单词 | compete | ||||||||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:competes 现在分词:competing 过去式:competed v. contest,contend,vie,strive,participate compete 显示所有例句
例句释义: 竞争,对抗,参加比赛,比赛竞争,比得上,较量 1. To be honest with you , it is not as easy as you thought to compete with them here. So, you`d better look before you leap. 坦白讲,在这里和他们竞争并没有你想的那么容易。所以你最好在你起跳前先看看形势。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Many contracts also utilize vesting and non compete clauses to make it costly for the entrepreneur to leave the firm. 许多合同还利用授让和无竞争条款以限制创业者退出。 www.zftrans.com 3. For two short weeks, thousands of men and women from all over the world will compete and millions more will watch them. 在短短的两个星期里,来自世界各国的数千名运动员进行角逐,而数百万的人们注视着他们。 www.zftrans.com 4. The next time you step up to the deli counter, remember this: Bland white bread can't compete with hearty whole wheat in taste or nutrition. 下次当您朝熟食柜台走去时,要记住这一点:清淡的白色面包无论在味道上还是在营养价值上是不能与全麦面包相比的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I have decided to compete for. you can compete for it too. It's up to you. 我已经决定跟别人竞争这个新岗位。你也可以竞争。你自己决定吧。 wenku.baidu.com 6. After the 2006 Turin Games, where he finished 25th, he ran out of money and did not compete for nearly two years. 2006年杜林冬奥会后,他已经参加了25次比赛,资金已经用完于是就停赛了近2年。 www.bing.com 7. Microsoft spokesman said the company will compete in whatever markets it is in, including China. 微软发言人说,该公司将在所在的任何市场进行竞争,包括中国在内。 www.tesoon.com 8. Ms Pelosi realised that she did not need to compete with the White House in producing bright ideas that the Republicans might steal. 佩洛西女士认识到她不需要与白宫的行政领导们比谁的决策更加高明,因为共和党人可能会偷学自己的见解。 www.ecocn.org 9. Working with Chery will allow the company to add models able to compete with Toyota, which makes the Yaris, with less investment. 与奇瑞合作将使该公司如虎添翼,能够与丰田相抗衡——生产的雅力士车型,成本更低。 www.bing.com 10. New entrants might be able to make lifts but would struggle to compete with the comprehensive maintenance networks of the incumbents. 市场新进者或许能够制造电梯,但将与现任者全面的维修网络展开艰苦的竞争。 www.ecocn.org 1. Sharif wanted to show that there is no one in the country to compete with him in politics of Pakistan. 谢里夫想显现在这个国家没有一(个)在巴基斯坦的政治方面和他竞争。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A ragtag group of can-do ruffians trying to compete in a world that just doesn't seem to care. 一群底层人事想竞争大世界,好象也没人在乎乎他们。 forum.dragonsky.net 3. It may be the only way left to live up to your parents' expectations and compete with the top students in the class. 作弊可能是你达到你父母的期望并和班上的高材生竞争的惟一手段。 www.bing.com 4. Strikes over the last 2 months have been a wake-up call for many foreign companies that depend on China's low costs to compete overseas. 近两个月来的罢工事件为多家外企敲醒了警钟:不能再尽情享受中国低廉的人力成本带来的海外竞争优势。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. It pleased the Lord to create woman to complement man, not to compete with him or be a more rounded copy of him. 上帝创造女人,是为了与男人互补,而不是竞争,也不是作为男人的升级版本。 www.bing.com 6. I don't bother to compete with you. I mean, what's the point? It doesn't make any differences to me whether the winner is you or me. (我真的不想和你争来抢去。有什么意义呢?不论是你赢还是我胜,对我来说没什么差别。)又如: www.hxen.com 7. As for your tongue-in-cheek part, I'd rather watch them compete in hufu than hanfu, at least the girls' legs are more visible. 对于你那讽刺那段﹐我宁愿看他们以胡服比赛了﹐起码女孩子的腿也可以见得更清楚。 dict.bioon.com 8. While their main goal seems to be aiming resources at their mobile users, can Yelp also compete with Foursquare? 当他们的主要目标似乎是针对手机用户来投放资源的,yelp可以一直与Foursquare抗衡吗? www.bing.com 9. A brand new hotel has opened up in the area which has got a bit of an edge as it splurges on to compete with us. 在该地区有一个新酒店开张因其不惜血本、投入大笔资与我们竞争并崭露头角。 club.topsage.com 10. It is the vibration of vindictiveness that causes leaders to compete with one another for territorial reign or to war upon one another. 就是报复性振动,导致领导们为了领土而彼此竞争及彼此开战。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. You know I can't compete with all this, right? 你知道我配不上这一切 www.kekenet.com 2. He realised there was no use Silicon Valley trying to compete with the East Coast. 他意识到,硅谷没必要与东海岸竞争。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The name 'Open' was adopted as it was the first time both professionals and amateurs could compete at the tournament. 采用“公开赛”这个名称是因为这是专业和业余选手第一次可以在同一联赛中竞争。 www.bing.com 4. It does not compete with the bright flowers of spring, never to show off their beauty, it has a pair of characters, never arrogant. 它从不与百花争夺明媚的春天,也从不炫耀自己的美丽,它有着一副傲骨,也从不骄傲自大。 www.bing.com 5. That said, it seems like a cop out to say the best way to compete with Facebook's version of social is not social, but mobile. 有人说,与Facebook版本的社交网络相抗衡的最好办法不是社交而是转向移动设备。这种说法看起来似乎有点逃避的意味。 www.bing.com 6. That will allow you to develop into very confident putter as you grow older, and compete in bigger tournaments throughout China. 那么这会让你成长为一名胸有成竹的推杆手,在各个国内外大型比赛中更具竞争力。 www.s1979.com 7. There is, though, an irony: the new powers with which Europe must now compete have never been much convinced by the Union's postmodernism. 不过,有一件事颇具讽刺意味:现在欧洲必须与之竞争的新兴大国,从未被欧盟的后现代主义说服。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Trouble is, no one in the U. S. has been able to produce cellulosic ethanol in mass quantities at a cost that can compete with corn ethanol. 问题是,在美国没有人能够以可与玉米乙醇竞争的成本大量生产出纤维素乙醇。 www.foodmate.net 9. If it meant a shrinkage in its trade surplus, a Chinese slowdown would be good for those European firms that compete directly with it. 如果中国经济增长放缓意味着其对欧盟的贸易顺差能够收窄,那么对于那些直接和中国竞争的欧洲企业来说是一件好事。 c.wsj.com 10. But Mr Sharma played down the defeats, insisting India was not trying to compete with China. 但是,沙玛对这些失败轻描淡写,并坚称印度没有试图与中国竞争。