单词 | company's | ||||
释义 | company's
例句释义: 旗下公司,网站都有 1. In absolute terms, the company's cash position is larger than any other tech company's and amounts to 19% of the firm's enterprise value. 从绝对数额来看,它的现金头寸大过其他任何一家科技公司;现金在整个公司企业价值中的比例,也达到了19%。 c.wsj.com 2. The company's goal, index issued but do not know how to break. 公司的目标、指标下达后却不知道怎么分解。 bbs.cnqr.org 3. China was the last stop on his near-weeklong tour of apology and explanation over the company's quality woes. 丰田章男用了将近一周时间到各地道歉、并对质量问题进行解释,而北京是他的最后一站。 c.wsj.com 4. TVB said the probe won't affect the company's operations, and added it will fully cooperate with the agency in its investigation. TVB说,调查不会影响公司的运转,并说将会全力配合廉政公署的调查。 c.wsj.com 5. Irvin, the Georgia agriculture official, said he was outraged by the company's actions and said a state criminal probe was possible. 乔治亚农业官员欧文说,他对这个公司的行为感到愤怒,认为州进行刑事调查是可能的。 www.bing.com 6. Mark is not possible for a non-existent at that time the company's stock, or he had not thought of creative transferred to another person. 马克不可能将一家当时根本不存在的公司的股权或者他还没有想到的创意转让给他人。 www.dob2c.com 7. The company's purpose is to let the players experience the chinese 5000 years of history inheritance and classic under the new atmosphere. 旨在全新的氛围中感受下中华五千年历史的传承及经典。 www.lwtxw.com 8. Outside the company's headquarters in midtown Manhattan, one employee who declined to be named said: 'The market is biased against us. 在该公司位于曼哈顿中城的总部大门外,一位拒绝透露姓名的员工说,市场像是在和雷曼兄弟作对。 bbs.enfamily.cn 9. Lieutenant Oliver is the company's Forward Observer; take him out and they won't be able to call any Fire Missions. 奥利弗中尉是g连队的前线观察员,干掉他他们就不能使用火炮支援了。 52night.com 10. The ethical liability of a company is, in essence, the requirement of both social development and the company's own inter. . . 公司承担道德责任在本质上是社会发展的需要,也是公司自身利益的需要,在根本上两者是一致的。 www.boshuo.net 1. The company's main photographic materials, photographic materials industry is the only major national brand of listed companies. 公司主营感光材料,是国内感光材料行业唯一的大型民族品牌上市企业。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. too, if was found in a waste of a piece of paper, it should be a fine of $ 100, our company's employees are a torrent of complaints. 太过了,要是被发现浪费了一张纸,就要罚款100元,我们公司的员工都怨声载道的。 www.bing.com 3. Analysts said the purchase was likely to lift the company's slow growth. 分析师表示,此次收购可能提高该公司缓慢的增长速度。 www.ftchinese.com 4. earlier , the company ' s fisher - price unit had found lead paint on its toys , at least some of which came from mr zhang ' s factory. 较早时候,美泰旗下的费雪在其玩具上发现有铅化油漆,至少有一部分来自于张先生的工厂。 www.ichacha.net 5. The company's Maestro tools have also been upgraded to let their NFC chips speak to a device's Bluetooth and WiFi radios. 同时公司的Maestro工具软件也得到升级,可以让其NFC芯片和其它设备的无线及WiFi频率适配。 cn.engadget.com 6. Since the strike began, union officials have been eager to make the case that the company's operations were being badly hurt. 自从罢工开始起,工会干部就积极举例证明公司的运营收到严重损坏。 www.fanyitie.com 7. Its shares have been soaring for the past two years as the company's long-term outlook began to brighten. 随着对公司长期健康发展的预期日涨,它的股价在过去的两年中急速增长。 www.ecocn.org 8. Tim Cook, chief operating officer, said he could not predict when the company's supply would reach the appropriate level. 苹果首席运营官蒂姆?库克(TimCook)表示,他无法预料公司的供应何时能达到恰当水平。 www.ftchinese.com 9. However, although the practice is not explicitly flagged-up, it appears to be covered in the company's terms of use. 虽然这个行为没有被明确标注出来,但它似乎被涵盖在用户说明当中。 www.bing.com 10. He said only the company's president could discuss the matter, but he was on vacation and unreachable. 他表示,只有公司的总裁才能讨论这事,但他还在休假,现在找不到他。 bbs.sf-express.com 1. Moreover uses a repair company's advantage is free from worry, you turn in the money, other basic did not use the tube. 另外用装修公司的一个好处就是省心,你交上钱,其他的基本不用管了。 www.fenleimama.com 2. The company's most recent quarterly earnings report was dismal, and many in the industry are anxious to see positive results. 据悉,AOL最近几个季度的收入情况很不理想,许多业内人士都迫切希望看到AOL取得积极的进展。 www.fortunechina.com 3. The business owner should treat this stage as an opportunity by placing it within the larger framework of the company's strategy objectives. 企业所有者应该把这个过程看作是一个机遇,因为企业达到战略目标有了更强大的企业架构。 www.mascapital.cn 4. Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. It may cause problems for your employer and even affect the company's bottom line. 工作中犯错就很严重了,很给你的雇主麻烦甚至到公司的底线。 www.ttxyy.com 5. However, there was little improvement for the company's management after these measures had been carried on more the one year. 从其后一年多的情况看,这些管理措施并没有对公司的管理带来多大的改善。 cmcc.dlut.edu.cn 6. Amazon deleted most of the offensive "Keep Calm" range but continued to promote the company's shop. 亚马逊删除了大部分“保持冷静”的攻击性系列产品,但继续为该公司促销。 www.kekenet.com 7. He said he was asking the company's representatives to remove UConn logos from their correspondence. 他说已指示公司代表停止使用康州大学的标志。 www.bing.com 8. The shoes, for the company's spring 2010 collection , had just arrived, and she had nowhere to put them. 这些来自周仰杰品牌2010年春季系列的鞋品刚刚运到,她找不到地方摆放这些鞋子。 www.qeto.com 9. One of the Company's bestsellers at the moment is Pure Gold White Wine by Hundred Acre Vineyards in Napa Valley. 目前公司销量最好的葡萄酒之一是由纳帕谷百亩地酒庄酿造的纯金箔白葡萄酒。 