单词 | bison |
释义 |
例句释义: 野牛,美洲野牛,拜森,美洲野牛属 1. A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal killing one man and injuring six others. 一头野牛溜达出了的栖息地,在孟加拉邦的村庄里横冲直撞,一人死亡,六人受伤。 www.ttxyy.com 2. Of course, that might just mean that the Clovis people had not quite exterminated bison before they, themselves, disappeared. 当然,这可能仅仅意味着克洛维斯人在他们自己灭绝之前并没有完全猎杀完美洲野牛。 www.ecocn.org 3. Neo bison: zomg. Anyways. Sorry I gotta go. Last thing, what you think our big picture should be? 天哪,对不起我要走了。最后一个问题,你觉得我们大的画面魔兽世界公会声望应该定位在哪里? www.51yue.net 4. I had never been so close to a wolf and bison battle. 我从未如此近距离地观看过狼牛之战 www.kekenet.com 5. The bison turned its head in my direction to get shelter from the wind and I had my image. 为了避开大风,野牛把头转到了面对我的这个方向,我拍下此刻的图片。 kk.dongxi.net 6. Wald's new Black Bison kit sets out to change all this by including a full body kit, new wheels, and plenty of carbon-fiber accessories. 沃尔德的新黑野牛包列出来改变这一切,包括全面bodykit,新的轮毂,和大量的碳纤维配件。 usa.315che.com 7. So far, the changes have not endangered the bison because mammals adapt easily to a changing environment, scientists say. 科学家称,目前野牛还没有受到太大影响,因为哺乳动物适应环境变化的能力较强。 cn.reuters.com 8. Over a half-century, up to 40 million American bison, or buffalo, were slaughtered for skins and meat and to ease the railways' spread. 新铁路更容易取得搬迁定居者和冲突的增加土著美国人。经过半个世纪的时间里,高达40万美国野牛或水牛,被屠杀的毛皮和肉类,并缓解铁路传播。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In a BISON keyword search, "and" is always a Boolean operator. 在BISON的关键词中“and”永远做为逻辑操作符。 www.bing.com 10. Throughout these articles, the names "lex" and "yacc" will be used to include also flex and bison, the GNU versions of these utilities. 在这两篇文章的所有内容中,“lex”和“yacc”这两个名字所代表的也包括这些工具的GNU版本flex和bison。 www.ibm.com 1. Watching bison up close is mesmerizing, like watching a grass fire about to leap out of control. 近距离观察野牛会使人生疑,就像看到一场失控的大火即将恣肆于草原。 www.bing.com 2. This bison was relatively close to the road and its clean appearance caught my attention. 这头野牛在公路附近,它干净的外表引起了我的注意。 dongxi.net 3. With fewer bison , grass shoots were not eater, so grass did not grow as strongly . 野牛少了,嫩草没有牛吃,草就长得不象以前那样茂盛了。 www.bing.com 4. Thus one simple fact , a change in the number of bison , had an effect on the whole wildlife chain of the plain . 因此,一个简单的事实—野牛数目的变化对平原的整个野生生物链都产生了影响。 www.bing.com 5. Between 1850 and 1910 the bison pupolation is thought to have fallen from 60 million to just a few hundred. 人们认为,在1850年到1910年之间,野牛的头数从6000万头降到只有几百头了。 www.jxenglish.com 6. Bands of men went in search of herds of prehistoric bison or mammoth. 男人们诱捕,狩猎通常由史前野牛和猛犸组成的兽群。 www.bing.com 7. Bison used to roam through the American great plains, but most of them are slaughter by hunter. 从前野牛在美国大平原上漫游,但是大多数都被猎人屠杀了。 baike.soso.com 8. Be sure to read the installation instructions carefully and note that you need both flex and bison installed to compile PHP. 请认真阅读PHP的安装说明,并注意要编译PHP需要同时安装flex和bison。 php.mirror.widexs.nl 9. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose, mountain lions, eagles, trumpeter swans and a host of other animals. 保护这里的野牛,麋鹿,熊,驼鹿,美洲狮,鹰,号手天鹅和其他动物。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 10. So butchers rake the tongues of bison out of the prairie grass, regardless of the torn and drooping plant. 