单词 | clap | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | claps是clap的第三人称单数
过去式:clapped 第三人称单数:claps 现在分词:clapping claps 显示所有例句
例句释义: 鼓掌,掌声,拍手,拍手声,击掌,轻拍某人的背,拍掌声,拍拍手,霹雳声 1. And then a week after that . . . [he claps his hands and laughs] . . . it happened to me. 接着一个星期后……(他拍手笑了起来)……事情降临到我头上。 www.bing.com 2. He says magic words, looks up into the sky, claps his hands, and the most fabulous jewels come down! 他念些咒语,抬头望天,拍几下手掌,无数令人难以置信的宝石就从天而降! english.31931.cn 3. "I'm a little nervous about that to be honest with you, " he told ESPN. "It would be nice to hear a couple claps here and there. " 他告诉ESPN:“老实说,我有点紧张。能在场上听到些零星的掌声,就太好了。” www.ttxyy.com 4. To his sin he adds rebellion ; scornfully he claps his hands among us and multiplies his words against God . 他在罪上又加悖逆;在我们中间拍手,用许多言语轻慢上帝。 www.bing.com 5. Lighting will be continuous or at least frequent during the last weeks at times, and the thunder claps burdensome. 在最后几周里,闪电会持续不断或者至少经常发生,雷鸣之声很烦人。 www.ufoxh.com 6. The genie claps his hands with a deafening crash, and the entire sea turns into beer. 精灵拍拍手,随着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,整个海洋的海水都变成了啤酒。 www.bing.com 7. When certain of my friends pursued, thinking to have me back, he claps me in the rear to stand their shot. 等到我的朋友们赶来,想把我夺回去,他又把我搁在后边挡他们的箭。 8. She claps her hands and her bracelets jingle, and you dance with your bamboo stick in your hand like a tiny little shepherd. 她拍着她的双手,她的手镯丁当地响着,你手里拿着你的竹竿儿在跳舞,活像一个小小的牧童。 www.bing.com 9. Wait while distinguishing, my that person has already arrived me, a palm claps on my shoulder. 等我分辨出来的时候,那人已经到我身边了,一手掌拍在我肩膀上。 www.a024.com 10. The thunder claps really scare the children. 打雷(的声音)真的会吓坏小孩子的。 www.iselong.com 1. Loud claps and cheers from his faithful fans greeted the verdict . 他忠实的观众们对判决结果报之以欢呼和掌声。 www.bing.com 2. You take the blanket and cover him. You put the blanket over him. Says "Go" and assistant pushes up from ground, and claps to make him drop. 你拿毯子盖住他。你用毯子盖住他,你只要一说“开始”,助手就会撑地而起从而达到浮空的效果。 www.kekenet.com 3. A baby gorilla claps her palms and leaps to the top of a wooden climbing frame. 一只幼小的大猩猩拍着手掌,倚靠在攀登式木制框架上。 www.bing.com 4. Her audience claps, stomps, even sneezes along with her song, in perfect time. 随着她的歌声,小观众们合着节拍拍手、跺脚,甚至发出阵阵呼喊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Western audiences sit quietly, listening intently to the music and immersing themselves in the dance, then everyone claps loudly at the end. 西方观众会很安静的坐在那里,专心的听着音乐,是自己沉浸在舞蹈中。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 6. Here, he claps hands with his grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, at his late father's house in western Kenya. 照片上,他和自己的祖母莎拉.海森.奥巴马(SarahHusseinObama)在生父的屋前击掌。 www.bing.com 7. Marriage should be like a Duet. When one sings, the other claps. 結婚是像雙重唱。一個唱歌一個拍手。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Catchy rhythms, stressed by hand claps and extemporaneous body moves, are an important feature of soul music. 简单易记的节拍,击掌伴奏以及即兴的身体摆动,是早期灵歌的最主要特征。 www.globaltimes.cn 9. You claps your hands, the steward deliver the pink champion, to celebrate our fantastic beach holiday. 你拍拍手,管家送来了酩悦粉红香槟,庆祝我们美妙的海滨假期。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Thunderstorms are characterized by flashes of lightning and claps of thunder. 闪电和响雷是雷暴的特徵。 www.weather.gov.hk 1. Everyone claps their hands. Miss Rabbit starts dancing to a cheery tune. Her dance is very cute. 动物们都在鼓掌。兔子小姐随着轻快地节奏翩翩起舞。她跳舞的样子非常可爱。 www.bing.com 2. This one, with an electro loop and hand claps, doesn't sound as glum as its title portends . 但这首拥有循环电子乐以及拍手声的歌曲,听上去并不像标题预示的那样阴郁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. One palm claps not ---this must have been done by them both. 一个巴掌拍不响,这事儿是他俩一块儿干的。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Sound activated. Start moving with one clap and stop with two claps. 声音控制.一下声响开始走动,两下停下。 dict.bioon.com 5. VAN THE MAN: (Claps) Try something new Clifford. If you haven't, you're not living. (鼓掌声)尝试一些新事物,Clifford。如果你没有,你就不是活着。 www.kekenet.com 6. 53 am Teams standing up one by one as Steve introduces them and audience claps. 上午11点53分站在一队之一史蒂夫介绍了他们和观众的掌声。 osxlion.us 7. and that night there came on a terrific storm , with driving rain , awful claps of thunder and blinding sheets of lightning. 就在当夜,刮来了一场可怕的暴风,大雨滂沱,电闪雷呜,令人耳聩目弦。 www.ichacha.net 8. J. F. K. claps while his daughter Caroline and son John Jr. dance in the Oval Office in 1962. 1962年在总统办公室,肯尼迪正为女儿卡罗琳和儿子约翰的舞蹈鼓掌。 www.bing.com 9. The gold farmland is a head that claps oneself. 金田一微笑地拍拍自己的头。 www.bazx.net.cn 10. Speak to BB until she claps her hands. 对着BB说话直到她开始拍手 wenwen.soso.com 1. "Like, " Zhuo in the house hugs me and lightly claps my shoulder: "Be free. " “好了,”家卓抱住我,轻轻拍我的肩膀:“没事了。” cnxp.tk 2. As long as we hear you claps and battle cry, we will keep on moving. 勇往直前,浴血奋战,要对的起场上的掌声和呐喊。 bbs.chinago.cn 3. I kept in the claps of years out and years in. 多年来我一直保存着 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But as time claps , there appeared to be a meaningful feeling when I see it today 但是随着时间的推移,我今天再看,仿佛有一种意味深长的感觉 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Claps, buckles & like, beads & spangles of base metal 贱金属制扣等;珠子及亮晶片,包括零件 zhidao.baidu.com 6. 没有人告诉你,生活会是这样(四次掌声) bbs.exue.com 7. That's all I have to share right now. (Crowd claps) 这就是现在我想要和你们分享的全部。(观众鼓掌) post.baidu.com 8. The audience claps when she sings 她唱完歌时观众总是鼓掌 wenku.baidu.com |
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