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It's all about competing. You have to be ready to compete against anybody and just play hard. Sooner or later, good things will happen. 这是关于竞争的问题,你必须准备好与任何对手竞争,需要打出努力的表现,迟早好的事情会发生。 blog.163.com 2. poor countries would compete by carrying out microeconomic reforms that make it easy to start and build companies. 通过宏观经济改革,使创办企业变得容易,以此促使贫穷国家之间竞争。 www.ecocn.org 3. I believe that over the next 10 years, we're going to see a profound shift toward a world in which several currencies compete for dominance. 我相信,在未来10年内,我们将看到一个向着多种货币竞争主导地位的世界所发展的巨大变迁。 www.bing.com 4. It should let her know it if i really love her, to compete for her, and to move her. 要是喜欢她,真的应该让她知道,争取她,感动她。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Without these skilled people, Canada would not be able to compete with other rich countries like America, Japan, Germany and France. 如果不是这些源源来到的新移民,加拿大就无法和美国、日本、德国、法国这样的先进工业国家保持强有力的竞争。 immigrant.chuguohome.com 6. As a result, Geox did not suffer from illegal copying of its products and was able to compete effectively in China itself. 结果,Geox的产品没有遭到非法仿制,而能够在中国本地进行有效竞争。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He said the old Cold War assumption that America and Russia can only exist as antagonists who compete for spheres of influence is wrong. 奥巴马说,冷战期间那种思维,即美苏两国只能作为扩大势力范围的竞争对手,是错误的。 www.voanews.cn 8. Domestic products are just beginning to gain a foothold --for now, they are unable to compete in volume or price with imported brands. 才刚起步的本土咖啡业,在产量和价位上一时还无法与进口咖啡相比。 enews.url.com.tw 9. Envy may lead to bitterness, or to a decision to compete with a rival and the production of a masterpiece. 妒忌可能引起怨恨,也可能激发起与对手竞争的决心,从而创造出杰作。 www.hjenglish.com 10. David tends to feel useless and unwanted in a society that gives so much prestige to those who compete well. 在一个过分崇尚竞争的社会里,大卫常常产生无能为力和被人遗弃的感觉。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. It stayed out of the latest by-election, saying it would not compete with a red-shirt "terrorist" . 它没有插手此次补选,表示不想跟红衫“恐怖分子”相提并论。 www.ecocn.org 2. "Our fans are going to be thrilled to have the opportunity to see such a phenomenal player compete again at our tournament, " he said. “我们的球迷激动万分,他们现在能有机会,亲眼目睹这样一位一流球星,在场上一展英姿,”他说。 www.bing.com 3. Every player is ready to compete, and pour their hearts out for Houston, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. 每一个比赛夜,巴蒂尔他们时刻都准备着上场拼命争胜,对火箭队毫无二心。 club.learning.sohu.com 4. In the case of BNDES, this has been part of a government policy to create Brazilian champions that are big enough to compete abroad. 作为政策的一部分,巴西国家开发银行将被创建为具有国际竞争力的超大型企业。 www.ecocn.org 5. "I had been training hard to gain the chance to compete in the Bird's Nest. It is perfect and gives me a huge shock, " he said. 我一直为争取到鸟巢比赛的机会而刻苦训练着,它是完美绝伦的,它带给我具大的震撼。 www.suiniyi.com 6. He insisted, however, that it would be able to compete with the American cola brands, even with their enormous advertising budgets. 但是他坚称,它能够与美国的可乐品牌竞争,即使那些品牌有巨大的广告预算。 www.bing.com 7. Beat the clock and try to rack up as many points as possible as you compete in a wide range of your all-time favourite extreme events. 尽全力表演您自己最爱的极限项目,在给定的时间里尽可能多地得分。 forum.minisoyo.com 8. As a result of this achievement, you may be eiligible to compete for a limited number of scholarship awards to be announced at Honors Day. 由于你的出色表现和成就,你有能力竞争名额有限的奖学金,获奖结果将在开学典礼上宣布。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. She had, according to her daughter, given up trying to compete with her husband's work years ago, when the children were small. 拒她女儿说,几年前,当孩子们还小的时候,她就放弃了与丈夫的工作争宠的努力。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He dared not to compete with me in forces, but often showed his outside help and fortunes before me to cause my appetite and saliva. 他不敢跟我斗力,却把他的外援和好运道在我面前炫耀,以逗引出我的食欲和馋涎。 www.showxiu.com 1. "I won't compete unless I've done the right training. But as swimming is in my soul, I'll probably be a coach in my spare time, " she said. 她说:“不经过适当训练,我是不会参赛的。但是,因为游泳已经成为我生命的一部分,可能我以后会在业余时间去当教练。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Nobel may have been hesitant to compete with this established prize by creating one of his own. 诺贝尔可能觉得对设立一个新的数学奖会与国王的数学奖形成竞争,因此犹豫不决。 www.bing.com 3. Because most companies choose to adjust prices to compete, the impact is usually seen on the bottom line. 由于多数企业选择调整价格来进行竞争,其影响通常表现在利润上。 c.wsj.com 4. "In some markets, we continue to compete with Motorola but Motorola has never been one of our stronger and bigger competitors, " said LG. LG表示:“在某些市场,我们一直在与摩托罗拉竞争,但它从来都不是我们较强大的竞争对手。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Enjoy cinematic music and vivid visualizations as you compete against computer generals or up to 5 of your friends! 享受电影音乐和生动的可视化效果,你对电脑的将军或或挑战多达您五个朋友的竞争! www.simplecd.org 6. His coach later said he would urge Phelps not to compete internationally until the ban takes effect next year. 他的教练随后表示,他将敦促菲尔普斯不再参加国际比赛,直到明年禁令生效。 www.tingclass.com 7. Google's costs have continued to rise sharply as the company seeks to compete with newer rivals. 由于要和新的对手竞争,谷歌的运营成本继续大幅上升。 chinese.wsj.com 8. And, of course, the best generals will be able to send the results to the server and compete for first place in the table of records. 当然,最好的将军将能够诛仙人物图片结果发送到服务器,并在竞争的记诛仙2怎么创建人物录表的首位。 www.51yue.net 9. A top athletic court says sprinter and double amputee Oscar Pistorius must be allowed to compete for a spot in the Beijing Olympics. 比赛高等法院说必须允许赛跑选手和奥斯卡参加北京奥运会的比赛。 bbs.putclub.com 10. Don't try to compete with him; he loads the dice against you and scores and scores all the time. 别想和他比赛,因为他靠弄虚作假得分。 englishonline.pumc.edu.cn 1. To compete for a place in the Linux world, you need a PC, an Internet connection and a brain. 