单词 | contradiction | ||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:contradictions adj. n. basic contradiction,apparent contradiction,direct contradiction v. n. resolve contradiction,see contradiction,solve contradiction,explain contradiction contradiction 显示所有例句
例句释义: 矛盾,反驳,驳斥,否认,不一致,抵触 1. To go on hunger strike and shed tears on account of one's personal interests may be considered a kind of contradiction among the people. 为个人的利益而绝食,而流泪,这也算是一种人民内部的矛盾。 www.jukuu.com 2. So far, governmental dominant economic growth pattern accumulated contradiction of economy of quite a few and economic risk. 到目前为止,政府主导型的经济增长方式积累了相当多的经济矛盾和经济风险。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 3. I made it a rule to forbear all direct contradiction to the sentiments of others, and all positive assertion of my own. 我给自己规定,不得直接驳斥别人观点,不得断然肯定自己意见。 www.jukuu.com 4. For this point, we have to say the JV regulations are in contradiction with the JV Law. 就此点而言,中外合资法与合资条例是相互冲突的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "Safety is needed for operation, and operation must be safe" expresses the cause and effect relation of this pair of contradiction. “安全为了生产,生产必须安全”表述了这对矛盾体的因果关系。 www.chemyq.com 6. Japan, the great exporter, protected its domestic industries. At the heart of the country's economic problems lay a contradiction. 最大的出口国——日本——对国内工业实施保护政策。在此国家的经济问题的中心存在着一个矛盾。 blog.xfocus.net 7. Economic theory is built on the concept of equilibrium, and that concept is in direct contradiction with the concept of reflexivity. 经济理论是建立在均衡概念之上的,但这个概念与反身性概念直接矛盾。 www.bing.com 8. What once might have been seen as a fatal contradiction in values has been turned by the party into one of its core strengths. 那种曾经可能被视为具有致命矛盾的价值观,已被中共转化为自身的核心力量之一。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This contradiction may seem to be disguised by adjourning the realization of the Idea to a future, to a time when the Idea will also be. 这种矛盾似乎可以有办法加以掩蔽,即将理念实现的时间推迟到将来,因为在将来,理念也会存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. That would be a contradiction: error is like happiness, perhaps, in that we can only stumble across it rather than seek it out. 那样的话就是矛盾了:也许错误就像快乐一样,我们只能摸索着过去,而非找到出路再出去。 en.dongxi.net 1. The disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field and with no doubt reversal between biology major contradiction. 地球磁场的消失和逆转无疑与生物学之间有大矛盾。 bbs.tech.163.com 2. Do you think it would be fair to view this kind of contradiction as a form of "institutionalised" racism? 你把这看作是一种矛盾,即“制度化”的种族主义,那么你觉得这种观点是否恰当? www.bing.com 3. "In the lead-up to the IPO, " he said, "there is little indication that this contradiction is diminishing in a significant way. " “在首次公开发行(IPO)筹备过程中,”他表示。“没有什么迹象表明,这种矛盾正明显消失。” www.ftchinese.com 4. If he disagreed with a group's attitude or an individual's opinion, he kept his mouth shut or brutally spoke his contradiction. 要是他不同意一群人的态度或个别人的意见,他要么守口如瓶,要么和盘托出自己反对的理由。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Yet there is an inherent contradiction between exerting unyielding political control and trying to unshackle entrepreneurial creativity. 然而,在实施毫不妥协的政治控制和试图释放企业家的创造力之间,存在着内在矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Kim said the government appears to be a contradiction between the markets and the government's strict state control of the economy. 金说,朝鲜政府看来在市场和政府对经济的严格控制之间处于矛盾状态。 www.360abc.com 7. "An open hearing on intelligence matters is something of a contradiction in terms, " he said. 他说,“公开就情报问题进行听证,这根本就自相矛盾。” cn.nytimes.com 8. Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. --G. K. CHESTERTON. 勇气就其意义上讲几乎就是个矛盾,它意味着以一种时刻准备去死的形式表现一种强烈的求生欲望。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. V: The fifth key to time managing is to be consistent with your sense of worth, not in contradiction. 第五个时间管理的关键是要和你的价值观相吻合,不可以互相矛盾; www.elanso.com 10. It is usually seems to be a contradiction to green architecture and construction cost. 发展绿色建筑与节约建设成本通常被人们认为是一对矛盾。 lib.cqvip.com 1. In the mind of a man and a woman, we're looking constantly at the contradiction between male and female. 在男人与女人之间,我们总是看到,男女之间的不和。 www.ted.com 2. No doubt, this contradiction of labor dispute can be transformed, but the improper conduct of any party may intensify this contradiction. 劳动争议的矛盾固然可以转化,然而,当事人任何一方的不当行为,往往促使矛盾激烈化。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The law of contradiction calls for consistency of thought from beginning to the end, and allows no self-contradiction. 矛盾律要求思想前后一贯,不能自相矛盾。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In case of any contradiction between the modification and this RFP, the latest valid notice in writing shall prevail. 若修改内容与本询价要求相冲突,则以最后发出的有效书面通知为准。 www.1x1y.com.cn 5. The idea of a loyal opposition still sounds in many parts of the world like a contradiction in terms. 在世界的很多地方,忠实反对派的主意在谈判中犹如一个矛盾。 www.ecocn.org 6. As a mark of a time-honoured accommodation, Pushtun elders and mullahs often insist there is no contradiction between the two prerogatives. 这种由来已久的迁就与融合的标志就是,普什图长老们和毛拉们经常强调这两大特权阶层之间没有矛盾。 www.ecocn.org 7. And that contradiction between the drive for growth and the primacy of Marxist-Leninist socialism has never been starker. 而且驱动增长和至高无上的马克思列宁社会主义之间的矛盾前所未有的鲜明。 www.stnn.cc 8. And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains in all such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast. 按照在这种情况下流行的奇怪的矛盾法则,时间是漫长的,虽然它火烧火燎地飞逝着。 