单词 | chick |
释义 | chicks是chick的复数
复数:chicks 例句释义: 小鸡,小宝宝,年轻女人,〈外〉竹帘子,潇洒的,小的,鸡仔唛,雏鸡,雏鸟 1. We set up a lab in a tent with all the equipment and the chicks fully hatched out in an incubator. 我们在帐篷里建起了实验室,里面有所有的设备,幼雏们在一个孵化器中被完好地孵化出来。 www.suiniyi.com 2. The currency reform was an effort by Mr Kim to bring his chicks back under his wing, as if a fabled era is to return. 金正日希望能通过货币改革这一措施使得民众们重归他的羽翼之下,让金日成的传说年代再次重现。 www.ecocn.org 3. But Stieglitz said the deaths could account for a significant share of Laysan albatross chicks hatched during the current season. 不过史蒂格里兹说,这次(事件)造成大半在这个季节孵出的黑背信天翁雏鸟死亡。 www.taipeitimes.com 4. In a year, some 17 chicks were to be taken hack to the wild--Tongariro National Park's ten plus seven from two other nearby forests. 一年中约有17只幼鸟被放回野外,其中10只是汤加里罗国家公园的,另外7只来自附近其它两座森林。 www.zftrans.com 5. if the chicks eyes open Large, lift your head, ready to take off on its daring greater is the top grade birds, you can select. 如果幼鸟眼睛睁大,挺胸昂首,准备起飞,说明其胆子较大,是上品鸟,可以选取。 www.xiami360.com 6. Because that day, the sky suddenly began to rain heavily, so there is no way our whole family to look for chicks. 因为那天,天空突然下起了大雨,所以,我们全家没有办法去找小鸡。 www.tradeask.com 7. They hatch and they have no paternal care or maternal care at all, you know, these little chicks and they're all by themselves from day one. 母鸟孵化后,没有喂养小鸟的义务,你知道,这些雏鸟们从出生那天后,就靠自己生存。 www.bing.com 8. "I ail in the dark to tell the parents. her rubbed my small brain : " dumb children, no eggs ch ed chicks! 大家都笑了,妈妈抚摸着我的小脑袋:“傻孩子,这鸡蛋是孵不出小鸡的!”我似懂非懂地眨眨眼睛。 zuowen.chazidian.com 9. I left Elton John's and a hefty number of half-naked chicks with their mouths open in order to hang out with you at Christmas. 我离开EltonJohn家,那边有一大群半身赤裸的少女张着她们的嘴只为了能和你在圣诞节混混。 movie.douban.com 10. One expecting wagtail found the perfect place for her and her chicks - inside the bonnet of an ice cream van in Massachusetts, US. 在美国马萨诸塞州,一只怀孕的鹡鸰为它和即将出生的宝宝找到了一处好处所——一辆运输冰激凌的卡车的引擎罩。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Penguin parents put the chicks in one of the creches, returning every two or three days with food. 企鹅父母把小企鹅放到其中的一个托儿所,每隔两三天载食返回一次 www.kekenet.com 2. As she led her students out the door they walked behind her as baby chicks returning to their fold. 她带着学生走出了教室,就像母鸡带着小鸡回窝似的。 www.ebigear.com 3. In a riverbank burrow a mother feeds one of her nine-day-old chicks a small fish, which it will swallow whole. 在河岸边的地洞里,母亲正在给一只9天大的小鸟喂鱼,它会整个吞下这条鱼。 www.bing.com 4. Jesus said that God cares for even sparrows, and compares God's love for humanity to a hen's love for her chicks. 耶稣说,上帝连麻雀也关心,并将上帝对人的爱比作母鸡对小鸡的爱。 blog.163.com 5. He told me to make an effort to talk to chicks because girls are more willing to provide help. 他跟我说要努力设法跟马子说话,因为女孩子比较愿意提供帮助。 6. Moreover, chicks born to stressed hens act as though they too are stressed, even when they have been raised in a poultry paradise. 此外,处于应激状态的母鸡所孵出的雏鸡似乎也受到应激,即便在十分舒适的饲养环境中也是如此。 www.ecocn.org 7. For chicks who spend a few days at the shelter, Dr. Chi's routine tasks are to weigh them and measure their beaks and body lengths. 雏鸟在急救站暂时住几天,祁医师每天的例行工作就是为他量体重、嘴长、脚长等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Seriously, the only saving grace of this film is that the directors had the decency to put hot chicks in front of the camera. 事实上,这部电影唯一持有的一点温柔就是导演得体地把美女辣妹放在了镜头前。 www.elanso.com 9. Speak for yourself, man. I get chicks looking at me all the time. All ages. 你是说自己我常被各年龄层女生看,也有男生 www.tingroom.com 10. He said that it calmed him down, it relaxed him, it took away his fear of flying and helped him meet chicks. 这刺绣能让他冷静,放松,让他忘记坐飞机时的恐惧还能帮他泡妞。 www.ted.com 1. The first osprey chicks to be born in Northumberland for at least 200 years are fighting fit and getting ready for take-off. 这只至少200年来第一只出生在诺森伯兰的小鱼鹰强健而且可以飞翔了。 www.bing.com 2. After eggs have been laid, it is usual for either the male or the female penduline tit to leave their partner to raise the chicks. 在雌雀产下蛋后,通常是由雌雀或雄雀其中之一离开他们的伴侣去哺育幼雏。 www.ecocn.org 3. Another surprise was that while their higher brain regions were inactive, the chicks showed a lot of spontaneous movement. 另一个令人惊讶的是,当其大脑区域较为活跃的时候,小鸡出现了许多不由自主的动作。 www.bing.com 4. We all laughed, and her mother rubbed my small brain : "dumb children, no eggs were hatched chicks! " 大家都笑了,妈妈抚摸着我的小脑袋:“傻孩子,这鸡蛋是孵不出小鸡的!” www.sazx.org 5. "Chicken Runing" Let me think a lot of World War II films, chicks were all Revolutionary Party. 《小鸡快跑》让我联想到很多二战影片,小鸡们都是革命党。 wenwen.soso.com 6. He was also supposed to undergo state-of-the-art plastic surgery (performed by hot chicks in short skirts) to make him look Japanese. 他接受了国家最先进的整形外科手术(由穿着短裙的辣妹主刀)使他看上去像日本人。 