单词 | control access | ||||||||||||
释义 | control access
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 控制访问,控制通路,控制存取 1. Note: this method is not limited to defect records; it can be applied to any record type to which you want to control access. 注意:此方法并不限于缺陷记录;它可以应用于任何你想进行权限控制的记录类型中。 www.ibm.com 2. You can edit, create versions, and control access of the e-forms in Document Manager as you can with any other document. 您可以在DocumentManager中对电子表单进行编辑、创建版本和控制访问权限,就像可以对任何其他文本所做的一样。 www.ibm.com 3. UCM projects allow you to assemble the components that are necessary to a work effort, and also to control access to those components. UCM项目允许您装配那些必要的组件,同时还可以控制那些组件的使用权。 www.ibm.com 4. Model item security allows you to control access to specific parts of a model. 模型项安全性允许您控制对模型特定部分的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Using Windows Authentication (also known as integrated security) is a more secure way to control access to a database. 若要控制对数据库的访问,一种较为安全的方法是使用Windows身份验证(也称为集成安全性)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Provides a managed implementation of the Windows Sockets (Winsock) interface for developers who need to help control access to the network. 为需要帮助控制网络访问的开发人员提供Windows套接字(Winsock)接口的托管实现。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Security policy defines the composition of the security labels and specifies the rules used to control access to sensitive data. 安全策略定义安全标签的组成,并指定控制敏感数据的访问的规则。 www.ibm.com 8. You must be the author of the document or workbook or have Full Control access to be able to change the permission settings. 您必须是该文档或工作簿的作者或具有“完全控制”访问权限,才能更改权限设置。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Information gathered by social network applications needs to be protected by policies which control access to information. 应该使用控制信息访问的策略来保护社交网络应用程序收集到的信息。 www.ibm.com 10. Chinese medicine used to control access to observe the entire mitigation, will be nipped in the bud condition of the state. 用中药来控制可取得守全缓解,将病情扼杀在萌芽状态之中。 943g.com 1. It gives inventors the right to control access to their results, immediately excluding those who cannot afford to pay their charges. 它让发明者有权控制对他们的成果的获取,直接排除了那些无法支付授权费用的人们。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Control access and visibility to business service models and policies within the Business Services Repository. 控制BusinessServicesRepository中的业务服务模型和策略的访问和可见性。 www.ibm.com 3. Domain RBAC provides fine granular control access over resources for users and requires Enhanced RBAC to be enabled. DomainRBAC为用户提供了很好的资源访问粒度控制,它要求启用EnhancedRBAC。 www.ibm.com 4. Resources can be secured to control access to the resource itself and its properties. 您可以设置资源的安全性,以控制对资源本身及其属性的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The most secure method to control access between the internal and external network is to disconnect the two. 控制内外网络之间访问的最安全方法是将两者断开。 www.hotdic.com 6. You also use it to define data structures; control access to the data; and insert, modify, and delete occurrences of the data. 您还可以使用它来定义数据结构;控制对数据的访问;以及插入、修改和删除数据的发生。 www.ibm.com 7. Describes the preset role assignments and role definitions that control access to a report server. 介绍控制对报表服务器的访问权限的预设角色分配和角色定义。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Use the System Role Assignments page to view the system role assignments that control access to the report server site. 使用“系统角色分配”页可以查看系统角色分配情况,系统角色分配可以控制对报表服务器站点的访问权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The sensor can be used in entrance control, access control, and tailgate detection applications. 感应器可用在出入口控制处,访问控制和问随监测。 www.21csp.com.cn 10. Community administrators configure communities, populate user accounts, and control access. 团队管理人员配置团队、创建用户帐号并控制访问权限。 www.ibm.com 1. You then control access to the snapshot folder by assigning file system access permissions to it. 然后通过向快照文件夹分配文件系统访问权限,控制对该文件夹的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. They control access to the back-end data and internally manage current transactions and database locking while preserving data integrity. 在保持数据完整性的同时,它们控制对后端数据的访问并在内部对当前事务和数据库锁定进行管理。 www.ibm.com 3. This requires RACF to use several different profiles in various classes to control access to a resource. 这要求RACF在不同的类中使用几个不同的概要文件来控制对资源的访问。 www.ibm.com 4. and a control access between a main truck and a trailer adopts a quick inserting connector. 