单词 | contradict |
释义 | contradicts是contradict的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:contradicts 现在分词:contradicting 过去式:contradicted 例句释义: 反驳,否认,与…矛盾,抗辩 1. You are inserting unnecessary details into the person's story. "The person who contradicts, frequently restates the matter in another way. " 别人说话时,你插入某些不必要的细节。“这种反驳别人的人,经常用另一种方式重述同一件事。” www.bing.com 2. The person who contradicts, frequently restates the matter in another way. 反驳的人常常以另一种方式重新叙述事件。 www.bing.com 3. Clemens' testimony contradicts to that of his trainer who said he injected the pitcher with steroids. 克里曼斯的证词与他的教练的证词互相矛盾,他的教练表示他曾给这位棒球投手注射类固醇。 www.showxiu.com 4. This is where the actor contradicts himself: the same and yet so various, so many souls summed up in a single body. 而这正是演员所矛盾的地方:同一个灵魂却也那么多种多样的灵魂皆系于一身。 www.bing.com 5. If your colleague contradicts what you are saying, you could stop your speech to ask him or her to provide a solution. 如果对方反驳你的话,你可以停下来,请他给出一个解决方案。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The EUNAVFOR release contradicts earlier reports that the man had been killed by his captors while attempting to flee. 欧盟海军的拯救行动反驳了此前报道的这名船长在试图逃跑时已经被俘获者杀害。 bbs.koolearn.com 7. It does not give us facts--any quick comparison shows that it contradicts the records of history in a thousand places--but instead legend. 它不会给我们的事实-任何快速的比较表明,它违背了历史记录的1000地方-但不是传说。 lwdx123.com 8. This kind of inequality contradicts with equal requirement for consumption of the means of livelihood. 这种不平等与生活资料的消费方面的平等要求相矛盾。 www.chinavalue.net 9. It can be quite common for you as a Five personality to resist anything routine or scheduled, as it contradicts your love of freewheeling. 对于数字五个性的人来说,抵抗任何形式的按部就班或者墨守成规都是非常常见的,因为这和你自由的天性想抵触。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. We have to be as gentle as a dove, take advice from everyone, and somehow cope when that advice contradicts other advice we are getting. 我们要像鸽子那样温顺,接受每一个人的意见,当某些意见与我们所得到的其他建议相矛盾时,也要想办法应对。 www.nciku.cn 1. The research contradicts the policies of many firms whose customer-facing staff are instructed to appear cheery at all times. 这一研究结果与许多公司的要求相悖,他们要求与客户打交道的雇员随时保持微笑。 bbs.9c9t.com 2. This immoral social message contradicts the only justification for `get-tough' rhetoric. 不道德的社会信息违背了“严惩不贷”的激昂中仅有的正义。 www.bing.com 3. The doctor-patient contradicts and medial tangles occur more due to safety and limitation of prenatal ultrasonography. 超声检查的安全性和局限性引发的医患矛盾甚至医疗纠纷日益增多。 www1.chkd.cnki.net 4. The report also contradicts pledges by senior officials earlier this year that grandparents would be given far greater rights. 今年早些时候,曾有高级官员许诺祖父母将在子女离婚后得到更多的探视权,但该报告有悖于此项承诺。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The data contradicts the popular theory that gentle exercise is enough to stay slim. 这一数据否认了“少量运动即可保持身材”的普遍说法。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. This conclusion contradicts the conventional view, which postulates just one migratory wave out of Asia. 这结果与传统的观点相冲突,传统认为只有一波移民从亚洲出发。 www.bing.com 7. Furthermore, this law contradicts the characteristics of the Internet in many aspects, thereby allowing abusive enforcement. 此外,这些法规在很多方面都与网际网路的特色背道而驰,也因此常有执法过度之疑虑。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. The bright-patterned garb of these girls contradicts the Western impression that everyone in modern China wears drab pajamalike garments. 这些女孩子们鲜艳的服装与西方的印象大相径庭,西方人的以为在当代中国每一个人都是穿土灰色睡衣似的衣服。 bbs.cnnas.com 9. Rule of law, as an important component of modernization, contradicts and conflicts with many ideas of Chinese cultural tradition. 法治作为现代化的重要组成部分,与中国文化传统的诸多观念存在抵触和冲突。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Secondly, austere macroscopic situation of the employment contradicts inferior positions of ex-servicemen's employment. 其二,严峻的宏观就业形势与退役军人就业劣势之间的矛盾; www.fabiao.net 1. It corresponds identically to the leftover glow predicted by the Big Bang, and contradicts the predictions of Steady-State theory. 它符合大爆炸理论预测的剩余辐射,而与稳态理论的预测相反。 www.bing.com 2. If the essay or interview contradicts information you gave on other forms, you may cause them to have doubts about accepting you. 如果面试和作文反映出的你的情况是矛盾的,他们可能就会对是否录取你产生怀疑。