www.elanso.com 7. And when the clutch grew strong enough, being chicks, the plump hen used to take them together to go out to look for food. 这窝雏鸡长强健了,成了小鸡后,胖母鸡常率领他们,一起出外去寻找食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She had her little chicks lined up and they all seemed happy to see him. 它让它的小鸡排成一列,见到方三,它们看上去都很高兴。 www.showxiu.com 9. Strikingly colored, an adult king penguin stands out in a sea of chicks on South Georgia Island. 南乔治亚岛上,一只成年国王企鹅站在一群幼崽中间,显得很突出。 www.bing.com 10. When scientists artificially increased calmodulin in chicken embryos, the chicks began growing extended beaks, just like a cactus driller. 当科学家们在小鸡胚胎中人为提高卡莫杜林的量时,小鸡开始长出长长的、很像探食仙人掌的雀喙。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And the UK's rarest crow - the chough, which has been re-colonising Cornwall, suffered a disaster after none of this year's chicks survived. 全英国最稀有的乌鸦——红嘴山鸦,已被重新引入康沃尔郡,但今年却一只雏鸟也没有活下来,实在是一场大的灾难。 www.bing.com 2. Later this month, we'll spray the orchard, paint the barn, plant the garden and clean the hen house before the new chicks arrive. 这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 www.kekenet.com 3. The seabirds there have no defences against predation, so the mouse simply walks into their nests and starts eating the chicks alive. 那儿的海鸟对动物的掠食行为毫无防备,所以老鼠们轻而易举地就走进了海鸟的巢穴并开始进食它们的幼崽。 www.bing.com 4. These cockerels were then bred with normal hens and they screened the resulting chicks to see which ones still carried the two new genes. 随后,研究者将这些小公鸡与正常母鸡一起饲养繁殖,他们筛查新繁育出的小鸡,以观察哪些仍携带这两种新的基因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. These emperor penguins are near the end of a two week fishing marathon, bringing food for their hungry chicks waiting miles away. 这些皇企鹅在近两周的鱼类马拉松赛跑终点时,将它们的食物带给数里之外嗷嗷待哺的小企鹅们。 www.yappr.cn 6. Those exposed to stress as chicks had much shorter lives, but so also did their mate - even if that was an unexposed bird. 那些幼年时受到压力的鸟寿命较短,它们的配偶也一样——即使它们的配偶并没有在早年受到压力。 dongxi.net 7. All Dunongtingdang, and before the next safely stretched wings, just had to go, cold-called abroad to the Middle came cries of chicks. 一切都弄停当了,才放心地伸了下翅膀,刚要出门,冷不丁地从外边传来了小鸡的喊叫声。 daziranys.com.cn 8. The hen was just then sitting on fourteen eggs, and I was already looking forward to having many baby chicks when the eggs hatched. 这只母鸡是就在这时,坐在十四个鸡蛋,我已经期待着有许多婴儿的蛋孵出的小鸡时。 asking365.com 9. Crazy The chicks show an ataxia not unlike the ataxia of vitamin E deficiency known as encephalomalacia or crazy chick disease. 雏鸡显示共济失调,但与维生素E缺乏的称为小脑软化症或疯狂病 wenwen.soso.com 10. Clinton said, 'Things can start to look bleak, and then, all of the sudden, you're on an airplane with two hot Asian chicks. 克林顿说,“事情开始总是看上去很不好,然后,突然间,你就在飞机上和两个很辣的亚洲小妞在一起了。” www.hjenglish.com 1. When it's the time for chicks to come out , we can see a happy hen crying, and she will be busy looking for food for her babies. 当它的小鸡出来的时候,我们可以看到一个快乐的母鸡哭了,她会忙着为她的孩子寻找食物。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Once, Edison saw some hens hatching chicks. For the sake of research, he sat on some eggs for a day in full attention. 有一次,爱迪生看见母鸡孵小鸡,为了研究,他也坐到卵上,专心地孵了一整天。 www.ccfy.net 3. Two chicks promised heard, happy Lianbengdaitiao way out of the house, down the stairs toward the tower. 两只小鸡答应一声,乐得连蹦带跳地出了家门,顺着楼梯奔向塔楼。 daziranys.com.cn 4. It could still hitchhike back in the illegal trade in chicks, fighting cocks or tropical pets, or in migrating birds. 病毒还可能会随着一些非法的家禽贸易,斗鸡,热带宠物或者鸟类迁徙卷土重来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. On a farm in Texas, a pitbull named Sharky, a cat named Max and a brood of chicks hang out together on a warm afternoon. 在德克萨斯州的一座农场上,斗牛犬小鲨、猫咪马克斯和一群小鸡在一个阳光温暖的午后一起嬉戏。 edu.163.com 6. The hundreds of thousands of chicks that are brought to the islands to feed humans transmit avian diseases to native birds. 成千上万只被带到岛上的食用鸡将禽类疾病传给了当地的鸟儿。 www.ecocn.org 7. Our hearts raced. We went for a stroll down Park Avenue, where daffodils bobbed like chicks and tulips sprouted like fistfuls of crayons. 我们的心都提到了嗓子眼。我们去了公园大道散步,那里的簇簇水仙花修剪整齐,像一群毛茸茸的小鸡,郁金香花开遍地,像是彩色的蜡笔。 www.bing.com 8. Mother had an armful of frightened chicks she'd rescued from the henhouse. Dad was carrying a newborn lamb in his arms. 妈妈怀里抱着几只她从鸡舍救出来的被吓坏了的小鸡,爸爸怀里抱着刚出生的羊羔。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. One time when I was watching the baby alone, and a friend suggested I take him out in the stroller because chicks dig a guy with a baby. 有一次,我在独自照看婴儿,一个朋友建议我把孩子放进婴儿车里,因为鸡会啄抱孩子的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. You know, chicks kinda dig it when you cry, right? 你知道小妞看到男人哭都很心动的 www.kekenet.com 1. Once the eggs are hatched, however, a lone parent does almost as well at raising the chicks as both do together. 