单词 | child-mortality | ||||||||||
释义 | child-mortality
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 儿童死亡率,婴儿夭折率,减少幼儿死亡率 1. Our findings add to the growing debate on the long-term sustainability of community-based interventions designed to reduce child mortality. 我们的发现对现今越来越多的关于旨在降低儿童死亡率的社区干预的长期可持续性的争论起到了推波助澜的作用。 www.who.int 2. An investment in safe water and sanitation for homes and schools can be a key factor in reducing child mortality. 投资于家庭和学校的安全饮用水和卫生设施可以是降低儿童死亡率的一个关键因素。 www.who.int 3. Preventing pneumonia in children is an essential component of a strategy to reduce child mortality. 预防儿童肺炎是降低儿童死亡率战略的一个关键组成部分。 www.who.int 4. Since 1950 , during the last 50 years we have had a fall in child mortality . 自从1950年,到过去50年里儿童死亡率有一个下降。 www.bing.com 5. Less than 80 percent of countries are on target to meet the child mortality goal. 不到80%的国家有望实现降低儿童死亡率的目标。 web.worldbank.org 6. Waterborne disease is a major cause of stunted development and child mortality, as well as a huge drain on household budgets. 与饮水相关的疾病是儿童发育不良和死亡的主要原因,造成家庭预算的巨大流失。 www.bing.com 7. What's important today is not just financial data but child mortality rates, the number of children per women, education levels, etc. 在现代,重要的不仅仅是经济数据,还应包括小孩的死亡率、每个母亲的孩子数、教育水平等。 www.bing.com 8. Moreover, longevity, environmental quality and school enrolment rose throughout the region, while child mortality declined. 而且,该地区的居民寿命、环境质量和入学率也大幅增加,而儿童的死亡率却下降了。 www.bing.com 9. In environments where disease is rampant and the child-mortality rate is high, women prefer masculine men. 在疾病猖獗和儿童死亡率高的环境里,妇女更喜欢阳刚男子。 www.bing.com 10. The UN children's agency says child mortality is decreasing, but the rate of decline is not enough. 联合儿童署称儿童死亡率在下降,但是下降率仍不够。 www.enread.com 1. The correlation between the HIV-related deaths of mothers and their children can bias survey estimates of early child mortality. 与艾滋病毒病毒有关的母亲及其子女死亡的相关性可能会使婴幼儿死亡率的调查估算数据产生偏倚。 www.who.int 2. Acute diarrhoeal diseases and acute respiratory infections (ARIs) are the most common causes of child mortality worldwide. 在全球范围内,各种急性腹泻和急性呼吸道感染是导致儿童死亡的最常见的病因。 www.who.int 3. The delay in marriages induced by the stipend subsidy arguably contributed to lower fertility rates and child mortality rates in Bangladesh. 可以认为,助学金补助带来的婚姻推迟,也导致了孟加拉国生育率和儿童死亡率的下降。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. She said that great strides have been made in recent years in efforts to reduce child mortality. 她表示近年来努力降低儿童死亡率已经取得巨大的成就。 www.kekenet.com 5. They can also be used to see whether efforts to reduce child mortality and disease are effective. 它们也可以用来检查降低儿童死亡率和疾病的努力是否有效。 www.who.int 6. By contrast, Sub Saharan Africa has lagged in many areas, including school enrollments, infant and child mortality, and maternal mortality. 与此相反,撒哈拉以南非洲地区在许多方面都很滞后,包括入学率、婴幼儿死亡率和孕产妇死亡率。 web.worldbank.org 7. china ' s life expectancy rate , child mortality rate as well as adult literacy rate have improved significantly. 中国人的预期寿命大大延长,儿童的死亡率显着下降,成人的文化水平也大幅度提升。 www.ichacha.net 8. Second, expanded vaccination coverage alone will not help countries reach the MDG for reducing young child mortality. 其次,仅仅依靠扩大接种覆盖面对于各国实现降低幼儿死亡率的千年发展目标不具裨益。 www.who.int 9. Child mortality data are more widely available from censuses and household surveys in low-income countries. 而儿童死亡率资料可以从在低收入国家中的人口普查和家庭调查中广泛地获得。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Q: Under-five child mortality must be reduced by two thirds by 2015 to meet MDG 4. Was this target unrealistic when it was set? 