单词 | complement |
释义 | complementing是complement的现在分词
复数:complements 现在分词:complementing 过去式:complemented 例句释义: 补充,补足,补全,补语,互补,补集,互补创造更高价值 1. Everybody seems to be in a happy mood complementing the Christmas holiday feeling. 每个人看起来都是心情愉快补充圣诞假期里的感觉。 blog.116.com.cn 2. In a rear direction position, the seat member can be disposed to be a different positioning by complementing the angle of the car seat. 在后向位置中,座椅构件是可以与车辆的座椅角度互补来安置成不同的定位。 ip.com 3. Are there any other projects that you see as competing with or complementing MVC Contrib? 有没有你们认为是与MVCContrib竞争或是可以作为补充的项目? www.infoq.com 4. mass treatment with ivermectin would be a new weapon against malaria complementing insecticide spraying bed nets and other drugs Foy says. 福伊说,利用伊维菌素进行大规模治疗将会成为对抗疟疾的薪武器,可以作为杀虫喷雾剂、蚊帐和其他药物的补充。 www.goo--gle.com 5. Now two books about them have appeared simultaneously, complementing one another. 现在两部介绍他们的作品同时面试,两者相互补充。 www.ecocn.org 6. Isolating the bit is most easily done (for a two's complement number) by considering the operation of complementing a positive number. 隔离位是最容易做(两年补数目考虑补充正数操作)。 hi.baidu.com 7. Sample complementing is the practical demand of sampling survey, and its also a difficult problem in sampling technology. 样本追加是抽样调查的现实需求,也是一个抽样技术难题。 www.dictall.com 8. It would enable Pakistan's navy to strike targets on land, complementing the sizable land-based missile arsenal that Pakistan has developed. 它将使巴基斯坦海军打击陆上目标成为现实,对巴基斯坦已经开发的非常强大的陆地导弹体系也是一个很好的补充。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. The trilateral cooperation mechanism is complementing and improving other cooperation mechanisms in the progress of regional cooperation. 在区域合作进程中,与其他合作机制相互补充、相互促进。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Consideration should be given to complementing the filtration process with some degree of heat treatment. 应该考虑采取带有一定程度热处理的过滤方法。 www.pharmst.cn 1. The latter group is used to describe the eu- and hetero-chromatin in a way complementing the textural methods. 后者是用来描述欧盟和异染色质的方式补充结构的方法。 www.syyxw.com 2. Conversation Support for Web Services provides the technology to build that module in an incremental manner, complementing BPEL4WS. Web服务的对话支持为增量地构建这个模块提供了技术,以补充BPEL4WS。 www.ibm.com 3. Malignant segregants may , therefore, arise when complementing chromosomes are lost . 因此当互补染色体丢失时,就会产生恶性分离子。 www.bing.com 4. A structure on a property that serves a specific purpose, complementing the home or main building. A garage or storage shed. 物业上的专用建筑,如车库或储存棚等。 hd.cnstock.com 5. to make proposals for complementing Socialist Market Economy system and promoting economic reform. 提出完善社会主义市场经济体制和推进经济体制改革的建议。 www.prcgov.org 6. It emerges at roof level and incorporates a 'sky room' and viewing terrace, uniting and complementing the existing buildings. 它在房顶探出,形成“天房”和观景台,联合并补充现有的建筑。 bbs.zhengjingjianzhu.com 7. Complementing this, though, is a second, "back end, " meaning of concurrency. 然而,与之相对的是“后端”意义上的并发。 www.ibm.com 8. Those three are trinity, complementing with each other, forming the quality of a leader. 三个方面是三位一体的,相互作用和相互促进,从而促成了领袖的诞生。 www.jukuu.com 9. It takes on the task of complementing those recipes with deeper understanding, so you can cope with more general and novel situations. 它所承担的任务是,用更深刻的理解补充这些处方,这样您就能应付更一般或前所未知的新情况。 www.ibm.com 10. Conversation Support for Web Services provides the technology to build that module in a flexible manner, complementing BPEL4WS. Web服务的对话支持提供了灵活地构建这个模块的技术,以补充BPEL4WS。 www.ibm.com 1. A complementing circuit selects either the subtracter output or the output of the complementing circuit . 取补线路可任意选通减法器的输出或补取线路的输出。 www.bing.com 2. Complementing effect enhance with the increase of precipitation, which is obvious especially when the number of species is higher. 随着降水量的增加,补偿效应增强,尤其是物种数较高的组合这种表现更为明显。 www.fabiao.net 3. Suggestions on ore matching by complementing sinter and pelletizing is advanced. 在此研究基础上给出了烧结与球团互补性配矿建议。 www.chemyq.com 4. Complementing the responsive chassis is a Kayaba Air-Oil-Separate (AOS) fork that offers precise cornering and sharp handling. 补充响应底盘是茅场空油分离(AOS)的叉,提供精确的转弯和尖锐的处理。 www.moto8.cn 5. Conversation Support for web services provides the mechanism for adaptable and extensible B2B integration, complementing BPEL4WS. Web服务的对话支持提供了可适应的、可扩展的B2B集成机制,以补充BPEL4WS。 www.ibm.com 6. Since no one is perfect, having a family means supporting and complementing each other. 既然没人是完美的,那么有个家意味着彼此支持和互补。 www.readerstimes.com 7. You can match the characters not within a range by complementing the set. 你可以用补集来匹配不在区间范围内的字符。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 8. Jeff: So I should ask permission before complementing or kissing you? 