单词 | close combat |
释义 | 例句释义: 近战,近距离作战,近身拳,战斗神将 1. The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy. 军事攻击中与敌人展开近距离肉搏的最后阶段。 chinafanyi.com 2. These ashigaru are armed with long spears for use in close combat or to make an almost-impenetrable defence against cavalry. 这些足轻配备了超长矛,既可用于近战,也可用来组成一道几乎无法逾越的枪墙以抵抗骑兵。 www.dashuye.com 3. The U. S. Marine Corps is our natural partner in preparing for tomorrow's wars, because close combat is the Marines' purview as well. 美国海军陆战队是我们准备未来战争方面的老伙伴,因为近距离作战同样也是陆战队的职责。 blog.116.com.cn 4. It is the close combat capability of the joint force that forces the enemy to mass and thus become vulnerable to long-range fires. 它是联合作战力量的近战能力,能迫使敌人集结并因此成为远程火力容易打击的目标。 blog.116.com.cn 5. Given their short range, their firers need to be well armoured and able to look after themselves in close combat. 由于手炮射程较短,因此士兵们必须装备精良盔甲,同时无法陷入激烈近身肉搏。 www.totalwar.honga.net 6. Use multiple medieval weapons for close combat &long-range attacks or to trigger activations . 使用富有中世纪色彩的近距离和远程武器来攻击或者触发机关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. More to the point, this myth supposes that close combat represents too great a risk to our own troops. 更为重要的是,这种说法引申出了这样一种说法,即近距离作战就是代表着让我们自己的军队去承担极大的风险。 blog.116.com.cn 8. Jiashi car equipped with bronze swords used for general self-defense, jumped in the car or enemy tanks destroyed, when for close combat. 车上的甲士一般配备有青铜剑用于防身,在战车毁坏或敌人跃上战车时作贴身战斗。 www.dw188.com 9. Non scripted close combat added, fully usable to the player, used by the AI when out of ammo and standing up. 增加了无脚本的近战,玩家可以完全地使用。对于AI来说,他们将在弹药用尽并站立时使用。 www.chinavme.com 10. Loves hot dogs sold in the Garden cafeteria. Uses close combat fighting. 特别喜爱吃学园食堂所售的热狗。使用近距离的强力格斗技来重创敌人。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Dismounted, they can use their carbines to fire upon the enemy, although they are relatively vulnerable in close-combat. 下马之后,他们能使用卡宾枪对付敌人,不过在近距离的格斗中他们占不到任何便宜。 www.clanlong.com 2. That fleet is to include new lines of Close Combat Vehicles, Tactical Armored Patrol Vehicles and Force Mobility Enhancement Vehicles. 该舰队是包括新生产线的战斗车辆,机动装甲巡逻车和部队迁移增强车辆。 www.showxiu.com 3. We must not, however, take counsel of our fears and abandon or weaken the close-combat component of the joint force. 但是,我们决不能让我们的恐惧占据上风而因此放弃或者是削弱联合作战力量的近距离作战基础。 blog.116.com.cn 4. Close combat gives the commander the best opportunity for the multiplicative effects of combined arms. 近距离作战给指挥官带来了使合成军队实现力量倍增的最好机会。 blog.116.com.cn 5. Shaolin Cannon Boxing is one of close combat boxing routines. It can be characterized as stable, powerful and rhythmic. 炮拳是短打拳术之一,其运动特点表现为沉稳、扎实、刚劲有力、节奏分明。 www.yeedou.com 6. May take up to one special Close Combat Weapon. 可以拿1把特殊近战武器。 warac.cnuuu.com 7. Lots of variety in the out-of-control game pace: Active Stealth, Close Combat, Shooting. 许多品种的失去了控制比赛的节奏:正在进行的隐形,近距离作战,射击。 www.xjttt.com 8. Devils are armed with a trident and their barbed tails can sting opponents in close combat. 魔鬼们带着一把三叉戟,尖刺的尾巴也可以在战斗时用来刺杀对手。 dominions.eastgame.org 9. When set to this stance, units will always move to engage enemies in close combat over ranged combat when given an attack order. 被设置成该姿态的单位肉搏优先,战斗中遭遇敌人都是一边开枪一边迎上去肉搏。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The Israeli military said Hamas fighters were not engaging them in close combat but using mortars and roadside bombs. 