在linux世界里面竞争,你需要一台电脑,连上internet以及一个好的头脑就足够了。 www.lslnet.com 2. I love to see kobe and t mac compete with their full strength and anticipation to leave a mark in history. 我喜欢看科比和麦蒂的全力争胜,能在历史中留下一个印记。 www.nba100.com 3. In between changing diapers he's been able to compete in two meets this year: the Long Beach Grand Prix and a local meet in Irvine. 在这两者之间不断变化的尿布他都能够适应竞争,今年在两个:长滩大奖赛和欧文在当地举行。 www.topswim.net 4. "In terms of [workers'] productivity and logistics, Vietnam and Indonesia cannot compete with China at this moment, " he said. 他说:“在(工人)生产率和物流方面,越南和印尼现阶段没法和中国竞争。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Chinese military officials have said the country is stepping up its cyber warfare abilities to compete with the U. 中国军方官员说中国正在加紧增强网络作战能力,以便和美国等其它强国竞争。 www.bing.com 6. Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. 显然只有最大最灵活的公司才能在这个饱和的竞争激烈的市场上竞争。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 7. If made into a 5*5CM music box, plus speakers worthy several cents only, the sound quality simply can't compete with that of computer. 把它做成一个5*5CM的音乐盒,加上用的是几毛钱的喇叭,音质的效果肯定没办法跟在电脑里比。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. We were able to determine what parts of the ecosystem we should compete in and what parts we should partner in. 我们可以确定在生态系统的哪部分该参与竞争,哪部分该寻求合作。 www.infoq.com 9. The Nike iPod lets you upload your workout details to see how you stack up against others or to compete against friends. Nike iPod可以上传锻炼具体情况,看看你和其他人的对比情况或是朋友间进行竞赛。 c.wsj.com 10. Or by anyone who will compete with him (and eclipse Joe Biden, the Vice-President and a foreign affairs specialist)? 或者选择一个会和自己竞争的人(更何况这个人还会抢了外交事务专家出身的副总统拜登的风头)? www.kekenet.com 1. She said efforts should be made to ensure 'that state-owned enterprises compete on the same terms as private companies. ' 克林顿说,应努力确保国有企业和私营公司在相同的条件下进行竞争。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The children had to compete with MEPs from the United Kingdom Independence Party, who started singing "God Save the Queen" . 合唱的孩子们得和来自英国独立党的欧洲议员们一争高下,他们唱的是《天佑女王》。 www.ecocn.org 3. This would give it a value to compete with the profits to be gained from its destruction and finance the cost of proper policing. 这就使得巴西和破坏森林得到的利润的斗争有了利益所在,同时也可资助适当的管理所需费用。 www.ecocn.org 4. An envious friend will want what you have, but will look to you as her inspiration or role model, and compete with you to get in the lead. 而羡慕你的朋友想要你所拥有的,但会把你作为对她的激励或是一个榜样,然后与你竞争来超越你。 www.bing.com 5. You'll also be able to compete in the magical skills with your friends in multiplayer mode, a special channel for Bluetooth! 您也可以在竞争技能的神奇与您的朋友在多人模式下,一个特殊的渠道蓝牙! bbs.wda.com.cn 6. Baidu is beginning to diversify from its core search business to compete in the fast-growing segments of mobile and social networking. 为了增强在飞速发展的移动和社交网络领域的竞争,百度已经开始着手从其核心的搜索业务拓展向新的领域。 www.bing.com 7. Even then, this was really more of a stunt than a demonstration that the HPC Server system is ready to compete with the big boys. 尽管那样,这实际上不只是一次示范准备与大亨竞争的高性能服务器系统的特技表演。 www.bing.com 8. But illegal music accounts for a significant amount of traffic to Baidu and, until now, Google has not been able to compete. 不过,非法音乐占据了百度的大量流量,但到目前为止,谷歌还不能与之竞争。 www.bing.com 9. As a result, the two countries tend to compete in similar sectors and, just as in most other economies around the world, China tends to win. 其结果只能是像世界上大部分其他经济体一样,同中国在相似行业竞争赢的一般是中国。 www.bing.com 10. Understandably, the travel industry is trying to reduce operating costs to increase profit to compete in the challenging economy. 旅游业正努力减少经营成本,以期在这个充满挑战的经济环境中获利,这点是可以理解的。 www.bing.com 1. Still, they face a tough challenge in trying to compete in a market well know for its ability to produce knock-off footwear. 尽管如此,他们面临着艰巨的挑战,必须努力在一个以生产仿制鞋出名的市场上竞争。 c.wsj.com 2. She had, according to her da ughter, given up trying to compete with his work years a go, when the children were small. 她说,在女儿的记忆里,她很多年前,当孩子们还很小的时候,就放弃了和他工作的抗争。 wenku.baidu.com 3. It depends on how much will be required to get him. Three good years for Rockets to compete for Championships. 这取决于我们得到他付出的代价。火箭需要三年好时光来完成总冠军。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. or an Employee using the Company's information, property or position for his or her own personal gain or to compete with the Company. 或任何员工利用公司信息、财产或职位谋取个人利益或与公司进行竞争。 wwww.mxms.net 5. But the political left is clamouring for a government-run insurance plan, to compete with private ones, as part of any reform effort. 但是政治左派却在改革之中叫嚣一个政府操作的保险计划,以此来和私人运营计划相抗衡。 www.kekenet.com 6. Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete. 除非这个问题得以解决,否则这些运动员没有资格参加比赛。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The software giant had wanted to do a deal to be able to compete with Google, which dominates the lucrative market for internet advertising. 软件巨头想要做一笔交易,来和占据目前互联网广告市场有力竞争地位的谷歌相抗衡。 www.bing.com 8. Once you graduate from school, you'll start to feel fierce rivalry as you compete for a good job. 当你一旦从学校毕业你就会开始感到为了要找到好的工作的竞争有多么地残酷。 www.bing.com 9. 'Anyone who's trying to get the attention of the young Internet user now has to compete with the dominant position that Facebook has there. 任何想吸引年轻互联网用户注意的人都必须与Facebook在这一领域的主导地位竞争; c.wsj.com 10. I'm always trying to compete with you. 老跟你抢我都不好意思了 www.hellomandarin.com 1. The great challenge of our time is to make sure that America is ready to compete for the jobs and industries of the future. 我们的时代面临的大挑战是保证美国愿意竞争工作岗位和未来的产业。 www.bing.com 2. Sometimes I'm really tired of this kind of life people always compete with one another. It seems there's no true love among people nowadays. 