www.jukuu.com 9. The contradiction between these three versions of the truth suggests to me a larger philosophical issue that needs to be resolved. 这三个真实的版本的矛盾建议我要解决一个很大的哲学问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The sick man seemed to fall into a gap of death, at her contradiction. She ought to play up to him, not to contravene him. 听到她的谢绝声,病人似乎一下坠入了死谷。她应该使他高兴,不该违背他的请求。 1. You say that you're good friends and yet you don't trust him. Isn't that a bit of a contradiction? 你说你们是好朋友,可你又不信任他,这不是有点矛盾吗? www.tingroom.com 2. The very idea of a cautious revolutionary would seem, on the face of it, a contradiction in terms. 从表面来看,“一位谨慎的革命者”这一概念绝对是自相矛盾的。 www.bing.com 3. We, collectively, seem to think there is some sort of contradiction between job growth and regulation when there isn't. 民主党人妥协得太快。我们所有人看起来都觉得就业增长和监管之间存在矛盾,而实际上没有。 www.miltt.com 4. He said China always had to deal with its primary contradiction and compromise with its secondary contradiction. 他曾说过,中国永远要解决主要矛盾,协调次要矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It would probably take years of psychoanalysis to untangle that contradiction, not to mention others too sensitive to name here. 可能要通过许多年的心理分析才能解开这个迷,更不要说那些因为太敏感而不便在此提及的事。 www.fane.cn 6. Thus, the original social nature of human life with the contradiction between the primitive religious concepts and the basis of worship. 由此可见,原始社会人类生活同自然界之间的矛盾,是原始宗教观念和崇拜仪式的基础。 www.xiami360.com 7. They stood openly on porches as if they were watching a parade, drawing an absolutely contradiction to before. 他们公然站在路边,就像在观看一场游行。这与从前的情况是截然相反的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Self-contradiction besets all governments as they try to work out a role for English in their national culture. 要摆正英语在本国文化中的位置,各国政府都面临类似的两难处境。 www.bing.com 9. There seems to be a contradiction between her words and actions. 她言行似乎矛盾。 wangxianfeng.nease.net 10. His initiative with internal contradiction, is not easy to dissolve a secret. 他倡议同用化解内部矛盾,不易声张。 tv.360mp3.com 1. I'm able to see the contradiction that you may not be able to see. 因为我会给它带来一种全新的观点,我能看到的矛盾,未必你也能看到。 www.ted.com 2. Is it a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs ? 又爱护动物又穿皮毛服装是矛盾的吗?。 www.bing.com 3. Mozart is a contradiction in that he was more conservative and followed the "rules" much more than Haydn, yet his music is incomparable. 莫扎特是个矛盾体,他比海顿更保守而循规蹈矩,但他的音乐却无与伦比。 www.bing.com 4. The concept of environmental consciousness comes into being with the increasing contradiction of the relationship between man and nature. 环境意识的概念是随着人与自然的矛盾加剧而产生的。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Political contradiction in Argentina was always high. It came to one of its highest points, though, by the end of August1972. 阿根廷总是不断充满着政治斗争。在1972的八月末,冲突达到了顶点。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 6. Marlowe detects him in a contradiction and asks him aggressively, 'You made a mistake, didn' t you? 马洛探长发现了他讲话前后有矛盾,就*问道:“你犯了一个错,对不?” blog.sina.com.cn 7. Let me offer a few more related observations, by way of extension and refinement, not contradiction. 在这里我并不想反驳什么,只是和大家分享一些经拓展和提炼后的相关观点。 www.bing.com 8. I found you less love me, do you think I no longer for you so intimate, so the contradiction appeared. 我发现你不再向以前那么爱我了,你觉得我不再对你那么亲热了,就这样矛盾出现了。 www.bing.com 9. "Scenery Amnesia" in psychology is usually an expression of such conflict and contradiction. 心理学中所说的“风景失忆”往往是这种矛盾冲突的表现。 art.china.cn 10. It's a contradiction to say you support the government but would not vote for it in an election. 你说你支持政府,但又在选举中不投客观存在的票,这是自相矛盾的。[朗文当代]。 www.bing.com 1. western nation emphasizes the contending nature of contradiction, and has formed the cultural spirit with individuality as its focus. 西方民族偏向于矛盾的斗争性,演绎成为颇具个性的竞争文化精神。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Wherefrom daystart, bilateral contradiction had not been appeased. 从那一天开始,双方的矛盾就没有平息过。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Such an appeal may save us from the apparent contradiction of evil in a world created by an all-good God. 这种说法可以让我们避开这个显而易见的矛盾,即泛爱的主创造了世界的邪恶。 www.bing.com 4. Is a contradiction to say you know him but he's a stranger. 你说认识他,又说他是个陌生人,这是自相矛盾。 www.julian.com.cn 5. On the point of contradiction, both face it bravely and do not accused. 在有矛盾分歧处,敢于面对并不怕相互指责。 bbs.putclub.com 6. I, too, felt the compulsive hand of nature and began to find that pointing out contradiction could be costly as well as fun. 我也一样感觉到了强大的自然之手的力量,开始发现指出矛盾有可能代价昂贵,也可能是有趣的。 www.bing.com 7. "[T]hat's a contradiction that needs to be resolved going forward, " he said. 他说:“这种自相矛盾的言行需要在前进过程中得到解决。” www.america.gov 8. It is a contradiction to say you support the government but would not vote for it in an election. 这是一个矛盾说你支持政府,但不会为它在选举中投票。 blog.163.com 9. But I also believe that ecologically sustainable development need not be in contradiction to achieving our growth objectives. 但我也相信,照顾生态保护的可持续发展,未必会影响我们经济增长的目标。 www.ftchinese.com 10. When Germany and is only in the event of a conflict and contradiction, it is the first check, rather than Germany. 就是当德和才一旦发生冲突和矛盾的时候,首先取的是才,而不是德。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. This contradiction between two different hidden tragedy of the main line, which led to the tragedy of a different outcome. 这两部悲剧藏着不同的矛盾主线,从而引发了不同的悲剧结局。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Regulating state power and safeguarding civil rights is a pair of contradictory but integrative contradiction. 