单词 | close-up |
释义 |
复数:close-ups n. detail,zoom,camera shot,shot,photo 例句释义: 特写,特写镜头,近摄,近距离魔术 1. You can zoom in to see parts of your document close-up, or zoom out to see more of the document. 您可以放大文档的一部分以查看其特写,或缩小以查看更多的文档内容。 office.microsoft.com 2. There may not even be a bombing, just a close-up on Nashef's soft eyes, and a white screen. Not even a 'boom. 甚至没有爆炸,只有伴随着Nashef双目缓缓地合上了,然后是满眼雪白的荧屏,甚至,没有一声“砰”。 movie.douban.com 3. In an outfit that would make Cruella De Vil1 jealous, the 45-year-old actress waits for her close-up in New York on the set of Ugly Betty. 这位45岁的女演员在纽约《丑女贝蒂》的拍摄现场等待拍摄自己的特写镜头时穿的这套衣服足以鲁拉·德维尔嫉妒。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. If you could push Africa and south America together, they would meet at the Mid - Atlantic Ridge and close up the ocean between them. 如果你能把非洲和南美洲放在一起,他们一定会在中大西洋海岭处吻合,并封死它们之间的海域。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This close-up of a colony of white-spotted ascidians (Pycnoclavella diminuta) in Indonesian waters resembles aliens ready to feed. 这个特写镜头的一个群体的白斑海鞘在印度尼西亚水域像外来人准备饲料。 xiuxianqu.com 6. The constant theme of the series was a drawing of a human face in close up and each one with an oxygen tube in the right nostril. 这组创作主题单一的画面,是正面直视你的人脸的特写,每个人经右耳到右鼻孔边连接着一根氧气管。 art.china.cn 7. A close up of the raw scan data. Its not great but easily cleaned up given a bit of time. 近距离拍摄的原始扫描数据。虽然并不是很棒,但是如果花费一点时间的话,可以完全清除。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And I can't -- it's a very elaborate and beautiful dance but I'm just going to give you a close-up on one piece of it. 我不能--这真的是很精密的和美妙的聚会不过我这是就其中的一点为大家仔细描述。 www.ted.com 9. In tests, deep scratches made with a razor blade took less than a minute to close up, the journal Nature reports. 《自然》杂志报道,在测试中,剃须刀片造成的刮痕在不到一分钟只能就修复了。 www.bing.com 10. Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands. 奇特的海生物图片画廊。它是很难辨别那一个目标是向上的在这个特写镜头的有胡须的蚰鱼在斐济群岛。 www.danganj.net 1. The boss liked the cute of him and said, "You can start tomorrow and I'll come and see you when we close up. " 老板喜欢他的机灵:“你明天可以来上班了。等下班的时候,我会来看一下。” edu.sina.com.cn 2. From a distance it was like tearing a cloth; nearer, it sounded like rain on a tin roof and close up it was just a long crash after crash. 从远处看就像在撕裂一块布;走近些,又像雨落在锡屋顶上;非常靠近它时,却只是一波撞击声接着一波。 dongxi.net 3. A close-up shot of the actress reveals wrinkles round her eyes and a sign of fatigue. 特写镜头露出了女演员眼角的皱纹,她略显疲惫。 method.nudeactressworld.com 4. The marching men had to close up to let the on- coming conveyor past . 行军的人们不得不靠紧些以便让前来的运输队过去。 www.bing.com 5. Silhouette of a glass frog on a leaf, close-up in Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica. 一个关于青蛙玻璃叶片剪影,近距离蒙特沃德云雾森林,哥斯达黎加注册。 www.360doc.com 6. I used a photographer's lupe (magnifying device used to view slides) to see what was going on close up. 我用了一个摄影师的放大镜(放大设备用于查看幻灯片),看看有什么是在结束了此案。 word.hcbus.com 7. Before I proceed to send the money, I would like you to send a close up picture of the bar code of the products please. 在我开始寄钱,我想请你派遣一个接近照片的大律师的专业守则的产品,请。因此,我可以检查,看看是否真确。 08translation.cn 8. The teacher told the children to close up to each other near the camp fire and then began his story. 老师叫孩子们在营火旁互相靠拢些,接着就开始讲起故事来。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I've got a tripod of course, and a couple of extra lenses, but I'd really like one more for close-up shots. 我当然买了三角架和几个特殊镜头,但还想要一个特写镜头。 cn.bab.la 10. They have the power to close up the sky so that no rain can fall during the time of their prophesying. 他们具有关闭上天的权柄,以致在他们尽先知任务的时日内,不叫雨下降; www.ccccn.org 1. Walk on our koala boardwalks. ane ger ready to meet our koalas close up. 走在木板路上。准备好随时和考拉近距离相遇。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Yes, the methods of turning a hunk of plastic into a shiny thing is getting better, so these piece-o-craps look better than ever close up. 是的,方法却大块塑料变成闪亮的事情是越来越好,所以这些作品邻掷骰子期待比以往任何时候都更密切了。 www.erji.net 3. She might close up intendly also, try to talk--mostly pull neck nod head to ask stroke. 她也会主动凑近,试图交流--大多是俯头伸脖儿让人抚摸的意思。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Why not take that close up look at my profile and if my smile beams your interest, smooch me a message. 为什么不仔细看看我的模样,如果我的微笑打动了你,给我一条短信。 www.lifeindl.com 5. But close up to that magical face, the lovely violet eyes, he lost his anger and became helpless again. 但是靠近了那张迷人的脸、可爱的紫罗兰色眼睛,他又失去了怒气,变得无助。 oooliver.spaces.live.com 6. The top image shows a wide-area view, and the bottom image shows a close-up view of the oil slick (outlined in white in the top image). 上方的图片显示了此地区大范围的图像,下方的图片显示了放大后的海面浮油(上图中白色框框出的部分)。 www.bing.com 7. Part of it might be that I did get to work so closely with these people, and see close up how they handle things. 有一局部的缘由可能是由于我确实和这些人们很亲密地一同工作,看到他们是如何对付一切的。 