同样地,屠夫们在草地上到处耙野牛舌草,不顾那被撕伤了和枯萎了的植物。 www.for68.com 1. European settlers hunted them eagerly, believing that there would always be a continual supply of wild bison. 欧洲移民不停的捕杀它们,他们相信永远都有源源不绝的野生野牛。 www.24en.com 2. These animals, and also horses, can BE infected. Susceptible wildlife are reindeer, elk, caribou, deer, otter, coyotes and bison. 这些动物以及马匹可以被传染。敏感的野生动物有驯鹿、麋鹿、北美驯鹿、鹿、水獭、草原狼和野牛。 dict.ebigear.com 3. The brief description of North America mentions "humped oxen" or bison, wild horses and a region named "Ka-na-ta. " 在对北美的简单介绍中则提到了“背部隆起的公牛”或者野牛,野马以及一个叫“ka-na-ta”(可能是加拿大——译者注)的地方。 www.bing.com 4. Nature and fertility would have been all-important; they would have worshipped sun gods, water gods, moon gods and doubtless bison gods. 最重要的一点肯定是自然资源的丰饶多产,他们崇拜太阳神、水神、月亮神,无疑还有野牛神。 www.bing.com 5. The disease has little effect on park bison, and no reported case of transmission from wild bison to domestic livestock has been filed. 这种疾病对公园里的野牛基本上没有什么影响。而且,人们也没有提出野牛将疾病传播到家畜的案例报道。 www.bing.com 6. But Dr Kennett notes that present-day bison are not like the ones the Clovis people hunted. 但Kennett博士指出,今天的美洲野牛并不与克洛维斯人当年猎杀的一样。 www.ecocn.org 7. Michael Essien - Calmly walks over to snake and asks snake if it is afraid of Bison. 埃辛――镇静的走向蛇,并询问蛇是否惧怕非洲野牛。 club.pchome.net 8. The Yellowstone Park Bison Herd is the largest public herd of American Bison in the United States. 黄石公园野牛群是美国最大的公共的美洲野牛群。 www.bing.com 9. Some grammar rules produce specific semantic types, which have to be declared to Bison as in Listing 2. 有些文法规则可以产生特定的语义类型,这需要像清单2中一样对Bison进行声明。 www.ibm.com 10. The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in Pindal Cave near Colombres, Province of Oviedo, Spain. 野牛和弯镖是西班牙奥维多省哥伦布里斯附近品达洞穴里的彩画摹本。 tr.bab.la 1. One aim of the research is to develop effective culling strategies for the island's bison population. 研究目标之一是为该岛的北美野牛族群研发出有效的筛选策略。 www.bing.com 2. The Indians hunted bison, a type of wild animals which used to exist in large numbers on the plains of America. 印第安人捕杀野牛,这种牛过去大量生活在美国平原上。 beike.dangzhi.com 3. There's plenty of bull in the fish story, as an angler and bison share a stretch of Wyoming's Yellowstone River. 在鱼的故事中有大量的公牛,就像钓鱼人和野牛共享一段怀俄明州的黄石河。 www.bing.com 4. Animals - mammals, bison and reindeer - moved across to the American side, and hunting humans followed. 各种各样的动物,包括哺乳动物、野牛、驯鹿等开始向美洲方向进行迁徙,狩猎它们的人类也随之而来。 www.bing.com 5. Bison calves are born in summer and can run within a few hours of their birth. 野牛幼崽在夏季出生,在出生后短短几小时之内就能奔跑。 www.kekenet.com 6. Those cows utilized for milk production is currently ensouled by the Bison Species until humanity ceases to require milk to survive. 这些用来产奶的母牛最近被水牛王国赋予灵魂,直到人类停止需要牛奶来生存。 www.tisheng.org 7. They hunted bison, a type of wild animals which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America. 他们猎杀野牛,一种曾经大量生存于美洲草原的野生动物。 m.anoah.com 8. They killed the bison, cut off the skins and left the bodies behind to rot. 他们把野牛杀死剥皮,尸体就任其腐烂。 www.a55.cn 9. The bison is a hoofed animal with a humped back and long, coarse hair. 野牛是有蹄动物,背部有隆肉,毛粗而长。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. They hunted bison, a type of cattle which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America. 