www.californiawines.com.cn 10. Then, develop some business-related arguments for your goals and desires, stressing your support of the company's goals. 然后,为自己的目标和愿望找出一些与业务有关的说法,强调你对公司目标的支持。 www.bing.com 1. Lala thought she was tells a lie since the NO. one vehicle is belongs to local government how could used for a company's CEO? 拉拉觉得她在吹牛,1号都是当地政府的车,怎么能给一个公司的CEO坐呢? www.bing.com 2. So, they'll be scrutinizing our financial projections with a fine-toothed comb to assess our company's risk and profit potential? 所以他们会仔细地检查我们公司的财务计划,以评估公司承担的风险和盈利的可能性? dictsearch.appspot.com 3. His wife of 50 years, Evelyn, 73, is the company's senior corporate vice president and oversees the fragrance arm of the business. 伦纳德结发50年的妻子、73岁的伊夫林是雅诗兰黛资深公司副主席,并主管公司的香水业务。 chinese.wsj.com 4. If your research has found a black mark in the company's record, ask about how that's been corrected. 如果在你之调查之中,发现了公司记录中曾有过之不良记录,问问这个不良记录是如何被修正之。 wzksw.com 5. After five years of "open innovation" half of the company's inventions come from outside. “开放式创新”五年之后,公司创新的一半来自外部。 www.ecocn.org 6. The contact person has found a product from the company's installed base for which a service request shall be created . 联系人已从公司的安装机底中找到了应该为其创建服务请求的产品。 www.bing.com 7. In the last decade, we have struck out on our own again as Brooks England, following a new course that honours the company's heritage. 在过去的十年里,我们已取得了对我们自己再次成为英格兰布鲁克斯之后,一个新的课程,荣誉,公司的遗产。 0769bike.com 8. But Kevin Johnson, president of the company's platforms and services division, does a far better job than I could. 但是凯文·约翰逊(KevinJohnson),微软平台及服务决策部门的总裁,可以做的比我更好。 www.bing.com 9. Greentown said the buyback was essential to shoring up the company's finances. 绿城中国表示,回购债券对提振公司的财务状况至关重要。 www.bing.com 10. There seem to be two big components to the company's pitch. 该公司似乎有两个大的改革。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. DEAR KAY: Your utility company's Web site might have a list of how much appliances cost to operate. 亲爱的KAY:在你水电公司的网站上可能会列有你操作这些机器运行的费用。 www.elanso.com 2. " The trouble, he said, is figuring out which of the company's myriad problems " really matter. 这些麻烦,他说,正在显现出哪些是公司的大多数问题的“真正重要的部分”。 www.bing.com 3. During the ceremony, one of us would have to give a speech as the company's director. 仪式上,我们中一个人得作为公司经理发表讲话。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Why are the company's public statements so long? I don't want to hear all the ifs and buts; I just want to know the clear facts. 公司的公开声明为什么会这么长?我不想听这些借口,我只想知道那些清楚楚的事实。 www.hotdic.com 5. Or she could argue that the prototype is so critical to the business that she should get 50 percent of the company's stock. 或者她可以提出拥有公司一半的股票,因为产品原型对公司非常重要。 www.bing.com 6. A new XJ sedan is also being readied to complement the company's XF sedan, and should be ready to hit the market in late 2010. 一种新的抗菌肽轿车也正在准备向补充公司的芳轿车,并应准备上市到2010年年底。 usa.315che.com 7. To the company's credit, instead of trying to cover up the incident, IKEA acted swiftly and ruthlessly, firing two top executives. 为了公司的信誉着想,宜家并未采取试图遮掩事态的做法,而是迅速、无情地作出了反应——解雇了两名高管人员。 dongxi.net 8. The company's first product, released in 1938, was an audio oscillator used for testing sound equipment. 这家公司于1938年推出的第一个产品,是用于测试音响设备的声频振荡器。 www.bing.com 9. The company's logo is a simplistic three -pointed star that represents its domination of the land, the sea, and the air . 奔驰的标志是简化的一颗三叉星,他代表了奔驰对陆海空全方位的占领。 webs.nbptweb.net 10. As part of its rebranding, Glenmorangie has integrated the M-Series printers into one of the company's new production and bottling lines. 作为其重新命名的一部分,格兰杰已纳入公司的新的生产和灌装线之一的M-系列打印机。 www.512121.com 1. The company's goal was to develop new products that would reduce its nearly total reliance on selling ads connected to Internet searches. 谷歌的目的是开发新产品,以改变公司几乎完全依赖互联网搜索广告销售的局面。 www.ebigear.com 2. Since the company's name was on the back of every domino, electricians were often reminded of the brand. 由于每张骨牌的反面印有菲利浦公司的名称,电工们便会经常想起这一品牌。 wiki.jukuu.com 3. The back and forth between Facebook and its users over privacy is gaining importance as the company's growth continues unabated. 在脸谱网及其用户间,针对隐私的角力随着公司的日益壮大发展日渐重要。 putclub.com 4. While HKE is still the biggest contributor to CKI's profits, overseas investments now account for half of the company's bottom line. 尽管港灯集团仍然是长江基建的最大利润来源,但海外投资目前已占到该公司利润的一半。 www.ftchinese.com 5. years of age, female and have had two years' experience in a company's delivery office . 女性。曾在某家公司担任收发工作两年。 www.bing.com 6. Revenue from China contributed no more than 3 to 4 per cent to the company's total revenue in the latest fiscal, he said. 他说,在最近的财年里,来自中国的收入只贡献了公司总收入的3%到4%。 www.santaihu.com 7. Married for half a year, we have always lived in one of the company's three floors of the small Residence. 结婚大半年了,我们始终住在公司的一栋三层楼的小公寓里。 www.bing.com 8. In the run-up to Mr Huang's arrest, the company's operations were being stung by rising credit costs and waning consumer demand. 在黄光裕被捕前,该公司的运营已受到信贷成本上升、消费者需求萎缩的打击。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But he believes that the company's very survival is threatened by the ongoing uncertainty as to what has happened to its accounts. 