单词 | close-fitting |
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例句释义: 紧身的,贴身的,紧贴合身的 1. Install close fitting neck bushing at the bottom of seal chamber to isolate the heat from the impeller end. 在密封腔底部安装喉部衬套用来隔离从叶轮传出的热量 wenku.baidu.com 2. Wonderful unscramble: The long jacket of broken flower deserves to go up close-fitting jeans is right choice. 出色解读:碎花的长上衣配上贴身的牛仔裤是不错的选择。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The bulb of a thermometer is covered with a close fitting cotton wick , which is kept wetted with water . 在温度计的球上,缠着一层配合紧密的棉芯,并用水使其保持湿润。 www.bing.com 4. Chen, wearing a light green woolen sweater and close-fitting brown trousers, stood there like a graceful tree on a spring morning. 大家都默无一言地注视陈伊玲:嫩绿色的绒线上衣,一条贴身的咖啡色西裤,宛如春天早晨一株亭亭玉立的小树。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 5. King Wulingwang of Zhao ordered his army to wear close-fitting clothes like the minority groups and learn to ride horses and shoot arrows. 赵武灵王下令军人改穿像少数民族那样的服装,并学习骑马、射箭。 bnu.eduwuca.org 6. If after three days the cat is still in the car, the parts are judged to be close fitting. 三天之后,如果这猫还呆在汽车里没有跑掉的,那么零部件就被判定密封性合格。 source.yeeyan.org 7. Reflecting the nomadic heritage of the rulers, robes were close-fitting on top and slit on the sides to allow comfort in the saddle. 反应了游牧民族的统治者,长袍是帖身的,两边有开缝直到可以舒适的坐在马鞍上。 www.beijingguide2008.com 8. Eyewear is mandatory! Close-fitting gloves, nose guards, soft head gear are optional, and may be worn by all players. 队员必须配戴护眼镜。此外,她们还可有选择性的配戴手套,护鼻和柔软的护头装置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The elms of Court Leys now were dark with leaves, and the heavy, close-fitting verdure gave quite a stately look to the house. 莱伊府第的榆树现在已是绿叶葱茏,浓密而贴切的青葱草木,使这所房子显得十分堂皇而雄伟。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Composite pressure small, between oily sludge and molten resin does not close-fitting and can cause avulsing fastness of decline. 复合压力小,熔融树脂与基材之间贴合不紧密,会使剥离牢度下降。 www.bing.com 1. A usually soft and close - fitting heAD covering, either having no brim or with a visor. 便帽一种通常是柔软的和紧缩的头部遮盖物,无帽檐或有帽舌 dict.ebigear.com 2. with a four-button jacket, very close-fitting in the style of the day. 四个纽扣的夹克衫(按照当时的标准是相当贴身的) forum.bomoo.com 3. A close-fitting, usually knitted covering for the foot and leg made from nylon, silk, cotton, wool, and similar yarns. 用尼龙、真丝、棉线、羊毛或相似的纺纱制成的紧身的遮盖腿脚之物,常编织而成 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Eyes : Dark brown, almond-shaped, with close fitting eyelids. Neither too deep-set nor prominent. Loose eyelids are faulty. 眼睛:深棕色,呈杏仁状,眼睑紧贴眼球,既不深陷也不突出。松弛的眼睑属于缺陷。 www.dictall.com 5. Richard gere and eight public more intimate play both close-fitting than day version to interact more lively and interesting. 李察·基尔和八公有更多的贴身亲昵戏,双方的互动比日版中要更活泼有趣。 www.kb120.com 6. A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts. 紧身内衣一种紧身内衣,通常用绳索加固,穿来支撑和使腰线、臀部和胸部成形。 www.hotdic.com 7. Medium sized, almond shaped, set slightly obliquely, rich dark brown. Eyelids are close fitting with black rims. 中等大小,杏仁状的外轮廓,稍微倾斜,深黑褐色的瞳孔、黑色眼线,眼部距离适中。 bbs.sgou.com 8. leggings leggings Close-fitting usually knit trousers, often worn under a skirt for warmth. 紧身衣物,通常指紧密的裤子,常穿在裙子下用来保暖 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A blouse with a full bodice and close fitting waistband. 上衣宽松,下摆带有合体腰带的衬衫。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Must avoid to wear close-fitting turnip pants, can magnify only otherwise insufficient. 一定要避免穿贴身的萝卜裤,否则只会放大不足。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Feet--Should be strong, proportionately smaller than the spaniels , with close fitting, well arched toes and thick pads. 足爪结实,相对于猎鹬犬显得略小,紧凑,脚趾圆拱,脚垫厚实。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Close-fitting usually knit trousers, often worn under a skirt for warmth. 紧身裤紧身衣物,通常指紧密的裤子,常穿在裙子下用来保暖。 dict.wenguo.com 3. skullcap, A light, close-fitting, brimless cap sometimes worn indoors. 室内便帽,轻便的、紧身的无沿帽子,经常在室内戴。 www.ttxyy.com 4. Express your meticulous feeling with the soft and close-fitting leather. 让贴身的那一丝柔软,表达细致的心绪; blog.sina.com.cn 5. A very brief, close-fitting two-piece bathing suit worn by women. 比基尼一种妇女穿的两件装非常短小的紧身游泳衣 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This makes leftist ideology and education courses close-fitting, re-took the University of the ideological field. 这使左派思想与教育课程紧合,重新夺回了大学思想阵地。 www.cutpic.cn 7. The eyes are dark brown and slightly oval in shape with close-fitting eyelids. 眼睛为深棕色、略呈卵形,眼睑紧贴眼球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A very brief, close-fitting bathing suit worn by men. 比基尼一种男子穿的非常短小的紧身游泳衣 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Close-fitting leg has a cropped hem with elasticized binding. 贴身的腿部剪裁下摆有弹性约束力。 www.alasale.com 10. with a high close-fitting collar. 一种有贴身高领的毛衣或衬衫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It use popular close-fitting tailor of this year, so it can show the perfect stature of male. 裁剪方面,还是采用了今年最流行的修身裁剪方法。更彰显出男士的完美身材。 zzzdao.com 2. The lips are close fitting. 嘴唇紧密闭合。 dogsky.com 3. It looks nice, but I like close-fitting dressing. 这条裙子很好看,但我喜欢紧身的裙子。 www.szedu.com.cn 4. Close-fitting jeans and whole set of formfitting red peaceful vest are tie-in, youth is permeated with; 贴身牛仔裤与合身的丹宁背心成套搭配,青春洋溢; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Designed to hang in smooth, close-fitting, unbroken lines from shoulder to flared hem 紧身连衣裙的流线型紧身且通常由肩膀到下摆贴边线条不断的 pop.pcpop.com 6. Close-fitting Parks for Inhabitants in Japanese Community 日本社区居民的贴身公园 www.ilib.cn 7. close fitting close side seam coating coin pocket collar collar band 贴身埋侧骨外套大衣表袋领子下级领 wenku.baidu.com 8. Influence of close-fitting suit on measuring value of blood pressure 贴身单衣对测量血压值的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. A short, close-fitting, often sleeveless coat or jacket, usually of leather 皮马甲一种短的紧身的无袖上衣或夹克衫,通常是皮制的 dict.netat.net |
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