但是一旦鸟卵孵化,单亲就几乎可以和双亲一样抚养幼鸟了。 www.hotdic.com 2. In White Chicks, Shawn and Marlon Wayans play agent brothers to protect heiresses from a kidnapping by disguising themselves as the women. 在《小姐好白》中,肖恩和马龙·韦恩斯两兄弟扮演同是兄弟的FBI探员,为了保护女继承人免遭绑架,他俩扮成了女人。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 3. What is wrong with getting a part-time job at the canteen? The money is not so good, but you get to know all those beautiful chicks! 在餐厅打工怎么了?工资是不怎么的,但是有机会认识美眉啊! bbs.0759zj.cn 4. The guy who asked (seriously) at the end of his interview, "So, are there any hot chicks in our department? " 还有一个哥们在面试结束的时候问道,“我们部门有什么漂亮的小妞不?” www.bing.com 5. To commemorate this semi-historic event, we've compiled a list of our favorite badass fighter chicks from recent movie history. 为了纪念这一重大转变,我们从近几年的电影中挑选出最喜爱的恶女杀手编撰成此文。 www.bing.com 6. Selected from the male chicks are more difficult and requires careful observation, comprehensive judgments. 从幼鸟中挑选雄鸟是比较困难的,需要仔细观察、综合判断。 www.xiami360.com 7. And, of course, all of this leads to a vicious cycle, and you can't raise a lot of chicks. 当然,所有的这些导致一个恶性循环,你就无法养活大量的小企鹅。 www.ted.com 8. Everywhere were flightless chicks, some scurrying to hide in hollows, others heading for the sea. 遍地都是不会飞的小鸟,一些正往洞里钻,其他的朝着海边跑。 www.ecocn.org 9. In humans the abuser is most often related to the child. The boobies however are attacking unrelated chicks. 人类的施虐这往往和孩子有亲缘关系,而鹈鹕攻击的则是没有关系的雏鸟。 www.bing.com 10. Today, I was driving home from college when I saw a couple of sporty chicks jogging on the side of the road. 今天我从学校开车回家,在路边看到两个运动装少女在慢跑。 www.bucter.com 1. The couple wore matching polo shirts the pale yellow of newborn chicks, and their hair had faded to a similar sandy shade. 老夫妇穿着新生小鸡般嫩黄色的情侣T恤,他们的头发也已经转为相似的黄沙色。 www.bing.com 2. There is only one dog among the chicks, cats and rabbits. 在小鸡,猫和兔子中间有一只狗。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Those that nest around the Gulf's shores are right now raising their chicks on oil-free beaches. 那些巢穴在墨西哥湾海岸周围的鸟类现在正在无油的海滩上养育它们的幼仔。 www.bing.com 4. Chicks can be 'woken' up inside eggs by clucking noises - so can premature babies 'learn' more than we thought? 鸡蛋里面的雏鸡可以被咯咯叫的声音“唤醒”——早产儿的“学习”能力超出我们的想象吗? www.bing.com 5. Colibacillosis is a common infectious disease that makes chicks dead and decreases production performance in broiler chickens. 大肠杆菌病是鸡的常见多发病,可导致鸡只的死亡和生产性能下降。 www.fabiao.net 6. After their release, Mr Vedder and Natalie Maines, lead singer of the Dixie Chicks, threw a party for supporters in Memphis, Tennessee. 在他们被释放以后,维德先生和南方小鸡乐队的娜塔莉梅因斯为田纳西州孟菲斯的支持者举办了一个聚会。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. Our two mother hens and their baby chicks were scurrying homewards one after another from the graveyard of the nearby monastery. 我们的两只母鸡和几只鸡雏,先先后后地从邻寺的墓地里跑回来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Crazy chicks make dating so much fun! Plus, watch what happens the minute you get hitched. 还有..在关键时刻,你看你被什么给绊住了。 www.bing.com 9. Hen hatching chicks depending on the temperature of the eggs ch ed to, if Io the hatching, eggs are being squeezed easily broken. 孵小鸡的鸡蛋是靠大母鸡的体温孵出来的,我如果来孵的话,鸡蛋很容易被挤破。 zuowen.chazidian.com 10. Oil-stained brown pelican chicks huddle on Cat Island, a barrier island forming the westernmost point of Gulf Islands National Seashore. 在国家海岸线海湾群岛最西端的卡特岛上,一些沾满油污的褐鹈鹕蜷缩在一起。 www.bing.com 1. Now the Kiwi Recovery Programme and Operation Nest Egg is giving kiwi chicks a helping hand through their critical first six months of life. 现在,鹬鸵复兴计划和人工孵蛋正帮助幼鸟度过它们生命中关键的头6个月。 www.zftrans.com 2. In both of the lightly stocked areas, meadow pipits responded by producing slightly more male chicks than females. 在两种轻度放牧区域,田云雀受的影响是哺育幼鸟雄性多于雌性。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked at 1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder . 在天然光线下饲养的小鸡,经常是在一日龄时或在进入育雏室后几天内断喙。 www.bing.com 4. These results suggested that poly I: C provides a highly effective prophylaxis against Newcastle disease infection in chicks. 可见,聚肌胞能够有效防治鸡新城疫病毒的感染,且其预防效果优于治疗效果。 www.fabiao.net 5. Hens are able to have chicks . 母鸡能孵小鸡。 www.bing.com 6. On Midway Island, which comes into contact with parts of the Eastern Garbage Patch, albatrosses give birth to 500, 000 chicks every year. 在与东垃圾带相接触的中途岛,信天翁每年产崽五十万只。 newztf.blog.163.com 7. When the chicks were mature, the researchers tested the "fitness" of the male offspring by offering females their choice of partner. 当小鸟成熟的时候,研究人员通过提供选择女性合伙人检测了雄性后代的“适合度”。 cnc.wesiedu.com 8. We went for a stroll down Park Avenue, where daffodils bobbed like chicks and tulips sproutedlike fistfuls of crayons. 