但是他坚信公司的生存受到那些持续的不确定财务账目的威胁。 www.ecocn.org 10. How much money has gone to counterparties since the company's collapse? 自AIG瘫倒之后这些交易对手收取了多少钱哪? www.bing.com 1. What's the point? The interviewer is trying to determine how well your ideals and principles match the company's values. 这个问题的重点是什么?雇主想了解你的利益观和原则是否符合公司的利益观。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Communities built around common goals and beliefs, rather than arcane licensing policies trying to protect a company's mobile market. 社区里大家有着共同的目标和信仰,不会使用那些晦涩难懂的许可条款来保护某些公司的移动市场。 blog.163.com 3. In the future, a certain proportion of the company's profits will be specifically used for the operation of "Green Cross" organization. 未来,“十方建筑”将从其公司收益中每年按收益比例划拨专款支持“绿十方”公益组织的专业运作。 www.presidentvilla.net 4. The offending email purported to be a document about staff hiring issues and had been caught by the company's spam filter. 这种恶意邮件伪装有关成员工解雇的文档并被公司的垃圾邮件过滤器捕获。 www.bing.com 5. But if it happens often, experts advise taking up the matter with the boss's supervisors or the company's human resources team. 但如果经常发生,专家建议将这种情况向老板的主管或公司人力资源部汇报。 c.wsj.com 6. Early in my freelance career one of my clients had a falling out with his company's in-house designer. 在我自由职业生涯的早期,我的一个客户和他公司的室内设计师起了冲突。 www.elanso.com 7. Part of the company's appeal to Wall St. is the fact that Warren Buffett's investing track record over the last 30 years is unequaled. 华尔街认为,从这个公司的表现来看,巴菲特近30年来的投资经几乎是独步天下。 www.bing.com 8. It now seems like an independent valuation of the company's assets isn't likely to be completed by then. 目前看来,届时对该公司资产的独立估值不太可能完成。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Many clothing enterprise's Web site, can only be equivalent to the company's "online shop" , its fatal drawback is lack of scalability. 很多服装企业的网站,只能相当于公司的“网上店”,其致命缺点在于可扩展性不足。 www.texclo.net 10. I know of one situation in which a candidate was pressured to fly to the company's headquarters on his wife's birthday. 我知道有一个故事,应聘人被要求在妻子生日那天赶去公司总部。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. This led Jobs to decree that the Macintosh operating system would not be available for any other company's hardware. 这一理念使得乔布斯决意让麦金塔电脑的操作系统无法与其他公司的硬件设备相兼容。 dongxi.net 2. At the time the employee was fired, the company's accounts were a mess; records had been kept poorly. 在这个员工被解雇的时候,公司的帐目很混乱;会计记录一直很糟糕。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Gou yesterday said he was taking back the contract limiting the company's responsibility as he felt the language was inappropriate. 郭台铭昨日表示,他将收回这份限定公司责任的协议,因为他觉得协议内容的表述失之偏颇。 www.360abc.com 4. By the end of this year, the company's profits must be very substantial with increasing market expansion. 因为市场的不断开拓﹐公司今年年底的效益一定非常可观。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Part of the money would go into a the authors account. . . another part into the company's account. 这笔钱的一部分将进入一个提交帐户…另一到公司的帐户的一部分。 www.bing.com 6. Michael tells Self that they are a little on edge as they are about to break into the Company's building. 迈克告诉Self他们就快打入公司大楼内部。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Spotify is now in eight markets, with Ek admitting that the U. S. launch took up the vast majority of the company's recent efforts. Spotify现在已经在8个国家生根发芽。埃克也承认,公司最近把大多数精力都放在了开拓美国市场上。 www.fortunechina.com 8. The register referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at the same place as the company's register of members. (1)款所提述的登记册须与公司的成员登记册备存于同一地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. His ultimate goal is traveling around the world at the company's expense; he loves traveling but he does not like to spend his own money. 他的最终目的是用公司的钱环游世界。他喜爱旅行,却不喜欢自己出钱。(由…出资) wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn 10. He said the company's Web site had so many hits Thursday it was disabled. 该企业发言人还说,其公司网站在周四点击率过高以致瘫痪。 www.bing.com 1. Analysts said the premium offer reflects the company's eagerness to get into more lucrative niches. 分析师们表示,可口可乐提出如此高额的溢价,也反映出该公司急切希望进军利润丰厚的果汁市场。 www.bing.com 2. The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company's business. 总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。 www.nciku.com 3. Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity. 中石化高级副总裁章建华说,公司旗下炼油厂的开工率达90%。 www.bing.com 4. Consumer Perception Mental image consumers have of a company or product due to the company's branding and advertising efforts. 消费者认知。:。由于公司的品牌化和广告投放,使消费者对公司或公司产品在大脑中产生的映象。 51xbs.cn 5. He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。 www.hotdic.com 6. They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system. 即使你没有进入公司电子邮件系统,公司也可能有权阅读你键入的任何信息。 www.bing.com 7. My main responsibilities included drawing up the Company's business contracts and cooperative agreements and training employees. 我的职责主要是拟定公司业务合同、合作协议、培训员工等。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 9. Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances. 嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying licensing fees to copyright owners. 它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。 