www.ke55.com 8. This hole will close up in the night, and you'll be in it to keep Howard company. 今天晚上,雪崩会埋上这个坑,你就可以和霍华德作伴了。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Our eyes have the capacity to magnify to perceive close up or pan back to see the distance at will, much like your cameras in human form. 我们的眼睛能任意放大或缩小,来观察就近或远处的事物,就像你们人类的照相机。 tisheng.org 10. None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it. 我们谁都不带钥匙;晚上最后一个回家的人把门关上,这就行了。 www.ebigear.com 1. Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin. His hair was styled into a small Afro. 离得近了,她看清楚了他清秀的面孔,他的下巴上有个小小的沟纹,头发梳成非洲黑人那样的卷发。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The 12-frame long close up of the roaring wampa in that same scene is just a puppet, shot against a nondescript sky. 在同一个场景里,那个12帧的咆哮万帕特写镜头仅仅是在无明显特征的天空下拍摄的木偶。 www.starwarschina.com 3. The instruments aboard Rosetta recorded the first close-up image of the biggest asteroid so far visited by a spacecraft. Rosetta上的设备记录了探测器访问目前为止所发现的最大小行星的第一次相会图像。 www.bing.com 4. Trust love even if it brings sorrow. Do not close up your heart. 即使爱只给你带来了哀愁,也信任它。不要把你的心关起。 aisyi.blog.enorth.com.cn 5. A German man and woman, their faces in close-up, talked about the good and essential symbiotic nature of termite mounds, with subtitles. 一个德国男人和女人的脸部特写镜头,他们在谈论白蚁堆美好而必要的共栖性特质,带字幕。 www.bing.com 6. TRUST love even if it brings sorrow. Do not close up you heart. 相信爱吧,不要把你的心关起! www.xici.net 7. Rather than lose money, it would be better to close up the business. 与其赔钱,不如停业。 lhgxph80.blogchina.com 8. Indoors, most things you look at are fairly close to you, and your eyes work harder to focus close up. 在室内的时候,你看得最多的东西都是近物,眼睛要非常努力地聚焦。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Like Close-Up and A Moment of Innocence, The Apple crossbreeds documentary and fiction. 同《特写》、《无知时刻》一样,《苹果》混合了纪实和小说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Then they place the body in an oil vessel of iron, and cover that close up with another oil vessel of iron. 他们把身体放在钢的油瓶之中,覆盖了另一个钢的油罐。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And I'm quite upset with my elbows. If you took a close-up photo of them, you'd think, Wow, very old person. 肘部也使我我非常烦恼,如果近距离拍下它们的照片,你会想,哇喔,是很老的一个人呀! m.yeeyan.org 2. With Jenny distracted by her work, I had a free close-up view of the kind I'd rarely had. So I stared. 当jenny在忙手头的工作时,我有近距离免费观看这个难得看到的东西。所以我盯着它使劲看。 www.bing.com 3. It also will close up to six of its 57 factories around the world. 它还会关闭57个分布在世界各地的工厂。 www.ecocn.org 4. Although you may be in a hurry, close up your books properly. If you damage the cover or pages, repair the book right away. 就是有急事,也要把书整理好,书有破损的地方,要应时修补好。 bbs.guoxue.com 5. Few have witnessed events so close up, and with so intimate a knowledge of the gap between (Iraqi) reality and (American) expectation. 几乎没有人如此靠近的见证这些事件和如此紧密的了解(伊拉克)现实和(美国)期望之间的鸿沟。 www.ecocn.org 6. I have my camera with me at all times and I take close-up pictures of nature and textures and transform them into fabric. 我总是随身带着相机,爱拍大自然以及各种各样纹理的特写照,最后把它们融进我设计的面料中。 www.ftchinese.com 7. And ConocoPhillips (COP, news, msgs) is going to simply close up shop , liquidate its assets and distribute them to shareholders . 而康非石油公司只消把门那么一关,把资产都变了现,然后把钱分到股东手中。 www.bing.com 8. To exit this close-up scene, move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, past the bottom edge. 要退出此特写场面,移动光标到屏幕底部过去的底部边缘。 zjx3112745.blog.163.com 9. "You should have gone in, " he said. "You should have photographed close up what really happened" . 他说:“你应该去,你应该走到跟前拍下究竟发生了什么事。” www.bing.com 10. Parallax effects are best viewed close up, but surfaces viewed at shallow angles tend to be relatively far away from the eye point . 当近看的时候视差效果非常好,但是低视角的时候会感觉表面会远离观察点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The close-up above looks like nothing less than the scaly hide of a terrifying dragon. Check out those spikes! 上面这张特写看起来像不像是一条巨龙的鳞甲?看看那吓人的尖刺! blog.sina.com.cn 2. It was so rare that Hubble was switched from its observing routine to get a close-up of it on January 29. 哈勃望远镜切换其常规观测,在1月29日拍到一幅特写镜头,这极为罕见。 www.bing.com 3. "Lula, Son of Brazil" is the tale of a poor boy made good, his flaws left on the cutting table and his virtues in close-up. 电影《鲁拉,巴西之子》讲述一个贫户子弟奋发向上的故事,他的缺陷在剪辑台上被删除,而优点长处则被特写镜头放大。 www.ecocn.org 4. Also the jaw frame will close up slightly with use and this means that the jaw must always be manufactured with a larger open jaw size. 颚框架也将会关在些微地上面以使用和这意谓颚一定总是与比较大的开着颚大小一起制造。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Patterns in Nature: Butterflies A close-up of the wing of an unidentified butterfly found near Tully, Australia, evokes a rich tapestry. 蝴蝶在自然界的模式。一种靠近的翼而没有辨认出来的蝴蝶发现靠近Tully,澳大利亚,引起注目的像锦绣挂毯。 