规范国家权力,保障公民权利,是对立统一的一对矛盾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. 如果你觉得你面临着矛盾,就审视你的前提。 www.bing.com 4. It is not that there is no contradiction in the real, there is no question of contradiction in the real! 这倒不是在真实界,没有矛盾存在,而是在真实界,根本就没有矛盾的问题。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. More often than not the reason behind this apparent contradiction is the lack of a clear connection between such training and results . 对这种显然的矛盾究其原因往往是因为培训与成效之间缺乏清晰的关联。 www.bing.com 6. The prosecutor in person is not in contradiction with its liability of the discovery of evidence. 检察官的当事人性与其证据开示责任并不矛盾; cnki.hljlib.cn 7. The method can be used for solving the contradiction between reducing machine gun "s mass and improving firing accuracy of machine gun. " 对于解决降低现代机枪质量与提高射击精度之间的矛盾具有一定的参考价值。 www.magsci.org 8. Zen was opposed to language in theory and had to use language in practice as well. So, the contradiction put Zen in a dilemma. 禅宗旗帜鲜明地反对言教,但在禅教活动中又不得不使用语言,因此陷入了教义与实践的矛盾。 lib.cqvip.com 9. In the two basic forms of practice and cognition , culture is a special form of movement resulted from the contradiction between the two. 文化是为实践与认识的内在矛盾所推动的特殊运动形式,表现为实践与认识两种基本活动形式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Culture change in technology or any other industry requires a force born of both irony and contradiction. 技术或其他任何行业中的区域性更改要求力讽刺和冲突的产物。 technet.microsoft.com 1. There is a contradiction between the wide dynamic range of IR source and the small of it for display in the thermal imaging system. 在热成像系统中,存在信号源动态范围大,而显示输出动态范围小的矛盾。 www.ilib.cn 2. Can, I think not. People, is a contradiction. If you give your left a way out, there is no way of forcing himself to go all the way. 可,我不以为然。人,是一个矛盾体。如果给自己留条后路,就没办法逼自己一直走下去了。 www.dota123.com 3. Previously, the contradiction is not obvious since the state would provide employment for the peasants whose land has been recruited. 早期由于征地后国家会给被征地农民安排就业工作,矛盾不明显。 blog.163.com 4. The contradiction lies in the caveats: Washington must not challenge European sensibilities or ask too much of its allies. 矛盾之处在于他们的告诫:美国政府决不许伤害欧洲的情感,或对盟国要求太多。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Negotiation or submitting it to the International Court is among the ideal solutions to eliminate the contradiction as early as possible. 通过协商谈判或提交国际法院裁判等渠道尽早划界是解决矛盾的理想办法。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Pardon me if I perceive a contradiction or two in this China policy. 对不起,在这里我感受到了我们对华政策中的一些矛盾之处。 www.bing.com 7. and evil and untruth may be said to consist in the contradiction subsisting between the function or notion and the existence of the object. 一般说来,不好与不真都是由于一个对象的规定或概念与其实际存在之间发生了矛盾。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. There is not a contradiction in it, because your past and your future, although far away, are connected with one another. 这并不矛盾,因为你的过去和你的将来,尽管相隔遥远,但却彼此相连。 www.zftrans.com 9. A final contradiction was noted when our last tourist stop just near the Turkish border, was a visit to a church. 最后一个矛盾是我们最后的旅游时的注意停止在靠近土耳其边境,是一个教堂访问。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Land subsidence is one of the focuses of contradiction between resources and environment in cities in the plain area of eastern China. 地面沉降是我国东部沿海平原地区城市化进程中,资源与环境如何由对立走向统一的焦点之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The beauty of the sadness in Bao's poems is from his contradiction of knowing and acting, the developing and retreating. 鲍照文中意象表现出来的悲美源于他知与行、进与退的矛盾。 www.edu-hb.com 2. The result shows that this system solves the contradiction between low bit-rat and high image quality better. 结果显示较好解决了低比特率和高图像质量的一对矛盾。 www.61ic.com 3. Ling Zhi is a natural herb, which has no contradiction with any Chinese or Western medicine. 灵芝是天然食品,与其它中西药无药性冲突。 redsunproducts.com 4. If I love you and there is attachment in it, that is a contradiction, therefore there is no love. 如果我“爱”你并且执著于它,那就会产生矛盾,这样就没有爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Represented by the fictitious language of works, ideology is put in contradiction with its dissident force and shows its illusion. 意识形态进入作品后处于一种异己力量的对抗中,在文学语言虚设的语境中暴露了自身的虚幻性。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Some people may say, air cushion sleeve surface material hardness and high, and has excellent flexibility appears to be a contradiction. 或者有人会说,气垫套筒暗不天量料硬度矮,又有极好的不塑性,仿佛是一差和解。 www.bing.com 7. It is one of the routes to improve the relevant legislation to solve the contradiction initiated by the urban house demolition. 解决因城市房屋拆迁而引发的矛盾,完善相关的立法是途径之一。 www.dictall.com 8. actually no contradiction between the real estate developers to see more micro-specific. 其实不矛盾,房地产开发商看的比较微观,具体。 www.robroad.com 9. Such a contradiction between species diversity and bamboo productivity put forward demands on bamboo forest management techniques. 5. 物种多样性与生产力之间存在的这种矛盾,对竹林经营技术提出了要求。 www.fabiao.net 10. At present, the scale and system of this kind of education has not been formed, and obvious contradiction exists in requirement. 目前我国高等职业教育的规模和体系尚未形成,与知识经济存在着明显的需求矛盾。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. At present, the scale and system of this kind of education has not been formed, and obvious contradiction exists in requirement. 目前我国高等职业教育的规模和体系尚未形成,与知识经济存在着明显的需求矛盾。