www.bing.com 1. Spotify is now in eight markets, with Ek admitting that the U. S. launch took up the vast majority of the company's recent efforts. Spotify现在已经在8个国家生根发芽。埃克也承认,公司最近把大多数精力都放在了开拓美国市场上。 www.fortunechina.com 2. The register referred to in subsection (1) shall be kept at the same place as the company's register of members. (1)款所提述的登记册须与公司的成员登记册备存于同一地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. His ultimate goal is traveling around the world at the company's expense; he loves traveling but he does not like to spend his own money. 他的最终目的是用公司的钱环游世界。他喜爱旅行,却不喜欢自己出钱。(由…出资) wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn 4. He said the company's Web site had so many hits Thursday it was disabled. 该企业发言人还说,其公司网站在周四点击率过高以致瘫痪。 www.bing.com 5. The company's proceeds from such a film, however, will depend on striking a licensing deal with the singer's estate. 不过,该公司在这样一部电影上获得的收益将取决于能否与杰克逊的遗产代理人达成授权交易。 www.tesoon.com 6. If I were a shareholder in Google, I might wonder why the company is investing in a project so far away from the company's core business. 如果我是谷歌的投资人,我可能会奇怪,为什么这家公司会投资这样一个和公司核心业务完全无关的项目。 www.forbeschina.com 7. Analysts said the premium offer reflects the company's eagerness to get into more lucrative niches. 分析师们表示,可口可乐提出如此高额的溢价,也反映出该公司急切希望进军利润丰厚的果汁市场。 www.bing.com 8. The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company's business. 总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。 www.nciku.com 9. Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity. 中石化高级副总裁章建华说,公司旗下炼油厂的开工率达90%。 www.bing.com 10. Consumer Perception Mental image consumers have of a company or product due to the company's branding and advertising efforts. 消费者认知。:。由于公司的品牌化和广告投放,使消费者对公司或公司产品在大脑中产生的映象。 51xbs.cn 1. He said the company's Web site had so many hits Thursday it was disabled. 该企业发言人还说,其公司网站在周四点击率过高以致瘫痪。 www.bing.com 2. The company's proceeds from such a film, however, will depend on striking a licensing deal with the singer's estate. 不过,该公司在这样一部电影上获得的收益将取决于能否与杰克逊的遗产代理人达成授权交易。 www.tesoon.com 3. If I were a shareholder in Google, I might wonder why the company is investing in a project so far away from the company's core business. 如果我是谷歌的投资人,我可能会奇怪,为什么这家公司会投资这样一个和公司核心业务完全无关的项目。 www.forbeschina.com 4. Google's (GOOG) troubles in China seem to have taken a new turn as a result of the company's plan to create a vast digital library of books. 歌(Google)在中国的麻烦似乎有了新的内容,矛头是该公司计划建立一个庞大的数字图书馆。 www.bing.com 5. Analysts said the premium offer reflects the company's eagerness to get into more lucrative niches. 分析师们表示,可口可乐提出如此高额的溢价,也反映出该公司急切希望进军利润丰厚的果汁市场。 www.bing.com 6. The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company's business. 总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。 www.nciku.com 7. Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity. 中石化高级副总裁章建华说,公司旗下炼油厂的开工率达90%。 www.bing.com 8. Consumer Perception Mental image consumers have of a company or product due to the company's branding and advertising efforts. 消费者认知。:。由于公司的品牌化和广告投放,使消费者对公司或公司产品在大脑中产生的映象。 51xbs.cn 9. He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。 www.hotdic.com 10. They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system. 即使你没有进入公司电子邮件系统,公司也可能有权阅读你键入的任何信息。 www.bing.com 1. Google's (GOOG) troubles in China seem to have taken a new turn as a result of the company's plan to create a vast digital library of books. 歌(Google)在中国的麻烦似乎有了新的内容,矛头是该公司计划建立一个庞大的数字图书馆。 www.bing.com 2. To avoid this, the company's HR team should be able to relay such information fast and help team managers readjust salaries quickly. 为了避免发生这样的状况,公司的人力资源部门应该尽快传递这些信息,并且帮助团队管理人员迅速调整员工的薪酬。 www.neworiental.org 3. Analysts said the premium offer reflects the company's eagerness to get into more lucrative niches. 分析师们表示,可口可乐提出如此高额的溢价,也反映出该公司急切希望进军利润丰厚的果汁市场。 www.bing.com 4. The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company's business. 总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。 www.nciku.com 5. Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity. 中石化高级副总裁章建华说,公司旗下炼油厂的开工率达90%。 www.bing.com 6. Consumer Perception Mental image consumers have of a company or product due to the company's branding and advertising efforts. 消费者认知。:。由于公司的品牌化和广告投放,使消费者对公司或公司产品在大脑中产生的映象。 51xbs.cn 7. He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。 www.hotdic.com 8. They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system. 即使你没有进入公司电子邮件系统,公司也可能有权阅读你键入的任何信息。 www.bing.com 9. My main responsibilities included drawing up the Company's business contracts and cooperative agreements and training employees. 我的职责主要是拟定公司业务合同、合作协议、培训员工等。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 1. Analysts said the premium offer reflects the company's eagerness to get into more lucrative niches. 分析师们表示,可口可乐提出如此高额的溢价,也反映出该公司急切希望进军利润丰厚的果汁市场。 www.bing.com 2. The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company's business. 总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。 www.nciku.com 3. Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity. 中石化高级副总裁章建华说,公司旗下炼油厂的开工率达90%。 www.bing.com 4. Consumer Perception Mental image consumers have of a company or product due to the company's branding and advertising efforts. 