bbs.a0598.com 6. After birth for a moment, can not adapt to external light stimulation at the sight of light, his eyes would close up. 出生后一时还不能适应外界的强光刺激,所以一见到亮光,两只眼睛便会闭起来。 www.citynoon.com 7. Millie runs a fashion design house that has received bad reviews and is about to close up shop for good. 米莉经营了一个已收到坏评并且濒临倒闭时装设计公司。 baike.soso.com 8. It seems that their advertisements, featuring close-up photos of models, are too perfect to be true and were banned. 因为它们关于模特近照的广告都显得太完美了,所以应该被取缔。 www.bing.com 9. Close up she was no less pretty. 靠近了看,她也很漂亮。 wenwen.soso.com 10. She wanted someone to close up this deficiency, to close it up for ever. 她盼望有人来填补这空缺,永远填掉它。 1. It was strange to see her own face in close-up on the screen. 在屏幕上看见她自己的脸部特写使她感到奇怪。 2. The foreign secretary, William Hague, said that he had reined in BBC proposals to close up to 13 language services. 英国外交大臣威廉黑格称他对英国广播公司停止其13种语言广播的提议已经做出了制止。 www.ecocn.org 3. Can the last one out close up the office? 最后离开的人把办公室锁上好吗? bbs.xueasy.com 4. Intersection of two major river systems, lakes, together Aura Yuan Wang Minjiang central, close up of the lake. 两大水系交汇,中央湖泊汇聚灵气远望岷江,近观湖景。 www.jiangshanvilla.com 5. With a borescope or, preferably, a video stick like my Pro-Vision camera, you can see close up and from many angles. 用管路镜(内窥镜)或强烈推荐的视频棒如我的PRO-Vision摄像头,你可以从多角度看到放大近影。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Close-up glaring would go and the silliest of goose steps, which strain the knees, might be eased. 但士兵们互相怒瞪还会继续,他们绷直膝盖的蠢鸭步也许会动作放松一些。 www.bing.com 7. Looking at a close-up of the temperature spike, we see distinct troughs right next to the spike. 观察对温度尖峰的特写,我们可以看到恰好在尖峰附近有一个明显的波谷。 www.ibm.com 8. A close-up of a blue-eyed moray eel in Indonesia captured an honorable mention in the "Indonesia Residents" category. 这张在印度尼西亚拍摄的蓝色眼眸的欧洲海鳗特写,获得了“印尼居住者”领域的荣誉提名。 www.bing.com 9. Software Description: About Pink Floral Spray, This wallpaper shows a close-up of a spray of small pink flowers. 这张壁纸显示小粉红的花儿的一个特写镜头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. One close-up shows orange flames and black smoke pouring from the upper floors of the north tower, the first hit by a hijacked plane. 一个特写桔黄色的火焰和黑烟从北边的塔的楼上泄出,这是第一架被支持的飞机。 www.bing.com 1. This raccoon was definitely not in the mood for its close-up when it was caught on camera while trapped inside a tree. 卡在树里的窘态被摄影机捕捉到,这只浣熊当然没心情来个特写镜头了。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The survey team also captured this close-up of a phosphorescent sea pen during their government-backed work. 在这次有政府资助的活动中,调查人员还抓拍到一种发着磷光的海鳃近照。 www.bing.com 3. Finally, the 81 students looked at 36 close-up photographs of eyes and judged the emotions portrayed in the pictures. 最后,让这81位学生看36幅人物特写图片里的眼部神情并判断这些人的情绪。 www.bing.com 4. Above is a dramatically detailed close-up of the dying star's nebula recorded by the newly upgraded Hubble Space Telescope. 上面这幅临死恒星星云的精彩特写影像,是由最近刚升级的哈伯太空望远镜所拍摄的。 bbs.astron.ac.cn 5. And then here's a really, really big close-up of the little piece of metal. 这则是一个很近,很近距离观测到的金属片。 www.ted.com 6. We have to take advantage of this calendar to close up on the leading squads. 我们必须利用赛程的安排来追赶上领先的队伍。 www.itaol.com 7. Close up To remove space between elements on a page. 在一版面内,减少各元素间的空间的情况。 big5.cgan.net 8. Let me take a close-up of you. 我给你照张特写吧。 www.ebigear.com 9. Close-up. Drop it! Bottle it! Don't play possum! Make it up! Watch you mouth. 特写镜头。停止!闭嘴!别装蒜!不记前嫌!注意言辞。 wenku.baidu.com 10. A close-up shows the desiccated hand of a remarkably preserved woman from Peru's ancient Moche culture. 一个特写镜头向我们展示了秘鲁著名的古莫希文化时期的女干尸那干瘪的手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. These first close-up images of the Martian surface revealed a vast, barren wasteland of craters strewn about a carpet of sand. 从第一次拍摄到的火星表面图片可以看到大片的荒原,在大片的沙子上布满了火山坑。 wenku.baidu.com 2. A surveillance system with controllable video camera is presented to obtain the close-up of the human face. 本计画之目的峹于提出一种利用具有可控制摄影机的监控系统来撷取人的脸部特写。 www.etop.org.tw 3. A photographer caught this extreme close-up of a tornado funnel in Manchester, South Dakota. 一名摄影师在南达科塔曼彻斯特捕捉到这个龙卷风漏斗的特写镜头。 www.bing.com 4. Then she went out and fetched some twigs, to partly close up the front door. 接着她出去拿来一些小树枝,把前门半掩上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And, since it barely takes up and room when packed separately, it makes for the close- up worker a dream - comes - true! 而且,因为它几乎佔用了房间和包装分开时,它的近距离工作者的梦想,是真! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. For instance, this picture of a frog is an excellent example of a close-up. 例如,这张青蛙的图片就是靠近的一个极佳的例子。 forum.xitek.com 7. You get a close-up on some little jokes the filmmakers threw in, including a kitchen sink th at was thrown into ab attle scene. 