杰夫:这么说在赞美和亲吻你以前我应该先征得(你的)同意? www.bing.com 9. Even better, Carmen wears her hair in styles which work with the event she is attending and complementing her face shape and fashions. 更妙的是,卡门穿的样式与她出席活动和补充工作,她的头发她的脸形状和时尚。 www.zzmyt.com 10. Complementing the cuisine is a well stocked wine cellar. 与美食相伴的是储藏丰富的酒窖内的葡萄酒。 www.tripagain.com 1. We are both good friends sharing weal and woe and good partners complementing each other with advantages. 我们既是风雨同舟、患难与共的好朋友,又是优势互补、合作共赢的好伙伴! www.fmprc.gov.cn 2. Priests have a very nice way of complementing the kill-felhunter-first strategy. 牧师有一个非常不错的办法来配合完成“先杀狗”战术。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When they are used together, good synergism was-observed, complementing each other in their properties. 当它们结合使用时,由于性能的相互补偿,产生很好的协同效应。 journal.ecust.edu.cn 4. Only by complementing with each other and have a harmonious coexistence, can we achieve positive win-win development! 彼此间相辅相成,和谐共生,方可实现共赢、双赢的良性发展! wenku.baidu.com 5. Shell, for example, modified its approach by complementing long-term global assignments with short-term ones for its Chinese staff. 再举一例,壳牌公司修订了政策,针对其中国雇员,用短期配置补全其长期全球配置。 www.bing.com 6. It's a team of people, each complementing each other. 这是一个团队,每个人都互相补充。 www.bing.com 7. For example, different personalities, instead of complementing and balancing each other, may build up conflicts. 例如,不同的性格可能造成冲突而不是平衡和互补。 www.6sq.net 8. given their close proximity , both hong kong and shenzhen would have much to gain by moving forward as twin cities complementing each other. 香港和深圳在地理上如此接近,倘能朝向发展为姊妹城市的方向互补不足,将会对双方大有裨益。 www.ichacha.net 9. Carrying out on a large scale to develop and to spread water collecting and complementing irrigation technique 大力发展和推广集水补灌技术 service.ilib.cn 10. On Combining Psychological Consultation With Moral Education--Furthermore Complementing for "two courses" Teaching 论心理咨询与德育的结合--兼议对“两课”教学的补充 www.ilib.cn 1. Sharing resources, complementing one another, exploring new culti-vation models of doctoral student 资源共享优势互补探索博士研究生培养的新模式 service.ilib.cn 2. Study on Water Control and its Technique System under Deficient Complementing Irrigation in East Drought Area of Qinghai 青海东部旱区旱农田匮乏型补灌的水分调控及其技术体系研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Probabilistic Cloning and Orthogonal Complementing of an Unknown State 未知单粒子态及其正交态的概率复制 www.ilib.cn 4. Ecotourism should only be complementing, not substituting traditional livelihood 生态旅游是传统生计的补充而不是替代 www.8wen.com 5. Complementing these actions are four additional links on the home page view, shown in figure 4 除了这些动作外,主页上还有4个链接,如图4所示 www.ibm.com 6. The Structural Differences in Chinese and English Discourses: Minor Facts Pre-heaping and Minor Facts Post-complementing 事先铺垫型和事后补充型:汉英语篇结构差异 www.ilib.cn 7. Some of the following factors could be related to the previously mentioned diseases: excision repair cross-complementing 1; 以下的一些因素可能与先前所提及的疾病有关:切除修复交叉互补基因1; www.medlive.cn 8. Building and complementing multi-media teaching resources bank and examination system 多媒体教学资源库与考试系统的建设与实施 www.ilib.cn 9. Delicate, airy foams of natural flavors served in elegant glassware or complementing another food item 精巧轻盈的泡沫带着自然风味陈于优雅的玻璃杯中,或作为其他菜色的配料; www.bing.com 10. On the Inner Certainty of General Plan for Running a Country by Law and by Virtue from Complementing Law and Morals 从法德互补看法德并治方略内在必然性 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Enhanced cisplatin cytotoxicity by RNA interfering the excision repair cross-complementing 1 gene in ovarian cancer cell lines RNA干扰技术抑制切除修复交叉互补基因1对卵巢上皮性癌细胞顺铂敏感性的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, and predominantly for the purpose of complementing in-situ measures: 每一缔约国应尽可能并酌情,主要为辅助就地保护措施起见: bbs.e5zj.com 3. Correcting and complementing for bird items in great dictionaries 大型字词典鸟类条目释义补正 www.ilib.cn 4. Research on Performance Reliability Calculation Method Based on Mutual-Complementing System 基于互补型系统性能可靠性预计方法研究 ilib.cn 5. Perioperatively Applying External Jugular Vein Puncture to 150 Neurosurgical Patients with Coma for Complementing Fluid 150例昏迷病人围手术期颈外静脉穿刺的应用 6. Design of Cutting Tool Complementing Plan in Machining Center 加工中心刀具配套方案设计 service.ilib.cn 7. two processes in succession, linked closely and complementing each other 包括两个前后相继、紧密相连、相辅相成的过程 wenku.baidu.com 8. Study on Complementing Exactly Developening in the Process of the Film- Flush Machine 洗片机加工药液精确补充的探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Han Yu's spiritual world of complementing Confucianism and Taoism 论韩愈儒道互补的精神世界 www.ilib.cn 10. X-ray repair cross complementing group 1, XRCC 背景与目的:X线交叉互补基因1 1. What we need is cooperation based on Division of labour, complementing each other; 我们需要的是分工协作,优势互补; zaixian-fanyi.cn |
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