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The basic reason of this socialization lies in the contradiction between the socialization of production and private personal holding form. 财产关系社会化的根本原因在于资本主义生产社会化与资本家私人占有形式之间的矛盾。 www.boshuo.net 3. The limited hardware resource is in contradiction with vast map data and complicated map data processing on an embedded GIS platform. 嵌入式GIS系统有限硬件资源与地图数据的海量性和复杂处理过程相矛盾,采用缓存显示技术是有效提高嵌入式GIS地图显示速度的主要途径之一; lib.cqvip.com 4. There is no contradiction between his earlier forgiveness of her and subsequent punishment. 早期对她的宽恕和后来对她的处罚之间并无矛盾。 www.2muslim.com 5. Regardless of your job or career, you are called to full-time Christian service. A "non-serving Christian" is a contradiction in terms. 不论你从事何种职业,你已被呼召作全时间的基督徒事奉,“不事奉的基督徒”这一个词本身就是矛盾的。 www.ebigear.com 6. The dark sorcerer Xin is contradiction with the feather evil large one-upper. 黑暗巫师辛则是跟羽神对立的邪恶大反派。 zhishi.sohu.com 7. Either aspect of a contradiction relies on the other, i. e. the existence of one aspect is the basis of the existence of the other. 任何一对矛盾的两个方面相互依存,一方以另一方的存在为前提、条件,双方共处一个统一体中。 www.lw23.com 8. At the heart of the dilemma for Asian governments is a basic contradiction . 亚洲各国政府两难困境的核心是一对基本矛盾。 www.bing.com 9. The contradiction between the city eventually led to the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War. 城邦之间的矛盾终于导致伯罗奔尼撒战争爆发。 www.showxiu.com 10. Economic globalization and the enlargement of trade protection is a pair of contradiction. 经济全球化与贸易保护扩大化是一对矛盾。 wenwen.soso.com 1. "Indonesia can be a model where Islamand democracy exist hand in hand, with no contradiction between the two, " he told CNN. 他告诉CNN记者:“印尼可以成为一个典范。在这里,伊斯兰教和民主制度和谐共存,两者没有矛盾。” www.bing.com 2. Biochemistry is a science of accuracy, and blundering about without caution could only entail contradiction and distortion to the truth. 生物化学是一门精确地科学,王家乱闯只会与真理相矛盾甚至扭曲真理。 www.bing.com 3. Your reply today is in direct contradiction to what you said last week. 你今天的答覆跟你上星期说的恰好相反.Cf参看indirect。 dict.qeto.com 4. It suggested that the contradiction between the farmland. preservation and expansion of construction land would be more acute. 耕地保护与建设用地扩张之间的矛盾将更加突出。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. S relationship had been uncertain, changing from contradiction and containment to relaxation and the establishment of diplomatic relations. 同一时期,中美关系跌宕起伏,由对抗、遏制转变为缓和,建交。 www.fabiao.net 6. Third, the rapid growth of the number of cases with the investigators behind the contradiction between the level of law enforcement. 三是案件数目的快速增长与侦查人员执法水平落后之间的矛盾。 www.gogobig.com 7. Second, planning consulting solves the contradiction of the time difference between the control planning plait and land transfer. 其次规划咨询解决了控规编制与土地出让时间差的矛盾,实现时间层面的整合。 www.mur.cn 8. The diplomatic sense of "seek same and keep difference will help to solve the contradiction and benefit the peace and stable of the world. " 由中国首创的“求同存异”的外交理念将更有助于世界各国间矛盾的解决,从而有利于世界的和平与稳定。 www.13191.com 9. A lone woman going on holiday to a honeymoon island like Matlock was a contradiction in terms. 一个孀居女子到马特洛克岛那样的蜜月胜地去度假,真是一件稀罕事。 tr.bab.la 10. This contradiction led to obstacle of explaining the kind of film. 这种矛盾形成了一些人对这种电影理解的障碍。 www.fabiao.net 1. As the political, economic and cultural development of rural areas is uneven, there is no the same form of contradiction and conflict. 由于农村地区政治、经济、文化发展不平衡,所形成的“两委”矛盾与冲突的表现形式也不一样。 www.fabiao.net 2. The Swedes are among the most charming peoples in Europe. And their charm comes from an apparent contradiction in the national character. 瑞典人是欧洲最可爱的民族之一,其魅力来自于这一民族性格中明显存在的矛盾性。 pdf.sznews.com 3. Your argument (in support of a contradiction) implies that the next toss will have a greater tendency to land on edge. 根据你(支持存在矛盾)的论证过程,下一次抛掷更有可能出现硬币立住的结果。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The scene is full of contradictions, and permeated with law of "the unity of opposites" for contradiction. 这个场景中充满了矛盾,矛盾的“对立统一”规律始终贯穿其中。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In this circumstance, the basic contradiction appears to be the contradiction between individual rights and consensus value. 在这种背景之下个人权利与共识价值的矛盾成为了现代法律的基本矛盾。 6. The system and democratic legislative right present a gaming relation of both contradiction and intrinsic reciprocity. 违宪审查制度与立法权尊奉民主两者呈现出既是悖论矛盾又是内在互益之制度博弈关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In other words, to speak of a society without these costs entails a contradiction in terms. 换言之,说一个社会没有这些费用是矛盾的说法。 gb.cri.cn 8. Wen Tianxiang had tacitly consented to this though he had been full of contradiction and agony in his mind. 对此,文天祥内心虽有矛盾和痛苦,但实际上已经予以默许。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Light industry and service line of business are the key that resolves contradiction of its obtain employment. 轻型工业和服务业是解决其就业矛盾的关键。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 10. Every form of society, every way of thinking has its particular contradiction and particular quality. 每一种社会形态和每一种思想形式,都有它的特殊的矛盾和特殊的性质。 www.jxenglish.com 1. Deviated poems after all have formed contradiction with the glory, making game of the authority with an identity of equality. 异端诗歌,毕竟与堂而皇之者们形成了煞有介事的分庭抗礼,从而以对等的身份羞辱地捉弄了权威者的地位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. And the fundamental contradiction between China's political structure (nominally communist) and its economic structure (largely capitalist)? 那如何看待中国政治结构(名义社会主义)和经济结构(广泛资本主义)之间的基本冲突? blog.163.com 3. They're looking for people who have other thoughts, because out of the contradiction, comes ideas that could not be born out of sameness. 