你可以看到一些电影制作人在影片里插入的一些小笑料,包括一个战斗场面中被抛出的一个厨房水槽。 www.showxiu.com 8. Britain's Royal Air Force chiefs are preparing to cut 10000 staff and close up to 5 large air bases, The Times reported. 据英国《泰晤士报》报道,英国皇家空军领导层正计划进行大规模裁军:裁减空军员额一万人,关闭多达5个空军基地。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Software Description: About Pansies, The background for this theme is a close-up picture of purple, pink and white pansies. 用于这个主题的背景是紫色,粉红和白色的三色紫罗兰的特写镜头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Close-up, A Jiao 's face also withstand the test, in addition to a little bit and Ganwen black eye, face almost flawless. 特写时,阿娇的面部也很禁得起考验,除了稍微有点干纹和黑眼圈,面部几乎无懈可击。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Software Description: About Wild Animals Living Screensaver, View close-up , professional photos of wildlife. 查看特写镜头,野生动物的专业的相片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Guangzhou hong xing is popular the oil to close up a row is a specialized wholesale seal product company. 广州市宏兴油封行是一家专业批发密封产品的公司。 www.yellowurl.cn 3. In fact, this encounter was the fifth time a spacecraft from planet Earth has imaged a comet close-up. 实际上,这次相遇是从地球发射的宇宙飞船第五次与彗星亲密接触。 www.bing.com 4. Surprisingly, I am using my small Sony W150 more often than any other camera for close-up small animal work for lizards and invertebrates. 真奇怪,我为小动物(蜥蜴啦,无脊椎动物啦)拍特写的时候,用索尼W150更多些。 tieba.baidu.com 5. When viewed close-up, the screen appears as a pattern of dots. 近距离查看时,屏幕将显示为点模式。 office.microsoft.com 6. Close Up This assembly is part of an international space station simulator . 周边式共同体对接装置。一个在国际空间站使用的对接设备。 www.bing.com 7. A close-up of a mounted blue morpho butterfly shows its unique iridescent sheen. 这张蓝色大闪蝶的特写照片显示了其独一无二的梦幻色彩。 www.kekenet.com 8. Composition and close-up are the two important aspects in the arrangement of film tableaux. 构图和特写是电影画面处理的两个重要方面。 www.dictall.com 9. This created a monsoon-like condition on the otherwise sunny beach, forcing a couple of shops and vendors to close up very, very early. 这创造了季风般的条件对,否则有阳光海滩,迫使一对夫妇的商店和供应商密切了非常,非常早。 wenwen.soso.com 10. the camera zoomed in for a close-up of his face. 照相机推近镜头,以拍摄他的脸部特写镜头。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I walked to the window, across the room, then close up to her. 我从屋子这头,走到屋子那头的窗口,然后靠近她。 2. A great hammerhead shark is captured close-up off the Bahamas. 一条大型巴哈马锤头鲨的特写 www.bing.com 3. then close up your litter finer, try to open your ring finger. 那么,请大家合上小母指,再试着张开无名指。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Nearly everybody is nervousness and paranoia, music and close-up shot are just right, add much beauty to this play. 几乎每个人都是神经质和偏执狂,音乐和特写镜头又恰到好处,为这部戏增色不少。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Business declined to such an extent that Smith Brothers had to close up. 生意清淡到这般地步,史密斯兄弟商店只得关门大吉。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. A close up of an object such as this feather against a pillow makes for a nice abstract piece of art. 在枕头的映衬下,这片羽毛的特写足以构成一幅很棒的抽象艺术作品。 www.bing.com 7. the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it. 晚上最后进来的人会把门关上,如此而已。 www.scvtc.com 8. But this mosaicked close-up, constructed from Hubble Space Telescope data, follows the galaxy's structure in amazing detail. 这张拼接特写,由哈勃太空望远镜的数据构建,沿着星系的结构展现精彩的细节。 www.bing.com 9. Software Description: About Audubon Close Up - Nesting Birds, This screen saver includes close-ups of Audubon birds. 这个屏幕保护程序包括奥特朋的鸟儿特写镜头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Some enthusiasts in India were on board a special chartered flight for a close-up view of the eclipse. 为了近距离地观赏日食,一些印度的狂热粉丝甚至租用了飞机。 www.bing.com 1. A close-up of the vent being popped by gently bending the tail upwards and applying pressure on either side of the vent. 一个特写镜头被发泄的喷口冒出轻轻向上弯曲的尾巴和施加压力的任何一方。 www.giscrocodile.com 2. My favorite picture is a close-up of a sign which reads, "Protect ya tings. " 有一张指示牌的特写,上面写着“照看好你的物品”,这是我最喜欢的一张照片。 www.bing.com 3. Click to see a close-up image. 请按一下图片看大特写。 www.hkcec.com.hk 4. And often use half a close-up of composition, and to highlight characters face and posture, facial expression portray inner experiences. 而且常常采用半近景构图,以突出人物的面部和身姿,着意刻画人物的内心表情。 www.m148.net 5. And here you see a close-up of this flywheel. 这里你能看到,飞轮的放大图。 open.163.com 6. Experience breath-taking close - up encounters with the largest mammal that ever lived on earth - the Blue Whale. 本片将带您近距离体验与观赏地球上最大的哺乳类动物-蓝鲸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I'm reminded of the first time my own son-aged two at the time-met a black man close up. 这就让我想起我自己的小孩—那时两岁大—第一次看到黑人的情景。 sfs.cumt.edu.cn 8. Resolved the issue where pressing the delete button in Close-up playback occasionally caused the Card access lamp to blink. 