儿,就一会儿…… 5. And the other bit of data is the MessageNumber element - indicating that this is Message 1. 数据的其它部分是MessageNumber元素,指明这是Message1。 www-128.ibm.com 6. On Tuesday, spot gold shot up to a session high above $1, 200 an ounce, though a bit off the record $1, 248. 95 per ounce set on May 14. 周二,现货金盘中一度升穿每盎司1,200美元,尽管距5月14日1,248.95美元的纪录高位仍有一点距离。 cn.reuters.com 7. If the exponent is all zero bits, then the first bit is zero. 如果指数都是0位,则第1位为0。 www.ibm.com 8. The good news is that you will have quite a bit of travel to look forward to in the New Year, not only in January but also in months ahead. 好消息是,你将有相当的旅行有点期待在新的一年,不仅在1月,而且在未来数月。 www.douban.com 9. Our solar system's 'hood may get a bit rougher sometime during the next 1. 5 million years. 未来一百五十万年的某个时候,太阳系的日子可能有点不好过。 www.bing.com 10. A printing plate network points of shapes in a positive 1-bit TIFF image shows and be able to output any imaging device or digital films. 印版网穴的轮廓因此一种侧的1位的TIFF图像表现的,不妨在任何成像摆设上输入胶片或者数字印版。 www.bing.com 1. In that time the median age in America has probably risen by a year and a bit. 同时期美国人的年龄中间值只增加了大约1岁多一点。 www.ecocn.org 2. A bit flag representing patch attributes. A value of 1 indicates that the failure to apply this patch is not a fatal error. 一个代表修补属性字节标志。值1表示应用此修补失败不是一个严重错误。 www.jukuu.com 3. So even if you're off an angle by a little bit you're still very close to one-- that's the reason. 因此如果偏移角度不大,结果仍然非常接近1,就是这个道理。 open.163.com 4. This is because RAID 1 keeps every bit of data replicated on each of its devices in the exactly same fashion, create identical clones. 这是因为RAID1对每块数据复制在它的每个设备上,完全相同,创建了相同的克隆。 www.bing.com 5. For each extent updated by a bulk-logged operation since the last log backup, the bit is set to 1 in the bitmap. 对于自上次日志备份后由大容量日志操作所更新的每个区,在位图中将每个位都设置为1。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The January data was not only a bit worse than anticipated, but December's job losses were revised upward. 1月份的数据不仅比预期的更糟,而且12月的职位损失是向上修正来的。 www.bing.com 7. Bond yields rose a bit, as you might expect, but the stock market took a pasting: down went the S&P 500, by 1. 7% (see chart 1). 可以想象的是债券收益略微上升了,但是股市却蒙上了阴影:标准普尔500下降了1. www.ecocn.org 8. STEP month and day is set to 1 hour and minute settings can be divided into 10, and a bit were set. 月和日的设置STEP为1,小时和分钟的设置可分十位和个位分别设置。 www.cntrades.com 9. Not for an economy that has averaged only a bit more than 1% annual growth in the past decade. 对日本这个过去10年来的年平均增速只有1%多一点的经济体来说,可并非是少得不值一提。 chinese.wsj.com 10. For halfword operations, bit [1] ofthe virtual address specifies which halfword is accessed within the word. 对于半字操作而言,字的哪一半被访问,取决于虚拟地址的[1]位。 hi.baidu.com 1. If we hand it a classical bit (0 or 1) as an argument, it will return a classical bit. 如果我们传给它一个经典的二进制位(0或1)作参数,它将返回一个经典二进制位。 www.ibm.com 2. In addition, Bit 1 is also the multi-pinned bit used to indicate that this object has been pinned multiple times. 另外,第1位还是用于表示这个对象已被多次固定的多固定位。 www.ibm.com 3. Yes, unbelievably cheap. Carlsberg is like 6 kuai, which is just a bit over $1. 是的,简直难以置信。嘉士博才六块,于一加元多一点儿。 www.ttxyy.com 4. Read along with me 1 Corinthians 15: 20, I'm going to skip around a bit but I'm going to cover a lot of ground in this lecture. 跟着我一起读,哥林多前书15:20,我会跳过一些,但我会在这一课上涉及很多背景知识。 open.163.com 5. As long for a little bit let she 1: 00, basically tin live attach peacefully. 只要稍微让着她一点,基本上就能相安无事了。 www.bazx.net.cn 6. This game a bit like Diablo God generation, is the dungeons of Chuang ARPG game, showing delicate fluid. 这个游戏有点象暗黑破坏神1代,是款闯地牢的ARPG游戏,画面细腻流畅。 www.fishjava.com 7. Prices were down by a bit less than 1 percent compared to the previous month, according to the index. 