单词 | collaboratively | ||||||||
释义 | collaboratively
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 合作地,协作地,合作性 1. By writing collaboratively, you're expanding your network exponentially with contacts that otherwise might have seemed out of reach. 通过这样共同写作,你原来不多联系的人,可以让你的人际网络程指数增长。 blog.163.com 2. Work collaboratively from the beginning to build the common services that will be the foundation of your service layer. 从一开始就通过合作共同构建将来作为服务层基础的公共服务。 www.infoq.com 3. She let people know that she was evolving as a leader and invited their feedback, especially on her efforts at working collaboratively. 让人们知道自己正在向一位领导者迈进,并欢迎他们的反馈意见,尤其是关于她在合作方面的努力。 www.elanso.com 4. Known as the "Journal" on NLS, it allowed all the NLS users to collaboratively edit or view any of the documents in the NLS system. 人们熟知的NLS的“Journal”就允许所有NLS用户在系统里协作,对所有的文件都可以进行编辑、浏览。 www.bing.com 5. This enables you to collaboratively work on files before pushing them to the shared central repository and therefore to your Web site. 在将文件推入共享中央存储库(及网站)之前您可以协作处理这些文件。 www.ibm.com 6. We have got to talk collaboratively. 我们必须抱着合作的态度讨论问题。 www.ftchinese.com 7. OEJ also works with all stakeholders to constructively engage in and collaboratively address environmental justice issues and concerns. 它还同所有利益相关者合作,建设性参与并协力解决环境正义问题。 www.showxiu.com 8. The system provides a platform for research communities to integrate information and annotate data collaboratively. 该系统为研究社区提供了一个平台用于协作地整合信息和注释数据。 www.chinapubmed.net 9. Able to work collaboratively with factory management and motivate them to improve. 有能力与工厂员工合作,并改善工作。 www.lietou.com 10. TRUE Learning involves its thoughtful application, as well as critical thinking and problem solving (both individually and collaboratively). 真正的学习取决于能否将之运用于实际生活里,能否进行批判式的反思,以及解决问题(不论是单独处理,或是与他人合作完成)。 www2.upweb.net 1. Able to work independently and collaboratively. 能够独立工作并有良好团队工作精神。 www.jobui.com 2. Homeworks may be solved collaboratively, but solutions must be written up independently. 家庭作业可以一起解答,但解答必须要自己写。 3. CONCLUSION Foreign equipment management in operating room is a systematic engineering, which need to be work collaboratively. 结论医院手术室外来器械管理是一个系统工程,必须多方协作,齐抓共管。 www.bing.com 4. Users Should be able to search , select, share and play the songs collaboratively on a multi-touch table. 用户可以在多点触摸桌面上进行搜索、选择、分享、播放歌曲等方面的协作。 www.douban.com 5. SoaML enables business oriented and systems oriented services architectures to mutually and collaboratively support the enterprise mission. SoaML使得面向业务和面向系统的服务架构能相互合作来支持企业任务。 www.infoq.com 6. However, the Human Genome Project demonstrated a different path: multiple teams working collaboratively towards a common goal. 然而,人类基因组计划另辟蹊径:多组研究队伍朝着同一目标协力工作。 www.ecocn.org 7. Collaboratively with RnD Directors, participates in identifying potential projects that support RnD group research efforts. 与研发主管合作,参与支持研发小组研究的项目的确认工作。 www.jobui.com 8. Anyone can contribute, and articles are written collaboratively for a global audience. 任何人都可以参与,而且为全世界的读者共同撰写文章。 en.wikinews.org 9. To work collaboratively with business lines and internal control team to ensure the compliancy of the solutions. 与其他业务部门和内部控制部门开展合作,保证解决方案的顺利实施。 www.lietou.com 10. Lead and collaboratively work with all functions to establish true root cause and implement corrective and preventive actions. 主导或是与其他各部门合作,找出质量问题的根源,并贯彻整改及预防行动。 job.01hr.com 1. We have used two different operating schemes, fed-batch and step-addition, independently and collaboratively to refold denatured lysozymes. 本研究中,我们利用馈料式与间歇式不同的复性方法,以独立地或结合地方式进行溶菌酶之复性。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 2. Works collaboratively with US website graphics design house to develop a variety of secure, robust, user friendly websites. 与美国美工设计队伍配合,开发安全的、健壮的、对用户友好的网站。 www.jobui.com 3. Role play taps into interpersonal intelligence, as does playing on the playground, or working collaboratively on a project. 角色扮演运用了人际智能,操场上玩耍或合作完成一个项目都运用到了人际智能。 www.bing.com 4. Wikipedia is written collaboratively by volunteers from all around the world. Wikipedia由来自世界各地的自愿者合作编写。 www.ibm.com 5. Work collaboratively with the project team, providing guidance, support or assistance as appropriate. 与项目团队通力合作,适时提供指导,支持和协助。 www.cdb.org.cn 6. Leading and supporting a team to achieve results and working collaboratively with others to achieve common goals and positive results. 带领并指导团队达成工作目标,与他人共同协作实现整体目标与积极效用。 