解决了在近距重放模式中,按删除按钮偶尔导致插卡读写指示灯闪烁的问题。 www.omuser.com 9. The photographs are a series of close-up, large scale images of banal objects including paint tins and garden ornaments. 这些作品是一系列普通物件如油漆罐、园艺装饰品等的大特写。 www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk 10. I'm not a big fan of the close-up headshot of Brad Pitt (almost ala Apatow), but I love the concept. 我并不对布拉德.皮特的特写镜头痴迷,但是我爱这个创意。 www.elanso.com 1. Below is a close up of one of the darkest regions of the photo above. 下面是上图星系中最黑区域中的一个近图。 www.tianya.cn 2. Management & Investigation & follow-up of COC & non-conformance , ensure close-up timely. 对变更和不符合进行管理、调查、跟踪,及时关闭。 www.showxiu.com 3. Use long distance, mid-distance and close up photographs to record the scene and items of evidence. 使用长途电话,中距离和密切的照片,以记录现场和项目的证据。 gdpccsi.blog.163.com 4. And along the way, I also make my first appearance on the silver screen, filmed in unflattering close up. 此外,我还首次在电影银幕上亮相,可惜特写镜头暴露了皮肤的真相。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A close-up shows the watchful eye of a Gaboon viper, Africa's largest viper. 这张特写显示了非洲最大的毒蛇——加蓬蝰蛇警惕的眼睛。 www.bing.com 6. For instance, Amazon's iPad app, called Windowshop, shows many images and lets people browse and view close-up shots of items. 例如,亚马逊的iPad应用程序叫做窗户商店,它展示了很多照片让人们浏览查看商品的特写。 www.bing.com 7. Where people can watch close-up of five well-known African animals: elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros and bison. 在那里,人们可以近距离观赏非洲著名的五大动物:大象、狮子、豹子、犀牛和野牛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Another arresting image, "Pioneer with a Trumpet" from 1930, is a close-up seemingly shot from directly under the youth's chin. 另一张吸引人的照片,1930年的“吹号的先锋队员”,是一张从少年的面颊下直接照上去的近距离照片。 www.ecocn.org 9. 'That's all right. I'll be back before you close up on the next point. ' 回答得很好嘛!在你开着船接近下一个点的时候我再回来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The latest model of this miracle close-up effect now with several advantages. 这一奇迹特写效果的几个优点现在最新型号。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Our cameraman filmed a close-up shot of the hand of a girl who had died . 我们的摄影师拍了一个遇难女孩的特写镜头。 www.hxen.com 2. Management & Investigation & follow-up of COC & non-conformance, and ensure close-up timely. 对变更和不符合进行治理、调查、跟踪,及时封闭。 www.job956.com 3. When Frodo falls on the snow and loses the ring, a close-up of the ring with Frodo in the background is shown. 当弗罗多掉在雪堆里把戒指弄丢时,魔戒的一个特写和弗罗多同时出现在画面上。 www.bing.com 4. Close-up of the basic face I work on in less than an hour. 用了不到一小时的时间,我完成了基本的脸部形态。 bbs.cguse.com 5. The top close-up shows venues near the village of Whistler, where Nordic and alpine skiing events will be held. 上面一张特写显示的是北欧两项和高山滑雪(Nordicandalpineskiingevents)两个项目举办地,惠斯勒村附近的景观; www.bing.com 6. We also focus on the higher frequencies close up and register softer shapes from afar. 我们也凝视高频率的写真照,从远处开始记录较柔和的轮廓。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. If I don't phone the office, she would close up at 5 p. m. 要不是我给办事处打了电话,她会在下午5点钟关门的。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 8. When the waited-for one arrives I close up the book reluctantly. 当我等的那个人到来时,我会不情愿地合上书。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Software Description: About Safeway Flowers IV, This is an extreme close-up of a lily. 这是一朵百合花的一个极度的特写镜头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Macro photography is the art of taking close-up pictures that reveal details which can't be seen with the naked eye. 微距摄影是特写的艺术照片,显示的细节是不能被用我们的肉眼所看到的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A close-up shot of a thermal pool in Yellowstone National Park. 这是对黄石国家公园里热水池塘的一个特写镜头。 www.bing.com 2. Polar bear hair or loo roll ? Shark skin or cheese grater ? Welcome to the animal kingdom in extreme close-up. 动物显微照片北极熊毛发还厕所里的卫生纸卷?鲨鱼的皮肤。 www.bing.com 3. Photograph license plate and registration decal from mid-range and close-up perspectives. 照片上的车牌及注册标记,从中期和密切跟进的观点。 wenda.tianya.cn 4. A close-up of the falls from the same image is below, reoriented for a better perspective. 下面的图片是上图瀑布的一个特写,重新调整了一个更好的视角。 www.bing.com 5. A close-up of the IBM Aquasar server blade shows the piping and processor enclosures supporting the water-cooling system. 这张IBMAquasar刀片服务器的近照展示了支持水冷系统的管道和处理器组件。 www.bing.com 6. Sleight of Hand. Mentalism . Manipulation. Street &Close-up magic. Stage Magic. 手法,心灵,街头魔术,近景魔术,大型预言魔术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The difficulty of recreating the textures of both skin and fabric means the effect is less convincing when seen close up. 当近看时,再创皮肤的肌理和织布的构造意味着效果更不可信。 www.ecocn.org 8. "It would do a lot more damage close up. We could easily be looking at 1 centimetre of ground movement, " says Luckett. Luckett说这将可能造成更大的破坏,现在我们很容易就能看见地面上1厘米左右的移动。 