主车、挂车之间的控制通路使用快速接插接头。 ip.com 5. A proxy provides a surrogate or place holder for the target object to control access to it. 代理为控制要访问的目标对象提供了一种途径。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Reporting Services uses role-based security to control access to items that are stored on a report server. ReportingServices使用基于角色的安全性控制对报表服务器上存储的项的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Set permissions that control access to all report server items stored in libraries throughout the site. 设置对整个站点的库中存储的所有报表服务器项的访问权限。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The enterprise beans control access to the back-end data and internally manage the current transactions and database locking. 企业bean控制对后端数据的访问,并且在内部管理当前事务和数据库锁定。 www.ibm.com 9. Synchronized methods are methods that are used to control access to an object. 同步的方法是被用来控制访问对象的方法。 blog.163.com 10. Outright revenues from the internet may become even harder to capture in years to come as China takes further steps to control access. 由于中国进一步控制网络链接,未来几年,从互联网上获得直接收入可能会变得更加困难。 www.bing.com 1. Wrappers allow system administrators to control access of TCP-based services or daemons that are wrappers aware. Wrappers允许系统管理员控制wrappers支持的基于TCP的服务或守护进程的访问。 www.ibm.com 2. Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. 为其他对象提供一种代理以控制对这个对象的访问 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Provides the ability to control access to directory objects without direct manipulation of Access Control Lists (ACLs). 提供无需直接操作访问控制列表(ACL)而控制对目录对象的访问的能力。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. It makes for easier management of host and user control access from a system administrators point of view. 从系统管理员的角度来看,这样更容易管理主机和用户访问控制。 www.ibm.com 5. It also ensures that scripts are safe to execute and provides a sandbox to control access and modification of the DOM. 它还确保脚本可以安全执行,并提供一个沙箱来控制DOM的访问和修改。 www.ibm.com 6. The infrared identification, door number selection, interlock control, access control and other technologies was combined in this design. 设计中结合了红外线识别、门号选择、互锁控制、门禁等技术。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 7. Most major corporations today use special hardware and software called firewalls to control access to their internal computer networks. 今天,大多数大公司都使用被称为防火墙的专门硬件和软件,来控制对其内部计算机网络的访问。 cs.jnu.edu.cn:8080 8. This walkthrough uses Integrated Windows authentication to control access to the database. 本演练使用集成Windows身份验证来控制数据库访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Database Mail uses the Microsoft Windows security context of the current user to control access to files. 数据库邮件使用当前用户的MicrosoftWindows安全上下文控制对文件的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Describes how to set permissions to control access for a report. 描述如何设置权限以控制对报告的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The server can use the PrincipalPermissionAttribute to control access to certain methods that are exposed by the service. 服务器如何使用PrincipalPermissionAttribute控制对服务公开的某些方法的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Specific content includes common scale convergence space control, access way, and the combination of interior space. 具体内容包括衔接空间中通行尺度的控制、通行方式、以及与其它空间组合方式的探讨。 www.fabiao.net 3. Are there procedures to control access to the computerised payment system and safeguard data integrity? 有否制定程序确保电脑付款系统不受干扰及保障有关资料? www.icac.org.hk 4. Database roles, roles defined by administrators to control access to objects and data for non-administrator users. 数据库角色,这些角色由管理员定义,用于控制非管理员用户对对象和数据的访问权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. This practice makes it easier for network administrators to control access to various items on the corporate network. 这种做法使网络管理员更容易对网络用户进入公司网络进行控制。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Our company has branch offices in many places . Can we control access status of branch offices from headquarter ? 我公司在很多地方有分支机构,我们是否可以从总公司取得分公司的门禁考勤状况?。 www.bing.com 7. As a best practice, consider using stored procedures as a way to control access to your data. 作为一项最佳实践,应考虑使用存储过程来控制对数据的访问。 www.ibm.com 8. Security enables users to monitor and control access reducing the number and seriousness of potential errors. 安全性使用户能够监视和控制使用权以减少潜在性错误发生的数量和严重性。 www.dianqi163.com 9. As a best practice, use views to control access to tables when you want to hide a subset of table columns or rows. 