然后我们去公园大道散步,那里的水仙花修剪的像一只只小鸡,郁郁葱葱的郁金香像一把把的蜡笔。 www.bing.com 9. The chicks showed extremely poor growth rate , high mortality , hemoconcentration . 这些结果说明长低温要求的品种,其芽的死亡率要少。 www.bing.com 10. Efficiency convinced him to switch to U. S. -bred broiler chicks that take only 41 days to reach maturity. 而只要四十一天就能成熟的养殖效率,使他心悦诚服地换成了美国纯种肉鸡。 www.bing.com 1. The little chicks began to peep because they were hungry. 小鸡因为饿而开始吱吱叫。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Grazing by farm animals can skew the sex ratio of bird chicks, a UK research team has found - potentially affecting the species' prospects. 家畜放牧扰乱幼鸟的性别比率,一个英国研究小组已发现—这潜在的影响了物种的未来。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. God designed chickens to make nests, lay eggs, raise their chicks and establish communities (the "pecking order" ). 上帝设计鸡筑巢,产卵,养育小鸡,建立社区(“啄食顺序”)。 www.bing.com 4. The tsunami killed an estimated two thousand adult albatrosses and about one hundred ten thousand chicks from Wisdom's nesting area. 据估计,海啸死亡两千成年信天翁,约十一万从智慧的巢区的小鸡。 www.maynet.cn 5. Did you know there's a family of red-tailed hawks in the park that has reared several seasons of chicks now? 你知道现在在公园里有一家红尾鹰已经繁衍了好几代雏鹰吗? www.bing.com 6. In the newly planted fields, little egrets hunt for foods. The rice paddy harbor tadpoles fish and insects. And egrets have chicks to feed. 新耕种得田地里,白鹭在寻找食物。稻田成了虫、鱼、蝌蚪的乐园。而白鹭以此哺育幼鸟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To albatross chicks, they're trouble, but whatever they're called, tiger sharks are magnificent apex predators. . . 对于信天翁幼鸟来说,他们是个麻烦,但无论他们叫做什么,虎鲨都是伟大的顶级捕食者… www.yappr.cn 8. Moral of the story: If you're hung like a horse, you don't need a Mercedes to pick up chicks. 故事的寓意:如果您想红的马匹,则不需要宾士回升只鸡苗。 bbs.bato.cn 9. The Dixie Chicks, a site full of mystery, intrigue, meth addicts and gangsta squirrels. Explore the map to unlock every area. 南方小鸡,一个网站的神秘,阴谋,冰毒成瘾者和匪帮松鼠爆满。探索地图解开每一个领域。 movingshop.org 10. Even as young chicks, barn owls swallow their prey whole. Then the owls use an internal organ to separate the meat from the bones and fur. 即使是年幼的仓鸮也可以吞食整只猎物,然后其内脏器官会把肉和毛骨分开。 www.englishtide.com 1. Felix always invites lots of beautiful chicks to his parties. 菲利克斯总是邀请一大堆漂亮小妞参加他的舞会。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. We watched the baby chicks peck their way out of their shells. 我们看着小鸡啄破蛋壳而出。 www.dictall.com 3. Your roommate's gone. . . she just left with two other chicks and that dude who was arguing with Jack. 你的室友走了,她刚刚和两个女生还有那个和Jack吵架的男生一起离开的。 www.kekenet.com 4. Effects of enzymes on carcass composition and calcium phosphorus metabolism in broiler chicks. 酶制剂对肉鸡胴体组成和钙磷代谢的影响。 www.ilib.cn 5. "Keith, " I said. "Do you by any chance know two chicks named Rachel and Heather? " “基斯,”我说。“你认不认识叫蕾切尔和茜丝的两个女孩?” www.bing.com 6. Skuas are a particular menace around penguins colonies and prey on both eggs and chicks. 贼鸥对企鹅群具有很大的威胁,它们会捕食企鹅的卵和幼仔。 www.seed.slb.com 7. In this experiment, the effect of the feather speed gene on production performance of Wanzai Kangle yellow chicks was studied. 以万载康乐黄鸡为研究对象,研究羽速基因对万载康乐黄鸡蛋用性能的影响。 www.dictall.com 8. Many factors may affect the hatchability and subsequent quality of the day old chicks. 很多因素影响种鸡孵化率及出生雏鸡质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The chicks were being kept warm in the brood pouch and on top of the feet of the parent. They looked so cute. 雏鸟们呆在育儿袋里或是坐在父母们的脚上取暖,它们看起来太可爱了。 gb.cri.cn 10. mother put the chicken on the ground, and small meters, let baby chicks eat millet observation. 妈妈把小鸡放在地上,撒些小米,让宝宝观察小鸡吃小米。 www.aixuexibaobao.com 1. And early feed restriction decreased the plasma NO levels of chicks within the period of feed restriction, but not at other stages. 限饲鸡在限饲期间血浆NO水平显著降低,但其他阶段与非限饲鸡差异不显著。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The number of periellipsoidal lymphatic sheath is far more than that of the periaterial lymphatic sheath in the ostrich chicks. 雏鸵鸟椭球周围淋巴鞘数量远比动脉周围淋巴鞘的多; www.ceps.com.tw 3. Braun Division began feeding the birds need to be from the chicks, adult birds is difficult to tame, and tuning. 百灵科的鸟均需从幼鸟开始饲养,成鸟难以驯顺和调教。 www.xiami360.com 4. A ritzy high rise is a fashionable address for some recent New York City arrivals : A batch of tiny chicks. 一幢高级大楼日前成为一群纽约访客的时髦下榻地址:一窝小鸡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The day-old chicks were then taken to the holding facility in a four-wheel-drive. 才一天大的幼雏被带到了四轮车上的设备里。 www.suiniyi.com 6. He photographed the chicks and the contents of their stomachs: bottle caps, lids from tops of spice bottles, lighters and other fragments. 他拍下了小鸟的尸体和他们的胃中物:瓶盖、调料罐的盖板、打火机以及其他垃圾碎片。 www.bing.com 7. how do we know there's no chicks in one of those eggs? 