有时我真的厌倦了这种生活了。人与人之间总是相互斗争。似乎在当今社会已没有真爱存在了。 www.xdf.cn 3. It is pointless getting obsessed with China and trying to compete with it. 迷恋中国和试图与之比较没有意义,这会让我们像巴基斯坦。 www.santaihu.com 4. There is still over a day to compete so head on over and try them out, and see if you know which ones I loved. 现在还有一天的时间可以参赛去试试那些题目,猜猜看哪两道题是我最喜欢的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The price is likely to be reduced again by the weekend as retailers compete to have the best advertised price. 由于零售商期望通过竞争赢得最佳广告价,本周末书价将有可能再次下降。 gb.cri.cn 6. The second question is how much money banks can make if they are having to compete so hard to entice savers. 第二个问题是如果竞争成本高,银行能吸引多少存款。 www.ecocn.org 7. It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to compete with those produced in other countries. 生产质量型产品,在国际市场与其他国家的质量产品竞争,很有必要。 www.dictall.com 8. They compete well but as a defender it is good to have kept a clean sheet and to see us score twice and win the game and win the title. 他说“他们踢得很好,但是作为一个后卫,可以保持没有失球,还见证了我们的两次破门,最终赢得比赛获得冠军确实很开心。” www.manutd.com.cn 9. There is no doubt that California can successfully compete with any wine region in the world at all price ranges. 无需置疑,加州葡萄酒比世界上所有价格范围内的任何葡萄酒产区的葡萄酒都有竞争优势。 www.californiawines.com.cn 10. It's no secret to anyone that I have been having some problems in the past months with my knees, which did not allow me to compete at 100%. 这已经不是什么秘密了,在过去几个月我的膝盖一直有一些问题,使我在比赛中不能100%的竞技水平。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Tourism thrives in part, one senses, because Berlin's historical ghosts do not compete with the commercial clamour of a metropolis. 有人认为其旅游业的繁荣部分源于柏林历史遗迹没有受到大都市商业喧嚣的冲击。 www.ecocn.org 2. Today, players compete for big money, wield high-tech rackets and volley the ball at speeds up to 160 kilometres per hour. 今天,运动员挥舞着高科技含量的球拍,发出时速高达160公里的球,还有机会赢取大奖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It should be clearly noted that this work is not intended to compete with the work of WS-I. 有一点需要明确说明的是,这项工作并非要与WS-I的工作构成竞争。 www.ibm.com 4. On these issues, we do not pursue any selfish interest, nor will we compete with any other country. 在这些问题上,我们没有一点私利,也不会和任何国家去争什么。 www.putclub.com 5. As long as you do not compete with them directly, people would surprisingly the generosity is nowise stingy to cherish time. 只要你不与他们直接竞争,人们都会出奇地慷慨毫不吝惜时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. One of the most famous athletes from the United States, Dara was the first swimmer to compete in four Olympic games. 达拉是美国最有名的运动员,也是第一个能4次参加奥运会的游泳运动员。 www.elanso.com 7. Now the company's soft drinks compete with giants like Coca-Cola, not just in Peru but in other Latin American countries as well. 如今,这家公司生产的软饮料不仅在秘鲁国内,甚至在其它拉美国家与可口可乐等国际巨头竞争。 www.elanso.com 8. The trend for good-looking mothers to compete with their daughters in the glamour stakes seems to be creeping into all sections of society. 漂亮妈妈和女儿们比拼魅力的潮流,似乎正在潜进社会的各个阶层。 gb.cri.cn 9. There was interest in allowing the standards to compete with one another, and let the market decide who would win. 允许这一个标准与另一个标准竞争是有利可图的,市场会决定谁才是王者。 www.bing.com 10. Every time come down is all smelly sweat of the whole body, but finally compete hour not just so. 每次下来都是全身的臭汗,可是最后比赛时还不是就这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Railteam members will compete on prices, though there could be some tricky moments as some of them team up to take on airlines. Railteam联盟成员将会进行价格竞争,尽管这样以来有些成员会像航空公司那样相互合作耍一些不太光明的手段。 www.ecocn.org 2. This knock back does not mean I feel like giving up the fight, even if there is now one less race in which to compete. 这一打击并不意味着我会放弃比赛,即使现在只剩一场比赛我也会去竞争。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Most have done so by diversifying their cost base or by specialising in high-value products that do not compete intensively on price. 多数制造商是通过把成本基础多样化,或者是专门生产价格竞争不激烈的高价值产品而做到这一点的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Even if the answer to these questions is "yes" , talk to your current supplier before you abandon them; they may be able to compete. 即使这些问题都是肯定的答案,在放弃你目前的供应商之前告诉他们:他们可以参与竞争! www.bing.com 5. In turn, as Americans study abroad in a growing number of countries, they are better prepared to compete in a global economy. 斯托克还表示,“与此同时,随着美国学生在越来越多的国家进行学习,他们更有准备在全球经济中竞争。” blog.sina.com.cn 6. To compete, higher education must be within reach of every American. 为了竞争,必须让每位美国人都有接受高等教育的机会。 www.examw.com 7. Consumers say when a company responds to a review, it puts the company in a favorable light (Compete Inc. , 2007). 顾客表示当一家公司对一条评论进行回复时,他们也将从中获益.。 www.bing.com 8. The company will let the developers ally with advertising networks that compete with Apple, and use programming tools from other companies. 苹果将允许这些开发商与同自身竞争的广告网络结盟,并使用来自其他公司的程序设计工具。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But in the first third of the century it had been too expensive to compete with whiskey. 而在十九世纪前三十多年,咖啡还太贵,无法同威士忌竞争。 www.zftrans.com 10. Google and Apple are definitely growing apart as they continue to compete, but with the iPad, at least for now, they seem cool. Google和苹果之间的竞争越来越激烈,但iPad,至少在目前来看,让两家公司看上去保持克制。 dongxi.net 1. In Norway a few years ago, the international ski jumping federation was refusing to let women compete in an event there. 几年前在挪威,国际高台滑雪联盟拒绝让妇女参加在那里举行的一次赛事。 club.learning.sohu.com 2. "LDK Solar's investment will allow us to compete for many projects across the United States, not just one job at a time, " Mr. Kircher said. 柯切先生表示,“这不仅是一时之利。塞维太阳能的投资将使我们有能力参与美国许多项目的竞争。” dongxi.net 3. But if I honestly believe he will not play this season or has no chance to compete for a position I will tell him and let him go. 