www.bing.com 9. Third, applicants close up suspicious gaps in their employment history. 第三种,求职者为了填补工作经历中可疑的空白。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Maybe we see a close-up of her boot. 或许我们看到的是她的靴子的特写镜头。 www.bing.com 1. Here's a close up of these chokes, notice the bubbles. 这有些生锈电感的近照,注意那些气泡。 itbbs.pconline.com.cn 2. And that's common. Typically we'll close up deals like that on a Monday morning. 如果在周一上午,我们正常情况下会停止这个交易。 dongxi.net 3. At a certain age some people's minds close up; they live on their intellectual fat. 到了某一个年龄,有些人的精神就会封闭起来,他们全靠积蓄下来的“知识脂肪”活下去。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Software Description: About Flora Borealis , This is a vivid close-up of a yellow flower using a macro lens. 这是的一朵黄色的花儿的一个鲜明逼真的特写镜头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. His shooting methods are innovative, such as cross-cutting, close-up, and the mime film The Shrink Lover inserted in Talk to Her. 拍摄手法新颖,如交叉剪辑的技巧、特写,与《悄悄告诉她》穿插默剧《缩小的情人》。 www.docin.com 6. Still, Volkow said, understanding close-up and long-term exposure to cellphone radiation is important. 沃尔考说,“所以了解长期近距离暴露在手机辐射下还是非常重要的。” www.bing.com 7. Software Description: About Yellow and White Flowers, This wallpaper features a close-up of some yellow and white flowers. 软件许可:免费软件这张壁纸特别推出一些黄色和白色的花儿的一个特写镜头。 www.softsea.net 8. Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. 如果用特写来细看,人生是个悲剧;远眺便是个喜剧! blog.sina.com.cn 9. She snuggled close up to him. 她紧紧地依偎着他。 10. Even some of the benefits look less attractive close up. 在仔细观察下,即便一些好处看起来也不是那么诱人了。 www.ftchinese.com 1. No close-up psychic prediction test surpasses this one in impact, simplicity of execution and believability . . . 没有关闭的后续心理预测试验超越本一在的影响,简单的执行和可信度… dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Secondly, I witnessed close up just where my body was restless, fatigued and needing support. 第二次时,我感到身体疲乏,烦躁的部分开始慢慢好起来。 www.elanso.com 3. Towering over into the lens, a large number of people close-up elevation, and the abuse of over - exaggerated. 切入较突兀的镜头,大量的仰角人物特写,过分滥用兼夸大。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Welcome to the chaotic and flabbergasting magical world of Lennart Green, grand master of close-up card trickery. 欢迎来到LennartGreen混乱而绚丽的魔术世界,观看大师级的近景卡片魔术。 www.bing.com 5. He does tremendous damage to close up units, but not much to farther away units. 它的攻击可以对近处的单位造成巨大伤害,不过对远处的单位却不很有效。 game.ali213.net 6. While undeniably beautiful from afar, Mount Fuji close up is a huge slab of volcanic dust and rock. 从远处看富士山有一种无可置疑的美丽,但是到了山上,看到的只是一大片火山灰和岩石。 www.bing.com 7. The wound in his arm has begun to close up. 他臂上的伤口开始愈合。 www.bing.com 8. Moreover, their renderings remain realistic even when viewed close up. 加之,当人们就近观察时,他们的艺术处理仍然保持逼真的效果。 www.bing.com 9. Close up, the fighting was pretty fierce. 这场战斗是相当的激烈。 www.tingclass.com 10. Close-up footage shows the car's steering wheel touring as the driver rotates the phone. 当驾驶者转动iphone的时候会显示汽车方向盘转动的特写镜头。 www.bing.com 1. By using a simple fact: far-away things look like they are going slower than close-up things. 通过一个很简单的道理:远处的东西运动起来看起比近处的东西慢。 www.newstartchina.net 2. Not only did he photograph spirit bears, as the white-coated Kermode bears are known, but he also got close-up. 他不仅拍到了白灵熊(卡莫德熊因其一身白装而得名)的照片,而且他还近距离接触了它们。 www.bing.com 3. Software Description: About Safeway Flowers I, This is a close-up of a small pink carnation. 这是一束小粉红的康乃馨的一个特写镜头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It can be incorporated into your existing show or utilized as part of a standup act or a close-up routine. 作为一次站立的行动或特写镜头惯例一部分,它可以被合并到你现有的展示里或被运用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Each night I am reluctant to close up a use there may be some one who needs the cafe. 我每天晚上都很不愿意打烊,因为可能有人要上餐馆。 www.zjjyzx.com 6. Don't know about you guys, but we just love looking at things really close up! 不知道你们是怎么想的,但是我们喜欢观察事物的特写镜头。 www.bing.com 7. Upon special request I added this close-up of the transducer assembly. 经特别要求,我已将这近摄的传感器大会。 bbs.5imx.com 8. The camera also takes great close-up photos, and can focus on objects roughly three inches away. 该摄像头还可以拍摄近距照片,可以拍摄三英尺之内的物体。 www.bing.com 9. Hands down, he's the most handsome man I've ever seen close up, not to mention naked. 郑重地说,他是我从近处见到的最英俊的男人,更不用说赤身裸体了。 www.bing.com 10. Also, not sure it's been said, but the zooming in conversation close up we saw in the wwi with cain and barb is gone. 当然,现在还不好说,但是WWI视频中野蛮人与凯恩对话时的拉近没有了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The pictures Galileo sent back were worth the wait. Images of moons never before seen in close-up. 伽利略号传回的照片值得期待,这是以前从未见过的近距离卫星图像。 www.englishtide.com 2. Above is a close-up of a Kamehameha wing from an Oahu museum. 在该岛上面是近来成立一个卡梅哈梅哈翼的瓦胡岛的博物馆。 