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Russia says the system contradicts the spirit of the 1975 Helsinki declaration, which pledged to make exit and entry easier. 俄罗斯宣称该体系违反了1975年赫尔辛基宣言的精神,该宣言旨在简化进出境程序。 www.bing.com 4. The news that Mr Gulliver will be based in the UK contradicts the September announcement when he was appointed. 欧智华将常驻英国的消息,与9月份他获得任命时的通告不符。 www.ftchinese.com 5. An event shocks markets when it contradicts conventional wisdom of how the financial world is supposed to works. 当一个事件与传统知识中金融体系应如何运作相抵触时,它就会令市场震惊。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If this seems obvious, it is an observation that contradicts the dominant political and economic models of our time. 如果说这看上去显而易见,那么不妨记住:它与当今占主导地位的政治和经济模式相矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 7. First, he must have a good memory; he contradicts at one time what he said in another. 首先,他有好的记忆力,以免某一时间讲的话与另外某时的自相矛盾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The government denies involvement in all this and no solid evidence contradicts it (see article). 政府否认参与了这些事件,但也没有出示确凿的证据予以反驳。 www.ecocn.org 9. But this announcement that they are able to decrypt the files on behalf of the government contradicts their prior public statements. 但是这次的他们可以代表政府来解密文件的公告,与他们之前的公开声明自相矛盾。 www.bing.com 10. However, this view contradicts with the results from law of universal gravitation. 笔者根据万有引力定律和大量推算,认为这种构造模式不合理,而且自相矛盾。 www.chemyq.com 1. But the documents imply a degree of cosiness that contradicts the intelligence services' defence of their anti-terrorism tactics. 然而这些档案中显示出的两国的亲密程度,却与情报机关对其反恐策略的辩护相互矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 2. this often happens when information contradicts a stereotype of a group of people or of an enemy. 信息与某一个集团或敌对组织发生矛盾冲突,这是很常见的。 bbs.education.163.com 3. This contradicts the desire to check your code quality on a daily basis. 这一点与每天检查代码质量的愿望背道而驰。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Moscow has rejected a draft UN resolution on Georgia, saying it contradicts the terms of last week's ceasefire agreement. 莫斯科拒绝了一项联合国针对格鲁吉亚所提出的决议草案,说它和上周的停火协定相矛盾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This contradicts common victim-blaming attitudes that ascribe high levels of home births to "cultural preferences" or "ignorance" . 这一点与通常将在家分娩的高发生率归因于“文化偏爱”或“无知”的指责态度相左。 www.who.int 6. eg. Her report contradicts every point of his statement to the press. 她的报告和他对报界的声明完全相反。 jack0914.blog.163.com 7. Ever notice how it's "junk science" if it contradicts the Bible? 有没有注意到,如果这与《圣经》所说有出入的话,那么这该是多么垃圾的科学! www.fanyitie.com 8. Like everything mental, the so-called law of causation contradicts itself. 一切由心做,所谓因果可说是自相矛盾。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 9. Hazelwood's approach contradicts one of the most important notions in computer programming--abstraction. 哈泽尔伍德的做法违背了计算机编程最重要的一个概念之一——抽象。 www.bing.com 10. Secondly, it also reflects the male chauvinism regarding women as sexual objects, which contradicts with women's human rights in nature. 其次,“强奸”也是将女性当作性客体的男权意识的反映,本质上与妇女人权是对立的; www.ceps.com.tw 1. The urgent need of construction of the rule of law contradicts the insufficiency of theoretical research. 法治建设之需与理论研究不足之间的矛盾亟待改善。 www.13191.com 2. The largely positive public response contradicts the common perception that Japan is drifting to the right, he says. 他表示,公众反应大体上是积极的,这与有关日本正向右倾斜的常见看法相反。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This contradicts current practice and theory, which states that larger syringes produce lower pressures and are safer. 这与目前的实践和理论,其中指出,较大的注射器产生较低的压力和更安全。 www.syyxw.com 4. To conform to the user's mental model, it should then erase the original even though that contradicts the implementation model. 但是为了符合用户的心理模型,即使违背了实现模型,操作系统也应该删除原来的旧文件。 www.jukuu.com 5. What always contradicts itself nevertheless joins in him. 那些总是自相矛盾的东西也进入了此身。 www.bing.com 6. It contradicts what I feel I know about cause and effect. 我觉得我知道结果和影响,这让我很矛盾。 www.52blog.net 7. Mr. Colin contradicts for the sake of contradicting, and does not believe because he will not believe. 科兰先生是为了对着干而对着干,因为不愿相信而不相信。 