但是如果我确实认为他本赛季无法为阿森纳出场,或者没有机会去竞争一个位置,那么我将会告诉他,并让他离开。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Should I not be worrying about the fact that we've lost millions of jobs and that we've got to retool in order to to compete? 我们已经有数百万人失业,我们必须重整旗鼓以求竞争,面对这样的事实,我不该忧心着急吗? www.bing.com 5. Core Strategy: The overall concept of how the organization will compete in its chosen market. 核心战略:组织在其选定市场上如何进行竞争的总体概念。 wenku.baidu.com 6. But that led to all kinds of cultural conflicts, which were severe enough to hamper the ability of the company to compete. 但是,这将会导致各种各样的文化冲突,这些冲突足以破坏联想的竞争力。 www.bing.com 7. China is already one of GM's leading growth markets, and it would not want to compete there with its own subsidiary. 中国本已是通用汽车主要的增长市场之一,该公司不会希望在这个市场与自己的子公司展开竞争。 www.ftchinese.com 8. prevailed today, " he said, adding this suggestion: " Hopefully, those guys will compete rather than just fall down. “今天假摔盛行,”他说,并提出建议:“希望那些人不要往地下倒,而要竞赛。” dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Marius Haas, senior vice president of HP's ProCurve division, said the 3Com deal puts HP in a good position to compete against Cisco. 惠普ProCurve部门的高级副总裁MariusHaas称,与3Com的交易令惠普能更好地与思科竞争。 cn.reuters.com 10. All that means these markets will have to do more than compete on wages. 这一切意味着,这些市场需要做的将不仅是同中国展开薪资竞争。 chinese.wsj.com 1. "It breaks my heart, " another teenage boy tells me, "to see my classmates compete against each other instead of helping each other. " “太令我伤心了,”另外一个高中男孩告诉我,“我的同学不是互帮互助,而是你争我夺,彼此竞争。” www.bing.com 2. You do not know how difficult it is to compete with Barbie dolls. 你不知道是多么的困难芭比娃娃的竞争力。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Other critics argue that without a more competitive labor agreement, there's no way the automakers can compete in the long term. 其他评论家认为缺少较具竞争力的劳动协议,将会导致汽车厂商在今后较长时期缺乏竞争力。 www.elanso.com 4. They must be able to compete in a very competitive job market; therefore, a practical education is very important. 由必须在竞争激烈就业市场和别人竞争,因此,讲求实用价值教育就变得很重要。 www.renrenso.com 5. Most people do. At my house, we compete to see who gets to share the good news. 更多的人愿意.在我的房子里,我们参加比赛看谁可以分享上帝的福音。 www.bing.com 6. Interning has become like a lottery in which armies of young people compete for a few precious jobs, says Mr Perlin. “成群的年轻人争夺几个珍贵的岗位,实习已俨然成了一种赌博。”Perlin说道。 www.ecocn.org 7. In the run-up to a presidential election, US intellectuals compete hard to shape the foreign policy agenda. 在总统大选即将举行之际,美国的知识分子争相为外交政策议程献计献策。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Were they worried about being seen as trying to compete with the forthcoming Web standard? 难道Google在担心被看做是在竞争即将出现的web标准吗? www.bing.com 9. At colleges and universities across the country, these programs compete with one another for students and resources. 纵观国内的学院和大学,这些项目互相竞争学生和资源。 www.ibm.com 10. He is always eager to compete internationally, because he feels there is no good competition for him in China. 他总是喜欢参加国际比赛,因为他觉得在中国没有什么好的比赛(即他觉得在国内没有什么对手)。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. Two horses to compete head position, or to challenge the new leader of the horse, usually a fight to resolve. 两匹马为了争首领的地位,或是新来的马要挑战首领,通常会打一架来解决。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. That I seek you to aren't good by long entity apt compete with you! 那我就找你不擅长的东西和你较量! www.zlqh.com 3. We also found a collection of the work that shows Egypt's ability to compete with foreign art. 我们还发现了一批作品,展示埃及与国外艺术的竞争能力。 www.hxen.com 4. But on Thursday at the night Jana Pittman said the doctor had gave her the all clear to compete. 但周四晚上皮特曼宣布,医生已给了她完全的批准,她可以参加正式比赛了。 2004.sina.com.cn 5. But he is not the Olympics, very fair, insufficient qualification not participating, this matter, you run your he will compete with you. 但是他又不是奥运会,非常公平,不够参赛资格就不要参赛,这个不管,你参赛不参赛他都要和你竞争。 yanjiang.com.cn 6. At after quarter match and the sun of the 2 compete he throw into of that overcome a ball is a good example. 在季后赛和太阳的第2场比赛时他投进的那个制胜一球就是个很好的例子。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. 'We can't compete for that demand right now, ' he said, 'not for most of it. ' 他说,那些需求我们目前无法争取到,其中多数是无法争取到的。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Nevertheless, Intel has continued to compete with the nonprofit, and it appears to be winning. 然而,因特尔仍继续与这个非赢利项目竞争,且大有胜出的迹象。 www.bing.com 9. I think will benefit citizens in both our countries that are eager to compete and to be able to prosper in a global market. 我认为这将有利于我们两国的公民,都渴望竞争并能够在全球市场繁荣。 www.bing.com 10. But we are trying to win, we are trying to go compete with and work with big huge companies where we didn't have capital we'd be screwed. 但是我们想赢,想与,那些大公司合作和竞争,如果没有资本,我们会被搞垮。 open.163.com 1. Many plants constantly compete with their neighbours for light by elongating to try and get out of their shade. 许多植物可能与它们的邻里之间为了光而不断地通过延长生长方式去竞争,从而努力地使自己走出荫下。 chuchuguyue.blog.163.com 2. Janice: How does Mr. Ford expect to compete with a company that has such a huge reputation and huge resources? 福特先生打算如何跟这样一个声誉高、资源广的企业竞争呢? www.kekenet.com 3. And the company plans to offer a free, stripped down version of its web apps that will compete directly with Google's mass-market offering. 公司还计划提供一个网页应用的免费精简版,直接同谷歌的大众市场软件进行抗衡。 www.ecocn.org 4. Finally, he made the decision to compete in the match as the representative of the rest of the students. 最后,他愿意代表其余的学生参加比赛。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Those who favor protection sometimes claim that it is unfair to ask Americans to compete with cheap foreign labor. 这些人声称美国人与廉价的外来劳动力竞争是不公平的,并时常主张(得到)保护。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. After contest organizer Julia Morley disqualified her, Malek changed her mind, removed the veil and was allowed to compete. 