根据该指数,住房价格比前月下降了近1个百分点。 www.bing.com 8. Your brain waves slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow down a bit too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves 1 sleep. 你的脑电波频率变慢且变得十分有节奏,仅变慢的一点,以第一睡眠期的阿尔法节律波动,而不是更快的波率。 bbs.wwenglish.org 9. And God called every bit of his creation "very good" (Genesis 1: 31). 上帝声称他创造的每一点都“verygood”(《创世纪1:31》)。 www.bing.com 10. If the number of ones in a byte is already odd, you will set its least significant bit to a zero. 如果一个字节中1的个数已经为奇数,那么就将它的最低位设置为零。 www.ibm.com 1. If the bit for an extent is 1, the extent has been modified by a bulk logged operation after the last BACKUP LOG statement. 如果某个扩展盘区的位是1,表明自上次执行BACKUPLOG语句后,该扩展盘区已经被有日志记录的大容量复制操作修改。 technet.microsoft.com 2. This logical OR operation will set the leftmost (most significant) bit of firstLengthByte to 1. 这种逻辑OR操作会将firstLengthByte的最左边(最高有效)位设置为1。 www.ibm.com 3. It certainly helps a bit to shut down production in local factories and keep 1 million cars off the street. 当然停止当地工厂的生产并减少一百万辆汽车上路也起到了一定的作用。 www.bing.com 4. Beastly, another attempt at a Twilight-style teen-romance franchise, was third with $10. 1 million, a bit above expectations. 兽,另一一个黄昏风格的十几岁的恋情的专营权,是第三,1010万美元,一期望位以上。 www.englishtang.com 5. Notice that the sky of Layer 2 is a bit darker at the edge than Layer 1. 注意图层2的天空边缘比图层1略显灰暗。 www.manfrotto.com 6. B: I'm afraid one o'clock is a bit too early, because I may not be able to get back home from school before 1: 30. 恐怕1点钟早了点,因为我不一定能在1点半前从学校赶回家。 gb.cri.cn 7. SHELL a good example. Can learn and study in depth SHELL friends. 1: 00 to help. Information from RED -HEAD want to help you a bit. 一个很好的SHELL的示例。可以对学习和深入学习SHELL的朋友。一点帮助。资料来自RED-HEAD希望对大家有点帮助。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. In JDK releases up to and including 1. 1, there was only basic support for 8-bit mono sound, found in the java. applet package. JDK的1.1发行版以前(包括1.1发行版)的版本中,可以在java.applet包中找到对8位单声道声音的基本支持。 www.ibm.com 9. The is_available flag uses a full 4-byte word, even though it only contains 1 bit of information. 虽然is_available标记只包含一位信息,但它要使用完整的4-字节的字。 blog.163.com 10. I'm really tall (196 centimeters), I'm a bit awkward, and it's impossible for me not to stand out. 我相当高(1米96),且有点笨拙,这使得我很难不被人注意。 www.bing.com 1. The transition between a pit and a land corresponds to a "1" in the digital bit stream. 一个凹坑和一个平台之间的转换,在数字比特流中对应一个“1”。 www.bing.com 2. Finally, the packet marker bit is replaced by the use of a one's complemented synchronization flag. 最后,分组标记符比特通过使用1的补码的同步标记替代。 www.ptsn.net.cn 3. Instructions for the Microsoft . NET SDK 1. 0 may be a bit different. NETSDK1.0的指导可能有一点不同。 www.ibm.com 4. A typical cluster replication is around eight seconds, and then we allow a minute more than that in case system clocks wander a bit. 典型的集群复制大概需要8秒钟左右,而我们允许1分钟的时间,以免系统时钟偏移。 www.ibm.com 5. It was to prepare for the acceptance of 8-bit characters that I published [1]. 为准备接受8位字符,我发表了[1]。 www.bing.com 6. If you set a bit to the value 1, the corresponding processor is selected for thread assignment. 如果将某位设置为值1,则将选择相应的处理器进行线程分配。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Although spending has recovered a bit, it is still an inflation-adjusted 1. 9% below its peak 2008 levels. 尽管消费好转了一点儿,经通货膨胀调整后仍较2008年的峰值水平低1. www.bing.com 8. The count in Table 1 has been approximated somewhat since I experimented a bit with my code. 由于我对代码进行了一些实验,表1中的计数是近似的。 www.ibm.com 9. As the quantum superposition effect, a quantum bit can be 0 or 1, you can only store a stored 0 again. 由于量子叠加效应,一个量子位可以是0或1,则只能存储存储0了。