消费者认知。:。由于公司的品牌化和广告投放,使消费者对公司或公司产品在大脑中产生的映象。 51xbs.cn 5. He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。 www.hotdic.com 6. They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system. 即使你没有进入公司电子邮件系统,公司也可能有权阅读你键入的任何信息。 www.bing.com 7. My main responsibilities included drawing up the Company's business contracts and cooperative agreements and training employees. 我的职责主要是拟定公司业务合同、合作协议、培训员工等。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 9. Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances. 嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying licensing fees to copyright owners. 它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。 www.bing.com 1. Zhang Jianhua, senior vice president, said the company's refineries were running at 90% capacity. 中石化高级副总裁章建华说,公司旗下炼油厂的开工率达90%。 www.bing.com 2. Consumer Perception Mental image consumers have of a company or product due to the company's branding and advertising efforts. 消费者认知。:。由于公司的品牌化和广告投放,使消费者对公司或公司产品在大脑中产生的映象。 51xbs.cn 3. He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。 www.hotdic.com 4. They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system. 即使你没有进入公司电子邮件系统,公司也可能有权阅读你键入的任何信息。 www.bing.com 5. My main responsibilities included drawing up the Company's business contracts and cooperative agreements and training employees. 我的职责主要是拟定公司业务合同、合作协议、培训员工等。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 7. Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances. 嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying licensing fees to copyright owners. 它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。 www.bing.com 9. So being in Asia would mean being closer to the company's most-profitable clients, in the area where it is likely to see the fastest growth. 所以,搬到亚洲就意味着与最可图利的客户群离得更近,而这个地区的增长又有可能是最快的。 c.wsj.com 10. The initial cost of certifying an individual product for a year is $2, 250-5, 500, depending on the company's profits. 根据公司的利润状况,对一种产品进行评级的年初始成本为2250至5500美金。 www.ecocn.org 1. He won his way through the company's stubborn conservatism and reorganized the sales department. 他奋力排除了公司内顽固的保守主义,重新组织了销售部。 www.hotdic.com 2. They may have the right to read whatever keystrokes you've entered, even if your emails were not entered on the company's email system. 即使你没有进入公司电子邮件系统,公司也可能有权阅读你键入的任何信息。 www.bing.com 3. My main responsibilities included drawing up the Company's business contracts and cooperative agreements and training employees. 我的职责主要是拟定公司业务合同、合作协议、培训员工等。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 5. Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances. 嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying licensing fees to copyright owners. 它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。 www.bing.com 7. So being in Asia would mean being closer to the company's most-profitable clients, in the area where it is likely to see the fastest growth. 所以,搬到亚洲就意味着与最可图利的客户群离得更近,而这个地区的增长又有可能是最快的。 c.wsj.com 8. The initial cost of certifying an individual product for a year is $2, 250-5, 500, depending on the company's profits. 根据公司的利润状况,对一种产品进行评级的年初始成本为2250至5500美金。 www.ecocn.org 9. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back. 该公司近期推出的PlayBook平板电脑市场反响不佳,今年推出的几款产品也未被市场接受。 chinese.wsj.com 10. In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。 www.ibm.com 1. My main responsibilities included drawing up the Company's business contracts and cooperative agreements and training employees. 我的职责主要是拟定公司业务合同、合作协议、培训员工等。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 3. Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances. 嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying licensing fees to copyright owners. 它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。 www.bing.com 5. So being in Asia would mean being closer to the company's most-profitable clients, in the area where it is likely to see the fastest growth. 所以,搬到亚洲就意味着与最可图利的客户群离得更近,而这个地区的增长又有可能是最快的。 c.wsj.com 6. The initial cost of certifying an individual product for a year is $2, 250-5, 500, depending on the company's profits. 根据公司的利润状况,对一种产品进行评级的年初始成本为2250至5500美金。 www.ecocn.org 7. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back. 该公司近期推出的PlayBook平板电脑市场反响不佳,今年推出的几款产品也未被市场接受。 chinese.wsj.com 8. In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。 www.ibm.com 9. Mr Chen was quoted in an interview as saying that the company's target for new store openings would not be achieved. 媒体援引陈晓在一次采访中的话称,国美开设新门店的目标将无法实现。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Expect plenty of fine leather with quality standards up to those of the company's DBS supercar. 预计大量的皮革质量标准,这些公司的星展超级跑车。 usa.315che.com 1. Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances. 嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying licensing fees to copyright owners. 它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。 www.bing.com 3. So being in Asia would mean being closer to the company's most-profitable clients, in the area where it is likely to see the fastest growth. 