他们在寻找那些有不同思想的人,因为出自矛盾而来的主意不会来自于雷同。 songtaowang.com 4. The contradiction it pre-set is actually happening in the course of paradox thinking, so it has the truth-values significance. 它预设了矛盾,它所预设的矛盾是在悖论思维过程中实际发生的,因而它有真值意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The conclusion of this paper is that Customs-to-business partnership is one of the solutions addressing current contradiction. 本文的结论是:解决目前海关所面临矛盾的途径是关企合作。 www.fabiao.net 6. the unity and contradiction between economic interests, raising money and the long societal interests and justice. 城市经营中的经济收益、筹资目标与全社会长期利益及社会公平的统一与矛盾。 www.mur.cn 7. In Syria, too, the government is trying to negotiate a non-negotiable contradiction. 叙利亚政府也在试图解决一个无法解决的矛盾。 www.america.gov 8. Harmonious society does not mean there is no contradiction or conflict of interests at all. 和谐社会不是一个没有矛盾、没有利益冲突的社会。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. "Construction of building of ground platoon type " with " the wall discharges a product " appeared the contradiction of give tit for tat. “地排式房屋结构”与“墙排产品”出现了针锋相对的矛盾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Such a great contradiction they were, and are. 它们曾是这样一个矛盾,现在还是。 www.bing.com 1. Text is the fundamental fabric of all XML entities, so to say that XML is not text is a contradiction. 文本还是所有XML实体的主要成分,因此说XML不是文本是自相矛盾的。 www.ibm.com 2. a shift from quantity to quality in educational demand, and a shift from single unitary contradiction to multi-contradictions. 教育需求从数量走向质量;供求矛盾从单一走向多重。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. It has caused mainly by the contradiction between the rising commercial housing price. 其产生原因主要归咎为商品房房价的持续走高与大众的购买力之间的矛盾。 www.lw208.com 4. The bad company benefit is the result of combination of many contradiction before. 工业企业效益差是当前许多矛盾的症结所在。 www.kekenet.com 5. But any new Asia-Pacific policy has to straddle the fundamental contradiction at the heart of regional politics. 然而,无论美国采取何种新亚太政策,都必须跨越位于地区政治核心的基本矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 6. With the form of purchaser- market, the contradiction between supply and demand is aggravating gradually. 随着买方市场的形成,供求与需求矛盾逐渐加剧。 www.jukuu.com 7. Home to a green-minded people and government, Norway exports the dirty stuff to the rest of the world. The result is a contradiction. 挪威汇集了拥有环保思想的精英人士与政府,它却向世界其它国家出口不干净的东西,最终导致了备受争议的结果。 www.ecocn.org 8. This family had the contradiction with the high level aristocrat also to have the union, had important influence. 它在鲁国政治中与高层贵族有矛盾也有联合。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth---Blaise Pascal, French philosopher and mathematician. 有矛盾不是谎言的标记,缺少矛盾也不是真理的符号---布莱士。帕斯卡,法国哲学家和数学家。 www.dutianya.cn 10. The mistake of these comrades lies in forgetting that the national contradiction is the primary one. 这些同志的错误,在于忘记了民族矛盾是基本矛盾这一点。 www.1stenglish.com 1. Marxs theory of socially basic contradiction takes the production of means of material subsistence as its starting point. 马克思的社会基本矛盾理论以物质生活资料的生产为出发点;而这二者又是内在统一的。 www.dictall.com 2. Tolerance helps to enlarge communication space, nourish interpersonal relationship and eliminate interpersonal tension and contradiction. 宽容有助于扩大交往空间,滋润人际关系,消除人际间的紧张和矛盾。 www.elanso.com 3. Such social environment increased the contention about boundary of piece of land and the contradiction between aboriginals and immigrants. 动荡的社会环境加剧了交界山区地界纷争、土客矛盾等问题。 www.jukuu.com 4. And I suppose it's a contradiction that I talk about science when I don't know math. 我想如果我谈论科学却不懂数学这也是一种矛盾。 www.ted.com 5. He was unwittingly caught up in the contradiction. 他无意中陷入了这场冲突 bbs.ebigear.com 6. But the inner contradiction and the actual encounter determined that the struggle of Pingshe would plunge into a new "samsara" again. 然而,自由主义理论的内在矛盾和现实遭遇决定了平社学人的努力又将陷入新的轮回之中。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Her pinions pussyfoot around the contradiction or pedantically try to harmonize the notion of radical and banal evil. 她的信徒小心翼翼地围绕这个矛盾或者学究式地试图协调极端和平庸的罪恶。 www.97renven.org 8. Chinese economy is faced with under consumption, invest and export rose post quick contradiction for a number of years. 多年来,中国经济一直面临着消费不足、投资和出口增长过快的矛盾。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. What perplexing self-contradiction it all seemed to me as I looked around! 当我环顾四周的时候,我觉得这一切是多么难以理解、自相矛盾啊! www.bing.com 10. Air to air heat exchange ventilator as an effective energy recovery device, is a very good solution to this contradiction. 空气-空气板式全热交换器作为能量回收的有效装置,很好的解决了这一矛盾。 www.boshuo.net 1. Thus the contradiction peculiar to a certain field of phenomena constitutes the object of study for a specific branch of science. 因此,对于某一现象的领域所特有的某一种矛盾的研究,就构成某一门科学的对象。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 2. He was a character with contradiction, possessed lofty medical morality, yet, with ridiculous pathological idea. 这位历史人物有着矛盾的特征,他既有着高尚的医学道德,又有着荒唐的病理观念。 www.med126.com 3. The courtesy and law are two respects of a contradiction, form a contradiction entity . 礼与法是一个矛盾的两个方面,构成了一个矛盾统一体。 www.lw23.com 4. With these things and they do not fly, and it into a deep contradiction in the wrong path, irritable mood, I do not know what to do. 而带着这些东西却飞不起来,它陷入一种深深的矛盾中不能自拔,心情烦躁,不知如何是好。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. And nobody seems to notice the contradiction. 似乎没有人注意到这种矛盾对比。 www.stnn.cc 6. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction. 否认拒绝承认某陈述或主张的真实性;反对。 www.godict.com 7. However, the thing with its inherent contradiction must go forward, then, it will tend towards infinite by self-negation. 然而事物由于其内在的矛盾必然要向前发展,这样它就势必会冲破自身的界限否定自身从而走向无限。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Deng: There is no fundamental contradiction between socialism and a market economy. 邓:社会主义和市场经济之间不存在根本矛盾。 bbs.edu.qq.com 9. Si Mi difficult problem: Mutual contradiction conflicts between the altruistic heart of morally and economically hoggish heart. 斯密难题:道德上的利他心与经济上的利己心之间相互矛盾冲突。 dict.kekenet.com 10. I think I can say without fear of contradiction, that this is of vital importance for all of us. 我认为我可以不怕辩驳地说,这件事对我们极为重要。 waiyuwu.blogcn.com 1. The crisis power theory is the social development basic power principle, does not contradict with the social basic contradiction. 危机动力论,与社会基本矛盾是社会发展根本动力原理并不相悖。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The unearthing of a new fossil in northeast China, described online today in Nature, could explain the apparent contradiction. 今天自然杂志网站刊登了在中国东北部新发现的一种新的化石,这种化石能够很好地解释这明显的矛盾。 www.bing.com 3. As along as the related deductions are not in contradiction with experiments, the inductive conclusion remains valid. 只要相关的演译推理不会和实验得到的结论相抵触,归纳出来的结论就依然有效。 blog.csdn.net 4. What's mere, bureaucratic tradespeople 's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence. 同时,官僚商人对劳动人民盘剥,激化了阶级矛盾,加剧了社会的动荡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. 用在对方身上,这意味着不顾明显事实硬说黑就是白的无耻习惯。 www.jukuu.com 6. a logical proof of a proposition by showing that its negation leads to a contradiction. 通过否定一个命题得出矛盾结果的逻辑证明。 www.dictall.com 7. I believe not believe that the so-called predestined fate, I, a contradiction of the Community, but now, finally some less the same. 相信命中注定又不相信所谓的命运,我,一个矛盾的共同体,如今,终于有些不太一样了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. contradiction It is a paradox that such a rich country should have so many poor people living in it. 如此富足的国家竟有如此多的穷人,这是个矛盾的现实。 cet.hjenglish.com 9. The essentiality of society analysis method is still contradiction analysis methods. 社会分析方法的实质仍然还是矛盾分析方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Self confidence does not exist to us, all is pretended, self-contradiction is the best reason. 自信对我们来说并不存在,一切都是装的,自相矛盾是最好的理由。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Between defense and right to defense, defense and counteraccusation, and denial and contradiction, all of them have obvious difference. 抗辩和抗辩权之间、辩和反诉及否认和反驳之间,都存在着明显的区别。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The contradiction reflected in aggregate for macro economy is in effect resulted from irrational national economy structure. 宏观经济反映在总量上的矛盾,实际上是由国民经济结构不合理所引起的。 www.dictall.com 3. In that case in the ground, which promised at first to supersede contradiction, a new contradiction seems to arise. 这样,本来想要超越矛盾的根据,好像又产生了一种新的矛盾。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Once some unavoidable contradiction come out, the war might become a way to solve every contradiction. 一旦不可避免的矛盾发生,战争就有可能成为了解决问题的一切手段… zyf9928.blog.163.com 5. The labor dispute can be either the confrontational contradiction or non-confrontational contradiction. 劳动争议既是劳动关系主体之间的一种对抗性矛盾,也是一种非对抗性矛盾。 lib.cqvip.com 6. To resolve the big contradiction, a new wireless transmission system is urgently needed to be developed. 为了解决这一矛盾,急需开发一种新型的无线图像传输系统。 www.fabiao.net 7. In the report the information must be true and objective, and no contradiction shall be evaded. 报告必须客观真实地反映情况,不回避矛盾。 en.pkulaw.cn 8. Construction Advisory eucalyptus afforestation intelligent information system may be a better solution to the above contradiction. 构建桉树造林智能信息咨询系统可以较好的解决以上矛盾。 www.fabiao.net 9. Economic dilemma and contradiction phenomena are often in the economies in transition, the turning point of history and social change. 经济两难困境与悖反现象常常出现在经济转型期、历史转折期和社会变动期。 www.texclo.net 10. THERE IS, however, a contradiction at the heart of China's efforts to project power at sea in the Asian Mediterranean and beyond. 可中国在这亚洲地中海及其以外海域拓展势力的行动却有些自相矛盾。 www.bing.com 1. Asked whether he saw any contradiction in a senior lawmaker instigating such extreme violence, Mr Kamal appeared astonished. 在被问及当年长的立法者鼓动此类极端暴力之时是否有反对声音时,卡迈勒有些惊讶。 www.ecocn.org 2. All this while however, this has been an irresolvable contradiction. 但是这一直是无法解决的矛盾。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This treatise must, at the outset, contend with a seeming and severe contradiction: How can fraud be innocent? 本文集必须在一开始就处理一个似乎非常严重的矛盾:欺诈行为如何能称为清白的? bbs.netat.net 4. Such a love culminates only in the ultimate contradiction of death. 在与死亡的最终对立中,这种爱才能找到归宿。 www.bing.com 5. depends on communicating an idea, resolve contradiction, promotional solidarity. 谈心的目的在于沟通思想,解决矛盾,增进团结。 dict.kekenet.com 6. It sounds like a contradiction: How can someone produce consistent results from an event that has an uncertain probabilistic outcome? 这听起来很矛盾:一个人如何从不确定的概率里面得到持续一致的结果? blog.sina.com.cn 7. In contradiction to suggestion theory, this novel attitude required that the causes (should ) be brought to consciousness. 跟暗示理论相反,这种新颖的态度要求:病因应该让人知道。 springhero.wordpress.com 8. Thirty years ago we would have said that Leninist capitalism was a contradiction in terms, like fried snowballs. 30年前,我们会说,列宁资本主义是一个自相矛盾的概念,就像如油炸冰淇淋。 