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Genotype 4 may be a bit easier to treat than genotype 1, the NYT suggests. NYT认为基因型4菌株可能比基因型1容易治疗一点。 news.dxy.cn 1. Though I was #1, he always shot with the PTR . I was a bit gutless [laughs]. 尽管我是射手,但总是他来使用反坦克枪,我没那么大勇气(大笑)。 www.langmanzg.com 2. Listing 6 is basically the same as Listing 1, with a bit more detail added. 清单6基本上与清单1相同,只是增加了一些详细信息。 www.ibm.com 3. Of the 1, 027 English lawyers assessed, only 375 got the desired bit of paper. 在所有接受评估的1027位英国申请者中,只有375人获得了这张令人无限向往的证书。 www.ecocn.org 4. But we had a little bit over an hour where we could've saved this pig's life. 其实,如果我们在1个小时之前发现它的症状就能挽救它的生命。 www.ted.com 5. However the advantage of the new scheme is that each additional conversion is obtained at the cost of only 1 extra bit trial. 但是,新的方案的优点是仅以1个附加的位试验的代价而获得每个附加转换。 www.pat365.com 6. Specifies that the pixel format is 1 bit per pixel and that it uses indexed color. 指定像素格式为每像素1位,并指定它使用索引颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. But, as we became No. 1 in our industry, we've had to modify our culture and become a bit more planned. 但随着我们变成行业老大,我们得改变自己的文化,变得更有计划性。 www.fortunechina.com 8. The returned mask contains a bit for each register (1 register index). 在返回的掩码中,每个寄存器都有一个相应的位(1寄存器索引)。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Attempting to set this bit parameter to 1 will result in an error. 尝试将此bit参数设置为1会导致错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Some divisions gained only a little bit more than 1 kilometer on D-Day. 有的师在D日全天仅仅前进了一公里多点。 osholovers.com 1. In the mask, set the bit position of each tag that you want to check the status of to 1. 在这个掩码中,将想要检查其状态的每个标签的位位置设置为1。 www.ibm.com 2. We have targeted C$1. 10 by year-end, which is consistent with the idea that oil will go a little bit further as well. 预计今年底前,加元的目标在1.10加元.这与油价还会小幅下跌的预估是相符的。 cn.reuters.com 3. Any time you play a tournament a week before a grand slam, everybody is a bit careful about what they do. 当你在参加大满贯前的1个星期,任何人都应该小心谨慎一些。 gb.cri.cn 4. It is not recommended to apply this property to bitmap cast members deeper than 1-bit, as the results are difficult to predict. 当位图演员比一个深时不推荐使用,因为结果与预知的不同。 www.5d.cn 5. By Sunday I'll be fine. Last night I slept okay, but it was only from 1am until 6am, so I will feel a bit dodgy. 到周日我就会好了。昨晚我睡得不错,不过是1点睡到6点,所以会感觉有点危险。 www.barrichello.com.cn 6. If you need to add a bit more liquid, do so 1 or 2 tsp at a time. 如果你需要添加更多的液体,这样做在时间的1或2茶匙。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. For instance, run snort -v to get output that looks a bit like Listing 1. 例如,运行snort-v获得如清单1所示的输出。 www.ibm.com 8. For the iPad 1 owners looking to upgrade it is a bit more complicated. 对于想要升级的iPad1用户,这就有一点复杂了。 www.bing.com 9. Elena Salgado, the finance minister, wants regional governments to do their bit by limiting their budget deficits to 1. 3% of GDP this year. 西班牙财长萨尔加多希望地方政府能做出贡献,将今年的预算控制在GDP的1. www.ecocn.org 10. It's 2. 1 centimetres long, or a bit bigger than a penny, and weighs 3. 46 grams - a little more than one-tenth of an ounce. 它有2.1厘米长,稍微比一分钱大点,重达3.46克,就比一盎司多大约10分之一。 gb.cri.cn 1. The ADC output data can be routed directly to the two external 14-bit output ports. ADC输出数据可以直接路由至两个外部14位输出端口,这些输出可以设置为1.8VCMOS或LVDS。 www.bdtic.com 2. It has since crept up a bit, to 1. 5% in July and 1. 6% in September (the latest available) of 2011. 后来辞职率逐渐上涨了一点点,到2011年7月达到1.5%,2011年9月为1.6%(这是最新的数据)。 www.fortunechina.com 3. The translucency data will be approximated with a 1-bit transparency mask. 半透明资料将会以一位元的透明遮罩来模拟。 translations.launchpad.net 4. The 1-bit correlation values are arithmetically combined (e. g. , summed) to generate a correlation metric. 