bbs.a0598.com 3. Lekedi, a baby western lowland gorilla, sits for a close-up at a gorilla orphanage in Gabon. 图为加蓬大猩猩收养所中一头西部低地大猩猩宝宝莱克迪的特写照片。 blog.19lou.com 4. Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin. 走近了,她看见他轮廓清晰的脸盘,下巴上有道小逢。 www.bing.com 5. They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance . 他们的心被脂油包裹;他们用口说骄傲的话。 www.jukuu.com 6. An official categorically denied the decline in business to shops to close up shop said. 但昨日新澳的一位负责人断然否认了业务量下降致门店打烊的说法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Now, only a dandelion Huabing, just like her close up, a Xiaosan the stalk. 现在,蒲公英只剩下一根花柄了,她像刚刚收起来的,一把小伞的柄。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. An animal park provides a close-up look at wolves, reindeer and elk, as well as typical farm animals. 还有动物园可以让人近距离好好地看看狼、驯鹿、麋鹿,和典型的牧场动物。 www.ttxyy.com 9. A close-up shows purple crocuses flecked with bright yellow pollen in Washington, D. C. 这个特写镜头显示了华盛顿的带有嫩黄色花粉、鲜艳的紫色番红花。 www.bing.com 10. So you won't be my friend? ' she said, smiling as sweet as honey, and creeping close up. “那么,你不肯作我的朋友吗?”她说,微笑得像蜜那么甜,又凑近些。 wap.putclub.com 1. Just what this weird diamond world is actually like close up, however, is a mystery. 但这个诡秘的钻石世界近距离看起来究竟是什么样,还仍然是个谜。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. Close up of baby drinking from bottleBottle-fed babies lie back and drink what they are given, unlike breastfed babies. 和母乳喂养的婴儿不同的是奶瓶喂养的婴儿仰躺着,给多少就喝多少。 www.bing.com 3. You must close up vessel ahead of you. Distance between ships is two cables. Over. 你必须跟紧你前面的船,两船距离为两链,请讲。 www.haiyuan5.com 4. I was thrilled to see it close up. 看到它靠近,我有点激动。 remarks.yo2.cn 5. close up your thumb, then the finger represent brothers and sisters, they will have their own family, will be leaving us. 请大家合上大母指,再张开食指,食指代表兄弟姐妹,他们也都会有自己的家世,也会离开我们。 www.xiami360.com 6. She stepped close up; her black eyes flashing with passion and resolution. 她走近他;她的黑眼睛闪烁着激情与决心。 www.putclub.com 7. The admiral flipped the chart and showed a close-up of the submarine. 海军上将翻动图样,展示一幅这艘潜艇的近照。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Close-up: a photograph taken at very close range. 特写;近距离摄影。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. He saw the horror of war close up, ferrying the wounded from the trenches to primitive field hospitals. 他负责把伤员从战壕里运送到简陋的野战医院。 www.24en.com 10. As we walked the pastures getting a close-up look at the livestock, Grandpa seemed to know each cow. 我们走过牧场往查看放牧的牲口,外公似乎认得每一头母牛。 www.chinabaike.com 1. A photo slideshow screen saver with photos of beautiful flowers in close-up. 一的照片幻灯片与屏幕保护程序的照片,美丽的鲜花在密切跟进。 xtdownload.com 2. The bridegroom was taken a close-up picture with ink in his face. 新郎官脸带着墨水被拍了张特写照 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Maintain a balance and respiration, lift thigh, and close up crura . 保持平衡与呼吸,抬起大腿,收缩小腿,让脚底紧贴着膝盖内侧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. North Pole A close-up shows darker sand emerging as frost disappears at winter's end. 一个特写镜头表明黑色的沙子上有霜一样的东西,在冬末会消失掉。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Is it possible to get a receiver in China to pick up this frequency? Then we may be able to identify the individual from close up. 是否有可能在中国争取到一个接收器接收频率?这样我们可能可以确定它们一直飞到什么地方。 www.wwfchina.org 6. They went on strike and close up all. the shops. 他们继续罢工,并且关闭了所有的商店。 www.bing.com 7. Advise you close up on vessel ahead of you. 建议你船紧靠前面的船。 www.haiyuan5.com 8. Courtney: I'm surprised you remembered me, after all Zippy got the close-up . 卡特尼:我很奇怪你还记得我,因为主角毕竟是那个猩猩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A Gombe chimpanzee and alpha male named Frodo is captured close-up at Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania. 在坦桑尼亚的岗贝河国家公园,一只以弗罗多男性名字命名的岗贝黑猩猩的特写 www.bing.com 10. Let's get a close-up on this next scene. 下一个镜头用特写的方法拍吧! www.tjyz.org 1. Be careful though. After a while the holes close up and you can get trapped and killed. 不过要小心,过一会洞就会重现,您可能被困住或者杀死。 translations.launchpad.net 2. by now, you should have read Close-Up: How to Read the American City and should finish reading The Granite Garden. 迄今为止,你应当已经阅读过《特写:如何解读美国城市》,并读完了《花岗岩花园》。 www.myoops.org 3. Only after careful grooming does this otter appear ready for its close up. 仔细收拾了下自己后水獭才摆出姿势,表示自己准备好拍照啦。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. From a distance they appear negligible; close up they are apt to appear ugly and malicious. 从远处看他们显得微不足道,走到近处他们又显得丑恶、刻毒。 www.bing.com 5. By using cutouts and by the nearly 10% enlargement of the real figure they come across as close-up images. 通过裁减的画面以及对真实人物将近10%放大,成为特写的画面。 exhibit.99ys.com 6. Gates close, water rises, gates open; then close, up, open again. 闸门关闭,水位上升,下一个闸门开启,再次关闭,水位再次上升,往复这个过程。 