单词 | ball up |
释义 |
例句释义: 抱成一团,滚在一起,把…揉成一团,堵塞,混乱,泥包钻头,糊钻 1. The point guard dribbled the ball up the court. He stood above the top of the key, about twenty-four feet from the opposing team's basket. 得分后卫带球过半场,将球控制在罚球区顶部距对方篮筐约24英尺处,然后正是启动本队演练了几百次的战术。 www.bing.com 2. Again he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. 他把球再次抛到空中、挥棒,但还是没打中。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Footwork and positioning and all that stuff is so crucial, because you can't just throw the ball up on the rim. 步法和定位,所有的东西是如此的重要,因为你不能只是扔在边缘的球。 www.englishtang.com 4. Celades played with him, and said he would just pick a ball up in training, beat 10 men and score. 塞拉德斯和他一块儿踢球,说他在训练场上可以接球后,连过十人,破门得分。 www.bing.com 5. He is quick and can hold the ball up well and he's got a great left foot - and that always makes things a little bit harder for his rivals. 他快速,可以很好的控球,他有着一个伟大的左脚,这些一直可以让他的对手感到艰难。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. His father said: 'He liked to challenge other kids to see who could keep the ball up the longest. 他父亲说:“他总爱和其他孩子较量谁顶球时间长”。 www.553.org.cn 7. He made me kick the ball up in the air 100 times and control it and control it until I got it right. 他让我把球踢上天空100次,然后控制它再控制它,直到我把动作做对。 beckham.org 8. A racket bounces a tennis ball up and down on the court , before a hand grabs the ball. 球场上,一只球拍啪啪啪弹着球,接着,一只手抓住了球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The aim of the game is to bounce the ball up the court and shoot the ball into the net. 比赛的目标将弹起法院的球和射击球入网。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Memphis, however, won't spend most of the game walking the ball up the court. 孟菲斯,但是,不会花在比赛的大部分走了发球。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Another trick, where a magician pretends to throw a ball up in the air, takes the misdirection a step further. 在另一个魔术师假装把球扔到空中的魔术中,误导的手法又被推进了一步。 blog.163.com 2. He tossed the ball up in the air. 他把球抛向空中。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. We were having a wonderful time. As good a time as I ever had and women have to cry and ball up everything. 刚才我们玩得痛快极了,我说是少有的痛快,谁叫那些娘儿们哭的,全给搅了。 www.jukuu.com 4. I. applies no pressure whatsoever when opposing point guards bring the ball up court allows teams to get into their offense too easily. I总是不能没能给其施加多少压力,让对方的进攻变得太轻而易举了。 www.tywang.com 5. Yes, the former Spurs man can hold the ball up, can pick a pass, has outrageous skill and provides tremendous cunning. 是的,前马刺人可以抱球了,可以挑一通,有无耻的技能,并提供了巨大的狡猾。 tieba.baidu.com 6. "If I have somebody else bringing the ball up, maybe that'll give me more of an opportunity to score. " 如果别人能替我传球,也许我会有更多得分机会。 gb.cri.cn 7. Golfers usually TEE the ball up on a small wooden or plastic keg before driving off. 打高尔夫球的人通常在击球前把球摆在一个木制或塑料制的小桩上。 dict.ebigear.com 8. And we have to be more varied in our attacks with more individual initiatives, by taking the ball up through different avenues . 同时,我们应该丰富自身的进攻手段,并用更多的方法进行个人带球突破。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. You pick up more tricks and different ways to hold the ball up. 你可以由此掌握到更多技巧,以及各种接球控球的方式。 www.lfcbbs.com 10. First, I just tossed a single ball up in the air from one hand to the other. 最初,我只能把一个球抛到空中,用另一只手去接住。 rermione.blog.163.com 1. Then, he'll ball up newspaper or small towels, place them inside each shoe, and set them out to dry overnight . 然后他会把报纸或纸巾卷成团,放到靴子里,然后把靴子放到外头阴干。 www.qeto.com 2. Takes the ball up but can't get a cross past the first defender! 能拿球但过不了第一个戍守球员! www.chiefinfo.com 3. The goal of basketball is to dribble the ball up the court and make the basket. 篮球比赛的目标就是运球过场,然后投篮。 www.bing.com 4. He threw a ball up in the air. 他将球往空中抛去。 www.wwenglish.com 5. She threw the ball up and caught it again . 她把球抛起又接住。 www.bing.com 6. You have to hit the ball up so it clears the net, but not hit it so weakly that your opponent has an easy pass. 你需要把球回得越过网的高度,还不能太过软弱以致给对手轻易穿越你的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Throw the ball up but not too high, pick up one jack, and then catch the ball. 把橡胶球向上扔,但是别扔太高,然后把球接住。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Please knock the ball up. 把球打起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He can learn a lot from the Moroccan about movement, about holding the ball up, about when to give it etc. 本特纳可以从摩洛哥人那学到很多——关于跑位、拿球和出球等等。 www.bing.com 10. Move the red ball up and down. 把这个红球举高再放下。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The crystal ball up on the wall hasn't shown me nothing yet. 水晶球从墙上升起却没给我任何指引。 bdhome.blogbus.com 2. Pull your sleeping bag over your head and ball up as best you can. 将睡袋拉过头顶,尽可能得把自己裹好。 www.kekenet.com 3. Also, if the hair is left long, it can ball up and create the same problems. 另外,如果头发留长,它可以球并创造着同样的问题。 bbs.westies.cn 4. Bounce the ball up and down 把球拍得上下弹跳 www.powerdict.com 5. Mark Avery kicks the ball up, 马克艾弗里把球踢了起来 www.tingroom.com 6. Hey! Just when I ball up my fist I realize that I'm laying right next to you 当我鼓起勇气握紧拳头时,我才发现我就躺在你的身边 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Shockwave Flash Shockwave Flash Shoot Ball Up Fuel Chute 将球射到燃料斜槽 www.fan6.net |
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