并且将1位相关值进行算术组合(例如,求和),以生成相关性度量。 ip.com 5. Most economists still think output grew a bit in the year to the fourth quarter, and put growth for 2009 at 1. 5% to 2%. 多数经济学家仍然认为到4季度产量仍然会有所增长,使09年的增长在1.5%至2%之间。 www.bing.com 6. Prior to IBM's Java SE 6 implementation, it wasn't unusual for a 64-bit heap to be 1. 7 to 2 times the size of an equivalent 32-bit heap. 在IBM推出JavaSE6实现以前,64位堆的大小为等效的32位堆的1.7至2倍的情况并不鲜见。 www.ibm.com 7. To make this a little bit more random, let's take the fourth row this time, let's say, one, two, three, four. 为了看起来更随机点,这次让我们选第四排的,那我们开始吧,1个,2个,3个,4个。 www.ted.com 8. An ordinary, classical (non quantum) logical bit can only be true or false, 1 or 0. 一般古典(非量子)的逻辑位元只能为对或错、1或0。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 9. I just got back from the studio, um. . . a little bit tired more since 1 o'clock this afternoon. 我刚刚从录音室回来,从下午一点到现在,所以有点累啊。 tieba.baidu.com 10. its space a little bit less than 1 free board thickness, but not too low. 其间隙要稍微小于1张纸板的厚度,但不能过低。 www.bing.com 1. Using a 1-bit internal ADC, the internal converter modulator in Figure 1 samples the input signal, producing a coarse, quantized output. 使用1位内部ADC,图1中内部转换调节器采集输入信号,产生粗量化的输出作为输入信号。 group.ednchina.com 2. This argument is a bit type and accepts two values, 0 (the default) and 1. 此参数是位类型,接受两个值:0(缺省值)和1。 www.ianywhere.com 3. Many PowerPC instructions define bit 31 of the instruction encoding as the Rc bit, and some instructions imply an Rc value equal to 1. 很多PowerPC指令将指令的第31位编码为Rc位,有一些指令要求Rc值等于1。 www-128.ibm.com 4. MPEG-1 provides full-screen 30-frames-per-second video, as well as low bit rates to control storage and bandwidth. MPEG-1提供全屏每秒30帧的视频及较低的比特率,以控制存储量和带宽。 www.ibm.com 5. Q: Will my 32-bit applications run if I've switched to the 64-bit variant of Windows 7? 1#问:如果我换成64位的Windows7版本,我的32位应用程序还能用吗? www.bing.com 6. Save 1 for your guild test and make a bit back on them if you can in the AH. 救你一会馆作测试一下就回来,如果你能在他们啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The disadvantage of using speeds like 2. 1x or 3. 2x is that you'll get a bit more distortion compared to the snap-to defaults. 使用2.1倍或3.2倍速度播放的缺点是相比默认的状态而言,声音有点扭曲。 www.elanso.com 8. However, migrating to 5. 1 just for testing is a bit drastic. 但仅仅为了测试就移植到5.1版,显示得有点过激了。 www.ibm.com 9. Figure 1 shows the transfer function of an ideal 3-bit ADC and the same converter with gain error. 图1所示为理想和带增益误差的3位ADC转换器的传递方程。 group.ednchina.com 10. Carry out the software design of the timing recovery based on interpolation and the 1 bit PN code timing recovery. 实现基于内插的位同步方法和1比特伪码码同步器的软件设计。 www.fabiao.net 1. WBMP supports 1-bit color, which means that WBMP images contain only black and white pixels. WBMP格式支持1位颜色,也就是说,WBMP只能由黑白两色像素组成。 bbs.blueidea.com 2. When the WP is brought low and WPEN bit is "1" , all write operations to the status register are inhibited. 当WP级别为低且WPEN字节为“1”时,所有对状态寄存器的写操作将被禁止。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. If the run begins with a 1, we start the list with the number 0, meaning the 1s start the bit string. 如果开始出现的是1,我们以数字0来开始这个序列,表示这个比特串以1开始。 www.ibm.com 4. A 16-bit z-buffer bit depth in which 15 bits are reserved for the depth channel and 1 bit is reserved for the stencil channel. 对于16位z缓冲区位深度,其中15位是为深度通道保留的,1位是为模具通道保留的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Table 1 shows the hardware and software configurations for the Lotus Notes Traveler 32-bit server. 表1显示LotusNotesTraveler32位服务器的硬件和软件配置。 www.ibm.com 6. The fertility rate, 1. 74 in 1980, climbed a bit later in that decade, but has fallen since. 