他们猎取一种野牛,这种牛以前是成群结队地生活在美洲平原上的。 www.bing.com 1. Perhaps some migrated east to the Great Plains and assimilated with nomads who hunted bison. 也许有一些移居到东部大平原与在那里猎杀野牛的游牧民族同化了。 www.huaxia-ng.com 2. The Yellowstone Park Bison Herd is the oldest and largest public bison herd in the United States. 黄石公园内的美洲野牛群是美国最古老而且也是最大的公共野牛群。 www.bing.com 3. To escape soaring ground temperatures, cowbirds choose a bison's back as a cool place to feed and catch the breeze. 为了逃离地面气温的飙升,燕八哥们选择野牛背作为一个凉爽的地方用以进食并享受徐徐微风。 www.kekenet.com 4. The Indians who hunted the bison had their main food supply destroyed in decades and their lands taken away from them. 印第安人猎取野牛作为他们的主要食物供给,近十年的破坏,他们的陆地远离了他们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Finally, a lexical analysis to do with the flex bison parser on the design of scientific calculator. 最后给出了一个用flex做词法分析用bison做语法分析设计的科学计算器。 www.codesoso.com 6. On a Windows server, begin by installing Cygwin, then install the gcc, flex, and bison tools to compile and install the code. 在一个Windows服务器上,先安装Cygwin,然后安装gcc、flex和bison工具来编译并安装代码。 www.ibm.com 7. With less competition from elk for grasses, bison may be doing better than ever. 另外随着麋鹿对草竞争的缓和,美洲野牛的日子也比以前任何时候都要好了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And I typed out an email that said, "I'm at Golden Gate Park watching the bison. " 我写出了一封邮件说,我在金门公园看野牛 open.163.com 9. The rare European bison has a smaller head than the American bison and is slightly taller. 稀有的欧洲野牛的头比美洲野牛的小,但个儿略微高些。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Buffalo meat can help boost energy and lower weight. And you don't have to have a home on the range to get some bison anymore. 野牛肉使你精力充沛并且可以帮你减肥,而你并不需要住在牧场才吃得到野牛肉。 www.bing.com 1. Today most of the half million remaining bison are in captivity, like these on the Triple U ranch in South Dakota. 今天,残存的五十万头野牛大都像南达科塔TripleU牧场的这些野牛一样被圈养。 www.bing.com 2. And low iron levels in blood can cause severe fatigue. To get a good dose of iron, try bison. 而血液中含铁量过低容易引起严重的疲劳感,为了摄取适量的铁,试一下野牛。 www.bing.com 3. Our BISON catalog may not be extinct, but it is being hunted down by the competition. 我们的BISON目录系统可能不会消失,但是它正因竞争而被质疑。 www.bing.com 4. Once, following World War I, bison from zoos were brought here to replenish a species nearly extirpated by hungry soldiers. 第一次世界大战之后,动物园饲养的欧洲野牛被带到这片森林中,来补充这个几乎被饥饿的士兵全部吃光的物种。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Stately American bison graze beneath gold-lined clouds in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. 在俄克拉何马州的威奇托山野生动物保护区,美洲野牛在金色云彩下悠然体面地吃着草。 www.bing.com 6. A properly installed Cygwin environment provides the mandatory files bison. Simple and bison. Exe. 正确安装的Cygwin环境已经提供了bison.simple和bison.exe文件。 www.phpx.com 7. Where people can watch close-up of five well-known African animals: elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros and bison. 在那里,人们可以近距离观赏非洲著名的五大动物:大象、狮子、豹子、犀牛和野牛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. North American bison differ from domestic cattle in the number of their ribs. 北美野牛和驯养牛的肋骨数目不一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Fog from a nearby hot spring nearly conceals two bison grazing on winter grasses in Yellowstone National Park. 