作为一项最佳实践,在您想隐藏表中的部分列或行的时候,应该使用视图来控制对表的访问。 www.ibm.com 10. Certificate-based security helps you protect sensitive messages and control access to services. 基于证书的安全机制有助于保护敏感消息并控制对服务的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Control access to facilities other than waiting rooms, particularly drug storage or pharmacy areas. 控制等待区外的场所出入,尤其是药品存储区域 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Using Windows integrated security is a more secure way to control access to a database. 若要控制对数据库的访问,一种较为安全的方法是使用Windows集成安全性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. They may even filter requests by incoming IP addresses or set up a cookie to control access to the form. 他们甚至会按照传入IP地址对请求进行筛选,或设置Cookie来控制对表单的访问。 www.ibm.com 4. Ability to control access and modification of content and associated descriptions by users and groups of users. 能控制用户和用户组对内容及相关描述进行的存取和修改。 cs.nju.edu.cn 5. A custom security extension that uses SharePoint permissions to control access to report server operations. 使用SharePoint权限控制存取报表伺服器作业的自订安全性延伸模组。 www.microsoft.com 6. The following illustration shows the use of a signed module to control access to resources outside the scope of the source database. 下图说明使用签名的模块来控制对源数据库范围外的资源的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Assuming you are connected to a network, you might want to set a password to control access. 假设您现在已经连接到一个网路上,那么您可能会想设置一个密码来控制访问权限。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Using Windows Authentication is a more secure way to control access to a database. 若要控制对数据库的访问,一种较为安全的方法是使用Windows身份验证。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Now, let's go over some examples of how TCP Wrappers can control access via SSH to a host. 现在,我们通过一些示例了解TCPWrappers如何控制对主机的SSH访问。 www.ibm.com 10. If access to projects is a concern, then you can create security policies that control access to certain groups. 如果对项目的访问是您所关注的,那么您应该创建一个安全策略来控制一定的组能够访问项目。 www.ibm.com 1. Security and management: Provides a single point of control, access, and validation of web service requests. 安全和管理:提供Web服务请求的单点控制、访问和验证。 www.ibm.com 2. Several new roles have been added to control access to Report Builder and models. 添加了若干新角色,以控制对报表生成器和模型的访问。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Use SharePoint permissions and authentication providers to control access to reports, models, and other items. 使用SharePoint的权限和身份验证提供程序控制对报表、模型和其他项的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Access Control Objects (ACOs) are the things we want to control access to (e. g. web pages, databases, rooms, etc). 权限控制对象(ACO对象)是我们想要控制的事物(如网页,数据库,房间等) ppmiao.com 5. In this demonstration, I am only going to replace daemons I wish to control access. 在本例中,我仅仅替换想要控制访问的守护进程。 www.ibm.com 6. Using sugroups enables system administrators to control access to individual user accounts by group membership. 使用sugroup让系统管理员能够通过组成员关系控制对各个用户账户的访问。 www.ibm.com 7. In the standard JDK distribution, the mechanism to control access to code source is turned off by default. 在标准JDK分发版中,控制代码源访问的机制缺省情况下是关闭的。 www.ibm.com 8. If you are the author of the document or have Full Control access, you can change the default so that your solution works. 如果您是文档的作者或者您具有“完全控制”访问权限,您可以更改默认设置以使解决方案能够工作。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Now, let's look at the important elements of this control-access sequence in more detail. 现在,让我们更详细地看一下这个访问控制序列中的重要元素。 www.ibm.com 10. Reporting Services uses roles and role assignments to control access to report server content. ReportingServices使用角色和角色分配来控制对报表服务器内容的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Troubleshoot, and control access to files, folders, and shared folders. 监视、配置、故障诊断和控制对文件、文件夹和共享文件的访。 xuandian.ik8.com 2. Anyone who has Full Control access to the document or workbook in your solution can use IRM to restrict permissions. 对您的解决方案中的文档或工作簿具有“完全控制”访问权限的任何用户都能够使用“信息权限管理”限制权限。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The first step is to control access to sources, using full-time watchmen if necessary. 首先要控制水源的使用权,如果需要,应派人专职看守。 pro.yeeyan.com 4. Is there any process to control access to empty containers and container storage areas? 工厂可有管制进入空置货柜及存放货柜区域的程序? wenku.baidu.com 5. SQLJ provides the unique ability to develop using static SQL statements and control access at the DB2 package level. SQLJ提供了独特的使用静态SQL语句进行开发以及在DB2包级别控制访问的能力。 