1980年的生育率为1.74,虽然在80年代后期,数值有所增长,但之后,便开始下降。 www.ecocn.org 7. For each bit position, if the bit is 0, the same bit position in the destination register uses the bit from source value 1. 对于每个位位置来说,如果该位为0,那么目标寄存器中相同位的位置就会使用源值1该位的值。 www.ibm.com 8. Son, and ratio originally want a little bit thick, each 1! 子了,而且比原来要粗一些,每一根! zhidao.baidu.com 9. Step 1: A sphere's texture is an 8-bit image with no color profile embedded. 第1步:一个球体的纹理是一个没有颜色的嵌入的配置文件的8位图像。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He does not, however, reveal the 0- or 1-bit value represented by each photon. 不过他并没有说明各个光子的位元是0或1。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 1. Signals sent to Sigma-Delta ADC are quantized at very low resolution (1-bit), but the sampling frequency is very high. 信号送入Sigma-DeltaADC后被以非常低的分辨率(1位)进行量化,但采样频率却非常高。 www.13191.com 2. The default parameters for the console port are 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity , 1 stop bit, and no flow control. 主控台埠预设参数是9600鲍,8资料位元,无同位,1停止位元和无流量控制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. I don't hanker after every pixel having a tone of discernible value between 1 and 254 on the eight bit levels scale. 我并不热衷于让每个像素都拥有8位色阶中1到254之间的一个值。 dongxi.net 4. The sound is based on a strict minimalistic approach of generating waveforms with 1-bit precision. 声音以极简的方式产生精确的一位元声波。 www.dac.tw 5. Always set this bit to Logic 1 when writing to this register. 当对这一个寄存器写的时候,总是将这一点点设定为逻辑1。 www.bing.com 6. The leftmost bit (most significant bit) as ( Sign Bit ). "0" for positive, "1" for negative. 最左方的位(最高有效位)为(符号位)。「0」代表正数,「1」代表负数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. First, ext4fs is a 64-bit file system and is designed to support very large volumes (1 exabyte). 首先,ext4fs是64位文件系统,并被设计为可以支持很大的容量(1exabyte)。 www.ibm.com 8. SLC is the earlier design of flash memory and could store 1 bit per cell. 前者是早期的快闪记忆体设计,每一个储存单元可储存一个位元的资料。 9. Both transaction 1 and transaction 2 read the same row, including the RID_BIT and the ROW CHANGE TOKEN value. 事务1和事务2同时读取相同的行,包括RID_BIT和ROWCHANGETOKEN值。 www.ibm.com 10. Start Stop bit enable. If 1 both start and stop bits will be sent, the default. 开停位启用。如果置1,开始和停止位将被发送,缺省。 www.cardhy.com 1. A radio signal is processed to generate 1-bit signal values. 处理无线电信号以生成1位信号值。 ip.com 2. Tables 1 and 2 show the hardware and software configurations for the Lotus Notes Traveler 64-bit server. 表1和2显示了LotusNotesTraveler64位服务器的硬件和软件配置。 www.ibm.com 3. For all devices, the settings are 115200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no hardware or software flow control. 对于所有设备,设置是115200、8位、无分区、没有硬件或软件流控制。 www.ibm.com 4. a host address information, which includes 8-bit address, the first 9 to "1" , with the required contact from the machine. 主机发送一帧地址信息,其中包含8位地址,第9位为“1”,与所需的从机进行联络。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The application can now fully virtualize and leverage 64-bit apps and can reproduce 5. 1 digital surround sound. 该应用程序现在可以充分利用虚拟化和64位应用程序,可以达到5.1数字环绕音效。 www.bing.com 6. It's still 1. 08' thick -- but is a bit longer and wider than the older model, though it weighs less: 4. 7 pounds versus 5 pounds. MacBook的厚度依然是1.08英寸,但与老款相比,长度和宽度都有所增加,重量却从5磅降至4.7磅。 www.voa365.com 7. Bit 1 is the swapped bit that is only used during compaction. 第1位是仅在压缩期间使用的交换位。 www.ibm.com 8. the ninth chip holds the parity bit , which id a 1 or 0 , based on whether the parity scheme is odd or even . 第九个芯片保持了奇偶位,其代表了1或0,基于奇偶性模式是奇数还是偶数。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Secure 80-bit PC1 (RC4 clone) and 160-bit Blowfish encryption keeps your private image collection away from prying eyes. 