温泉附近的雾气几乎将黄石国家公园冬日牧场的两头野牛完全笼罩住。 www.kekenet.com 10. But the biggest obstacle is the ranchers themselves, whose cattle compete with prairie dogs and bison for grass and space. 但最大的阻碍来自牧场主本身,他们的牲畜与土拨鼠和野牛们竞争着草场和空间。 www.bing.com 1. BISON has simple, advanced, and expert search modes, a journal search, and jumping off points for other catalogs. BISON有简单、高级和专业级搜索模式,期刊搜索,到其他目录的跳转点。 www.bing.com 2. Perhaps without the megaherbivores like the mastodon of old or even the bison of yesteryear, the prairie won't come back. 也许没有大型食草动物,如古时候的乳齿象乃至过去的野牛,大草原是不会回来的。 dongxi.net 3. Cattle Descendants of the buffalo and bison, cattle fulfilled many uses in man's past and present. 牛是原始水牛和野牛的后代,从古至今,牛满足了人类的种种需求。 spreadsheets.google.com 4. An American bison stands in a field on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma. 一只北美野牛伫立在俄克拉荷马州的高草草原保护区。 www.bing.com 5. Target's most popular bath-towel color is 'bison brown. ' Macy's top towel picks are vanilla, white, linen and chocolate. 塔吉特百货最热销的浴巾颜色是“野牛棕色”,梅西百货最热销的毛巾颜色是香草色、白色、亚麻色和巧克力色。 c.wsj.com 6. The issue is also clouded by a dispute about the extent of the risk to cattle from bison that carry brucellosis . 当议题讨论到带原野牛危害家畜的风险时,辩论过程同样陷入混乱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The bison will not stay long among the trees. 野牛不会在林中栖息过久 www.kekenet.com 8. Populations of the European bison and black-footed ferret are both recovering. 现在,欧洲野牛和黑足鼬的数量都重新得到了恢复。 www.bing.com 9. In Zimbabwe's largest national park - WanJi national park, there are five African beast: the lion, cheetahs, bison, rhinoceroses, elephants. 在津巴布韦最大的国家公园——万基国家公园,就有非洲五兽:狮子、猎豹、野牛、犀牛、大象。 en.cnxianzai.com 10. This suggests that all present-day bison are descended from a very small group of animals. 这意味着,今天所有的美洲野牛都是由同一小群祖先所繁殖而来。 www.ecocn.org 1. Bison, or buffalo, meat is lean and has what diet-conscious women want -- lots of iron and less fat than most cuts of beef. 野牛或水牛的肉比较瘦而且有女性所需要的——大量的铁、比大部分牛肉要瘦。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 2. Bison waste no longer fell on the ground to improve the soil, which as a result became less good for growing plants. 野牛的粪便不再落在土地上以涵养土壤,结果土壤变得越发不利于植物的生长。 www.bing.com 3. Watching bison, seeing a sky full of stars, and hiking through that scenery was overwhelming. 我们守望野牛,仰望漫天繁星,在那让人无法自拔的景色中独步旅行。 www.bing.com 4. But unless the last humans remember to first remove Belarus'siron curtain, its bison may wither away with them. 不过,最后的人类可得记得把白俄罗斯的钢铁幕帘拆除,否则,这里的欧洲野牛将会随他们一同消亡。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They brought the bison to earth with bows and arrows on the Great Plains. 他们用弓和箭驯服了大平原上的野牛! pro.yeeyan.org 6. Although BISON includes some tables of contents, Google Books uses full-text indexing. 尽管BISON有一些目录,GoogleBooks却是使用全文索引的。 www.bing.com 7. Sixty acres of woods and ponds are home to camels, zebra, bison, water buffalo, ostrich and antelope. 六十英亩的森林和池塘是骆驼,斑马,野牛,水牛,鸵鸟和羚羊的家园。 www.bing.com 8. There are about 2, 500 American bison, which were once hunted to a few hundred animals, roaming the preserve. 在这片保护区内,生活着约两千五百只北美野牛,它们曾遭猎杀以致仅剩几百只,现在迁徙到了保护区。 www.bing.com 9. Bison have room to roam at the Triple U Buffalo Ranch near Fort Pierre, South Dakota. 