8. This contradicts previous ideas which suggest the impact of the asteroid actually precipitated a period of glaciations, Gostin says. 这与早先认为的小行星的撞击实际上加速了结冰期的来临这一说法相矛盾。 www.bing.com 9. This contradicts what was mentioned above. 这与上文提到的有些矛盾。 www.bing.com 10. Ask for feedback or clarification if the interviewer repeatedly contradicts or interrupts you. 如果招聘者反复自相矛盾,打断你,要求得到反馈或澄清。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Joint should move, also need to stabilize, this contradicts, get be united faultlessly through articulatory and special structure. 关节要运动,也需要稳定,这一矛盾,通过关节特殊的结构得到完美的统一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. 自杀违反人性愿意保存和延续生命的自然倾向。 www.dictall.com 3. If it contradicts itself, then it is unreliable. 如果自相矛盾,那它就是不可靠的了。 www.hicoo.net 4. That contradicts earlier reports and suggests Iran is susceptible to diplomatic pressure. 这与先前的报告相矛盾并暗示伊朗易受外交压力的影响。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Mr Schiavo says the new law contradicts that (and remember, lower courts have ruled these procedures are unwanted). 舒阿佛先生表示这条新法律与此相矛盾(不要忘记下级法院已裁决这些医疗程序是被要求中断的)。 www.ecocn.org 6. That is to say, it should 'potentially' be one, not triple, which contradicts the essential thesis of Samkhya. 这也就是说,它们的潜在性是一而非三,如此便与数论派的根本理论互为矛盾。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For the US to want to maintain bases after 2014 directly contradicts with the US desire to win the co-operation of Afghanistan's neighbours. 对于美国而言,想要在2014年以后保留基地,将与美国赢得阿富汗邻国合作的愿望构成直接矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This contradicts India's perception of itself as a deeply rooted democracy. 这与印度自我认知的根深蒂固的民主传统相违背。 www.bing.com 9. WE DENY that later revelation, which may fulfill earlier revelation, ever corrects or contradicts it. 可应验先前启示的后来启示,是为了修正前者,或会与前者产生矛盾。 www.douban.com 10. However, the manufacturer claims there is evidence that contradicts the Cleveland Clinic's research results and recommended further study. 然而,生产厂家声称有证据和克利佛兰临床医学中心的研究结果相矛盾,并要求作进一步的研究。 bbs.tnbz.com 1. "Individual Public Relations" does not exist in reality, and it contradicts itself in logic. 而“个人公共关系”不仅在现实中不存在,而且在逻辑上也自相矛盾。 www.jinhuchun.com 2. But this order says it will still use old bulb, which contradicts to the mails sent by sale and marketing departments. 但这个订单的描述仍旧使用的是老灯泡,这样就与市场部和采购部所发的邮件内容产生了分歧。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. You're right. A lot of information contradicts other information, so it can be very puzzling. 没错,很多资讯都互相牴触,所以真的很令人困惑。 www.cc.ntut.edu.tw 4. "This contradicts all the fears of mainstream economists in Germany, " says Gerhard Bosch of the University of Duisburg-Essen. “这打消了德国主流经济学家的所有顾虑,”杜伊斯堡-埃森大学的格哈德·博世如是说。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. For one thing, it contradicts Ricardian comparative advantage. 从一点上说,它违背李嘉图的比较优势说。 lfx8.com 6. Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the "Beloved" . 自我弃绝是属灵生活的一大劲敌,这与告诉我们“被爱”的圣神声音相反。 www.bing.com 7. In fact, modern understanding of hypnosis contradicts this conception on several key points. 事实上,催眠的现代看法在某些重要的地方与之相矛盾。 nude.fingerfuckingbeautifulunclothedsexslaves.com 8. Our narrative contradicts much received doctrine. 我们的叙述和固有的说法大不相同。 www.bing.com 9. This contradicts what Murdoch told the committee when questioned on Tuesday. 这和Murdoch周二告诉委员会的内容相矛盾。 www.bing.com 10. This contradicts previous beliefs that symmetry is a mark of fitness and strength. 这种理论与之前认为的对称性是健康有力的标志的理论相矛盾。 www.hjenglish.com 1. However Indonesia's shoe industry contradicts that forecast. 尽管如此,印尼的制鞋业的情况却与这一预测相悖。 video.2u4u.com.cn 2. He is a bad guy, but mostly because his need to be self-serving contradicts with the government and authorities. 他真的是个坏小子,但大多是因为他要用自我来对抗政府和权威。 www.bing.com 3. The body contradicts the words. He's lying. Yeah? 肢体跟语言相矛盾,他在说谎。请说? blog.sina.com.cn 4. It contradicts with our common sense and human everyday experiences. 这与我们的常识和社会经验相抵触。 waiyu.kaoshibaike.com 5. Actually Beijing even contradicts itself. 事实上,北京甚至是自相矛盾的。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Later he even contradicts himself, saying that all languages have nouns and verbs. 之后,他甚至自相矛盾,并声称所有的语言都有名词和动词。 