以色列军队称哈马斯武装人员并没有近距离作战,只是使用了迫击炮和路边炸弹。 www.bing.com 1. Myth 1. Close combat should be a last resort and is equivalent to tactical failure. 近距离作战应该是最后的作战手段,并且相当于是代表战术上的失败。 blog.116.com.cn 2. Poly High golf venues focus on close combat to provide teaching, with particular emphasis on real grass in the context of teaching. 聚高高尔夫注重在接近实战的场地提供教学,尤其注重在真草环境下的教学。 www.chuncui.cn 3. Modern joint warfare also brings out another dichotomy-the need for both long-range precision engagement and close combat. 现代化的联合战争还带来了另外一个看似应该一分为二的问题——既需要远程精确作战也需要近距离作战。 blog.116.com.cn 4. They will try to stay away from close combat, retreating if enemies get too close. 它们会尽量避免近战,如果你离得太近它们会退却。 bbs.3dmgame.com 5. AI will now perform evasive maneuvering in close combat to mitigate damage from unguided munitions (micro). 人工智能现在将会运行逃避的调遣在结束战斗镇静损害从不指导军需品(微)。 3dmgame.chnren.com 6. The Beautiful Sense of Close Combat! 近距离作战的美妙感觉! game.pchome.net 7. To inflict massive physical damage in close combat will always remain their primal strength though. 造成巨大的物质损害密切打击将始终保持其原始的力量了。 bbs.178.com 8. The real estate market compares to the in close combat of battlefield, a small mistake usually results in to cross swords once of failure. 房地产市场好比战场上的短兵相接,一个细微的过失往往会造成一次交锋的失败。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A few yards away, another group of trainees carries out close combat exercises--how to choke or stab an enemy to death. 离这儿数码远,另一批学员正在进行格斗训练,即如何把敌人掐死或刺死。 www.jukuu.com 10. Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利贵族骑兵装备轻型链甲和复合弓,无论远程攻击或近身格斗都同样出色。 www.clanlong.com 1. That was the way to achieve things: deal with men at close combat, man to man. 在短兵相接时,单对单地对付对手,这就是他取得成就的方式。 wanzy9.blog.163.com 2. Lancers are drawn from the wealthier Sipahis who can afford the armour needed by close combat troops. 西帕希枪骑兵是从那些富裕得能提供近战用的铠甲的西帕希领主中征募。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. he is the weakest class in close - combat , and also generally weaker than the others at low levels , but godlike at high levels. 在近战中他是最弱的,并且他在低等级上通常都弱于其他职业,但在高等级上是近乎于神的存在。 www.ichacha.net 4. It took three assaults and close combat to overcome the insurgent garrison. 他们总共进行了三次袭击和一次近距离作战,最后战胜了起义的得克萨斯守军。 www.bing.com 5. Why are boxers so good? What can we learn and HOW can we apply these lessons to our own training in close combat. 为什么拳击手这么优秀?我们能学到些什么?我们该如何把这些学来的东西用到我们自己的近距离格斗训练中? xiaoyaolong.666.blog.163.com 6. 6 weapons for both close combat and long-range attacks: Swords, dagger, grappling hook and bombs. 6种武器近距离和远程攻击武器:剑、匕首、钩和炸弹。 bbs.cnmo.com 7. Infantry tactics include penetration, thrust, close combat and so on. 步兵战术包括渗透,穿插,近战等。 english.chinamil.com.cn 8. Two Black Hands: The Black Hands offer a lot of help when you are in close combat. 两黑手:在近战时,黑手可以给你提供大量的帮助。 game.zol.com.cn 9. It is this collapse dynamic that only close combat can produce and that often makes close combat the most decisive form of warfare. 只有近距离作战才能够产生出这样的崩溃效果,并且这也使得近距离作战一直以来成为战争中最具决定性的作战形式。 blog.116.com.cn 10. Sharp weapon of close combat in land battle--modern mortar 陆战场的近战利器--现代迫击炮 1. Ahead Close Combat Type(Sakigake) 先驱式近距离战斗型(前锋) zhidao.baidu.com 2. Close Combat Cross of Iron 正面交锋.钢铁十字 online.abodisc.com |
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