北美野牛在南达科塔皮埃尔堡垒附近的TripleU野牛牧场漫游。 www.bing.com 10. We examined one typical day of searching from the logs of BISON and got every search and the count of results. 我们通过BISON的日志找出了某个代表性的一天里每个搜索请求和得到的结果。 www.bing.com 1. Bison waste no longer fell on the ground to improve the soil. 野牛制造的废物也不再渗进泥土改善土壤了。 2. The bison skins were sent by rail to cities to be sold. 野牛皮用火车运到城里出售。 www.bing.com 3. Bison graze on a prairie in Manitoba's Riding Mountain National Park. 在马尼托巴省骑山国家公园的大草原上的吃草的野牛。 www.bing.com 4. When the storm hit later that evening, I was sure this bison was now blanketed in snow. 暴风雪随之袭来,我确定那晚那头野牛被雪覆盖了。 kk.dongxi.net 5. Instead, he wants APF to pay or subsidize ranchers to raise bison. 他反而要求草原基金会向牧场主们付钱或提供补贴。因为基金会在草原上放养野牛。 www.bing.com 6. Bison waste no longer fell on the ground to improve to soil. 地上不再有野牛的粪便来改良土壤了。 www.rrting.com 7. The killing of the bison changed the whole wildlife of the plains. 屠宰野牛改变了平原的全部野生生物系统。 www.bing.com 8. And of course there are the bison. 当然,这里有野牛。 www.bing.com 9. This is how the prairies were built , the relationship between bison and grasses . 这也是草原的形成原理,野牛和草类的关系。 www.bing.com 10. Bison is used to generate parsers; Flex is used to generate lexical analyzers. Bison用来生成语法分析器;Flex用来生成词汇分析器。 www-128.ibm.com 1. This is how the prairies were built , the relationship between bison and grasses . 这也是草原的形成原理,野牛和草类的关系。 www.bing.com 2. Bison is used to generate parsers; Flex is used to generate lexical analyzers. Bison用来生成语法分析器;Flex用来生成词汇分析器。 www-128.ibm.com 3. European bison (Bison bonasus) in the Bialowieza Forest National Park, Poland. 波兰比亚沃维耶扎国家公园的欧洲野牛。 gb.cri.cn 4. They even mastered the way of hunting bison projectile. 他们甚至掌握了抛射的方式狩猎野牛。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. We had these big things that I weigh the bison on, for instance. 我们有这种专用巨型体重秤,用来对付好比野牛这样的大家伙。 www.ted.com 6. Note the similarities to the GNU flex and bison utilities. (注意,此处类似于GNUflex和bison实用程序)。 www.ibm.com 7. Bison, for instance, kept roaming the plains of America. 例如,美洲野牛就仍然在美洲的平原上漫步。 www.ecocn.org 8. The PHP build process depends on many utilities and development libraries, such as Flex, Bison, libxml, and PCRE. PHP构建过程依赖于许多实用程序和开发库,例如Flex、Bison、libxml和PCRE。 www.ibm.com 9. European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison. 欧洲的野牛,其头比美洲野牛的小且高。 www.dictall.com 10. Remains of bison lie alongside antelope and rabbit. 野牛的尸体躺在羚羊和兔子旁边。 www.kekenet.com 1. Before Europeans came to America, huge numbers of bison roamed free on the prairies -- about 30 million! 在欧洲人来到美洲之前,许多野牛悠游漫步在大草原上,总数约达3千万头! www.24en.com 2. A bison is a large animal found on the American plains. 北美野牛是在美洲大平原上发现的一种大型动物。 old.myschoolnet.cn 3. Bison were killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters . 野牛被杀了吃肉,而它们的毛皮被制成御寒的衣服。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Nickel bison and the Indians have a real prototype for creation. 镍币上的野牛和印第安人都以真实的原型进行创作。 hi.baidu.com 5. Bison was killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters. 他们杀野牛,吃它的肉,用它的毛皮制成御寒的衣服。 www.jxenglish.com 6. Bison were killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during winters. 