www.ibm.com 6. The authorization policies defined to the Object Authority Manager (OAM) control access based on user IDs and group membership. ObjectAuthorityManager(OAM)中定义的授权策略可以基于用户ID和组成员身份进行访问控制。 www.ibm.com 7. As a best practice, consider using LBAC as a way to control access to sensitive data. 作为一项最佳实践,应考虑使用LBAC作为控制对敏感数据的访问的一种方法。 www.ibm.com 8. Use role-based security to control access to folders, reports, and resources. 基于角色的安全性用于控制对文件夹、报表和资源的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Permissions control access to Exchange objects. 通过权限设置可以控制对Exchange对象的访问。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Create, organize, and control access to company-wide shared folders. 创建、组织并控制对公司范围共享文件夹的访问。 finer2.com 1. Monitor and control access and egress of project personnel and visitors. 检查、监控项目人员和来访人员的通道和出口。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Semaphore object is an operating system object that is used to control access to a pool of shared resources. 信号对象是一种用于控制对共享资源池的访问的操作系统对象。 www.microsoft.com 3. Method uses file access security to control access to the specified file. 方法使用文件访问安全性来控制对指定文件的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Troubleshoot, and control access to files and folders via Web services. 对Web服务中的文件和文件夹访问的监控、配置、故障诊断和控制。 xuandian.ik8.com 5. The game server can check authorization and control access to the media. 游戏服务器可以检查授权并控制对媒体的访问。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The SmtpPermission and SmtpPermissionAttribute classes control access to SMTP host computers. SmtpPermission和SmtpPermissionAttribute类控制对SMTP主机的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In that case, the SND userid for an IGQ connection, or the channel or MCAUSER, might need CONTROL access. 在这种情况下,IGQ连接、通道或MCAUSER的SNDuserid可能需要CONTROL访问权。 www.ibm.com 8. Administration: How do I control access to the service? 管理:如何控制对服务的访问? www.ibm.com 9. In this case, the Cglib2AopProxy class creates the proxy objects you will need to control access to your secure beans. 在本例中,Cglib2AopProxy类将创建安全bean访问控制所需的代理对象。 www.ibm.com 10. In addition, the script can control access and filter information for delivery, as required. 另外,这个脚本能根据需要控制访问权并过滤要交付的信息。 www.ibm.com 1. Control access to your contact list. 控制联系人列表的访问权限。 office.microsoft.com 2. Control access to shared folders by using permissions. 通过授权控制访问共享文件夹。 xuandian.ik8.com 3. You can also control access to stored procedures through GRANT and REVOKE statements. 还可以通过GRANT和REVOKE语句控制对存储过程的访问。 www.ibm.com 4. Authors always have Full Control access. 作者始终具有“完全控制”权限。 office.microsoft.com 5. Control access to printers by using permissions. 通过授权控制访问打印机。 xuandian.ik8.com 6. Defines classes that control access to operations and resources based on policy. 定义根据策略控制操作和资源访问的类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Enumeration control access to unmanaged code. 值控制对非托管代码的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. A securable item for which you want to control access. 要控制其访问权限的安全对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The method implementation uses the JTA API to start local transactions that control access to EIS1 and EIS2. 该方法用JTAAPI启动控制EIS1和EIS2的访问的本地事务。 www.ibm.com 10. SQL Server Authentication and authorization can be configured to control access to SQL Server and SQL Server publications. 可以配置SQLServer身份验证和授权来控制对SQLServer和SQLServer发布的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. You can set credentials in your code to control access to reports and to the report server. 您可以通过编写代码来设置凭据,以控制对报表和报表服务器的访问。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Enable host control access is the whole point of wrappers, so make sure it is uncommented. 启用主机控制访问是wrappers的最关键之处,所以确定它未被注释。 www.ibm.com 3. Both systems are multi-user, and control access to resources is based on user identity. 两个系统都是多用户系统,基于用户身份来控制他们对资源的访问。 www.ibm.com 4. Give Full control access to mqm and then click OK. 向mqm提供完全控制访问权,然后单击OK。 www.ibm.com 5. Provides information on how to control access to date in Web applications using authentication. 提供有关如何使用身份验证控制对Web应用程序中的数据进行访问的信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. You can also control access to Internet printers based on the requesting host rather than on user credentials. 您还可以根据发出请求的主机(而不是根据用户凭据)来控制对Internet打印机的访问。 support.microsoft.com 7. Singletons often control access to resources such as database connections or sockets. 