所以,搬到亚洲就意味着与最可图利的客户群离得更近,而这个地区的增长又有可能是最快的。 c.wsj.com 4. The initial cost of certifying an individual product for a year is $2, 250-5, 500, depending on the company's profits. 根据公司的利润状况,对一种产品进行评级的年初始成本为2250至5500美金。 www.ecocn.org 5. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back. 该公司近期推出的PlayBook平板电脑市场反响不佳,今年推出的几款产品也未被市场接受。 chinese.wsj.com 6. In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。 www.ibm.com 7. Mr Chen was quoted in an interview as saying that the company's target for new store openings would not be achieved. 媒体援引陈晓在一次采访中的话称,国美开设新门店的目标将无法实现。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Expect plenty of fine leather with quality standards up to those of the company's DBS supercar. 预计大量的皮革质量标准,这些公司的星展超级跑车。 usa.315che.com 9. If you need a reminder of a particular vendor, take your PDA or notebook with you and write the company's name and URL down. 如果您需要提醒的某一特定的供应商,你利用PDA或笔记本并记下公司的名称和网址就行了。 www.bing.com 10. This was the company's second serious incident in just over a year. 这是该公司一年多来发生的第二起严重事件。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The initial cost of certifying an individual product for a year is $2, 250-5, 500, depending on the company's profits. 根据公司的利润状况,对一种产品进行评级的年初始成本为2250至5500美金。 www.ecocn.org 2. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back. 该公司近期推出的PlayBook平板电脑市场反响不佳,今年推出的几款产品也未被市场接受。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。 www.ibm.com 4. Mr Chen was quoted in an interview as saying that the company's target for new store openings would not be achieved. 媒体援引陈晓在一次采访中的话称,国美开设新门店的目标将无法实现。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Expect plenty of fine leather with quality standards up to those of the company's DBS supercar. 预计大量的皮革质量标准,这些公司的星展超级跑车。 usa.315che.com 6. If you need a reminder of a particular vendor, take your PDA or notebook with you and write the company's name and URL down. 如果您需要提醒的某一特定的供应商,你利用PDA或笔记本并记下公司的名称和网址就行了。 www.bing.com 7. This was the company's second serious incident in just over a year. 这是该公司一年多来发生的第二起严重事件。 www.ftchinese.com 8. By the time the case was settled two years later, the fight had halved Via's market share and shattered the company's strategy. 到两年后案件和解时,威盛的市场份额已减少一半,而且公司战略也被打乱了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Cooling problems also appeared to have affected to another of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's nuclear facilities. 东京电力公司的此吐矣闽核电站似乎也因冷却系统的问题受到影响。 www.czyes.com 10. Ton Wortel, chief executive officer of Media Markt China, said the company's expansion has been rapid, and is proceeding according to plan. 中国万得成总裁T说,公司的扩张将会加速,正依照计划进行。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 1. So at night, Allen would boost the smaller Gates up to the top of the company's dumpsters, where he'd look for interesting stuff. 所以,到了晚上,艾伦会鼓动个头比自己小的盖茨去爬公司的大垃圾箱,寻找他们感兴趣的资料。 www.bing.com 2. Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances. 嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The company's low prices can be attributed to the fact that it is not paying licensing fees to copyright owners. 它的低价可能是因为没有向版权所有者支付许可费用。 www.bing.com 4. So being in Asia would mean being closer to the company's most-profitable clients, in the area where it is likely to see the fastest growth. 所以,搬到亚洲就意味着与最可图利的客户群离得更近,而这个地区的增长又有可能是最快的。 c.wsj.com 5. The initial cost of certifying an individual product for a year is $2, 250-5, 500, depending on the company's profits. 根据公司的利润状况,对一种产品进行评级的年初始成本为2250至5500美金。 www.ecocn.org 6. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back. 该公司近期推出的PlayBook平板电脑市场反响不佳,今年推出的几款产品也未被市场接受。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。 www.ibm.com 8. Mr Chen was quoted in an interview as saying that the company's target for new store openings would not be achieved. 媒体援引陈晓在一次采访中的话称,国美开设新门店的目标将无法实现。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Expect plenty of fine leather with quality standards up to those of the company's DBS supercar. 预计大量的皮革质量标准,这些公司的星展超级跑车。 usa.315che.com 10. If you need a reminder of a particular vendor, take your PDA or notebook with you and write the company's name and URL down. 如果您需要提醒的某一特定的供应商,你利用PDA或笔记本并记下公司的名称和网址就行了。 www.bing.com 1. The initial cost of certifying an individual product for a year is $2, 250-5, 500, depending on the company's profits. 根据公司的利润状况,对一种产品进行评级的年初始成本为2250至5500美金。 www.ecocn.org 2. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back. 该公司近期推出的PlayBook平板电脑市场反响不佳,今年推出的几款产品也未被市场接受。 chinese.wsj.com 3. In particular, the query returns the company's ID and name, as well as the name and email address of the company's contact person. 该查询返回公司的ID和名称,以及公司联系人的姓名和电子邮件地址。 www.ibm.com 4. Mr Chen was quoted in an interview as saying that the company's target for new store openings would not be achieved. 媒体援引陈晓在一次采访中的话称,国美开设新门店的目标将无法实现。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Expect plenty of fine leather with quality standards up to those of the company's DBS supercar. 预计大量的皮革质量标准,这些公司的星展超级跑车。 usa.315che.com 6. If you need a reminder of a particular vendor, take your PDA or notebook with you and write the company's name and URL down. 