安全的80位元1条(RC4克隆)和160位加密河豚保持你的私人图像采集远离窥探。 xtdownload.com 10. The counter has been preset to 0000 and as the input "runs, " the counter advances by 1 bit per input pulse. 计数器预置0000,并在时钟输入下计算每输入一个脉冲计数器便累加10。 1. In 1 look very didn'ted a little bit brightly smallly fall badly, our center of gravities pour toward same side. 在一个看起来很没亮点的小落差中,我们的重心倒向同一侧。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. These two statements match a 1-bit long string. 这两个语句匹配1bit长字串。 blog.163.com 3. In a telegraphy system, a pulse(often 80V)that represents a1 - bit. 在电报系统中,表示1比特的脉冲(常为? 80V?)。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Figure 5. 1 shows a network that decodes a given bit sequence. 图5.1是一个对给定二进制序列进行解码的网络。 www.dictall.com 5. Bit time is now 0. 1 nanoseconds. All other time variables scale accordingly. 位元时间现在成为0.1奈秒,其他所有的时间变数都依据比例作修正。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Let's begin with a bit of code to convert temperatures in Fahrenheit to temperatures in Celsius, shown in Listing 1 让我们首先来看一段代码,其作用是将华氏温度转换为摄氏度,如清单1所示 www.ibm.com 7. This scheme represents the bit 0 as a string of three bits, 000, and the bit 1 as a string of three bits, 111 . 这个方法是以三个一串的位元000来代表位元0,以三个一串的位元111来代表位元1。 www.showxiu.com 8. South Korea also won 1-0 with Yoon Bit-garam grabbing the winner against Iran in the 105th minute. 至于南韩队的尹比加林则在105分钟时射门得分,南韩同样以比数1-0击退伊朗。 times.hinet.net 9. "qureg a[1]" allocates a one bit variable a from the quantum heap. “qurega[1]”为量子堆中的1位变量a分配空间。 www.ibm.com 10. Now comes the good bit: this output of 1, 800 containers per hour and cavity is available not only on new machines. 现在,又要好消息:不仅新机器克提供每小时1800个容器的产量。 www.krones.com 1. Authorization code which includes two groups: Group 1 is the month to 5-bit binary code, date of group 2 is 5-bit binary code. 其中授权码包含二组:第1组是当月的5位二进制码、第2组是当日的5位二进制码。 www.pudn.com 2. Bit 1 is also the NotYetScanned bit that is only used during mark stack overflow. 第1位还是仅在标志堆栈溢出期间使用的NotYetScanned位。 www.ibm.com 3. Question1 : Have you got the habit of asking way whenever you feel a little bit confused about the place you are heading towards ? 问题1:如果你去某个地方一有点找不到方向的时候就有问路的习惯吗?。 www.bing.com 4. This update requires that you have installed Outlook 2000 SR-1 and that you are using either 40-bit or 56-bit security encryption. 此更新要求您已经安装了Outlook2000SR-1,而且使用的是40位或56位安全加密。 www.microsoft.com 5. We start with an empty list, and we insert a 0 if the first bit is 1. 开始时序列为空,如果第1个比特是1,我们就插入一个0。 www.ibm.com 6. VideoCharger supports many industry-standard multimedia formats at various bit rates, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, QT5, AVI, MP3 and WAV. VideoCharger可以以各种比特率支持许多业界标准的多媒体格式,包括MPEG-1、MPEG-2、QT5、AVI、MP3和WAV。 www.ibm.com 7. The first bit is the sign bit, 0 for positive and 1 for negative. 第一位是符号位,0表示正,1表示负。 www.ibm.com 8. Everton collapsed a bit and in the end 3-1 didn't flatter us. 埃弗顿开始奔溃并最终以1-3输给了我们。 www.lfcbbs.com 9. The 64th bit defines whether the processor is in 32-bit or 64-bit mode (0 or 1). 第64位将定义处理器是32位模式还是64位模式(0或1)。 www.ibm.com 10. In order to use 32-bit wrappers on a 64-bit version of WS Federation Server V9. 1, the wrapper must be run fenced. 为了在64位版本的WSFederationServerV9.1上使用32位包装器,包装器必须以隔离方式运行。 www.ibm.com 1. In the 6_bit code, the four BCD numeric place positions(1, 2, 4, and8) are retained, but two additional zone positions are included. 在6位BCD码中,四位BCD数字位(1,2,4,8)仍保留,但是,包含了两个附加的标志位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In contrast to earlier DB2 releases, there is no 32-bit version of WFS V9. 1 on UNIX. 与早期的DB2版本相比,UNIX上没有32位版本的WFSV9. www.ibm.com 3. The 2. 