问:5岁以下儿童死亡率必须在2015年前降低三分之二,以实现千年发展目标4。设定这个目标是否符合现实? www.who.int 1. And programmes to hand out vitamin A supplements in massive doses to reduce child mortality have brought little discernible improvement. 为了减少儿童死亡率而大剂量补充维生素A的方法,没有什么改善。 www.ecocn.org 2. Prospective demographic and health cohorts are the most accurate method to assess child mortality and other demographic indices. 前瞻性人口和健康群组是评估儿童死亡率和其他人口指标的最准确方法。 www.who.int 3. WHO can now say with full confidence that breastfeeding reduces child mortality and has health benefits that extend into adulthood. 现在,世卫组织能够完全自信地说,母乳喂养可以降低儿童的死亡率,它对健康带来的益处可以延续到成人期。 www.who.int 4. Member Countries have set targets and developed specific strategies to reduce child mortality and monitor progress. 联合国会员国为降低儿童死亡率和监测进展制定了具体目标和特定战略。 www.who.int 5. Inequality costs lives in terms of child mortality. 性别不平等导致儿童死亡率的上升,意味着生命的丧失。 www.putclub.com 6. Figures for child mortality, underweight children and other basic health indicators have showed no significant improvement in seven years. 儿童的死亡率、体重不足现象和其他基本的健康情况显示,近7年来儿童的生活条件并未得到大的改善。 www.bing.com 7. Vital statistics have helped identify major trends in fertility, child survival and child mortality. 关键统计数据可以帮助我们发现生育率、儿童存活率和死亡率方面的主要趋势。 www.who.int 8. Levels and trends in child mortality; Report 2010 - Estimates developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation. 《儿童死亡率水平和趋势》;《2010年报告-联合国儿童死亡率估计机构间小组的估计》。 www.who.int 9. To determine whether routine surveys, such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), have underestimated child mortality in Malawi. 确定诸如人口和卫生调查(DHS)之类的常规例行调查是否低估了马拉维的儿童死亡率。 www.who.int 10. The most devastating statistic of them all: child mortality rates have skyrocketed while birth rates have declined. 其中最具破坏力的所有统计:儿童死亡率节节上升,而出生率下降。 baike.baidu.com 1. Many African countries in recent years in reducing child mortality rate has made significant progress. 许多非洲国家近年来在降低儿童夭折率方面取得了显著进步。 cid-dda073513ee6a3fa.spaces.live.com 2. Within countries, child mortality is higher in rural areas, and among poorer and less educated families. 在各国内部,农村地区,以及贫困和教育程度较低家庭的儿童死亡率更高。 www.who.int 3. Child mortality, school enrolment and the like have improved more slowly than have straight measures of poverty. 相比于贫困的绝对数字,儿童夭折及入学率等改善得更为缓慢。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. Since child mortality is higher in poor countries, the replacement fertility rate is higher there, too. 在贫穷国家中,因为儿童死亡率更高,所以生育等值替换率也更高。 www.ecocn.org 5. They are not included in the Millennium Development Goals for improving maternal health and reducing child mortality. 它未被纳入改善孕产妇健康和降低儿童死亡率的千年发展目标之内。 www.who.int 6. He recalls that the IHME team made similarly grand claims when its previous study on child mortality was unveiled in 2007. 他回忆说2007年当之前的关于儿童死亡率的老报告发表的时候,健康指标和评估研究所团队就发布过类似的研究声明。 www.ecocn.org 7. Improved food security can help to decrease child mortality and keep children in school. 保障食品供应有助于降低儿童死亡率,确保儿童继续上学读书。 www.america.gov 8. So. . . . preventing child mortality C want, or need? That's easy C it's a need. Definitely a need. 所以,减低儿童死亡率是想要还是需要?这简单―这是需要。绝对是需要。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. Expanded use of Hib vaccine could reduce the global burden of childhood pneumonia and meningitis and reduce child mortality. Hib疫苗的使用可以有效减少儿童期间肺炎和脑膜炎的危害,降低儿童死亡率。 www.bing.com 10. In Asia only Afghanistan has a higher rate of child mortality. 