单词 | cheap(1) |
释义 | cheap(1)例句释义: 全部 1. For some years the child does not dirty the leather can be used (1), (2) two types of cleaning materials, cheap and easy to get. 一些年来的宝宝不脏的皮革可以用来(1),(2)两个清洁材料,廉价和容易类型。 www.qiyeku.com 2. I suppose if we were to move to a cheap Asian country, $10, 000 a year is enough to live with like a king. 我设想如果我们能够搬到便宜的亚洲住,1万美元就能生活的像个国王。 www.bing.com 3. The price may have gone up to between $1. 6m and $2m, depending on options, but it is still a cheap route into the jet set. 根据不同的选择配置,Eclipse的价格可能升至160万美元至200万美元。但它仍是喷气机系列中的廉价路线。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Get a cheap pedometer and a pair of comfortable walking shoes and walk 10, 000 steps per day. 买只便宜的计步器,一双舒适跑鞋,每天走上1万步。 dongxi.net 5. And regardless of their dreams of gentrification, African cities need to make room in their centres for cheap housing for the poor. 不考虑绅士化[1]的梦想,非洲城市还需要在城中心留出为穷人提供廉价房屋的空间。 www.ecocn.org 6. Philips has produced a cheap cooking stove, the Chulha, that cuts out the soot that kills 1. 6m people a year worldwide. 飞利浦已经生产了一种廉价炉灶,Chulha消除了煤烟—每年世界大约有一千六百万人死于煤烟。 www.ecocn.org 7. This workforce is still cheap, costing $0. 81 an hour, by the authors' estimates, or just 2. 7% of the cost of their American counterparts. 这些工人依旧廉价,每小时工筹按照美元计算仅8角1分,或者说仅占他们美国同行工资的2. www.bing.com 8. Yes, unbelievably cheap. Carlsberg is like 6 kuai, which is just a bit over $1. 是的,简直难以置信。嘉士博才六块,于一加元多一点儿。 www.ttxyy.com 9. Which means (a) junk food can be very cheap, and (b) it's worth spending a lot to market it. 新鲜蔬菜则不能。所以(1)垃圾食品很便宜(2)可以花大把钱营销。 www.bing.com 10. During the 1990s, when oil was cheap and biofuels unheard of, demand grew by 1. 2% a year, according to Goldman Sachs. 在20世纪90年代,高曼企业表明当时石油价格走低时生物燃料基本就没听说过,每年的需求只是增加1. www.ecocn.org 1. Yet they are cheap, costing around 74 cents per watt of generating capacity, compared to well over a dollar for the cheapest silicon panel. 但是“薄膜”光伏电池价格低廉,每发一瓦特电只需74美分左右,而使用硅太阳能电池板的,最便宜也要1美元。 www.ecocn.org 2. The policy didn't come cheap, as governments world-wide poured around $1 trillion into the system. 实施这项政策付出了不小的代价,全球各国政府共向金融系统注入了约1万亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Very Cheap Gift Exchange: For this gift exchange, you set a price limit to keep the gifts very low. It could be $5 or even just $1. 非常便宜的礼物交换:这样的礼物交换是你要为礼物设定一个价格上限使得礼物非常便宜,可以是5美元或甚至仅仅1美元。 www.suiniyi.com 4. 1The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. 1一个声名狼藉的小气鬼终于决定要请一次客了。 chinaorb.com 5. Yes, unbelievably cheap. Carlsberg is less than $1. 是的,难以置信地便宜。嘉士伯少于1美元。 www.hxen.com 6. Historically low interest rates mean extraordinarily cheap mortgages: some buyers can get teaser rates of below 1%. 史上最低利率意味着超廉价的房屋贷款:有些买者可以享受1%以下的初始固定利率。 www.ecocn.org 7. "Dream frost . . . . . . " is eventually speechless larynx Be cheap to shriek 1. “梦霜……”终于是哑着嗓子低低呼唤了一声。 www.zlqh.com 8. Although local oil and gas companies invest an average of $1. 6m per well, leasing BLM land for exploration and drilling rights is cheap. 尽管当地的石油和天然气公司在每口井的投资平均达到160万美元,为了进行勘测和开采权租借BLM的土地还是很便宜的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Meaning, Norton Antivirus really isn't as cheap as $25, if you plan on using it for more than 1 year. 这意味着,NortonAntivirus其实并不是只有25美金而已,假如您打算在超过一年的时间里持续使用它的话。 www.bing.com 10. Thus, despite Japan's cheap valuations (at 1. 3 times book, it's Asia's least expensive market), many global investors are steering clear. 