组织者朱莉亚·莫利打算取消她的参赛资格,马列可这才转变了观念,摘下面纱,最后还是参加了比赛。 www.bing.com 7. Mike: Well, at least I don't have to walk huge distances and compete with millions of other people for space on buses and trains. 迈克:嗯。至少我不必走很远的路,不必和数百万的人在公交车或火车上抢空间。 bbs.putclub.com 8. 'We're totally unable to compete and we'll have to close our factories, ' he said. 他说,我们完全无力竞争,将不得不关闭工厂。 c.wsj.com 9. The Chinese posters are obviously trying to compete to be on top, but they know it's best for us all to get along. 中国人确实很想在竞争中取得第一,然而他们知道各民族和睦相处才是最好的情况。 www.ltaaa.com 10. The only way America can compete in the future is to understand that "doing nothing" is not an option. 美国可以在为了和别的国家竞争的唯一一个方法是明白‘无为’不是一个选项。 www.tianyayidu.com 1. The Asian Games are the major Pan-Asian sports festival in which athletes from nearly all Asian nations are allowed to compete. 亚运会是泛亚地区的主要体育盛会,几乎所有亚洲国家的运动员都允许参赛。 www.readywin.com 2. unfortunately, insurers compete mainly by trying to excel in the art of denying coverage to those who need it most. 不幸的是,保险公司的竞争却主要表现在竭力回避向最需要保险的人提供保险这方面的卓越艺术。 blog.163.com 3. Precast-concrete Blocks, often used as infill in modern steel framing, did not effectively compete with Brick until the 20th century. 预铸混凝土常作为现代钢架的填充物,到20世纪才能与砖进行有效的竞争。 es.bab.la 4. Watching him compete, one might be tempted to think Michael swam before he walked, but he actually didn't begin to swim until age 7. 观看他的比赛,人们不禁会认为迈克天生就是游泳高手,但事实上他7岁时才学游泳。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. She was the first African American to compete for the U. S. Nationals. 她也是第一个能在全美国运动比赛中崭露头角的非裔美国人。 www.24en.com 6. Is a strong second in search and MSN a poor third, whereas AOL does not compete in search at all . 在搜索方面是第二,MSN则是第三,然而AOL根本就没有参与到这项竞争中。 www.bing.com 7. Poorer people, who tend to depend more on natural resources, will bear the brunt as they will not be able to compete with the rich. 对自然资源依赖更多的穷人因为无法和富人竞争,将承受人口过多带来的冲击。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. It was not unusual for the love of science to compete with the love of a woman. 对科学的热爱和对女人的爱两者并不冲突。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. Teams, or companies, compete against each other, trying to win recognition, profits, or new clients. 团队,公司,彼此竞争争取认同,利润或新的客户。 www.hxen.com 10. Furthermore, the degree to which Asian countries compete against China in western export markets varies markedly. 此外,亚洲各国与中国在西方出口市场上的竞争程度,也存在明显差异。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The plan is supposed to describe how the company will become self-sustaining and better compete with foreign rivals. 通用汽车应该在这份计划书中阐述公司将如何自谋出路、加强与外国同行的竞争力。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 2. X11 has always been a recognized and well standardized way to view results of a remote computation, so in some ways X11 and VNC compete. X11始终被认为是查看远程计算结果的标准方式,因此从某种角度来讲,X11和VNC存在竞争关系。 www.ibm.com 3. Bidders from all over the world are expected to compete for a piece of art history. 预计到时将有来自世界各地的买家竞买艺术史上的某一块瑰宝。 supercikoko.blog.163.com 4. Four, brand channels sinks, two or three line becomes men's compete for key enterprise at home and abroad. 第四,品牌渠道下沉,二三线市场成为国内外男装企业争夺重点。 uptexchina.61bay.com 5. I compete with you for that position. 我和你竞争那个职位。 desktop.163.com 6. Google is trying to compete with Apple, which dominates via its iTunes Music Stores, accounting for 70% of all U. S. digital music sales. 此次谷歌的举动旨在与苹果的iTunesMusicStores(我的音乐基地)分一杯羹,iTunesMusicStores占据了全美数字音乐销售额的70%。 www.bing.com 7. But in the long term, it would be a good thing if they could not compete on pay with small private equity and hedge funds. 但是,从长远来看,如果这些机构在薪酬上无法与小型私人股本基金和对冲基金匹敌,未尝不是好事。 www.ftchinese.com 8. She attributed the drop to competition with the World Cup, even though the show did not compete directly with live soccer broadcasts. 她将下降的原因归结于世界杯,尽管如此,真人秀实际上并不会直接与足球现场直播相冲突。 www.bing.com 9. America stomped on the idea, insisting the bank should not compete with private venture-capital. 美国对这一提议嗤之以鼻,坚持认为ADB不应与私有风险资本相竞争。 www.ecocn.org 10. It also let me realize the gap of technology and ability to compete in international market between developed countries and my motherland. 我是想说我意识到了我国和发达国家在技术和国际市场竞争能力。 www.bing.com 1. They had to compete with English and Continental authors whose quality was as high as their reputation. 他们一定得与英国和欧洲大陆名副其实的作家比个高下。 2. Wanamaker is a good athlete and a solid playmaker. At 210 pounds, he has the physical tools necessary to compete at the next level. 瓦纳马克运动能力很好,也是一名可靠的组织者。210磅的体重,让他有足够的身体资本去高水平的比赛竞争。 tvboxnow.com 3. "I've seen him [play] injured and sick, " forward Lamar Odom said. "You know how he loves to compete. " “我见过他带伤比赛,”走在前面的奥多姆说,“你知道他有多么热爱竞技。” bbs.tbba.com.cn 4. Still, merging the two losers will at least mean they no longer compete with each other in tight conditions for airlines. 不过,将这两个失败者合并至少意味着,在航空业形势严峻的情况下它们不会继续相互竞争。 www.bing.com 5. Those who don't get a four-year college degree are not in a position to compete for the more satisfying jobs of the knowledge economy. 那些没有大学文凭的人在知识经济的时代很难找到十分满意的工作。 www.kekenet.com 6. "To compete in Europe and particularly with the big business schools in Spain, we needed a strong brand and critical mass. " “为了与欧洲的商学院——尤其是西班牙的大型商学院进行竞争,我们需要一个强大的品牌并实现质的飞跃。” www.ftchinese.com 7. In the long term, China might compete there too, but most observers believe that day is still a ways off. 长期来看,中国也会加入这个领域的竞争,但是大多数观察家都相信,那一天还很远。 www.bing.com 8. We Chinese will never compete against any other countries for the power of military. 中国永远也不会和任何国家展开军力竞争。 www2.gdufs.edu.cn 9. But after two years, she realized she couldnt compete with the big Western fashion houses if she was simply chasing their trends. 