我们怎么能确定这蛋不是孵了一半呢 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Guys always get the bad reputation for masturbating an obscene amount, but chicks definitely get their jollies too. 男人总是因手淫而落下恶名,但女孩们也会找乐子。 www.bing.com 9. The chick fell out into the barnyard. "Oh, boy! " she shouted. And she went over to play with the funny-looking chicks. 小鸡掉到谷仓院子外面了。「哎呦!」她大叫,随后就跑过去和那些长相古怪的鸡一起玩。 hi.baidu.com 10. But dietary protein levels had significant effects on body-weight of the chicks. 但是日粮蛋白水平对新扬州鸡体重却有显著影响。 www.fabiao.net 1. A closed sterile system of rearing chicks does not work when rearing birds for falconry . 一个封闭的无菌系统饲养的雏鸟并不适合狩猎活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Far look like yellow ball, looking nearly hairy. Ji ji ji ji call, likes eating worms. (play move things) chicks. 远看像黄球,近看毛茸茸。叽叽叽叽叫,最爱吃小虫。(打一动物名)小鸡。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The heater is suitable for day-old-chick raising in farms. It can provide chicks with a optimum and stabilized environment temperature. 本产品适用于养鸡场育雏,它可为雏鸡创造一个合适而稳定的环境温度。 www.showxiu.com 4. Emperor chicks huddle for an exchange of heat in the chill of Antarctica. 皇企鹅小鸡群拥挤一团为了热交换在严寒的喃极洲。 www.8red.cn 5. an old hen led a group of chicks, in leisurely search of food. 一只老母鸡领着一群小鸡,在悠闲地寻找食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The rats and mice began to eat penguin chicks. 在大鼠和小鼠开始吃企鹅幼鸟。 www.en400.com:8080 7. Today only the earliest flycatchers have healthy chicks. 今日,只有最早抵达的斑鹟拥有健康的雏鸟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. When they don't have rats to eat, they will try to steal chicks or ducklings for a good change of diet. 而且,猫既吃不着老鼠,就会想办法去偷捉鸡雏或小鸭什么的开开斋。 www.rainlane.com 9. A tree in a Florida swamp. Egret chicks compete for food and attention from mom. 佛罗里达沼泽中的一棵树。雪鹭幼鸟在为食物和母亲的注意而竞争。 www.yappr.cn 10. The predator, sensing easy prey, is lured away from the nest containing the chicks. 抽食者认为猎物就要到口,便舍弃那个有雏鸟安卧其中的鸟巢。 book.douban.com 1. The characteristic sound made by a hen when brooding or calling its chicks. 母鸡(呼叫小鸡时)发出的独特声音。 www.hotdic.com 2. Bunnies, eggs, Easter gifts and fluffy, yellow chicks in gardening hats all stem from pagan roots. 小兔子,复活蛋,复活节礼物,草帽里嫩黄色毛茸茸的小鸡都来源于清教。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Watching beautiful little chicks ground alive by gears and blades should make us question who we are and what being human means. 看着美丽的小雏鸡活活地被齿轮和刀片碾碎,该问问我们到底是什么样的人,作人到底意味着什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As the chicks grew, Jenny and Arthur intensified their hunting. 幼隼逐渐成长,詹妮和亚瑟更加忙碌地捕猎食物。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. then keeps a watchful eye on the chicks for about 6 months until they are old enough to forage on their own. 然后紧密关注这些孩子们6个月,直到它们足够大,能自己独立觅食。 www.yappr.cn 6. But hatching a lot of condor chicks is only the first step. 然而,大量孵育秃鹫幼雏只是计划的第一步。 www.ecocn.org 7. Broiler egg sets and chicks placed were both up 1%, suggesting continued expansion and increased feed usage there. 烘焙鸡蛋和肉鸡双双上涨1%,暗示了持续扩大的需求和饲用消耗的增加。 www.yangguangyouzhi.com 8. It's like eating poultry but taking a moral stand against those chocolate chicks they sell at Easter. 就好比人吃家禽,但出于道德不吃复活节上卖的巧克力色的可爱小鸡。 www.bing.com 9. The latter has neither hens nor chicks, and only thinks of himself and perspires verdigris. 那风信公鸡既没有母鸡,也没有小鸡。他只想着自己,满身铜绿! dictsearch.appspot.com 10. For Easter, the shapes are chicks and rabbits, which are coated with colored sugars or dark cocoa. 复活节,是鸡的形状和兔子,这是涂有颜色的糖或暗可可。 www.en400.com:8080 1. pigeon hawk feeds its chicks in a nest near the village of Sosnovka, Belarus. 白俄罗斯某村庄,鸽鹰正在巢中哺育幼仔。 my.putclub.com 2. Emperor penguin adults and chicks leave their colonies in the late Antarctic summer. 幼年和成年帝企鹅会在南极洲的夏季末离开它们现金居住地。 www.bing.com 3. Oh, and between you and me, chicks dig it. 哦,我们俩的秘密女生喜欢秃头 www.tingroom.com 4. Soon the chicks are ready to learn to fly . 小鸟很快就准备好学飞行。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Rocky: Why? All the beautiful English chicks, of course. 罗基:为什么?当然是为了一睹英国小鸡的美丽芳容。 www.d-bar.cn 6. She's really rushing back, because it's hot, to try to feed her chicks. And then there's another fellow that will leisurely come by. 哦,这位女士可是急匆匆的她真是急着往回赶,因为很热呀,要赶紧回去喂孩子。那位兄弟正慢悠悠地走过来。 www.ted.com 7. To find out, scientists presented some twiggy -looking caterpillars to two sets of hand-reared chicks. 为了一探究竟,科学家准备了一些伪装成树枝的毛虫给两组家养的小鸡。 www.showxiu.com 8. If you're hung like a horse, you don't need a BMW to pick up chicks. 如果你的XX能像马一样挂着,你就不需要开着宝马去叫鸡了。 www.bing.com 9. The project started with the last 27 condors left on the planet and has produced well over 200 chicks to date. 