www.bing.com 9. Marx had solved this contradiction even in his manuscript for his "CRITIQUE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. " 马克思在《政治经济学批判》手稿中,已经解决了这个矛盾。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. Again small firms also exist in their own special contradiction, only to see everyone how to balance the relationship between owners. 再小的企业也存在着自己特有的矛盾,只不过看企业主如何平衡大家的关系。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The slope farmland as an important farmland type in the hilly and mountainous area is the contradiction outcome of population and resource. 坡耕地是丘陵山区群众赖以生存发展的生产用地,是在落后的生产条件下人口与资源矛盾冲突中出现的产物。 www.sswcc.org 2. Such an undertaking appears to stand in contradiction with the graces of lowliness and humility. 这种求索,似乎同谦虚和谦虚的美德正相违反。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He discussed the contradiction of "the reason existing in desire" through the conception of "selfish" and "covering" . 戴震还运用“私”与“蔽”这一对范畴论述了理欲的矛盾性。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Don't assume, however, that I take pleasure in it: opposite the essential contradiction, I maintain my human contradiction. 然而,不要认为,我以之为乐:相对于本质矛盾的对立,我坚持人的对立矛盾。 www.bing.com 5. The extant world order's control - - West, treats China's rising by the contradiction point of view, both must hold and wants to repel. 现存世界秩序的主宰者——西方,以矛盾的心态对待中国的崛起,既要容纳又想排斥。 www.fw789.com 6. We can say without fear of contradiction that this was their greatest achievement. 我们可以不怕反驳地说,这是他们最伟大的成就。 www.nciku.com 7. Chinese dialectical thinking contains three principles: the change, contradiction and neutralization theory. 中国人的辩证思维包含着三个原理:变化论、矛盾论及中和论。 www.ok06.com 8. China's big population base , the contradiction of the supply of labor force exceeding the demand will exist for a very long time to come. 由于中国人口基数大,劳动力供大于求的矛盾将在一个很长时期内存在。 www.jukuu.com 9. The least-bad way to deal with this contradiction is to restructure the debt of plainly insolvent countries now. 当下这些国家立即重组债务乃解决这一矛盾的最好方式。 www.ecocn.org 10. It's a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs. 又爱护动物又穿毛皮服装,是自相矛盾的。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Firstly, the contradiction between human affirmation and human desire causes the deterioration of environment and interpersonal relation. 第一,人的肯定与人的食色之性的矛盾,带来自然环境和人与人之间关系的恶化; www.ceps.com.tw 2. As change is unavoidable, flexiblization is the only way of solving this contradiction. 在变化不可阻止的情形下,柔性化几乎是解决这一矛盾的唯一选项。 www.juhe8.com 3. Refrain Erode Withdraw Refined Conform to Artificial Contradiction Appropriation Masculine Adolescent Subordinate sth. to sth. 克制,抑制侵蚀,腐蚀撤回,离开有教养的,文雅的遵守,符合人造的矛盾,对立挪用男子气得青少年将某事至于次要地位 wenku.baidu.com 4. Microgrid is put forward to coordinate contradiction between the large power grid and distributed generation. 微电网是为协调大电网与分布式电源间的矛盾而提出的。 www.qk114.net 5. The contradiction can be solved by establishing a farmland transfer mechanism and expanding management of scale. 要解决这一矛盾必须建立土地流转机制,扩大经营规模。 www.dictall.com 6. To him, the analysis of the internal principal contradiction is consistent with setting of the party's major task. 在他那里,对国内主要矛盾的分析与党和国家主要任务的确立是一致的。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Fat that keeps you lean sounds like a contradiction in terms, but that's what brown fat does. 脂肪可以让你瘦身——听起来象是个矛盾说法,但这就是棕色脂肪所起的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Chinese management thought the spirit of the people and the lack of personal status characteristics of the formation of a contradiction. 中国管理思想的人本主义精神与个人地位的缺乏形成了一个矛盾特征。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Interest has become one of the motivating factors that promote the movement of social contradiction. 利益成为推动社会基本矛盾运动的内在动因。 www.13191.com 10. The contradiction between the disaster rescue troop medical support demand and the actual support efficiency is prominent. 灾害救援部队卫勤保障需求与实际保障效能之间的矛盾突出。 www.lw23.com 1. Axiomatic design has advantage in systematically generating conceptual design, while TRIZ has advantage in solving design contradiction. 公理设计在系统性地生成概念初始方案方面有优势,TRIZ在解决设计中出现的冲突方面有优势。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The greatest contradiction in Father Neuhaus was not indeed between left and right, or Protestant and Catholic. 纽豪斯神父的最大矛盾实际上不在于左派和右派或新教和天主教。 www.ecocn.org 3. But realistic and real-time rendering of the shadow is a contradiction problem, and it is an important puzzle must be solved. 但是阴影的真实性与实时性绘制本身就是一个矛盾的不足,也是计算机图形学中要解决的一个重要难题。 www.zidir.com 4. Since "free" refers to freedom, not to price, there is no contradiction between selling copies and free software. 由于“自由的”涉及自由,未涉及价格,卖拷贝和自由软件之间没有矛盾。 www.gnu.org 5. The mass incident, from the essence, is the objective reflection of the social contradiction, an inevitable and normal social phenomenon. 群体性事件从本质上来说,是社会存在矛盾的客观反映,是一种不可避免的正常的社会现象。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 6. For our hospital, it's not very mobile. But I felt this apparent contradiction to the very big crisis. 对于我们院来说,这方面的流动不是很大,但是我明显能够感觉到这方面潜藏着非常大的危机。 english.lagoo.com.cn 7. The contradiction can be resolved by the establishment of coal pillar at working face and stage coal pillar. 为了解决这一矛盾,可通过留设面内煤柱和区段间煤柱的方法给予解决。 www.dictall.com 8. Cooperation and competition run through the contradiction of the whole human social-economic activity. 合作与竞争,这对矛盾的主题始终贯穿于人类的社会经济活动。 www.fabiao.net 9. As members in such a period, internal differentiation and contradiction filled the hearts of 1970s. 