1-metre reptile bit Ramon Palmares on the arm after he poked it and threw pebbles, said Basilio Rosal , a local official. 在男童拉蒙.帕玛瑞斯戳牠并对牠丢石子后,这条长2.1公尺的爬虫咬了他的手臂,地方官员巴西里欧.罗萨尔说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The JDBC BIT type represents a single bit that can be 0 or 1. JDBCBIT类型表示可能是0或1的单个位。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. China's slipped a bit, from 53. 5 to 53. 1. 中国略有下滑,从53.5回落到53. www.ftchinese.com 6. Windows Server 2003 SP1 running on a 64-bit system architecture supports up to 1, 024 gigabytes of both physical and addressable memory. 运行于64位系统框架上的WindowsServer2003SP1对于物理和可寻址内存都可以支持到1024千兆字节(gigabytes)。 www.bing.com 7. Because you always know what the first bit is, it doesn't have to be included in the number. 因为我们通常知道第1位是什么,所以没有必要包含在数字中。 www.ibm.com 8. The ASCII CCS allows the representation of 256 characters with an eight-bit (a base of 2, 0, or 1 value) field or byte (2^8 =256). ASCII编码字符集允许用一个八位(基于二进制的,用值0或1表示的)字段或字节(2^8=256)表示256个字符。 www.ibm.com 9. in the aspects of dwell time, when jamming dwell increases from 0. 1 to 1, the bit error rate can also increase approximately 10 times. 同样地,当干扰的驻留时间由0.1增加到1,快跳频通信系统位元错误率也会约增加10倍。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Bit 0 is processor one, bit 1 is processor two, and so forth. 位0是处理器一,位1是处理器二,依次类推。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Will not work on 16 bit platforms such as Windows 3. 不能在16位平台例如Windows3.1下运行。 ch2.php.net 2. This version of the Service Pack 1 only installs on the 32-bit versions of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating systems. 此版本的ServicePack1仅安装在MicrosoftWindowsServer2003操作系统的32位版本上。 www.microsoft.com 3. For example, 1000 bauds would mean 1000 bits-per-seconds, or that each bit lasts one millisecond. 例如,1000波特意味着每秒1000比特,或者说每比特持续1毫秒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. An IP address is -- in IP version 4 -- a 32-bit number, typically represented in dotted-decimal notation (such as 10. 0. 0. 1). IP地址(IP版本4)是一个32位数,通常以点分十进制符号(如10.0.0.1)表示。 www.ibm.com 5. WFS V9. 1 is based on DB2 9, which is available on UNIX platforms only in a 64-bit version. WFSV9.1基于DB29,后者只在64位版本的UNIX平台上可用。 www.ibm.com 6. The standard 8051 8-bit Ports (0, 1, 2, and 3) are available on the MCUs. 标准8051的8位端口(0,1,2,3),可对微控制器。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Today is March 1, 2010 Tuesday, today's weather is a bit cold I am now 14 years old, my family and my parents and me. 今天是2010年三月一号星期二,今天的天气有点冷我今年十四岁了,我的家庭有我的爸爸妈妈和我。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. To allocate a uniform extent, the Database Engine searches the GAM for a 1 bit and sets it to 0. 若要分配统一区,数据库引擎将在GAM中搜索为1的位,并将其设置为0。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. If you set a bit representing a processor to 1, that processor is selected by the SQL Server Database Engine for thread assignment. 如果将代表某个处理器的位设置为1,SQLServer数据库引擎将会选择该处理器来进行线程分配。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The C code found in Listing 1 includes three basic benchmarks, using iterations of a 64-bit Fibonacci sequence 清单1中的C代码包含三个基本的基准测试,它使用了一个64位Fibonacci序列的迭代 www.ibm.com 1. These systems have following features: 1. High bit-rate transmitting image sequences through ADSL; 这些系统有以下几个特点:1。以ADSL为媒介高比特率传输; www.juhe8.com 2. We have found the following parameters optimal on a 32-bit JVM, as shown in Figure 1 经过测试发现,以下参数在32位JVM上取得了最佳的性能,如图1所示 www.ibm.com 3. Study on 1 bit Correlator for the Image Integration of Space Solar Telescope 空间太阳望远镜图像积分中1bit相关器的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. If the bit is 1, it uses the bit from source value 2. If you imagine each register as an array of bits, selb has the following meaning 如果该位为1,就使用源值2该位的值。 