这个项目用地球上仅存的27只秃鹫进行初步实施,而到目前为止已经孕育了超过200只的幼雏。 www.ecocn.org 10. Finely decorated on the exterior with two groups of cockerels parading in front of hens among chicks pecking at the ground. 外表装饰精美,两组小公鸡引领着母鸡和小鸡们在地上啄食。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Handkerchief, childs, by Tom Lamb, rabbit, chicks playing. 手帕,儿童汤姆羔羊,兔,鸡打。 list.us.eachnet.com 2. Early feed restriction significantly reduced PCV values at early stage, heart index on day 42 and PHS morbidity of chicks. 早期限饲显著降低了肉鸡生长早期的红细胞压积值,并显著降低了42日龄心脏指数和PHS的发病率。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. They only return to land to raise their chicks. The chicks are on a tight schedule. 它们只是在抚养幼鸟时才回到陆地上。而幼鸟的发育日程非常紧迫。 www.yappr.cn 4. Bro, chicks wearing bikinis year round. What's not to know? 整年都穿比基尼的姑娘还有什么不知道的?。 www.engxue.com 5. But I prefer playing with these chicks. 我还是跟小鸵鸟一起玩吧。 www.hellomandarin.com 6. Increased foot and vehicle traffic have also harmed bird parents and chicks. 日益增加的人类足迹与汽车交通也在增加对成鸟与雏鸟的伤害。 ngmchina.com.cn 7. In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily. 在一个国家的家,一个母亲和她可爱的母鸡小鸡人生活愉快。 bbs.enfamily.cn 8. Here's a female that's in a hurry. She's really rushing back, because it's hot, to try to feed her chicks. 哦,这位女士可是急匆匆的她真是急着往回赶,因为很热呀,要赶紧回去喂孩子。 www.ted.com 9. They only go onto land to look after their babies, or "chicks" . 他们只去照顾他们的婴儿或“鸡”的土地上。 www.bing.com 10. The puppies want to play. They rush up to the chicks barking and yapping. 狗狗们想要捉弄他们,于是便冲向小鸡又叫又吠。 wenwen.soso.com 1. These older chicks gather together in large groups while their parents feed at sea. 父母去海里找食物时,这些长大了些的小帝企鹅大群地挤在一起。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. On Grandpa's farm, a rooster crows, hens cluck, and baby chicks happily hop round and round. 在爷爷的农场里,一只公鸡在打鸣,母鸡们在孵蛋,小鸡们到处跳来跳去。 www.1363.cn 3. Caretakers feed the chicks with hand puppets that look like adult condors . 管理人用看起来像成年的秃鹰一样的手傀儡喂小鸡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Seriously, I'm not sending you an email of Fat Chicks From Wal-Mart, I'm asking you about something relevant to our business. 说真的,我发给你的邮件又不是“小月月和凤姐”之类的八卦邮件,是和咱们业务相关的邮件。 dongxi.net 5. He says the costs of promiscuity found by Reid might seem small (a 2 per cent less change of chicks surviving to breeding age). 他说由里德发现的性乱交的代价可能看起来微不足道(也就一个百分之二的比例,小鸟能够设法存活到繁殖年龄的比例很少改变)。 www.bing.com 6. We've registered released animals mating in nature, and having chicks. 我们记录下了那些被我们释放且于自然中进行交配的动物,它们都有了小雏鸟。 www.ted.com 7. On that day, to the small hen chicks to find food, the rooster is not bad at home, the Paochuquwan. 那天,母鸡给小小鸡找食去了,淘气的公鸡也不在家,跑出去玩了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Underwater recovery gets all the chicks . 水下复员孵出了全部小鸡。 www.bing.com 9. The rat population had exploded and gone back to eating chicks. 大鼠人口发生了爆炸,并回去吃小鸡。 www.en400.com:8080 10. But, when you're dating lots of chicks, and the chicks you date go with other guys, honesty isn't so important. 但是,当你和很多女孩约会,这些女孩们又和其他人约会,坦诚就变得不重要了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The chicks drink this milk by poking their bills into the parent's throat. 小鸡喝的奶母喉咙这个由戳他们的账单到。 freebird.org.cn 2. At first glance, it appears a mother ostrich is watching over her chicks in the savannahs of Africa. 乍一看,貌似是在非洲大草原,鸵鸟妈妈正在照看它们的孩子。 www.yappr.cn 3. Other families are selling heifers, chicks and rabbits. 还有的家庭摊点出售牝牛,家禽和小兔等。 www.bing.com 4. Women want to be with real men not little boys or guys who act like chicks. 女人想和真正的男人而不是那些像小鸡似的小男孩或者小年轻在一起。 www.bing.com 5. Why don't you raise those which were incubated? They hatch faster and the chicks are bigger. 你为什麽不养那种可以用机器孵蛋的?那种比较快生小鸡,小鸡也长得快。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Macaques have also been known to prey on the eggs and chicks of endangered birds. 人们还知道,猕猴会掠夺濒危鸟类的卵和雏鸟。 dongxi.net 7. Molly : Well, babes and chicks dig drummers who can sing. Women love front men the most. 莫莉:男孩儿女孩儿们都很喜欢能唱歌的鼓手。女人们对主唱最迷恋。 www.xianzai.cn 8. "It's almost like picking out the wounded chicks, " he says. “就像把有伤的小鸡给挑出来,”他说。 www.kle100.cn 9. Oil-covered brown pelican chicks are seen on Cat Island, Louisiana. 路易斯安那猫岛,裹满石油的小褐鹈鹕。 www.bing.com 10. Volunteers release flamingo chicks at the Fuente de Piedra natural reserve, near Malaga, in southern Spain August 7, 2010. 志愿者释放富恩特德彼德拉在自然保护区,在西班牙南部马拉加附近2010年8月7日,火烈鸟小鸡。 www.360doc.com 1. The only reason I do yoga is so I can meet girls. #2: I just tell chicks I do yoga. 我做瑜伽的唯一原因是,可以认识女孩。。。#2:我在美眉面前都声称我做瑜伽。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Intense, art-loving Lane isn't even popular with the other art chicks. 对艺术格外狂热的蕾妮在其他玩儿艺术的人群里并不十分有人气。 