不过两年之后,她意识到如果她只是追逐西方的流行趋势,就无法与西方著名服装品牌进行竞争。 www.tvsou.com 10. But it makes up only a tiny part of sales at Nokia, whose products have failed to compete with the more sophisticated Japanese phones. 但是诺基亚手机在日本的销量却微不足道。诺基亚的产品还无法与更加高端的日本国产手机相抗衡。 www.bing.com 1. If he is better than you, you can compete with him. 如果他比你优秀,你就可以与他竞争 wenwen.soso.com 2. "They'll need to move up the learning curve to produce oil and gas efficiently enough to compete with the majors. " “它们需要不断学习如何更有效地进行油气生产,以便同大型西方石油公司展开竞争。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Apple might be feeling pressure from Google, which offers a number of free solutions that compete with Apple's expensive alternative. 苹果也许是感觉到了来及谷歌的压力,因为谷歌提供数项免费服务,以此和苹果昂贵的可选服务相竞争。 www.bing.com 4. The only Africa-focused issue where India cannot compete with China is in bidding for concessionary rights to natural resources. 非洲唯一关注的问题是印度无力与中国竞标自然资源特许权。 www.bing.com 5. Scott is a vegan and says that there's no way he'd be able to compete if he weren't vegan. 斯考特是一名纯素食者,并且表示若非如此他不可能完成比赛。 www.bing.com 6. At times, Democrats compete with each other to see which candidate has opposed the war the longest. 有时民主党竞选者会相互竞争,看谁是反对伊拉克战争最持久的。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. In the southwestern U. S. , as in other arid parts of the world, wildlife must compete for water with a burgeoning human population. 与世界上其他干旱地带一样,美国西南部的野生动物必须和不断扩张的人类争夺水源。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. We also offer you competitive rates as well as the quality services, which enabling you to compete with other. 我们还提供竞争力的价格以及优质的服务,这使您能够与其他竞争。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. With unemployment still at nearly 10%, few politicians are brave enough to be seen encouraging foreigners to compete for American jobs. 目前的失业率还是约有10%,很少有政治家敢于被看到鼓励外国人来竞争美国的工作。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 10. It does not use its own balance sheet to compete against clients by, say, trading with its own capital. 该公司没有利用自己的资产与客户展开竞争,例如通过自营交易。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Are China's hydropower construction companies ready to compete with their rivals on world market ? 走向世界中国水电施工企业准备好了吗?。 www.bing.com 2. Once upon a time, the thought that Korean or Japanese vehicles could compete with Detroit seemed preposterous. 曾经,韩国车和日本车会与底特律竞争的想法好像是那么的荒谬。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You've been talking on our blog about one student athlete's decision not to compete. Today, we're sharing some of your opinions on it. 你一直在我们的博客上谈论一名学生运动员决定不参加比赛的事,今天我们就此事做一番讨论。 www.kekenet.com 4. Unless India provides a dignified living to it's lower 75% of the population there is no chance for it to compete in any manner with China. 除非印度向75%的下层人民提供有尊严的生活,否则在任何一方面我们都没有机会和中国一比高下。 www.picturechina.com.cn 5. China is not the problem, but a symptom of the difficulty of corporate America to compete globally. 中国没有问题,只是美国企业在全球竞争处于不利地位的一个症状。 www.bing.com 6. Coach Didier Deschamps has also admitted that this side could not compete in the top flight right now. 主帅迪迪埃.德尚也已经承认以如今的阵容没法在甲级联赛中去竞争。 dict.bioon.com 7. 'The aim of the program is not to compete with other prefectures for people, ' he says. 'We just want to help and support these people. ' 他说,这个计划的目的不是和其他县争夺人口,我们只是想帮助并支持这些人。 cn.wsj.com 8. We might try to tap biofuels, but only in forms that do not compete with food supplies or with precious environmental assets. 我们可能会涉足生物燃料,但这必须以不对食物供给造成竞争,不破坏宝贵的资源的形式出现。 www.bing.com 9. Math and science teachers will be in demand as the U. S. struggles to compete with other countries in engineering, technology, and medicine. 在美国挣扎着和其他国家在工程、技术和医药领域一比高下的时候,数学和理科类老师将受到青睐。 www.qdtranslation.com 10. To her embarrassment she was regularly elected queen of various school pageants and dances, even when she refused to compete for the titles. 尴尬的是,她经常被各种学校的庆典和舞会选为皇后,即使拒绝争夺冠军的名号。 www.bing.com 1. Its strategy rests on two beliefs: first a global product offers economies of scale with which local brands cannot compete. 策略依靠两个信念:第一个全球性的产品所产生的规模经济提供当地品牌无法竞争。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I was told that I would not be able to compete with men once I entered college. 据说一旦进入大学,我将无法同男人们竞争。 www.qeto.com 3. "China provides production platforms for Portuguese export companies that want to compete on a world level, " he said. 他说:“中国可以向那些希望在全球市场上竞争的葡出口公司提供生产平台”。 www.for68.com 4. If Santana really wants this holiday program to compete with "The Nutcracker, " she would be wise to spruce up the stage set. 如果Santana女士真的期望这个节日节目能媲美“胡桃夹子”,她应该知道如何舞台布景。 www.bing.com 5. Both moves are designed to help onshore fund management companies compete in a more even playing field. 上述两项举措都是为了帮助本土基金公司获得更公平的竞争环境。 www.ftchinese.com 6. At press conferences and analysts' meetings people compete to ask the most arcane question possible. 在新闻发布会和分析师会议上,人们尽可能争相提出最不可思议的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 7. When a local bank is acquired, the chief executive typically gets a healthy pay-off and a one or two-year non-compete clause. 当一家本地银行被收购,它的高管通常会得到一笔可观的分手费,再加上一到两年的竞业限制条款。 www.ftchinese.com 8. There was no need for all parties in UKto compete for seats in Parliament or be worried about Geographical Constituency there. 英国各政党无需在北爱争夺议席,用不着担心那里的地方选区。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. The 1965 Shelby Daytona Cobra was one of only six built by Carroll Shelby to compete in FIA GT. 在1965年的Daytona谢尔比眼镜蛇是一个只有6个建立了卡罗尔谢尔比竞争国际汽联GT。 usa.315che.com 10. India does not have that kind of money and it would better serve India to lift people out of poverty rather than compete with China. 