他们杀野牛,吃野牛肉,用野牛的毛皮制成冬季御寒的衣服。 en.ruiwen.com 7. Lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis in order to become familiar with flex and bison two powerful tools. 通过词法分析,语法分析,语义分析的顺序来熟悉flex和bison这两个有力的工具。 www.codesoso.com 8. Finally, the revised BISON1. 5 is connected with THPBHR to form a thermal hydraulics and neutronics coupled calculation code, BITH. 最后将修改后的BISON程序与THPBHR相联接,形成能综合分析包层的热工水力及中子学的程序BITH。 word.hcbus.com 9. America's first national park, Yellowstone is home to wildlife from bears to bison and geological stunners such as hot springs and geysers. 美国第一个国家公园,黄石公园是野生动物的所在地,从熊到北美野牛还有地质上极美的如温泉和间歇泉。 www.bing.com 10. To get a good dose of iron, try bison. 要想补铁,就找野牛。 www.bing.com 1. While early settlers had killed bison for food. 当在早期时殖民者杀野牛做食物。 www.tingroom.com 2. Willcutt brought the reserve's first bison from South Dakota to Montana. Willcutt从南达科他州带回了保护区的第一头野牛。 www.bing.com 3. The use of golden buffalo skin, your ancient bison will be reborn, glittering. 而使用金色野牛皮肤,你的上古野牛也将脱胎换骨,金光闪闪。 www.hicoo.net 4. In some cases, they also fall into the trap of antelope and bison raised up. 有时,他们还把落入陷阱的羚羊和野牛养起来。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Now that they could ride horses, it became easier to hunt the bison. 既然他们学会骑马了,猎取野牛也就变得比较容易了。 www.jxenglish.com 6. We do have live bison in San Francisco, if you haven't seen it. 我们旧金山确实有野牛,不过你可能没见过。 open.163.com 7. With fewer bison. Grass shoots are not eaten, SO grass didn't grow as strongly. 由于野牛少了,嫩草没有牛来吃了,草就长得不壮。 www.jxenglish.com 8. That settlers killed bison just for their skins was never understood. 殖民者捕杀野牛只是为了取皮从来不被人们理解。 old.myschoolnet.cn 9. large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains. 北美洲草原上大型鬃毛粗硬的褐色野牛。 dict.wenguo.com 10. With fewer bison, grass shoots were not eaten. 野牛少了,嫩草没有牛吃了。 www.tingroom.com 1. Plant-eating animals such as bison release large amounts of biogas to the atmosphere. 草食动物,如野牛释放大量的沼气到大气中。 www.tech-domain.com 2. The bison have poor eyesight and can't see Jeff. 野牛的视力很弱所以并没看见杰夫 www.kekenet.com 3. The Maxwell Game Preserve near Canton, Kansas, supports a herd of some 200 bison. 堪萨斯州坎顿附近的麦斯威尔禁猎区正放养着200头左右的野牛。 ngmchina.com.cn 4. But the bison are armed and dangerous. 不过野牛角锋锐利相当危险 www.kekenet.com 5. A law was passed to protect them, and today most bison live in parks and wildlife reserves. 国会通过了一条用来保护它们的法律,而现在大部分的野牛都住在公园及野生动物保护区内。 www.24en.com 6. one wrong step and the bison could kill Jeff. 只要出一点错野牛就会杀死杰夫 www.kekenet.com 7. Bison graze near a hot spring. 美洲野牛在一个温泉附近吃草。 www.bing.com 8. You need to update your version of Bison. 需要更新Bison的版本。 cr.php.net 9. Wolves are natural enemies of some large animals, such as deer or bison. They also eat rabbits, mice, and wild fruit. 狼是某些大动物的天敌,比如:鹿和野牛。它们也吃兔子、老鼠和野果。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He later was called a bison. 后来,人们叫它美洲野牛。 www.unsv.com 1. Many parsers are built directly from this grammar using parser-generator tools such as JavaCC or Bison. 许多解析器都是使用如JavaCC或Bison等解析器-生成器工具直接从此语法中构建的。 www.ibm.com 2. The bison grows to shoulder - height of 1. 5 meters and can weigh 1100 kilograms. 野牛可以长到齐肩高1.5米,重达1100公斤。 www.jxenglish.com 3. Then, I went out to Golden Gate Park and I went to the Bison Paddock. 