www.ecocn.org 7. "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up. " Sunset Blvd. “好了,德米勒先生,我为特写镜头做好准备了。”——《日落大道》(1950年) space.englishcn.com 8. Please keep your hand dry, that would help the wound close up. 您注意让手保持干燥,这样有利于伤口愈合。 www.cnpharm.cn 9. Primary surface exposed to direct close-up view in ordinary use. 在日常使用中能直接观察到的主要外露表面 wenku.baidu.com 10. Upon completion, the Roland boxes want to get up close up work may be returned only to find missing Python table. 完工后,罗兰起身去拿盒子想把作品收起来,可回来后却发现桌上的微雕不见了。 www.cutpic.cn 1. I'm going to zoom in for a close-up. 我要拉近镜头来个特写。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Figure 2 provides a close-up view of a Geronimo specialized builder in action. 图2提供了一个可以工作的Geronimo专用构造器的详细视图。 www.ibm.com 3. Tokyo's Nikkei shares index climbed more than 3 per cent ahead of the BoJ announcement, but fell back to close up 1. 8 per cent. 东京日经(Nikkei)股指在日本央行宣布上述计划前上涨了逾3%,但后来回跌,最终收涨1. www.ftchinese.com 4. Close up shop and stop business for yearly stocktaking. 年底盘点,关店歇业。 dict.ebigear.com 5. I think it was Charlie Chaplin who said that close up, human life is tragic, but from a distance, it's funny. 我想应该是查理卓别林说的这句话吧:靠近看,人生就是个悲剧,但从远处看,又很有趣。 www.bing.com 6. This is one of the first close-up photographs of Mercury taken for almost 33 years. 上面这张是近33年以来首次对水星进行特写拍照,所得到的照片之一。 www.ecocn.org 7. Orlando, you said you love dressing up and waving swords around. Is that just more fun than the serious, close-up, more actors stuff? 奥兰多,你说过你喜欢穿上戏服,拿着剑挥舞。那些镜头比严肃的、特写的、更加考验演技的部分更有趣吗? www.orlandobloomcn.net 8. This herbal ointment will help to close up your wound quickly. 这种中草药膏会帮助你的伤口很快愈合。 www.bing.com 9. Close-up of jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong massaging his lips with balm to keep them strong. 1965. 特写镜头爵士乐小号手路易斯阿姆斯特朗正用唇膏按摩他的嘴唇以保持它们的有力。 www.mtime.com 10. Here is a close-up of the brightly colored parrotfish supermale. 该图为色彩艳丽的超雄性鹦嘴鱼的特写镜头。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The detailed close-up view is a five frame mosaic based on data assembled from Hubble Legacy Archive data. 这张细节清晰的特写图是用哈勃遗产存档数据组合而成的五帧拼贴画。 www.bing.com 2. For all those people who have ever wondered what an ant's bottom looks like close up. . . 所有曾经想过蚂蚁屁股什么样的人请仔细看了… www.internet.org.cn 3. Nobody respects it. I'm ready for my close-up. See, there you go! See, now we are talking - I'm ready for my close-up. 居然都没人关注啊?我这儿可等着拍特写呢。看,这还差不多,还算像话,我准备好拍特写镜头了。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Close-up photos look great when enlarged and framed. 当你把特写照片放大并加上相框会感觉很棒。 www.bing.com 5. The cut on your arm will soon close up. 你手臂上的伤口很快会愈合的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Black and earth-toned marble blocks from the close-up view. 近看其实是黑土灰两种大理石的颜色。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 7. Because of the floating element, the very high resolution is retained even in the close-up range. 由于浮动元素,非常高的分辨率保留,即使在近距离范围内。 hemy88.cn 8. The index snapped a three-session losing streak Wednesday to close up 2%. 斯托克欧洲600指数周三终止了连续三个交易日下跌的势头,涨幅达2%。 www.bing.com 9. Linda's new judge comes online, and he asks, "What do you notice if you're close up when Mick Jagger smiles? " 与琳达谈话的新一轮鉴定人员上了线,接着他问道:“如果你在米克·贾格尔笑的时候贴近他,你会发现什么?” www.cto360.com 10. How about staying around and helping me close up shop? 围绕如何保持和帮助我关门大吉了? www.ebigear.com 1. It is a close-up of the original tail boom. 2 fins were also placed at the boom. 这是一个密切跟进的原尾繁荣。2鳍也放置在蓬勃发展。 www.tech-domain.com 2. All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up. " Sunset Blvd. , 1950" 第7名:“好了,德米勒先生,我为特写镜头做好赘了。”《日落大道》(1950年) www.ghost123.com 3. Close-up of child in second grade class sitting at desk. 手握毛笔的二年级学生。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Spiritless is the mouth which very difficult to close up. 懦弱是一条很难合拢的口。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. They themselves were given a ten-year life and then expected to quietly close up shop. 它们本身则被赋予了10年的寿命,之后将悄然关张。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Flick the leaf of a mimosa tree or gently heat it and watch it close up. 轻拂含羞草的叶子或少许加热看它慢慢闭合。 www.elanso.com 7. You're in. I think I'm ready for my close up. Yeah. 布兰妮-“你来了…我想我已经为了我的近照做好了准备。耶。” dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Close-up, a mix of pink and white! 细部花纹,是粉红和白色混织的唷! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 9. This close - up, even like raindrops, and rain on the lotus leaf is " dry " drop process were taken into the picture. 这句很像特写镜头,连荷叶上的雨滴以及雨滴被“干”掉的过程也都被摄进画面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A close-up lens is ideal for taking close-up pictures. 近摄镜最适合拍特写。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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