而印度却没有这么多钱,最好的办法就是解决贫困的问题而不是与中国攀比。 club.china.com 1. Television programmes, in particular, do not compete for audiences on a completely featureless playing field. 尤其是电视节目,不要在一个完全没有特点的领域竞争观众。 www.ecocn.org 2. But as he watches upperclassmen regularly abuse stimulants as they compete for top college slots, he is not quite sure. 但当看到高年级学生在争夺顶级大学录取通知书的过程中经常服用兴奋剂之后,他现在不那么肯定了。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Companies from "our countries" , he said, were too small to compete in other markets by themselves. 他说,“我国”的企业规模太小,实力太弱,凭一己之力难以在其他市场上求生。 www.ecocn.org 4. Everybody realizes that's the game everybody else is playing, so in order to compete or keep up, that's what you've got to do. 谁都知道其它人都在玩这个游戏,因此只好竞争或坚持,这就是你要做的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Intel did not compete fairly, frustrating innovation and reducing consumer welfare in the process. 英特尔没有公平竞争,在这一过程中阻碍创新,损害消费者利益。 xmwb.news365.com.cn 6. But by handing over their technology, some companies have opened the door for homegrown competitors to compete in the global marketplace. 但也正是通过合资公司,有些企业将自己的技术拱手相让,从而打开了让中国企业与自己在世界市场上竞争的大门。 c.wsj.com 7. We need an approach to help America compete in the world market. None of those things are in this bill. 我们需要的是能够帮助美国在世界市场竞争的途径。可是,在这方案中没有任何的体现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The stakes are higher and there is more and more pressure to get the children ready to compete in the global economy. 人们下在学习成绩上的赌注更多,而孩子们为在全球经济中进行竞争而做好准备的压力越来越大了。 sinaworld.cn 9. The retailers are such demanding buyers that their Chinese suppliers become more productive and better able to compete internationally. 这些零售商是十分挑剔的买家,因此他们的中国供应商越来越多产,国际竞争的能力越来越强。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Of course. After all that hard work, they will go the Olympics to compete against other excellent competitors. 当然。付出这些艰辛的劳动之后,他们要到奥运赛场上同其他优秀的选手较量。 www.bing.com 1. This change is being made to help assist in balancing the opposing sides and their ability to compete in the battleground. 这个修改是为了帮助平衡部落方相应角色技能的优势,使联盟方在战场里更有竞争力。 www.bing.com 2. A professional code of ethics may be unlawful if it unreasonably restricts the ways professionals may compete. 职业道德准则若是不适当地限制了其职业可能的竞争方式也是非法的。 www.linklawyer.com.cn 3. As you do this, you'll start to see how and where you should compete against them. 您这样做的话,可以帮助您分析出您应该如何和他们进行竞争。 www.bing.com 4. Economists are expected to explain human behaviour in terms of situational factors and not to compete with preachers and politicians. 经济学家的职责是从情境因素的角度解释人类行为,而不是与传教士及政治家一争高下。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It was to his advantage for the Portugues and Muslims to compete for business. 让葡萄牙人同伊斯兰教徒争着做生意对他是有好处的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. host: I am just asking you for your impression because you seem dismission that he could not even compete with you. 主持人:我就是问你现在对大克的印象如何,因为你曾经认为大克根本无法与你相抗衡,对他不屑一顾。 www.qjhm.net 7. It is known to us all that compete and cooperation has become a heated discussed topic nowadays. 众所周知,竞争和合作是当代社会的一个热点话题。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Mitsubishi will no longer compete in the Dakar Rally for financial reasons, the company said Wednesday. 4日,日本第4大汽车制造商三菱公司宣布,因财政原因,将不再参加达喀尔拉力赛。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. She heard about a new show where non-professional singers compete for a chance at a recording agreement. 她听说有一个新的演出节目,非职业歌手可以在那里竞争获得录音协议的机会。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Advanced equipment and strict attitude is the sea in a poem based on quality and international brands to compete against one of the brand. 先进的设备与严谨的态度是海诗蒂成为在品质上能与国际品牌相抗衡的品牌之一。 www.tonke.cn 1. Since the latter increasingly need more publications to compete for academic jobs, the number of published pages keeps climbing. 由于这些博士生必须发表尽可能多的文章以在学界谋得职位,期刊发表论文的页数自然也水涨船高。 www.bing.com 2. In addition, the distinctive style and personality characteristics chair is able to compete successfully in a magic weapon for the victory. 另外,鲜明的主持风格和个性特征也是在竞争中脱颖而出的制胜法宝。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. It was an indisputable fact that the other builders found it very difficult to compete with them. 别的公司很难与他们竞争是无可争辩的事实。 tr.bab.la 4. When two rappers or break dancers compete for the attention and approval of the audience it is called doing "battle" . 若两个说唱歌手或霹雳舞舞者为了引起观众的关注并获得他们的认可而进行比拼,这就叫“打仗”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. 'At no point did I say we're going to take them out this year, but we're going to compete with them, ' he said. 他说,“我从来没说我们今年能战胜他们,但是我们将与他们展开竞争。” chinese.wsj.com 6. Marathon running is one of the few sports in which professionals compete alongside amateurs. 马拉松赛是仅有的几个专业选手和业余爱好者同台竞技的体育项目之一。 www.bing.com 7. No doubt, new Microsoft Channel Chief Jon Roskill wants partners to compete and succeed in the cloud. 无疑,新微软渠道总监JonRoskill希望合作伙伴们能够在云服务上竞胜。 cnbeta.com 8. In fact, now hundreds and even thousands of Chinese college graduates compete with one another fiercely for one civil service position. 事实上,现在中国的大学毕业生几百人甚至几千人竞争获得一个公务员的职位。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Its strategy may also speed the emergence of Chinese mining companies big enough to compete with major Western counterparts, analysts say. 分析家指出,其策略也会加速那些大到足以和西方主要竞争者相匹敌的中国矿业公司的出现。 www.stnn.cc 10. I am really glad and pleased that we were able to compete each other as a skater and I am very honored. 我真的很高兴和欣慰我们作为一名滑冰运动员能够相互竞争,并为此感到非常荣幸。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com |
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