在亚洲,只有阿富汗的儿童死亡率比缅甸高。 www.ecocn.org 1. From this information, neonatal, infant and early child mortality rates were estimated. 通过这些信息估测出新生儿、婴儿和幼儿的死亡率。 www.who.int 2. The country has seen child mortality rates drop as living standards have improved. 这些年来,随着生活水平的提高,巴西儿童死亡率逐步下降。 www.bing.com 3. Child mortality in the slums of Nairobi is 2. 5 times higher than in other parts of the city. 内罗毕贫民窟儿童死亡率比该市其它地区儿童高2.5倍以上。 www.who.int 4. Emergencies amplify the risk of infant and young child mortality. 紧急情况加大了婴幼儿死亡的风险。 www.who.int 5. Falling rates of child mortality are also significant. 儿童死亡率的下降也是比较重要的原因。 www.ecocn.org 6. Of course, child mortality first and then family planning. 当然,先解决婴儿死亡率问题,接着实行计划生育。 www.ted.com 7. Not just child mortality alone, you need also family planning. 光控制婴儿的死亡率是不够的,你还需要计划生育。 www.ted.com 8. Overall child mortality rates have declined too. 儿童死亡率也出现总体下降。 www.putclub.com 9. Nepal, Eritrea, Laos, Mongolia and Bolivia under-five child mortality rate by 4. 5% every year or more slowed down. 尼泊尔、厄立特里亚、老挝、蒙古和玻利维亚的五岁以下儿童死亡率每年也以4.5%或更高的速度下降。 www.chinavalue.net 10. These are high-burden diseases in this region, and a significant cause of young-child mortality. 这些疾病是本区域的高负担疾病,也是幼儿死亡的一大病因。 www.who.int 1. Measurable achievements, such as lower child mortality rates or increased food production, have many contributing factors. 许多因素对可测量的成果——诸如降低儿童死亡率或增加粮食产量——有贡献。 www.scidev.net 2. But they also face very high infant- and child-mortality rates. 但是婴幼儿死亡率也很高。 dongxi.net 3. These strategies combined may reduce total child mortality by 17%. 综合使用这些办法可能使儿童的总死亡率降低17%。 www.who.int 4. Same child mortality as Bangladesh had, 1990. Though they had lower income. 和孟加拉国一样的儿童死亡率,1990.尽管他们是低收入国家。 www.ted.com 5. Child mortality is also closely linked to MDG 5 to improve maternal health. 儿童死亡率与旨在改善产妇保健的千年发展目标5也密切相关。 www.who.int 6. This is even slower than reductions for both maternal and child mortality in the same period. 这一速度甚至低于同期孕产妇和儿童死亡率的下降程度。 www.who.int 7. In high transmission areas, it can reduce child mortality rates and the prevalence of severe anaemia. 它可以降低儿童死亡率和严重贫血流行率。 www.who.int 8. Since 1990, Brazil's under-5 child-mortality rate has dropped 65%, and life expectancy has climbed six years. 从上世纪九十年代以来,巴西五岁以下儿童死亡率下降了65%最长寿命也增加了六年。 www.bing.com 9. When I was born in 1945, the child mortality rate in Korea was 152 per 1000 live births. 在我1945年出生时,韩国的婴儿死亡率每1000名活产为152。 www.who.int 10. And they reduced child mortality, with an amazing 4. 7 percent per year. 而且他们降低了儿童死亡率,以每年4. www.ted.com 1. Because it's the only child mortality that we can measure. 因为那是我们唯一可以测量的儿童死亡率。 www.ted.com 2. Africa is experiencing some of the biggest falls in child mortality ever seen, anywhere 非洲各地儿童死亡率下降,有史以来幅度最大 www.ecocn.org 3. A nine-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine which showed 16% protection against overall child mortality in The Gambia; 一种九价肺炎球菌结核疫苗,它在冈比亚显示对儿童总死亡率的保护率达16%; www.who.int 4. Infant and child mortality estimates and projections; 婴幼儿死亡率估计和预测; www.sinobay.com 5. Reduce Child Mortality, Keep the Young Alive 降低儿童死亡率,好好活下去 www.bing.com 6. Application of Capture-recapture Method in Estimating the Under-reoprting Rate and Child Mortality Under Age 5 应用捕获-再捕获法估计5岁以下儿童死亡漏报率及死亡率 www.ilib.cn 7. Reduce infant and child mortality rates 降低婴、幼儿死亡率 www.fane.cn 8. How child-mortality rates have changed since 1970 1970年以来儿童死亡率的变化情况 www.bing.com |
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