单例模式同样用于控制像数据库连接或者sockets这样的资源访问。 www.bing.com 8. Objects and explains how to use them to control access to limited resources. 对象并说明如何使用这些对象来控制对有限资源的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Finally, I will show you how to configure Acegi's method security interceptor to control access to your Java classes. 最后,我将介绍如何对Acegi的方法安全性拦截器进行配置以控制对Java类的访问。 www.ibm.com 10. A common way to control access to table data is using views. 控制表数据访问的一种常见方法是使用视图。 www.ibm.com 1. You can use forms to control access to data, such as which fields or rows of data are displayed. 可以使用窗体来控制对数据的访问,如显示哪些字段或数据行。 office.microsoft.com 2. Such a strategy is not possible in Japan because the sales agents, not the newspapers, control access to readers. 在日本采取这种策略是不可能的因为控制读者渠道的不是报纸,而是销售代理商。 www.ecocn.org 3. Profiles in the MQCMDS class control access to commands (such as DEFINE QLOCAL) that provide the ability to define or alter a queue. MQCMDS类中的概要文件控制对DEFINEQLOCAL等命令的访问,这些命令用于定义和修改队列。 www.ibm.com 4. For example, to control access to customer orders, you can secure the Customer Order entity in the model. 例如,若要控制对客户订单的访问,可以对模型中的CustomerOrder实体进行保护。 technet.microsoft.com 5. I mention them here because they do have one crucial use: They can help control access to state that's being stored on the server. 我在这里提到它们是因为它们有一个重要的用途:它们有助于控制对存储在服务器上的状态的访问。 www.ibm.com 6. You can also set policies that control access to our SQS queue based on date, time, and source IP Address, as in Listing 2. 您还可以设置一个策略,它根据日期、时间和源IP地址控制SQS队列的访问,如清单2所示。 www.ibm.com 7. For example, you need to control access to EJBs using a network-safe encrypted token. 例如,您需要使用网络安全加密令牌控制对EJB的访问。 www.ibm.com 8. Industry: Fingerprint scanner; Surveillance Camera; Fingerprint lock; Attendance; Access control; Access Control Systems; 所属行业:指纹采集仪;监控摄像机;指纹锁;考勤机;门禁机;门禁考勤系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Industry: Attendance; Access Control Systems; Fingerprint lock; Fingerprint scanner; Access control; Access Controller; 所属行业:考勤机;门禁考勤系统;指纹锁;指纹采集仪;门禁机;门禁控制器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Industry: Surveillance Camera; Fingerprint scanner; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Access Control Systems; 所属行业:监控摄像机;指纹采集仪;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;门禁考勤系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Industry: Electronic Patrol; Access control; Access Controller; Card Management System; Access Control Systems; Attendance; 所属行业:电子巡更;门禁机;门禁控制器;一卡通管理系统;门禁考勤系统;考勤机;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Industry: Access control; Access Controller; Card Management System; Access Control Systems; Access Card Reader; Integrated companies; 所属行业:门禁机;门禁控制器;一卡通管理系统;门禁考勤系统;门禁读卡器;综合性公司;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Industry: Fingerprint scanner; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Card Management System; Access Control Systems; 所属行业:指纹采集仪;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;一卡通管理系统;门禁考勤系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Industry: Fingerprint lock; Fingerprint scanner; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Access Control Systems; 所属行业:指纹锁;指纹采集仪;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;门禁考勤系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. Industry: Door closers, door opener; Fingerprint scanner; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Card Management System; 所属行业:闭门器、开门器;指纹采集仪;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;一卡通管理系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 6. Industry: Attendance; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Card Management System; Access Control Systems; 所属行业:考勤机;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;一卡通管理系统;门禁考勤系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 7. Industry: Access Control Equipment and Systems; Card Management System; Attendance; Access control; Access Controller; 所属行业:门禁考勤器材及系统;一卡通管理系统;考勤机;门禁机;门禁控制器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Industry: Security Door; Personal Alarm; Access control; Access Control Systems; Attendance; Access Controller; 所属行业:防盗门;个人报警器;门禁机;门禁考勤系统;考勤机;门禁控制器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. OS control access to the system as a whole and to specific system resources