因此,尽管日本的股票估值便宜(市净率是1.3倍,是亚洲最便宜的股市),但全球很多投资者还是对其敬而远之。 c.wsj.com 1. They're nice and cheap too -- the smallest one is only $1. 99, and there are two larger sizes for $2. 99 and $4. 99 in a variety of colors. 苹果核不但好用还很便宜--最小的只要1.99美金,另外两款大号的价格为2.99和4.99美金,有多重可选颜色。 bbs.weiphone.com 2. This dollar can buy kids a high that's cheap, available, and lethal to purchase. 这1美元可以让孩子们廉价地、随处可得地,但非常致命地“爽”一把。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Nearly 90% of the 7. 1% growth came from government investments and guaranteed cheap loans. 中国7.1%的经济增长中,近90%主要来自于政府投资以及有担保的低息贷款。 www.bing.com 4. Although the N extra selects were cut to 1, this is only good when re-running the query on pojoA is cheap. 尽管N次额外的select减少到1次,但这只在重复运行pojoA的查询开销很低时才有好处。 www.infoq.com 5. The price tag is relatively cheap: a mere $1 billion. 这一项目价格相对低廉:仅为10亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 6. One dollar buys 15 minutes of computer time. This talk isn't cheap. 1美元买15分钟的电脑时间。这个聊天不便宜。 www.hxen.com 7. Sweet and comforting in the cold weather, and cheap, only RMB 1. 在寒冷的天气里,它给人一种甜蜜和舒适感,而且价格低廉,(每个)仅需人民币1元。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In scatter 1 very cheap unclearly mow several silks don't bear of voice: "Come in. " 里面传出一声低低的隐隐夹着几丝不耐的声音:“进来。” wester.com.cn 9. The industry employs around 1. 7m people. Makers of footwear, furniture and more also gain from supplies of cheap labour. 鞋、家具和更多行业制造者们都从廉价劳动力的供应中获益。 www.ecocn.org 10. Patience is the essence of 1, you will earn you earn, cheap, you want to face you don't wanna face, literally. 忍耐的实质就是,你要赚便宜你就赚,你想不要脸你就不要脸,随便。 www.3us.com 1. The holiday only cost about S$1, 000 dollars each, so it was very cheap. 这个假期每人仅花费了1,000美元,所以旅行还是较便宜的。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Brownsits in a cheap diner on West 14th Street in Manhattan, stirring her $1. 35coffee. 布朗坐在曼哈顿西14街一家便宜的小餐馆里,搅拌着花了一块三毛五美金买的咖啡。 www.bing.com 3. With Goldman's shares trading at about 1. 2 times their book value based on Monday's closing price, some investors see the stock as cheap. 高盛股价在周二收盘时约为其净值的1.2倍,部分投资者认为股价低廉。 cn.reuters.com 4. Just because a stock traded for $100 six months ago doesn't mean it's cheap at $50, or $20, or even $1. 50 today. 仅仅因为一只股票半年前市价为100美元,并不意味着今天它卖50美元、20美元甚至1.50美元就算便宜。 c.wsj.com 5. These tree seeds are not only useful for the environment, but also the price of them is very cheap. 翻译1。这些树苗不仅对环境有好处,而且价钱还很便宜。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Traffic was boosted in America, the home of fast food, with discounts and promotions, such as $1 menus and cheap combination meals. 随着例如各种1美元的饭菜与便宜的套餐组合等各种打折与促销活动的展开,美国这个“快餐之乡”的营业量急剧飙升。 www.ecocn.org 7. Late last year, soon after the yen rose to Y85, the central bank offered cheap, three-month loans to commercial banks. 去年年底,在日元汇率升至1美元兑85日元后不久,日本央行即向商业银行提供3个月期的低息贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Engineers envisioned fast, cheap, and out-of-control robots ideal for: (1) Planet exploration; 工程师们预见,遵循此道的机器人将适用于以下领域:(1)探索星球; dongxi.net 9. During this time the experiment has the following advantages: (1) coincided with harvest season, the grapes are cheap and varied; 在此期间,实验具有以下优点:(1)正值收获季节,葡萄很便宜,各不相同; www.qiyeku.com 10. What kind of people should I hire: young, old, unproven, proven, cheap, expensive, local, remote? (add 1 point) 我该雇佣什么样的人:年轻的,年长的,没经验的,有经验的,工资低的,工资高的,本地的,外地的?(加1分) www.bing.com |
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