如果您需要提醒的某一特定的供应商,你利用PDA或笔记本并记下公司的名称和网址就行了。 www.bing.com 7. This was the company's second serious incident in just over a year. 这是该公司一年多来发生的第二起严重事件。 www.ftchinese.com 8. By the time the case was settled two years later, the fight had halved Via's market share and shattered the company's strategy. 到两年后案件和解时,威盛的市场份额已减少一半,而且公司战略也被打乱了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Cooling problems also appeared to have affected to another of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's nuclear facilities. 东京电力公司的此吐矣闽核电站似乎也因冷却系统的问题受到影响。 www.czyes.com 10. The board also discussed the company's internal operations under interim Chief Executive Tim Morse, people familiar with the matter said. 据知情人士说,董事会还就公司在临时CEO莫尔斯(TimMorse)领导下的内部运营进行了讨论。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Expect plenty of fine leather with quality standards up to those of the company's DBS supercar. 预计大量的皮革质量标准,这些公司的星展超级跑车。 usa.315che.com 2. If you need a reminder of a particular vendor, take your PDA or notebook with you and write the company's name and URL down. 如果您需要提醒的某一特定的供应商,你利用PDA或笔记本并记下公司的名称和网址就行了。 www.bing.com 3. This was the company's second serious incident in just over a year. 这是该公司一年多来发生的第二起严重事件。 www.ftchinese.com 4. By the time the case was settled two years later, the fight had halved Via's market share and shattered the company's strategy. 到两年后案件和解时,威盛的市场份额已减少一半,而且公司战略也被打乱了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Cooling problems also appeared to have affected to another of the Tokyo Electric Power Company's nuclear facilities. 东京电力公司的此吐矣闽核电站似乎也因冷却系统的问题受到影响。 www.czyes.com 6. The board also discussed the company's internal operations under interim Chief Executive Tim Morse, people familiar with the matter said. 据知情人士说,董事会还就公司在临时CEO莫尔斯(TimMorse)领导下的内部运营进行了讨论。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Analysts say Chrome OS is an ambitious long-term strategic move, but any impact on the company's financial performance would be years away. 分析人士认为,Chrome操作系统是一个宏大的长远战略行动,但对公司财务表现的影响可能要多年以后才会显示出来。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The company's customers around the Pearl River Delta region, Ali, now through the network, opening up the China market! 本公司的客户以遍布珠三角地区,现在通过阿里的网络,开拓中国市场! www.tonke.cn 9. Ton Wortel, chief executive officer of Media Markt China, said the company's expansion has been rapid, and is proceeding according to plan. 中国万得成总裁T说,公司的扩张将会加速,正依照计划进行。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 10. The building fire closed the company's main office for almost a month, and now they must play catch up in order to stay in business. 大厦着火让这家公司的主要办公室关闭了近一个月,现在他们要想不被挤出这个行业,就必须赶紧追回失去的时间。 www.ytbbs.com 1. Analysts say Chrome OS is an ambitious long-term strategic move, but any impact on the company's financial performance would be years away. 分析人士认为,Chrome操作系统是一个宏大的长远战略行动,但对公司财务表现的影响可能要多年以后才会显示出来。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The company's customers around the Pearl River Delta region, Ali, now through the network, opening up the China market! 本公司的客户以遍布珠三角地区,现在通过阿里的网络,开拓中国市场! www.tonke.cn 3. Ton Wortel, chief executive officer of Media Markt China, said the company's expansion has been rapid, and is proceeding according to plan. 中国万得成总裁T说,公司的扩张将会加速,正依照计划进行。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 4. The building fire closed the company's main office for almost a month, and now they must play catch up in order to stay in business. 大厦着火让这家公司的主要办公室关闭了近一个月,现在他们要想不被挤出这个行业,就必须赶紧追回失去的时间。 www.ytbbs.com 5. The company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work. 公司的医生认为,她不宜从事正常工作。 www.kekenet.com 6. Although, today's announcement did not mention the company's mobile applications at all. 但公司今天的发布中根本没有提到移动版播放器。 www.bing.com 7. The deals limited competition and required the state to make up the company's shortfall if it failed to earn a 15% return on capital. 此协议限制了竞争,并且要求政府在公司的资本回报率低于15%时,补偿该公司的赢利差额。 www.ecocn.org 8. SJM's transactions with such vested interests are so prolific that the company's auditors have broken them out in the company's prospectus. 澳博与此类既得利益之间的交易非常多,因此其审计师在招股说明书里把它们单列了出来。 www.ftchinese.com 9. M&A speculation has also been a factor behind the recent volatility in the company's shares. 企业并购方面的猜测一直是该公司股价近来波动的主要因素。 www.bing.com 10. Luda Yi to a company candidates, although he did not understand the company's products, because of the big drinker was admitted. 陆大义到一家公司应聘,虽然他不懂该公司的产品,却因酒量大而被录取。 word.hcbus.com 1. SJM's transactions with such vested interests are so prolific that the company's auditors have broken them out in the company's prospectus. 澳博与此类既得利益之间的交易非常多,因此其审计师在招股说明书里把它们单列了出来。 www.ftchinese.com 2. M&A speculation has also been a factor behind the recent volatility in the company's shares. 企业并购方面的猜测一直是该公司股价近来波动的主要因素。 www.bing.com 3. Luda Yi to a company candidates, although he did not understand the company's products, because of the big drinker was admitted. 陆大义到一家公司应聘,虽然他不懂该公司的产品,却因酒量大而被录取。 word.hcbus.com 4. He also indicated that the company's recent focus on China was just the beginning of its efforts there. 