OS对系统整体以及特殊的系统资源进行访问控制 ibm.tju.edu.cn 10. Industry: Electronic Patrol; Card Management System; Access Control Systems; Access control; Access Card Reader; Magnetic Card; 所属行业:电子巡更;一卡通管理系统;门禁考勤系统;门禁机;门禁读卡器;磁卡;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Industry: Access Control Equipment and Systems; Access Control Systems; Access control; Access Card Reader; Card Management System; IC Card; 所属行业:门禁考勤器材及系统;门禁考勤系统;门禁机;门禁读卡器;一卡通管理系统;IC卡;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 2. Industry: Magnetic card lock; Attendance; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Access Control Systems; 所属行业:磁卡锁;考勤机;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;门禁考勤系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. Industry: Card Management System; Electronic Patrol; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; 所属行业:一卡通管理系统;电子巡更;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 4. Industry: Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Card Management System; Other safety equipment; 所属行业:门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;一卡通管理系统;其他交通安全设备;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 5. If you create the share, you can control access to it. Here is an example of a restricted IPC$ share 如果创建了该共享,则可以控制对它的访问。 www.ibm.com 6. Industry: Access Control Systems; Access Controller; Radio frequency card; Access control; Access Card Reader; 所属行业:门禁考勤系统;门禁控制器;射频卡;门禁机;门禁读卡器;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 7. Industry: IC card lock; Magnetic card lock; Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Card Management System; 所属行业:IC卡锁;磁卡锁;门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;一卡通管理系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 8. Industry: Access control; Access Controller; Access Card Reader; Card Management System; 所属行业:门禁机;门禁控制器;门禁读卡器;一卡通管理系统;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 9. Industry: Mechanical locks; Access control; Access Card Reader; Fingerprint lock; 所属行业:机械门锁;门禁机;门禁读卡器;指纹锁;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 10. Industry: Access Card Reader; Access control; Access Controller; Monitoring host; 所属行业:门禁读卡器;门禁机;门禁控制器;监控主机;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 1. Demo: Control access to sensitive financial documents - Excel - Microsoft Office Online 演示:控制对敏感财务文档的访问权限-Excel-MicrosoftOfficeOnline office.microsoft.com 2. Industry: Access control; Access Control Systems; Attendance; IC card lock; Magnetic card lock; 所属行业:门禁机;门禁考勤系统;考勤机;IC卡锁;磁卡锁;; www.integrity-enterprises.net 3. If CONTROL access is granted to a group, such as AP2USRS, it would allow users in that group to set both origin and identity context 如果CONTROL访问权授予一个组,比如AP2USRS,那么它将允许该组中的用户设置原始和身份上下文 www.ibm.com 4. Secondly, it does not use electronic locks to control access; 二是不需要用电锁关门来控制出入; www.fabiao.net 5. Using Permissions and Administrative Roles to Control Access 使用权限和管理角色来控制访问 technet.microsoft.com 6. To control access to isolated storage, the common language runtime uses 要控制对独立存储的访问,公共语言运行库使用 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. DCAF Distributed Control Access Facility 分布式存取控制设备 bbs.translators.com.cn 8. Using a password to control access to protected elements 使用密码控制对受保护元素的访问 office.microsoft.com 9. Control Access Through Remote Access Policy 透过远端存取原则控制存取 www.woodenhead.org 10. Technique of control access to drivers or folders 控制访问驱动器或文件夹的一种技术 www.ilib.cn 1. If you need to control access to specific connectors, either by group or by a specific geographic area, you have two choices 如果需要按组或按特定的地理区域控制对特定连接器的访问,可以选择下列两个选项 technet.microsoft.com 2. Control access to contact information on a per-user basis 基于每个用户来控制对联系人信息的访问 office.microsoft.com 3. Profiles in the MQQUEUE class control access to queues. Four levels of access are meaningful for MQQUEUE MQQUEUE类中的配置文件控制队列访问。 www.ibm.com 4. Research on Technique to Control Access to Network Layer Based on ACL 基于ACL的网络层访问权限控制技术研究 www.ilib.cn 5. How to: Control Access to Team Foundation Version Control 如何:控制对TeamFoundation版本控制的访问 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. How to: Control Access to Team Foundation Source Control 如何:控制对TeamFoundation源代码管理的访问 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. What to control access to 控制对什么的访问 bbs.chinaunix.net |
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