接着我去了金门公园,去了野牛帕多克。 open.163.com 4. This DNA testing is helping to change long held theories about animals such as the bison. 这种DNA测试正促进着改变长期持有的有关动物的理论,如野牛。 www.qzmama.org 5. The ranch's 2, 000 head of bison go from pasture to pasture over 50, 000 acres, traveling about 18 miles total every year. 该牧场的2000头野牛每年从一个牧场走到另一个牧场,跨越50000英亩(约202平方公里),行程总共约18英里(约29公里)。 www.bing.com 6. Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park. 灰熊,狼,自由放养的美洲野牛和麋鹿群都在公园里生活着。 www.bing.com 7. Today, there are about 80, 000 to 90, 000 bison, thanks to efforts to preserve the species. 由于保护该物种的努力所致,现在那里约有80,000到90,000头野牛。 www.24en.com 8. Herds of bison also live in the park. 另外,公园内也住有成群的野牛。 www.24en.com 9. undomesticated bison are restricted to a few Great Plains patches; 不宜驯服的野牛仅在大草原的几块土地上生活; www.bing.com 10. To the bison of the prairie it is a few inches of palatable grass, with water to drink; 在大草原上的野牛眼里,这些只不过是可口的草和解渴的水。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. One of the few cameramen, who have filmed wolves and bison here 几位摄影师中有一人曾拍过狼和野牛 www.kekenet.com 2. An Early Start on Environmental Devastation: The American Bison 最早的环境破坏事件:屠杀美洲野牛 www.bing.com 3. To handle variable names and real values, the semantic type of Bison has to be enhanced 为了处理变量名和实际值,Bison的语义类型必须进行增强 www.ibm.com 4. Bison on the run can only mean one thing - 奔跑的牛群只说明一件事 www.kekenet.com 5. The bison form a defensive circle around their young, 野牛们以幼崽为中心组成防御性外围 www.kekenet.com 6. The Overall Layout of a Bison Grammar Bison 语法文件的整体布局 www.jtzjsc.com.cn 7. Montana, US: A herd of bison in the Bitterroot Valley are covered in snow following a blizzard 美国蒙大拿州,史蒂文森威尔市:在一次大风暴雪之后,在苦根谷的一群北美野牛被覆盖在雪里。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Thus one simple fact, a change in the number of bison, 因此,出现了这样一个简单的事实 www.tingroom.com 9. Wild animals can serve as reservoir (possums, badgers, bison) 野生动物是病原发源地(负鼠、獾、美洲野牛) www.ccag.com.cn 10. panther, puma leopard tiger wildcat bison yak dog badger weasel otter fox 虎野猫美洲野牛牦牛狗獾豹美洲豹鼬,黄鼠狼水獭狐鬣狗 wenku.baidu.com 1. INTEGRATING SKILLS Reading THE BISON ON THE PLAINS OF AMERICA 综合技巧阅读美洲平原上的野牛 www.bing.com 2. Extending Bison for better error messages 扩展Bison可以更好地处理错误消息 www.ibm.com 3. The birth of the rare white bison is a sacred event 罕见的白色水牛出生,堪称神圣事件。 www.ecocn.org 4. The migratory patterns of the bison 野牛迁徙习性 my.zjut.edu.cn 5. For generations, wolves and bison here 狼与野牛在此代代抗衡 www.kekenet.com 6. that angels roamed these plains like bison 天使好像野牛那样漫步在平原上 www.ichacha.net 7. Bison bonasus European bison, Wisent 欧洲野牛 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Stone Bison With Shining Teeth 闪光牙石像野牛 www.shineblog.com 9. here is one of the bison herds i saw in the park 这是我在此所看见的野牛群之一 www.ichacha.net 10. Stone Bison With Shining Hoof 闪光蹄子石像野牛 www.shineblog.com 1. Stone Bison With Shining Tail 闪光尾巴石像野牛 www.shineblog.com 2. If you don't have cygwin installed with bison and flex, you also need to make the 如果没有安装有bison和flex的Cygwin,那还需要将 cn.php.net 3. Bison were killed for their meat, 他们杀野牛吃野牛肉, www.bing.com 4. There's a bison in my bathroom 有一头美洲野牛在我的浴室里 www.24en.com |
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