他同时暗示,该公司近期对中国的关注仅仅是其在华发力的开始。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Justice Department has not prosecuted any of the company's executives or employees for the violations. 司法部迄今为止并没有因此案件对该公司任何的领导人或雇员提起诉讼。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Several factors will likely play into this drop, including the company's focus on lower-cost residential properties, he said. 他说,利润率下滑可能有多方面的原因,该公司关注于低成本住宅项目也是其中一个因素。 www.bing.com 7. Employees are responsible for reporting any medical condition to the company's clinic or to any designated medical facility. 员工负责向企业诊所或任何指定的医疗机构报告所有医疗状况。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. The company's stock also took a hit when news broke earlier this month that it had hired law firm Jones Day for restructuring advice. 本月早些时候,有消息说伊士曼-柯达聘用了众达国际法律事务所(JonesDay)为重组提供咨询,该公司股价随之下挫。 www.cn.wsj.com 9. Ministers were accused of trying to ensure the company's collapse came at the start of the 2005 election campaign and not before. 部长们受到指责,是因为他们试图确保公司在2005年大选开始时破产,而不是在此之前。 www.bing.com 10. For the success of any of these, the well being of a company' s workforce must enjoy absolute priority. 要实现上述的任何一项,公司员工的福利都应该占有至高无上的优先权。 dict.ebigear.com 1. The company's stock also took a hit when news broke earlier this month that it had hired law firm Jones Day for restructuring advice. 本月早些时候,有消息说伊士曼-柯达聘用了众达国际法律事务所(JonesDay)为重组提供咨询,该公司股价随之下挫。 www.cn.wsj.com 2. Ministers were accused of trying to ensure the company's collapse came at the start of the 2005 election campaign and not before. 部长们受到指责,是因为他们试图确保公司在2005年大选开始时破产,而不是在此之前。 www.bing.com 3. For the success of any of these, the well being of a company' s workforce must enjoy absolute priority. 要实现上述的任何一项,公司员工的福利都应该占有至高无上的优先权。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Mr Weidner said the US company's total investments and turnover would triple as a result of its initiatives in Asia. 韦德纳表示,由于其在亚洲的一系列投资,这家美国公司总投资及总收入将增加两倍。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Gates came in and helped fund studies to add to the clinical file and to ramp up the company's production processes. 盖茨在这时候参与进来并资助研究,以增加临床文件并壮大公司的生产工艺。 www.who.int 6. The manager found a discrepancy between the company's records and what actually sold. 经理发现公司的纪录与实际的销售不符。 www.24en.com 7. So the company's old total said: we don't need you such a singer, don't need a little trustworthiness, you're fired! ! ! ! ! 于是公司的老总说:我们公司不需要你这样的歌星,不需要一个没有诚信的,你被开除了! wenwen.soso.com 8. third part of the company's comprehensive set of Xianglong standard cost method should take countermeasures. 第三部分阐述了翔龙公司完善标准成本法应采取的对策。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Mr Yung's daughter, Frances, then listed as the company's "director, group finance" , was demoted for her role in the scandal. 荣智健的女儿荣明方(FrancesYung)因其在丑闻中所扮演的角色而被降级。当时她被列为中信泰富的“集团财务部董事”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Now, he says, G. M. 's new models can be compared to the best that the company's Japanese and German competitors have to offer. 现在,他宣称,通用汽车的新产品可以和日本、德国的竞争对手提供的最好的车型作比较。 www.bing.com 1. third part of the company's comprehensive set of Xianglong standard cost method should take countermeasures. 第三部分阐述了翔龙公司完善标准成本法应采取的对策。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Mr Yung's daughter, Frances, then listed as the company's "director, group finance" , was demoted for her role in the scandal. 荣智健的女儿荣明方(FrancesYung)因其在丑闻中所扮演的角色而被降级。当时她被列为中信泰富的“集团财务部董事”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Now, he says, G. M. 's new models can be compared to the best that the company's Japanese and German competitors have to offer. 现在,他宣称,通用汽车的新产品可以和日本、德国的竞争对手提供的最好的车型作比较。 www.bing.com 4. Mr O'Neal's departure follows the company's admission last week that it had lost almost $8bn on mortgage-backed securities. 在奥尼尔决定离职前,该公司上周承认,其抵押贷款担保证券相关业务损失近80亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Our company's consistent AIM is to be ready to render excellent service to customers. 随时准备为顾客提供优质服务,是本公司自始至终的经营宗旨。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Borders said the stores it plans to close are draining $2 million a week out of the company's profits. Borders说打算关闭的这些分店每周会消耗公司200万美元的利润。 c.wsj.com 7. Some began to seek private buyers of their shares, complicating the company's internal valuation for employee stock options. 一些人开始私下里寻找买家,使公司对员工股票期权进行的内部评估更为复杂。 www.voa365.com 8. The company's first print advertisement featured an illustration of a young actress named Hilda Clark, who was also the brand's spokeswoman. 公司的第一张平面广告是一张叫HildaClark的年轻女演员的插画,她同时也是品牌的代言人。 www.bing.com 9. Brazil is at the heart of BG's ambitious growth strategy for the next decade and is one of the company's four "main centres" of investment. 巴西是BG未来10年雄心勃勃的增长战略的核心,也是该公司4个“主要”投资中心之一。 www.ftchinese.com 10. License should be laid up in an eye-catching place of the company's domicile or of the business premises of the branch. 《企业法人营业执照》正本或者《营业执照》正本应当置于公司住所或者分公司营业场所的醒目位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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