www.bing.com 3. Young snowy egret chicks battle to feed on the recently caught catch. 年轻白鹭鸶的小鸡为了最近捕获的饲料而战斗着。 www.bing.com 4. Albatross parents often mistake colorful debris for sea life and feed it to their chicks, which can prove fatal. 信天翁爸妈经常误将鲜艳的垃圾碎片当成海洋生物喂给小鸟们吃,而误食塑料垃圾是致命的。 www.bing.com 5. DEAR HANNAH: I planted hens and chicks in my strawberry pot. They're hardy and resilient. 亲爱的Hannah,我把母鸡和小鸡放置到我的草莓地里,它们能吃苦耐劳而且适应力很强。 www.elanso.com 6. the trainer to choose the object of fledgling birds, just fly chicks, adult birds "mettle" has been fixed, it is difficult to tame. 驯鸟的对象要选择羽毛未丰、刚刚会飞的雏鸟,成年鸟“秉性”已定,很难驯服。 www.xiami360.com 7. Serum tryptophan was lower in chicks fed low tryptophan diet. 血清色胺酸含量以喂饲低色胺酸饲粮者较低。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Jenny was often left to guard the chicks while Arthur searched for food. 在亚瑟外出猎取食物期间,詹妮总是留在巢中守卫这些刚孵出的雏隼。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Key points of controlling common diseases in pigs and chicks on Sep. 九月份猪鸡常见病防制要点。 ilib.cn 10. The young chicks are very dependent on human minders, and need a lot of attention from the people looking after them. 小鸵鸟非常依赖人类的照顾,人们需要充分注意来照顾它们。 www.dahaiwang.com 1. He graduated high school at 16 and went to France, to "do French chicks. " 16岁高中毕业,奔赴法国,去“泡法国妞。” www.bing.com 2. Respone to energy density of broilers was different from layer chicks, the latter were not affected. 饲粮能量浓度对蛋鸡和肉鸡有不同的效应,蛋鸡的两种血液成分不受影响。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Of 11 chicks hatched since July, seven have been killed by stoats and cats. 在自7月份孵出的11只幼鸟中,有7只被白鼬和猫吃掉了。 www.zftrans.com 4. Seniors swoop in as young chicks enter their first year in college. 小妞们刚开始大学第一年的生活,学长们就乘虚而入。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Michael: Honey, I'm not out drinking or gambling or hitting on chicks. 亲爱的,我既没出去喝酒、赌钱,也没出去勾引小妞。 www.51nb.org 6. Just talk to her, but don't smile. Remember to play it cool, chicks dig that. 就直接跟她说话,可是不能笑。记得装做若无其事的样子。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 7. Better still: chicks who buy us a beer during the game. 看比赛期间帮我们买啤酒的女人最最迷人。 bbs.westlifecn.com 8. We have not played online games, only with chicks tree gyro ice the game. 我们没玩过网络游戏,只和树上的雏鸟冰上的陀螺游戏。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And some of those skinless chicks were Hot! 那些个没皮的小妞儿真是辣哟! www.fmzx.org 10. These costumed researchers teach the growing chicks how to forage for food and accustom them to the ultralight. 这些着鹤服的研究者教导这些成长中的小鸟如何搜寻食物,并让牠们适应超轻型飞机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Mr. Jennings chose a category called 'Chicks Dig Me. ' 詹宁斯抽到了一个名为“小鸡喜欢我”(ChicksDigMe)的类别。 c.wsj.com 2. Goose down is the best for the chicks. 鹅绒给宝宝用最最好。 www.dwfarmlife.com 3. In my twenties, I lived with two punk chicks who were lazy and wanted a job where they didn't have to leave the house. 在我二十来岁的时候,我与两个朋克小妞住在一起,她们非常懒惰,想找一份不必出门的工作,于是干起了色情电话服务。 www.bing.com 4. Yang Ming: What are these, Lisa? Lisa: They're hens and chicks. 这些是什么,Lisa?Lisa:它们是母鸡和小鸡 www.bing.com 5. Method: The ultrastructures of TV in 20 chicks were observed by transmission electron microscope(TEM). 方法:应用透射电镜对20只成年鸡血管盖的超微结构进行观察。 www.chemyq.com 6. The weight and histological changes of thyroid in 29-d-old TSA male chicks were observed. 观察了29日龄伊莎蛋鸡公雏的甲状腺重量和组织学结构的变化。 www.gsau.edu.cn 7. Son: Mum, where are the chicks from? 儿子:妈妈,小鸡是怎么来的。 www.thankedu.com 8. Once the eggs are warm, the chicks inside the eggs begin to grow. 如果鸡蛋是温暖的,里面的蛋雏鸡就开始生长。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He was curious about that why hens could hatch chicks. 他感到奇怪为什么母鸡能孵出小鸡来 zhidao.baidu.com 10. On the farms the hens brooded , but no chicks hatched . 农场里的母鸡在孵窝,但却没有见到小鸡破壳而出。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "My, these chicks talk funny, " she though. “噢,天呀,这些小鸡说话真有趣”它这么想。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The chicks looked like little round balls of fluff. 小鸡们看上去像滚圆的小绒球。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Where are the chicks hiding? 小鸡躲在哪里呢? twogirlsmommy.blog.tianya.cn 4. He describes how these birds rear their chicks. 他描述了鸟儿是如何养育雏鸟的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. New baby penguin chicks are here to stay. 我们的企鹅宝宝出生了! blog.sina.com.cn 6. A dairy goat in Heifer's online gift catalog costs $120; a flock of chicks or ducklings costs just $20. 一头产奶的小山羊在小母牛组织的网上赠礼价格是120美元,而一群鸡鸭才20美元。 www.suiniyi.com 7. While the adults fish, the chicks face the ever-present threat of attack by prowling giant petrels. 虽然成年人鱼,小鸡面对永远存在的威胁的攻击徘徊的巨海燕。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. I wanted to watch you guys pick up chicks, not talk about dicks. 