www.ibm.com 5. To deallocate an extent, the Database Engine makes sure that the GAM bit is set to 1 and the SGAM bit is set to 0. 若要释放区,数据库引擎确保将GAM位设置为1,将SGAM位设置为0。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Performance analysis of the M-ary orthogonal spread spectrum system based on 1 bit quantization 基于1比特量化的多进制正交扩频系统的性能分析 www.ilib.cn 7. To find a mixed extent with free pages, the Database Engine searches the SGAM for a 1 bit. 若要查找具有可用页的混合区,数据库引擎将在SGAM中搜索为1的位。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Conditional Correlation Properties of Combiners with 1 Bit Memory 带1比特记忆组合生成器的条件相关性分析 www.ilib.cn 9. MAC0 also contains a 1-bit arithmetic shifter that will left or right-shift the contents mac 0还载有1位运算器,将左或右转向内容 zhidao.baidu.com 10. n. 1. a small part, bit, amount, or proportion (of sth. ) (某物的)小部分,一点儿,少许;片断 www.ebigear.com 1. In JDK 1. 4, new public classes are available for converting 16-bit Unicode (Java char) to other code pages. These classes are 在JDK1.4中,有几个新的公共类,用于将16位Unicode(Javachar)转换到其他编码页。 www.ibm.com 2. Static Superscalar architecture which supports 1, 8, 16 and 32-bit fixed point as well as floating point data processing 静态超标量体系结构支持1、8、16和32位定点和浮点数据处理 www.analog.com 3. JBC Jump if the Bit is set and Clear the bit 位为1则转移,并清除该位 wenku.baidu.com 4. Assigning 1 to bit fields will place 1 in its single bit; 将1赋予位域会在它的单个位上放1; technet.microsoft.com 5. STEP 1: Generating RSA private key (1024 bit) [server. key] 步骤1:生成RSA私有密钥(1024位)[server.key] www.ibm.com 6. It can. As in section 9. 1, you need only prefix the address with the DWORD keyword, and it will be forced to be a 32-bit address 它可以,就象在9.1节中一样,你只需要在地址前加上一个DWORD前缀,然后,它会被强制作为一个32位的地址 www.0470a.net 7. Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center 6. 1 For Windows Vista (32-bit) MicrosoftWindowsMobile设备中心6.1-用于WindowsVista(32-位) msdn2.microsoft.com 8. 2 = Status (event indicator: 1 bit long) Status(事件指示器:长度为一个位) www.ibm.com 9. 1 = Coil (event indicator: 1 bit long) Coil(事件指示器:长度为一个位) www.ibm.com 10. Exception 1: Some Apps Require The 64-bit Version on 64-bit Windows 例外1:有些应用需要64位版本运行在64位Windows上 www.bing.com 1. Updated 128-Bit Encryption Provider for Outlook 2000 SR-1 用于Outlook2000SR-1的128位加密提供程序更新 www.microsoft.com 2. Decoded from Subframes 1, 2, and 3 of GPS Data Bit Frames 从子帧解码1,2,GPS数据帧3位 wenwen.soso.com 3. Note: If you are using the 32-bit edition, please download the 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Language Pack Service Pack 1 (SP1) 注意:如果使用的是32位版本,请下载2007MicrosoftOfficeServersLanguagePackServicePack1(SP1) www.microsoft.com 4. Updated 40- or 56-Bit Encryption Provider for Outlook 2000 SR-1 用于Outlook2000SR-1的40位或56位加密提供程序更新 www.microsoft.com 5. DB2 UDB V8. 1 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) (64-bit) DB2UDBV8.1企业服务器版(ESE)(64位) www.ibm.com 6. Table 1 - DB2 memory set limits based on 32-bit memory structure 表1-基于32位内存结构的DB2内存集限制 www.ibm.com 7. Earlier versions of Windows: 1. 0-2. 0 Windows操作系统的早期版本:1.0-2.0和16-bit操作系统。 www.cnblogs.com 8. FIX: Memory mapping leaks when a 32-bit process runs on a Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1)-based computer FIX:Server2003ServicePack1(SP1)上运行32-位进程时泄漏内存映射-基于计算机 support.microsoft.com 9. Download details: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Deployment Tools for Advanced Users (32 bit) 下载详细信息:用于高级用户的WindowsServer2003ServicePack1部署工具(32位) www.microsoft.com |
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