作为过渡中的一代,70年代人的内部产生分化,并充满矛盾。 www.fabiao.net 10. The spider man had this contradiction. But finally he still chose the latter, not in order to be a hero, but to make this word peaceful. 蜘蛛侠经历着这一矛盾,但最后,蜘蛛侠仍然选择了后者,不是为了成为英雄,而是为了使世界和平。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Urban and rural dualistic structure is a basic feature of China's socialism economy as well as a main source of social contradiction. 城乡二元结构是当代中国社会经济的一个基本特点,也是当前社会矛盾的重要根源。 lib.cqvip.com 2. In the modern period much exegesis in critical tradition, the co-existence of indicative and imperative is antimony or contradiction. 在现代圣经批判传统里,「已然」与「应然」的关系被视为矛盾。 goottv08.blog.163.com 3. A proposition that is false under all circumstances is referred to as a contradiction. 若一个命题在所有的情况下都是假的,那么它就称为矛盾。 hi.baidu.com 4. The author clarifies his view that the principal contradiction impacting farmers' incomes lies in the low labor productivity in agriculture. 本文阐明,影响农民收入的主要矛盾是农业领域的劳动生产力过低。 5. It also reflected the contradiction and imbalance of local government in its transition from traditional to modern society. 亦反映了从传统社会向现代社会过渡中地方政府自身存在的矛盾性与不平衡性。 journal.bit.edu.cn 6. These implications are in direct contradiction to the theory of rational expectations and the efficient market hypothesis. 这些影响是理性预期理论和有效率的市场假说。 www.cn56tong.com 7. The contradiction s mitigating must be both institutional building and blazing new trails of theories. 缓解医患矛盾既靠制度建设,更须理论创新。 www.chemyq.com 8. The contradiction between two conflicting forces viewed as the determining factor in their continuing interaction. 在继续的相互作用中被视为在决定因素的两个冲突力量之间的矛盾。 dict.veduchina.com 9. Agile development appears to be very much a contradiction from the conventional approach. 敏捷开发似乎与传统的方法截然相反。 www.ibm.com 10. Shakespeare's tragedy is the main contradiction between the ideal and the reality and ideals shattered. 莎士比亚的悲剧主要是理想与现实的矛盾和理想的破灭。 jiaoyu.naapu.com 1. the problem remains , however , of bringing together the two faces of the dharma without sidling into self - contradiction. 然而,怎样协调佛法的这两面同时避免自我矛盾,仍是个问题。 www.ichacha.net 2. That is, to live in complete harmony in which there is no opposition or contradiction between them. 也就是说,要生活在完全的和谐之中,相互之间没有抵牾、没有对抗。 www.reeds.com.cn 3. It is at this time, he understood between himself and his subordinates has been difficult to resolve the contradiction. 也正是这个时候他明白了自己和部下之间一直难以化解的矛盾。 www.bing.com 4. There is nothing that does not contain contradiction. 没有任何事物里面不包含矛盾。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. partisan warfare always successful , as history testifies acts in direct contradiction of this rule. 游击战争历史证明游击战争常常是胜利的恰好完全违背这个法则。 www.ichacha.net 6. It calls for an ethical transformation to surpass the intrinsic contradiction of dominating nature. 超越控制自然的内在悖论,必须实行对于控制自然的伦理转换。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Fairness and efficiency have consistency to be put in contradiction again already, want to do concrete analysis. 公平与效率既有一致性又存在矛盾,要做具体分析。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 8. This seeming contradiction arises from overdependence on federally supported structural solutions to flood problems. 这看似矛盾的事实源于对联邦政府支持的解决洪水的结构解决方案的过分依赖。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Russia is not even close to becoming the primary contradiction the west faces. 俄罗斯远不是西方面临的主要矛盾。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Due to the contradiction proposition, deviation in judging and confirming causation in tort law is unavoidable. 这个悖论命题必然导致在侵权法上因果关系的判定过程中出现偏差。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 1. With the deepening reformation of rural economy, the contradiction between the supply and demand on rural finance services is more serious. 随着农村经济改革的深化,农村金融服务的供求矛盾更加突出。 www.fabiao.net 2. Your saying today is in contradiction with what you said yesterday. 你今天讲的话与昨天说的自相矛盾。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 3. One basic issue for digital libraries is the solution of contradiction between sharply increased digital resources and information storage. 解决急剧膨胀的数字资源与信息存储的矛盾,是数字图书馆面临的一个基本问题。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 4. Moreover, in the thoughts of pre-Hegel philosophers, essence exists subjectively and there is no contradiction. 此外,在黑格尔以前的传统哲学思维方式中,本质被看作僵化的,其中不包含矛盾,没有发展和变化。 www.edu-hb.com 5. This means that it will become a period with most pre-eminent contradiction between environment and development. 也就是说,成为我国环境与发展矛盾最为突出的时期。 www.kouyi.org 6. The contradiction between ideal and reality must be dealt with in a rational way. 要用理性的态度来看待理想与现实的矛盾 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The contradiction could be resolved by recognizing that economic theory cannot meet the standards of Newtonian physics. 要解决这一矛盾,就需要认识到:经济学无法达到牛顿物理学的标准。 kk.dongxi.net 8. But those adjustments were often ad hoc explanations that did little more than paste over the contradiction. 但是,这些判断通常是一些特别的解释,这种解释并不比一浆糊子矛盾好到哪里去。 nankaizzj.blog.163.com 9. Life and death are a pair of ever lasting contradiction. And they are the question for everyone to face to, especially for artist. 生命和死亡是一对永恒的矛盾,是每个人都会面对的问题,艺术家尤其敏感。 www.fabiao.net 10. Binary opposition, identical with contradiction, opposition and diversity, is the starting point and base of Poetics of Binary Opposition. 两歧作为对矛盾性、对立性、多样性的指认是《两歧的诗学》立论的起点和依据。 www.ceps.com.tw |
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