www.gao8dou.com 7. Multiple PLM systems were focused on how people can work collaboratively sharing information about drawings and bill of materials. 很多PLM系统都致力于解决人们如何对图纸和物料清单之类的共享信息进行协作的问题。 www.bing.com 8. Also users will be able to communicate each other collaboratively. 用户也将能够互相沟通协作。 www.bing.com 9. Yes, I feel exactly the same way, glad that we communicated collaboratively. 是的,我也这么觉得,真高兴我们能那样沟通。 www.kekenet.com 10. We needed to figure out a way to make the university do great things collaboratively. 我们需要找到让斯坦福合作成就大事的办法。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A self starter who can work collaboratively and independently, a facilitator and diplomat, not an individualist. 有独立工作以及团队合作能力,善于协调沟通,非个人主义。 discover.sexytightass.com 2. Ability to work collaboratively and maintain effective working relationships with diverse groups of people. 能够与不同人群保持良好的协作关系。 www.lietou.com 3. Provides links to collaboratively built dynamic contents from these extension points. 提供链接,以协作方式从这些扩展点构建动态内容。 www.ibm.com 4. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with other HTS directors to address common issues and to meet HTS goals. 与半边天其他项目主任合作,解决常见问题,实现半边天的目标。 www.cdb.org.cn 5. Collaboratively, the customer team and developers select an iteration length, from perhaps one to four weeks. 客户团队和开发者合作选择一个迭代周期,短则一周,长则四周。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. So the act of collectively and collaboratively building the image transforms the collaboration. 那么集体分工合作的行为建立起了图像近而转化成合作。 www.ted.com 7. B. Work with leadership from each area to collaboratively engineer a mutually acceptably solution. 与各领域的领导合作,策划一个相互都可以接受的解决方案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Those collaboratively written and edited pages will now sit side by side with professional news reporting. 这些由多人合作撰写编辑的页面将和专业新闻报道放在一起。 www.bing.com 9. This lets you segment digital assets in your scenes to better coordinate production on complex scenes and work more collaboratively. 这让你数字分割资产在你的场景中,在复杂的场景和需要更多协作的地方去更好的调整产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Improve collaboratively using models and scientific method. 用模型和科学方法,协作地进行改进。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. An extension of writing more, writing for an audience, and writing more collaboratively is that writing starts to take on more social value. 写作除了数量增加,读者群固定,合作性增强之外,社会价值也越来越高。 www.bing.com 2. "We are committed to working with all nations collaboratively, " the secretary said. 她说:“我们致力于与所有国家[在这个问题上]进行合作。” www.america.gov 3. You would have to work collaboratively to trigger this luck, so keep this in mind. 你需要合作来触发你的运气,请记住这一点。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Why learn collaboratively if doing so helps your competitors score higher grades? 那么,为什么这样做,会帮助你的竞争者获得高分,还要协作学习? www.bing.com 5. Grooming the product backlog collaboratively is fun and effective. 大家一起协作来梳理产品待办事项列表是很有意思和有效的。 www.infoq.com 6. Involves understanding how to communicate with, and understand other people, and how to work collaboratively. 包括理解如何沟通,理解他人以及如何协同一致工作。 www.bing.com 7. So I rarely perform collaboratively for financial reasons. 所以出于经济上考虑我很少与其他音乐人合作演出。 www.fingerstylechina.com 8. The ideas I am going to present today have been developed collaboratively with Ju Row Farr and Nick Tandavanitj from Blast Theory. 今天我要给各位看的,是我与「爆炸理论」的朱。罗。法尔和尼克。檀德凡尼一起合作的成果。 word.hcbus.com 9. In our SOA architect education, we have team exercises to focus on digging into topics collaboratively. 在我们的SOA架构师教育中,我们进行了团队培训,重点关注于以协作的方式深入研究各种主题。 www.ibm.com 10. We listen to your needs and work collaboratively to deliver solutions that not only work today but well into the future. 我们倾听您的需求和协同工作,提供解决方案,不仅今天的工作,但未来的发展。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Conflict often produces important results, such as new ideas, better alternatives, and motivation to work harder and more collaboratively. 在冲突过程中,经常会产生重要的结果,像是新的想法、更好的替代方案,或是激发更加努力、更加合作无间的动机。 el.mdu.edu.tw 2. OpenNTF wants to extend its infrastructure so that people can work more collaboratively on the projects. OpenNTF希望扩展其结构架构,这样人们便可以就项目更广泛地进行协作。 www.ibm.com 3. Sino-Australian experience in collaboratively offering a master of health administration program 拉筹伯大学与北京大学医学部联合培养卫生管理硕士的实践 www.ilib.cn 4. Be able to learn independently as well as collaboratively 有独立学习或与他人合作学习的能力 blog.sina.com.cn |
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