我想看你们勾引美女不是谈论大老爷们 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Better yet: chicks who drink beer and watch the game. 边喝啤酒边看比赛的女人更迷人; bbs.westlifecn.com 10. Unless, of course, there are little chicks, when they most anxiously call the brood. 当然,除非有小鸡在时,她们会很焦急地呼唤小鸡。 www.bing.com 1. Before we go bagging chicks, I need a hunk of beef inside me. 搞女人之前我要先吃几块牛肉 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Then he heard a strange sound, and saw the hen and her chicks attacking the tiger! 然后他听到一阵奇怪的声音,看到那只母鸡和它的小鸡正在和那只老虎搏斗! www.for68.com 3. But sweet things like kittens and chicks. 但是美好的东西比如小猫和小鸡。 www.ys.h3xs.com 4. The chicks are huddling together to keep warm. 小鸡通过挤在一起来保持温暖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It is the chicks who are most vulnerable. They are at risk from small predators, like foxes and raptors. . . 幼鸵非常易受攻击。他们会遭到小的扑食者如狐狸和猛禽攻击的危险。 www.yappr.cn 6. But 18 months ago he switched to selling pet food and baby chicks to new home-owners. 18个月前他转行向新住户销售宠物食品和小鸡。 www.ecocn.org 7. Mum: The chicks are from the eggs of Mother Chicken. 妈妈:小鸡是从母鸡的蛋变来的。 www.thankedu.com 8. I was like, how are they gonna report the locations of hot chicks in the future? 我心想,等他们长大以后该如何报告辣妹的位置啊? www.hjenglish.com 9. It's long time ago, when I first went to a bar to pick up chicks and there, I saw the most beautiful girl sitting and sipping a coke. 很久以前了。当我次去酒吧泡妞的时候。我看见酒吧里最漂亮的姑娘坐在那里喝可乐。 www.ttxyy.com 10. I'm genuinely disappointed that we didn't make any fat chicks cry. 我真的很失望,我们没有把一个胖妞弄哭。 www.douban.com 1. Chicks were dying prematurely because of the cuts, the paper reported. 该报还报道,因突然拉闸限电,一些养鸡场大批鸡苗夭亡。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The new born chicks are spoiled rotten. 新生的企鹅宝宝都被宠坏了。 video.2u4u.com.cn 3. He's walking back to feed his chicks. 他也是回去喂他的孩子。 www.ted.com 4. In 1998, Operation Nest Egg's first year, nine chicks were raised. 1998年是人工孵蛋的第一年,当年哺育出9只雏鸟。 www.zftrans.com 5. The chicks are under the protection of the hen. 小鸡们在母鸡的保护下。 www.jxenglish.com 6. Most of you are watching this show so you can learn how to get chicks. 你们看节目是想学习怎么把妹 www.tingroom.com 7. Palace in a bun in the oven in the mountains, he met LiYuMei said his daughter to YeLao 10 chicks Mrs There. 宫六甲遇在山上遇到了李玉梅,他说初十把女儿小妞送到叶老夫人那儿。 tv.360mp3.com 8. In front of us is a brave chicks at long wings toward their ideal soar. 展现在我们面前的是一幅羽翼初长的雏鸟勇敢地朝着自己的理想展翅高飞的画面。 www.2bl.cn 9. What is it with you geeky guys and these|Goth chicks anyway? 那和你们这些烂人以及|哥特女孩在一起的又是什么呢? word.hcbus.com 10. Chicks are into unicorns. 小妞都对独角兽着迷。 blog.163.com 1. Jeff: Wow, the chicks here are so hot. 杰夫:哇,这里的小妞都好正。 www.exam8.com 2. The chicks will soon feather out. 小鸟就要长出羽毛来了。 www.websaru.com 3. As a result fewer females breed and fewer chicks are produced. 结果,现在雌雄物种越来越少,生产的雏鸡也在变少。 www.bing.com 4. This is a pink-filled collage of those cute Dixie Chicks. 这是那些聪明伶俐美国南部的小鸡的一幅粉红填满的抽象拼贴画。 www.softsea.net 5. Nine, ten. Chicks with the hen. 九十,小鸡跟着鸡妈妈。 www.bing.com 6. For those after incubation, but have not yet hatched chicks "Mao egg" , the more unhealthy the. 对于那些经过孵化,但还没有孵出小鸡的“毛蛋”,更多不健康的。 www.qiyeku.com 7. Can a chick represent a team of chicks? 一只小鸡能代表一群小鸡吗? cnxp.tk 8. But once the chicks are mature, his protective instincts fade, and they will join with other flocks. 但一旦这些小鸵鸟成熟后,他们的保护本能就开始退化。从而参加其他鸟群。 www.yappr.cn 9. The chicks have hatched out. 小鸡孵出来了。 www.shengqu.com 10. Five, six. Count the chicks. 五六,数数小鸡。 www.bing.com 1. New PIXEL CHIX chic chicks Road Trippin' BLUE CAR ! 全新像素CHIX别致的鸡路践踏,蓝色的车! list.us.eachnet.com 2. And now there are chicks here on the floor, cute yellow chicks. 现在地板上有小鸡,伶俐的黄的小鸡。 www.bing.com 3. The family now has four and she has recently put in an order for 200 chicks. 她的家庭现在有4个人,她最近订购了200只鸡。 www.ftchinese.com 4. So I had about 2 or 3 chicks hatched a day, then I took the chicks to "People's Yard" , a market trading place. 这样我一天可以得到2到3只孵化的小鸡,然后我拿小鸡到“人民广场”,一个做集市贸易的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. For example, female Laysan albatrosses form same-sex pairs, which are more successful at rearing chicks than single females. 例如,夏威夷莱桑岛上的雌性信天翁就会结成同性的伴侣,减轻单独养育幼雏的负担。 www.bing.com 6. e on they look like circus chicks. 他们像马戏团里的小鸡 wenwen.soso.com 7. gonna make the songs for the chicks to dig. 唱些小姐们喜欢的歌儿 www.putclub.com 8. A hen with chicks is just right. 鸡妈妈带着小鸡们住刚好! blog.sina.com.cn 9. Chicks in the club, honey, what's up? 夜店的小妞们,甜心,你们好 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Chicks who drink beer are hot. 喝啤酒的女人很迷人; bbs.westlifecn.com |
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