www.bing.com 7. "It contradicts the dogma that the egg does everything, " said Dr Brinkworth, a senior lecturer at the University of Bradford. “它是和卵细胞控制论相左的,”Brinkworth博士说。他是Bradford大学的高级讲师。 www.bing.com 8. The body contradicts the words. He's lying. 肢体跟语言相矛盾,表明他在说谎。 item.feedsky.com 9. The new case violates the principle of double jeopardy and also contradicts the first one. 新案子有违双重审理的规定,且与第一桩案子相矛盾。 www.ecocn.org 10. 12- Starting Sa'i from Mount Marwah which contradicts the Sunnah and nullifies the first round (which started from Marwah). 从迈尔沃开始奔走,这与圣训相抵触,(因为以迈尔沃开始)首一单向奔走无效。 www.2muslim.com 1. This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates. 听力里反驳阅读观点的例子与细节 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The article flatly contradicts their claims. 本文断然否定了他们的主张。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This theory contradicts with the evidence. 这个理论兴证据相矛盾。 www.hotdic.com 4. He contradicts himself sometimes in the same sentence. 有时在同一句子中他会自相矛盾。 www.hxen.com 5. His statement contradicts with the facts. 他所说的话与事实矛盾。 edu.21cn.com 6. Choosing life instead of death demands an act of will that often contradicts our impulses. 选择生而不是死,是意志行为,常常与我们的本能相反。 www.bing.com 7. Like many of the half-truths adults tell us, this one contradicts other things they tell us. 就象成人告诉我们的许多半真半假的事一样,这件事与他们说的其它的事矛盾。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. That is a very bold assumption in the first place, and, secondly, it contradicts the clear wording of the passage. 这首先是一个非常大胆的推测;其次,它跟那个决议的明确语意相矛盾; dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Nasser Farid Wasel, Egypt's Mufti, said in 1999 that cloning clearly contradicts Islam. 埃及的法学家,NasserFaridWasel认为在1999年克隆技术已经完全的于伊斯兰教抵触了。 www.zftrans.com 10. But it contradicts most other aspects of their economic model. 然而,它与中国经济模式的其他大多数方面都相互抵触。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Ron Paul: But he contradicts himself. 罗恩·保罗:他这是自相矛盾。 www.bing.com 2. Is there any evidence that contradicts it? 有任何反驳它的证据吗? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. This kind of people can not be a General without negotiation of repeating contradicts and compromises . 把这样的“人”打造成一个将军,没有一番折冲决不可成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. What you said contradicts with what we had heard. 你说的跟我们听到的相互矛盾。 infos.edulife.com.cn 5. The report contradicts what we heard yesterday. 这个报道与我们昨天听到的有矛盾。 www.kekenet.com 6. I simply incomputable mediation contradicts how many times too. 我简直数不清调解过多少次矛盾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. That moon rocks can hold any water is a surprise because it contradicts the prevailing ideas about how the moon formed. 月岩中含有水分实在是出人意料,这与当下的月球形成理论相悖。 www.bing.com 8. While this contradicts the convention of 'buy low and sell high', it is a strategy that is very suitable for trending market. 它与传统的“低买高卖”策略背道而驰,较适合在股市逐渐形成一个长期走势时使用。 www.hotdic.com 9. A weasel word is a modifier that almost contradicts the claim that is made. “鼬鼠”型的词语是一种修饰语,与广告词的意思几乎是相矛盾的。 www.rrting.com 10. I like talking to a brick wall, it's the only thing in the world that never contradicts me. 我喜欢对一堵墙说话,世界上只有它不会反驳我。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. On the Fusion of the Power of Restlessly Contradicts and the System of Anticipated Breaking a Contract and Its Accepting or Refusing 论不安抗辩权和预期违约制度的融合与取舍 service.ilib.cn 2. SVG vector paths are expressed as a series of space-delimited numbers in a single attribute, which contradicts the SVG向量路径在单个属性中用一些空格分隔的数字表示,与 www-128.ibm.com 3. In the patent lawsuit the male knowledge technology contradicts certain question discussions 专利诉讼中公知技术抗辩的若干问题探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. The Principle of Fair and Reasonable of Arbitration Is Not contradicts Law Provision 仲裁公平合理原则不排斥法律 www.ilib.cn 5. Beijing Contradicts Baghdad, Says Oil Deal Still Being Negotiated 中国称与伊拉克石油交易仍在磋商 www.exam8.com 6. The neurology of learning contradicts present practice 学习的神经生理学研究与当前的教学实践相矛盾 www.scjsxh.com 7. New knowledge of learning contradicts current learning practices 对学习的新研究与当前的教学实践相矛盾 www.scjsxh.com |
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